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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the new hitman beta it's a new hitman game that's going to be coming out that's I I'm pretty sure it's a reboot of the entire series because you want to go back to the old school type of hitman scenario it's a lot like big open levels a lot of experimentation a lot of ways to finish for missions which I love I loved hitman games to death hitman absolution was a bit too streamlined for my liking and apparently for everybody else's liking it was it was good and it was fine but it just didn't really feel like a whole hitman game so this is the beta for the new one so I'm gonna try and see what it's like hopefully it's good I'm not too sure I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing eliminate Calvin Ritter hopefully my FaceCam is in the right place if it's not I apologize I'll try and keep all the information pertinent so either this yacht and kill a dude this is training as well by the way these are all training operatives because I'm supposed to try and remember where I came from or what my first assignment was or some sort of [ __ ] like that I don't know I'm not 47 I'm I'm 26 I just turned 26 actually in fact thank you guys for all the happy birthday wishes it was very nice trespassing okay tonight but none of the buttons what are buttons can I sneak okay Square is too like ready a fist I don't know what I do to it just okay okay here we go attacks from behind make little noise frontal attacks and on silenced gunshots make a lot of noise and will attract people yeah I get that just oh ah man you brought back the [ __ ] 47 vision really I didn't need that okay do we just walk slowly towards you so do here we go down you go oh yeah subdue him subdue him I'm not gonna snap his neck he seemed like a nice dude I'm not gonna kill him um I need to take his disguise so here we go that was quick and easy come on sir come on a little bit further there you go attaboy I'm sorry I knocked you out I didn't mean to hey fellas how's it going thanks good job so that guy who noticed me if he actually gets to see me so let's board the yacht let's go upstairs use instinct oh good Christ okay there's my target Krysten Ritter hey god there's so many people here there he is mr. sunglasses when mr. north walk arrives fixing the drinking at birth taking the scene for sure mr. reader I'll keep an eye on fix I'm a drink and have Bert come make him see me okay maybe if I find that other dude you don't see me go away yeah maybe if I get the other dude first then I can disguise as him and come in and kill mr. river I have no idea good god the framerate is total ass balls hello poison no poison in inventory okay the skies is yacht waiter here we go now we're get so how do I do that we're here throwing blood items that people will knock him out but kill them if they are found they will be woken up okay oh hi so how do I throw things pick up the wrench well shoot aim or - Oh boom I poke you right in the Magen okay can I disguise you in the freezer over here yeah do you see it do you feel it now mr. Krabs okay well I'm not I don't need a mechanic anymore I would like a waiters hat though or something ooh hammer saw this painting an original Gorka thing is I could have sworn it was okay you guys are boring an original Gorica you say oh you don't make any trouble just yeah What did he say sorry locate the target is he is he through here can you there's me I can see through walls why can't it use that to locate the target look at me go look at me waiter good job 47 you have the steely determination deadpan dead behind the ice no soul kind of look that a waiter needs I just said the computer setup in my office shall we go watch all of my porn collection yes please lead the way I want to get in on this I'm heading after the that other waiter is following them as well so I should follow - so do know why would I subdue him can I steal his hair you have to follow them where you guys going okay all right I see where you going can I go every no yacht crew can pass through here sorry man sneak into office that I can do hey guys just wait five minutes I being on top yet man that is a very convincing prop helicopter a prop copter again this is all the training mission so all of this stuff should look really like bizarre and not completed should I knock out him the know if I should not come out can I not come out from here maybe bit further a little bit further little bit further hi how's it going you see anything I can't I can't throw it at him okay never mind can I drop it again how do we drop Oh God oh I can throw a crowbar at you it's sort of think you just coughed okay I'm a steal your disguise yacht security nice here we go drag you in here nobody's Annie the wiser see it's good to have a hat does he have a hat nobody can see your head boy what is wrong with my