King Olly Boss Fight! ENDING! - Paper Mario: The Origami King - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 29

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[Music] what is up guys zack scott here playing paper mario the origami king mario and bowser are standing outside king ollie's a room i don't know if it's a throne room i don't know what it is but we're going to go inside before we do i want to thank you guys so much for your support on this series the first episode right now is sitting at 1.3 million views it'll get higher than that but right now 1.3 million views all thanks to you all leaving over 25 000 likes thanks so much let's move on go in and have us a boss fight i think it's gonna be super awesome i hope that you guys enjoy here we go well you're finally here took you long enough as a matter of fact it took you so long that there's nothing you can do to stop me now brother are you still planning more terrible things yeah i assume he is i assume he's still planning to do some very bad stuff because we're about to have a big fight here yeah who do you think you are folding up me and my minions like that like you could keep all of this from busting loose anyway where's princess peach is she safe is she comfortable does she have something to read asking for a friend oh the princess is right in front of you behold oh my gosh what did he do i told you didn't i that i would transform all of peach's castle into an origami castle including the princess herself she is this has some like body horror mechanics here she is have one with the castle now beautiful precious and silent i'm sure she's happier this way you monster folding princess peach into the castle is too much you've gone too far you couldn't possibly do anything worse except wait all those paper cranes you won it what are all those super cranes i would and i did witness the thousand cranes technique he who has the patience to fold 1 000 origami crane shall have any wish granted that is real ultimate power and i shall use it to turn every last one of the those wretched toads into mere blank paper what that's crazy talk the toads can't come back from that you know i wouldn't even do that and i've done some mean stuff believe me ask quebec i still don't don't understand what you've got against the toads do you realize that even you were originally folded by a toad of course i do he's the whole reason i'm doing this that fool disrespected the very paper i am made of he scribbled all over it now bear the hideous scar now i bear the hideous scar of his negligence and disregard for origami and he shall pay that's why you're doing this but even if you're mad at him why take it out on all of the other toads if you've seen one toad you've seen them all they're all the same to me that's why i have to turn them all into blank pieces of scrap paper so i never have to see a single one of their stupid faces again that is my vision for a glorious origami kingdom as for you mario you've proven to be quite annoying but there's nothing you can do now to stop me already 999 of my cranes are complete after i defeat you i'll honor your paper by folding you into the very last crane here we are in the boss fight guys king ollie i guess you can call him a king let's do what we must your adventure ends here mario i will fulfill my dream if you won't fold willingly i shall bend you to my will by force he's got all of them he's got all of them all right all right all right [Music] he himself [Music] earth origami developmental style wait what that's the shape of the earth elemental indeed i've mastered the techniques of every bibliofold now witness how a king wields those powers all right we'll see we'll see my brother sounds excited that can't be good for us be careful mario all right okay what's going on here what do what is it use the arrows i know i know what is that look mario it's one of those super special magic circles i might be able to turn it into any of the developmentals now who would be good against that guy okay so we go okay we missed the on switch if we do that let's uh oh man if we move that that's gonna be even worse okay hold on so okay oh my god uh okay got it that looks good right that's good that's solid gold right there probably it's on oh no i oh man i missed i misunderstood i misunderstood i'm sorry uh i think we can bounce on him right let's use uh legendary iron boots sorry i missed it i don't know i don't know what i did wrong that's okay yeah zero doesn't do i don't like zero never mind your legendary boots broke whatever who cares enemies turn i don't like this what's he gonna do to me 50 i blocked it but that was 51 damage yikes gotta watch out still standing huh i'll soon fix that all right don't worry about it we will get it it's on new zeros i know i i don't i i don't know what happened i missed i misunderstood let's make it easy on ourselves there we go straight forward like that all right mario's turn uh so we do developmental power which filamental power should we use [Music] i mean earth is him he might like water because he's a turtle fire i don't know maybe if we use ice we can freeze him and then hit him with the with the 1000 hands or