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goodbye toad your time has come that's right i'm going on a rampage right now time to torture myself with lag okay super expert then i'm sure this won't be filled with copious amounts of lag and make it incredibly difficult for us to complete it's not that bad actually someone's gotta hit that p-switch we can just use each other's platforms we don't have to do the p-switch thing and of course luigi is the one who gets left behind just end it i'll just catch up with them the old-fashioned way via teleportation see easy as that and now i just teleport myself over to toadette since i've boosted her to victory unless she died in the four seconds that she was over there for look at that i'm a helpful guy i help everyone get over there everybody achieves their dreams except for me oh i did it i'm the best gamer out of the four of us i will lead us to victory i've seen my fair share of p-switch jumps so you'll have to excuse me boost me up oh i couldn't do it good throw that was some real teamwork right there if i've ever seen teamwork uh okay well that just seems like instant death but what do i know they all died are you kidding me we might have been close to the end somewhat something tells me we'll be running out of time at least we all die together mario what are you doing what are you doing mario it makes it seem like me someone who dies a lot is actually better than i am because i just get to teleport to them when they succeed and just like that i get a checkpoint for free just in time to die again oh she actually made it past wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm coming i'll be the spawn point i don't care oh my god toadette if you're just patient for half a second i can spawn on you and serve as a checkpoint it what it disappears for what purpose i thought i could use my invincibility off a spawn to chew through it that's my fault oh thank god i made it just in time there better be someone for me to spawn on i swear to god oh sorry about that one toad that is my fault entirely wahoo that's what i say to you here we go got a wahoo in there man ah beans great job team and by team i mean toadette time to prove myself i proved i could die in a ridiculous way i love luigi's complicit face he's like yeah this claw has me but it's fine i tried i tried my best i thought i could just throw him over the gap i wonder how it's going over there it's tough being the resident spawn point oh i heard a checkpoint that's a good noise there we go i got it too i'm just as good as everyone else oh toadette you're supposed to spin jump right there you gotta spin jump the frame that you land on that little p-switch man that is not gonna happen in 60 seconds i can tell you that much at some point you gotta recognize when you're out matched and i definitely was outmatched right there i mean we actually all voted for different things but if you want to just default it to baby mode that's fine nintendo a little bit of lag nothing we can't handle though it's getting a little bit more extreme the lag is so the lag is too much it feels just like brawl that's not a good thing i got it nobody else but me get off my head to ode i don't want you on there oh a mushroom we need one more red coin oh i guess that was not a requirement to beat the level what's the decision-making process there because that was two to two so i don't know why it defaulted the harder one that time stop this all of you ah no no luigi back uh luigi you son of a i can't even call you that because we have the same mother thanks for the shell idiot don't know if i need this but i'm taking it with me oh god it's the mad lad and bowser luigi grab that luigi no oh thanks luigi yeah you're the hero that's for sure luigi there was a key door back there there's a key door back here oh and i can't even get to it boost me up boost me up i love the little dialogue messages i've already killed the mad lad and bowser himself now it's time to kill his son uh sorry toad if that kills you i know where it is i just i can't i can't get back over there without help toad toad boost me up right here toad i need you to boost me up no no no stop over here toad help me toad toad no toto was so close toad come back toad what are you doing in there i need your help toad i need to get up there lift me up help what are you doing help no just come over here dang it i need to get up there toad you figured it out too late you fool no no no luigi one of those was mine and then you lost it immediately okay i just got to stay one step ahead of luigi i gotta get that key i'm the only man who knows what to do with it there we go killed the mad lad and bowser now i got the key and then we just go in this door that's all that didn't happen last time i got it doesn't matter what happens after this i've achieved my goal i freed the beast i didn't think about the consequences of my actions though i hate you luigi can you open the door you little bastard all right go frankie see that wasn't so hard we just need luigi to not skip part of the level and this time it picked easy whatever there's no rhyme or reason it seems to be just random hey at least it's 3d world this time oh and a spooky ghost house toad you and me uh just kidding just me i too would like to be a cat i guess i will be the last one being a cat since everyone else here is so god damn selfish okay if one more person bounces on my head i'm going to lose it oh there goes mario you want to get off my head stop that oh clever you got to move the thwomp me likey hey mario how's it going i got the key i'm carrying the team right now i'm making all the progress like we're still a team and all but i'm just doing all the heavy lifting would you toadette would you politely not and just like that i've done all the work and all the glory goes to me uh no toad you're not done before we won [Music] [Applause] [Music] after activating all one pow block i like it listen mario i think just because you're mario you could step all over me i'm gonna teach you a valuable lesson in respecting toad at least toadette showed me what not to do that's one benefit of playing with other people and can i say the internet on this particular match is flawless which is definitely a rarity mario you've killed us both toad what are you doing we clearly have to go back up there's not a way through go back up uh can one of you move so i can touch the ground ah okay there we go we got out of that situation oh no luigi oh it's a race with this shell right there how did i just notice that okay we destroyed the padlock now we just gotta make it to the goal we don't have a lot of time oh luigi did it good job bravo luigi you've done it for all of us throw up that victory sign oh no don't ever remind me of that this person literally recreated flappy bird in mario i gotta give some sort of credit there also can i just say the narrative i have for the multiplayer mario characters in this game is can't trust mario he'll do anything to help himself toad is like a neutral nice good guy luigi's always looking out for revenge against mario for being in his shadow for so long and toadette is the glory hound probably shouldn't have bounced on that bullet bill there bro you guys are flappy bird amateurs see you later too today oh my goodness saw blade was very close to my head yeah luigi saves the day and the rest of you can fall into the lava nobody can help you now get that disgusting thing off of my team right this instant these people get it oh my goodness that's right toad i look out for number one that's me okay that's just mean luigi you've betrayed me i see now that this door was a mistake that's what they said when i was born goodbye toad your time has come that's right i'm going on a rampage right now goodbye brother your time is up get into that piranha plant my plan was a success would you stay away from me with that bomb toad you oh maybe running straight ahead wasn't the best strategy right there i was wrong toadette the level is over now all right this time my strategy will be to let other all right right because i was supposed to know that that was a trap it was a double trap don't you fool see ya goodbye luigi you've outlived your purpose whoa where did that come from going right up my b hole uh please toadette be a merciful god toadette toadette just like i said classic toadette glory hound oh and there she goes ugh so many doors what is the point thanks luigi you idiot it's my fire flower now oh the level is over we're playing with the big boys now super expert and the brawl level wi-fi just never gets old does it i think we can all share that feeling right now thank you lag that is exactly what i meant to do and not at all an accident be careful out there buddy oh dear god i'm throwing in the towel on this one it just ain't worth it the lag alone is gonna make that a big nah from me dog at this point i've come to accept it but that doesn't mean i hate it any less the question just then becomes who do i blame nintendo or one of these guys and their lack of a lan adapter this is definitely the perfect level to play with massive amounts of lag i'm sure the darkness and also the lag won't cause any deaths oh wait there goes mario yeah oh no is right dude you're dead you know i'm gonna say that this is an easy give up considering the game isn't even moving teamwork my ass dude nothing can stop that lag yo was that a t-pose i just saw it's really something else when it takes you like 15 seconds to get through 3-2-1 look at them they're ready to go i gotta respect that at least a little bit luigi doesn't look like it now luigi's out of here he ain't having it oh look at that it was him it was all his fault never before have i seen one person cause such intense lag the moment he dipped out everything was fine what is that diglett you guys have some weird me's out there man let me tell you that let me show you the motion of the ocean know what i mean babe r e l a x relax hello um this is not relaxing that is the opposite of relaxing yo i see that fish creeping in the background you stay away from me i have a restraining order that's right get out of here luigi stay away from my mushroom you're a real piece of work oh i missed a third bullet bill that is on me oh look at that amount of coins nice we can do this never ever say it never let those words come out of your mouth oh oh not the place to spawn don't worry about the how mario worry about the why as in why aren't we good enough to beat this level don't do it don't do it don't do it don't you will suffer my vengeance oh the mad lad no they did it to the mad lad they burned him alive wait there's no way i'm too big mario we ain't starting over we're not cowards luigi you're gonna die you gotta be small oh i almost did it i choked don't get the mushroom don't get it no you don't want it you guys are both fools oh my god i did it yes uh what the hell is this that's a lot of danger mario what's your problem get out of the way dude okay god that's not english but listening just a lot going on that we don't want any part of it's over mario there just isn't time here we go that's right wahoo wahoo there you go easy money i don't know what i'm doing it's too much visually for me to take in oh it wants you to wall jump i'm a freaking idiot you landed on the shell again i hate you mario and there goes my life yet again i'm to blame but that doesn't make me any less upset just go my goal is clear to me now uh bowser what are you doing here i must kill you with fire bowser for my family i already have the key actually i don't need you later yes yes i did it yeah boy that's right i saved the team and got all the glory for myself yeah we're gonna have to give that one a gigantic no i'm trying to quit i don't think you can quit before the 3-2-1 is up my inputs are not even coming close to registering when i actually push them i won't be enduring a whole levels worth of this i just feel it's unnecessarily aggressive when people have the punching one on like who are you trying to fight man it's just mario maker this is much much better this is perfect i love this help thank you fish help again fish luigi luigi i tried to help you out there luigi that's all on you go squad i think that might be the first time i've reached the goal with everybody on my team alright usually i'm against everyone but today i'm gonna try to work with some people let's see what four idiots with a dream can get done see i helped you through it's all in good spirit you had to have seen that one coming actually now that i think of it that was fire coming out of water so maybe it's fair that you didn't see it coming okay let me down let me down i would like to touch the ground it's been a long time you'd think we could get through a door since we're all working together literally everything is a challenge in multiplayer mario maker seriously this is taking way too long just move like you guys just need to move out of the way oh my goodness luigi you don't have the key so move out of the way no no luigi luigi come back there you go we figured out the completely simple task of getting through a door it might have taken us a little bit but we nailed it okay i thought that this was cooperative luigi luigi you're not being helpful come on dorks you gotta spin jump what are you guys not gamers or something oh that's not what i wanted to happen to you mario i'm sorry now that i'm up here i'm scared all right you ready for this trick luigi uh well that didn't work everyone is so eager to help i'm really enjoying this mode this is a nice change of pace interesting choice of spawn location toadette but i feel it what's your plan though toad no okay i saw that one coming i didn't make it don't do it man you can really get some cheese strats with invincibility frames from spawning off people oh i touched the mouse boy yo how did i end up in his mouse home i didn't want that we must tower ourselves that's the only way we don't have that much time oh toadette fell wow that's actually really tricky and that would be the last attempt so i forgot that in cooperative play if you run out of time you get to try again whoa how did you not die that's very impressive keep jumping toadette i've almost reached it there you go clearly this is not the right way we've abused our cooperative power and ended up where we were not intended to be oh my god toadette is staring death in the face oops that's not where we wanted to spawn let's just uh let's redo that and get back to where our group is this is my only way to tell them to come to me i don't have a good quick chat option on here oh no we lost a guy oh come on that was almost sick i'm sorry toadette that was a bad throw oh come on what was that is snoot i think i should kill him if i managed to land on his snoot stop it let me go yeah that's right man that's the optimism i'm looking for we can do this together luigi luigi do you want me to help you with this jump because you've been attempting it for what seems like a decade run forward jump spin die by mouse it's just like the black plague all right luigi who's gonna do it you or me i guess not you there it is finally made it back up here jeez oh things went incorrectly for me there i should have waited for the ouija why did you move right there i hate you i'm so sorry i guess it's just in my nature to screw people over in this game i'm too used to competitive oh he gave up why no dude that's stupid there's too many bullets how am i supposed to get past that ah this sucks this sucks right here this is stupid oh there's a shell a kaizo shell jump in the middle of this level i was playing this level with four people at one point there was no way on earth that that was gonna happen not breaking mentally don't worry about that oh come at me hammer bros oh did you see that dodge look at this point i'm in it okay i've been on this level for half an hour all my friends are gone it's just me but i will see it through easy mode you guys are a bunch of babies what what kind of a hitbox is that dude was dead and he hurt me anyway man veronica creepers are whack mad lad and mad lass together at last when they done got my ass which is now grass i'm sorry for being crass oh great fun stuff man meowser oh what okay it's okay it doesn't matter as long as we got our friends to spawn on nothing can get in our way luigi wins by doing absolutely all the work and putting the team on his back my natural habitat online mario maker levels with lag take me to the flagpole baymax head maybe if i just exercised a little bit of patience i would have died right there but then i wouldn't be me now would i yeah we're good we're good mario we're good oh please don't don't it no it's only for the mario bros i tried to warn you toadette i know you're salty about earlier but don't you get us killed right here dude careful man i don't want to die here carry me to victory i will take that free win every day of the week yeah we fear nothing right luigi oh no oh hey look at that toad found the goal well boys we bout to head out avengers end game isn't going to watch itself am i right surely this toad won't kill me we're working together after all guys i don't know if spawning on me right here is the best idea mario no we accidentally brought these dudes over from the other side of the level and let me tell you it's very hard to do precise platforming with them around hopefully that's the end of the level and maybe i carried my team to victory it's not the end and i'm out of time don't worry luigi i got you you never should have trusted me to be fair luigi i don't know why i called your name that wasn't your fault that was mario hitting the switch off screen no don't spawn me on him oh come on why what have i done to you dude i don't know about this i've never driven a stick before you're not supposed to be here i can do it i still have time will mario kill luigi yes yes you will simultaneous death mean luigi are on the same wavelength mario why do you break the block what are you doing you complete oh damn it i lost it right before the flag i'm so stupid there's a lot of flaming demon monsters after me luigi run be free all right well luigi get his revenge on mario that's the question i'm gonna stay out of it and the answer is yet again yes look at that that wasn't so hard now was it i don't know why it took us so long probably because between the three of us we've got about seven brain cells because i'm a god that's how luigi get on my level bro all right there's four of us there's one spring we should be able to figure something out you guys really just spawned into the lava didn't you this is the kind of people i'm working with over here man the best mario maker online has to offer nothing but lava over there that's for dang sure no thank you no one else is alive how about you hit start over buddy or you could just spawn in the lava and die immediately don't ask how long we've been here just know that this perfectly sums up the spirit of mario maker online exqueeze me but that's a hard give up this is an absolute nightmare dude oh sorry mario didn't mean to do that to you you know this actually might be an easy level considering we have infinite lives so maybe i was too quick to judge i do just like the sheer chaos of it though he read me he knew it he knew what i wanted to do i'm so sorry toad that's all on me you can totally write me an angry email if you want just like that i've won and killed both of my friends that's okay though what's important is that