Palworld - First Look (New Survival Crafting Game)

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hey what's up everyone glock9 here and welcome to Pal world this is a new open world survival crafting game set to release on Steam in just a few days January 19th so first of all thank you to pocket pair for granting me early access to this game now I got to admit when they first reached out to me and I checked the game out I was like I don't know this is my type of game but then I saw a clip of one of the characters wielding a machine gun and I said this is my type of game cute little creatures and machine guns sign me up but seriously I looked at it a little bit further and I got Ark meets Pokemon Vibes now I never really got into Pokemon I never watched any of the shows or played any of the games but I'm not an idiot I do see things and I guess capturing cute little creatures in a ball is not copyrighted because that's exactly what we do in this game so there's going to be some Pokemon fans that are going to call this a ripoff but that's silly if you're a fan of Pokemon and you like survival games you should love this game here's a look at the map just to give you an idea of how big it is some of the areas are already opened most of it's blacked out we start here near the plateau of Beginnings which is that statue right there we need to go activate it and that will unlock fast travel to this particular statue and there are a bunch of these all around the map now I did play this game for a bit just to get the hang of it so I'm not fumbling around too much and I can better showcase it to you guys and we're going to work our way through the tutorial see if we could possibly even make it to our first boss fight how you doing lady a Cast Away been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals washed up here the island is a living hell blah blah blah you need to be safe here's some wood oh thanks you got a pump shotgun and you give me some wood don't even offer me any of your soup thanks a lot lady look there's wood right on the floor I can just pick it up we're level two now we've got a stat Point let's throw that into HP we got some tech points as well seven of them the these basic items are already unlocked so we're going to unlock the pal box which is a facility for storing captured Pals we'll get more into that later the pal sphere which is what we use to capture Pals campfire wooden chest and the wooden structure Set uh we don't need to unlock the repair bench right now so we won't worry about that uh the tutorial wants us to open up the options menu and check out the survival guide this is where you can learn all about the game the game objective uncover the secrets of this mysterious land while taking on the unknown forces who stand in your way defeat bosses that lay claimed each Region's Tower as you try to uncover the truth behind the origin of Pals you can check out crafting technology and all the things which it might seem a little overwhelming but it's not everything's pretty simple and intuitive uh next thing we got to do is put down a primitive workbench we're just going to put it down up here in case we ever want to fast travel up to the top of this mountain again we'll have a workbench right here that we can use now you got to put it down and then build it which takes time building everything takes time but when you have Pals around they will help you build it and it will build faster same thing with items let's craft a wooden club and then we have to actually craft it but again if you have Pals around they'll help you and the crafting time will increase I mean decrease it'll be faster come on you know what I'm saying stop breaking my balls let's go beat the living [ __ ] out of that chicken oh you mad chicken you want to fight back well too bad you can't cuz you're weak we got an egg and some uh raw meat from that and the dead body just kind of lays around and you can kick it like your p is pretty fun it's like a little mini game we can kick it off of the mountain let's do that why you wasting your time doing this it's pointless shut up I'm having fun look how fun that is let's grab some of these berries we're also getting Berry seeds which we'll use later to plant plant berries once we get a uh planter box crafted so definitely hold on to the seeds cuz you're going to need them and you're going to need a lot of berries to feed your pals uh let's keep grabbing Uh Wood and stone too we'll make an axe and a pickaxe at the workbench we put down before we continue heading down the mountain we also have to craft a pal sphere so we can start capturing Pals that's what it's all about now I did pick up a pal fragment which you need to craft those spheres um only one though so we'll have to get more of that stuff Let's uh get a pickaxe crafted bam acquire it and uh oh we need more stone for the axxe but we can craft a pal spere just one of them right now here we go let's go mine some Stone so we can get the stone axe crafted we will get some pal fragments from m mining the stone as well the more efficient way to get that [ __ ] is to just mine The Ore which is that blue ore right there we'll do that on the way down the mountain okay we got some ore from that as well which is basically metal we also leveled up let's get a point into stamina let's go over to the tech tree we got seven more Tech points to spend let's open up the bow and the arrows and the shotty bed and the straw pal bed all your pals are going to need a bed otherwise they get pissed off and the cloth all right let's go make that axe now the tutorial is going to want us to capture five of these Lambs so let's start doing that now you just knock them around a bit the more damage they take the higher the capture rate will be probably could to hit that guy one more time but that's fine that should get him oh no it didn't get him son of a [ __ ] here we go oh [ __ ] I have no more pal spheres I crafted one