IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! | Spider-Man - Part 1

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(Whoopsh!) Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome..... to Spider-Man!! Fucking finally. Oh, I haven't been as excited for a game in a really long time! This is like - as soon as they announced this, this was a huge top hyped game for me the entire time of its development cycle since we've known about it. And I'm SO excited, to finally be able to play it and upload a series on it. And I played it a little bit at PAX for the first time very recently. Um, a few days ago I got to try out the demo for it and I was floored. It looks so good. Spider-man 2 - I played that on the channel not that long ago as well and that holds a special, dear place in my heart for being like the best Spider-Man game that I've ever played. And I'm so excited for this. Made by Insomniac. Really, really good developers. Really nice people as well. I've talked to them a little bit. I just have really, really high hopes for this and I hope it's good and I'm not wasting any more time because I just want to start. New game. Yes. Please, get me in. Let me swing! *inhales* Uhhhh, let's just go with what you're picking with me. Invert? No. Listening mode home theater? No, just. Do I look like I'm wearing a home theater on my head? No, I'm not. *laughs* *inhale* Okay, I'm excited for the story to this as well because I don't know anything about like really what's going on. *jack giggles as music starts* The music is already so good! Aw... Is that Unklie Ben? So Uncle Ben is dead in this already. We're not going through that, again. Yeah! You guys know how much I love Spider-Man! [chuckles] A "new laptop" So cool! Has like all the classic bad guys in it as well: Vulture, Rhino, Scorpion, Shocker. I wonder if Doc Ock is in it? Oh god [laughs] It's a 90's summer college movie now... This is ridiculous... Ew. Yes! Oh, my boy looks so good! [excitedly] Oh, fuck. Rent?! [laughs] Look at him go! Yes! No way! I'm just in it? Whoa! Holy fuck! Yes! Oh my god, that's incredible! That looked like a- That was a cut scene and then it just went straight into this and it looks the exact same! Yeah! What's up, Yuri? Yesssss! God, this looks incredible! Okay. Fuck, man! Oh my God, this is like a childhood dream coming true. I mean, we've had Spider-Man games before but this is insane! I kind of know some of the buttons already as well. Like, you can dive bomb whenever you want Ohhh, yeah! Who? Oh, work. Yeah! God, the animations are so fucking good. This looks like a movie! Ohh yes! I'm filled with childhood glee right now. Sup fellers Don't mind me. Just comin' here to kill ya! Is it Rhino? That guy looked like the guy from Captain America, the movie. I can't remember his name. Oh shit. Beep-beep! Whoa! I don't think that's how that works. Ohhh, yes! My boy's going at it! "Your Spider Sense will flash-" Okay. So it's just like the Arkham games! [chuckles] I'm feelin' punchy Ow! My bad! Aw, I pressed the button! Come on, man. I'm doing it. There we go. Okay, I need to get the timing down. Nice. And then I can do this, and hit him up in the air. Woohoo! Did I knock that I guy into the fire? Is he dead now? "Hold square to-" Oh yeah, I just did this. Ohhh, that was cool! Whoa, that's awesome. I can bounce off them. What's up, fellas? Aw, and he pulls himself closer to the ground with his webs! I mean, yeah, obviously but... Okay, okay... So if I do this... Okay. God, I'm so bouncy and spry! I fucking love it. Yes! Okay [laughs]. I'm back on the ground. And we're off again! Look at that shit! How cool is this? Very. I fly so far. Whee! You can press x to, like, pull yourself along anytime. See, you can also like perch and then bounce. Yep. I'm figurin' it out. Don't die, Yuri! You're my favourite member of Girl's Generation. (Stan talent, stan Girl's Generation) Yes! Look at my boy. Look at him go. Oh God. Just- Dude, he's probably dead now! Yes! Okay. "Build Focus-" and then I can do more damage when I have more- Yeah. And then I can get like special power-upy attacks. Oh god, I pressed the wrong button. My bad. Whoa, what the hell did I just stick to? That's fun, I like that you're able to pick up stuff in the environment and bounce it around. What's up? What's up? Do you wanna go? Do you want to tussle with the muscle that is Spidey? God that's