Mario Gets Banned「Paper Mario: The Origami King 🔨🧻Ep5」

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literally just whacking things in monster hunter rise so going right on back we're not changing games we're going right on back to just whacking things with a good old paper mario it has been i'm gonna just say a rough estimate of a long time since i last loaded paper mario and i'll tell you and i'll be honest i enjoyed it but my biggest issue of paper mario was the chat was uncontrolled the chat was saying anything they wanted they they were spoiling every event of the game for me and quite frankly i lost my motivation to play after that i got spoiled on a couple big things i was super happy to be playing the game but suddenly i had the wind taken out of my sails and no more interest to play so in order to counteract in order to counteract the spoilers i've come up with a beautiful system i've come up with with possibly the world's greatest counter play to spoilers we're going to set maximum slow mode what no no youtube youtube has changed the new maximum slow mode no i was gonna set it back to five years for people who oh no now the joke has fallen on its face i'm so upset youtube for people who don't know for people who are just following along it's like what's he talking about youtube used to not have a limit to what your maximum slow mode could be so i used to have a slow mode that was like 3572 and it wouldn't make it so if you type in the chat it mutes you for an entire 100 years it was the best thing like like that's it you have one message every millennia and you have to make it good people are like haha b man i was gonna the maximum longest now is 300 seconds which is that like i think that's like a minute or something oh it's actually not it's like five minutes but like i'm keeping it i'll just keep it at 30 seconds i'm just so sad it was gonna be such a good bit i don't want to turn on member chat i like i like the constantly moving chat all i say guys is uh please please just keep it just keep it tasteful i'm not gonna show the chat on stream for obvious reasons for people who are watching along with me that have never seen paper mario before and don't know any of the spoilers i know the spoilers unfortunately but for your sakes i will not repeat them until they happen now for the first time in six months let's get whacking things people welcome to paper mario and the origami king well good morning good night good afternoon viewers depending on your time zone and this is failed to youtube i really was just a little upset when i was like oh i'm going to play paper mario and in the first episode when no one had any idea what was going on in the game the chat was like ideal and then on episode 2 i got bobby and people were like should we tell them don't get too attached and i'm like interesting oh my god it has been a long time since we played hasn't it oh with the pedals oh man it's been a long time since we played welcome back paper mario hey there bobby good friend bobby nice to see you as always what on earth was the last thing we were doing don't you want to go into the ninja attraction again mario we have to find luigi i remember this we did the water dungeon we ran downstream and now we gotta find luigi don't know i'm going to shoot it open what are you talking about bobby [Music] oh my god the controller vibration for everything whenever you jump it's been a while play this game hold on like nope cool really figured that was gonna be the answer um okay so we are going to hey there toad all right or not uh we are going to find the luigi dungeon oh you're dying in there aren't you that sucks that is too bad buddy there we go perfect oh my god wow it's been a while since i played this game you just need to find the uh yeah there it is there it is okay the nostalgia is hitting you i mean it's not that old i guess it's still nostalgia all the same i suppose i understand where you're coming from here all right yes the ninja the ninja dojo now to find luigi this is not i luigi believe this game is six months old remember when they were like on twitter like hey by the way new paper mario game and everyone was like wait what a petting zoo um we are going to uh house of riddles was it was a house of riddles back off okay they're patrolling oh my god it's been a while line them up oh god um uh uh wait then you the head's been a while um that one you do this and you light up the bomb and you go um shiny boots are about to die that's okay so are that okay go to seven does my wonderful live chat okay maybe i'll go to seven then okay so the boots broke now we don't have any equipped oh that's unfortunate uh right i forgot how pretty this game was is this game just so pretty it's just so nice looking a great graphical design a shiny hammer okay you know what it's not a charge move bobby coming in coming in good i gotta parry yeah okay cool i can parry the concept of parrying it is but it potentially could happen okay let's press plus to equip more nope didn't want to do that that was someone just said i could use plus to quit more um so if i were to line you if i were a line and you guys had to be oh no i'm dumb oh i forgot about that plus oh here we go you can just do that oh i didn't realize you could is that easy dang okay cool goodbye did it work i closed my eyes i forgot little toads in the background too yeah shiny boots for you guys too at this point we have so many shiny boots and so many coins i might as well just you know grind away at those all right bobby let's go home all right one little shooter ah okay finish them off attack power bobby you up you want to take him out and i'm going to do a perfect attack okay or not bobby does not want to be involved in the murder of others ah beautiful so i was told to go off to where was that again i believe house of riddles five at the top left it's been quite a while oh sorry did you say house of riddles just make sure uh let's make clues to find okay i have the chat to send i guide me through this area it's the photo area is it even further back hello listen the paper macho rests it will not bulge a loud noise might wake it if only we could scream [Music] what is this all coins they're gonna be a toad in here as well at the very end of it no a little shocked honestly okay then goodbye now maybe a bell okay house of tricks i understand i say while going into the incredibly wrong building oh i recall ever being in here oh hey there shelf it will go for my photo it's so hard to choose does this turn on good photos in here wake up okay um let's see what's this house of trickery oh god my brain is small it's been a while since i forgot how small my brain was hey buddy oh you sure can do it i literally just went in there brings back memories i mean it's been a while since i ran around this game again okay phil you missed a toad in that room i was waiting for that message to begin okay i'm out of ideas can't do that can i go down here i know you guys are having a little bit of a problem okay go in here oh wait hello steps on the roof sometimes up into the right thank you down to the left also the music again that he beat this place well only a little bit of it up and to the right so i can i can find a a bell or something of that variety here hello wait that's not the map now downright okay take it back now y'all just whacking things huh okay this is like oh there we go thank you i'm an idiot beautiful the tricky ninjas greetings ninja trainees are you ready for a real test we've already done this how you how's it working don't have to kill people oh a box wait what hello okay the the toe joe what could be in here um pull there we go they hit everything hello that's where we came in from i think did that pull too cute okay it didn't redo everything that we worked on here up so many of them are there more okay isn't it the floor tiles or something with this one that's the aries i think we no longer have to any any combat right yeah cause i think these guys used to pull up like enemies okay good free me up well just whacking things it's never failed me now i go out here yeah yeah here we are further look at this place this is pleasant i think this mighty quaint just whacking things it really is all about just wack and things i'll say it again what this place looks a little out of theme hello there back to my office job hello we talked you on your desk deal the mud on your nice wooden table is the maintenance room for the house of tricky ninjas all the traps and tricks here are powered by the machines below us is your friend okay i go wow this area is for authorized how about a thank you i feel like you could have gotten yourself unstuck from that situation i'm just going to be real whoa little wiggy sorry i left you there for six on ending months it's on me anybody help me preferably mario there he is there's there's luigi i was hoping he'd get himself uh i was hoping he tossed my hat away i was hoping to get himself in gear and find that key but i did not like this i don't care what everyone's voices were all just in profit yeah i got an idea hold on one second okay there we go beautiful now just whacking things it's failed me whoop oh never mind we just had to whack things at a different location sorry luigi this might hurt a little bit now move move luigi hurry luigi luigi there he goes i god i got you i got you hold on buddy hold on hold on real quick just like old times eh you're safe to me i'm thanks going to bother thanks brother good