Bowser's Fury: The 100% Run

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it's a beautiful sunny day mario is going for a stroll uh there's ink on the floor my first instinct when i see ink on the floor is not a oh he's back he's back [Music] he did the wily coyote thing and that kids is how i met your mother so much for nice weather and that's how mario died no seriously he's dead just kidding this is mario we're talking about he doesn't die that would be traumatic i like how they're giving me directions on how to play when it's just like every mario game ever we're just gonna start right off the bat bowser's pissed uh okay what do we do there's a shine up there and um okay stairs bowser just let me grab the shine just give me a second just give me a second oh no light his worst enemy like every other basement dweller on reddit hey not bad you think after 20 years he'd be a little better with the paintbrush though it's like 20 years of being a failed artist uh-oh bowser jr is in trouble mario is sick of his he's like i don't think so not this time i tried to help him but he's too big and mad so he's big mad mario's like all right sweeten the pot just a little bit what's in this for me we want a little help from bowser jr we get by with a little help from okay so don't touch that but i get to be small mario i don't know why that means i have to lose my hat okay we gotta make the lighthouse shine how we're gonna do that i don't know mario is speed in this game look at him go oh hi kitties hello [Music] don't tell ollie and evie i did that aha there's a kitty shine oh that's a kitty shard it's only part of a kitty shine there's another one i know i gotta find the cat suit but oh the music is already getting he's coming isn't he god damn it just leave me alone for a second all right we're gonna get five things we don't have five we have one this is anxiety like if you wanted to know what anxiety was in game form this is it i was going to take a nap already you know why he saw me going for the shines and he didn't want the smoke it's a gigabill i heard a cool saying about these when the beast rises the gigabell will ring it's not much of a saying bully the cat bullies i mean does anyone really deserve to be cyber bullied other than bowser mains i think there's a big difference between bully them and drop them into a pool of lava if you've ever been bullied and uh someone was like get him drop him in that pool of lava i think that goes beyond bullying all right another cat shine we bullied oh we fixed the lighthouse okay so we're probably gonna go over there now see this bowser jr everything that the light touches is your kingdom it's that black goopy spot over there oh that's your dad he's possessed hello i am one of you typically cats don't warm up right away to other no don't hit the cats damn it it's raining again the weatherman they didn't predict this got it all right show me the money oh i don't have to go looking for it just right there hey you didn't help wait do even the cheap cheaps have tails that's so weird i guess that would make them a catfish i'm gonna go ahead and say that this is probably the best pork that nintendo has put out from wii u to switch because like this is a full-fledged game on its own it's not like 3d world but there's still a lot to do here this is hours worth of game i respect it because most of the time nintendo gets crapped on for just doing the absolute minimum and here they actually put in some effort and this is a lot of fun i wonder if it's going to be them kind of experimenting for what they're gonna do with their next mario game just make it super open world the lighthouse has some news for you it's telling you that choctopus is almost at 300 000 subscribers so you better help me get there one more where you at it's starting to rain come on no i just need one more ah crap goddammit come on shoot lasers where are you aha it's time kids and this is to go further beyond all right here we go you got a health bar not anymore ah ow wait get me out of the goop cat's gonna have to take a bath afterwards you know how hard it is to get a cat to take a bath oh i'm sorry did i just jump on your little tum tum dude's about to get washed you think i wouldn't be able to jump on the spikes but i kind of can get out of there all right big mario now we did it okay was that it did we do the whole thing oh we just unlocked more oh there it's snow levels he sank back into lake but trust me it'll take more than that to beat my papa and just make him really see the light he needs to have a come to jesus moment it's a giant sad kitty what do you what do you need it looks like evie all right plessy attic girl let's see can we kill the fish they don't stand a chance this is a cool way to kind of just fast travel they say global warming isn't real oh yeah we'll explain this ice island in the middle of a tropical world okay this is a dangerous ride uh i would not sign up for this the line is probably pretty short it's six flags for this ride look where are we flinging ourselves over there cloud boying oh it doesn't work oh a secret area it would not be a mario game without a secret area and genocide what happens when you go through here are they testing my abilities to follow a course to get to a shine come on don't you know