arms oh god dude Joe what is going on relax just come in just come inside [ __ ] hell you trained Jesus holy balls will you come in the door Jesus okay can I go like slow-motion or something equip Silas missile they did almost there's the foyer yeah cool equip Silas mr. yes your mind am I supposed to shoot him to my wife I subdue him wait where would he talk to him okay something worked here we go okay nobody nobody gets the seat target is down now head towards an exit I will okay cool um okay vault over this yes nobody saw anything how do I get rid of the equipped item and I have did I did I do it I know I know what I'm doing a favor away or a quick but I don't want any quit and vault no oh he knows who I am never mind going this way this is a bitchin party yeah but anybody tried the crab cakes they're awesome you should read it they're like melt-in-your-mouth it's like heaven for your face okay good talk I did it hey thank you those have been too easy is there a different thing I could try that's not a tutorial hi go rat poison so I'm finding all the areas of things to do now and all the little items so I'm gonna use the ones that I find I didn't want to go in and start shooting people in the face but that's a bit harder to do is the last time I tried to do that and as soon as I got caught I was shot into pieces so gonna go up disguise myself as a waiter put rat poison in the drink and bring it to the dude I think that might work I'm not sure hello hi what's going on right no no nobody even recognized me nobody even cares which is a good thing because they don't need to know close the door door closed there we go I use the Force hi Bob poison glass of red wine well that'd get me noticed if I do it oh I'm poisoning his glass of red wine sorry then I get to disguise myself as him don't drink it there maybe you go to the bathroom or something let's play that and play this for you No Oh Oh God I don't want to take rat poison to kill you that's a good question if you like that's a question I need an answer to oh I got a pain in my belly I should go to the bathroom or nobody's watching it smother the bathroom close the door close the door subdue oh I could have drowned them damn it okay this is good enough this is fine take his disguise so I'm get them to dude just to know what Norfolk looks like cuz if you did then this wouldn't work oh you know what I'm gonna do Norfolk hi mr. bald asaurus I'm gonna use fiber wire on this [ __ ] that's how we're gonna take him out I have a bomb why you want to talk what's going on over there they didn't know you didn't [ __ ] he saw the bomb [ __ ] crap I didn't know he'd be able to see it here we go here we go fire his ass go run his ass yeah that looked weird open this toss you in is there anything in here oh I could touch with this there we go I could have casinos closed and walk off than ever ever like whom mr. winter mr. rich no mr. winter II I am so sneaky stealth and to escape this place we're gonna use the boat because cool people leave on boats suckers leave by cars and they're just driving off Frank yay I did the mission but guys in boats actually I can go this way guys and boats are like wow I did the mission you know they have a lot more style and flair and possess gents how are you doing I think I opened this earlier today yep cool well now you can go by the boat even though it's not a real boat this is all just a training mission but yeh how good that I do can I have a score Oh final test eliminate Jasper night ok an area that they don't actually know good I thought the entire thing was just gonna be the tutorial area so ok it look like Sam Fisher right now and like Splinter Cell Conviction all right many of you played that that's good game sorry I can't let you through here now please turn around and leave ok I'm sad now that I can't go in there I'd find a way you walk there you go precious there you go angel somebody hear that oh god I hope not this guy's this guy's this guy's this guy's yes no track track track drink drink drink drink drank drank right here we go nobody's suspected it at a thing I was weird ok awesome and none of these guys are any of the wiser you might say that I am a ninja almost sweet music is he gonna go investigate cool you don't see me you don't see me yeah hi nice good see ya everybody's so nice to me now cuz they don't have [ __ ] written on my face okay so investigate the Jeff jet safety protocol that was a thing that these dudes were talking about get an airplane mechanic disguise are you an airplane mechanic I assume you wanna assume you're one but there's guards everywhere kill you guys guards everywhere I thought it was a jet mechanic I know it changed its goddamnit wait oh here's what oh I can just go over and steal one I think I don't need to attack anybody oh yeah I do hey buddy nobody suspect I'm a genius sabotage ejection seat is gonna be fun he turned the