we did it together ah yes new super mario bros u the black sheep of the versions of mario maker i guess you guys guessed wrong i picked door number three all right door number three takes me back to the door selection how about door number two looks like door number two and four also both take you back to door selection so i will be going to the pipe toad go to that one go to that one you won't die i promise a fun dying idiot i know we're supposed to be working together but there's just something so satisfying about sabotaging my teammates i realized that people were supposed to be helpful in this mode but nine times out of ten my teammates really just get me killed in brutal ways okay don't turn on the spikes whatever you do why did you turn on the spikes go ahead mario i won't turn on the spikes i absolutely was going to but turns out i didn't even need to oh god the predator got me did he just kill all of us you got a quad kill the mad lad are you serious go ahead go ahead go ahead it's all safe you can trust me you couldn't trust me i lied nobody to blame but yourself for that one luigi hey we did it teamwork is worth something after all and look at that 10 seconds left on the clock talk about a buzzer beater guys uh goodbye mario i'm gonna commit die i guess i'm the quitter baby now all right trust me with my life here never trust a man in a vest and nothing more apology not accepted he even took the time to give it the once over before he made that jump and he still died i'm sorry i didn't realize i made a wrong turn and ended up in literal hell pretty accurate representation of me trying to navigate the troubles of my life whoa don't swallow me hold everybody god why would you do it my favorite part about cooperative play is how everybody on my team serves as a permanent checkpoint it completely disguises my utter lack of skill and allows me to grab the flagpole first baby how hard could it possibly be for four of us to defeat one stinking piranha plant [Music] i really should not have asked that question why do i even try i know my best attempts are just going to end in failure no no i wanted that oh no i pushed the wrong button stop why i don't understand why you kept moving look at that their animations are not playing out correctly they're just teleporting back into the pipe skilled play by toadette i'm sorry oh no oh come on no my son will be not happy i don't have a son try that if i didn't know that we could do this i wouldn't still be here but i believe in us more than anyone's ever believed in anyone i got you don't worry about it my bad oh that's unfortunate yeah that's right man teamwork we did it baby you're the best dude i love you see not everybody out there is out to kill me some people are actually trying to cooperate in finnish levels my brother ihan will troll you then keep your brother away from me stupid little ehan that's a troll if i've ever seen one right fellas alright you listen up hon if you ever see this i want you to know you're a little crawdaddy han han wins see you later toadette it's been real but your journey is at an end idiot i'm a bigger troll than eohan i blame you for this mario you may be asking yourself oh gee why isn't mario there to join in the celebration i'll leave it up to you guys to guess his fate literally he baby oh my god oh my god so many thwomps no toad no please we weren't supposed to do this we're supposed to use the bee ah through the power of teamwork anything is possible including rising up together gamers holy god that's a lot of goombas today my only goal is gonna be to screw people over i mean work together with other people to have successful fun times listen listen if you think watery mushroom people are gonna be enough to stop me you're gonna have to try way harder than that makers of the world let's crank it up a notch or two man with a super expert i think we can handle it we're all gamers here here mario i'll carry you to victory uh my bad all right luigi me and you you ready for this grab onto that vine luigi grab onto the vine what are you doing man come on i put you right there for success this time you carry me go toad what are you doing okay careful luigi you gotta land on the cannonball my dude otherwise you're just taking me out to the pasture old yellering me all right luigi let's try this one more time i really believe in you i'm putting all my trust in your hands yeah that'll boy luigi oh what did i do that for that's my fault that's on me no no i'm sorry luigi i didn't mean to let you down no he quit whoa toad you're an eager beaver there and i like the spunk but we gotta we gotta time this see all it takes is one gamer jump and i'm dead all right gamer jump let's go boys yeah yeah look at that easy peasy nothing to it okay this is a bit tricky for me but here we go all right now we just gotta you know team up here yeah there you go there you go there you go see mario as long as you're with me you're safe then again you and i both know that that's not true now don't we mario alright this is a little bit sketch this is a little bit sketch but i did it cause i'm a gamer real gamers are brave real gamers are brave real gamers don't care mario you seem to be struggling with that so let me help you out i couldn't have planned that if i wanted to that's all on you okay now we know what's coming so we can make it oh oh that's a lot of bullets mad bullets but we're dodging them we're dodging them fam yeah baby we're the best around all i see is my teammates going through this door constantly and i don't get to play the game but that's okay because i'm being a helpful boy time's running out there fellas i'm gonna need you to figure out this puzzle mad quick look at that i did it first try that was easy what are you guys doing down here you guys suck you know i don't think we have the time to finish this i'm gonna be quite honest with you fellas you got this mario you got this mario you're supposed to jump out of my arms mario you're starting to make me believe that you don't got this mario you are a disappointment to me and your entire family one fell swoop one fell gamer swoop oh here i go gamer time mario how about i help you out here buddy or you could die in my arms that that's also a possibility yes boost me up children we're working together this must be the fabled teamwork i've heard so much about no they're going for toadette i could have made it but they were going for toadette her presence ruined the plan and then mario's being a dingus over here and losing a checkpoint you can't win them all what's going on there luigi you need a little help there's a goomba you could touch him oh wow his reflexes were too quick toad is in misery right now look at that face he's frightened for his life i would be too if i was freezing in midair fear not toad you can count on me oh lord dude this is too many bombs this is too many bombs mario no this is the toad mating dance it's very ritualistic and specific no i don't want that in my hands i'm sorry little one mario no you'll kill us all come on come on you gotta blow more of it up luigi get rid of it what are you doing there we go we made it through somehow i'm gonna give all the credit on that one to mason i really feel like he carried the team there oh good it's tim you always feel safe when he's around uh here let me help you i'm sorry that you got stuck down there okay i need help here if a paragoomba is a goomba with wings what do you call a parachuting goomba that's not a gamer jump that's a gamer dump sorry i sneezed but i beat the level that's how easy it was i beat it with my eyeballs closed you're the man timmy thanks for sticking around no let me out please let me out why does it have to be this way [Music] dezbug.exe has stopped working police reboot from a regular mad lad to flying mad lad i must say that the super mario world mad lad looks particularly jank case in point right there toe toadette is my weapon and i will crack the mad lad with her weight i'd say we all did that one even though only one of us is celebrating come on toad do it give me a little tea bag show some emotion long live the king oh he was ready for it nobody gets through unless i say you do oh wow they're stronger than me okay i guess we're going through boys uh right there too much to the right a little muncher munched my booty there stupid mario you gotta abuse iframes dog that's how you win this game there's definitely something wrong with my brain there we go okay chill out there goes mario's corpse mario got no chill man he needs to just relax and assess the situation dude this mario is working at like 120 speed he needs to be working at like 10. [Applause] he just dipped out said nope not having any of this that's not fair can't be testing my reaction times when i'm coming out of a pipe you know i'm chilling after i'm coming after a pipe [Music] for what it's worth i do like this level a lot there's some very creative ideas at work but it is hard wait there mario don't you dare move oh my goodness just in time mario don't just run off what are you doing why can't you just wait for half a second he really has no patience look at that he spawns and he goes he really just hits the spawn button as soon as it's available to him he does not put two seconds of thought into it whatsoever look at that he didn't even wait for the platform to respawn how are you gonna do it if the platform isn't physically there come on dude that's super tight oh so close all right now it's my turn now you wait here come on it's so hard i got my pixels i can't tell where i am i really thought you were gonna make it through all that time okay i guess you're going again then seems fair mario what are you doing why would you do that i hate this guy i swear if i had a dollar for every time this guy's just respawned and sprinted into a pit and died i'd have a lot of money there he goes again why doesn't he learn why can't he stop and he gave up what a legacy definitely willing to give this level the old college try by myself i'd really like to beat it it's very well made there's no walls to help you gauge what one luigi wide is you just have to see it there is a wall there is a wall there's the top that should be good oh that's how you do it that's the trick i don't like this situation oh finesse no we're good we're supposed to wait now i got a checkpoint i am so good at mario maker too they should give me a raise i don't know who they is but do it this is sketch dude this is straight sketch there's too much going on oh boy that was very close to very sad oh why you gotta do that to me make me respond right out of pipes but you know i'm a freaking gamer so i beat the level without anybody's help that was a really really good level kudos to whoever made that the lone survivor of the mario maker incident of o7 dez bug persevered and completed the stage alone this guy spawned killing us he just waits for you to spawn and then he ground pounds you he's a genius he's an idiot because now i'm taking his strategy all will fall before the mighty toadette i played myself that'll just kill the sun am i now god you and me mario trust in the toadette that believes in you where is the exit to this level bro two hours later i will only tolerate so much abuse this is dumb this is a dumb level just because it's dumb doesn't mean i'm not a god there's no more bonsai bills there's the goal but there's no more bonsai bills brother you know what garrett think i need your help you got another thing coming why did you abandon me garrett i needed you it's a lot of poison luigi you be careful with me now super mario maker has given me extreme trust issues i don't know why i did that i just wanted to have power over somebody i guess oh luigi stay away from me are you ruined my spin jump guys that's not the play you need to spin jump there mon gotta be quicker than that chaos b gets chaos am i sorry for it no do i wish that i had gotten away with it yes there's just something so satisfying about betraying people in cooperative plague sorry toadette had to do it to you can't just get luigi you know it's gotta be fair game when i'm out to betray people otherwise what's the fun oh my god i killed us all with the shell 500 iq play if i do say so myself hey luigi you think that spike thing looks interesting it would be a shame if somebody were to throw you into it now wouldn't it look at him trying to get revenge and falling into the lava what a dork not sure what toadette's plan was we were so close toad move toadette move ya dang ding dweedle dork all right that's it you're going in the lava take my mushrooms i take your life i'm putting that on a shirt play cool toadette we did not play that cool we should have played it closer to the vest no hesitation he looked at me one time he said that's it you're coming with me son oh that's it you want some hanchod you want to die cause i will die don't look at me like that toad you know what i meant he was minding his own business you're a cold-blooded murderer he was acting as our spawn point you have used me for the last time luigi don't worry toad we'll be safe here no no my only regret is that i didn't do that sooner luigi you had that coming since the womb i trusted you see why i have trust issues man people in this game are untrustworthy that includes me [Music] everything all right there buddy well played mario well played boy do i have a little surprise for anyone who comes this way eat it toadette oh and i got that double i'm a madman i can't be stopped well despite my best efforts we completed the level i'd say we did it together i don't think me attacking my teammates qualifies as teamwork it's called spin to win not walk on the thwomp and hope for the best out of my way toad we both know you're not gonna make that jump watch me do it mario look nobody's perfect at everything all right mario don't judge spin jump idiot come at me toad i know you want your revenge nice try idiot don't give me that look i don't care what you think get out of here as a matter of fact he's really trying to grab me later tater man if you want something done right you gotta do it your dang self let this serve as a lesson to all of you out there when toad is in your way just throw him off the cliff then you can beat the level i can't say that that lesson will be of much use to you but what i can say is like and subscribe okay but you realize how that's not gonna work out right toadette i already got the coin why are you even going down there that seems about right together now do the mario oh he fell it's a good thing i didn't ripley's believe it or not sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut first of all nice second of all where is the last coin oh i see it it blends in with the coin emblem but it's actually just up there what is it doing up there get in my pocket you little coin me and you rorro together forever let's go in the castle and subscribe to test bug i hear that's a fun thing to do i'm sorry how am i supposed to get out of this endless loop stop pushing me into the spring luigi why did you even come the same way as me you're just getting in my way luigi if you don't put me down right now dude i'm gonna have a big mac and i haven't done that in years so i'd be really upset with you if you make me do it if you don't stop touching me we can't run on the spring i mean god the conveyor belt you're making me have a meltdown like chernobyl up in my brain i i i can't i can't with you right now luigi you just go just do it frustrating the ankles off me all right we've made peace we are now brothers in arms you gotta jump like frame one once you're out of that first spring there you go oh so close you got it i believe in you i did it i did it somehow co-op ladies and gentlemen also known as i'll do it ooh the pipe is just spewing it's you and turtles and i can't do a dang thing about it i can't next time you're gonna want to dodge that luigi what are you doing why are you just sitting there dodge fire fire bad this is grade one stuff hurry the hell up mario we're running out of time are you kidding me mario you can't make a simple jump you're a simpleton we're running out of time i don't want to do this level over again i feel like i'm babysitting children right now i'm gonna need you to move i'm gonna need you to move why have i wasted my time doing this whole level again the stubborn gamer in me won't let it go and of course it's not that hard and there wasn't that much of the level left we just ran out of time like a bunch of dinkuses but what's done is done i'm satisfied baby got back problems so today we're gonna be working with people and by that i mean sabotaging people move over i have the pow block i just need to get that way look what you've done to me toad somebody want to free the luigi so we can beat the level there we go teamwork [Music] get into those spikes toadette that's where you belong you and me toad we're going above and beyond uh i seem to have made an error toad i'm sorry cooperative mode is secretly the most competitive mode of all time [Music] good work sir served your country well i was bound to mess that one up eventually and now we wait here to ruin some people's time my mission here is complete nice jump toad idiot oh i don't like this this ice block isn't big enough for the three of us i'm sorry toad it wasn't meant to be this way it's a leave of faith miles that's all it is oh and the leap of faith was deadly toad we need to be really careful here that's not being that careful if i'm being honest with you [Music] hey for effort boys a for effort we may not have worked it out the cogs were turning though how did we manage to die at exactly the same time where we not toad together we will conquer this beast even though our friends have abandoned us we will see it through careful i warned you you know they tell you when you die you go to heaven that's a lie it's just spikes not to criticize this toad but he's really not doing much except for spawning on me not really sure how that's helpful to me luigi grand master uh ah too many spineys i'm afraid stay there toad steadfast kobe i nailed it worry not toad i shall lead us to victory no my cranium dude that's a mean place to put spikes oh come on with the slippery spot man stay there toad you are my brother in this toad chill out toad we will make this together we have plenty of time i believe in you why do you gotta make me believe in you just to watch my hopes be crushed yeah you gotta watch out for the spikes my guy come on man that's so dumb i hate that jump toad we have to do this we're running out of time yes i can do it too wait no my message my message no i wanted to wahoo don't mind if i do have your mushroom toad chad luigi over here while verge toad is all mushroomless we can just stack ourselves up let's go rise up get up there boy get up there boy you almost got it build a human ladder we're like world war z nah i don't trust you over here by yourself you're causing trouble you're causing a ruckus i'm gonna move you to this pipe and you're gonna go in this pipe like a good little boy come on man this toad he keeps going back to the beginning and hitting the switch like a little troll you're not touching the switch boy go far away from it i'm gonna push you far away don't touch don't touch dude what is your problem am i gonna have to follow you around all day it's probably a trick he's probably just gonna kill himself to get back here little does he know i'll be waiting when he does i knew it i knew you couldn't be