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The moment when Sean looks like my college teacher in this thumbnail

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Deadwarriorw12 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
good morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to the wonderful world of hitman I miss this it's such a fun time playing the last one this is hitman two by the way so they made a sequel to the one that I did a series on before and I had such a blast playing that game right I just loved these types of games where you get in you have an objective but you have enough room to like improvise and dick around and do whatever the hell you want in the middle of it anyway so I thought I'd give this a try I haven't played it yet I just started up the campaign and immediately stopped it so let's just get in and do something magical right the name is the off-ramp why am I here this is not a sweet sexy french villa or a a chateau it's not some Paris Fashion Week like last time it's not some giant Matt R there's the mansion okay I see Wow look at this it's impressive I'm going to kill them with the power of swimsuit apparently I don't have any weapons yet can I have some can I sneak sneaky sneaky I'm in the bushes they'll never see me although you probably see the moonlight bounce off this big bald head of mine like a sniper scope equip your pistol I do have a pistol did you just say good aim to a dude whose job it is to shoot and kill people of course my aim is good liam is phenomenal okay where's the rest of these cameras the cameras are the bag I don't actually have to kill anybody I just have to kill the cameras I have to kill technology because it's ruining the youth the camera will never ever see me in the bushes that all is there more cameras could enter the house and kill the target or I could just get back in the trash where I belong yes with all the fecal matter and the garbage and the the birds and the bees and the bugs and all feels lovely search the house for Intel and shadow plane okay is it in the bin I can't go in the door because I don't have a lockpick my kind of assassin there's never lockpick you could hide a golden somewhere on you you couldn't hide a lockpick what pick would easily fit between those butt cheeks can unlock garage door missing screwdriver I'm missing everything apparently they go in here nope oh wait real high-tech security guys all right what do we have screw drive eh oh can I throw it at him I really want to be able to throw it at him and stab him right in the head Oh take a dip clay no go swimming sounds like someone is an assassin of fun hey hey hey hockey hockey breaky breaky can I get in now female OH early thirties executed I see them right I didn't do that poor bastards am i fighting someone who is just my equal e this is gonna be scary I'm gonna have to go up against the deadliest enemy me there I'm gonna need some soup for the journey mom is a faintness the soup but imma needed to get inside and kill everybody can I not use the crowbar come on let me do things let me be cool I don't even know where the person I'm supposed to be killing is naive I can poison the honey with some rat poison that's good taste the exact same poison to sugar with the chloroform flask there you go it's exactly the same as before holy God look at the size of that I wonder if I could can I shoot the projector ah that's cool I'm gonna take a nap on this couch and throw my Apple look at me studly hello there look at that smoldering face just call me agent smolders oh so sexy oh but the place on the way here or the Oh Mother of God little from here police outside my house or place here either way you'll never catch me alive hmm there doesn't seem to be anybody oh she's sorry I was just alarmed by how handsome I am it should be interesting by the power of Grayskull there's so much here close the special door Oh a secret compartment in my house as I hide away from the world there 47 should allow you to move more freely good for the office computer no doubt Oh Oh fuck-you katana don't mind me I'm just gonna search your browser history and see what all the kinky [ __ ] you're into hurry I'm detecting movement up the road a motorcade possibly rain arts uploading the data the data receiving it now hmm nothing on the shadow client all the other cells no names no aliases I doubt she even knows whom she's working for oh oh wait here's something it's from Robert Knox of Kronstadt industries and by the sound of it he's a Providence operative yeah these are words I know well client won't like this one bit and you can't wait to tell him there's the okay they're back who wants to kill her okay that should be [ __ ] easy oh god there's guys everywhere doing over the [ __ ] beach okay I did poison a bunch of [ __ ] though so maybe we should just go for that maybe she just didn't make a cup of tea put two cubes sugar in it die hey buddy how's it going Oh in your face [ __ ] hey can I vault over this I want to get down I don't wanna be up here it's scary the bad guys are here body found by who oh oh oh it's all going off the rails folks everything that could be bad happening is happening I'll fake surrender sure oh that didn't work did it oh yeah okay keep it coming keep it coming I've plenty more he's a [ __ ] ninja I sure AM ninja powers oh no my ninja skills oh my ditch eyes ninja run away are you discovered roof I tried real hard oh oh oh okay that works ow ow ow full of holes no suck smell my bones hey there she goes okay hold on okay I feel little woozy guys all right let's try this again shall we fellas all right got to take them out one by one like a sneaky oh man are you guys dare okay I got to go around whenever she's gonna kill my friend again guy down here but you guys did find that body pretty quickly okay shh shh engaging whoo engaging in how and why hostile area what the [ __ ] you talking about no way don't want that I want my knife back drag this guy denominate how many time you don't see anything this is my room hope you like it thanks for coming over for my sleepover means a lot now you get to sleep forever okay in you go oh he was took her out from the big day he just had yes it is me the bodyguard man that guy who is your friend for such a long time who you work with perfect impression they're never going to tell you say from here yeah ah I'll break the game to make it work for me okay anybody else around here no siree Bob take my knife back that's my knife how dare you try and steal it from Joey no [ __ ] if I kill you in that guy he's gonna see but you're never gonna see me in the bushes you can see me in the bushes catch you no you