Top 10 Upcoming Palworld Changes that players are excited about!

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hello lovely people of the internet today I'm going to be talking about the top best features that are going to be coming to power world over 2024 some of the most exciting things Allin one video to you guys and yes this does include the big bug fixes which I know so many of you guys have been waiting for I know that you want to get the game into a perfect State before the content starts to come but there is so much to look forward to for power World in 2024 now if you do enjoy this video please consider subscribing to the channel as I bring you guys daily updates on all survival games at this moment in time mainly on power world and if you wouldn't mind leaving a like on today's video that would be fantastic it supports me so much and go grab yourself a power dedicated server if you need one to play with your friends link is always in the description down below so pretty much I've just got a list it's like the top 10 things that um want to be coming uh to the game um and it was like the perfect top 10 list I thought were things that we know 100% all confirmed so we're just going to start off with we'll start off with the content and then the all the bug fix and stuff will come in number 10 I've kind of done it as one big overhaul thing and a lot of the stuff as well console players don't you worry relates to you cuz I do see a lot of console players saying that there doesn't feel like there's enough love shown to the Xbox community and I'm trying to do that a lot more so number one comes in with PVP now PVP is one of the strangest things possible for power world right now because the developers apparently have found a way that they know they're going to take that route um PVP cannot be implemented into uh into power world yet um until the game is at a state where there's not as many well all the cheats and exploits are going to be fixed I know you're not going to get into a stage where you're always going to have everything fixed there's going to be constant things that the devs are going to be have to have to be on board with to make sure doesn't happen again um cuz I know in the early stages there's been lots of people hacking on servers so PVP won't be able to be in a good State until that's done because people are finding ways on servers apparently to actually take people's bases on PVE um so yeah but I'm really looking forward to seeing what uh what route they take PVP it could be very exciting and I look forward to seeing that coming in at number two is the new raid bosses now this is endgame content so this actually on the list when power weld tweeted this out was actually at number two I don't think this is in any order I've copied the same order from what power have done but I don't think this will be the order they'll release in because this does say endgame content and if you think they probably won't release the endgame content really closer to full launch I have no clue how long it's going to be until they do their full launch for the game I know they like Early Access Early Access is very great for a lot of um a lot of games um because it gives them time to perfect their game before they go into full launch I've known many Survival Games over time go into full launch some never make it pow will definitely make it um from in my personal opinion you know it's it's one of the biggest games in the world right now um but uh the endgame content I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out in number three we have the pal Arena now this pal arena is something that I'm probably out of all of the stuff most hyped for um the reason why is because um I've I used to play like things like all the old Pokémon games and um I used to love the arena battles and stuff even the even Pokémon go and I used to play that when I was a kid you know I used to love that side of things and I feel like poo can take this arena battles anywhere they like you know they can add in a progression system um people can hit the leaderboards with them and that's kind of something that would be awesome that could come later into the game and I know people say Esports ends up killing games but they have potential to go down Route like that they really do um I do do people want that I don't know I'll have to wait in the comment section but they could really get some awesome power Arenas going on and people can maybe create and um upgrade their powers in different ways they want to and battle them in the Arenas to be the best power Tamer and best battler out there again as I said some sort of progression system could be fantastic I'm just naming a few things that this hasn't been confirmed the things that I'm saying but the power aren has been confirmed so it really depends which route they want to take it but I thought I'd throw in some cool ideas there and number four I've gone for Steam and Xbox crossplay now for console players this may not be something you wish too much for I don't know um as I'm more of a PC player these days um I still play Xbox every day um but for mainly for Content I'm more PC and what is your sort of feeling console players towards crossplay with steam I know that they will release separate servers that will be just available for console players but do you like it when the Steam servers open up and you all come together the reason I like it is because I don't play official I haven't done official for a very long time on many survival games I tend to just play dedicated servers with my friends so opening up the idea of my Xbox players and my Xbox