something i don't know here we go i can't believe i messed up the very first move that's okay here we go nice filamental power [Music] subman a one damage i don't get curses i can't move all right enemy gets determined he can't move okay this is maybe good maybe we can use the thousand hands or whatever i use the arrows uh so what we want to do after the switch is on that's gonna move me up and over and right there that's gotta work that's gotta work [Music] here we go magic circle on let's take him oh grab oh yeah yeah this is exactly what we do [Music] i remember now nice says he's like halfway dead already that's great [Music] hmm not bad time to switch tactics what do you mean time to switch tactics oh this is gonna be something else all right that's fine water [Music] i don't know what's good against water not fire probably not ice maybe ice [Music] whoa he turned into the water of elemental indeed he did i don't like it either uh so yeah i mean same thing i imagine i remember this you recall the waterville mentals water sprouts yes i put my own spin on them all right i don't like that but okay uh so if we move this up then let's uh maybe move nope yes i don't know what to do oh no he washed away oh that's right the water spots well oh no he washed away my very starting panel great great enemies turn that's okay we'll probably block it maybe not 60 damage dude that's tough all right you survived impossible use the arrows so do we never even hit the on switch did we but that's okay because all we do is remove that there i think we move oh no that doesn't do the trick dang it [Music] what if we use the hands now what the heck what did my brother's hp just replenish itself do you see now you stand in a realm of pure origami and i am in control the longer you hesitate the more i'll recover better think fast haha hate that fine okay here we go second mario we can do this just breathe and arrange those rings okay here we go we're gonna go with uh with the hands maybe i don't know i'm gonna see what happens if i use the hands since he's weak i don't know i don't know if this is good here we go this might not be good i might have to use a power [Music] okay this is effective this is effective this is effective but not effective enough because we should have beaten him okay i guess we could have used ice again i don't know don't get too comfortable i'm about to get serious all right he's got two more powers left i suppose fire water would be good against fire probably so okay let's be quick i hate trying to be too quick all right let's try to keep it simple with the movements he turned into the fire of elemental all right sure molten feathers we don't want to touch those and then uh he's about to attack ugh there are there are hearts here i could probably grab uh so this one let's start like this let's put that on switch oh this is great this is actually really quite easy there we go got it i'm gonna use water i think that'll help like for sure water magic circle on here we go let's douse his flame shall we he's almost dead because his feathers are gone right that's right the health bar made his feathers how do you take zero damage from this [Music] no my flames enemy gets a turn which i don't like but what's he doing this is an attack what it was happening it's not an attack okay use the arrows again uh so [Music] uh let's make sure the on switch is on [Music] here we go let's do that nice i think we can use this i don't know here we go i hope we can he might he might just attack i don't know what is going to happen here but we did get hard so that's good [Music] it's not doing anything oh no it is there we go plucked his feathers there we go take that he's defeated well at least there's probably like several phases to this fight but you know what i mean at least for now is he seems defeated you surpassed the power of my superior folded paper brother are you okay you must be exhausted using even one developmental form can be [Music] shut it i don't need your pity i folded you so we could turn this flat world into an origami kingdom but you betrayed me and allied yourself with these paper peasants don't you see olivia we're both origami why aren't you fighting me why are you fighting me ali we are origami but this isn't what we were made for [Music] we both started as simple sheets but we had souls folded into us we were made with love love of art love of creation love for life itself that's what origami is all about we should be friends with all paper beings if there's love in our hearts you're lecturing me about love was there love in the heart of that paper toad who scribbled all over me we're nothing like that flat flimsy fool we were folded for greatness i should have known you wouldn't understand how could you i made you two perfect too pure that's a mistake i'll soon correct here olivia let me show you the true power of origami oh my god what is happening oh no he he just keeps unfolding what's happening what do we do what is happening oh boy oh see toads oh my goodness okay oh okay look around you olivia i'm folding the very fabric of reality origami embodies the limitless power of transformation with this power i shall rid the world of