fun. Ow, getting shot is not Will you? I'll teach you what the inside of your mouth tastes like That doesn't make any sense WhooOoOsH- bonk. Can I, like, do a.. nope. Nice I did it. Use focus to heal the more focus you have the more you will heal. How do I heal? Oh I don't know what just happened, but I'm healed. AH God that hurt. Oh, Yeah forgot I can web up enemies, oh you're throwing a lot of buttons at me right at the beginning. It's fine though. It's not your fault that I'm stupid. Can't remember any of them Okay, so if they're near- ah crap- if they're near an environmental thing then They'll stick to the wall Whoa, damn it There we go Healy Healy, how am I using that to heal he's trying to go Green spider-man.. turn into the Hulk! Music's awesome. Am I just gonna stick to this wall? Yeah! Oh, I can sprint up it. I am so cool Okay, this feels a lot like the Arkham games but that is not a bad thing Haha! Watching a superhero movie.. Sorry Aunt May.. love you, too! Aunt May, I'm just busy kicking some ass, okay You don't mind, right, you get it Nice! oh crap, I wanted to hit him with the bin Full focus bar can be used to perform a finisher. That's what I tried to do earlier. I tried to hit the buttons for the finisher Wow, look at you mister dead Take a KitKat. Wait, do I just have a full- Nope. Look out That's fun Oh God look at me go such a bouncy baby boy. bonk! I think he's dead Wait, where am I going? Okay My suit looks different than the one that's in like The rest of stuff, right? Okay My suit looks a lot different than the one that was in the trailers and stuff God, stuff keeps popping up in my screen. Stop, go away. Remarkably clear air vents, I like that he's witty. It's my favorite type of Spidey That was pretty cool "I forgot my password", immediately gets shot Oh god, oh god, oh Lordy Loo You don't know which ones you're dodging Spidey Ok, ok ok yes enough playing around agreed agreed agreed agreed He doesn't, he doesn't like magnetize to people like Batman does cuz why would he, he's not Batman Ok Ok, no no I love him! The mocap on the faces is really good Oh, hold v. Ooh, Ok. So that's how we do that There we go Fuck yeah, that's so cool. Ah, get to him, get to him! Ah, god.. sometimes the camera is my enemy. Got'em Ok, so I heal with focus. That's strange but ok. It's an incentive to keep fighting I guess and get better at it Ooh, I stuck to the wall, that was pretty cool. I don't have- I don't have any techniques down yet Nice, bye! Okay, I like that the indoor sections actually feel fun as well. That was one of the things that spider-man 2 got very wrong. Aw, the cops actually like Spidey in this one. Maybe because JJ hasn't asked them to get pictures of spider-man God, I'm so strong. I'm buffing awesome Whoa, ow, god, don't get burned. Oh, geez Ha ha spider powers Oh spider powers, this is like the ending to homecoming Nice His suit looks really nice Good call guys His run animation is a little wonky looking, he looks like an old man, like 'hey,hey,hey' Bazooker! Did that kill anybody? I hope not. God, being able to zip to them is really fun. Assholes Whoa, that was cool Wha-boosh! Hell yeah, that feels fun. Whoop! Miss me with that bullshit! OWWW- I pressed triangle to try to zip to him but I wasn't close enough! I just took a face full of rocket Nice, okay. I need to get better at the fighting. Right now, I'm not great at it You know what, we're only 20 minutes in, it's fine ha, not as cool as I just did Oh, I thought I was going out the window. Wait, where am I? OH- sorry so- ah, boys boys boys. Ah, that's super cool!Everything about this game is super cool Heal Hi. Double-crossed! [Laughs] Okay full roll from the, oh god go way pop-ups.. um, okay, goin over from the back Ow, God I don't want to fight you, I want to fight the other one. Nice okay Nice come here. Yeah. Whoop! Whoop! Okay, you come here I'll do this, then that and then Oh, you're down okay. Hey, buddy! How's it going? Dead? Good Wooh hoo I just like vandalism Oh, that's cool that I can like I can actually.. I can actually like, just web-swing around inside And it doesn't look stupid Nice, alright, knock knock! Wrong buttons Oh, do I get to fight you? [Laughs] Oh, Nuts Let 'em shoot each other. Okay, I was supposed to dodge that way Oh God Oh God, I did not hit any of what I was supposed to, oh look, all this destruction Okay, can I not yank it? you told me I could