WHICH ARE THE BEST WEAPONS?!...It's Complicated! | Palworld Guns Guide | Player Weapons

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let's talk about range weapons in power world and yes I only mean the range weapons you can utilize yourself as a character and more importantly no we will not cover any of the melee weapons with that said there are two more things I have to mention first things first we will not cover the rocket launcher if you have reached the rocket launcher on pal world and you can reliably produce ammunition for it you are so neck deep into the end game of pord you basically don't need this video anymore because you just constructed one of the strongest weapons in the game and yeah you you were done with the range weapons of power words so to speak so nothing I have to cover here if you have reached the point congratulations you reached endgame and you got one of the strongest weapons in the game period with that said there is a second thing I have to mention and everything we would talk about here in the minute is under the idea that you can produce the ammunition for set weapon if you cannot do that well then you might want to go back to the previous weapon where you can reliably produce the ammunition you need because nothing is worse than being in a fight and running out of ammo for your new shiny weapon right so ammunition production is one of the most important aspects of this game and if you cannot do that reliably because you don't have the resources or the production capacity then it doesn't really help you right so with that said let's jump into the weapons the first weapon I want to talk about is the crossbow the crossbow is really reliable and it's like the first real weapon you get after the bows I know that a lot of people just see the crossbow as a stepping stone to the musket but that isn't really the case the crossbow is really reliable you can easily produce the ammunition you can put some Elemental damage on it you can also find some blueprints to make it even stronger and you can also use it later on to shoot like some of the the lower level Pals and not easily one-hot them I mean nothing is worse than you want to Pal you shoot at them with your strong weapon and they're just dying right that's the last thing you want so the crossbow can really help with that but as I said the crossbow is also doing quite a bit of damage even if you unlocking your gunpowder weapons so don't just throw the crossbow away the moment you unlock the gunpowder weapons speaking of which let's talk about the musket or as I like to call it the first sniper rifle in the game yes because that's what the musket really does right it has like a an insane range an insane damage but it has a 4.5 second reload time which is pretty intense especially if you have to dodge some of the power attacks and then you are in the middle of the reload animation and then you have to start from the beginning it doesn't matter if you have been reloading for 2 seconds or if you have been reloading for 4.3 seconds you have to start at the beginning so as amazing as the musket is you always have to make sure that you are in the right position where you can easily reload and then shoot at the enemy again and the ammunition is also still relatively easy to produce and later on the musket will then be replaced by the single shot rifle by the way the single shot rifle is my personal weapon in uh PW I really really love the single shot rifle and I love the damage it does now it only has a 1.5 second reload time it it's just a cool weapon and I love it and the ammunition is also relatively easy to produce at that point the biggest issue for the musket and especially for the single shot rifle is unfortunately there are no blueprints available I hope that with a patch that will add some blueprints at least for the single shot rifle because because of that it's not available the single shot rifle will fall off relatively quickly later on in comparison to other weapons and and that's really unfortunate I have to say speaking of makeshift weapons let's talk about the makeshift handgun and the handgun and this is the first harm moment for a lot of people because if you're looking at the makeshift handgun the makeshift handgun does more damage sure the normal handgun has more ammunition shoots a little bit faster but needs special hand can ammunition and as I said does less damage so when a minute why would I use the handgun then the makeshift handgun sounds so much better like that little bit of attack speed and two more bullets in the chamber who really cares for that well there is a big difference why the handgun will be better than the makeshift handgun and that is blueprints yes the makeshift handgun doesn't have any blueprints right now and with that the handgun will do more damage when you are getting at least a tier two uh the rare handgun it would do definitely more damage than the makeshift handgun and you might think okay wait so that means the handgun in my technology tree is not really better than the makeshift handgun not really I have not been switching out my makeshift handcom with a normal handcom with just the technology tree which is a little bit weird I have to admit but again um the makeshift hand gun also only needs Co ammo while the hand gun needs well handgun ammo so it really depends on do you find blueprints for the handgun or don't and I will be even more honest let's talk about the next weapon and that is the shotguns because the moment I got the shotguns I immediately started to swap out my pistols right I was just like well I have to get close to the enemy so why not using a shotgun and that is a good idea because the shotguns are insane even the double barrel shotgun is doing tons of damage really love it and the reality is though the pump action shotgun will replace the double Barr shotgun this is not a question of okay what is better for which situation or is there maybe a downside the pump action shotgun has uh the double barrel shotgun doesn't no it's as simple as is the pump action shotgun is the way to go yes the reload times are a little bit slower than the double barrel shotgun but you have eight well shells in the shotgun and the damage is just better even the technology upgrade is just better than double barrel shotgun so the answer is pump action shotgun the moment you're unlocking it will replace the double barrel shotgun now let's talk about the last weapon we will talk about today and that is the assault rifle the assault rifle is crazy it's really good the damage is super high reload times are super fast right like the assault rifle is just the right upgrade but the biggest problem the assault rifle has is the ammunition you need special assault rifle ammo which takes a little bit to get produced and more importantly you are just racing through your ammunition like you just burning through that ammo as quickly as possible and even like 500 shots I had five fights where I started with 600 700 shots and at the end of the fight I was like oh it's empty well that's so good so you need tons of ammunition for this uh weapon to be really good and as I said before if you cannot produce that reliably just go back to the other weapons they are similar okay to the assault rifle but that is the biggest o point for this weapon the ammunition but with that said we at the end of this video thank you so much for watching if you still have some questions don't forget to ask them down below in the comments and also leave a like if you enjoyed this video and if you're new to the channel you want to see more power videos but also other RPG videos uh please subscribe to the channel if you can with that said thank you so much for watching stay safe bye-bye
Channel: MoleRP
Views: 5,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tips, Tricks, Guides, help, explained, Palworld, Pals, crafting, base, Survival, Pokemon, helpful, cozy, beginner, Weapons, Handgund, Blueprint, Ammonition
Id: ayU9O7bOClM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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