all pathetic paper thin beings you think we're gonna roll over just because you puffed out your chest and got all weird looking i've had enough of you and your bad haircut it's go time so pals are stepping in bowser wait that was a very uh intimidating speech but he's too powerful here he'll crumple you for sure ollie was right this place is made of pure origami power it strengthened him so it could strengthen you too let me fold you this is folding bowser [Laughter] he's like no i've been folded once before this is interesting this is so cool there's a bowser folded up all right do i control him now blah i love it nice work origami girl okay i'm gonna show this paper pusher how a real final boss fights [Laughter] this guy's tougher than he looks i might need some backup whoa where are all these magic circles come from let's use these if we slam the ground with the 1000 fold arms we can give bowser an advantage when bowser nears a magic circle run behind him and use it to summon the 1 000 fold arms it bowser shifts to a different spot press b to cancel your attack and switch magic circles all right right behind him here we go it's working i mean i'm tapping it i'm tapping it there we got it huh the magic circle banished i guess they don't last very long do you ever stop meddling these should keep you busy oh dear ninja stars where the heck jump i'm trying okay he's over here are the ninja stars still on the on the screen guess not here we go all right there i'm trying to hit this as much as i can but use the magic circle there's more ninja stars oh geez there's like two of them oh i hit no i jumped on one good good good good here we go man believe me i'm trying so hard to hit this all right we got this he's going to move so i can jump on them okay i'm trying to hit this [Music] oh my god got it there we go all right oh he's going this whoa oh my god that's so fast all right here we go hey hurry up mario i'm trying dude i'm trying here we go i'm shaking my controller like as fast as i can oh my gosh this is taking for oh my god what the heck is this oh i got hit a little bit that's okay those only do like 10 damage i guess i don't want to get too much though i don't get what i'm trying to do i'm checking the controller okay i will not be beaten by this bouncing blowhard to me my folded soldier whoa whoa a big angry face where did that thing come from we'd better act fast slam the ground as as many times as you can before it falls and crushes us [Music] oh right here okay great i'm trying i'm shaking the controller so much oh all right dude that was too close if we hadn't dodged we would have been crumpled for sure hey that big face hit the ground so hard that it bounced ollie back towards the center we were so close we can't stop now let's do it again oh my gosh this is uh this is taking a lot out of me i'm trying to use the magic circle it's so hard to walk behind you bowser [Music] all right oh that wasn't enough that wasn't enough oh i thought i was gonna bounce off several of them excuse me excuse me man this is taking absolutely forever all right you think you've won but this battle is not over yet no wrong button run we did it you got beat by a paper powerhouse eat gravity you jerk curse you oh my gosh that was a workout all right i'm just shaking the controller like a madman bowser roars that was cool oh she's sad about ollie i can't believe it i know there was goodness in him but ollie chose to hate flat paper beings to the bitter end goodbye brother i hope we meet again someday oh do i gotta fight bowser now oh nope nope watch out oh there goes bowser oh no oh no it's an even worse king ollie i will not allow this i will crush you all of you oh no my brother's way too big we can't stop him like this oh wait that origami craftsman gave me something special before we left his workshop it's time to use it how come i didn't know about this what is this what the heck is this another magic circle pathetic what do you hope to do slap my wrist with those feeble arms of yours yes he's mad what is this what do i do i gotta listen to her carefully [Music] all right uh ow oh okay what what does that what oh come on he jumbled up our magic circle could he fight fair for like two seconds my anger my rage has turned into a deadly poison rising up from below you'd better act fast if that gas reaches this platform it will be the end of you hurry mario we have to fix this with jumbo size magic circle as fast as we can oh my god uh okay [Music] what the heck what what now take this oh no [Music] okay such insolence [Music] uh oh that's one of them what is this oh no no escape i got hit by one pathetic all right this is so confusing to me oh that's perfect maybe that's it's it it's done it's done right farewell what is done you dodged dude it's it's done is it not done oh oh the middle the whole thing has been rotated oh gosh no escape the whole thing needs to be rotated okay hold on hold on uh how do i get there no oh i rotate it all the way oh no the gas what you gotta be joking kidding me game over dude do i gotta actually okay last scene try try again i got it i just uh i was gonna say last save like i haven't saved since i encountered him i