that i played sunshine and galaxy don't you know who i am oh that's new what ouija yeah luigi is he's fast we got it we splatted him something's in there uh-huh there it is that was not easy to see oh that's just a oh no okay that was the shark there's a lot of slides in this game there's so many slides it's like an amusement park how are we getting that one come on you you have like a flying clown car help me out here we got it blue coin bustle this looks like the same exact island as the last one unless they kind of just change is this it am i bustling we have bustled oh what how do i get in there oh i could go in from the top maybe i don't like this i don't like this at all oh he's right here he's all up in our stuff bowser used hyper beam but it's not very effective i like cat boom boom but yeah he couldn't wait a little bit and wait for bowser to cool off for a minute it just goes to show that i'm not afraid of anything i'll fight bosses while bowser's going through his uh his thing easy okay we must aim with precision oh hello just chilling over here gigantomax mario what i feel like we're just slightly more sparkly than last time oh that's a new attack you didn't have that last time this is entirely new move set for bowser revamp him and smash that's his new side b he has jigglypuff's rollout little does he know how punishable it is we don't really have to wait we can just throw hands or pause whatever okay now um what do i do if i'm just big mario oh i get the bell again i kind of like just big ass mario though uh i don't think that's supposed to happen how many times you have to teach you this lesson old man look at mario's smug look every time bowser jr opens his mouth wait what is that giant rabbit i'm telling you they can't make a mario game without rabbit chases just it's not possible but now the rabbits are deities and they can run on water you got nowhere to run you're mine how come you got the ninja stars and you can use shadow clone jutsu boom boom got the short end of the stick here or the bo staff [Music] i'm just waiting for like at the end of this for bowser jr to still somehow scum me over oh i hate these i don't like these at all how do i do this i can't see anything this might be the worst thing i've ever seen in my life clearly i have to climb but where not now bowser i'm busy oh hello that helps okay no maybe a thousand actually helped ouch i got torched the frame rate is like no way please tell me all of that is gonna disappear because that was awful bowser actually helped me out there then we're going to shine a light in his eyes he's like ah ah damn it all right i'm out of here see you guys later oh a warp pipe yeah i'll jump in a random pipe blind oh final bout with cat boom boom final bout was a uh a really bad dragon ball gt game on the playstation one that got localized and it was even worse when it was localized but it's a game that is so near and dear to my heart because that was the first dragon ball game that i could like go to a video store to rent i know i said like enough cat enemies but i like kat von bomb i will protect cat bob with my life junior i think my only gripe with this game or mode or whatever you want to call it because it's not really a full-fledged game i mean it kind of is but i guess the only thing is it's way too easy like it's so easy because they really give you a lot i mean i have a lot of power ups i don't know how many lives we have do we have lives i mean i have no life okay something's telling me that with all the holes in the ground i should probably watch out for spikes well they're all my power-ups so i get this is what i get for saying the game is easy i just get bodied in the next fight oh god okay so we need bowser for that one but we also are one shine away from being able to use the super bell again gigabell whatever all right we're gonna get this last shine in here and you're gonna help us come here come here come here hey oh you get a little flag when you complete a tower okay that's 20 gigabill is up oh no do i have to do this thing okay i thought i was gonna have to like traverse my way through the invisible walls this is kind of better i guess all right keep going i'm just afraid i'm gonna fall and like that's gonna be the end of it no no no no no no no no i gotta do it all over again check out these zigzags they say if you wanna run away from a crocodile there's an alligator i don't know which one you run zigzag because they don't have the peripheral vision and that today kids is science with chuck he's coming plessy we ride at dawn or dusk [Music] i love all the people in the comment section that were visibly upset that we were calling him super saiyan mario you're like no he's a lion yeah but like clearly wait a second i can pick up the stakes do i have to like drill them through his heart like a vampire who needs cat mario we can just hurl his anger spikes just throw the anger rocks back at him so what point do we beat the game how many shines is it before it's like alright this is the last time you're gonna do this i mean i'm sure there's a final boss and like this isn't it oh it's a sunken ship we're going oh okay this is cool i like the variety this all plessy is good for just transportation plus he has feelings you know we've made it kitty island still no