Palworld CEO Full Interview on the future of the game...

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right so today guys we have the full interview from the power world CEO which is going to be really interesting to read through today I'm looking forward to sharing you guys all of that information I'm hoping to see a patch go live this week at some point um to fix a few other things for the game but we'll hopefully hear a little bit more from the full team later on in the week so yeah the game's been going pretty well like I said in my other videos they're probably still at this stage where they're like so shocked with everything that's going on I mean I've been seeing they've been saying they've been working crazy hours like every single day since the game launched I think on the weekend the game launched they barely slept from what I've been told um so uh you know they did not expect these millions of players um but I'm looking forward to reading through to the uh this to you guys today if you do enjoy as always make sure to smash that like button subscribe if you want to keep up to dat with your daily power world content and let's just get straight in with today today's news um as always I'll be leaving the source to the um full interview in the link in the description I always like to do this to give credit but also I like to do this um just so you guys can see where the source came from so it's not just me sitting here talking um so yeah it was exclusive interview uh with the automatan um and they said power Dev talks about game influences original assets and the possibilities of the future of the game so um obviously Japanese developer pocket pair released power world in Early Access back on January 19th um for the Xbox One Xbox series X and the PC on Steam it's crazy to think it was actually only January 19th uh this game feels like it's been out even longer for some reason it's just done so well having previously released titles such as craftopia uh and um over dungeon pocket has a track record in creating unique um and unconventional titles by fusing existing game mechanics and assets power is pocket pair's fourth title and it seems to be their most eye-catching and Polished Work to date it started its development back in 2021 but how did power wward come to be we asked pokey's CEO all about power's development including the hardships they faced and how the prospect of a PVP mode um so anyway this is the full interview so I would like to congratulate you in advance on the Early Access release of power world please introduce yourself um so um he says I'm I'm hoping I pronounced his name correctly um M miso mobe miso hopefully I'm pronouncing that right is the CEO of pocket pair since its establishment pocket pair has released three games and power will be our fourth release I was originally an engineer in the web industry and did all kinds of work including starting up businesses but eventually my love for video games brought me back to the game industry after working on various title I finally come title sorry I finally come to the point where I can work on a relatively large scale game so such as power world and to be honest it's become probably one of the best games I mean it's only February of 2024 but I mean there's going to need it's going to take something so massive to really Dethrone this at the moment because it was such a good idea it was like a small you know a small Indie shudio did this and a lot of the games these days that win game of the year um correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but they usually have big funding big like you know AAA companies that are doing these and I always love to see you know like a success story on like an up up and coming because it gives you know everyone out there a chance to really think you know I can compete up there with like the top guys you know and and that's the exciting thing about life like you have it everyone has a chance to just randomly do something one day do you know what I mean and it could end up amazing like what's happened here so how exactly were you involved in power world's development so we are just working on the credits now but I was involved in power world predominantly as the producer I dabbled somewhat in Direction too and and towards the end of the development I also ended up being an optimization engineer for some reason so the next thing was so producing directing and optimization can you tell us about Po's development team so at the time of craft to Topia Early Access release pocket pair had less than 10 employees we started development of our power world about 6 months after this so initially there were only three to four members on the team that's crazy furthermore they were all newly hired employees so power basically started out with an almost completely different development team to that of craftopia then a year later I mean imagine before I say anymore imagine being three to four members and you're working on this game thinking you know what this has some hopefully got some potential for the future and then if you could look into the future which not I personally would never like to do but you just never know at this stage and you're the one of the best selling games of you know obviously of 2024 but of like ages right I can't even remember the actual stat of it but they said then a year later we had about 10 people on board in two years the team suddenly grew to 20 to 30 people and the third year I added another 10 to 20 new members we kept making the development team bigger as power's completion seemed nowhere in near in sight by the way the art Department takes up a largest proportion of the team including motion background and 3D artist we also hired more than five new Engineers for the project so the team ended up being quite big um something also to