timing too i have a surprise it's the key to the preacher's castle i finally found it it's more like this more like this you wouldn't believe the day i've had in this wacky theme park i was heading back to find you what a terrifying chain charm tried to bite my face off i ran into this house to hide but i couldn't uh find the exit then bam ninja started flying in my face eventually i tumbled down here next thing i know i'm going up the works with my face yup it's been a rough day for me and my face but it was all worth it to finally hand over that key oh gosh should we tell him hey thanks for your hard work luigi we definitely needed this key we really appreciate it but this isn't the key to peach's castle it's the master key to this park what i rested my life to find the wrong key now i'm a losing face that's the only one i've got was sticking on the wall in such an important spot i thought for sure i had the right one or it was hanging on the wall okay i'm out i won't get let this get me down i'm gonna go find the real key to peach's castle see you later big bro you do olivia okay then well would you look he took that well your brother is fun i'm sort of jealous oh that's right yeah you do have family issues don't you sorry i stop him but we will need the key to peach's castle after we take care of all of all the streamers i forgot about that i guess we should let luigi continue a search right he'll probably be fine and now that we have the master key we can open any door in this whole park let's open the castle let's go open that castle gate that's right absolutely been a hot minute since we played hasn't it okay hop on back in here and off we go hello what really have to please okay okay i get it i get it a whole little confidence is what i exude little steamy meat let's go ah come on now they said it was impossible to die in the house of trickery wait what boy wait losing a lot of blood from this trickery i see like a peel can i get that no oh hold on i'll give me a second just whacking things whoops there we go hold on one of those buttons one of those buttons will do it that's right i remember this excuse me various rats and other small vermin here we go that's very dangerous you don't have to even sign like a waiver in this place you're really just putting me up against that like incredibly uh you know risky fall broken all my ankles and everything so i tried whacking things and i tried jumping there's probably no solution to this puzzle and i will die here now like what else is there left to do oh strange way to activate that hopefully the ones that are on the ceiling are gone now oh oh oh goodness safety hazard safety hazard safety hazards everywhere there we go very nice congratulations to survive the deadly house of tricky ninjas you are now fully trained shroom in shroom style ninjutsu from this day forward you are a ninja we did it again in your face ninja house found 1700 ninjas very nice vanilla ninja beautiful okay then it's tricky we'll get them next time that's okay there will be no next time it's already almost the next time for this entire gameplay experience bobby hey you just missed it that guy in green we were looking for came sprinted out of there i think he's a newly minted ninja hard to imagine he'd last long in a bright green get up like that rockley does a good job with it well it's a good thing luigi got caught in those gears now we have the whole master key to the park i've read the words out of order but the sentence remain the same um we have we have the entire key uh did either of you hear me am i invisible or something i didn't even do any ninja training i guess we should open that castle gate now you said to no one in particular it's been a while i freaked that part at least came back to me instinctually the column various bibli bobbles okay where are we at oh the good girl been a while all right whoop didn't mean double save let's go donkey kong have you seen him he could open this door he's got style he's got grace dare i say he might even have a monkey face all right let's get that streamer then yeah she's probably just saying let's go waltz in and get the streamer dead oh cool cool cool cool oh that's probably expected honestly wow that was so many bad guys too many bad guys can't just freeze right through those foldy stompy guys will clobber us we need a disguise something to hide the way we look so we can walk right through that crowd oh baby you know him well oh perfect we can hide under that huge mask is this plan going to work well if anything i at least have a coconut gun it can fire in spurts and if it happens to shoot any of them with their various bullets i can promise you it will hurt dk donkey kong donkey kong didn't work well frankly that's just a shame okay i want to try donkey kong again that's a little sad no not even unique dialogue reject paper become monkey there we go okay hello it is me paper now we put on the donkey kong hat hello i am a natural goomba who is acting natural step on me with your massive feet god please how's it going bud wonkas i'll kiss my little kiss oh you're a big friend aren't you i didn't want to kiss step on me so now can we become donkey kong ma'am ma'am are you okay why are you turning away ah because if i look at that big goofy face again i'm gonna lose it take that mess off mario hurry [Music] okay so we're in the castle what do you think they're holding all those toads that streamer looked like it was all wrapped up around the roof maybe there are stairs or an elevator excuse me you know what no i'm sorry that's improper all right bobby look obviously i don't care man bobby would definitely be like i really don't care hello today's programs fourth floor is i love risk of rain um a very special performance directed by me myself and i starring well why would i spoil the surprise i miss voice acting i never done anymore i mean yeah i missed voice acting for these let's plays it's been a hot minute by the way i should ask this like a long time ago is the audio good music looks a little quiet it's fine today's performance open seats few remaining start time momentarily oh okay okay save yet yeah whatever yellow attention on it yes the big show theater your attention if you please today's very special performance will begin very shortly so feel those seats before i snap my patience is stretching thin i shan't test you twice a special performance here now i know we're here to save the toads and take the streamer down but a special performance sounds so special what should we do all right special performance i don't see another way huh all the toads are just hanging out in here hanging out uh-huh on that little spool those rubber bands wow you're right they seem fine except for the fact that they're all muffled and screaming they even have air conditioning in here huh this is great now we can relax and enjoy the special show let's find some open seats last call there are still three very open seats in the very front row okay i mean hey there whoa whoa it's a lot of dialogue we know seats are scarce but this is a bit much to ask oh is that five of them bundled into one huh how are you guys doing [Music] you guys all right they all say the same thing what if there is any that say anything different i don't think i have the mental constitution to check all of them huh this one is taken how about you guys all right please i can't wait to see what kind of show this is it must be a full-on uh shogun celebration special show the special show i can't wait let's go ma'am the show's about to start oh sorry it's just so quiet in here wait why is it so quiet in here our toad's usually like badass you know like that oh man it's almost like any of them could have said that hey we're tied up and also the entire room is kill me just like okay we hate the light it's a literal captive audience what's tying them oh it might hurt it's a little captive audience let's tying them down rope looks too stretchy for rope attention audience we have a we have a few final announcements for our very special guests die outside food and drink flash photography and opening the menu screen while on stage are strictly super duper prohibited with that said please sit back and enjoy this very special show so we just listened i can't press pause i actually can't dry wind blows through a quiet prairie town the people of this town bleed you know what got him super duper forbidden and super duper easy i need some water the people of this town lead simple lives but they also live in a fear do you think that deadly outlaw will show its face again today i hope not he raises such a ruckus when he comes to town nailed it nailed it run head for the hills the outlaw is coming oh my god it's a goomba with a gun hand over your troubles or they'll be trouble hey wait handle your truck hand over your available one one of those two this outlaw means business whoa it's us we're surely doomed but wait is there a hero among us who might stand up to this ruffian no i'm i'm enjoying my seat let me see one second okay take the hint mario get up here hello and go get him big him you oh my gosh she's too into this theatrics they all okay she's too into it oh let's do it oh what's this i think you're gonna stand in my way lawman oh a tough guy all right have it your way you and me are gonna have a duel when you see fire press a fire too earlier fire too late and you have a bullet through your skull only press a when you see fire whoa fighting you're drawing too much too early that's