The Most Hated Update In Rust

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[Music] did do a bunch of analysis on Cs and to see how the recoil patterns work and all that and I can see that there's something there there is something there that I like about being able to learn the different weapons oh my God your AK usage that you guys have been using is overpowered as [ __ ] what the think you're going to be able to PVP anymore bro everything sounds so bad I kind of like it but it's not rust what rust update do you think has had the most reverberating impact on the game and its player base your mind might race to Dev blog 179 where Russ progression morphed into a transactional scrap economy or perhaps your thoughts drift to Dev blog 189 when Russ transformed into a Relentless grind hours upon hours spent farming for TC upkeep and destroying creativity for massive base designs then there was the world revamp update that promised to enhance performance but instead blurred the unique style of rust while the performance enhancements were abandoned you've likely already guessed the most hated update one that's been the subject of endless debates one I've highlighted in nearly every video the combat update a pivotal change that streamlined Gunplay reducing the Competitive Edge for players incinerating the combined millions of hours devoted to mastering Russ Gunplay this abrupt change demolished the skill Gap that OG play players had painstakingly built over 5 years both the developers and the community initially believed that players would eventually adapt to this new Direction yet two years down the line This expectation is proven false players now content creators alike are voicing their discontent more than we've ever seen before how did Russ stray so far from its roots why does face punch despise the old recoil system does the future hold any hope for the Revival of Russ beloved old recoil to understand the controversy of recoil and rust we first need to comprehend what recoil really is and why people have cared about it so much in the history of gaming in the early 2000s firstperson shooters were straightforward aim and shoot if your aim was true you'd hit your target regardless of the distance but in 2006 Counterstrike revolutionized this Simplicity by introducing recoil refers to the backward Force felt when a gun is fired affecting bullet accuracy and trajectory Counter Strike implemented this concept with the AK-47 requiring players to learn a specific spray to effectively use the weapon this brings us to the concept of heat value in gaming the longer a weapon fires the higher its heat value becomes leading to an increased deviation due to the horizontal and vertical recoil this mechanic is governed by a programmed array determining the bullets impact points recoil isn't just about gun mechanics it involves movement and accuracy and weapon variance but fundament mentally it's a skill to be mastered knowing how to control a weapon's recoil could give players a significant Edge turning it into a skill of rewards like bragging rights and more game wins as gaming evolved different recoil systems emerged games like OverWatch and fortnite introduced random spread a simpler system that made pinpoint accuracy challenging Battlefield and Call of Duty popularized camera movement recoil where the camera shakes during shooting simulating recoil meanwhile escape from tarov showcased physical recoil based on the guns Barrel orientation rather than a fixed Crosshair these Innovations and recoil mechanics have been integral to the success of billion dooll gaming franchises and the rise of Esports skilled players who Master these varied recoil systems are now celebrated and paid as Professionals in Competitive Gaming so in 2013 Russ debuted as a survival sandbox video game drawing inspiration from Daisy and Gary's Mod there's not much emphasis on its recoil mechanics rather Gunplay revolved around aim cone aim cone for Russ could be considered similar to the random spread it can be visualized as a hidden cone shape where bullets are likely to hit the closer you are within the cone the more accurate your spray the further away you are the less precise your shots the M4 with its high rate of fire and tap shot accuracy stood out as the best weapon for legacy rust and was considered the standard for endgame combat but due to the Rarity of this weapon many opted to use the P250 while scripting with ahk Auto hotkey where they now held a massive Advantage with no spread while shooting as rust evolved more guns were added transitioning from its Legacy client to the experimental version and it was then on January 16th of 2015 in Dev blog 43 that a new weapon emerged destined to become an iconic symbol in the gaming world where it would go to have the influence on the lives of tens of thousands of players this gamechanging firearm was none other than the assault rifle replacing the M4 from Legacy rust it became became the primary endgame weapon this assault rifle with its unpredictable horizontal recoil and maximum aim cone was less accurate but emerged as one of the strongest and most sought after weapons in 2015 rust by Dev blog 72 on August 5th the AK introduced its first pull down spray still heavily influenced by a cone but it was now leaning towards a learnable recoil pattern over the span of 2 years Gary Newman