PalWorld | How to move your world and character onto a server *Works*

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yo what is going on guys let me show you how to move your power world world and your character over to the server all right so first up what you got to do is you got to find your local server folder so that's the one when you play multiplayer with an invite code so we've got to find a hidden folder here so you can go like that and it will show and then you go into app data then local then we scroll down find Pal and then we go saved saved game and then the numbers and then here we have three folders so three of them are backup folders you might have less like that but only one of them is going to look like this and that's the folder we're looking for and I'm going to call this one the local now you want to find your power world dedicated steam server so you can go like this or go through your steam library and find it and it's basically the same folder as your local um so we want to find the same path get to here and then we will want to put them side by side so you can pair it like that and then just delete those four files that's the data for your actual world and copy it across so then your world's done but the problem you have with that is you lose your character so here I played with three friends so I have four files and you'll notice only one of the file in each folder is different then you just want to drag the one with lots of zeros and a one in your local folder across then you want to come over to this link it will be in the description you just want to download it just hit save and then head over to where it's downloaded and we'll just extract it then come over to this link download it like that save and then we want to extract that one as well perfect so now just for Simplicity later we want to move move those four files over cuz it's double folded just copy them or cut and move over to that one so just one folder closer now what you want to do for this one we just download um I suggest moving it straight to the front of the line straight to your D drive and then you want to come over to the Microsoft store and you want to download python I used this one and it worked perfectly all right so now what you want to do is copy this script I've got here into a notebook on your own computer but what you have to do is you have to adjust it so these two lines here are accurate to where you've saved them so if your hard drive is an F drive or whatever it's no longer a d so you need to change that and that's the same with where it's located like there and just make sure the address for the server folder is in quotation marks like that so this number here has to be your server ID remember when we had them next to each other so that number needs to come from your server one and this number here is your local character number which is shown right here just make sure that you adjust it for what your numbers are cuz they're going to be different to what my numbers are now you want to come up here click on the bar get rid of everything and type CMD and it's going to pop up looking like this and just double check to make sure that this little line there looks the equivalent cuz obviously you're going to have different username you want to copy that line paste it there hit enter let the script run and then it's going to ask you to confirm and you click enter again and it will just run for a few seconds um it'll pop up with changes have been made and that's it you should be done your characters should be swapped over your world should be swapped over so here's me just showing off this is the local server where I have all of my Powers levels and all of that stuff all that good and the world that we're trying to get over to the server so here we join the server and it's all the exact same so that's the goal that's what this video is about so I hope it helps everyone and I'm happy to try and work out if you have any problems just Chuck them in the comments thanks guys
Channel: RTZ
Views: 11,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D97uRlfXgs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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