bear in mind I've seen lots of information going around that apparently Microsoft this I can't confirm this because I don't have the the news for today's video but I've mainly saw a lot of this in my comment section and I saw it online um saying that apparently Microsoft have actually taken some Hands-On help um in the development of power world for the Xbox version if that's true please back me up in the comments and let me know um where this information coming through um but I've I've seen them pushing the game more than anything Microsoft so I could imagine that definitely being the case um so how would you describe power world in your own words so put simply power is an open world survival craft game with an added element of monster taming SL collection it also takes significant inspiration from realtime strategy and automation games you build bases and your pals work to constantly to support you and I think these mechanics are rare in 3D games I had the opp and then obviously this is one of the people that asking the question so I had the opportunity to play for a bit and when I placed pal at my base they really did help out and work and collect resources for me for me um and then says if I were to name a recent example sons of the forest had an element of Partners helping you out with building it's a similar mechanic to this and yeah I really like that now the sad thing with me with sons of the forest is I was um I was so hyped for this for Sons of the forest to come out and then when it came out I was playing with my friends for a bit and then we literally I can't remember what took us away from it but I played a solid like couple of hours to start off with and that was one of the mechanics I really liked as well because sometimes when you're playing a survival game you know to have the ability to either do it all yourself is cool but you do get to the point where things take a long time and it really does get to that point where you feel like you're doing so much and if you can shorten that time by having your own helpers it's Mass mive I think it really is um so steam power steam Des description introduces some rather dark points is it possible to just be a sweet to your pals um and then the the CEO goes and and say I think it will all depend on the player and how they decide to treat their Workforce while trying to survive some will be kind to their Pals cuz they're cute and others will work them to the to the bone in order to lessen their own burden the game allows you to enjoy either approach for example you can provide food and bed for your power P but you can choose to not to and the game will allow it on the other hand if you want to be affectionate to your pals you can care for them by building hot springs for them to relax and petting them always I've got to do it I love my poers too much I just could not I couldn't just put them through the pain of doing all the work for when I come back um as power is centered around collecting monsters there have been many reactions from users saying will it be able to launch and will it cause controversy but what do you think about this so then they went on the CEO goes say I'm aware that the Pokémon series is the overwhelming leader in the monster taming SL collection genre in fact Pokémon is so good that I'm afraid to even try and compare it to power world Pokémon first appeared when I was still a grade schooler um uh still um yeah grade school and it was a social phenomenon I adore the series too and recent releases such as Pokémon scarlet and violet as well as the open world title Pokémon Legends have left a deep impression on me I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to continue creating a series that has been adored by people worldwide for 30 years I think that each Pokémon title is wonderful in how it conveys the spirit of its creators the concept of for our power originated from the thought would it be possible to add a monster collect monster collecting elements to the open world survival craft genre and although we didn't reference uh we did reference the Pokémon series as a great predecessor of the genre power world FS completely different game to me which I think people realize soon as they play it I would even say that power is a lot more similar to Arc survival evolved in G in terms of game mechanics and I do agree with that there's been a lot of stuff to be honest when I've played power world where I thought to myself yeah this game is crazily similar to Arc survival like so many of the ways that you hatch the eggs um the crafting it's very very Arc um you know and and I feel like they just got it spot on you know they really did they there there there was some there was something so great about Arc why I loved it and unfortunately they Arc never took the right steps to really blow up and they've had the chance to do it they still have the chance to do it again it's just that the power world coming along has been great because it's really just taken what everyone wanted and put it into one game so will it be able to launch feels a bit of an extreme question but we make our games and and we take our games very seriously and we have absolutely no intention of infringing upon any copyright of other companies we have undergone legal reviews and at this moment there have been no specific actions taken by other companies I know there have been all kinds of rumors floating around on the internet but rest assured and give our game a chance so I think they'll be okay I think they'll be okay I you know I I get how it's got similarities massively and people haven't liked it um but at the end of the day i' as like I've said in other videos competition is so important and uh you know you've got games like Ark but then you've got other dinosaur games like the iio out there and things and you know it's always good