idea what i have to do with these cats 40. so i'm gonna assume that like this is the last boss i need 40 shines to maybe beat it being trapped in a tube like this is like a nightmare for someone who is claustrophobic i mean i guess you didn't have to be claustrophobic to be a nightmare there's another god rabbit skipping across the water i got you there's the shine get it come on i know you're full of hot air let's go where's it taking me i don't know but we're going oh to heaven we're going to heaven this is more epic knowing that it's doomsday please no more cat enemies no more no more wait it's all cats always has been here's a key don't know how we're going to hold that one oh there we go wait a second hang on i have a little cat fell on what what can i do with that oh it's the same as just okay it's like lucky cat mario even the damn key is a cat two hours later oh there it is i guess i should have just looked for the giant cat shaped cage hang on hang on this doesn't seem like it would work but you never know oh we're drifting away i get it now the platforms are always moving oh what's that button i want to hit the big purple button don't tell me the even the snow pokey it's actually kind of cruel to dismantle hokies like one piece at a time not only is it enough to kill the pokey you have to melt their flesh whenever i come up to a part that i saw in the trailer i always feel like that leonardo dicaprio meme where he's kind of pointing at the television from once upon a time in hollywood it's a great movie by the way if you haven't seen it you should totally go watch that movie i ain't afraid of you i'm kind of over the whole bowser thing it's lost its luster or its anger whichever seven deadly sin take your pick can i just say that this geometry goes against every preschool children's toy would put the block in the block shaped hole she can just kind of take the block and put it in the circle nothing makes sense i'm always down for time challenges especially ones that involve destroying a lot of cat enemies because i like real cats but i think i'm over everything that looks like a cat oh look there's a plessy challenge we haven't completed yet this might be the one that i failed last time but not this time see that was easy just that's what happens when you're a pro gamer look how happy plus he is always happy doesn't even care that we just discarded her like a used napkin hurry jump high jump fast i'm doing exactly as you say please let my family go i don't like these kittens they're possessed they look evil don't hide from me don't be playing no cat shard games just gotta run around the map looking for cat shards which reminds me that i have to clean ollie and evie's litter box after this because they left plenty of cat yards for me nothing like cleaning off a nice lighthouse something satisfying about getting the goop gun we need six more and then we can fight bowser again um i don't know maybe i have to be your baby no you're still sad i mean i'd be sad if i was someone's child too oh wait here you are come here your mom wants you here's your kid [Music] you're mine might as well just wait it out right build the suspense i gotta say i am thoroughly enjoying this i think this is loads of fun and i think the next mario game should be open world i think this is the pun not intended this is them testing the waters okay fine maybe pun intended fight me damn cat bullet bills it doesn't end being a bullet bill and a bomb it has to be the worst two enemies to be because you just explode are you kidding me are you gotta be kidding me uh k hey note to self uh don't jump in the damn water because you'll lose the key no no no no no no save yourself nice on imagine after all that i ended up landing in the water so close to the cat cage come here just come here come here come here just come here come back come here come here come here if you look closely even on top there's the mouse enemy that is a cat which doesn't make sense that is a paradox done give me the shine don't you kind of like how this game just evolves into ignoring fury bowser it just becomes an annoyance we just gotta get one more shine and then we're gonna go punch him in the face again it is my sworn duty to make every sad cat happy especially calicos because i have a calico so i never want her to be sad is that it over there there it is how'd you get up there little kitty don't worry i'll save you evie oh god you have three cats oh here's another one i'm gonna assume the last one's probably over here somewhere even the hammerhead sharks oh wait hang on there's actually a challenge here which means i can just forget about that last cat don't tell peta come on get get it get it that's the last one all right i can't not she's crying i can't not find the last cat all right you know what time it is let's see what new moves he learned this time oh he has hidden missiles or those always there get over here ow don't even need it don't need cat mario don't even okay you know what maybe i do now i'm a little big mario i might actually die for the first time unless i get the power up little big mario just sounds like a better version of little big planet which is a good game series but i don't know like sack boys adventure they have to call him the sack boy i hit him but somehow still