against the rules oh my god whoa oh my god no you do too early a civilian has been cut from the show what's wrong hero you look at mario look at mario over there he's like oh my oh oh my god i even killed the person oh jesus christ hey oh easy easy goodness the hero was quicker on the draw and popped that out lot to pieces and so peace return to the town thanks to the mysterious lawman tasty scalp scraps skin dropping your god a little too soon ain't you oh my goodness oh he looks like trouble you're gonna have to duel me too you stinky do gooder now oh i was ready for that one the heroic outlaw man rocking a flash another ruffian has been defeated with two billions down peace has finally been restored and more meals were to be entirely engulfed by mario what yeah he's actually more he's more like um i don't know i can't even hear you how do you even do that with the tiles let's say like fire on like the ball with lightning speed the law man defeats the vile gang leader ah arrows finally brought peace and tranquility back to the town forever thank you brave lawman thank you mario i can't move my arm sorry mario we're not done yet you better go back to your seat why is your head tied up let's don't get that delicious skin oh sorry a little bit spilled out there that was so cool big m i want to have a quick draw duel next why didn't you tell us you're such a great actor mario that's not how the scene was written they were supposed to pop you to smithereens i despise improvisation time for the next stage let's make sure he uh breaks a leg this time and get this going i thought nailed it also thank you very much for the support um uh neko sponge god neko one more time we also have a chaotic white tea in natuma tunes you when you take the paper chunks of the enemies we will now i'm sorry we will now move on to the next stage please keep your arms and legs tucked safely inside your aisles whoa oh goodness no stage is an elevator that seems actually pretty cool honestly i got part of me excuse me i got it this is an elevator oh fun we'll reach that streamer in no time i got like portal test vibes uberto you're a character oh no the bad part of town oh hey there good looking wanna go start some trouble what did you say uh oh the red to koopa troopa gang they home in on their target directly scram sam she's gonna be my main squeeze tonight whoa slow down boys your enthusiasm adorable but i'm sure either of you has what i'm looking for oh sorry this is berto i love her oh my god i'll get there i'm sorry wait mario i don't want to leave my chair go get them hello you're the greaser wait you're the greaser this bird is gaga for what a load about she's a she's a bird she's a bird lizard maybe dinosaur most likely bird pete you you could say she's more likely to be like the peashooter from plants vs zombies and i'd be like yeah i see the resemblance bird we'll see how tough he is let's dance anyway goes inside what was this oh but get him oh i see what is this this is sick can i say them nope bad boy wait come here wanna speed run strap them wait can i take out only one gang can i like pick who gets the girl no green gang lives green gang lives dipping you're pretty tough after all but play time's over yeah it's time to bust out the advanced choreography ow don't even know how i hate you i can keep jumping and eventually i'll hit something excuse me oh found out how i hate you ow it's doing some damage to me thank you i will eat your heart get him there we go it's a double tap stop moving forever whoa she just eats me she puts me in her nose rips his soul from his body i don't i don't do this voice anymore get her off the stage please anyway sure i said two lines in the rehearsal yo okay mario and to have a little bit of water after all that oh sorry mario we're not done yet you better get back to your seat heart has been through a lot today i really don't like that voice don't worry i don't like it either mario that play was so raunchy oh that romance oh it's a little too much forget the romance that fight scene was intense makes me wish i had fists to clench oh this is not how that act was supposed to end i mean really there's no way mario is actually that strong talk about a stretch you paper macho goons that better band together in the next act or i may snap hey thank you very much for supporting the tomatoes i don't know i don't really like jackpots on the youtube channel this is not my my stick not bad though i don't know next is spectacle by the royal shoy guy pardon me i'm shy guy ballot ko oh wow oh this is elegant [Music] this is just wonderful oh oh friend for me they're like oh my god again what you oh my god yo go go get him big m same lines you'll mess him up just whacking things let's try to use the hammer oh man what a wonderful dance beautiful choreography what is her name [Music] ow sorry she was so heavy that i committed murder oh here we what is this whacking things oh just whacking things just whackering the ballerinas whoa multiple oh my dad they do some damage these ballerinas come packing excuse me excuse me we're just gonna kill you um oh there we go more send them out more oh got two got two got two excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me tiptoe into hell oh my god what is this this is so cool whoa i got a chain reaction on that one wow show some leg really just incentive totes sorry mario we're still not done yet you've got to get back to your seat eyes pop tongue goes flying out stop this mario you can fight act and dance something you can't do first half was boring but the second half was awesome ballet is way better with hammers oh i've had it with you your show stealing in grandstanding you wish to be the star fine come on up and face the music oh boy oh boy sorry chat decided call me goomba because um feet that's enrique boy i'm not letting that name go shame okay folks we've reached the final act of today's very special show i've changed voices every single time i've talked oh boy look the spool for the blue streamer this is it we're finally here let's take a moment to applaud our performers give them a hand except for the bomb in the front sorry didn't really play in that part honestly they're killing it they're killing it they're killing it let's go let's go that's alberto yo actually birdo did nail it uh the ballerinas i killed them all fantastic job i want to see some clap emojis where those clap emotions chat and now the hero of our show come and talk about mario there's two of you this might be your chance to get close to the spool mario oh boy there's definitely a save point ain't it go get a big m please come on clearly a bit olivia came up no no no the star of the show is in mario you uncultured hacks the real superstar is me so the stream rather magic oh there we are ever call you from the trailer the elastic entertainer or rubber band oh and i have a wonderful singing voice lungs of an angel [Music] hang on you think you're the star i'll admit you definitely know how to make an entrance there's no denying that my buddy mario is the best part of your whole production gosh hang on hang on you direct to the show why did you make it so dangerous mario could have gotten hurt somehow wait a second they're covered in rubber bands does this mean you're also the one who trapped all these toads ah such a long monologue yet you didn't flub a single line have you ever considered a career in acting oh never mind your skill at the performing arts should trip me up get ready this will be your final performance and here we go oh my goodness big boy big boy ew it's all floppy ew it's all floppy there's one for the one for the you know record lines be all the power of my remains let's see how well you take stage direction okay hmm i take it don't step on those yeah just showing a lot of them hey you can't just flick those panels away we need those what now there are rubber bands all over the arena okay use the arrows understood okay so what's our plan we're gonna go probably not that last one i'm thinking like this yeah obviously that um i don't know what on does it's been a while since i've done a boss fight here this would do the hand so theoretically if we did like all right we have limited moves too um it's been a while it's been a while i don't know i think this would cause that to go on all right let's just hit him let's just hit him it's been it's been a while since i've done this i will also do this real quick too it's been a while it's been a while let's see how this works be bold try bumping against one of those rubber band panels oh intro i thought i was supposed to be avoiding those okay let's try this then um shiny boots please my shiny boots and me yeah baby good oh my goodness oh oh my god that actually that actually really creeps me out seeing them offline it's like bug snacks it's like hitting a bug snack and they all fall apart i really don't like that oh your pitiful attacks have no effect on my bouncy body you alright half your health never mind oh no it's some of those loose rubber bands back loose rubber bands back to its weird wobbly body what can we do now prepare yourselves here comes my rubber bind attack now oh jeez ow stop can't guard those can't guard those i'm stuck tied up can't move oh oh oh no that's a filthy amount of damage ah those rubber bands had you all tied up is it possible to guard against them jeez what an important attack to guard all right so be bold try to hit those bands apparently oh our hands are on wait hold up hold