to have the competition and they've decided to take that competition on and I like it um so um what is your understanding of the open world survival craft genre were there any particular titles you researched while working on power world I see the open world survival craft genre as something that was derived from Minecraft you use the word research but this genre I've always adored so I've played numerous titles up to up to now such as Terraria the forest sons of the forest conod and excels Arc survival evolved and of course Minecraft in terms of recent hits I've played valheim the Indie title raft and rust although it is a PVP game I've also played sandbox titles such as Astron and scrap mechanic as well as games with novel mechanics such as sunen land our previous title craftopia was an open world survival craft game so I started out on power having accumulated significant knowledge on the genre there are also many steam users within our development team so a lot of them have also played the titles I've just mentioned now then they go to say as you've mentioned there are many existing titles in the genre but what's power's main theme as a survival craft game so the CEO goes on to say power was built on the hypothesis pothesis sorry that having monsters pows act both automatically and emotionally will result in a completely different playing experience than craftopia one of the main themes of craftopia was the Automation and I think it received recognition from the outrageous things users would be able to do with it many of which we the Developers had not even anticipated with power our idea was to take this a step further by aiming our automation with emotion pal Will Rejoice from the bottom of their hearts if you give them food and pet them and on the other hand they will cry and refuse to work if you're rough with them we're a small scale Indie shudio but we really wanted to go far and Beyond in terms of expression of emotion and this was actually a big percentage of our costs I mean try making a uh uh try imagine making different petting interactions for over 100 PS um I also reference Rim World in this respect in Rim World each resident acts um Auto which can result in various events happening you can have your whole Colony burnt down if you happen to come across a pyromaniac people can start fighting due to elevated stress and end up losing an eye there are many unimaginable things happening we also wanted to introduce interesting aspects like this in power which is why we decided to incor incorporate the emotional and autop Pals into an open surviv craft game um so there's a question of what events did you come across during test plays um in power world when pal slack off for a certain amount of time a bad event would occur I encountered a bad event in which a stressed out pal went on a rampage at my base set in the house I'd spent two hours and building on fire basically you can exploit the poers but you have to take care and not overdo it and you need to set up an environment that doesn't stress them up um this question we don't really need to know about the individual traits cuz we've been playing the game um what are the game elements you consider vital for an open World Craft Survival Game I may disg from the main point with this but I think that a multiplayer mode is almost mandatory for a Craft Survival game in a multiplayer PVE game you can easily add single player mode without making big changes to the game system but for for PVP if you think of it as it's just players beating each other up it should be simple and try to implement it without much thought you're going to have a hard time this is why although it may be obvious deciding on whether to not include or include PVP is the biggest fork in the road for the development team and as it changes your list of priorities entirely um for example in PvP games fast travel is usually severely restricted but I don't think the average user nowadays would be able to tolerate an open world game without fast travel these kind of things make it really difficult to combine PVP and PVE in the same map and it wasn't until I tried doing it that I realized alsoo that's why other games don't do that trying to make PVP and PVP work with uh with each other means that developing a game with significant limitations in terms of game design is a hard take a path to take with power world we made the mistake of thinking we could just casually add PVP on later however in the middle of trying to do this we realized how problematic it was going to be from that point on we rushed to make last minute adjustments so nothing goes against the game's basic premises even now some inconsistencies remain in the game design and we have to resolve them when the PV P mode releases later which they've already announced in the road map um so some of the other things that I guess um I I'm just going to go I'm going to skip some of the questions that we don't really need to like there was a thing talking a little bit again about the ideas from craftopia to power but I think it's better to read through the things such as why did you decide to give power An Early Access release so we decided on this two to three years ago so I don't think it was a very particular reason however we were kind uh we were kind of able to predict that the quality would not be worthy of a full release given the development period and scale of power world we wanted to work on it whilst listening to our user feedback rather than a final release a final complete Game another big reason was that based on our experience with craftopia we felt that early access releases and releases allow us to make the games in the way that suits us which I completely agree with um so there's often disputes whether it's better to do Early Access or a full release when launching on Steam so yeah and