it was funny to see mario swipe like a cat but just as regular mario look at mario just completely fed up standing in the rain now what what is happening why is he glowing now we just fought him oh the sky is red this is it's getting more frightening plot twist what if bowser never went away what if this was just mario's life now all right we gotta bait him for this one [Music] did we do it we did it take a nap what's this baseball doing here do i have to do something with it's gone it's dissolved in water worst baseball ever okay come on come on where are you when i want you to spit fire at me you don't okay i gotta tell you it's pretty stressful uh not being able to quiet the demons until you scratch that itch and get that shine okay if i have a fire flower if i had a fire flower [Music] if i had any power up i like how they clap when you get the fire flower it's like yeah cool now you can burn things oh and we can save the kitty no don't run away come here it's cold there's water around us hang on we're gonna get you back to your mommy [Applause] where'd you go oh no come on go go go go go go wait wait there's two things here yeah oh no he's back i should have waited to get the uh the shine this is just the this is fine meme in video game form mario's just climbing a tower bowser's just shooting his flame breath oh there's one just in front of my face is it really just right there could it really just be that easy okay there's another shard got one to go where are you at where are you hiding there you are oh it's shadow we well goo weeds no it's not guiji guiji is green shadow luigi uh enron luigi inc luigi i'm trying to snipe him got him oh blue coin bustle don't mind if i do i actually prefer this because it just seems like it'd be much easier just to stay in the glass pipe at least i'm safe in here i'm safe in the glass pipes [Music] oh no i'm screwed damn it okay stay focused stay vigilant he did it mario you small you small boy oh that's it even the shines aren't going to stop bowser so we need to get two more here's a shine we didn't get easy watch this bowser's like did he just say watch this that's how you know i didn't come to play games because i said oh brother oh there it is that's one i saw the other one it's here somewhere wait are you kidding me how is anybody supposed to know this is here someone was pissed at the office when they hid that one all right whatever this final challenge is we're going to do it beam me up scotty aha key easy this old chestnut fine so be it even the bees have cat tails now we just need to bring this whole ass key back to the beginning i guess we just hop in the the pipe it'll fire us back that didn't work and i can't even leave i hate everything i thought maybe there's going to be like a a shortcut but there ain't there ain't no shortcut out i will stop at no cost this is it ladies and gents we're about to get shine number 50 which means we're gonna smack bowser up he didn't learn the first couple times but he's gonna learn this time it's time i would say it's time to go even further beyond but we made that joke already and we don't repeat jokes here at j octopus incorporated oh you're gonna be dropping waves now you're making waves this is a drama-free zone light bulb but why does it have to be so far away bowser got buffs for this fight he got hit with those patch notes they've effectively turned bowser into a zoner all right he's done oh wait one more hit of course that little sliver of health depicting that that's going to be the final blow hang on pick up the spear we're going to dracula his ass oh god oh oh we accidentally walked into him with the anger rock is he finally dead [Music] bowser jr is like i am an orphan now oh well bye wait after all that he's still mad okay now it's just raid boss bowser oh no he's gonna wield the triforce of cat bells okay what do we do now i assume get on this animal he's playing keep away because we have to get in there and shatter that orb i kind of like this boss fight more than the other one is that weird like i'm kind of digging this it feels very sonic adventure this whole thing i feel like nintendo really took a page out of sega's book for this whole mode all right that's two we know three is the magic number okay yeah this is dope this is dope good night [Music] back to the bottom of the sea godzilla [Music] cat plessy was the final form all along what is happening dad and i were supposed to have a fun day but he's a bad father and he abandoned me he's out with his buddies at the bar again i think dad might have a problem wait what is toadette doing here and i have to look for the toads it's called junior's graffiti gratitude but it'd be really gratuitous if uh he told me where i had to go to get the damn shine oh maybe it's right here i was gonna say there better be a shine in there oh look how cute i think his art is kind of growing on me okay there's gotta be something in here i can feel it in my bones i was right oh that's far we're gonna get it though please be the last one oh god we gotta go into the ink i sacrifice plessy for the cat shine for the greater good so when i was little and i used to play uh super mario world like if i was just playing casually i had a game genie and me and my dad would play together and he would always just turn