yank it! then I couldn't yank! There we go, oh, yes I'm destroying your shit! Breaking your toys and boom [Laughs] I will break you Nice Oh, oh, ow god Huh, Well, thats fairly easy Catch!! He doesn't have a.. he doesn't have a health bar. ow I'm the juggernaut, bitch Mother of God Really? His tie looks like a texture that hasn't loaded in yet (the hell jack xd)) Ow I am too fast. And handsome. Ow, ow I didn't mean to hit you.. oh god, I'm not even trying to aim in that direction, but whatever God I'm trying to dodge everything- I'm trying to do the things! It's not working You haven't? That kinda sucks Oh, come on! I'm pressing dodge but it's stuck in an animation and I can't get out of it until he's finished kicking him. Dang, okay. I need to get used to the fighting. There's also a slight delay from.. recording and stuff, so, Oh God, bullets. ow It's kind of annoying cause I can't even see what's on screen half the time Boy Okay, I want to attack just Fisk These guys are being real annoying Ow, do they ever actually go away or do I have to constantly just fight with them here? (frustrated sigh) I SUCK K, I need to figure out what combos.. kill.. kill the smaller guys fastest. I'll just keep doing that What?? I dodged! OW What if I just.. do this? bye fellers "You'll die as uselessly as you lived" no, aim at Fisk, you fuck! I wasn't even aiming at these guys, they weren't even on screen Okay, I tried to get that. oh my god, why are you not aiming at him?? It's just you and me Fisky boy Boosh ah Kick the crap out of him. Yeah Oh God. It's like when Batman fights Bane Don't break my back. Oh God Fisk is tough! Punch that crap out of him, boy boy Haha It's the upside-down spider-man kiss Good job, Spidey God that got a little hairy there for a second But I got that- I got the technique down lots of dodging followed by lots of punchy panshin See you later, ya big overgrown potato End of an era.. God, this is so pretty. Whoa, so can- what kind of upgrades can I get? I wonder. When do I get different parts of my- Hehe. boing, boing. When do I get different parts of my suit like all the little white sections that were on it Hold triangle to grab and throw webbed and electrified enemies. They could be tossed into other enemies. Okay. I get how skill points work Press circle just as your Spider Sense turns blue to counter enemies of a web shot to the face. That would be good Hold square while in the air to swing, kick. No, I don't really want that one. I want this one It'll build up focus as I'm doing it as well Nice Okay So, uh, oh, I guess I could go that way (Laughs) Oh, man (quietly) That's so fuckin' cool. Look at that You just never have to stop [chuckles] look at me go That's so fun. Those animations when you come out of your swing are also really cool And I like that sometimes, to web zip, Oh oops What's up, everybody? I like to web zip, sometimes he puts out two hands Hi Thanks guys, I have some friends. I've some, I have some.. People who like me in the city. Sup everyone Spider crisis, you heard him And away I go [chuckles] see you later folks! Oh my god that feels so cool [Laughs] This is everything I wanted it to be It feels so good to play. Ok, thankfully the trees don't catch me cuz I would be dead by now Nope, God, didn't want to go there (Singing) Tiptoe by the window! The world is really really nice looking. Like it actually looks like.. uh.. It actually looks like Manhattan It's the whole freakin island I wonder how accurate it is Like, is it, like, one to one with actual Manhattan? If you like if you lived in Manhattan, and you knew what you were doing you were walking around, New York Would you actually be able to like find your house and stuff like that? Alright, let's go to normal boring human stuff. I don't wanna, I want to be spider-man forever Cuz I'm I'm a huge stickler for like web-swinging in these spider-man games I've played almost every spider-man game that has ever come out. This is the best it's ever felt. It's Doc. Ock! So he is in the game. Why wasn't that your first go to? Hi I just got here I like that Peter is Mr. Scientist Man in this one. Because that was one thing that kind of bothered me in homecoming, the- the movie that Peter is still smart, but he's not like, like he is in the comic books, like, See that kind of stuff, I like that I like when Peter is a self-made superhero and like he makes his own stuff. He