calibration to a million percent the trap is set now fetch Jasper Knight and guide him through the procedure the checklist is on the clipboard well done initiate I daresay this is an accident waiting to happen hahaha where is Jasper Knight okay that [ __ ] gonna see me no no no you don't know you don't know you don't [ __ ] what oh sorry are you some kind of [ __ ] your face huh mr. Knight Jasper I'd like to talk to you I gotta go over the safety protocol follow me please Oh must we really yes ah but there's those dudes down there who know who I am or will be able to spawn who I am ah balls come on mr. Knight hopefully they'll have their backs turned for long enough let's go get dicey let's go get risky you know what we're gonna do we're gonna save wanna save right here right now and nobody's gonna be the wiser dude you kinda want to turn around there we go perfect now mr. Knight you just come on down and get into that jet we're gonna walk around the front of it okay cuz those those guys don't like me they bullied me they were in engineer high school with me and they don't like me anymore so we have to go over this site and you have to get into the plane and we have to do something climb in the cockpit you don't look like a pilot alright then again what does the pilot look like are you supposed to be flying this thing you bet even get into the [ __ ] thing parent put on safety straps step 1 strap yourself there strap yourself in it's gonna be a wild ride we wouldn't mind should you get ejected anywhere okay all strapped in cool locate ejection handle will keep the objective seen have you got it all right damn it man okay now pull the ejection handle and magic will Harry pull the eject the seat handle boy nope nobody cares yep so about all of that the guy he's doing two safety procedures you guys don't know who he was you've never seen him before he was never here in fact he was involved he was a lovely young man by the name of Steve very clever name and he was never here you didn't see anything this is my car my name is George see you later [ __ ] congratulations Thomas one day okay so that was the beta verbs it was okay it was decent enough you got to do the first ever let's do tutorial then you got to do it again in free play whatever and then you got to do that last mission it still it doesn't feel like old hitman right they were kind of trying to bring it back to be an old hit man kind of thing still doesn't really feel like it it it's it's missing that I don't know there's a the old hitman game is very organic it felt like everything you were doing people reacted like the way they should there was no instinct senses I mean you can turn all that [ __ ] off but the game is clearly designed to be played that way there was no hints as like Oh track this mission do this do that like it feels like the still hand-holding you a lot in this game it's better than absolution was in those regards but Oh failed to fetch to that require to open this page which you'd like to try again um no I don't care about online [ __ ] it still feels very streamlined and it still doesn't feel like old hitman but the final game might be good these missions were again they were just tests so maybe the actual mission areas are a lot bigger with a lot more options to do things but I I don't know I'd feel it feels like they're over very quick I remember one of the older hitman games remember which one it was it was like a mission in like he went around Mardi Gras that went on for ages it was a mission in the suburbs you could do you can actually finish that one pretty quickly but they just felt like they were bigger areas there was more to do there was more ways to get in and around things this still feels very constricted and limited but I'm looking forward to see what the final game has to offer and see if it actually has some good stuff in this this was fun I liked it but for now thank you guys so much watching it if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boys and my face all round please put me down oh no I'm dead get in there with those tennis balls freezer maybe I should shave my head just go completely bored screw the green to shave my head completely bald and we go around his age in 47 I be called agent 48
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,562,907
Rating: 4.9615598 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Hitman, New Hitman game, Hitman Beta, Hitman 2016, Gameplay, Playthrough, lets play, Walkthrough, Hitman jacksepticeye, mission, sandbox, assassin, disguise, gameplay mechanics, open world, choices, method, PS4, PS4 gameplay, PC, Agent 47, different ways, all, accident, death, solution, fiber wire, silverballers, tutorial, sneaking, stealth, stealth game, best hitman game, funny, funny disguise
Id: ZdOaNbnFV0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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