up hold up before we go into that couple things first of all you gotta go hold on one second let me suss out go up there do not do we not have one that can send us down of us can send can send it down that means we probably have to use these guys to make some action happen oh no i moved you up dang i'll go back i don't want to fly i don't want to play i don't want to flee one second oh wait it's even simpler than it looks i think good oh this works what's this okay random things oh what wait what happened what happened to me what happened to me what was that why'd i go that flying what i bounce hold on have i done it am i too close am i too far i have to find out now grab the rubber band grab grab the band oh there we go there we go yeah rip out his hair and snap and snap and snap oh i let go gotcha follow me ah hey don't yank on my pants that way like that way like that there's no way that's a way to treat a star i wish i could read words oh here we go quick pull back oh okay look some of his bands are missing i couldn't sign all of them back so why on earth did i oh i too early never mind what came back down on me oh dodge oh mario okay touch low one health [Music] maybe that only advances me by a line okay because it definitely advanced me um items items items items items where are my items i have no items excellent um okay then we're gonna go like one second we have to hit the on the on is essential oops look at that move this by one i don't know how it works but this might work this might work let's do do do i'll definitely get the health get next i did not mean to confirm well hopefully this works okay makes sense get close for for more flinging it just moves you one okay all right all right all right it moves you one line forward i now understand okay the game is on what what what give me just a single shot good god okay okay so now i actually know how it works finally here we go so we're gonna go boop that advances me one forward get that i'll keep going in this direction beautiful go all the way around um what what happened what happened what happened okay my bad nope nope how do i okay hold on hold on it goes dupe goes in that by that layer give me that that goes in by another layer get that go around advanced i see no issues with this other than i'm gonna lose a lot of help we might be okay we might be okay okay gonna get that i'm gonna get the hint uh cool get closer you got it then perfect okay potential big damage come here you wacky little band man you grab your stupid hair come here beautiful damage like a little thin there buddy oh oh wait no this is the pullback let's pull back let's pull back hold on now comes damage oh i was a little i was a little stressed with that one as i was a touch stressed with that one to be honest all right here we go so we're gonna go boop that will activate the things that will lower me again if i could that's gonna give me some health that's going to activate the thing do i have another band in this ring i unfortunately don't so i'd have to move that in it's a little bit too advanced for my brain to figure out so i'd rather get one more heart involved in this equation somehow with the remaining two moves if i go over there it's going to hit that on that's going to bounce me one more time and i can't really move that much anymore um i guess that'll be another 50 health which will be pretty good for me but i can also i might be able to finagle a chess from this too so i go bam bam bam bam get the heart advance a little bit further this actually might work this might work sorry i definitely can't think out loud too much too much stuff going on that's gonna be a lot of health it's gonna be a lot of health and then we hit him with the two times up this might just be the kill right here let's find out mess em up mario oh oh oh i messed up i messed it up ah so i wait can i not attack at all i guess i can't attack at all i figured i would at least be able to do some damage like this or potentially you know kill him i thought i was actually gonna be able to kill him not gonna lie i did that too early no no no oh that's gonna be a lot of damage i thought i was gonna be able to kill him uh oh oh no wait i got out guess he doesn't have the stamina to hit me again all right let's try this again now i shut up that's what goes to do i definitely want to get so i'm so we if anything we've activated the hand that's fine so we're gonna go down here don't want that i would like it to advance me one stage further commit to that goes down over here gives me that and that's just the kill right there so instead of that just don't you know what that's okay all right just to make sure we get it good look i'm aware double band oh oh give me that butt oh your turn to face me that's okay come right for the hair hello how you doing buddy i know i know it's been a stressful fight i got you it's okay now you die what it's a giant rubber band enemies turn do you have a turn you look kind of dead to me ah it's all wobbly and wriggly the curtain's been pulled back i've been exposed you reduce my ensemble to a one-man band you'll pay for that oh oh even with a guard i think i guarded i hope i guarded all right well it seems you're looking a little bit vulnerable let's take this guy out properly over here but that's actually not even that useful at this point i'd rather just kill you directly i'm going to be real but grabbing you might be even funnier actually i think it works as is because wait no no it goes down that way we don't want it to go down that way we wanted to go over here then it goes over there it's gonna run all the way over there it's gonna go there that will be on that will be directly in front of it but i am a little low on health so what i'm actually gonna do is like this and then i'm gonna go boop and i'm gonna go thing down here but i actually like to move that out of the way but it's probably a little bit too much work to get that out of there so you know what just kill here we go all right a bunch of those bunch of that and now you're gonna go splat 1 000 fold arms oh where you going come here come here come here you stupid little ow what the heck come oh you're dead you're dead now send him back oh i knew it i knew i knew it send him i can't move the i can't move the i can't send him hey hey sorry toad toads uh toads you might want to move you might want you guys gonna i i'll kill you all right see you then a little bit i want to aim a little lower dang it now they lived oh it wasn't supposed to end like miss mario the agony the brutality the sheer injustice of it all oh muses oh bard have you truly forsaken me for these flimsy flat papery beings i wanted to make this place grand eliminate things dull and blend alas this was my final stand it's curtains for i messed up the final line no a weird little noodle honestly it was a good performance you got to give him credit ah the piece of the triforce thank god mario you saved the show and me my hero is that not working oh what i've recorded a bunch of voice lines i was going to play them all back at once that's a little bit of a letdown you did it mario oh it's left is to take that streamer down let's do it baby just grabbing things hey uh the arms the arms they're drifting a little there we go good bye now everybody say it with me now what are we doing we're just doing one simple thing just wait just whacking things guys i was hoping it was just gonna be the one it was gonna be all climactic but you know what that's okay there we go another streamer dead [Music] [Music] three more worlds to go let's go beautiful confetti blue streamer cleared oh we should do that next time i can do like on the first round just wagon things huh boom yes take that blue streamer sorry first blue and red streamer okay mario we're gonna return to the first floor now you'd better return to your seat trust me hurry great job up there you two were so awesome felt kind of bad just watching i couldn't clap but i was cheering super loud okay folks hang on to something we're bringing this house down don't don't actually bring the whole house down that's i feel like they might it's up that's up stop up down down please oh boy jesus christ oh god well that was fun we took down the blue streamer and saved the toads that takes care of that you are great up there big m let's head back to shogun studios that was oh it was fun anything is there any toads like left over in here look at this place this place looks cool [Music] i feel like i'm at dead bird studios right now oh wow what wait a second i was right i was supposed to uh into a cactus poor guy is there one over here i guess i got all the toads so that one couldn't be oh here we go collectible forget about those perfect all right so now that we did that i guess we have nothing else to worry about in this world man what a what a fun world that was glad we can all go on more hey bob oh no bobby got stuck back there oh no bobby you can't get stuck back there we need you for the rest of the game come on man talk to the green toad again now he's gone now hold on a second there we go big show theater what a pleasant little area whoa the music a little bit of pizzazz oh yeah here we go i remember this in the trailer there whoa ball good girl can i pet the change out of the way out no okay what a strange thing to show on bobby followed by firework explosions it's probably nothing big m ma'am what's up bobby did you use the bathroom i remember um my missing memories they all came back to me just now