makes the web-shooters He makes- I know he did in homecoming as well- but like, he makes the, he makes the suit he makes everything Okay, What do I gotta do? Repair prosthetic arm. Alright. Also, how could you not imagine him becoming a bad guy? His name is Otto Octavius It'd be if like, if my name is Jack Jackson Servo control path damaged, connect servo motor, okay Create a connection.. okay, create a connection between the green start piece in the orange end piece Okay, can I rotate? No.. Oh, I can put pieces in. That should not go there. Nope, can I reset the circuit? Thank you Go to my inventory, okay, that's a little weird, but we got it. Shaboom. And then put another one of these in, Shaboom, and then this. okay. So I just have to make it go down into the.. Okay, it's like playing Bioshock all over again. Circuit complete! I'm a regular old genius scientist guys. Okay Oh, wait, do I have to use that one? Can't I just keep going down? Oh, I only have a certain amount of them. Okay, that makes sense. Let's do this Okay, I have to go down and around why do you have.. Some of them have arrows on them. Like this one doesn't have arrows on it but this one does, what does that mean? Oh, I can't stick them together. I can do that. Got it. Okay, so they only go in certain directions So I can't do that I can do that though. So these are better ones, because they're.. they're Universal, they go out of everywhere. In order to set the power voltage control, You must also meet its charge requirement some sort circuit pieces provide a positive or negative charge Okay, target voltage is three Okay, so that's not right then, so we put in the two.. Oh wait, there's two two's, why am I putting in the one one? That was that was way easier than I was expecting it to be, I was overthinking everything Okay done Ah, look at you go! Is that what Doc. Ock is gonna be now, he's just gonna be a bunch of arms? He's gonna be like a freaking spider dude *gasp* spider-man! Ooookay There's a lot of detail in this game, like all the interiors are actually very well made I did this one in the demo! I need to just Match the pieces And this one goes here- not the best idea with the controller, but you know what, if Destiny can do it, anybody can Analyzing. This is all it takes to be a scientist, by the way. Yes, science words Wait what is this? Screw things up? You just helped him! What did that do Oh, it's just interacting with stuff. Like, look- Look at this kind of stuff like the pizza and the food and everything like They all have little shadows. You don't even need to go into this much detail, but you did It's awesome. It looks really nice The lighting is really good. Ooh, what's on the whiteboard? science. Open second lab, double staff, get further, limited testing, branding and marketing, Octavius Industries. Hmm All right, I want to get back to Spider-Man-ing. I wanna get back to Zippin and Zappin and Zoopin all around the buildings. And I- I don't know if you.. ah, that's cool- I don't know if you get faster at web-swinging and that kind of stuff Cause in spider-man 2, you can get upgrades that let you zip faster My suit's all torn up! What the hell? (I don't know what he's saying here, something point) Oh, man Hey, Yuri. that's so fun! Oh, you really thought of everything to get me around this town faster I love it! JJ! I wanna climb the tallest building! I gotta. It's the first thing I gotta do. I could just keep going! Ah, that's fun. WOWWW Is this the tallest? Or is the Empire State Building still like, the tallest in the game? Or that one over there? I dunno, but look how- Ohhh God- Look how good this looks! Oh God the animation of him walking is really good as well. This is insane! That looks like a real city! This looks like a fucking movie Oh, watch this Yeah, baby! Oh, that's so cool, okay to the other tall buildings! That's the first thing you got to do in a spider-man game. When it lets you go around places like this? You gotta explore it all And I cannot even explain how good the, the web-swinging in this feels And just being able to fly around like that, the lighting changes Oh my god, I feel like a kid Good job developers, this feels exactly like it should. Like what being spider-man should feel like. And I really like that that there's a lot of controls now to not let you.. Like, just bang into buildings. That was a big issue in spider-man 2. I'm gonna