trusted you're a scoundrel stop what is wrong with you well if you can't beat them so yeah this is what this has turned into i won't say i support it but i won't say i'm against it doesn't matter if it's co-op or competitive people always be jumping on my head resulting in my death yeah nice try idiot goodbye toadette your time has come we don't even have a key fellas so looks like we're not getting anywhere good news we can't get back in the door either i must die on command it would appear that we have chosen the wrong door yeah that ain't it chief don't do this toad don't do it i know there's goodness in your heart oh my god he just killed mario maybe there's not goodness in his heart luigi careful ah no i spawned on him azuz over the pit i'm dead for narnia oh he lived i beg of you please let me go that's an oof if i've ever seen one luigi you just overshot it by a whole lot i swear to god i was pushing jump but miss your lag lag son if you will stole it from me there's too much lag for me to function normally [Applause] [Music] sorry about your luck there mario yeah teamwork is one way to put it isn't it oh i'm sorry that's my bad i take full responsibility for that i had nothing to do with that one though mario go luigi i've always believed in you luigi you were supposed to end the sith not join them get away from me get away from me if you have to die for that to happen then so be it [Music] you know mario sometimes patience can be a virtue see this is the epic thing about dark levels is that it's almost impossible to see where you're going now some of you might be thinking that's not fun and to that i say you are correct together together yeah the everyone together together who took my son don't freaking look at me like that toad what do you want me to do with this pal block i don't know i've decided that toad is down my son and i will protect him for as long as that he is useful to me which he has never been useful to me even once i have trapped my so-called friends in between me and toad and i will never let them go look at that me and toad have cleared the mountain together with my son anything is possible what's over here [Music] uh son i hate to tell you this but i think i've killed us will you forgive your dear old dad in the afterlife no a fish it ruined me fish are little god i hate this this is so dumb why are all the things here oh good and then floating cannon floating cannon fish combo dude it's what i order every time i go to starbucks you ever clash into me in midair again and it's gonna cost you look at that before i could even finish my thread it's costed you don't don't oh i hate you can you move so i can at least get mine you giant turd you know what you're dead that's it i'm gonna kill you run all you want luigi your time has come vengeance is mine no no no no no luigi i will have my revenge luigi toad revenge 2.0 up in the house that revenge goes a little something like this step one become big step two profit ding dang spikes hurting me wasted my ding dang time and i ding ding ding don't die doug demidom order him the dimsdale demidom not right come on get me through the gap spikes hurt luigi don't die you absolute buffoon not right it's all your fault luigi for that you will pay i regret nothing idiot can't even kill a really big goomba oh all right i was a near miss you got to hear my frightened girly scream on the other hand i've asserted my dominance over this luigi and the stage by beating it perfectly damn shigeru for giving these people the power to make their own sound effects bless shigeru for giving me the ability to throw my friends into the lava so much fire wow i lived i'm a gamer did you know that put me out of my out of my misery all right mario carry me to victory you've immediately abandoned me and i will be writing a well-written review about you on yelp dear yelp mario sucks because he killed me when i do it it's funny when he does it it's mean yeah that's for killing me dork leave it to this d-bag to find some way to kill me amidst all this chaos mario you're wasting all your time trying to eat me when we could be figuring out the stage leave me alone you bastard yo booze make no sense in versus multiplayer or any kind of multiplayer i just had a brain aneurysm yeah mario not so fun is it [Music] shut up mario you're going under these hammers dude that's where you're going don't you throw that at me don't you throw that at me oh you saucy little boy don't you throw that one at me you saucy saucy little italian well played mario otherwise known as idiot oh look at that dodge man that's sick all right now i gotta get this guy killed was it worth it it's not gonna happen you're not gonna get me that way mario nice try ain't going down like this brother it went down that way brother that's okay two can play at that game mario get into the spikes you little boy stop leaving alone what is your problem why are you chasing me through the sky like a madman move on with your life mario this has become the least productive thing i've ever done in my life i'm just fighting this mario we're just trying to kill each other and every time something bad happens to the other guy we say nice work i gotta get away from mario before he kills me again and then says nice work [Music] i'd fight that in the court of law but i don't have the energy this little bastard really just waited until now to spawn on me you are the worst oh there was a checkpoint right there we messed up mario we messed up big time i can't believe there's a checkpoint up there oh and now we got the angry son in on the action that's not good it says go down i'm trusting it no i could have used my invincibility what are you doing why i have nothing to say to you don't come over here leave me a bee teamwork you say after all we've been through you want to work together okay i'll put my trust in you one final time god mario i thought i could trust you i decided to believe in the mario that believes in me and i was betrayed [Music] come on mario whose side are you on anyway why are you doing the things that you do to me man just leave me alone i just want to beat the level i can't commit mario i'm too scared i'm afraid of commitment okay you caught me okay we can do it you and me if we just do it together we can do it because we are good even though we're running out of time but i can't think about that right now i just have to think about success and then hop over here tank the damage oh yeah boy macho man windy savage oh yeah brother we did it good game good grape you and me may have had some differences along the way but we did it we sorted it out mostly me i'm the captain now [Applause] nope oh that's a bunch of hogwarts man i totally made it go up the pipe child there's no way man they expect me to fly through all that i'm not that good wait a minute i just got a vision i am that good i just have to channel my inner gaming legend i'm gonna drink some mountain dew that's not a threat it's a promise are you gonna go because you're kind of blocking the runway i don't get paid enough for this clear the runway you freaking dweeb dude you're such a nerd sitting on the runway and i'm just trying to be a chad and fly over the stage nerd toadette versus chad mario this is it this is my time why does he turn around every single time man i need you to face front mario eyes front square yeah i could probably make that without a cape here we go it's very hard pull back there we go oh there we go oh i pulled up too soon that's very close to something inappropriate but we won't talk about that because there are children watching icarus grant me the ability to fly oh that was clutch wait wait no no oh come on i was right there at the end i could have cheesed it out somehow i always wanted to see somebody do something with the flying mechanics in super mario world it's very hard i feel like oh no oh i clipped my ankle bro i can do this i feel it in my burns ouch i only feel failure now little dedication little elbow grease ow all right we got this we're the boss we're the boss we got this we don't have it oh there it is baby i got it that was killer that was something else and now i have to do it again don't i that's impossible dude that is the hardest thing i've seen in a long time no your boy was so close yeah yeah no why am i not getting any height if you do it instantly you're gonna hit the spikes a lot so just chill out and glide on through no problemo and now i'm facing the wrong way so we have a problemo it's cool beans because i've got this it's not cool beans i don't have it i'm dead if you had a chance to fly through a rainbow course would why do i have to be so flawless in my execution why can't i just be good enough i don't even want to talk about it just kill me no whoever designed this level is my enemy come on no it clipped me dude get that win boy get that wind in your caped boy it's heartbreaking every time it's just as heartbreaking as the last time i fail yes yes boy yes i did it i'm a gamer dude everyone else quit but i sat there for 10 15 25 30 minutes i don't know how long it's been i've lost track but i did it there you go boom i can fly in super mario world cape training complete i'm cape master cape pro cape gamer subscribe you pansies like how my exposed chest is facing the camera there luigi what if i turned up the heat are you feeling it now luigi you can't fight this passion that we have that is a lot of spikes mario i vote you go first since it's your game oh that's a little closer than i'd like it to be but i'm okay and whatever mario you scared to go i'll go for you big baby look at that goal's right there oh no a nation divided gamers and babies mashed together don't worry toadette we can do it well you might as well go too toad unlike you dweebs i'm a gamer so i know what i'm actually doing in these parts jump toadette there you go thank you brother i can't see myself who i know i'll spawn on luigi and take all the glory perfect you know what they say take it one step at a time i'm sorry mario look at that you can build your way to success all you gotta do is put the blocks in the right spots i'm gonna just head out because i don't know what's about to happen to you guys and i don't really want a part of it look i just want to make the path safe for my fellow man that's all i want perfectly balanced as all things should be see there we go now we're thinking with builder mario we've got ourselves a safe little platform guys we just have to build the tallest tower of all we're like bob the builder we can do it oh i collapsed it i'm sorry we did it we've risen up we've literally built a wall of teamwork and success i'm so proud of us you like how building the tower was my idea and yet i'm the only one who's left out of the celebration feels bad man i got 99 problems but a p switch ain't won i'll be the first to venture out into the unknown all right toad you can do it i'm putting my trust in you now that is teamwork at its finest uh luigi please don't i'm a child see this is the problem when you pick super expert and you don't actually know how to beat the level okay luigi you're just spawning and carrying people off the edge now you've ceased to be helpful i won't let you take mario too okay i have no say in the matter just watch out i need a running start i just need a running start please stop oh kobe there you go mario that's how it's done okay since mario failed it's your turn toad all right somebody throw me bob throw me easy money uh oh we did it we can officially start from here now this is a sketch this is sketch oh now that we've made it this far i don't really know what to do i don't see where we're supposed to go from here this is very confusing look just respawn and i'll hit the b switch whenever you need me to okay do it go die oh my god our one guy with the checkpoint gave up i think this is the end of the road mario there's not much you and me can do from down here it just wasn't meant to be wow buttery smooth connection look at this this is incredible how can i be so inept i've played this game so often and did you see me just dive head first into a pile of spikes that is not what i call a gamer moment i don't know about you guys i've just discovered that you can cancel the cat dive by pushing the button again my brain has now expanded to that of a nebula i had lots of opportunities to not have that happen to me but here we are in the current timeline where it has indeed happened to me freaking parachuting goombas the goombas with no name he's a crazy creative level man i super dig it i wish there was slightly less room for error i feel like it's pretty forgiving but on the other hand i suck at video games according to no i did it again i like how they find the goal and i find a bit which at the bottom of i'll have you know is mini spikes i'm a spike magnet throw whatever you want at me though i'll still make it cause i say it with me now i am dead [Music] did you really just do it again what's actually wrong with you go toad come on i blame toad for all of that i don't know why or how but i just do okay let me have it i should have seen that one coming you know maybe we should actually try instead of just throwing each other into spikes this is just a thought just a game theory that i've thrown out there but on the other hand i also really enjoy throwing each other into spikes so there you go luigi stay out of this toadette this has nothing to do with you oh thank you mario just thank you for your contributions to society i don't think i've ever been stuck on the first obstacle of a level for so long she threw me frame one i came alive and she threw me frame one oops i should not have gone in here oh i get it i'm stupid you have to jump out of the shell four narnia i died uh go oh look away look away i like how it cuts away right before you get to see what happened we could not have worked less well together oh no oh no oh no baby did you see that [Music] you got that right toadette teamwork all over the place a truce mario i'm sorry that i ever mess with you toadette on the other hand clearly is the enemy so i will avenge you yeah that's right you know i have a power over you you better hide watch this trick oh i killed toadette and i solved the puzzle at the same time dude stay away i'm just trying to serve as a spawn point we can actually work together it can be done okay i think we're all finally on the same page i really thought we had something i thought we had a truce but he betrayed me yes finally a checkpoint something has actually been accomplished something tangible okay just fall straight down it's okay it's not okay there's a spike there we're gonna run out of time uh i don't know how to avoid things my brain has troubles just fall just do it just fall right down ground where are you look at that look at my little good buddies sitting back waiting for me to do all the platforming you're welcome mario i did that for you because you're my buddy i wouldn't do that if i were you these baymax heads aren't as safe as they might appear yeah you gotta watch out for the cannonball friend it'll get you watch out i need you to i need you to watch out i need you i need you to move that way thank you just a little more that's cool toadette you can go ahead oh there it is there's the goal we did it we did it boys perseverance and teamwork all the way except for the whole beginning when we were just throwing each other into the pits but don't think about that let's go luigi me and you with me you can't fail oh there's so much lag you might not be in the best hands luigi oh no we got pushed towards this icicle we don't want that we don't want that we do have this though you are right despite the lag luigi keep spinning helicopter it brother get in here luigi get in here oh yeah luigi i'm happy that you survived uh that might be a little bit dicey for us to do together buddy ew a coin looks like i've got me a red coin brothers yo mice coming out the pipes bro you could call it a lab of rats so all that's left is key number three we can do this toad i don't know where luigi went he's my brother but i'm not tracking his current whereabouts boy i got the skills to pay all sorts of bills up in this town uh more importantly i don't want to die but it's out of my hands ah yes i've managed to soft lock myself no don't spawn on me it's not good it's a soft lock wait is that a soft block as well i don't care i'm adventurous i want to know what's over here it's another soft lock god dang it i'm afraid our time is here luigi we should die together at least oh no that's great kudos nintendo your ability to have a functioning online server fascinates me in this day and age of 2019 rather your lack of an ability to do that my liege king sire may i please have one pence i think the fact that the music plays in normal speed but everything else is super super ultra slow is just more insulting now which one of these guys is actually playing from a literal jungle is the question i don't have the answer to it but that is the question jungle wi-fi it's not the best i swear i'm holding right but the lag won't let me pass this one tile high stair that's how bad the jungle wi-fi is man i'm forced to witness my death in the slowest of motion imagine waking up in the middle of the night and seeing that staring over you if you really want to be a jerk you just uh hit him with one of those the ultimate sabotage thanks mario you think you're a match for me i've got a tiny hammer i'm gonna christine you mario why does toad give off such dingy construction worker vibes he's just got like the vest open and like the belt that's like not big enough because he's kind of plump okay with the flybys really what is this gta dude come on i've got the beast right where i want him oh good lord that was hideous the ss bowsette oh boy all right toad you're my first victim i apologize not even one percent oh just in time for me to die why are you gonna auto scroll so quick bro what was that all about we were just moving at a leisurely pace and then god said all right pick up the pace then that one however might be just a little bit more my fault if we were to take it to a court of law yeah that one you could blame on me too i like how i always immediately die afterwards too lebron oh did you see those hops cleared a whole bridge it's gonna speed up but that's okay we're gonna be ready there's nothing for me to jump on i was so ready i was ready player one up in here literally the bonsai bill doesn't come out fast enough brother i'm not magneto i can't go controlling bullets all over the place that's not how this game works i waited as long as i possibly could you saw it the bonsai bill ain't there bro i don't know what you want from me little known fact luigi the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and on that note i'll be dying in fire i just got killed by a spawning p-switch i got wrecked even how you doing down there toadette [Music] ah it's so it's fun in there as well that's hilarious look to that you're free you're free to be a real boy well the freedom was short-lived some say luigi's death stare killed mario that day [Music] oh you thought buddy i got the skills man i've said it time and time again but these guys don't know what to do without me they're lost oh they're all just watching me what the heck okay i'll never know how he did it i was dead when it happened but he did it kudos man carry the team right there full credit to you i want him yeah got some one-ups in my bod check it out i invented a