but I forgot to acquire it ow you little bastard all right we got to get back to that workbench uh when you craft something you then have to take it otherwise it remains in the workbench got it uh and now if I get some wood I can craft more of them so let's do that that should do it 100% okay that one is mine and that one is a level one so I'm going to skip that one I saw some more down here let's go check them out and now that I captured that little guy I can release him and he'll fight alongside me but no need for that what are you level one and whatever these are just going to be worker bees they're just going to help us around the base we're not going to use these Lambs to fight so doesn't really matter I guess and they'll level up by doing work at the base speaking of which we just leveled up let's uh use our stat point we'll put this one into weight let's go over to the tech tree again we've got seven more points to spend let's unlock the spear and the common shield and the cloth outfit and that's it for now all right we need two more of these lands 94% is good enough for me I see a chest over there let's go get it see what's inside gold coins a pal sphere and medical supplies nice uh let's eat we are getting hungry we can feed our Pals too but they're all full we are hungry let's uh get that food bar up that's all there is is a hunger bar there's no thirst bar so it's just your health and your hunger is what you got to keep up with uh next step in the tutorial is build a pal box where we want to build our base so that's what we're off to do now is set down a pow box and start building our base and I know where I want to do that if we head down the mountain a bit further there will be another uh statue that we can activate for fast travel and right around that area is where we will build our base oh I'm eating chicken nuggies tonight got a pal sphere just laying on the floor right here this mountain is just full of resources speaking of which we should probably grab some yeah let's get some more pal fragments and the way I see it is we will build our base at the bottom of the Mountain near the other fast travel statue and then whenever we want to we can fast travel to the top of the mountain work our way back down it harvesting all these resources whenever we need them okay got another fast travel Point unlocked and we also get a tech point from activating that and this is about as far as I've gone when I was playing earlier so I am curious as to what's down that way there's the tower where we'll have our first boss fight we are nowhere near ready for that though got a flyer up in the air all sorts of cool [ __ ] going on but we need to stay focused let's check this chest first oh whole bunch of coin and some bread and now we need to get a base built because it's going to be Nightfall we need a place to sleep I think this area is going to be perfect there's the pal box uh we can open it up we can summon one pal to the base right now because it's only a level one but we'll level it up and we'll be able to bring more Pals to the base we can store the other ones inside the box for now instead of having them in our party now to level it up we need to build a wooden chest that will complete the level one missions but before we do that let's put some foundations down there's a storage box now our pal should come help us build it where you at pal here we go bam nice and you could rename your pals too but I'm not going to get into that right now uh let's store some [ __ ] in here with the bed we can sleep through the night sleeping also regenerates your health uh let our pal build that bed while we upgrade the pal box bam now we can summon another pal to the base and they'll build my bed for me that's right build my bed [ __ ] thank you okay uh the bed won't work without a roof so we need to put a roof over the bed well it's coming along yeah they built my campfire good job Pals they're off to gather resources for me hey what are you doing around my base wandering Merchant oh that's cool how you doing good what do you got oh schematics all sorts of stuff huh well stick around I might want to buy some stuff from you at some point bam look at that we got ourselves a cozy little home oh nothing like frying up lamb kebabs while the Lambs are outside hard at work for me hey you got to let them know you know do a good job or you become a kebab let's get this workbench built and then we can use this to craft some cloth no just two for now and then we can use the cloth to make some decent clothes so we are presentable and Merchant still hanging around that's good there we go cloth outfit taking some time to craft this thing my pals are stressed I I haven't uh I haven't made them beds yet I'll do that in the morning oh yeah looking sharp the blue match is my uh beard all right let's put another Point into HP and then with the tech points let's unlock the feed box we're going to have to put the one of those down to keep the pals fed and then uh I guess let's unlock the fire bow and the fire arrow all right that's enough for one day what's that Berry seeds whatever let's upgrade the base again okay now we got to build a feed box and three pal beds speaking of Pals oh there they are gathering resources let's summon a third one to the base now and we got to build them beds let's go little buddies come build your beds here they come all right you guys work on that one I'll place a couple more down now the feed box where you at [ __ ] here they come thank you get some berries in there so they can eat whenever they want going to upgrade this to level four we already built the camp fire we need to build the berry Plantation and deploy a fourth pal to the base well that's an easy one Berry Plantation here it is okay we need more Stone that's a good spot for it just got to get this tree out of the the way it's nice that they let you place things down even if there is a tree in the way we'll just chop it down