keep drawing comparisons to it because that's the one everyone's gonna be comparing it to. But in spider-man 2, it was really easy to mess up your swinging. So in this it feels like.. You still have a lot of control over your swinging, it still feels physics-based, like you can't actually swing unless there's a building around.. but There's enough new shit there like the perch stuff To be able to let you keep going And not slowing down in the walls. Like you can actually just.. uh oh. I say as I fuck it up. Like you can just do this! This is cool, that you can just run up the building. Cuz that's what Spider-man should be able to do! Why aren't you, why aren't you zipping to it? There we go I wonder if I'll get like, a little thing in-game for getting to the top of the tallest building. That's why I'm like, testing it out Perch! Perch! Perch, Spidey, perch! I don't know where- oh, please do it. Please do it. Please do it. Oh god, this is awkward Okay, this is a little hard to do because I can't stick to it I have to sprint up it There it is! Yeah, there we go. Yeah, that building is still taller that feels like the tallest one. You're pretty tall as well though This one feels cooler though because it's a smaller little space How far away is my thing? You know what? I just want to keep exploring It's exactly like the start of spider-man- er, the amazing spider-man 2 movie And the music just kicks back in- like that kind of stuff, getting out over the top of a building feels really good now You can just you can technically just hold R2 the whole way across this game. Oh, I don't know what you just swung from there Let me use this game to just take a tour around New York Yes, let's face it, this is what everyone wants to see anyway, everyone wants to see the web-swinging God, you could get some serious speed going I'm not even reacting to stuff half the time, I'm so concentrated on what's going on. Ooh, is that medieval times? I've been to a medieval times now. I know what it is. Well, I always knew what it was Thanks to the the movie, Cable Guy, starring, uh, your favorite comedy actor Jim Carrey Wait is this even the building? Like, this is cool He doesn't lose momentum or anything like that Keep going Spidey. You're great You're great and we all love you That's the Avenger Tower!! Whoa! Oh god, oh god. Oh god Damn Hero for Hire Okay, I got an achievement just for getting up in the building. I can't believe I'm playing this game. After all my waiting for it and everything, it's finally here and I'm actually able to play it. This is awesome. Okay, I'm gonna head back to now to the mission. I just wanted to check out the tallest buildings, because it's super fun to do this. I wish I could get like, really close to the ground There is no better feeling This is why spider-man's the coolest superhero At least in my book. I know- a lot of it has got to do with the fact that he's like a regular kid, and he's trying to deal with all this weird crazy stuff and all that kind of thing, but to me he's just the coolest, like most agile. He has the coolest powers. God, the music swelling every now and then is really good Oh, I want to be spider-man so badly, he's so cool! I wonder if I can control the animations that I come out of, like, Sometimes he does that kind of backflip, and then other times he does.. nothing. Other times he does that one. Other times he like, flies out like that. So I'm not really controlling any of that stuff. It all just kind of happens on its own That one's cool. I like how floppy he is. Keep the speed going! See, like that! He did a, he did a double! And it kind of just keeps you moving forward so you can zip through the buildings really.. Really stylishly and it makes you, like, I'm not doing a whole lot but it makes you feel like a badass. And a lot of that is down to the animations and the camerawork and everything, which a lot of games couldn't get right Here I am! What's up, Yuri? Clever reference. (The reference is to spider-man's black and white Symbiote Suit from the Comics and games) Um it's funny because her name is Yuri.. and isn't it Yuri.. Lowenthal? Who does spider-man's voice, who's really good at it? He's a really good Peter Parker, I think. Descramble Okay, wait, what am I doing? Trying to match these things, but.. Oh, Okay That feels about.. there we go. Got it. That didn't take a whole lot of time. Absolute units. So