then I think they just say I think they pretty much just say that you know it with Early Access if it's a full release people can really come at the game but in Early Access you kind of get that safety barrier as long as when you do full release and you iron out the main problems that's absolutely fine I know there's a bunch of other games out there survival games I'm not saying a name but uh that do seem to struggle with uh even when they go full released actually still have the same issues in from there before but anyway um and yeah there are some other bits that sort of go link back to craftopia but mainly talking about um power world so how would you describe power's current state in terms of progress um so I think all of the basic functions are set so about 60% is complete the next phase is about further perfecting the game when we release copia on Early Access we didn't know anything including what game it was and it was even supposed to be but with power we know what kind of game we're making it's a game in which you collect Pals a game which you fight bosses and survival craft the important points remain of the how we're going to implement PVP and to what extent we're going to release new content we're also prepared to add new game functions so we'll observe user reactions and decide what to prioritize based on what everyone wants um so yeah uh this stuff we kind of there's a lot of stuff that we kind of know about already that I'm skipping um but so things about Early Access things about craftopia um is there anything else really that's important that we go through um all right this is pretty this is pretty interesting um for craftt you use Unity but for power you went with unreal engin so yes Unity has its benefits and so does Unreal Engine I felt that for when making power world unro engine was more of a suitable option especially if unro engine 5 unro Engine 5 has all the basic things for an open world game covered and I found it to be more suitable for compare comparatively heavy game on the other hand one of the biggest glob success open games um genin impact was created using with unity choosing a game engine should be comprehensive decision based on what kind of game you're making what country you're making it in and whether it's multiplatform or not and many other factors um you know should be the decision with what you go with um so then they talk about the wish lists and um is there just go through some other important things the Early Access we already know about release um in the Early Access launch QA you mentioned that you're still considering okay we know PVP is coming um but they say what kind of content are you're envisioning at the moment so then they say PVP is very hard but you know it's one of those things that they'll get to like we've already read um so they say when considering the reasons to introduce PVP to power the first thing that comes to mind is the battle format of putting Pals against each other this could involve fighting Pals alone or fighting alongside humans another thing is to consider is format such as a compe a competition format in like an arena like setting or a format in which players can freely compete anywhere in the entire map in real time in the case of the Arena format I think that the realtime action battles would be the first thing that users would imagine however we are cons also considering um a battle pattern in which Pals fight each other automatically there are also a lot of technical details to be discussed but we're also considering a format in which Pal's are registered in the arena and users can free freely choose to fight which would lower the barrier to entry and allow more casual PVP um so yeah I think they say yes I hope we're able to implement a PVP model soon which they they've already said they are that is unique to power and will not be shortlived earlier you asked me how I'd like to develop power world but first and foremost I want it to be a game in which catching pows is fun after that I want to make S successful PVP mode as the ultimate goal so yeah I think we covered pretty much the biggest points there from the entire interview it's a pretty long video around about 20 minutes and it could have been even longer if we decided to talk about the old stuff but I wanted to keep it fairly on top of the most and newest and fresh information um I can't wait for this PVP mode I feel like there's so much they can do um with the the future of this game and I feel like this whole arena battles could be massive and they could really create some huge progression systems like passes and whatever they can it's it's up to them to make the right choices I have faith in them they're a new studio to me I played craft to here a little bit but not much um I remember downloading I didn't even realize it was pocket pair um and uh and it all came back to me when uh when I found out all about the company a little bit more so that is pretty much all to read through from the full interview from the CEO we look to have a bright future with this game thank you very much for watching guys leave a like subscribe and I will catch you in my next power world video very soon see you guys then
Channel: LoadedCrysis
Views: 14,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, Palworld, PocketPair, Creature Taming, Pokemon With Guns Game, Palworld Game, Open World Survival Crafting Creature Taming Game, Best Upcoming Survival Game, pokemon, palworld release date, palworld update, new update, palworld info, palworld pokemon, palworld online, palworld channel, palworld review, palworld best pals, palworld new update, palworld roadmap, roadmap, 2024, palworld pvp, palworld new, Palworld CEO Full Interview on the future of the game...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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