Palworld INFINITE Coal Farm - Palworld Best Base Location

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how's it going everyone and in this video I'm going to be showing you where to set up the best base location for a coal Farm now I've scoured the map and this is the best location that I have found for coal there's six or seven nodes that spawn in this location I'll also show you some good PS to get for mining that you can get relatively early into the game and I have another Power well code in this video so keep your eyes peeled and don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell now before we get into mining this was yesterday's video which you can find the link in the top right and in the video description now I was trying to get a Max stat pal and I have some news I done it now hell Z is not a pal that I'm going to use but he has got four passive stats now that are all maxed out they're okay they're not the best but you know they're decent and my jman tide has really good stats as well so I'm going to start breeding them I need to get another jman tied with better stats cuz mine Foreman isn't what I'm going to be using but you know I've done it I've actually got one with four stats now and let me tell you it took a lot of cake and a lot of eggs but but I'm going to be beefing up my pals and I'm going to show you some really interesting videos soon so stay tuned for that so this was the first base that I built and I put quite a bit of effort into this and I even put a minecart flower bed and a ax and stump just to get the logging the Gathering speed and the mining speed and efficiency all up however when I built this base for whatever reason it wouldn't respawn the coal now I think the coal because it's a tier three node it respawns every other day it's roughly 2 days now I waited to see if it would spawn on the third day maybe like it was having a longer interval I don't know and it still didn't spawn so I deleted this base come back and they started spawning again so I'm unsure as to why it might be a bug on my end but just be warned if you start building a really cool base here it may mess up and you might not be able to uh get them to spawn again however I set up a really tiny you know no effort temporary base and they're spawning again so I'm just going to leave it like that it's purely just for farming so yeah but this was the original base now dig toys is are the guys I'm using for mining they are amazing and this is my shiny one look how big he is looks like Bowser size of him he's just chilling in the uh in the spa oh look he just popped out of him keep it PG mate so dig toes a really good po you can get them relatively early and they're really good at mining they're very quick at what they do especially if you buff them up and put the mine cart down in your base oh w hello Big Boy calm down so as I mentioned coal is a tier three node and you need mining level three so all the miners with level one and two won't work and coal is essential for a lot of late game resources especially bullets so the best one to use in my opinion is dig toys now why I say he's the best is because you can get him really early this is my shiny one and he'll just spin to win the Dig toys can be found here now at the Northeast at the top of the map they're much higher levels so you want to stick to the first desert biome cuz they start at level 20 but relatively easy to get now this guy baz you can only get from the wildlife sanctuary at the top right very difficult to get cuz he's very rare so the chances of getting him are kind of slim very good at mining though definitely recommend if you ever come across him try and capture him now last on the list is rep Tyro now he's a very good Miner but you'll find him in the volcano biome so you're going to need heat resistant gear and he's quite a high level so be prepared he's not an ear ear game pal but you can get him quite early he's just a bit difficult because of the environment he's in so dig toes and my goto like I said they start at around level 20 so I'm just going to fly around and capture a load now if you've got legendary spheres they'll capture them instantly obviously I've leveled up my power capture ability using the statue of power so it just makes capturing them a lot easier so if I get my mega sphere just to show you so early game you'll get meas speres pretty early into the game I think it's like a 18% chance or 16 % at full health so if you go in with a couple of decent Pals you should be able to wear them down and capture them with uh Mega spheres so like I said you can get these guys pretty early they're very tanky so worth getting but this is just a free throw up in here okay so after destroying my nice base that I put effort into we're going to see if this new base is actually yielding results like I said because it's tier three it should respawn every other day now if you don't have a base here what I did clock was that it was respawning every day but obviously with a base here they'll autof Farm it so yeah they have been farming good I'm just gutted cuz the effort I put into the other base like I said before it might have just been a bug that was causing it to not respawn with my other base but it's working now so that's all good so this is yielding good results and you should be able to get tons of coal which like I said is a key material to a lot of endgame items such as bullets now you've probably noticed I'm not using dig toes now I'm actually using aagon and that's only because he's amazing at mining he's got level four in mining and I've got access to a load of them so I'm going to use that but if you're just starting out or you're quite new to the game or you don't have a lot of asons yet dig toes is my go-to like absolutely amazing power to use and yeah look at all this coal now sparket are my