what i forgot you had missing memories quite honestly literally i did i'm so happy that your memories came back bobby received shogun studios we blew that blue streamer away we had a blast we we had a blast while doing it exactly it was the blast from those fireworks that finally knocked the pieces back in place for me i remember who i am but i remember who i came from but the new memories we made together are my favorite ones yet big m olivia thank you for taking care of me i'll never forget you that's a pro that's a promise good luck on your journey i hope you what are you saying bobby you really think yeah we have to part ways no why why we have to do that we still have to take down the rest of the streamers stop my brother and save peach's castle you're a part of this team bobby so stop saying goodbye and get on the failboat already oh shucks don't make me cry now you two but bombs aren't supposed to get wet that would make them not explode thank you thank you so much i'm by your side to the very end that's a promise is such a touching scene you're talking about my heart strings like a cheap cheaper line okay now you too no time to rest let's get that yellow stream oh no it's me oh god no looks like we can pass through that river gate now hop aboard folks i'm not gonna give him the stupid voice oh no we have to take the boat on the way to the yellow streamer christ it is me hi good luck maybe i don't want to kill film it's voice so i'm not gonna do this voice [Music] mods please turn off the chat now don't worry mods have barely any power on youtube that would require you to develop them to have power they have a lot of power over here over like you guys but not over the stream organization and all that that's all on me don't worry i'm yeah i'm ready to experience the rest of the game with bobby and olivia the whole time so we got a little time tell me more about yourself bobby was like before we met excuse me not sure where to start you know that's saying life hits you hard well i got it super hard getting smacked around by life sounds intense i think i know that feeling makes you want to explode doesn't it oh right your brother really made a mess of things so i guess we're in the same boat literally and double literally actually we're on the boat's channel you got that right but i'm gonna keep doing my best let's get to the next streamer and stop my brother there we go sweet paper valley it's the last downriver stop thanks for riding with us today enjoy your stay oh boy i can't wait to experience so many fun adventures with bubbles [Music] wow look at those rocks you couldn't build a place like this if you tried i've heard of a valley fold this is like an actual valley all right let's hurry through sweet paper valley and find that streamer haha yeah guys how are you [Music] oh just back [Music] we can all relax on as a family we origami folk have a saying for every mountain fold there's a valley fold it's probably the ups and the downs of life huh what a weird unexpectedly deep thing for me to say right now or it could be about actual folding i guess either way that's pretty deep and inspiring even a dud like me might climb up one of life's mountains someday you know maybe some someday boy i actually didn't expect the fall bobby bobby come back up but man we can't leave you behind oh wow putting spoilers in chat huh that stream it just keeps going through the valley and beyond looks like we'll need to go through that tunnel to reach the other side okay it seemed like a tunnel to me that part oh peppa valley not what this is a short area huh oh hello oh hello i think it's more rather paced oh you all right ollie yes it's been a while hasn't it oh you've stolen peach's castle wrapped in streamers crumpled up countless toads why must you keep doing this it's so mean ah my sister you have such a flat outlook on life ironic all i'm doing is creating a glorious kingdom for origami like us how can you not grasp the brilliance and daring of my plan a world origami but origami and flat paper can live together you don't need to be so mean to these nice paper folk it's just not right you've got to stop right now very well i thought perhaps you would listen to reason i see i was mistaken ever since you teamed up with this mario fellow you've been nothing but a crinkle in my neck it ends now oh boy oh no oh yeah i see now why consider this path closed alas there will be an empty origami thrown besides mine but no matter the birth of my origami kingdom is imminent you might as well sit back and wait for its arrival oh yeah okay ah this stupid boulder won't budge there has to be something we can do ma'am ma'am are you okay under there he's okay but that can't be good to be flattened uh but it can't be good to fly an origami like that if we don't do something she might be permanently crumpled what can we do [Music] oh yeah it's the only way huh i know how to save olivia big m we have to prey on our friends set sail we have to get to the port in tow town and set sail for the great sea i know it seems crazy to live to leave olivia here but i need you to trust me big m just eat the boulder that's a glo that's a good idea pour some soggy water on it still on under there we have to hurry let's get to toy town and make our way to the great sea bobby just leave here even my computer disagrees can we take a rest on the bench cool we can take a nice little time to reflect good i'm here ahoy was there an earthquake i just thought i heard something big anyway if you're looking to get the toad town the warp pipe in shogun studios is the fastest way is way faster than paddling rather oh man shogun studios oh goodness he there he goes are we actually just leaving her oh okay interesting all right let's hurry i wanted to do the paper mario spin it didn't work i wanted to try and do like a little thing where i i like you know advanced movement quick save perfect okay then expect this i'll be honest well we're in tow town what do you need huh oh we get out again it's been a long time one just one oh right here done dumb it's like an arrow on the ground so i was like oh it's an exit i love the music all right big m should we head straight for the port heading off to the c like this i think the docs i i can't use x i guess i can wait is i already say it wasn't ducks are on the right side of town from there we get a boot good save [Music] welp head on out to the great sea [Music] all right have a nice little stroll in the middle of the oh it's down here isn't it i remember this i remember this area yay time to go for a ride in the boat yeah boat time here we go my voice should we get should we set motor for the great c it sounds wrong i trust you buddy i don't know what your plan is but i trust you i know what his plan is roughly but you know actually i don't know his plans i know there was also this but i know i was playing this there's a sport by phoenix music is way too nice for us to leave our friend our rock hey is that another streamer those things really are everywhere thanks for taking me all the way out to great c big m i've got a plan to rescue olivia but we need a special item first it'll be found on the luxury ship the princess peach it should still be out there somewhere i hope once we get our hands on that item we can save olivia in no time okay oh here we go if we sail straight from here we should spot a huge ship that'll be the princess peach oh look at this boost go oh okay he said straight so i'm just gonna you know literal straight we're really planning on going far on out aren't we what do you what do you want i guess this is part of your memory is this isn't it what a good time for this here we go that's it big m that's the princess peach all right out sorry the princess me look i'm the princess of the princess me ah there she is lads the famous cruise ship the princess beach i just shipped out recently but why is it stopped out here hello the secret to a saving olivia is on that big is on that ship big m well we'll find it in the vip state room on the second level there's an elevator right inside the main hall let's head there first going up over there second house i i don't listen when i when i read things it's like a full little dungeon i didn't expect this olivia's also dying again still dying looks even worse than i remembered you're probably wondering why this ship is all banged up long story i'll explain later okay let's hop in that elevator hurry to the vip room i have a bad feeling about this place can't waste any time here i will waste time no no no no your enemies your enemies your enemies why are you enemies i thought you were toads i don't want to do combat this is the one thing i still don't like in this game this combat just feels so and i don't want to do this combat like am i alone in this thinking process that this combat just feels so boring like i i i of course i understand the you know sorry i can't see what these are something like this i don't know yeah like okay i can do a little puzzle that's cute but like it's cool when it's a boss this is what made me not want to play this game if i'm being real outside of you know something some issues with the chat can you kill him no why not get him all done like the first time was absolutely great but let's go bobby ow ow the outside battles were fine yeah all right here we go shiny boots beautiful done and done last there's more of course there are all right well luckily these two are nice easy pair um oh yeah here we go okay okay okay okay