your problem mister wearing the same outfit as me yeah now who's embarrassed yeah go home and change okay hi hey got the kitchen knife now this [ __ ] he was on to me he wanted something did I leave the stove on hey can I put two bodies in the same thing yeah sure can can I put infinite bodies in the same thing I have a lot of clean up okay just call me the janitor it's full dang it okay well you're just gonna have to hide in the bushes alright we faster daddy faster another one bites the dust put him in here nice and handy there you go I wonder if I could get this guy real quick well he's gonna see me so yep yep yep no one sees anything no one sees Isaac I'm amazing and the best gainer is this a place to hide you oh really the curtain Wizard of Oz style don't know one peek behind the curtain you won't like what you find back there I know I'm not supposed to kill everybody there's a lot of guys around here that guy's gonna Know Who I am a lot of guys around here that I'm not supposed to kill cuz I'm an assassin everything but I'm going for the promotion this year so I really really wanted so I'm gonna have to work real hard to get it you guys just gonna start chatting real fancy place tonight okay what I want to do is stab inventory switch switch screwdriver stab is that gonna work okay there we go yep [ __ ] god damn it oh and you look at that it's like it never happened Wow okay she's upstairs and she's kind of on her own now she isn't rolling maybe I should go up in pay her a little visit this dudes [ __ ] pot naked Leedy room for one more Oh squeaky toys Oh kind of in your in your nightie working out Jesus okay I'm gonna have to do this I have to pick up a squeaker boy and then maybe what what could that be we have a million squeaky toys around but no sign of dog or child acts oh they do have a dog cam down there buddy boy what yeah sure scotch no I just brush my teeth well I'm overflowed your sink so if one of you wants to go check that and the other one goes to get a smoke I could have poisoned the Scotch you [ __ ] okay like you'll ever hit me with and then I [ __ ] nailed or strain the gob of the property oh my god you you [ __ ] you let me knife back thanks I change in this outfit this is quite nice oh my gosh your face whoa shame about that who did that yet did you pay a lot to have that done they're not the spear is in there with you I knew as well you know I feel kind of bad you weren't really doing much you were just kind of there to live a nice comfy life with her wait for it hehe see there's humor and all sorts of murder okay don't look at yourself now buddy but you're kind of dead where you going bucko what are you up to dyin he had a Hollywood death he just read like da-da-da-da-da they call me the fixer the driver because I'll kill everything with a screwdriver I'll have been killing people with so far the screwdriver strikes again no one is safe from the power of the screwdriver from the distance he strikes silent as the night as the waves crash over you so does death Wow better bet I do Wow better than screwdriver Hey God I'm a [ __ ] legend just you caused the distraction 47 and make it a loud one make it what no I gotta blow a thing up I don't wanna I don't want to go to school today mom I want to stay at home visual let the killer know you don't I'm over here screw driving that's the wrong thing why would I why would I ever in my life take a gun when I have the world's deadliest weapon screwdriver oh [ __ ] the guy saw nothing ahead into the night he ran what do you want from me what is this I'm I am I supposed to shoot these oh man I don't want to use guns though but if I must I promised myself I would never take up a firearm again oh is that good those [ __ ] crazy right weird [ __ ] going on over there you guys should go check it out no but you left your man behind you left one guy behind rookie mistake for he is no match for let's go driver body found you can find all the bodies you want there bucko but I am getting in my boat and heading home yeah the screwdriver strikes again round these ports my friends call me toss boy but you can call me the screwdriver okay that does it for this episode of hitman to unlace little introduction a nice as a simple level to start us off I like that a lot I [ __ ] love this game that edition of being able to like lock onto people's heads and throw stuff right at their face was one of the best additions that they've ever added to hitman it makes it a little easier in some regards but I like that I like when a game is like well yeah you have all these things that can make it super easy board if you want to make it challenging then you can make up your own sort of rules and regulations and boundaries and what you want to do in the levels but it's just fun it's like a little sandbox where you get to get in mess around all you want and I love it I love the hitman games and I'm glad that these new ones the the one previously the one that came out in like seasons this one is just a full game the last one came out and like episodic things are like little seasons here and there so it was it was cool but we had to wait for each level to come out whereas this one is just the full thing immediately and I'm really glad that these games are still being made because the developers have had some some like roadblocks here and there to try and get them made and people didn't know if another hitman game was gonna get made or if one after this will get made or anything like that so I'm really glad that this one is still here and I'm really glad it still feels like the old hitman games cuz hitman absolution was fun but it definitely didn't feel like a hitman game these really feel like the older ones and I love it I can't wait to play more of this but for now thank you guys so much choice in this episode if you liked it screw that driver in the face like a cause and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't forget to subscribe to PewDiePie
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,696,692
Rating: 4.9546013 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Hitman, New Hitman game, Hitman Beta, Hitman 2016, Gameplay, Playthrough, lets play, Walkthrough, Hitman jacksepticeye, mission, sandbox, assassin, disguise, gameplay mechanics, open world, choices, method, PS4, PS4 gameplay, PC, Agent 47, different ways, all, accident, death, solution, fiber wire, silverballers, tutorial, sneaking, stealth, stealth game, best hitman game, funny, funny disguise, paris, paris level, episode one, full game, hitman 2016, PC version
Id: qtToDgGe2TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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