new game it's called toadette wall ball it's quite entertaining if i do say so myself oh no oh no oh no oh no there's no water [Music] spikes in my body there are i sank like a boulder i thought i had a nice mushroom hat on not rocks in there i can make it i can make it no i can't make it i jumped too far out of the water i need a mush without it i will die oh my goodness there i go i am dead you've said oops one too many times my friend i'll be leaving you to deal with this solo dude toadette's run is so funny oh my god look at her she's like oh i gotta get to the last blockbuster before it closes yeah there we go see i told you we could do it never underestimate my ability to cheese levels wow that was a complete accident that was insane [Music] should have seen that one coming it's been a long time since that's happened to me flashback city right now man look at that now boy with a little bit of cheese and some teamwork anything is possible [Music] all right toad just gobble up all the mushrooms then that's cool you were just determined to get me killed right there weren't you what comes around goes around baby good mario i'm sure you would like to have one of these unfortunate that's maybe why you shouldn't go zooming on other people's heads toad i really don't want to say we did it because i did it but i guess they can have some of the credit you know catch some of my gamer that's radiating off of me that's right i radiate gamer energy skin eater jesus man that's a little bit dark don't you think come on we're all real men here there we go that's what i'm talking about let's go brothers with teamwork and justice we can make it through this is a lot of buzzsaws we better be kind of careful here guys oh my god luigi whoa he tried to read my jump i can't believe i didn't die just then toad how did you end up under there alright i alone must survive and take out bowser's son making myself public enemy number one toad you had to see that one coming i'd refuse to believe that you didn't [Music] oh give me a break i held down now my life is forfeit live luigi you must live i did that for nothing my sacrifice was in vain no toad let him go back and hit the button so that we can just go into this door oh never mind we don't even need the button for that somehow i didn't see that one coming even though there's a cannon right there which in most people's minds you know triggers a red flag like oh no a cannon i don't want to get hit by the bullet that's in it but in me i'm just like i'm towed see this time i'm aware of the cannons come at me i pushed jump i pushed jump lag ate it both times [Music] okay i got scared twice it's not my fault though watch this drive toad dang it somebody spawn on me before i perish oh no good old skin eater gave up that's not a good sign well mario's still out there somewhere i have no idea where but i know he's there and for whatever reason this shell isn't respawning i think i'm a little bit stuck let's just find out where mario is oh wait we're out of time i didn't even notice that oh neat an upside down level these aren't confusing at all i got a little bit nervous and i jumped thinking i would go up and i indeed went up into impalementville [Music] we've made mistakes all of us have made mistakes in our life i did the exactly the same thing i feel safe in your arms toe dad i know you're capable wait slow down slow down oh you know i'm wondering if i should pull uh one of those moves that i used to back in the smash bros brawl days and just turn my whole body upside down to be able to see you right side up i don't really think this level's as hard as we're making it i just feel like nobody's exercising patience which is causing a lot of untimely demises abuse that invincibility boy oh no i think i need to start pulling my weight the price you pay for super expert got some fresh lag going on in here man you must live toadette even if i must die how does that make any sense he was to the left just take me with you or alternatively you could get me killed can i just spawn on them on the flag is that a thing oh look at that it is a thing see i'm just as much a part of this team as anyone else despite paying for nintendo's online service there is no guarantee that it'll function properly i'll fight my way past the brickie boys and make it to the flag for all of us don't try to steal my glory on this mario classic mario stealing my glory every step of the way all right brother you and me together we can get to killed why have you forsaken me luigi we were brothers we were in this together you are my brother luigi yo you better not be in my closet when i go to bed tonight if you say so let me guide you toadette i will bring you nothing but victory i'm sorry i have brought you death good day luigi i don't know where the snake block is taking me but i'll follow it through to the end i won't be following it any further i've been lit ablaze there's nothing i can do about this i'm dead i'm the greatest of all time i killed bowser and made it to the end not toadette ignore her look at me look at me go shower me with rewards we brothers three will do it we brothers three will escape from prison i guess come luigi no prison can hold us i left you for one second and i see that you got really stuck kick the shell into there come on man you guys suck so bad boom that's all you had to do now watch as i commit supuku come on you can do it rise up it's doing it it's gaming oh why did i go this way now i cannot return luigi did you just actually kill yourself we already lost one brother mario i'm afraid we're gonna have to start this level over if you want to break out of prison truly toad and mario never did escape hey luigi bye luigi i feel like toad is just following me and teabagging in my general direction which is a pretty good summary of what people do in cooperative mario maker i've separated us and we can never get back together until i say so oh great there he is right on cue no no no oh he has trapped me now now we have trapped luigi my brother i promise you this toad is just waiting for me to respawn somewhere so he can respawn on me and sure enough there he is there's the toad man following me wherever i go at least we failed this brothers luigi that counts for something right he's everywhere that i go luigi i don't appreciate how close to me you are if something goes wrong we're gonna be in really big trouble luigi okay luigi this time we can do it together [Music] by which of course i meant die together don't worry luigi i can win this for the both of us oh and with no seconds left to spare man i told you luigi i led you to victory brother you and me mario those toads don't know what it's all about but you and me been doing this for decades at this point we're perfectionists and i'm dead man i swear i choose the worst spawn locations seven seconds left totally doable on second thought guys guys i think we're in some trouble my teammates are falling before me and we only have five seconds and the lag has ended my run nobody ever saw the hidden adversary that is lag coming and nobody ever saw me messing up that jump for what could be the fifth time don't know toad get out of their toad mario you rap bastard things in my life were going well until you showed up we're running out of time once again eight seconds left where's the flagpole at this point oh goomba town population my body death that's what's next for me what's next for you guys subscribing throwing a backwards jump right there just to spice it up let's go for another one oh dude the end of this level has to exist it's got to be out there okay maybe i should knock it off with the backwards jumps but i won't because they're just the coolest swag the end of that level doesn't exist luigi don't you trust me bro i see no reason not to as long as you ignore my past actions where i screw people over but that's irrelevant you don't know about those i wonder what's more dangerous in cooperative mario maker other people or lag or maybe humongous walls of poison that flow up from below i guess i have that one coming go mario you must go faster you didn't go fast enough neither did you two it's my humble opinion that the poison is moving too fast and you cannot escape gosh can you tell him to slow it down uh did you tell him oh no not like this jump toadette uh pow block for some reason okay i don't know how i'm reacting to all this perfectly i'm a god this is so much work oh the poison it's coming are you serious i finally make it out of all that and you just shoot a giant shot right in my face okay here we go again the most stressful thing in all of video games why does it start going as soon as i'm on the screen can't it just give me a gosh dang a second there's no way it's impossible this is what i'm talking about this is the back alley garbage truck wi-fi that i've come to expect i can't avoid it i keep trying to pull back and the lag is telling me no lag is telling me that that's not what i did and i turned to the lag and i tell him i say look you're not the father get out of my life i'm telling you guys watch this drive not right luigi i had it you pushed me and yourself into the blade i could probably land right on top of that or lag could interfere and i could be now free falling into what can only be described as a pit of saw blades i swear this lag makes me feel like one of my teammates is on the international space station or something dude it's obnoxious what what what what what how could i possibly have made that that's way way too many spikes i don't want to live in this lag anymore it's a speed run but if i say so nobody gets to play there really isn't an in-between when it comes to levels it's either impossible or child's play is this the first time today that i've been in the 3d world setting because oh my gosh this is by far the best setting get ready to die goombas does it really have to be that way though i know what goes up must come down and all that but are you serious with me missing every single thing along the way down i don't know what's more annoying the fact that i'm in a puzzle level with three people one of which who won't stop grabbing me or the fact that this other guy won't stop spamming the quick chat messages dude i think you put those two things together and you have a scenario in which we're not gonna complete this level making a lot of progress now these guys are actually working with me somewhat don't you dare to dare push that switch let me push the switch stop pushing me over this way god get out of my way you stupid blue i hate you dude get away from me stop i do what is your problem stop it let me go why are you so infuriating get into that chompy chomper god why why every time i come over here do you insist on getting in my way you obviously don't know how to do it i hate the both of you i can't dude they're in cahoots look at them they're working together oh and then he just gives up he murdered me and then he left the game classic what comes around goes around toad have fun being stuck in this nightmare of a stage oh busy boy an auto scroller with heavy amounts of lag i'm excited dang it man other people in auto scrollers don't mix very well iframes baby boy i frames for the i'll sue road if you don't get out of the way we're gonna lose we don't need to start over we need to get good you chumps it's kind of up to jesus jesus has ended me goodbye toad you're coming with me we did it man that was a tough level it's a good thing we died a million times i mean didn't die at all it was the perfect run don't mind if i do have every single power up i think i've earned it wait where's the floor ye old college attempt has failed me i've been duped i'm going through the saw blades this has to be the right path it wasn't the right path you are weak compared to us mario you can't stop this fine if you won't let me grab you i'll just grab a shell and then take you out that way you know it's coming that backfired spectacularly i never missed twice though your destiny arrives all the same stan lee oh looks like my kind of people right here it's sans it's him it's the skeleton guys we can easily solve the riddle of this temple if we just not bounce on each other's heads all the time everybody make a single file line single file line take turns okay here i go the one to save us all my doing the mario skills are quite unrivalled careful mario there's fire there nobody ever listens to me when i tell them to watch out for the fire and with the sudden appearance of lag things around here just got a whole hell of a lot more difficult oh i made it i made it no no no please oh i wasted my opportunity don't worry though i can do it i've figured out the secrets of the who put force bomb there i've got to be lightning mcqueen fast on this one if i want to make it okay mario you spawning and giving me a boost unnecessarily doesn't help anybody now does it yes go yes i did it man i'm the greatest at this game sometimes let's be real though usually i just suck but i've got my moments don't do it don't do it don't do it oh he almost did it despite my request dude i'm leading us to victory right now it's okay it's a mere cannonball don't touch the magic the magic of the playstation it's too powerful for mere mortals this is gonna be kind of hard with all of us lots of death is going to happen right now ow we are all going to die luigi do something other than bounce on my head oh please god dude i knew you're gonna get me killed you little son of a plumber go in the door luigi luigi go in the door no luigi you have to balance the scale if you don't we'll never get out of here hey toad how's it going i think you took a wrong turn somewhere buddy [Music] that was very close i don't even know what that sound was dude after all this work we're gonna lose are you kidding me after how i've put the team on my back we're gonna run out of time the answer is yes gonna take these guys to platforming school again oops i gotta do this second part quickly before they show up before attack of the idiots one might say ah i almost nailed it my speed i lacked it luckily i have zapawa it has to be done a very specific way luigi and that specific way is with all the power in the world yeah can you feel the power here it's radiating from my toe that head don't kill me chain chomp oh that would have been naughty almost as naughty as the cannonball oh no i have fallen man i really don't need guys like this on my team now do i you think you can stop me you gigantic ignoramus oh look at that you've stopped me kobe huh so that doesn't always work toad i saw that that was kind of a little bit savage if only you knew the power of the dark side luigi uh oh this doesn't look good for me it wasn't good for me live for the both of us luigi oh just kidding you've died as well all right guys no pushing there was some definite pushing right there i'm sorry [Music] you didn't have to kill me right as the time ended it's a little bit much don't you think i was already gonna lose one way or the other dude i got some legitimately sick skills take these skills to the doctor cause they're infected they just watched it happen to me they didn't even try to help go luigi it is your turn now oh no it looks like you've died immediately i must do it for all of us no to worry i've got this i died it's like jump rope but with friends and you end up ending each other's lives that's how jump rope goes right oh that's what i get for my treachery i had that coming chief no no no please please please please uh the koopa the koopa uh yes i'm dead they put that block right there to prevent me from doing exactly what i tried to do well done luigi i will handle it from here whoops there we go we brothers three well i guess i'm a sister but we three have done it here comes the turtle he is a turtle i'm gonna jump on his head because he is a turtle and that's what you do two turtles around here balance the scale you dumb fool go mario that was your chance oh you fool oh no i didn't see the timer i know oh no i believe in you luigi you've got this i have 100 confidence in you you're nothing but a giant disappointment to me get away from me you stinking chomp i see you you're hungry for my body but you can't have it i've decided my own fate don't worry mario i'll take this one for you you're welcome brother take this life i've given you and use it well i died so that you may live remember that don't worry i'm not gonna push you off this cliff such evil thoughts would never go through my mind that's not the jedi way don't do it if this were a race right now i'd be crushing it that chain chomp is too aggressive i think somebody needs to treat him better so he's not such an angry boy toadette will remember that yeah what did i tell you as we give it up for minute 30 ladies and gentlemen i have to question is it worth it look man i'm trying my best here this part of this level is difficult i'm not gonna lie to you maybe just maybe picking super expert wasn't the best idea they cornered us we had nowhere to run it was like order 66 up in there dude they had the numbers advantage and it was from all angles what were we supposed to do i thought about committing supoku but then i changed my mind look maybe a little bit of that was on purpose mario but can you blame me is the question not to be a criticizer but the obstacles are just designed in such a way that they are but wholeish one might say lebron right into the door my lads all right fellas we've never made it past this part we've got ample time this time around let's not mess it up there's no reason one of us shouldn't be alive at all times just exercise patience i don't really understand what we just did boys but it's looking like we've got to go back oh it opened this path thank the lord and jesus it's just me and the dude i remember the dude he done quit the last level oh and then you're gonna vote for super expert again as if you wouldn't just immediately ditch me as soon as the tough got going okay luigi i'm glad you're here i need to boost up no don't go down there ugh this is not where i want to be i'd much rather be on top uh not that way though i'm sorry brother i must leave you behind for i'm going on an epic quest that's not what i was supposed to do i didn't even know shells could kill a chain chomp shells hold tremendous power things are looking bleak for our hero mario as his brother has completely abandoned him and the level has been corrupted nothing really matters to me so you're going to give up because i'm really getting the vibe that this is the kind of situation you might want to drop out of ah yes there it is never trust the dude 67. luckily as a great purple man once said i'll do it myself and just like our lord and savior thanos i too failed in the end game boys back that way i saw something what do you think it was was it treasure the only booty i care about is me ladies mario immediately reprimanded me for throwing his brother into the spikes it resulted in my doom but i gotta respect it you're not that cool david get over yourself don't worry i'll protect you from everything shell related hey i said i'd protect you from everything shell related i didn't say anything about spikes t-pose j ah me and him go way back well the level is called speed run tower and we got rising poison and four people so you know things aren't going to go well for anyone i'll do my absolute best to put everyone on my back though and by doing my best of course i mean do my best to execute my teammates so long eh toad you won't be