PALWORLD FINAL BOSSES are way harder than I thought

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all right what's going on guys it's jeev and we're over here on the home stretch on PO world as you can see we have reached level 50 finally we are in the true end game here and now it is time to tackle all of the final Alpha Pals and the final Tower bosses so today I think the main thing that I want to do here I want to clear out the rest of these Alpha Pals mostly all of the ones that are basically under level 50 so the idea is that I want to go and capture a nuis here level 47 I also want to try to capture this Menace sting I already have a suzaku but there's also this 47 dinos some Lux as well well there might be more up here I'm not entirely sure actually I I might have to look it up but main goal here is I really want to get AIS so if you guys are enjoying these power world videos and you enjoyed this entire series as a whole leave a like on this video If this video gets at least 20,000 likes I'll continue I'll finish this whole thing out I can finish this whole thing out myself you know without uploading it so it doesn't really matter but I just want to thank everybody for all the love and support on this series over these past couple weeks it's been fun I'm already prepped and ready for this [ __ ] uh I got everybody to level 50 well mostly alpad I got them to level 49z I heard that one of the bosses were actually weak to Dragon stuff so I got a bunch of ammo I got my assault rifle double barrel shotgun single shot I got a handgun got pal metal armor which is pretty much the best armor in the game it's the best I got so I think we're going to go with a menting first yeah I'm going to come down from the tower over here dude so the Super Bowls today A lot of people are asking who I'm pulling for I mean I'll be honest I don't want to make anybody really angry but like this is like this is like watching two villains fight each other like they're both Ultra popular like they both have like stacked super teams there's no actual real Underdog here it's it's not really that interesting of a match up who I want to win a Super Bowl I don't really care I honestly hope they both lose sorry it is what it is that that's the truth I want to see them both lose I would like to see a horrible game play where the game ends in a tie at three and three triple overtime and the score is 3 to three everyone plays like [ __ ] and the game is terrible that's what I hope happen I am a hater over these past couple weeks I've been playing a good amount of power world but also the thing I've been playing most I've racked up over a 100 hours already so far I've still been playing Tekken someone posted a clip of me talking about oh man I might just give up on Tekken I don't even remember saying that [ __ ] I'll be honest I never stopped playing Tekken dude I've been spamming Tekken and I've actually had this thing that this goal that I've been trying to do I've been trying to get every single character in the game to at least garu rank which is a red rank which is pretty much just middle of the pack it's really not an impressive rank or anything but that's been my goal I feel like if I can get every character to Red rank or so I feel like I'd have enough knowledge of the character to where I would at least understand what is happening especially if I'm playing against them I feel like learning them pretty much understand what they're going for if that makes sense what are their strong moves what are the moves that they tend to use what are their setups that they're trying to do [ __ ] like that now given Tekken is disgustingly uh complex so you can definitely you know get a character to Red Rank and not really know that much but I'm also not insanely good so it's feasible for me my highest rated one oh here we go we got menacing right here so they are a scorpion I figured so with the name never seen this pal before and we're also going to try to capture it here cuz we got these 53 legendary spheres get him alphad what the [ __ ] get him oh yeah big damage I really hope I've never used a legendary uh sphere yet oh [ __ ] I really hope it has a good capture chance cuz I'm really going to need it I have 50 something of them I'm hoping that's enough to go and capture at least the majority of the ones left this thing is so concerned with me that alpad has regen his HP in the process all right throw it 30% with 100 HP I'll tell I got it already wo easy menacing Blood Of The Dragon made of pure energy its insides are completely Hollow pram still living prey into its hollow body where it absorbs them what the [ __ ] that's dark I really want to go and get an alpha suzaku I mean I got to at least fight it right I already have my regular suzaku do I really need like a giant one sure it'll be stronger or whatever but at this point the next best uh mount in the game is apparently this guy right here jet dragon got tigon I think that's the one I want to do next I mean we could go and do this suzaku I guess there's also these level 50 paldus and there's a second one here it's not just paldus there's two of them there I looked up a map and then they said that there was two of them over here I went over here and there's definitely two of them but it's only showing palas for some reason but that's a dual boss fight this seems like one of the hardest ones to get next ship obviously I mean they're level 50 so they're going to be difficult but yeah okay so aagon is 48 nubis is 47 mening 44 but I've already encountered these two so I I'll clean them up later I'd rather go and get like a nbis or something now dude have you guys been watching solo leveling that last solo leveling episode I read the Afters like years ago and only up to a certain point but man I was really worried about the animation and stuff but they've popped the [ __ ] off genuinely they have it's not the greatest animation I've ever seen but I was really worried that like with the studio and everything and knowing some of their other projects I was like oh man if they don't you know care and love into this whole thing it's going to be super disappointing for such a hyped up uh series but they've been doing great that latest episode with the music and the [ __ ] oh oh yeah so now we're at a fast travel point so next we want to get uh Anubis I guess so many people have talked about Anubis is Anubis like just that strong or everybody just loves Anubis because of the insane handy skills that it has I think I'm not really sure but I'll try it when we're level 50 we're technically overleveled for it but to be fair I thought that we were a little overleveled for the one Tower and we got wiped out twice so got the Anubis statue over there they usually walk around the statue just like in a circle I think I've seen them in front of the statue I've seen them behind the statue what type is it as well is it normal or is this another job for uh oh there they are oh they're ground type so water pop off right all right Yan TI what the [ __ ] is he Naruto running wait that did a lot of damage what the what the [ __ ] get DOD it Dodge it do is he waving me on dude get this dig toys out of here who are you trying to help is he dodging what the what the [ __ ] this character is insane laser him come on yeah oh [ __ ] he went