these are like the Assassin's Creed towers the fire cry kind of towers. So the more I.. unlock them, The more of the map I get to see okay, I get it And then I get to go do the side mission stuff That's a very bad cosplay, that doesn't look anything like my mask Wow, you guys are not very- You guys are not very aware, are you? Enemies with melee weapons block most attacks, but are vulnerable to air launch attacks, okay Okay, there you go Yeah, you! Excuse me, have any of you guys seen my wallet? I lost it. Oh, sorry missed me with that bullshit. I told you before That worked. Could- could you just pretend that- could you just pretend that I'm really cool? Thank you. Face, meet boot. That was pretty simple Oh, I love him That's, that's my son! That's my boy, right there. I am a dad now, and he is my child and I love him. Whoa, yeah! *In Gloria's voice* Back off, creep! Howdy fellers, Merry Christmas! It's me, Spider Santa Brutes will block your melee attacks, use webs and throwables to make them vulnerable. Okay So it's just like taking down Fisk again! I get it everything makes sense Okay, I don't know if that worked. Can't- can't see- I'm sorry, but I can't see anything. OW! Sir- sir- Sir, Sir? Okay Stop it. I couldn't see anything because the tree was in the way. Is there anything to swing at you? Here we go *mockingly* 'Get over here!' Save the hostage before time runs out. Use the- okay. Whoa That's awesome And next time, stay down! Sp- sp- spider-man! Spi- well.. At least you didn't call me spider-boy. So, that's better I get it Yeah! Of course I am. Oh, this is amazing, he's exactly what I wanted him to be! Fun! Ok Wait, what? Hold L2 and then.. Oh. *In Gregg's voice* cRiMeS. Oh, oh, almost there- Is that not it? There we go, I got it! I did it. Spider cop finds another one. Now he could see all the crime in the city. Why did you say that name? Spider boy, spider boy, does whatever a spider toy- WHOA! I can actually see into the buildings. Won't mind if I get smudgy prints all over it. My suit is all messed up though, can I have a new one? Backupacku. You're not gonna tell me that you have backpacks all over the city are you? How many backpacks, did you lose? Ohh, they earn backpack tokens, so I can get better gear. First date menu? It's cuz she loves you, Peter! Fucking best game ever knock knock! You guys really got me Yes, could I have the bracelet? Can you give me a discount, I just saved everything Spider cop.. It's true. Oh, he's already dead. I keep forgetting that I can web dudes up. I want to get my upgrades, I want to get some, like, spider grenades Aww. I want more spider cop. He was a cool guy. Almost got it. Al- al- almost got it! Ooh, I got a lot of EXP for that, I'm gonna get an upgrade. Nice Melee damage increased. Sick! Oh, Spidey. My boy swing, swing till your heart's content! Whoa! Man, flying towards the Sun like that is really pretty. whoa, whoa, whoa Sometimes the physics of the web's are a little.. a little wonky to try and let you go where you want to go Whoa- there's something spider cop needs to do! Spider cop, roll out! There's crime about. You won't get far with Spider Cop on your tail. Okay, you actually are quite fast Whoa whoa whoa whoa- Where am I even going? Hey fellas That's clever Okay, that- that didn't really work Just stick them and they go Wait, how's it still going? There's no one on the accelerator. I just broke that car. Sorry! Uh, occupational hazard. Fellas, I just did your job for you. Can I get a high five? High five? High five? Aww. But I wanna- high fives! Damn, I got a great butt. How's everyone doing? You guys feeling okay? Feeling safe? Yes. It is me -the spider-boy Aww, they're clapping for me! You guys are great. Here, have a manhole! I just knock somebody out, way down the street. Oh God, oh God, where am I, Oh God It doesn't matter where I am- what matters is where I'm going Damn, I'm a veritable old badass. Wait, I got a skill thing, didn't I? Yeah, so what do I wanna do? Square, and then hold triangle to grab and throw an enemy in any direction? Hmm maybe.. Dodge window: decreases timing for- yeah, dodge might be good. Press square just as an attack lands to generate bonus focus.. Focus... Um, is there any, like.. super speedy stuff? Like... Okay, I want this Cuz it's useful. Moves list? What are you telling me? Oh, This is all the stuff I need to get better at I need to figure