while the Lambs build the berry Plantation bam look at that teamwork it's taking me longer chop this damn tree I should let the Lambs chop it down I need to find out what Pals chop trees cuz the Lambs definitely don't man seeding this is taking a while why aren't those little shits helping me oh there they are yeah just walking away while daddy Glock does all the work [ __ ] kids man I got to find out what Pals tend to crops because the Lambs definitely don't bam we are at base level five we need to build a pal gear workbench and a statue of power we can't unlock either of those things yet we need to level up first let's build this fifth pal a bed this is the repair workbench my axe is damaged so instead of crafting another one I'm going to build this thing and repair my axe thanks for the help buddies I mean Pals um there we go you just going to stand there I need to find out what Pal's Harvest Stone because the Lambs definitely don't put some storage outside the base because they're constantly Gathering resources so now they can just dump them right in here let's get some weapons made do the spear let's do the bow don't go anywhere little buddy I got more stuff to craft you just stay right there let's make a bunch of arrows now we'll do 10 that'll translate to 30 arrows okay let's make the common shield now this is not a shield you hold in your hand this is a shield you equip and it works basically like armor okay that should have Auto equipped it did and you can see the blue bar filling up above my health we're going to head this way and go exploring and and we're also going to try and capture some new Pals because I noticed there were some recipes in the tech tree that were question marks and they said to unlock them you have to capture a specific pal it didn't say which ones so basically we want to just capture as many different ones as we can bam got a cat hey there what's up you're a new face don't tell me an outsider yeah how'd you guess now that you're on on silent try capturing some Pals get extra XP for capturing 10 of the same kind you know no I didn't know all right uh what do you got for me anything five pal fragments well better than nothing I guess let's grab this green thing collect and offer them to a statue of power to improve your ability to capture Pals cool well we're going to craft a statue of power soon Castaways Journal I'm not reading that let's set up here the tower is this way man I really thought we were going to be able to Fast Track to a boss fight but I don't think that's going to happen I think it's going to be a while until we can fight our first boss oh that got his attention there's a tip for you if you want to get the attention of a pal shoot them in the head with an arrow oh my goodness that one's firing icicles at me oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to kill that one the capture rate was only at 48% though we need to upgrade our capture ability it's in the 70s come on 80s yes got a penguin this looks like another type of cat I'm going to see if I can get it 80 90 there we go bam a Cris well I'm going to keep heading towards the tower cuz according to the compass there is another statue that way that we can activate for fast travel and then we can just fast travel back to the base uh one more that'll do it come on give me the Firefox or Fox Parks they can't it's a Firefox it's a fox that was on fire they just can't call it Firefox because then they'll get sued there's another one but we got to move it's getting late got another Cat come on here we [Music] go rain Syndicate Tower okay let's activate this statue and we can fast travel back home but before we do that let's just have a peek up these stairs and see what's going on oh [ __ ] there's gunfire over there I don't have many arrows left but we must investigate give me that let's actually just grab this Firefox real quick oh boy bullets are flying I've got no arrows left that should do it come on give me the Firefox yes all right oh I got to go I'll come back with a pal that can fight and uh some more arrows and we'll see if we can maybe NAB one of their guns oh that worked out let's drop these Pals into the pal box I mean we could try replacing some of the Lambs with these other creatures and see what happens we got a couple of cats now oh look they're they're harvesting the berries all right so the cats will take care of the farming what's the penguin going to do and what's this thing going to do anything that this thing is useless I feel the cats are just getting right to work I like that or are they all going to sleep well it's late I don't blame them I'm going to sleep too all right we got some points to spend here let's bump up stamina and HP and then over here let's unlock the gear work bench for the pals and the statue of power and we got a whole bunch more Tech points left but I'm not sure what we should unlock next so I'm not going to unlock anything just yet we need wood and cloth well we can make the cloth right here and then we'll have to go Harvest some more wood now what can we do with this no usable recipes well nothing apparently yet got our statue of power enhance player stats enhance Pals capture power yes enhance baby oh I have zero left of those green things we need four more if we want to do that again enhance Pals I got nothing that I can enhance Pals with yet but at least we got it now let's upgrade the base now we got to build a Crusher a stone pit and a logging site what can we unlock now logging site Stone pit and uh the crusher we're going to have to level up again again to open that thing I made a bunch more arrows I've got a Firefox with me we are going back here and we're going to see if we can take out those Syndicate Thugs and maybe get a gun from them attack Firefox oh I'm hitting the spikes well that one's dead the penguins are fighting too this is great that one's dead and that one's stuck in the cage it's locked can we open it hold release