through the laser okay this thing is absolutely insane Anubis like a unique boss only oh [ __ ] he has a [ __ ] spinning tornado kick yeah keep hitting me don't kill my pals big damage we need to capture them one more shot all right let's throw this 20% to capture this thing with legendary spheres wait please no way I'm insane I'm insane Earth Emperor Nimble suntan lover easy Anubis capture first try let to show you in the bottom look at that 51 we started with 53 and we got two of them down already now the next one I'm a little intimidated aagon we're going to fly back up here to this one I think it's a smart idea to go and get all these legendary ones uh before we end up going to do the uh final to poers and stuff because I imagine these guys are probably the strongest Pals in the game they have to be so I feel like I'm going to need something like a nuis and others I'll go to the Tower and then try to find aagon I I apparently walked past it but I have no idea where it is no it's just lava how the [ __ ] do I get there where the [ __ ] is it destroyed M shaft I can't [ __ ] see anything is this it it is okay okay apparently there's also another Alpha over here there's eggs in here immediate Agro this thing looks [ __ ] Wild oh get stunned [ __ ] I'm not even using my AR I'm sparing you what are you doing get away from me dude grow up oh yeah these moves that some of my pals have do so much [ __ ] damage what are you doing go fight him you stupid [ __ ] one more shot boom throw it oh wait that's a regular pal spere I need legendary 177% wait no way no way I'm one tapping all of these no there's got to be a bug there's got to be a bug I'm one tapping them all there's got to be something going on I'm one tapping all of them first try every single one of them I'm insane it's weird because some of the moves go directly through the walls like it just ignores the walls entirely the spirit fire flame thing where it has like the little projectiles that follow you that goes through the wall some lasers go through the wall I mean if I don't move my pals they're definitely going to die I have a feeling that these other boss fights and towers and [ __ ] are going to be pretty challenging when I get there okay so over here somewhere apparently there supposed to be another one somewhere no this looks like an entrance okay I think I found it right over here statues are right over there and then you come up The Path and then you yeah it's right here scorching M shaft yeah sounds about right I don't think I've ever caught a blaz a mut oh he looks cool cursed Tyrant blaz mut what the [ __ ] are you doing are you going to do anything you Oran tide are you [ __ ] stupid got to be some of the dumbest ass Pals in the world man I mean I could stand here all day sure oh okay now you want to come forward that ain't going to kill me if I capture this thing with one sphere again we got to have a talk no way these legendary SPH it says 30% but that can't be right I've captured a couple 30% and a 20 now one attemp all right there it is 14% God damn okay there we go it finally now we're going to throw a lot of legendary spheres I can smell it there we go yeah I mean you're being captured regardless you could like it or you could not like it but it is what it is you're going to get caught see like I said you're caught and I got a thermal undershirt Plus One Flame Emperor cheery and insulated body nothing crazy I mean we might as well just go and try to get Jet ragon right now I'm feeling it right now I feel like our luck is pretty good I had to use what like five or so spheres on that thing jet ragon is probably going to be like lower of a chance since it's level 50 these guys aren't even 50 this shit's going to be like 10% capture rate I was expecting to have a lot less spheres left by the time I even made it all the way over to this one I had like a specific order in my brain I think easily the hardest ones to capture is a jet dragon and uh these ones up here paldus and whatever the other one's name is I don't know it it's like lidios and laddio but they're like chest pieces or some [ __ ] jet dragon is literally the best flying mount in the game he literally is like flying around on a [ __ ] jet so I'm ready to capture this [ __ ] build the saddle fly around on this [ __ ] as soon as you can ride jet dragon you basically get creative mode you can fly and be anywhere you want in seconds all right yeah I remember he's over here somewhere I don't know what kind of type he is though probably a dragon right surely yeah he's dragon all right look how fast he is by himself look the [ __ ] is this thing yo we need to fight DOD that has 11k HP Dodge that [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] is it doing why is it so [ __ ] F got to run got to run got got to run got to run got to run dude okay that didn't hit me I literally died this [ __ ] is doing negative damage good electrocution oh man he's so [ __ ] yeah I'm going to have to keep using the AR this thing is tough as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I didn't expect it to be this strong what is it doing I really didn't expect it to be this strong what the [ __ ] is that oh my God you almost one shotted my it's not even half HP dude I can't it's going to kill me n if that thing kills me I'm going to [ __ ] tilt so I'm just going to run n we'll come back for that later I can't kill that thing no way can I kill that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the F holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that thing is insanely strong it doesn't want to be caught that badly go ahead man keep on living out your boring ass life on a [ __ ] Mountain somewhere literally the only pal on the planet that's you lonely ass pal absurd to sit there and take [ __ ] two damage from bullets that's just so [ __ ] stupid I refuse to do all that breeding [ __ ] sitting around trying to get like specific attributes and traits and [ __ ] I don't care I'll clear it all my way maybe the couple new Pals that we caught could help us in that fight um but I don't feel like I have a lot of ice attacks on characters like dragons are weak to ice yeah I know that but like where are the ice attacks there are none okay so we got menting who has a 150 Rock Lance and a nightmare ball Stone Cannon we got Anubis who's all ground guardian of the desert tigon who has dark laser draconic breath nightmare ball and then blaza who obviously has all these fire things these are all ice but like what do I get cibilic up there or what just for having one Crystal breath thing oh no hold on hold on got a couple other things all right yeah well I would consider this day a success we didn't die at least uh if I had stayed there I absolutely would have died and I would have ended the video right there I would have been [ __ ] pissed next time we go there we know that we'll have to be a little bit more prepared I thought level 50 would be [ __ ] prepared but I guess not absolutely ridiculous I've made everything I possibly could in this [ __ ] game I've done everything except this stupid ass breeding I'm not doing it
Channel: FaZe Jev
Views: 39,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C2pbSEm7b2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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