friends that don't have PCS to come and join me is brilliant but I guess it's going to cause a lot of problems in the near future um so coming in at number five this one I think is huge and it's server transfers migrations now when this was added into Arc survival back in the day it was one of the best things it did cause a lot of issues but right now in power world if you want to move to a new server you have to start brand new I feel like when you starting brand new on power isn't that bad in my personal opinion I think I quite I quite enjoy it if I join someone's new server I you know when you become more experienced it's find you find it a lot easier to level up I've had to do it many times cuz I've played on different servers so that's why I haven't haven't got to the end game at this current point now um but yeah it's I really enjoy it I think server transfers will be great for the future so you can bring your level 50 um or 40 or whatever level you are characters over to someone else's server um and then you can do um uh raid bosses when they get released and different um bosses together and yeah should be great so looking forward to seeing that um number six I've gone for improvements to the building system now this is something they did put on their road map um and the building system right now I do enjoy but again there's so many different possibilities that they can take with this again I do keep relating to Arc survival because I've covered news for Arc and gameplay um over the last eight years of my life and uh you know seeing the way they've sort of implemented new Building Systems has been great creative modes things like that is just all perfect stuff for power world and um you know they have all the opportunity to really turn this uh you know building structures and enable players to create things you would never have believed you know you see people creating Lord of the Rings Kingdoms in Ark and I just think the same thing could be done for power world um again uh number seven new islands to explore again we've already looked at the giant tree which holds the truth uh this giant tree is currently a locked area that you cannot visit in power world and uh it looks to be a potential future Island that we will be exploring uh they've said new islands so it's not just going to be one I think over time more and more be added something else I would like to know um cuz this is talking years into the future guys but right now you have the palapus islands but will they ever go down the route of new maps for DLC now I know they've talked about DLC um after full launch and stuff and this is something that they said they would sit and talk with us about in the future this is I'm talking years away guys but I I actually think it would be fantastic to see what route they decide whether they just keep expanding the power world land or whether they move us to a new place you know like some sort of story that takes us somewhere new I don't know um then new number eight I've put new Pals to capture Now new Pals will be coming much earlier than um uh like raid bosses and stuff if they follow the same launch schedule as Arc survival in Early Access we will start to see new Pals getting added along with new islands being opened up I do feel like th those new Pals will will be able to be accessed when the extra bit of land is added in um because this these new areas where these new Pals will appear um so yeah I think they'll come as a kind of joint thing together but also they may do small content drops that adds in one or two Pals every now and then um so number nine I've gone for new technologies to learn um this is just they've just kept it very simple and very basic with just new technologies um so again that would just be more things you can learn as you level up and more things that you can unlock so that'll be cool and then finally at number 10 the bug fixes so the main ones I've highlighted is console dungeons um they currently break the game and uh and cause crashes there are a bunch of crashes that seem to be happening so much with console and also the addition of dedicated servers for console so players can play with their friends I don't know whether they'll end up doing this be at the same time as the Xbox and steam crossplay um so I do think on conso you'll be waiting a little bit longer for your dedicated servers I know that it's very very high on the wish list for console players right now playing Power World um but yeah I'm looking forward to seeing where that takes us um there is still a lot more bug fixes and a lot more server side fixes needed to be making but I think we're getting there we're getting patch after patch at the moment it's exciting it's fun and I can't wait to experience where this game is going to be taking us in the near future anyway I hope this sums up the top upcoming things that players are excited for within power world leave a like subscribe and I will catch you guys in my next video very soon see you guys then
Channel: LoadedCrysis
Views: 25,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, Palworld, PocketPair, Creature Taming, Pokemon With Guns Game, Palworld Game, Best Upcoming Survival Game, pokemon, palworld release date, palworld update, new update, palworld info, palworld pokemon, palworld online, palworld channel, palworld review, palworld best pals, palworld new update, palworld roadmap, roadmap, 2024, palworld pvp, palworld new, Top 10 Upcoming Palworld Changes that players are excited about!, top 10, palworld new content
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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