getting the glory on this one it's all for me i mean if you want me to carry you it's about a 50 50 on whether or not i kill you though my goal has always been and will always be to carry this man to the finish line safely i must protect you at all costs that psychologically damaged me just now you clearly can't be trusted so i will continue to carry you it's not safe for you out there you and i both know this please please you can trust me still i promise [Applause] is he touched me with his wiggly bits you underestimate my power like i said 50 50. and within literally the first jump the level has been made impossible that's actually impressive that's a new record luigi's a fair but strict god he has decided to punish us for our misgivings and once again luigi's decided to just not let any of us play the video game you stand accused luigi of being a troll what say you in your defense you're not sorry you're a bastard you're lucky that's not a quick chat message or that's what i'd be saying to you right this moment you're a bastard there i said it go mario beat the level like it was intended i believe in you is this what the world has come to shimmying up and down on a vine enclosed in a box let me tell you super luigi that's not a world that toadette wants to live in don't even bother asking how i ended up here things didn't go my way don't stop me now i'm having such a good time i'm having a ball don't i've been impaled it's a good thing about patient man otherwise i wouldn't be able to play this game for very long but if there's two things i'm good at it's failing and continuing to try despite my failures oh please sweet baby jesus let me make it oh thank god can you seriously not make that jump not quite sure what's wrong with you but i guess i'll boost you up don't play this game with me moon you're getting touched and that's that yeah you gotta move out of the way if you want me to use the key on the door pro tip from me to you thank god it's over my nightmare and my suffering can both come to a conclusion thanks for sticking around toad dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it i hate it and my hate strengthens my connection to the dark side of the force so whoever made this level didn't make these spike thingies tall enough to where the jump is actually mandatory you can literally just clear it look at that you don't even need the shell jump go i will boost you up why have you returned your toe dead not a boomerang i'll get you for this dude [Music] you don't know the power of the dark side nope you can't kill me with a measly shell what do you think this is you giant fool you've hurt yourself and now i have the shell oh it's coming don't you worry about that you're not gonna know when it's coming but it's coming he got the fear the fear consumed him and here i am waiting for you once again this time you get a pass i'm a merciful god it was all a lot it was all a lot it was all a lie you were never safe from my wrath psych get pranked your arrogance has truly led to your own downfall long live the king baby that's right toadette you are not the one to complete the level i am i have the power now you are just my apprentice whom i have betrayed mario oh my god go down the pipe you imbecile hit that sub if you like to see me struggle i see a fiery death in my future thank you for making my future a reality toadette this is one of those times where you don't want to be a cat stuck in a tree that's about to be consumed by lava here come boy where do you guys come up with these me names dude part of the cards baby i always knew that the heart of cars was just a bunch of baloney what it's really all about is iframes and spawning on people who are better than me you see with those powers combined i can easily win the stage and then it just looks like i'm the good one oh more victim i mean more friends for me to interact with [Music] i cannot confirm or deny whether or not that was on purpose but i think at this point we all know that it was on purpose all right i'm gonna wait extra long because i know people are gonna hit the switches and i don't wanna fall into the lava god looks like i'm the only one with triple gold stars around these parts man it feels good to be a ninja speedrunner oh it meant invincibility city okay i like the idea we got some invincibility frame usage whoa mario don't be pushing me off the cliff now i can do this boom look at that you get hurt get big that's what it's all about and now i can easily jump up here hit the pow block and we're safe don't worry boys i'll always carry us to victory oh this is such a legit legit level man i really like this working with invincibility frames and damage boosting is really fun in concept and in practice hurry luigi okay look at that man i'm doing this i don't really see how i'm supposed to move on from this point but cowabunga as they say right good grab luigi i believe in you thanks mario you're a real cool guy for that here i am putting my faith into humanity and here mario is ready to shatter that faith within a second oh my god i missed the fire flower that's unfortunate we'll form an orderly line [Music] or we could start throwing each other into the poison please not me luigi i've done nothing wrong oh i slipped right off the thwomp hey don't you be throwing him over he did nothing to you [Music] i guess mario doesn't care who's done what to whom he is simply an executioner oh okay okay okay that was mighty close all right mario why didn't you wait for somebody to spawn why are people so impatient oh no i tried to jump inside of him i got blocked i got rock blocked how are you supposed to get that without dying there's literally no way to get it he stood on top of it while invincible and he still couldn't grab it oh boys it's not about beating the level right it's about giving it our all and together we've done that on this day if that's not a testament to teamwork i don't know what is mario getting thrown into the poison is i guess oh i might have jumped a little bit too soon toadette and the poison ladies and gentlemen someone sent a life raft yeah i maybe should have waited another second or two to spawn i got a little impatient i'm not afraid to admit that i can get impatient man it happens to the best of us come on luigi together we will fly into the poison mario i really was looking at my phone he got me i love it dude that's probably the best quote in the whole chat section i just fell into the poison again i fell right into right [Music] all right confirmed there's no way to get that fire flower so how are we supposed to beat this stage there's fun and then there's impossible come on jodette in the spirit of cooperation i'll carry you to the end amongst all these spiky boys they're coming again with all the spikes it's dangerous i'm not comfortable with it i want to protect toad at all costs let's let these boys handle the tough stuff all right i'm sure you're having a fun time playing this video game see look at that it all worked out we're good uh leap of faith ground please okay okay we're safe you have to go in the door i can't i can't do that for you go go go go go go go go [Music] no don't it toad it please my one true toad love hit that button yeah there you go sweetheart let's go well you have to go in this pipe so go in there i just shoved her in this game is so fun all right back in my arms you go moving on to the next objective we got luigi behind us he's doing his own thing i on the other hand i'm just worried about carrying you to safety in you go my lady if two other people are voting for it you know i gotta vote for super expert despite my lack of skill i'll always vote for some super expert yeah there we go that's the sauce just don't wanna get hit by the chompy you know gotta kobe yourself over the choppy i copied myself a little too far one might say i yiedded myself thank you mario for your service as my platform you will be remembered and also missed uh-oh the pendulum it's going back the other way boys the bill comes due here we are together now please don't he used me i was his tool for victory that's fine i guess whatever is in service of the squad we're all about cooperation and helpfulness today after all that it looks very precarious man look at all those obstacles toad is killing it and now he's killed himself here we go nice and easy easy does it jump over the fire jump under the fire you know how it goes stay on your wiggler you don't want to fall behind on your wiggler that'd be bad news no that's not something i can jump on whoo that's not either that's a chain shop mario what's up with mario's today all being pure evil dude alright toad me and you we can share this wiggler never mind there's some urgent business i must attend to oh i thought he was gonna die so i spawned on him luigi i'm so sorry it's all my fault and then i died anyway i'm a failure land on the choppy there you go oh the skill i'm keeping the run alive boys oh i was our last hope obi-wan now it's all over people are throwing in the towel i'm sorry toad i let you down what if you wanted to make a jump but god said muncher i want to go home i am toaded and i want to go home and get in my blanket watch the spawn toad had the same idea oh we both live that's what's up what a fantastic jump by toad oh and a splendid dodge the boys got some skills if ever there were some come at me beast i'm right here we are t-bagging because we are friends me and toad will beat the level and we will be happy i got impatient i got impatient why did i do that oh my god no we will lose this level once again and we will be really sad because we are failures going for it fish combo it was never meant to be really i couldn't go under that i really thought i could i'm sorry for thinking oh dear oh dear uh oh stinky let me land on the spiny no you go right through them when you're invincible oh this freaking level dude gamer217 and the big sad what a perfect team grabbing 300 coins is the name of the game brothers and having luigi hop on my head and sending me into spikes is far for the course do i really want to risk it all for money the heck is going on here oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh double shoot how deep does this temple go it's filled with traps brothers cat bowser has chill day he must not have been playing mario maker online then come on luigi we gotta get past this boy in his chill freaking day because honestly it's not really all that chill he's more just trying to murder us dang he just personally sniped mario and that fireball just personally sniped the both of us i cannot be held liable for my actions or who said i step on or who i end up getting killed it's not my fault nine out of ten times please don't let this result in my death somehow there is no god you hate to see it happen but as long as it doesn't happen to us we're actually probably pretty cool with it what the hell is the goal here how are we supposed to get through these rocks six and a half hours later i think we're supposed to bring cat bowser with us all the way because his fireballs can break these gray bricks there's so many ants but the goal is within my toad reach there is no team only the toad dushbug what the hell is a dutch bug expired milk a plus me man oh i see how it is democracy wins again i suppose if you ain't voting for super expert then you're not a gamer and everybody knows that i am indeed a gamer this looks like a nightmare i think i may have made a terrible gaming mistake by voting for super expert in what could be only described as a gaming moment what even is this i don't even wanna look at this screen but i'm gonna have to for what could be a half hour why would we start over we haven't made it past the first jump yo it's been like five seconds and two people have quit already that is not a good sign we just gotta chain our invincibility together mario so don't die can i finish my sentence before you die please [Music] like dude you must live survive jump live boy live there you go that a boy [Music] ah i'm sorry baby steps we must just spawn on each other infinitely with this strategy we have gotten to the halfway point of the level we're the smartest gamers of all it's a proven strategy it's too good bob spawn on me oh my god we actually did the whole level by just spawning on each other that's so awesome ow uh mario what exactly is your goal with that shell man [Music] oh my god that was so funny how am i gonna handle this hammer bro situation with a person on my head maybe luigi can deal with it get him luigi get him get him well there's no way i can do this with you toadette so we're gonna have to put you down for a second picking people up and then placing them down safely is the number one most respectful thing you can do in mario maker cause it's just like normally people just expect you to eat them so when you don't it comes as such a surprise it's just like whoa i can trust this man with anything all right so that this is probably the scariest situation we could be in a totem pole together because if i make a mistake we're both done so i'm really about to do a whole snake block section while carrying somebody aren't i that's the type of player i am boys i carry my own i take them to safety i never betray them oh how the turntables have turned [Music] good luck mario and the final step on the path of me carrying toadette to safety is to plunge her into victoryville we did it together let's go boys we all know what's up this is my kind of squad guess we got a bunch of normies over here all right we're way up there but it looks like toad might actually be a little bit higher than me and he's much higher than me he's at the goal doc lunk he's a doctor long he got his phd in being a knucklehead all right luigi put my controller down trusting you entirely got to be careful who you trust out there man we live in a dangerous society after all don't god luigi you're the last one complete the mission now we are going through the door and i fell wow luigi's really pushing the envelope right there with his forehead it's a dangerous game if i've ever seen one he took the key why would he do such a thing i had it under control i always see people playing like just kind of normally in the lag i don't really understand how they do it i have a super difficult time even making like the simplest of jumps i couldn't even get in that pipe a second ago man i don't know what to say like i can't cook but you can not that it matters because me and cool boy reach the flag i'll spare you the laggy details but it involves a lot more of me falling into the lava than i'd like to admit tmt bro tmt classic case of tmt too many swamps tmt rid too many thwomps resulting in death you can not win i can't win i probably can win i i doubt that toad can't though goodbye i feel really sorry for you guys down there but what can i say i have the high ground dear god is that the sun underground we're reaching new levels of terror here it's the sun in the earth now this is my kind of people right here they all know exactly what they want and that's to have a bad time guys guys that's a big rat we can't cook but he can and he's coming for us all it's the climb let it be known that my mission today is to carry folk everywhere that we must go looks like today my package is toadette and i will be saving her somehow the rules have been reversed and now she's carrying me i don't feel as in control of the situation but i trust her she would never get me hurt that's for dang sure poor mario man he can't catch a break with these hammers holy moly get it cause monty mole got me haha comedy dude how many times is this one hammer bro gonna take mario out i mean i don't trust this mario nearly as much as i trust toadette given the amount of times this hammer brother has killed him but you know i'll put faith in my brother i guess i should not have put faith in my own brother no snake blocks are hard with multiple people okay if you can believe it i'm handling this situation pretty well this jump height really is difficult for two people to handle but i will protect my friends no matter what and become hokage i feel like i'm looking at an off-brand toad like a kmart toad or something that is not good so many saw blades too many saw blades i'll tell you what bob that sure is a lot of cannonballs there a lot of opportunities to get hit in the face with hot steel i'll tell you another thing though is i'm fast i don't think you know just how fast i really am the sun he interfered with my platforming the sun got in my eye you could say except it's a little bit more than my eye it's more like my whole body don't worry toad i'll keep hitting these p-switches for you i mean the platforming side of things is all up to you buddy i hope they're doing well i'm doing my part this is my assigned job i'm the p-switch guy i step on the p-switch teamwork is right dude i hope you guys made it i'm gonna keep pushing the buttons just in case oh i can't believe i made it back this shoe and i lost it again i had that one coming me and toad had the same idea of trying to go up this pipe but it doesn't look like that as an option so despite our efforts we must move on come on it's my freaking destiny to beat this stupid shoe part for us man there's so many saw blades though let me move forward ah there we go okay lots of saw blades lots of saw blades and there goes my skull [Music] uh suddenly the sun okay what the heck what the hell was that with all the lag and stuff dude how's mario supposed to succeed when the world is so clearly against him luigi we messed it up okay we just have to accept that there's some things out of our control this is a little bit nerve-racking i'm a bit uncomfortable with the situation and the tiny little min that i have to jump on and all the lag trying to get in my way but i'm a gamer nonetheless so i did it we just need one more but unfortunately it looks like that's all the time we have folks so i'll be going to my death now time is freaking up dude where is this lag coming from it's like it knows that i want to beat this level really bad so it's trying to sabotage me but i won't let it i won't let it put a damper on my optimism i want to win i want to do it with my team for the team even why am i in the dog pits dog i don't want to be down here with all these dogs dog is dangerous dog ah i slipped someone greased up the shell that's what it was probably excuses right third time's a charm am i right fellers definitely not the third time that i'm gonna die where's the geometry in that one nintendo oh my god push me the right way you stupid freaking shoe we already have that we already have this one i wasted my time epic we lost a frickin kin look toad i love the spunk but only a true platforming god can do this section and it's been messed up by p-switches or actually was it just made easier by the convenience of the p-switches whatever the case we take those there's literally no way to control your goddamn self in this thing they just send you wherever they freaking want to send you and he got the freaking shoes soft locked go away you're not helping just go don't even think twice about all these cannonballs they mean nothing to me just go we need the red coins so imma get the red coins dog this has to be the last one this is the only one i haven't done there it is i see the coin i got the coin which means we got the key dude finally now all that's left is to return to base mission complete mr president the sun stop goofing around we just need to get in