talk me a second talk me a second shiny boots give me a little bop bop bop oh there we go that's what we like to see 27 damage one and done here plenty of money [Music] the music i guess i'm just gonna run from everything [Music] the elevator isn't working are you kidding me power must be out for the whole ship i guess this dog unlit room should have been our first clue which part of the ship controls the power any idea where to start big m i mean we could jump oh you there buddy you control the power oh no poor mommy dude oh dude come on you can't just scream like that scare me after death i think this toad is a member of the crew here let's uh let him rest sure forever okay then hmm the power those coins were not helpful the power let me check you you know what i probably could have figured that part out nope no that's okay that's okay that's okay goodbye now the power the power i don't want to fill in all the holes right now we kind of have a friend that's dying and we can't have that we can't let a partner die on us there we go will this control the main power up here see me bobby knocked up oh god dang didn't expect that very helpful oh hello nope that's okay nope don't shoot fire don't shoot fire don't shoot hot fire nope dude you're up here you're up here i didn't recognize that sorry see ya nope bye don't hit bobby that's the worst thing you could do okay cool so i got some extra power oh nope nope okay see ya goodbye i didn't even support phoenix that's here the move arrived oh god all right fine combat let's do it two moves hit myself um the four line four line i'll do this part i know how to do this part i had to think about it for a second there we go it's the same solution from the last one you flee the fights yeah but like you know if i can solve the puzzle i guess it gets me more xp the cheap cheaps no problem right these shiny boots there we go you can flee is just unlikely we're fine it is this'll do this will do okay is this a hammer time it is indeed hammer time oh yes it only regained xp adding points to fights why i don't see this i don't see what you could gain from that okay you're the coolest mario no you know back off your freaky fish but what if i don't what if i didn't does that kill the enemy as i get rid of the enemy what a strange formula okay then so what is the plan um [Music] back here oh it was that it was that though they're playing persona 5 again never mind it's just a collectible actually okay i really didn't expect this to be its whole little thing probably had a little spin i could do i'm really feeling like you're okay for mario's right now there we go cover up this hole look at a little light on the on the paper on the skirt on the scrap it's like one hour let's scrap we're almost out of paper never mind i'll do peachy king lounge okay you beat this game many times why would you do that to yourself this room is got hit pretty bad okay it's a cool lounge before now you can see the entire ocean that uh at the window oh goodness hey there excuse me we're just good it's gonna toad they've been turned into an alcoholic mixer i also think it was for it's our pancake oh boy wait no ah there we go [Music] shooting blanks perfect don't don't hit me don't hit me behind me don't hit me no no no no no no i don't i don't wish for combat i'm on my no combat run i just don't desire combat how do i get out the window i think you you know how do i get out of here without igniting combat from these guys that's okay i'm not trying i'm really not trying to interact with you just trying to climb that ah dad nope nope nope hit the wooden table i'm just whacking as many things oh i see i see that i see the weakness i see the weakness hold on that's okay learning one is all good go yes that's a more engaging thing than it is to actually do the fight trying to dodge the enemy is more interesting okay time for a little bit of combat i take it as such oh right this is the deck where uh hey big m how much do you know about us bombs my bombs the the life of a bomb is pretty short all things considered that's why we try to make the most of the time we have i guess you'd understand better than most big um you you're killing us all the time the sole target of our of our aggression listen to me sorry for such such a big monologue let's keep searching bobby what are you trying to say bobert you're saying some pretty gray hopefully nothing bad happens when we try to open this gate wow nothing bad happened we tried to open that gate it's a little suspicious let's go back in there until something bad happens when we try to open this gate what's the point of this area this is like boss fight like iconic stage hazard if i've ever seen one okay then i guess there's probably nothing that's going to happen in there that's bad ever um crew entrance no unauthorized well i guess we can't go any further sorry guys hey there depression oh out of the cup that was a cut scene i thought it was just a depressed dude i didn't know if it is guys looking for combat i mean i don't care about you but what if i what if i just don't care to fight you okay no problem let's get it done no worries it's all good as they say bobber you want to kill this one i think you're just sleeping back there don't worry get your ass bob up definitely need a lot of rest who knows when you'll next be getting some time to sleep one two three four all right bubble boo you're gonna gonna hop on up jump up in the air okay all right get it all right little wacky character defining trait uh you know in action um okay i'm just going to use normal boots on you there we go dude oh there we go bunch of paper then that i will gladly take flashy hammer huh that's a new one i think what it's it's own idea i just stepped on something you scream you're gonna scream sorry bobble is there a crew member little guy snuck up on me this one's unconscious i don't know it's a little terrifying actually okay could be a little terrifying ain't it you know passing out on a staircase all folded up from the shock or getting all folded up and passing out from the shock alone in a staircase that's terrifying it's a little creepy hey look at that it's all all the older art what i see i see what's going on here man what a cute reference to paper mario one but we had a little bit more of a reference style okay if anything at least this puzzle is fairly simple all perks let's go and shiny hammer shiny hammer in me all purple today all purple today and why are you not dead wobble guard you fool 19. goodness i thought they were going to be more honestly more incoming attacks there we go thank you for calling that lineup great i thought it was too actually that's all right it's all good they're on death's door anyway goodbye all right it's cute don't worry you're the superstar do they use the stuff to run the ship looks complicated even without power oh yes the hell the lever oh found the wheelhouse okay cool if it was locked up like that it must be pretty important especially with the electrical symbol on it why would you put the lever in here put the keep the what keep the lever on the stupid thing why would you take the lever off of the thing why actually why also why are there lights on do they miss something up down yeah following descend pull the lever cronk got your cover jet you are irrelevant okay and we're going through the door sorry i know they're toads back there they're just going to hide it's going to die strange empty hallway i tried hey save born cool happened to the luigi's mansion three directs what you mean streams you mean my streams oh there we go oh no oh actually startled me a little bit okay fight me fight me fight me go get him big m oh the good music the good music what no don't stop let the music stop all right usually the music goes like incomplete still bobbing i do like that if you're not perfect they punish you a little bit for it nope that's oh sure when bobby got his memories back he should never have missed it attacking again hot take [Music] i know what the plan is my brain i did i don't care that's probably like the worst thing i could have done it's whatever i'll take the hit it's like a non-worry got two of them bobert i miss the other part of the song it's getting me like a little irrationally angry that it doesn't finish the notes that's that's a perfect lineup [Music] what was it oh okay then okay bobber we're gonna need you on this one let's use normal hammer on it don't use up any more durability it sucks robert bobert bobber here we go bobber boom remember when i drew remember when i had bobert in the game he was like hit glasses on i made a bit about that that was fun okay the generator like there's a lot about this game i genuinely really enjoy and then there's just so much about it that i'm just like it just feels like a slog dk and donkey kong is here that's not gonna fit big m that's right because he's the leader of the crew doesn't mean that doesn't make sense i just wanted i just felt like saying something there we go i think the support not legit gamer the battle uses two songs one being more simple that's just a shame go oh wait turn it like it's there tomorrow okay okay just whacking things more energy yeah take charge like that it was funny when i had it was i funnier when i had amnesia oh god was i funny when i was on twitter oh there we go that jolt it can't be it might be in retro real trouble here oh okay there's probably a way down there that's all right whatever bye the rope is missing from the walkway above