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so guys I am back with another power world video and in this video gu I'm going to Showcase you as a lowlevel player how you can earn infinite amounts of XP and level up super super fast early game this one you do not want to miss how's it going guys my name is DPG and before we go any further I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game to be with a chance of winning simply drop a like on the video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turned on and I'll pick the winners from the comment section and announce them in a few days good luck okay so this is a guide an XP guide a simple exploit anyone can use so so easy to do and it will level your up through those early stages of the game quite quick all you need to do these guys is to have access to let's say B an arrow i' probably say that's maximum what you need all you need is a stone axe to get wood to make campfires about eight campfires S I guess and a power box that's all you need to do this so level three is where you need to be so a level three can come here and do this once you're that level you need to come to where I'm at on the map right here you can see where I'm at guys I probably best use my mouse and keyboard for this but that's the starting point in the game that's the very first flash dra Point you'll come to this one right here so what you need to do guys is come down this little path come down here and come to here this is all you need to come to just for I'm matter right here then once you are here guys you want to put down that power box want to pull it down as close to this cave as you can possibly get see where I'm at so yep create the power box just like so this requires powdering fragments Uh Wood and stone simple okay so just place it anywhere like that there we go now build it now this is mainly used for a s if you die because you probably will die doesn't matter though uh you can just respawn right at this point all good all good so now what you do guys is you want to Cal down here so obviously you want to make sure you got a couple poers as well doesn't matter what poers they are they ain't got nothing special so we're going to come down here guys run past their base barrier or border and you can see we have the black market here who is a level 40 if you're low level this guy's got a like a minigun and it hits pretty hard but you want to get his attention so I just want to shoot him just like so and then you want to enough just like so what you want to do guys is you just want to get him to basically the board here just get him to here that's it that's all you need to do that is all you need to do now he will come around pretty quick and what I will say is as well if you go out of the cave and wait for about a minute or two uh he'll actually call back his pal so you ain't got to worry about his pal but even if he doesn't it doesn't matter cuz now what you want to do guys is you want to pull out any pal you're going to have a low level pal obviously if you're low level doing this so yeah uh let's see what low levels I've got I don't think I've got many low levels squeeze let's just use a couple actually this use one of them don't matter so now guys we're just going to pick this dude up and then what we're going to do guys is we just going to throw it so it starts fighting we actually want him on this corner first so we're just going to try and entice him around to this corner which by the way he has to see you he won't start shooting you straight away you'll see It'll get a bit closer and they run around if you're careful you can do this you'll get this down perfect once you do it once let me tell you once you do this once you are good you never have to worry about this again that's all you got that's all you got to think about you never have to worry about this again once you get it down the first time you are absolutely fine to do this okay so you see glitch on that corner okay so now we're just going to throw the power down just like so I'm just going to Chu out another P don't know what I got here but I've only got a NIS it's probably my the weakest one I got here so I'm just going to Chu him out too and hopefully he'll start fighting him there you go he's going to start fighting oh sh probably ain't going to have to start fighting cuz I ain't got on attack that's all good okay so now they' started fighting just want run past don't worry about that one and now you can see them fighting up there that's good you want to come to here guys and you want to put down the four campfires I'm going to take my time and doing this but you you want to rush as fast as you can do this and you want to put them in this exact position so you can see where that Lantern is there so you want to put one there one there one there and one there now you want to build these straight away these are the main ones you need to build so build you straight away now while he's out there you're fine because once he's run that corner and he's already got the attention he won't come back down here so you haven't got to worry about that for now you haven't got to worry about that for now but if he does it doesn't matter okay so the Cognito just spawned on top of the fires you get you're kind of getting a drift like I said if I died here it's fine because the the fires are already down that's all we need that's all we need is the fires to be down so now them fires are down it's this simple you quit out the game and then you load back in I'm on PC I don't know since the latest patch guys it's it's just the mess the loading in and backing out is just a mess okay so this is this one right here just like so and I do want to say as well big shout out to Shogun who hit me up on my Discord who actually explain this to me and how to do it so yeah big shout out to that dude absolute Legend but this will work wonders for you low level players 100% so now guys you'll notice when you spawn back in Mr Black Mar is cooking and you can see his health is dropping now what I would do from here guys is I'd build more fires around him so cuz you want to trap him in cuz if he if I have to hit him now which you do actually have to hit him um he will AG go and walk off there as far as around it normally gets trapped so you want to build these obviously before his health hits zero I'm just going to build it there like that that you may need a bit more wood to do this just like so this is half on it's about halfway it's fine just like so just basically making a trap around him and we're good so let's build these all up guys keep building them all up it'll obviously take you a little little longer because you probably didn't spend any points into your crafting which is fair enough but if you have you should be quick just like me I don't think I spent like two or three points to be honest when you got a new you'll never need to do that again okay so don't worry about getting them all built if you can't straight away that's fair enough you want to watch his half and make sure you're watching his half and from here guys all you got to do is pull out your ball or even a sphere and you want to hit him before he dies he's hitting before his health completely goes so let's say like now and there you go guys run across and get that loot simple as that there's the gold keys and there's the gold coins simple as that guys and now from here you simply just cre back out the game and repeat that process over and over over and over again that is all you have to do if you do this right the first time as a low level player and again like I said you can do this from a level three as long as you can craft them campfires you can do this you probably don't even need the power box outside the cave that's only there just in case you die so you can respawn there and yeah like I said you can do this guys over and over and over again I probably a't built those them campfires around I probably need to be a bit closer to him see the Gap try and make sure there's no Gap in between you see there's a gap there that Gap there you probably want to fill in so get them as close to him as possible he locks him in and then when you do hit him even if he does retaliate you hit him on accident and he's got a bit of Health left he won't be have to get out be stuck in there which is what you want so yeah so just exactly the spawn in wait around almost AFK if you didn't have to hit him at the last second be AFK and he can do this over and over guys and infinite amounts of gold XP until you're fully leveled yeah like I said it's an amazing an amazing uh exploit which I guarantee you will be patched out again pretty soon but again all you need is legit bow and arrows sphere and power box uh ax Stone axe to create the campfires to get the wood probably don't even need that you just need wood but a lot of it uh spes I mean cuz a sphere can use to actually get his attention because if you don't hit him I don't know if I said this if you don't hit him before he dies you won't get the loot that's why you have to hit him we can also use a spere you don't got to use um aono it really is that simple guys it really is that simple you probably don't even need a power box at the back I only put the power box there because um just in case you die just in case you do die therefore then you can uh just respawn right back outside there and got to run all way back here and yeah again it really is as simple as that and you can do this over and over again guys until you've got what you need the XP you need the gold that you need again it's almost 40K time sometimes it can be a little sometimes It Gos to about like 30 35 but sometimes it's 45 and you get the three gold coins uh Keys too so yeah guys it's a great great great exploit I definitely recommend you trying out and using the us before it gets P out the game especially you new players because this is unreal okay simple as that guys do what you've got to do and there we have it a great guide for new players to level up nice and easy when you're done don't forget move your power box you don't need it out there once you got it set up you're completely fine again if you do accidentally die while you're doing it your power box is right here anyway so it could respawn back in but there we have it guys guys if you enjoyed the video leaving a like really helps out if you like quite you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 43,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gold farm, palworld gold key, palworld gold glitch, palworld gold coins, palworld gold schematic, palworld gold key farm, palworld gold exploit, palworld golden chest, palworld tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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