the door what are you doing move after half an hour of grueling trial and error we've done it i don't even care who touched the box man all that matters is that it got touched uh nintendo he said i swear together to that we have uncovered millions of hidden coins that's the power of ingenuity together with your giant pink head we can clear the paths that obstruct us and together we have not reached the flag for we were trying to have a fun time and explore secrets and that does not jive with multiplayer mario maker that is simply how one gets left behind am i really going to attempt to carry somebody in this lag betrayed by the man that i loved i hope that one day i won't be in all the lag but i am okay being in the leg only on a surface level although dude we got a laggy stage with beep blocks do you realize how long this is going to take us to beat because honestly i'd like to get lunch before the turn of the next century [Music] epic move toadette you really put me in my place now eternally stuck in a cube oh i see how it is the little toads just get to wiggle their way out of the blocks but i get stuck that's not racist nintendo you know what i'm gonna take the coward's way out i'm just gonna respawn onto them so that i don't have to time any of this i can't believe that in 2019 nintendo still has online connectivity on equivalent to super smash brothers brawl for the nintendo friggin wii man and it's not even an exaggeration if you tried to play online brawl back in the day you know exactly what i'm talking about and to that what can one really say except reality is often disappointing i'm literally mashing the button do a wall jump you green man there's no way i'm gonna be able to do this in the lag but here goes literally nothing plus the kitchen sink jump now jump now jump at any point come on can i kill this goomba the lag says no but on the bright side i still have invincibility frames now the real question is will toad be able to deal with the goomba given the amount of lag i'm not surprised that the answer to that question was no i can't believe that in this day and age in order to wall jump i have to mash the jump button because it's so laggy super mario ladies and gentlemen a game all about precision platforming this mario is literally making me lag the other two have quit they threw in the towel it's him he's the culprit lord in heaven i can't even go down a pipe on my first try what a world i really just want to get out of here i want to beat the level now i don't want to play anymore the lag is too much for this luigi i think i saw something up there to the right i'm gonna write this out and see what it was my pulpit sitting into my holy nightmare super mario and luigi in a ton of lag i can't tell you how bad i'm gonna regret this if this pipe doesn't just bring us to the end of the level in fact i immediately have a bad feeling about hopping into it on account of we're not going to the right man and what if it's just a troll pipe to put you all the way back at the beginning of the stage ain't no way in hell i'm going through all that again a few inches later man it doesn't even look like it leads us anywhere there's no way i'm jumping off this cloud platform i'm going back man it ain't worth it i'm very nervous about making this jump lord don't let me die now oh jesus christ so many brothers of various types oh but the flagpole the nightmare is over it's okay luigi we'll make it through this together dude what the hell that's not together and then you committed seppuku don't worry mario i'll keep you safe in here buddy no harm will befall you he really actually just wants to be in here that's interesting but i mean we take it it's funny right he's just in my dinosaur's mouth what a weirdo why would he want to be in here like i get that it's safe and i'm not gonna cause him any harm but i mean you don't know what could happen my dinosaur could accidentally swallow you or you know i could just beat the level with mario in yoshi's mouth i wasn't aware that that's a thing dude he's just in the cheeks oh look at that we're immune to the troll because i'm holding him that's pretty awesome carrying people really does have its advantages look at that dude me and mario god just cheesed this level teamwork really does make the dream work man it was toadette that united the villages and brought peace to the shinobi world for she was known as the hokage high frames man that's how you get ahead in life that's all that life is is getting hit and then abusing those iframes to make it to the end of the level safely can you imagine if in real life it was like that you just get hit by a bus and then it makes crossing the street easier somehow don't worry toad i'll protect you there's no need for you to jump out of my arms i'm fully capable of keeping one toady boy alive playing mario makes me happy i like to carry my friends look at the geometry of this stage man this is not the kind of geometry you'd find in like an official nintendo level this is somebody took their finger dragged it along the switch and called it a freaking day mario teaches counting do not remind me of mario teaches typing oh oh my ario i love you so much i am checking the east trees because sometimes they have power thank you mario you are my saving grace in this grim world of people stealing my power-ups no he's abandoned me get in here mario this is where you belong we all know it nobody said you could leave nobody said that well dang it we didn't do the clear condition hey no one said you could leave dog just because we didn't do the clear condition doesn't mean you get to go anywhere how's it going luigi miss your brother much that's right now luigi's in here luigi you're in timeout stop trying to escape the dinosaur oh my god there's nothing he can do he's at my mercy hey where do you think you're going there's literally nothing he can do man he's completely within my control you can't even escape this is a major design oversight oh he can burst out while i'm on the flagpole are you serious i wanted him in my mouth wait a minute wait a minute cut that cut that all right quit it i want to get in the door myself i don't need you to take the key from me you know what fine i'm going in this pipe i'm telling you the people that play mario maker online are all either thieves or scoundrels including myself alrighty then that's a lot of lag this is why you want to get what's called an ethernet adapter that way the wi-fi connection isn't like we're in a literal desert go get your mushroom luigi don't let the lag take it away from you because if you let the lag take power-ups away from you it'll take all it can get is it me or does that look kind of like a face a happy fat ace a chill dude dude he is happy and so am i i we are friends me and that guy but now i gotta go to the right super [Music] please kill me i don't want to exist in this freaking lag i would rather wash the garbage that and exist in lag in the pyramid in the pyramid that's where i'm going down the pipe in the pyramid where the connection hopefully will get somewhat better but i doubt it i doubt it hard there is just too much lag because i am toad in a vest i wish wasn't but this is how nintendo servers just tend to act it hurts very bad but i deal with it yeah for you guys so please subscribe to lesson my pane dying right now is not an option it's not something i can handle if it happens to me because i won't go back if i die so be it i won't be putting up with this level any longer if that happens i meant what i said and i said what i meant a dez bug's faithful 100 i think it's fitting to open on this black screen of lag show you guys what i go through in order to play mario maker online for your entertainment and this is the other thing i go through severe amounts of lag oh dude you're gonna want to watch out for the big fish coming out of the question block it's a tale as old as time you know toad despite all the lag and the fact that everybody else left i feel like you and me can do this i think we've really formed something special between us here all right man how do you expect me to get back up there if you won't stop hitting this switch stop it i will give you a boost my brother and then you can reach your destiny okay just stay away from the saw blades just like mother said she warned me this day would come and i never listened there's only one way to do this and that is together we've tried individually on our own and neither of us have been able to succeed but with our powers combined with our bulbous heads put together two is better than one by the way we will be able to conquer this level i promise you it'll be all right i'm a trained government agent nothing can stop me oh except for a saw blade that might be able to stop me it wasn't meant to be this way look there's only eight seconds left i don't see us managing this one so instead i'll be the master of my own destiny [Music] narrowly avoided death that's the name of my autobiography okay there's only one more saw blade to dodge i can do this there we go i did it on my first try i don't know why things seem so difficult sometimes it's just a matter of gaming skills that is one big boom boom there's no toilet around but trust me ladies and gentlemen he is a big boom boom just like if there were a toilet the big boom boom has been flushed i sure do hope there's ground down here oh okay i almost made a huge mistake kind of like that toad i don't know how you ended up on that side of the wall buddy but that is not where you want to be well done toad you and me make a better team than luigi and guiji no a literal little timmy level my worst fears have been realized it really is par for the course this level really does scream somebody's little brother got a hold of the switch and made it i'm also pretty sure it's a template level or at least it started that way lava's getting a bit close now it's a bit much for my tastes did you see that i was almost toast fun is not something one considers when dumping one's teammates into lava but this does put a smile on my face some people really just want to see the world burn don't they not my feets i don't want them to be burnt all right this time i'm taking destiny into my own hands which means toe dead toe that you're my destiny look i promise you you'll be all right i've got this video games are hard okay toadette you can't blame me for that look it doesn't matter how hard video games are when you're a professional gamer like myself look at me handling this situation and look at luigi plummeting into the lava see i opened the floodgates i reached the checkpoint for my comrades now they to benefit from my success and by benefit from my success i mean constantly die boom i did it with nothing but pure skill you saw me i totally didn't abuse iframes what have you done to me why didn't that work okay here we go together i guess i'm a little nervous i must admit the threat of looming death is why i was nervous why aren't these claws working i want my money back here we go once again putting my trust into the loyal toadette it's okay to take a breather if you need a second toadette i just don't want to die because you're not willing to take a second they're saw blades look out for the subway she took me down with her i'm not even my own player at this point i'm just toadettes plus one which actually might be advantageous because it makes us bigger thus making it easier for us to touch the claws look at her go she's incredible she is beauty she is grace i'm going to spawn on her face i can't say i deserve this one i was carried by toadette pretty much the whole way through i'll just go down into the fire with the chompy boy i sense a spin jump in our future a spin jump luigi what were you thinking i just said so i mean if you want to be babies about it i don't want to go first i can't even cook and these dudes can which puts me at a disadvantage you gotta get out of the way luigi how many times i gotta tell you brother he can cook but we cannot cook which means he cooked our books real good skip squeaks are so underutilized they are by far one of the coolest enemies in this game you get some crazy interactions off them i personally love the fact that they can cook and i can't no i won't stop referencing ratatouille so don't expect it anytime soon i think one of the best things about ratatouille is the fact that they let the rat get a little restaurant by the end of it people want to act a big game like they follow equality but you really want really quality let the rats go up for sports sometimes you need to take a skip squeak to the head in order to grow as a human being i'm not above it are you he's grabbing me without even touching me toad is a jedi he knows the ways of the force oh yeah teamwork baby teamwork really makes the dream work around here i respect it toad had a goal in mind and he did not give up those are the qualities of a good hokage everybody is allowed at least one mistake when the game is moving at 10 frames per second but the best teacher failure is because now i have a leg up a helmet it can't be called anything but sabotage toadette how could you do it to us we were your brothers we loved you oh my god look at that as soon as he leaves it picks up he really was causing the lag toadette you were supposed to destroy the lag not cause it is it just me or is the game moving at like two times speed it feels very weird to me it might just be because i was dealing with all the lag and now i'm not but i actually feel like the game is playing at a faster speed than usual you know i got a question why you decided to let that shell go right there man did i anger the spirit of toadette or something what is this all about oh i get it it was just the other guy giving up on me like a coward what come on what are you saying oh i just wanted to beat the level and now i don't even get to do that whatever you say nintendo let the pain train keep on chugging baby i'm on it for life it's funny how doors tend to get me killed around these parts all right you know what this time i'm gonna let the people decide well they can't decide for themselves so i choose pain a wise man once said do or do not there is no try oh my god the leg can't stop me oh it's not over what luigi my timing can't be beat i've got this down i would have done it the last time but luigi got in my way and now there's nobody left to interfere it's just me and me which means there's really no one for me to blame now it'll only make my victory taste that much sweeter oh no this is all child's play it's easy there's only one jump that's been tricking us up and here it comes time to try did i say try because i think i meant die a jedi never gives up and neither do i because let's be real when you're bad at something you have to persevere it's the only way to succeed isn't this usually how it goes i play a mode and then i eventually come across a level one tough level and i get stuck on it and then i die a whole bunch for a very long time and i either complete the level or i run out of funny things to say and i move on this is par for the course up in here alright three more tries i really don't want this video to be all about me failing on this level okay this is the real final one there's no back seas if i can't do it this time that's it we're moving on i'm saying it out loud so that when i eventually try four more times you'll truly understand how my brain works i definitely didn't try it like 25 more times and still fail that absolutely did not happen now this is my kind of people right here man they want the suffering just as much as i do super boom boom bros that's what they used to call me and my brother when we were babies i'm not going first man that's dangerous come on luigi me and you turns out we were the real super boom boom bros all along luigi oh luigi i'm sorry i let you down a path that you never should have been a part of if i get on the spring am i gonna get a cannonball upside the head confirmed cannonball upside the head all right toad you and me let's go i brought an apprentice with me and died before but this is gonna be different i won't make the same mistakes go finally i've managed to protect one of my padawans now i am ready now i'm big mario and big mario never lets me down big mario handles any sort of problem with ease any problem for a regular sized guy is just trivial nonsense to big mario there was another mad lad and now big mario is no more i guess toad is taking me this time hopefully i don't die oh i'll just have to figure things out on my own hey look it's your homie magical lonk i should have felt at ease knowing he was on my side when two people give up at the very start of level it's probably just a good sign of things to come sure mario you can have that mushroom that was totally for you all i am to use a stepping stone admit it it's been this way since 1981. mario my dude i know the truth hurts but you do not have to commit solitaire up in here like that i promise you guys that if you go into co-op mario maker and you pick super expert there's a very high chance that you will end up playing the level alone [Music] [Applause] i love how the samurai music just abruptly ends if you die like that you guys ever heard of the episode of avatar the last airbender called zuko alone well this baby's is luigi alone it is truly a soul-searching journey for our green mario green mario searched his feelings and he found that red mario was correct when he decided to give up so if luigi's green mario and mario is red mario does that make me blue mario not really the biggest fan of red mario's face as he's carrying me right now he kind of looks like he's up to something oh i see how it is carry me until it's not convenient for you and then throw me away like garbage i maybe blew mario but i have enough self-respect to know that i should be treated better than that dang red mario i thought i told you to treat me with more respect than that you biscuit head dude leave me alone seriously i want nothing to do with you i know you just want to execute me i know you're judge jury and executioner around these parts i'm a simple blue mario i want to live my best life in peace psych we all know that i'm a cold-blooded killer out for revenge no matter the cost typical red mario he used me he betrayed me and then he stole the glory for himself i should suspect nothing less i mean if nobody else is gonna vote i have no reservations over putting us on the path to paynesville dude are you serious we didn't even try and both these guys have already quit it's just the way things are around these parts all right buddy i can only take you so far you gotta go up the pipe yourself you shouldn't have too much trouble with that you are a plumber after all now you can have it i insist i said i insist that you have it now take it whoops nobody saw that [Applause] i hope even less people saw that one i really don't understand giving up on frame one to be fair though who really knows maybe a connection error happened and maybe mom said it's dinner time there could be a lot of circumstances that i am just not aware of i will now push my friends into fire a sentence that in real life would get me prosecuted for sure i personally would like to live toadette however does not seem too keen about me seeing the end of this day and i suppose it's up to her now isn't it what is it with toadettes being so aggressive in their crusade to kill everybody who ends up on their team dude i've never seen such a lust for power