on like a whole bunch of codes one of the codes was every yoshi coin would give you a one up and that's the only one that i remember typical captain toad always got himself into shenanigans he's back just make it easy on ourselves keep taunting watch what happens about to light your ass up i was gonna say i'm right on him i'm right on his tail there's too many tails in this game this little ledge over here seems like exactly where a toad would hide that ain't no captain toad that that's captain toad's friend captain dave well that's right i completely abandoned this cat mom and i never got her third child back so okay now's the time okay so what's gonna happen now because he's about to wake up and i i don't know do i gotta do the whole get a shine thing again i can't use the cat bell what is that five shines poor cat mom i ditched her again mario saw the dollar signs in his eyes he's like i'm going for the five okay where is everything i showed up i'm here oh he's gone okay i'm a powered up plessy now i should be able to catch this rabbit easily unless this rabbit's got the kaioken come on so close you can't hide from me are we going into the waterfall now i have you now they want to challenge my platforming skills say my first rodeo oh you have a bell that's the easy route okay we failed this last time but not this time we almost went off the ledge there oh hang on there's the golden island filled with treasure i'm going here you got 50. so you punched your card 50 times you get five free ones then you just fall and mario died alright let's get this key back where it belongs which is not in the water all right hit the purple button and it fences you in to your death everyone wants to be tough until mario pulls out the piece takes out the fire flower oh never mind this pal blocks oh i can finally use the bell it's been so long you've messed with the wrong paisano this ain't no super mario brothers super show i ain't no captain lou albano f's in the comments section for captain lou albano one of the greatest marios to ever live no offense to charles martin a why does bouncing on bowser's belly look like moon shoes you guys probably don't remember moon shoes unless you're old like me moon shoes are the fastest way to get to the hospital they seem so cool in theory but they didn't work the way they were intended they're like these little trampoline shoot you know what just roll the clip diabetes i would love to know how all these battles can take place and there is literally no collateral damage are you getting tired yet you getting tired science i was gonna puke again bowser i think you might have a problem my dude i care about you that's why we're having this intervention in today's episode of chalk learned something new uh i wasn't supposed to get the bell because i guess we're just gonna do the whole boss fight over again so we can skip this part feasting on fuzzies oh okay we'll use the piranha plant this is new this is different i feel like we were getting uh even the damn fuzzies have cat ears you know what they say touch fuzzy get dizzy i've done it i've destroyed all the fuzzies please let my family go i'm done with you ha ha 69 shines please clap that's probably gonna hurt the button you know there's a lot of lava over here on the same tropical set of islands that has ice we now have lava something's wrong with this climate all right like i know bowser's coming in everything but we're going into a fight over here it's a boss fight within a boss fight it is boss fight ception okay kai and i have been playing super mario 3d world so this is the exact same boss fight only he's not a cat just you gotta put him in the pipe put that in your pipe and smoke it it's like that treasure chest at the front of the classroom like when you're good the teacher's like all right you can pick a pencil out of the treasure chest i'm in danger a small price to pay i'm gonna do it this time we're gonna focus oh here's a plessy coin is plessy related to yoshi at all i mean they operate the same way you just ditch them when you want to jump wait you were here the whole time don't worry kitty we're taking you home so you gotta like bring it over here oh no oh stay stay dry stay dry no no no no no like can i make this jump there's oh crap yeah we're doing it this time this is the run oh no oh that's quite a jump oh oh my god finally oh god here take your child look lined up right in front of the coin ready to rock i gotcha it's like the x games of plessy riding and i'm tony hawk 90s tony hawk not tony hawk now even the words are cats they cannot be escaped it really is the fact that cats are taking over the world they took over the internet next the world hang on that's so not cool i just turned oh well okay a blessing in disguise i quite like the butt bounce technique because it seems like it would hurt a lot but mario just takes it in stride also it's a big speed running strat and i've been telling myself that maybe it's time to finally learn how to speed run a game and i feel like a mario game would be the probably the best place to start so like maybe odyssey just because the movement seems so cool oh hang on another depressed cat i got you i got you yo plessy hauling ass come on just straying a little too close to the lava for comfort wouldn't it turn into