stepped down as the lead developer for rust and Hulk took the helm known for valuing community feedback initiated significant Gunplay adjustments focusing on the rate of fire and damage modifications for any change to the assault rifle usually issued Universal Gunplay updates by 2017 the community's demand for the reduced aim cone and a focus on recoil on the assault rifle grew intense when June 8th hit the ak's aim cone transitioned from a square to a circular formation a subtle but positively received change this led Hulk to further refine the ak's aim cone leading to a decrease in AIM cone and an increase in horizontal recoil aligning Gunplay more closely with that of Battlefield by August 17th the recoil system neared its final form of The learnable Recoil expansion or what many would refer today as old recoil the assault rifle M92 and P250 along with many other guns began adopting a learnable recoil pattern with an 80% reduction in name cone finally on April 5th of 2018 introduced the final iteration of the old recoil system where the assault rifle received additional recoil and a more pronounced burst pattern along with an increase in AIM cone for hipfire forever changing the Gunplay and rust you're probably wondering why are these Gunplay updates so important well they reflect the game's Evolution showing an unpredictable pattern of updates from developers and how they tried to appease the community's desire throughout the years initially some updates lean towards simpler Gunplay varying degrees of random gameplay elements usually focused around aim cone this approach catered to the more casual Russ players who wanted to stand a better chance against more experienced players conversely the final wave of updates pushed for skill-based recoil with minimal aim cone resonating with the original hardcore Russ players who saw competitive game playay and were willing to invest their time into mastering the recoil the truth is there's no definitive right or wrong approach it's all about personal preference and how players wish to experience the game but what cannot be understated is the Gunplay rust was unique to all other games driving many competitive Esports players to rust it was so special in fact that no other game has been able to replicate that wow factor rust once had but with rust recently out of Early Access in February of 2018 many assume these changes were final that didn't stop complaints however as with skill-based recoil issues of scripting arose where players used devices such as the bloody mouse or third party clients to have almost perfect accuracy still support was pushed forward as skilled solo players or small groups could leverage their Mastery of the assault rifle to win fights against Clans or bigger teams with the same equipment as Russ average concurrent player base grew the influence of OG players began to decline making them now a minority of opinion then came the unexpected the combat update but before we continue add time here's a problem for you it's white day you've been waiting the whole week to play and now it's only minutes away fueled with excitement for all the time you will waste use productively for your clan this weekend but then you realize you didn't have lunch maybe you got some time to go to the store no says your clan leader who has been abusing the group for several weeks uh so maybe you should just go online and order some food spending an extra $15 for $10 meal sounds like a great deal might be time to say goodbye to that new rust DLC but why should you stress when Factor has you covered with fresh never frozen meals ready in 2 minutes optimal for any rust addiction with Fair cost high quality and healthy food now we can all spend our time doing the things that really matter so what are you waiting for come enjoy a meal head to or click the link below and use code Jack Shepard 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box add over back to the video HK once a proponent of community feedback took a bold stance with the this update he knew it was a controversial change especially among veterans who had spent thousands of hours honing their skills the update removed pattern-based recoil increased aim cone and introduced a gradient-based aim drift correlated with the weapon's heat value where shots now had a 20% chance of hitting in the center so why would face punch commit to such a drastic change 5 years later well if the influx of new players streamers and the release of console edition the goal was to make rust more appealing to a broader audience however broadening the appeal often means sacrificing elements that had made the game special to begin with the veteran Community fought back petitions Reddit complaints Twitter outcry but to no availability the change was not reverted this was the first realization for many OG players that they no longer had influence on the development of rust but they still were not going to leave without without a fight and eventually server developers discovered the recoil was still present in the beta branch of rust making it easily accessible to all players through Steam where they could once again use old recoil from the May update of 2022 the Legacy rust server Network managed by dicey recognized an opportunity they decide to switch back to the old recoil system aiming to cater to the preference of veteran