figured it out but then the whole thing had to be rotated so that was confusing here we go we got it we got it i forgot about the gas aspect of this okay here we go all right [Applause] so yeah we get it we get it let's move the stuff all right so [Music] no it goes up there so we do move it up there okay hold on hold on i know all right got it hold on let me just do my do my work here all right now we actually start moving don't worry farewell i know all right all right don't worry we got it we got it hold on no i had it okay [Music] all right here we go what the heck is this what the heck is this all right cool i don't know i do anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] got it i think you think you'll allow this i'll make this matching circle as useless as scrap paper no don't don't i would [Music] all right i threw him away oh here's that again oh my gosh he's attacking me a lot you [Music] all right let's do it mario's turn what do i get to do here we go 1 000 fold arms coming at you all right we got him oh my gosh you did it mario we could finally use that magic circle the origami craftsman gave me one final folding technique and it's our only chance of stopping ollie here we go what is it let's watch this [Music] what is this it's a hammer i think it's a giant olivia hammer oh wow that's cool that's cool [Music] all right brother please come to your census all right he may not take that knock some sense into him all right awesome now what i think we actually beat him this time i'm sorry brother i had no choice oh but your poor body is all crumpled now maybe you went too far maybe i went too far no olivia that hammer attack was divine you put everything into it and it was enough to awaken me from this dark dream i was too proud too entitled my heart was blinched my path was creased i was a mess wait what's this on your belly oh it hurts to move but that's the cause of all this madness the careless scrawl that toad marked me with read it for me will you i must know what is written there what words of gibberish or gibberish mark this foolish body please i could use one last laugh okay let's see dearest ollie may you grow into a fair and kind king [Music] didn't happen it's not just a scribble it's a very sweet message from the origami craftsman he just wished you the best as a new king oh i've been a terrible king to think this is how i repay this kindness i just became so blinded by rage i did so many unforgivable things i'm so sorry that princess peach and mario became caught up in all of this olivia there's something you must do for me please accept these 999 cranes and then fold my body into the 1000 when the last fold is complete you will gain the ability to have any wish granted i don't suppose i'll make up for everything i've done but it's all i have left i'm begging you olivia do this for me [Music] brother mario i have something to confess i don't know how to fold a crane maybe all he could have taught me after all he folded the whole castle even me but look at him now [Music] no luigi i was here with the craftsman here we go hey guys i hope i didn't miss too much i found the origami craftsman maybe you can talk ollie out of all this nonsense right because he's the one who originally folded him ah yes i remember this paper well such a lovely royal purple and olivia so good to see you making use of the giant hammer technique i folded into your design wait there are an awful lot of cranes here is one of you attempting the forbidden 1000 crane technique yes but i promise i won't use it for evil can you teach me how to fold the last crane i want to fulfill my brother's final wish and complete the thousandth crane myself very well i will teach you i suppose all this terrible all this trouble is my fault in a way after all i was the one who originally folded your brother this will be my last fold of life then olivia prepare to fold as you have never folded before all right [Music] well done with that the technique is complete you may make your wish olivia [Music] okay my wish my wish [Music] wish to restore everything back to how it was 1000th crane grant my wish [Music] may all the origami folded by my brother be undone [Music] oh that means her too [Laughter] oh no [Music] oh i'm a little worried [Music] [Applause] looks like everything is turning back to normal [Applause] [Music] peach's castle is back to normal and there goes all of the origami [Music] do you think she's gone that would be my guess tragic almost yep she's gone there's peach though my goodness what are we all doing here princess peach you're back to your old self wahoo wait we're missing someone where's olivia yep sadness well this uh this game has some some tragedy built into it i mean a lot of self-sacrifice built into it first from the bomb and now i guess from olivia [Music] we could always recreate her i guess i'm so happy that everything is back to normal who said that tow town is bustling with an origami festival everyone is discovering the magic of origami and having fun [Music] bowser's having fun too [Music] this looks amazing everything's lit up quite nicely for night time for this origami festival [Music] what [Music] ah mario peach come