pal you're free pal and you are dead buddy oh whatever I'll just stab him I can't even get in there oh I can reach him like this well that was an easy one uh I picked up ammo but not a gun unfortunately here's some more ammo oh assault rifle ammo I want the assault rifle I don't see anything around I can loot there was nothing marked on the map for this uh particular base oh [ __ ] good job Firefox now come here all right well we got some ammo from these thugs but like I said no fire arm unfortunately it's worth a try Tower of rain Syndicate time limit 10 minutes well we are nowhere near ready for a boss battle so we'll have to come back at a later time I'm assuming this Stone pit will be a place where the pals can Harvest Stone from where is the the Firefox at the base is unconscious and incapacitated it says take it to the pow boox I don't see the thing uh let's just drop it in here there we go and it'll take 10 minutes for that thing to uh basically come come back to life guys working on the stone pick good job there it is hold to work oh the cats will work here and they can Harvest up to 99,999 Stone seems to be taking a while it's faster to harvest regular Stone but that's convenient because it's right here at the base let's get some wood and build the logging site there we go but I haven't found a pal that will harvest wood yet so none of them want to chop trees we have to figure out which one it is that will do that for us we uh definitely don't want to mess with this Mammoth that thing will one hit kill us but there's a flyer up here and uh I'd like to try and capture that thing there's a couple of them here I just want to pick a fight with one of you guys this could be a huge mistake the Nightwing might kill us but even if it does we're real close to home so we can just respawn at the base and pick up all our stuff no big deal uh run oh it hit the mammoth is the mammoth going to fight the Nightwing now I hope not oh [ __ ] whoops I got this thing killed real fast that's my bad yep going to let Firefox fight with us here cuz this deer is uh pretty tough oh [ __ ] you okay Firefox oh look at that they call me jumping gy all right don't kill it don't kill it oh come on come on baby yes keep going give me that deer all right we got an e e deer eer deer what kind of name is that we got to put the fox in the box so it could put socks on its [ __ ] no so it could regenerate and let's bring the deer into the base what are you going to do go to sleep really oh it's got a major injury um I think we got to put the deer in the box so it can uh heal up all right is that good enough what you where are you off to oh to get wood nice all right finally got ourselves a pal that can Harvest wood for us might have to go get at some Advil it's going to have one hell of a headache oh um oh there it is the deer saddle okay so we got to get to level 12 before we can unlock the deer saddle and then I'm sure we use the pal gear workbench to craft it and then we'll be able to ride that deer I put everything I have into storage so I've got nothing on me and I'm going to punch this Mammoth cuz I want to show you guys a quick little I guess you can call it an exploit way to travel around the map quickly and that is to die come on man what are you doing kill me you piece of [ __ ] don't run away come on I'm trying to do something here there you go let me have it so now when you go to respawn you can actually choose from areas all over the world here I've never been to these areas before they're just open look at the amount of resources and pal population here let's go there and we spawn on this island with nothing of course and that's just what happens when you die you spawn back in with nothing and I don't see a statue close by I did this when I first started playing I died and I respawned on an island and there was uh a fast travel statue like as soon as I spawned in I don't see one here I do see one of these though I'm going to go grab that but now if if we can just find a statue that we can activate a fast travel statue then we can fast travel back to our base and we can always come back to this island via fast travel whenever we want so that's kind of a quick way to open up fast travel to different islands and that is to die and respawn there are you a cast away yeah blah blah blah you got anything for me or not no well [ __ ] you then of course the only problem with dying and respawning at one of these islands is you spawn in with nothing on you so that's just what you got to deal with I see one way up there so let's go activate it and then we can go back home oh what is happening over here a little fight with direwolves yeah I'll avoid that [Music] all right guys I'm going to end this video here I hope you got a good idea of what this game is about I'm really enjoying it I'm going to continue playing it and go through the grinding of leveling up and getting prepared for this boss fight and then I will do another video where I bring you that boss fight so you can check it out and see what that is all about out hope you guys enjoyed this thank you so much for watching and all of the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more pal world and I will catch you guys in the next [Music] video [Music] n
Channel: Glock9
Views: 152,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new, game, gaming, gamer, pc, steam, early access, first look, first impressions, epic, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, gameplay, 2024, first, new game, fun, funny, comedy, humor, next gen, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier, single player, IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Polygon, Eurogamer, Inside Gaming, pal world, palworld, Japanese, pokemon, Pokemon game, ark, ark survival, new ark, ps5, xbox, console, pve, stardew, farming, official
Id: 0ifvoE7vC_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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