gotcha oh oh i don't like that i don't like i don't like that oh ew black goop oh no we're definitely in trouble quick big m we gotta move ew oh you actually oh that's a little spook that's a little spooky actually they've been died they've died also olivia's speaking of died olivia's been down there for a while we're gonna like oh no dude she okay i went checked on her kill him kill him okay we got bobble bobble can you can finish that one off there we go there it is end his life please that way we have to do another victory let's go plays okay simple okay perfect light up good shiny hammer and me and it'll do very good yeah very very bendy vibes ain't it there's still another don't see me don't see him just don't see me otherwise it's really weird just don't see me just don't don't hear me don't see me sing just don't see me just don't see me that would be really awkward if you saw me you don't want to see me you want to see me [Music] okay playing the game is cringe get down there bubble there you go good fantastic so don't think we're in the best spot but the power's back on so probably just head on down through here music anything out here what's that spongebob meme where it's like uh oh no you boys hear that who's playing that music that's something something to be minor find that band i've heard the quarters is incorrectly saying bobby's name a joke or are you serious no his name is we don't joke on this channel i don't know what i'm supposed to do here oh yeah i found what i'm supposed to do here nope enjoy oh peach tea peachy captain oh he's a fan come on you can push what am i missing i missed some moment missing i'm an idiot i now know what i was missing i knew where i was trying to go i couldn't suss it out oh the power's back quick into the elevator there we go ew there's gonna be enemies in here aren't there gonna be enemies in here slide tortoise here all right i'll fade the black that can only mean one thing enemies that yellow box that probably won't be stolen through something that breaks them through the window do another passer to it can you hit the password to it wow hit faster oh no why would you take the safe oh no they coated the safe in fish now the squid wants to eat it understand let's go do i try to open this drawer no it's my chin seems like the most convenient place let us calmly take the elevator oh boy oh boy oh it's proper shaking you know what good time for this more water i'll pour the water with one hand and play with the other i got it locked down i don't want to jump though no more water no more water no more water my brain had to separate moving down and pressing a with also not pouring anymore boy was that not happening all right let's get it done cheers we go baby oh my goodness this thing from sunshine there it is there's the awful gooper blooper that roughed me up oh what a jerk let him have it big m olivia's counting on us how do you know this boat was here by the way you know you gave me that whole oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i pressed the l my bad i want more fights like these these are cool oh i knew it splash too they got it as a targeting i suck at this game i'm gonna die to the squid come on come on come on pop what we don't get to pull it off while they're all their arms rip rise in pain as batman change back into bruce wayne i don't deserve i don't deserve help from that i really don't deserve help from that there we go but i will gladly take it if you're offering hello yeah look at that animation someone tells me i don't want to stand in the goopy thank one jump you jump three and that's easy okay cool there are actually no there's no goo in any of the areas that you know we're importing in fact that google it didn't matter at all now it matters now it matters probably no do i just go right in yep just whacking it huh where is it where where's the sticker i need to make you turn whoa him in the mouth yeah him oh i just hit it i just hit him regardless poor little guy we abuse this poor squid don't we he's hollow on the inside man poor thing get dead just get dead he's giving up he's giving up poor thing nope don't don't don't sparkle you're making my game lag big m that was incredible i knew you'd wallop that thing looks at the lockbox survive too thank goodness now let's plug in the security code and got a super important olivia saving item now we'll be able to rescue olivia thank you mario i'm the captain of the princess beach it was dark and scary inside that beast but at no point did i sob fully and uncontrollably and he finns any otherwise or just that dirty mutinous fibs the ship was full of passengers that we helped them escape in lifeboats to preserve customer satisfaction that's great that means the rest of the crew and passengers are all safe somewhere speaking of let's head back to sweet paper valley and rescue olivia come on big em boy let's hurry up and help olivia with this item that we've gotten huh um oh i guess they woke up [Music] man thank god we spent all this time that we could have been using to gather the toad forces to help push the boulder out of the way for this item to save olivia with it's wrong area in it well i'm here i might as well do the little thing you're right it's the wrong way but well death if you just died there we can at least do this [Music] you know this might have a hundred percent of the ship that did not 100 the ship i actually hit that there we go got your buddy like some wild stuff went down huh i'm good we're going buddy okay see ya okay don't really think i need those but glad to have him okay so we got uh as many holes as we could find got as many toads as we could find i think we are good to go now i fear for the stream about discord can i send on twitter yeah you can absolutely the box wait there's so many it's okay i didn't care goodbye there's a toad under a box i don't know what where i'm just going to go we have gotten what we have came here for as far as i'm concerned i'm all right mario we need to rescue the passengers that abandon ship uh but there's too much fog out in the great sea you see that uh if you see that the fog has lifted will you come and let us know please two tooth when he said let's go we gotta hurry up with olivia toad under the box towed under the box rip toad look man he's been under there for like i don't know like like a year about like at least seven months like olivia is going to die actively oh speed travel got it like olivia's actively dying is all i'm saying go back no i won't that toad is dead okay now without further ado um my brain oh break the pipes it worked overtime not sure if you could see brain was definitely uh pumping through all the options that we could well sorry and saver with whatever item we have just gotten from the from our friend bob labou got something really good hopefully it'll save olivia it was worth all the time we spent getting this specific item wait i don't know which one we came from three four five which one was it chat i think for support inc don't worry [Music] it was two thank you thank god they're marked i guess it's right here they're all questioned i suppose they are literally marked thank god they all have the lights on two three someone said it was three that's 27. not 27. boy i wonder what item he he is acquired huh all right it's probably nothing uh sweet paper valley thank you let's go here we are sweet paper valley this is the last down river stop yeah man thanks for the nice the nice ride here we go those delicious scraps this one too nice last meal sorry that's a weird thing to say [Music] ah bobble what was your plan buddy big m thanks for believing me and taking me to the great sea sorry i'm so hush-hush about what happened on the boat about the item in that lock box i'll tell you everything oh here we go they expect this a while back i was traveling aboard the princess peach with my buds if you will we had all pitched in to share the vip stateroom sure some of us had to sleep on the floor but the open sea the salty breeze it was the best trip ever oh jeez but then that monstrous blooper attacked the ship we did our best to defend the peach but it was too strong that's when it happened oh my fuse got knocked loose it flew right off the bow and so did i next thing i know i'm in the great sea [Music] not sure what happened next but i washed up at toadtown no fuse no memories no clue how how did how did he how did the fuse get in the but i'm not gonna [Music] so off i went lost and alone on a journey to try and remember well anything hello everybody i think this is the perfect spot to end today's stream thank you all for watching obviously i'm not gonna yeah i just wanted to see this one i just want to see chat squirm that's where you and olivia came in and then those fireworks that we saw together at the shogun studios they made me remember the fight with the blooper my fuse my buds boom for lack of a better word everything came back to me i'm so glad my memories are back i remember everything now including a way to rescue olivia [Music] see i had a lot of buds but i lost my bestest bud a long time ago he got scrapped in an accident his name was also bomb olivia would have had such a hard time telling us they're telling us apart [Music] i can hear you help me i always kept this few his fuse with me to remember him by until the amnesia hit and by the way are we like how we check to make sure she's still alive like i know we're having this touching moment here might be dead [Music] so we just