rock or obsidian i've played minecraft i know things hap there's just a shine there's up at the top chill in here let me just climb mount fiji oh how do i get that one oh wait there's a blue toad over here and cats toad brigade hot pursuit that would totally be a racing game all right don't miss this that would have been tragic hey you supposed to come with me this cat's just like stranger danger all right here's one see cats always land on their feet i don't suppose you could go in here can you nope oh that is the cutest thing i've ever seen so calicos actually are more talkative than other cats and when they talk a lot it's called tortitude because they're like tortoiseshell colored that's a fun fact write that down i'm gonna go for a ride on my friend plessy got nothing to worry about so wait if i dive if i go underwater right now do i inherently drown the kitten i'm not going to find out if that's what you're wondering okay that's three two more to go oh here's another cat she she could have just kind of like looked to the right like slightly i'm not above a freebie i want you to know that only 11 shines to go oh we didn't get this yet i love me a time challenge face me oh wait is that it i found it i got that eagle eye you don't even know all right finally no more cat fetch quests speaking of cats and fetching uh ollie i've mentioned this before likes to play fetch with pipe cleaners i don't know why wait what is this one all the way up here toad just chilling on a deserted island with a bunch of cats it seemed like a bad way to live to be honest oh wait no this is new uh this is bad this is this is very bad this cat cat cat can we save no i kind of understand you just have to go as it rotates getting big galaxy vibes from this galaxy three win oh oh oh i see oh god maybe i don't see i see exactly where one of the shines is going to be that's going to be kind of frustrating but this is this is atrocious and nauseating oh wait there's a whole last shine over here i thought i was just looking for shards nope time challenge a little rain not gonna stop me oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait they really saved some of the uh oh that makes it god damn it i don't like the lava one hit kill thing that's uh it's tough third time's a charm if we bring this bomb we can chuck it and grab that shard oh there's one okay we're almost home free one more okay here's the key now here's the fun game of uh let's get it back while bowser's trying to murder us they really saved some of the hardest shines for last not that it's like super hard you know what's hard about this the camera angles okay let's go this way no no okay now surely uh this is not how the game was meant to be played but i don't care oh wait hang on hang on i think i know i have to do i see it i see it oh here goes nothing nice knowing you girl [Music] this isn't how this is supposed to work mario get out of the quicksand and here she is unscathed the jankiest shine we've ever gotten this should be the last one i feel bad that it's not one more shine and then it's final boss fight time wake up you big stupid nerd so this is it right the final showdown all right oh it's ultra instinct bowser so wait what's different besides the fact that he can just probably dodge all my attacks come on we know how ultra instinct works i play mui goku and fighters dodge this you know what this kind of makes me want a new rampage game rampage is a fun series that deserves some kind of reboot i don't know what they could possibly add that could make it any different more monsters maybe online play or do i feel like i'm describing something that's already happened so this is the power of a super saiyan god damn homies got a lot of health this might be the most hits bowser's ever taken in a fight actually it might be the most hits bowsers taken in all combined fights oh right smacked him right out of the air we're going for trick shots now from downtown look he's afraid he's playing like a zoner he's camping idiot then throws up again and then he explodes come on this old chestnut did this already i want to see some new tricks okay hear me out hear me out here this would make a sick mario kart course come on my idea is they just print money nintendo you listening but we would have to show some love to plessy like plessy would have to become a card i think that's only fair i mean after all the hard work that she's done plessy and mario flew into the sunset never to be seen again and then bowser got crushed i don't know why but this will never get old it's over it's finally over no more cat puns no more cats okay just just one one more cat one more all right the game has now come full circle we'll see you next time
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 1,940,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, amiibo smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, raid boss choctopus, bowsers fury, bowsers fury ending, bowsers fury full game, bowsers fury final boss, super mario 3d world bowsers fury, bowsers fury secret ending, bowsers fury secrets, bowsers fury secret boss, bowsers fury 100 speedrun, bowsers fury 100 percent, bowsers fury 100
Id: oixCsvgjQTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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