look at that she took me out with her the thirst for power cannot be quenched with the trusty power of teamwork there's nothing we can't accomplish we can even defeat the demon that is auto scrolling level where did that goomba come from oh no luigi it doesn't look like things went exactly according to plan there all right i'll accept partial responsibility for that one i'm sorry mario sorry that you suck and are dead ha got him luigi has used me i was nothing to him not even a toadstool but rather a footstool i suppose my entire mario maker career has led up to this one moment of me and luigi playing catch with mario there is only one path to salvation and that is through frustration i'm happy to see that these three have accepted the truth probably the second one if i had to guess i can predict the future and in the future is lag actually it was the more obvious thing thank you nintendo wow the babies won the sims dude you say pro i say gamer pro gamer i am so out of here dog i got propellers for days bro no don't want to be fire girl lava girl hey but it's a lot like lava girl no lag let me reach my destination i'm so close i can taste it arigatougozaimasu internet gods don't look so surprised toad you did this to yourself you should have gotten a yoshi man it's hard to tell if the game is froze or not because it looks like that cloud is moving but good lord toad has the 50 yard stare in his eyes this does not bode well for us fellas easy does it my bulbous brother easy does it now oh my gosh look at this totem of teamwork that we have going on here we are brothers the benefit of playing co-op man everyone's nice and you get to spawn on each other everyone's having a good ol grand old spectacular time it just feels so good it's such a refreshing change of pace [Music] dang dog they done spiked old lava girl mario no you will be forever missed until you're back in five seconds all right as much as i love the bro sesh what the h was that you blew jerk i frames iframes iframes high frames yes i frames worked this is a pretty spiky situation but we are handling it now that we're men we can't do anything sorry for bouncing on your bulbas head brother i just needed to live the survival of our species is of most importance can i long jump that i can long jump that and i did long jump that because guess what i've got a particular set of skills skills that make me a nightmare for levels like this this level is so good i'm blown away a little bit don't push don't push it's dangerous don't push jesus crazy mega dangerous [Music] ah that's my classic battle cry i do it whenever i'm in imminent danger heck yeah dude that was a super fun good time turns out maybe this episode is going to be titled mario maker was a good idea it'd be about time right fellas i choose the suffering option i am luigi and i have been thrown to safety but was that the intention apparently that was not the intention because now he has straight murdered me [Music] and now he's murdered us both he's a maniac not to be trusted i guess no one's to be trusted revenge look to that me and mario are trying to get something done here okay you're just being disruptive now i've got this turtle shell and a couple of bad things are probably gonna happen to you ravage you think you will get me but you won't you can't it's not possible only i can get me i definitely cannot reach that on my own i'm going to need to cooperate which is a hard thing to come by online in mario maker cooperation go operation cooperation failed you have to jump toad bob throw me unfortunately nobody threw me come on brother it's you and me against the universe we're speedy as hell this is us on our way to see the sonic the hedgehog movie in theaters valentine's day which is the funniest sentence i've ever said come on toad we can live this i can narrowly escape death i've done it many times before look at that i lived i'm a professional gamer have risen just in time to run out of time we are running fast we are running fast and we'll make it oh we're running so quickly we must go using dash panels we will beat the whole level where's the flag dog it's coming right down to it i feel like we've been going pretty fast and yet we've run out of time anyway look at the three of us we are freaking gaming together 15 seconds to beat the stage we are not going to make it we are going to lose but we brothers three are surely determined to beat this level it's almost like nothing can stop us from succeeding except failing i see toad has come to terms with his impending doom alright i'm going as fast as i kissed it he can i want to beat the level the level's end is nowhere in sight so it looks like i'll just die then dying is a little bit epic why is this dimidome dash little so damn it dang hard don't worry dude we'll get to the bottom of this level man unless i give up on you those are the only two options after all speed i am speed two winners one loser i eat losers for dead some levels just weren't meant for mortal men god dang dude didn't realize i was signing up for some medieval wifi hey brother maybe if you could get off my head i could jump to the next platform like i'm supposed to you have got to be kidding me man that is so messed up it's over all of you i have the high ground and before you say anything no prequel memes do not get old they are objectively always funny apparently there's also no faster way to exist man i know i make jokes about it but sometimes the lag is just a bit much for me to handle and other times when i have the high ground i am an epic speedy gamer if i had a tinder profile that's what it would say on there no not cool guy how will we even have a sliver of a chance of beating the level now man i tell you guys without cool guy up in the lobby things just aren't the same oh dingleberries i can't reach the tippy top of the flag that'd be a major inconvenience for me if only i gave one tenth of a heck i stand alone in my bid for suffering it ain't much but it's honest work why is there no music that's weird i didn't know that was a thing you could do well it's like they say when in rome looks like these two boys can't cook even though i can't oh no it's the bad lad i didn't realize i'd be doing the funnest thing in mario maker today fighting at cat meowser with an endless supply of power-ups oh did i say the funnest thing i meant the most time-consuming thing one more hoe and i'm gonna be looking like santa you ready to have a fun time and by fun i mean painful puzzling but fun huh all right we'll see about it i failed to see how that one was much of a puzzle i like to call it an instant death trap but tomato tomato i guess whoops i voted for baby mode well looks like i'm baby then only the mario brothers are qualified to make it through the levels man everyone else is just a big joke you'll find the more that you watch for my videos the more accurate what i say starts to become oh good wouldn't want them to be late oh no i got impaled on my way to take the kids to school a parent's worst nightmare it would appear that me and the children have been blocked from the path to school if only i had a niggle for every time that happened to me in real life quit pushing me getting to school was always a tricky endeavor see my new strategy is to patiently wait so that i can respawn off of the kids once again me and the kids won't be making it to school on time how are my kids supposed to get an education like this this is an outrage i'm sorry how did that happen how did the kids manage to mess this one up god i can't leave you guys alone for two seconds without you making the level uncompletable we've been here so long i'm beginning to have second thoughts about this crew the crew being my kids which i need to take to school and my kids never made it to school they blew up don't throw me luigi wait i'm don't throw me mario i call bs why is there fire it's clearly raining what on earth is this technology rain fire on the mad lad we took everything from him but we don't even know who he is nothing like shooting incorrigible amounts of fire at a father and son until they're dead they'll tell you it's e for everyone but what it really means is an e killing everyone that joke wasn't a stretch i demand your subscription i expected the nighttime desert wins but i didn't expect the nighttime desert lag thank you i'll be here literally for all eternity because i will have been murdered for my terrible jokes mario mario look out damn dog where no man has succeeded before luigi will thrive with a little bit of help from slow motion lag slow motion lag brought to you by the lag that makes you want to drive spikes into your eyeballs you're laughing you're the sun and you killed me and now you're laughing just one power up to get me through right through this spooky pyramid oof a ghost touched me everybody knows that now i've got ghost cooties all right special delivery of freaking shell geezer over here what is your prime directive mario is it to bring me bad times because 63 of the time it sure does feel that way how on earth am i supposed to get mario because it's sweet sweet sweet revenge yeah and it was mine for the dude well i mean if you guys are just gonna be jerks about it and plug up the freaking hole i once heard that people think i sound like kermit the frog and i have to say to that [Music] double dad well you reap what you sow luigi i avenge my bulbous gang brother after all i am beauty i am grace i am deceased run toadette run as fast as your little legs will take you it's your destiny it is my destiny i am the gamer that did the level after so many tries and other people quitting yeah with gaming dude by my side we truly are gamers that have risen up will somebody please explain to me why cat bowser flies via the anus did i miss something is plane travel obsolete is that all about the taint take off nowadays oh geez my worst enemy all the fish i hate fish they won't stop me from getting a w that's for danger not fish not bullets not nothing boy guess i'm the gaming dude now there's only one way to do things that is preferably the hard way yes yes we have our respectively colored pipes this is how god intended it you know just because it's co-op doesn't mean i can't try to win a race right think of it as practice for when i really need to win a race i think just because i'm big i can't slide up into the dms because you might be a little bit correct about that assumption 15th time is the charm after all if only this were versus i would have taken that win convincingly but you know it's just like me to win a match that's not even a race vote for the pain oh no it's worse than i thought i mean if you're gonna go in go all in because if i've learned anything today it's that expert it's not where you want to be you want to be at the other end of the spectrum then again maybe you don't want to be at that end of the spectrum either [Music] why did he jump out of my arms and how did any of that go wrong don't worry fellas i got this thanks to iframes those are short for i died frames see it's all good and peaceful until one of us decides to betray the code and murder the other guy and i'm not saying that that person is going to be me oh kobe oh dang you did your brother dirty man through right in the hole who doesn't want to be in the hole am i right ladies and gentlemen the whole comedy can't believe i have to do so much work to carry these lame fools it'd be nothing without me [Music] see i got all the skill [Music] okay thanks lag i really needed that god what a jump never say the blue man ain't got hops oh my god we're jumping yeah jumping and using pow trying to kill the little boys who want to munch our butts [Music] i'm sorry mario it had to happen to you so that it wouldn't happen to me i don't know how to let go of this without killing you i had nothing to do with that i let the record show that he fell all on his own let the record also show that without me these people would be freaking lost i think that was a fair statement i think another fair statement would be chocolate chip is the best kind of pop tart [Music] see if i'm nintendo i'm considering getting better satellites so that this doesn't happen that often that's how multiplayer works right satellites we got to hold the shell toilets like a shell right it's basically the same thing fine then i'll carry my brother instead he's even more like a cooper shell he's green you're not green you're just stupid pink mario we're gonna wait we're gonna wait this one out i have a feeling it's not gonna go well so we're gonna hold our horses here brother it's my job to protect you man i take it very seriously i love it when the countdown is still goes after the levels started you're gonna have to wait your turn some more toad me and my brother we're here first this is okay this is okay this is okay it's still okay it was almost not okay i can't believe we didn't die yet this is actually pretty impressive look at how slow it's going i no longer know where to go from here what do you want from me man there's nowhere to go i you understand the predicament i'm in i'm trying to give you as much room as possible thrust my brother up your i'm not gonna finish that sentence some just don't need a finish now what now we got pink mario in the same spot but i still don't know what we're supposed to do you want me to throw you i mean okay here we go why are you combating me on this toadette you're literally trying to stop me with all your might i'm just trying to make a running start i don't know about this this is a sketch plan oh shoot that's not the time i needed things to speed up i'm ready launch me [Music] that is not what i had in mind whoops committed to poo because i want to spawn right on this girl i want to watch him succeed now but that's not happening because he failed hold on he is toadette but his me is luigi but his name is toad wait king lard that's even better this time leave it to the professional toadette the professional being me higgy so much for leaving it to the professional perhaps luigi is the professional this is his moment and he screwed it up now we gotta start the level over again how many attempts does it take three people to jump on two koopas find out right now on i died immediately it's all in the soul trust the soul and the body will follow through mm-hmm what did i tell you oh dear what did i do that for why did i do that what's wrong with me easy now luigi don't get me killed i want to live i want to live my best life and i can't do that if i am dead what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing that went from song to tragedy i've conquered the piranha blood he has been conquered this is the only signal i have oh it worked hold on i'm just appraising the jump no wait wait wait i can do it myself oh no he sacrificed himself for me for my benefit i feel blessed and though he'll be back in mere seconds i will treasure my brother sacrifice look at us toadette a couple of guys in the clouds who would have thought there's what we need we need him what are you doing i need him no i couldn't save it i had him ride my arms i mean i don't think it's that serious of a deal but you do what you got to do i suppose i don't suppose there's another one somewhere over here in the clouds is there there's a lot of moles a lot of mole people too much confidence in my bones it leads me to make reckless choices like not waiting for my teammates to spawn on me before i make the next jump but can you blame me when it almost always works [Music] oh my god i lost michelle that's a bummer i lost my freaking shell that is a bummer oh my god moles so many moles too many moles uh sky mole thought it was called sky maul [Music] something went wrong does this count can this can this maybe count please i know it's not exactly a shell but it's something that's it i've got the shell all we need is shell to not be lost to moles let's try moles you go first get the moles protect me with shell get rid of all the moles for me my friends make it so that their species as a whole is on the brink of extinction oh no we did it but at a price we lost our brother my brother toadette do you realize what i'm saying we lost him shout outs to toad shout outs to king lard the boys oh look at that it's the sun as if the sun is strong enough to stop me i was in a shoe sun can't do nothing when i've got a boot am i supposed to know what this means anyone else ever think about why they chose blue toad over yellow toad when yellow toad is clearly superior i think it is safe to assume that something has gone wrong for both parties involved tell you this right now boy with or without your help i'm getting through the door into the flag not a huge fan personally of the no level music what am i supposed to sing to i hurt myself today to see if i still feel uh focus on the pain the only thing that's real did you see that perfect triple jump oh no it's taking me to spikesburg beautiful place that spikesberg what may kill a regular man does nothing to a star mario i'm invincible you see with the power of all five realms behind my mustache oh it spit hot fire all over my body you fat wet weiner you don't need it for a helmet you need it for a projectile in mario we trust okay just turn around and throw the shell easy no i knew he was gonna crush it he crushes it every day of his life he stays crushing it one might say we broke the level i on the other hand would say we collected the asset and we all know how important the asset is to us all where are we going here pal all right it seems like he knows what he's doing and i'm dead now because of that nice work is this whole stage just going to be me spawning on toad after toad puts in the work and then mario carrying me to my demise did the sun just do a die i guess technically all suns do at some point yes we all made it i'm so good i'm part of the team yikes that is depositing us into doom because i guess there can only be one oh i didn't know this was the super masochist brothers i thought it was the super mario brothers hey if you're up for it then i'm up for it man i will wait here for you to do things in case you mess up i am a good brother i will wait right here now i will take my turn there's literally nothing down there i will wait here for you brother for you to return cut to like eight years later and it's just like a skeleton cranes can eat my chungus huh what oh it's the super stuck bros bet you didn't see this coming yes free at last oh no i trapped them applebee's when you're here you probably settled oh we got a whole squad of people who want to experience some pain you see what i mean it's perfect because they all are wouldn't have it any other way man it's the best kind of garbage gosh how long does it take you to get back to that cliff bro i'm waiting oh come on i was waiting a man of action i respect it even if it wasn't very coordinated it had grit i wasn't ready why do people keep throwing me like that i'm not property oh i was ready look at that what is this level for babies this is stupid baby level i don't need nothing from it cause it's for babies and i'm a gamer oh no well somebody had to do it and it wasn't gonna be me i have no idea how things are working out for me but they are shaping up sort of not really well i'm sorry okay how about you just shut up and get in there why does this little shuffle right here make me so uncomfortable it just has too much power behind it classical fire monster living underwater hide where they at least expect you all right let's