sat there where i left it in that vip stateroom on the ship oh i see oh my goodness that's actually incredibly sad [Music] i even knew what was going to happen i'm getting a big alley if i could save a friend like this it means i've finally become the sort of the bomb i've always wanted to be this is what every bomb hopes for a chance to change something for the better to make an impact big am i i had so much fun traveling with you and olivia it's been a blast sorry i'm kind of nervous thanks for the views best bud and thank you mario for everything olivia's dead caught in the explosion skin man i'm really sad i even knew it was gonna happen you guys spoiled for that mean episode two man you're not worth it you're not worth it we didn't save yet we could just quit and he would be back and we could just we're good and we're go and we're good and then we'd be good ah what happened did you save me mario thank you so much getting flat and hurt a lot now i'm back to my folded and fancy free self wow what a big explosion the whole rock has just gone blasted into confetti how did that happen anyway they got some kind of dynamite hammer or something this is kapow or what wait huh where's blah blah blah is he around don't tell me he missed all this mario wait did he there was a loud bang and now the rock is gone no no it can't be [Music] [Music] oh hey there us monty moles don't get many guests down here in our little tunnel all you gotta do is advertise funny though you're not in the first today giant b with flowing tears buzzing best [Music] wait for me i'm on my break where is she [Music] hey you want a screening shut up chat he is funny that's a big idea i'm digging here so how where is she [Music] oh [Music] jesus um bobby sacrificed himself for me [Music] now he's gone when will you upload the purple ship not the time chat i said it was a joke i said it was a joke no one actually mentioned anything about purple ship but then someone almost on cue said where is purple shep i made that up to be like oh hahaha this is when chad would usually say where purple chef is hahaha then someone actually asked where purple shep was before the chat before the stream delay would have even gotten oh my god how do i know you guys so well i absolutely i actually hate all of you now he's gone how could he do that oh with a wick actually i don't know how i can go on [Music] he's just gone i'm too sad to move [Music] same same sentence same as the item what are you doing literally i'm just saying i'm saying what do you what what's your plan here you can't you don't don't try to hit me it's purposeless [Music] i'm please stop trying to i'm trying to hit her i'm i'm trying to give i'm trying to just whacking things huh dinner what strange thing for you to randomly focus on okay then where'd the moles go don't worry olivia i can put on the dk mask cheer you up with my wacky with my wacky look oh good money that'll cheer her up i'll keep the toad radar on thank you so like oh boy where'd everyone else go from the cave of break dancing it's a bathroom oh okay welp see olivia oh jackpot baby some kind of huge rock exploded outside we just gathered up all the pieces to see if we could find something shiny for bowser i don't know what to blow up around that big mouth i don't care this could get us uh out that's gonna get us out of digging for weeks if we could play our cards right gotta waddle big m oh bobby you're alive and well in perfect condition thank god listen olivia's having a hard time with this whole thing if she doesn't pull through it's like everything i did was in vain that would suck but you're a big m big m if anyone could cheer up it's you just think what can you do to put a smile on your face do we have to use monkey hey so bobby you wanna you already know what to do no that's okay join the party bobby has gone super saiyan 2 super saiyan blue probably more relevant one you could just become join us he didn't die at all he moved too fast for the explosion to kill him [Music] yellow use the item don't worry i know what can cheer you up open wide [Music] he's the leader of the bunch and you know him well and he's sure to give you a wonderful laughing spell dk what is wrong [Music] ah dk donkey kong didn't cheer her up there's nothing that'll work let's try shooting her haha look i'm a dead game sorry not dead ah no i mean uh whoa i am a goomba haha i like feet that's not fair mario stop trying to force me to laugh with that i mean it is ridiculous [Music] i needed that thank you mario i can't just sit around wallowing in misery bobby wouldn't have wanted that let's let's keep going we have to stop my brother no matter what thanks again mario and thanks in advance for all your future heroics too all right let's see if we can get that if we can find that yellow streamer but first you have to remove this you know giant thing from your head i cannot take you seriously [Music] but you could take donkey kong seriously you have an issue with the monkey i swear some people imagine thinking donkey kong is not funny don't worry olivia bobby's right here uh all right i feel like we're back on track now let's go back through the tunnel and get to the streamer sometimes a good cry is all you need right hmm do you feel that the folds on the back of my neck just stood up i'm getting a strong bobby like feeling it's probably just my imagination right we only have our memories that'll be enough we're doing this for you bobby what's wrong mario let's go what's wrong mario let's go one more for the road buddy just whacking things huh thank you bobby thank you all for watching take a photo in shogun studios oh wait wait wait dude rewinding my sentence seems we have one more task to do for tonight vote man to shogun studios one more task you just got here old thankfully you can rewind the stream if you would like to get some more content take a photo in shogun studios one the president your entry pass will you be about do you not know who i am okay slurp these up thank you do you not know who i am take a photo and children where was that again uh [Music] look at him go how do you guys want to take a photo here hello we're going to dress up studio you like the photo to remember your fun day here sure why not um royalty okay oh i feel like we should have taken this a little bit earlier on chat feels a little never mind oh oh his spirit is still with us man that's cute that makes me happy that makes me happy i know you're here bobby where are you where are you he's running this way i can smell him man that's cute that's really cute and on that note thank you all for watching tune in next time whatever i feel like doing that is ben paper mario and the origami king maybe we'll finish it another day but i at least am very very glad we're able to have the ending of that wonderful arc come to a close [Music] what a fun game i have a lot of issues with it what a fun game and that is where we're ending off for today thank you all for watching tune in next time whatever i feel like doing maybe we'll play pokemon in the new dlc sometime soon too what a fun little way to end that off thank you all for watching actually first of all first of all who's gonna be raging that's always the big question on my mind whenever i do one of these streams what and who are we raiding see [Music] vic is streaming wumbo is streaming who's streaming on twitch we got a lot of people we had some good uh raid turnouts recently love to see how many people we can get on for this one as well oh gamestop qrikets games done quick is playing mario 64. oh wow pretty good that's gonna be fun for me to watch later if anything i've already read them before i'd rather read a channel um who do i want to read [Music] are you doing something right now let's see how about this channel i have to watch an ad hold on sit back and watch an ad for a second stick around for just a minute i really wish reading was built into youtube imagine if reading was built into youtube maybe one day maybe one day oh actually i'm going to start you off at a pretty good spot here the friend we are rating today is someone who is doing a hand time speed run they just started their run so you know what let's rate a bunch of speed runners recently it's actually a really good run to start off on if you're ever curious to see how this how this speed run goes we're gonna be raiding and who who's currently speed running a hat in time the very beginning of the run and i can say from personal experience watching these kinds of runs they are incredibly entertaining to watch so thank you all for watching until next time whatever i feel like doing if you're looking to watch some funny hat in time head on over to anhu if you're looking to watch some other speedrunning events head on over to games done quick and also thank you very much for the support not legit gamer inc twice in a row and not legit gamer one more time again as well as no name bro sir pancake and phoenix 77 thank you all for watching one more time two next after i feel like doing end i'll see you all around baby thank you all for buying the wonderful moon plush and making that a reality let's start paying it back one stream at a time see you around
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 32,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Paper Mario Origami King
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 0sec (9480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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