players however just as the Nostalgia was about to be rekindled a sudden update an hour before the scheduled server wipe disabled the feature ruining any reason for players to play on that server speculation arose within the old recoil Community pointing fingers at Nico the owner of vital Rust servers it was believed that Nico also managing a main scene server had learned about the community's intentions to use this feature and swiftly reported it to face punch leading to the permanent removal of the old recoil feature from the beta branch of rust face Punch's refusal to bring back the old recoil system has raised questions their strategy seemed aimed at broadening the appeal of rust in the gaming World possibly at the ca of alien Adent original fan base the shift might also be linked to the toxic and negative behavior observed in the community during earlier updates Competitive Gaming environments have a history of bringing out the worst in players and rust was no exception Hulk the lead developer genuinely cared about the community's satisfaction and worked tirelessly in the summer of 2017 to meet their demands however the immense physical and mental stress of addressing player feedback led to his hospitalization possibly influencing a reluctance to engage in further controversial changes 2 years later in November of 20123 rust randomly began trending on Twitter which was sparked by prominent Creator coconut be's criticism which Unleashed a flood of complaints from other content creators clamoring for change this trend persisted into January of 2024 where this dissatisfaction is still rampant among players search play Rust on Twitter and you'll discover messages from s and ahammed offering their insights on the game's current state joined by a multitude of passionate community members these criticisms included that cheating increased following the removal of the old recoil system as the playing field leveled some players turned to aimbots or ES to maintain a Competitive Edge supporting The Surge of blatant cheating since the summer of 2022 along with the face punch team's new focus on paid dlc's for some items that many believe should have been included in the base game this includes over 10 DLC Packs valued over at $120 pair this with performance drops and a lack of quality of life updates in 2023 player backlash intensified accumulating in a significant controversy when Red Dead Redemption 2 a game with no recent updates in several years one steam's labor of love award over rust which has monthly updates since early access leading many to believe the loss of this award is a subliminal message to face punch that their game needs some more love to the defense of face punch these updates have had no specific correlation or pattern to R popularity fortunately face punch is pledged to address these Community issues in 2024 a critical year that will likely shape Russ's future two potential Solutions exist firstly face punch has expressed interest in continuing to experiment with the Gunplay meta changes secondly the framework for a solution may ironically already exist in Russ discontinued hardcore mode this mode was made in support of a more competitive rust experience that previously excited many OG players only to be neglected after its release if this game mode is brought back it could cater to real demands such as featuring old recoil or a new learnable recoil system along with excluding pay to win skins to foster a more hardcore environment critics might argue this would segregate the community however considering Russ diverse server types such as aim Tred modded and roleplay servers the community is already divided based off their interest new players should also ask themselves is it destined that the hardcore players of today will eventually be the Left Behind players of Tomorrow implementing a hardcore mode could satisfy veteran players while offering newcomers a path to progress to a more challenging version of the game one final Avenue is the carbon mod development which if supported by face punch and the community could Elevate Russ to a Minecraft like status granting extensive control to modders reinstating rust as the sandbox game it originally was considering face Punch's recent approach to updates proposing these changes may seem like a leap of faith however if you have an idea for crafting a more competitive rust experience I invite you to join my Discord let's see if we can make it happen we're living in unpredictable times and Russ future could go either way it's important to remember that you have the power to shape this future and make Russ the game you want it to be hey you thanks for watching check this video out next if you like this video and please make sure to subscribe for more content like this in the future see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Jack Shephard
Views: 305,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Most Hated Update Rust, Rust Old Recoil, Facepunch Rust, OG Rust, Rust Documentary, Rusts worst update, Is Rust dying?, Helk, Neeko, Rust Skin DLC, Jack Shephard, Jack Shephard Rust, Jack Shepard, Jack Shepherd, History of Rust AK Recoil, Rust, Rust Drama, Rust Recoil, Rust AK, Rust Assault Rifle, History of Asault Rifle, History of Rust
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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