favorite for Gathering cuz they don't do much else apart from generate electricity so they don't start wandering off and you know knocking wood and planting seeds so I really like them and they're pretty quick now I'm going to give them a hand this is a good trick by the way if you've got the uh the grappling gun you can get overweight and then you can use the grappling gun to get around another thing you can do is get on your Mount and off your Mount as well but I'll show you later why that's not always a good idea so we'll keep this base going for a couple of days and we'll see what the results yield now like I said it's it seems to be every other day that the uh the items respawn so so far 2,300 that's pretty good going as well as the other or and the wood that we're getting so I come back the next day and it hasn't respawned so that just confirms my suspicion that it is every other day if you have a base there now if you don't have a base there it seems to respawn every day so bit annoying but it is what it is I absolutely love spark it they're so good at what they do when it comes to Gathering items and just transporting it I don't know why they remind me of lemmings from that Sega game from years and years ago back when I was a kid did anyone ever play that I don't know why but they do they're just so good look at this guy just chilling in the spa do you know they look much cooler when they're on their feet I like aagon but wish he would walk on his feet and then you could fly with him if you want to I mean he's he's cool anyways but I don't know when they're on their feet like he is there he just looks much more meaner but he's such a cool pal very good to have especially for mining so recommended so we're going to check the yield from the next day so 4,000 and loads of other items that they've picked up along the way I think they killed some of those uh tcen Birds cuz they got some Gunpowder in there and some feathers but yeah not a bad yield at all so this is the trick by the way I was going to show you about the mount so let me just go over here if you Chuck a fly Mount down you can mount him when you're overweight and he just goes ahead and you kind of just leap up to him now it does have a catch if you get close to anything that you can interact with you end up getting stuck in a loop so you have to drop all your items so I go close to the repair bench yeah there we go look I can't I can't Dismount now just keeps trying to repair so the only way to get out of that is dropping your items and uh getting off your Mount and then picking it back up Oh wrong button so yeah we'll drop the items and we'll be able to Dismount now there we go and then uh once you're overweight you can just use the grappling gun again but yeah very good base to have uh have a coal farm at because it's such an important material and it's yielding very good results so this is how much coal I've got so far now so 5,100 you'll be able to farm this up really really quickly but this is my base so far I call it Fort Curtis but but uh yeah we're getting there I had to destroy the first um variant of it because it was the starter base when I first started pal so well power world sorry and uh yeah I didn't do a good job on the base building but this one's this one's getting there also I don't know if I mentioned earlier but don't forget to like and share this video it's much appreciated and I'm loving the support you guys have given me so far it's uh yeah it's nice I'm absolutely loving power world now one funny thing I want to show you I've been beefing up one of my chickens and it's going to be for a future video so stay tuned for this but uh let me find him I've got a shiny chicken and he's ranked three at the moment I'm getting into rank four and my plan is to beef this chunky boy up as much as possible and then use him in the base and I'm not going to go into it cuz it's something that I'm working on so you're going to have to wait but it's going to be worth it I also want to beef him up and throw him at a couple of bosses and see how much damage he can do which will be very interesting so like I said stay tuned for that and you can stay tuned by subscribing to the channel it is much appreciated so let's get him to rank four look at his attack look it's gone up quite a bit there we go rank four done right where is he let's check his stats where is he I have to keep getting rid of powers I keep butchering them because uh the power box is getting too full have I just oh there he is look at that what a little beast and my last fun tip is uh I didn't realize I found out the other day you can slide in this game and if you get momentum you can go for miles so watch this you get any ramp go Tony Hawks mode and there we go look at that super fast gliding you can go faster I've done it faster but it's uh yeah it's a lot of fun so if you're new around here hit that subscribe button hit the notification Bell to stay tuned for your daily dose of powerwell content we're nearing 60,000 subscribers that's an insane number and I hope you found some value from this video and you enjoyed it let me know in the comments what you thought and I'll see you on the next one bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 110,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld coal, palworld coal farm, palworld sulfur, palworld sulfur farm, palworld pure quartz, palworld pure quartz farm, palworld iron, palworld ingot, palworld metal, palworld metal farm, palworld ore, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore farm, palworld pure quartz location, palworld coal location, palworld coal spot, palworld pure quartz spot, palworld base location, palworld base, palworld unlimited resources
Id: J1nVDzkhyFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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