take a look at my masterpiece it's finally complete you see it's a miniaturized origami castle just like the one holly made okay one of the great things gonna put ollie and olivia there mario are you thinking about the origami girl who saved me she was so brave to do what she did we owe her everything i just know she's with us in spirit i wish i could thank her gather around everyone it's time for the big finale [Music] to all the origami thank you [Music] well there we go man that's heavy paper mario the origami king usually paper-based things are pretty light there's mar and luigi coming around and here are the credits my goodness my goodness guys the feels big sad what the heck are mario games supposed to make you feel this way [Music] [Laughter] uh i don't know what where do i begin where do i begin i mean i already touched on it before first up let's start with this game was fantastic i know that ever since like the original mario rpg game way back when on the super nintendo people have been bitter over the paper mario series not me i love the paper mario series a couple years ago a few years ago i played color splash on the wii u now we just completed the origami king on the nintendo switch i do want to thank you guys for your support watching this series liking all the videos subscribing thank you so much for your support that you give to this channel zack scott games i really do appreciate it i would not be doing videos without viewers like you so thank you so much for your support to this game specifically i had a ton of fun playing it i love seeing all the creative worlds i love seeing the the creative origami there is still more to do in this game and i will be attempting it next episode i plan on 100 completing this game that includes getting all of the trophies and then beating the game again to getting a special ending so we'll see how that works out for us uh that'll be next episode for now i don't know anything about the special ending don't spoil it in the comments but for now wow they had themes in this game of self-sacrifice in order to um achieve the greater good and that was played out in a very sad scene that we saw earlier where the bomb blew himself up to blow up a boulder to save olivia and then that was seen at the end of this game where olivia made a wish that undid her her very existence and restored order to how it was before she was even made and of course we saw the defeat of a boss uh that there was there's no coming back from you know normally when mario fights bowser bowser survives at the end so i don't know so far maybe they'll slip something in like the special ending or at the very end of the credits where like hey olivia's still a lie i don't know but we're gonna go back into this game we're going to complete the things that we have to do uh to get all the trophies to uh to get uh you know basically that's it all the trophies all the collectibles there are still a few collectibles that we were unable to get prior to beating the game and that will be you'll find that uh in next episode and those collectibles i believe are in town it's always fun to see luigi in a supporting role like this mario is a silent type of course but having luigi they're having all the other characters just incredible um very moving emotional game at times i mean there are a lot of emotions when i say emotional i i kind of think about sadness there's also humor and you know that brought a lot of laughter and joy so that's another emotion you know so definitely brought a lot of joy in this game too and i i really did enjoy it the sun is rising now in the credits i hope you enjoyed it too i had a very very very fun time but yes we must go get some more collectibles and also complete the trophies in this game i recently of course got the trophy for doing enough battles getting enough gold so it's gonna be more like just doing a few odds and ends you know i know that one of them is collecting all the coins in that river and we are back to the title screen so yeah uh wow okay like i said deep game feeling quite heavy on the heart but hey thank you guys so much for watching if you did like this video be sure to like this video you know what i mean subscribe come back next time for more because there will be at least one more episode hey there's peach in the credits and so we will get to that and we will see what's going to happen i'll see you next time for more i'm zach scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zack scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit come back next time for more [Music]
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 1,710,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paper Mario The Origami King, Paper Mario Origami King, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay, Paper Mario The Origami King Walkthrough, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay Part 1, Paper Mario The Origami King ZackScottGames, Paper Mario, The Origami King, Origami King, Paper, Mario, Origami, King Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: SzBp0e4Y6cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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