out all the controls and what the hell I'm actually doing. Man, this is- it's not only a good spider-man game, it's a fantastic superhero game. Which, I mean, kind of goes hand-in-hand I guess, but it just makes you feel like a superhero. What are you- stop, stop, stop, okay? We need to go back into the lab, I need to work on stuff. And make my suit all cool. People are gonna laugh at me because I got a gash across my chest and then they'll be like spider-man can't do that cuz he's.. He's an idiot, and I'm really not I'm a decent boy Yeah, fix your hair. Some people get helmet hair, I get spider-man mask hair. But the ladies love it! Yep. You knew this. That's why we came here Spider work, spider work. The textures in that suit are really good Uh oh. UH OH. So he doesn't think I'm him. He just thinks I work for him Check your email. *laughs* Do you think Otto put on the suit while I was gone? That just says O. Doct- according to Dr. Carla Sofen's research, higher contrast leads to slower visual processing. This should give your other employer a slight advantage in conflict. Ooh, oooh! There it is! Complete side missions and citywide activities to earn tokens. Hold X to craft the advanced suit. That's the suit from- that's, like, the suit that was in all the promotional materials. New suit and power unlocked. Crafting a new suit auto-equips the new suit power. Use the suit power menu to swap back to any previous suit powers you have unlocked. Suits can also be upgraded with suit mods Complete side missions and activities to unlock suits. Suit powers and suit mods.. Use tokens to create suit mods. Wow! So the suits all have individual powers as well, I didn't know that Or did I? I feel like I probably should have But I think all the white stuff that's on him like the white spider and the stuff on his knuckles are all harder pieces of material so he can, like, Survive, like, stab wounds and shots and he can punch harder because it's like plastic Rather than cloth So pretty That, like, switch from cut scene to gameplay is awesome. Nice damn, I'm fast What happened to you?? *laughs* Did you just fall over because I was coming in? I just like perching on things Man. Okay! Well, I'm gonna leave this first episode here. This game is phenomenal. So far, I am incredibly in love with this. It feels exactly like Spider-Man should feel and I know I kind of played the demo as well, but having it like here in front of me and being able to take my time with it and not... Be stressed for time or anything like that is.. is really really cool. Okay, let's listen to this. That was cool. I did like a little backflip off it. I kinda like the other suit though, a lot more. Well, this suit is really cool as well Okay. Okay, I'm gonna pause this because the stuff is just going to keep going on in the background But, yeah, again, I like the way the story is going. I like that Octavius is the person kind of crafting.. scientific, like, technologies and it kind of bleeds into Peters life And he's kind of working for him, that's a really cool aspect of the story that I like a lot and it makes sense cuz normally it's like Norman Osborn who's making all the equipment and everything, but Octavius is also a guy who creates a lot of technology and see him and Peter work together He's kind of like you're da Vinci from Assassin's Creed 2 where you go to the lab and make new suits and all that kind of stuff, so I'm excited to see where all these upgrades and everything go and I'm excited to see where the story goes as well because I'm assuming Octavius is gonna go bad at some point and start fighting against me when the arms and everything come out But who knows? For now, thank you guys so much for watching this first episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face! LIKE A BOSS! And High Fives all-round!!! *Whoopsh!! 2x* thank you guys and I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!! (Outros) I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe - *Thanks for Watching!* Ooooh, Goody! I want to play it all night
Channel: jacksepticeye
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Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, mr negative, martin li, MJ, shocker
Id: h9gKfj1IyNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 3sec (4563 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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