Palworld How To Level Up FAST Reach Max Lvl In No TIme! (Tips And Tricks)

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[Music] [Music] so leveling leveling it's always beautiful leveling is going to allow you to get more technology leveling is going to allow you to get more weapons more armor more stuff more things to craft that is always always lovely sometimes it could become quite of a chore because some of the activities that you are going to do in power world are not going to give you that much experience but there are some little neat tricks that you can perform that you can do that you can practice for you to level a little bit faster and that is what we're going to be talking about today there's going to be many activities that we're going to be discussing uh like there's going to be like honorable mentions right here about things that you should be doing out there in the world but uh there's going to be a major one that is going to also be amazing an amazing option for you to level up to 50 as fast as possible that said that being said uh let's just rule out the obvious let's assume that you are playing on an official server where there is no XP modifications of course we know that there's an XP modification that you can level up your character uh just by killing a couple of things a couple of Pals a couple of Po Pokemons just by turning on XP uh a little bit higher or tons tons like being uh getting 20 plus the XP that you would uh 20 times the experience that you would you would have so that's something that it could be done that's something that it can be done but in here we're talking about leveling on a natural manner like how it's supposed to be done on a regular official server so I have my pals right here and in here we also have the capture bonus so you see I have the complete capture bonus for this one for this one I'm missing that one for for this one I'm missing that one as well uh ideally this is what you want to do strangely enough to level up in power world you got to catch them all every time that you do a capture bonus you're going to get it depending on the server that you are right now the server that I am playing I play different servers The Experience multiplayer that I have for this server it's to uh multiply by two so I'm getting double the experience that being said it you should still be getting quite a lot of experience I'm just leveling a little bit faster like there's like uh multiplied by 20 so that's something that could happen in here uh multiplied by two it's not it's just like I like to alleviate a little bit things in this specific server because I have already played many different ones and I do not want to level up that slow but still the same uh reasoning is going to apply to you right now my character level it's like 40 my character level is like 40 and as you can see I haven't even completed manag to completely capture all of the lowlevel pals that you can see right here so I want you to take a look right here that I am fighting on on this place on this very scenario I am fighting against Pals that are my level that are a little bit higher level these are the pals that I am supposed to be fighting and these are the pals that are supposed to be giving me a little bit more of experience but uh yeah I mean I am getting nice experience by capturing the right here there's one thing that you need to consider for me to capture for me to be able to capture this Pals that I'm capturing right here on this footage it requires a right Pokeball or a right P sphere sphere or whatever you would like to call it it requires resources the higher the fear the higher the pals that you're capturing the higher the materials that you're going to be burning by capturing and you do want to have that extra capture bonus uh experience but you don't really need too because as I showed you I'm still missing quite a bit of lowlevel Pals so all you have to do is just craft a whole bunch of low-level pal spheres and start catching lowlevel Pals when you catch the lowlevel pals as you can see on the screen right now I am getting the same amount of experience because of the uh the thing the multiplier bonus experience that I have on High level Pals so while you are leveling up it's going to take a little bit longer and longer because you're going to require there's not like this is not an infinite thing that you can do at some point you are going to run out of those level 10 but like I said right now on this character that I have right here this is a level 40 character and I'm still capturing lowlevel Pals and I'm still getting a whole bunch of experience and those are still the LD level game LD game Pals and I can assure you that by the time that I reach the midgame level Pals that are not going to require that much pal spheres uh amazing resources for them I'm already going to be level 50 so that is how you are going to level up your character real fast regardless of you being an official server that said there's a couple of vulnerable manions things activities in the world that should you should be doing dungeons while you're running dungeons at the end there's going to be a bus and if you capture that bus it is more more than like going to give you that experience bonus but they also yield quite a lot of experience also um capturing the alphas the alphas all throughout the world uh they are also going to give you quite a bit of stuff they are going to give you ancient technology you get the ancient technology from these guys they also give the diagrams they have legendary diagrams that you should be farming for so that's one more thing that you could be doing so ideally uh there those are the activities that you should be doing capturing in the the alphas also fighting against the the bosses of the the main bosses of the game that you would find on The Syndicate towers that is an amazing choice to level up but those are just honorable mentions like I said the real way to level up as fast as possible and it is not going to take you that long is capturing lowlevel Pals there is only just one small little downside about that and that downside is that your pals are not going to level up the pals that you're going to have in your inventory they are not going to level up because you are the only one that you are going to level up so how am I going to alleviate that simple enough just go out there fight a pal that is a high level capture the high level pal and use that pal to fight against high level Pals that are going to level up the rest of your pals so that is alleviated as well by that there is like quite literally no downside about farming and farming and farming low-level Pals to get get huge amounts of uh filthy experience if you like the content like everybody super appreciate it no told you today you're a gorgeous and beautiful person you're indeed a gorgeous and beautiful beautiful person I hope be seeing you godam go and be people in the next one have a lovely day and [Music] goodbye
Channel: RPJames
Views: 39,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O8XrV__Rcdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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