uh take it down a notch to round things out oh let's go brothers tell the boys back home they'll have to be planning three funerals today stay there while i do things i'm doing things things are being done i'm doing more things [Music] you giant jackass are you like that bro there i'm master of confetti luigi is da big number two that is not how you spell lemmy what's wrong brother you don't feel like playing the game today that's fine i'll take you through the steps i'm more than happy to help a brother out plus this way it gives me a free luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing meme be my spawn point brother i will be back for you stay alive look at that and now we're taking flight you see i told you it'd all work out for you in the end all you had to do is trust me together we can defeat lemmy no matter how his name is spelled and by we i mean me and then you guys can take the credit because that's what multiplayer mario maker's all about right doesn't really matter if it's versus or cooperative in that regard look at my freaking abs man i stay getting those gains i do sure hope so don't ever try to kill me again mario [Music] i'm gonna be honest with you i did not see that one coming what are we supposed to do answer me before i have to shoot this cannon at you toad why did you do that again have you not learned your lesson you want to answer my questions then be gone with the thunderclap what did you think about that whoa he's a genius stay here and sulk pink one me and the blue guy will do this all on our own at least two of us tried to play the game one of us quit after trying to murder me and the other one didn't move a muscle cooperative mario maker really is a special place i see so we've chosen death i've seen this gimmick before this historically is a level gimmick that i've struggled with greatly in the past stop trying to kill me we're supposed to be working together here he spawn killed me he's a menace never cross me again luigi and just like that i've taken my revenge what did i just get done telling you all of a sudden it's no longer just about beating the stage it's also about surviving luigi and his hammer of doom this is competitive mario maker all over again come on between the four of us if we all just throw out a bunch of boxes we'd have so much footing go you have to go now toad we have to go now looks like luigi's making decent progress it's nice not having somebody standing over my shoulder constantly trying to kill me i beg thee don't do it [Music] my cries for help have fallen on deaf ears i've been terminated please just let me make it with the suit why does there have to be a fire right there that hurts are you kidding me he got sniped by a podobo right there of all places meanwhile you have two out over here still struggling to get to the checkpoint and the pink one is constantly out for the green one's blood he did not let her do it to him i'm upset that i lost my hammer suit but that was a pretty sick read on my part oopsies to be honest though we did it to ourselves with the whole super expert choice it's been real toad but that is definitely all on you i beg thee no we can't make that big of a jump [Music] god i got rejected so hard that's the kind of rejection that sticks with you well into your older years my new strategy is to take out all the padobos so that they're no longer an issue for us [Music] what do you mean sorry you clearly did that on purpose you had every opportunity to not do that to me oh my god look at the nightmare face she's trapped in an endless death because of the lag why wouldn't you just stay out of the way for one more second i almost had it and then you messed it up i mean i'm just the most dead no two ways around that one i am beyond dead we've done it brother we've persevered through the lag and the teammates trying to kill us now this is a flagpole worth waiting at see that just goes to show that with determination grit a little bit of luck and a little bit of skill you can beat a super expert level in cooperative mario maker and it's all thanks to my buddy dr roach right here sorry if you're not actually a cockroach i don't mean to offend you that's just what it looks like to me waluigi number one i guess even when he's just in a beanie and a tank top i must admit i'm happy to see a level with no lag because as funny as i think that the lag is nothing beats being able to just play some mario hashtag fix ultimate online imagine building your level with the angry sun being required to progress that's a baller move if i've ever seen one woke up today and thought hey i have to kill the sun to get a key to open a door only in mario maker 2 ladies and gents the people have spoken suffering it is whoa toy story 7. i have missed a lot during these last three months haven't i you thought that i'd die right there didn't you toad but i lived i thrived even and now nothing can stop me except for gravity oh man the competitive mario maker player in me just comes out at the worst times his hitbox is the size of mount rushmore and i do not approve no that's not what i wanted i wanted you to jump on my head so that you could reach checkpoint land there we go that's what i wanted now kill me kill me do it [Music] here's my chance to contribute you can't beat a super expert level without the s plus gamer i've made my purpose clear bumpy road spikes on my tire thank you mario maker 2 for bringing me endless happiness why mario maker 2 on one hand i praise you for bringing me endless happiness and then in the other you bring me endless suffering i had that one coming i was playing with fire luigi please don't god why why this is cooperative why must i always be left out cue the music any time any time now this is my life now isn't it this will be no problem for luigi the jungle lord doesn't matter if it's cooperative competitive or anything in between when other people are involved on the switch there's gonna be lag i'm tempted to kill him with this shell should i do it or should i be nice peace was never an option mario thank god steve is gone and with him goes the lag be it competitive or cooperative your boy still can't get to the flag no matter how many times he teleports yeah but have you heard of super expert my guys it's the place where dreams are broken this already looks like a nightmare i love helping i love being teammates oh my god oh my god oh my god toadette ouch okay so i see that this guy's goal is just to take power-ups doesn't matter if it's versus or not to him he's got a mission and that's to make my life as hard as possible i vibe with it ah bummer says mario it's just a really big bummer that one can't touch me now when it's safe up here luigi no it's okay brother i can accept this just move on carry the torch of the mario brothers and put some spaghetti on my tombstone when you're done okay i'm back i was a crushed but now everything is good i still don't think auto scrollers work that well in a four player setting but i must admit it does work leagues better in co-op than it does in competitive i got me a fire flower but at what cost at what cost oh sweet fire flower yes no you gotta be kidding me i just wanted the salvation of firepower instead i got an explosive upside the skull why did those have to be the only two options well nonetheless we did it which gives me yet another opportunity to showcase those abs oh it's a little timmy debug that's one of my children's i'm going to vote for super expert every time even if it's not going to be a winning vote i'm still going to do it stinking wizards in their stinking playstation symbols oh no the claw that's not where you want to be oh god in some triangles okay we're living now i'm not so much living why would i choose to spawn there what do i have zero brain cells don't answer that well now that i've killed everything here it is a peaceful ride up no no no no no don't take me out of my car don't leave me don't leave me not letting that happen to me again that was a freaking travesty oh god they struck back quicker than i thought they would here i am i've succeeded just like everybody else it definitely had nothing to do with me teleporting to victory or anything like that eventually super expert is gonna win thank you green mario very funny haha content for me right there revenge however is as sweet as the dish as they come oh no karma you can't kill me with a parlor trick such as that nice try imbecile get me the heck out of here you green bastard this is no way to treat a blue mario set me free choden you can do it yes i've been freed oh how the turntables have turned ah luigi sucks to suck donut brother it's not very fun when it happens to you is it i can't save you they're blocking me you gotta get out of there yeah no get out of there run pink one be free ten minutes later and maybe we can finally actually progress with the level now that we're done fighting and making each other get stuck cooperative really is a special breed ain't it classic online mario maker man i died right in front of the goal oh yeah this guy knows what's up super expert all the way all aboard the pain train because it's funny or something the hard truth is sometimes you choose super expert and you get levels like this where you only have one option and then you just have to live with the fact that you ruined an entire lobby with your dumb vote you see despite what just happened in the last level i'm gonna do it again and my defense isn't gonna change one bit because it's funny never a good sign when the stage starts with just a black screen that usually means that that one of those is coming while i've got you all here be sure to follow me on twitter at desbug links in the description down below because next time i'll be playing your guys's levels so make sure you're following so you can send me your levels when the time comes i'm not even sorry for it at this point i just want everyone to experience the same pain as me and clearly i'm not alone others also hate themselves i am the s plus gamer that i'd like to go home now watch this trick oh yes my jump that needs to stop happening oh no i'm so sorry god that feels bad right why have i made such a bad decision sure i guess democracy's cool if you like being a little baby careful here a lot of spikes didn't i say be careful no one ever listens to me come on i'm so close i'm so close no why would you do this to me i had something going there and you took it from me what entire freaking nation bro now this is my kind of people people who are fans of the suffering i've got a really bad feeling about this one the fact that nobody even tried as soon as the level started makes me worry mario why would you even try you of all people should know that we're not good enough for this it's all fun and games you think haha i'm gonna vote for super expert because it'll be a really hard level and we'll all struggle together and it'll be funny and then you get a level that you literally can't make it two seconds into and you just want to hit the little curbs beacon we'll go out together why don't you try it i can't really do it i'm not very good at video games until i'm a god i don't know what i'm doing any more than you do okay i'm looking at this big spike tower and i'm wondering to myself why did you just kill yourself [Music] i was gonna do that to you why is it always me i'm a victim of circumstance no no no no no please i'm always the victim here [Music] revenge acquired quick leave all i can it's truly the perfect crime and they'll never know it was me okay i think i've learned my lesson and you know what no i'm not gonna do that oh no i my vote won i've made a terrible mistake okay that was the worst sound i've made in a hot minute but it's going in the video because i find it kind of funny you tried to kill me but you can't that's the hard facts mario look at that karma incarnate right there bro why why did i push a why can't i have an ounce of patience yo i saved my blue guy we freaking did it me and him i mean it was mostly me but he gets credit for being nice whereas the red dude that guy can go you know subscribe to my youtube channel or something self-promoting baby don't hate me for it it's part of the business i can't ignore my instincts if that ain't the essence of cooperative mario maker then i don't know what is cooperative mario maker no one can hurt me here nobody except myself that is all right there goes half the squad right off the bat it's good we weed out the pansies of the group this is only for real gamers look it's no big deal i died on the first obstacle but i caught up you guys are always laughing at me because i suck but actually sometimes i'm slightly better than sucking hi hi can you can you not i don't understand why you do that to me i sm i slipped no i didn't want to fall into the pit you have dez bug i could have told you that it wasn't safe in there that is a whole lot of lag why would you force my body into the spikes that is not poggers level teamwork right there luigi i need to grab this so sorry but you've got to go we were brothers once but now you're just a nuisance to me kind of like sasuke to itachi i am super mario in the sky i grabbed a pow block then i threw the pow block now i'm [Music] don't worry it's cooperative i have no reason to betray you that doesn't mean i won't mess up i don't know what to do i don't know what to do except beat the stage because i'm a god at this game i guess i'm the only one who wants pain i get it away we go little one i think we're gonna die [Music] we certainly did perish this day oh this is frightening don't push any buttons ah i do not know why it's lagging but i can tell you it is not me now i'm frozen in midair help me shigeru all right there we go turns out it was just justin that is typically how these things do be [Music] well that didn't work sure do love fumbling my way through the dark this sure is a good time isn't it red mario [Music] i've been set up blaze oh my god we did it me and santor327 the only two non-quitter babies oh hey look a guy who says hi to me i say hello to you brother hello sir buddy are you gonna play the game today oh that's fine i'll just help you play the game for you all right man i can't do everything for you you're gonna have to hit down and you're also gonna have to hit forward and up and we need to go into pipes and go into doors and such but i can get rid of the bombs i can't get those out of your way there you go special delivery hell yeah dude that was epic teamwork this squad is actually performing well together go in the door now go in the door please i'm sorry i'm trying to get out of your way i'm sorry i don't want to disturb the process the red man is at work please don't explode in my arms please don't maurice how could you do this how could you do this without us maurice we came so far together maurice why have you done us this way bit of a dick move maurice [Music] is about time that happened nintendo quit playing games with my heart bro i want to play the video game i got this never mind i don't got this how are you gonna do me like that i know that was on purpose you can't hide your shame now [Music] i'm the greatest around this is how we handle super expert levels one baby step at a time just gonna sit here and let everyone get the checkpoint doesn't really matter how many times they run off and die so long as they all have a place to respawn we're good incremental progress for the win i'm home among fellow masochists wait what how are you supposed to do this by yourself i don't understand how we're supposed to get over this incredibly massive wall something is not adding up here how on earth are you supposed to do this alone i literally do not understand we needed all three of us to make that happen i'm quite particularly perplexed all it takes is one other person and i can bring the whole lobby down with me wow i'm impressed that you managed to iframe through that a lesser toad would have died there go on without me jesus i said go on without me not kill me sometimes you just gotta do my lobby and then dip i regret nothing they'll never know can you stop fighting me and let me into the door please trying to play video games here look out toad the fire the fire the fire it's coming it came fast this isn't gonna work if you're getting in her way so how about we just calm down everybody get some calm down juice and wait for her to do what she needs to do cause of death complete and utter arrogance cause of death lack of any sort of gaming skill oh no not the fire okay this is to help me practice shell jumping i'll never be able to shell jump you know what's easier than shell jumping committing cinnamon bun on command i'm not even gonna pretend i'm being helpful at all on this level i'm just gonna sit here and get carried through this level oh my god my god my god we almost did it toadette we almost did it i'm a gamer they've been struggling for over two minutes or maybe it's only been one minute they've been struggling i completed the task let's leave it at that and me completing that task led to our eventual team success how about a pat on the back and one big ol subscribe for the bug did this fish just get a quad kill a team kill on us oh my god this fish is destroying us he's bodying us no no no i don't i don't no no no i don't want to go down there not going down there with the big fish no he's back he's back and i've touched him i don't want this he's coming through the screens to kill me wow i managed to spawn on toad right before he got stream sniped by big fish 27. your reign of terror ends today now that i have the fire flower it doesn't kill him instantly he's uh he's too powerful it doesn't look good for the bulbous heads oh my god really big fish really big fish multiple big fish i'm dead i'm so screwed i have nowhere to run they cornered and devoured me ow my skull [Music] could've sworn i pushed the trigger right there bro i like picking super expert and cooperative mario maker because it's only a matter of time before we all get stuck because of my poor life choices and when that happens it gives me an opportunity to be the hero that nobody asked for gotta be starting something gotta be starting my treatments at the hospital for my impaled head this is the one this is the one this isn't the one luigi if you're not gonna help then you might as well just come into my arms and get into the lava guys i think this level's hard mario i believe in you brother we can just keep this train going you have to spawn on me you have to spawn on me before i die wait wait wait wait wait wait i was holding right i didn't think there would be spikes hidden oh did you see that did you see that perfect tag team play did you see this are you witnessing mario why'd you have to ruin it like that the double spin the oh my gaming i'm gaming i'm gaming i'm dying i'm sad inside i'm sinking into depression i'm far away from the mic and there it is i'm crying [Music] [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Desbug
Views: 2,530,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Gaming, Entertainment, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker, Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Bros., Mario Bros., Super Mario, Nintendo Switch, Mario, Desbug, Toad, Toadette, Luigi, Super World, Super Mario World, EndlessEasy
Id: PnOv_gFEjQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 53sec (10193 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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