7 Days To Die - Trapped Inside EP1 (I Can't Leave the Hospital)

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I'm going to loot this ambulance since I'm walking past it and then we're going inside and we're never coming back out One sewing kit all right whatever I'll take it here we go and now we are officially trapped inside what's up everyone Glock n here and welcome to trapped inside we are officially trapped inside the navis gain General Hospital and we cannot leave actually there is only one way we can leave and that is to craft the gyrocopter and fly off the rooftop so I did unlock the gyrocopter I read all the vehicle books when I did that though I lowered the XP down to 25% so I did not level up while reading those books I did not give myself any workstation books though so we're going to need to find 10 of them to unlock the workbench because we're going to need the workbench to craft the gyrocopter one other thing I did give myself is the water purifier mod schematic we're going to use that right now that allows us to drink murky water to craft it we're going to need steel polymer duct tape coal and a sewing kit which we actually just found one uh but we're going to need to craft that in the workbench so the workbench is going to be the key to getting out of this Hospital alive all right it starts uh we got some plants around ooh chairs okay let's pick those up for the wood I wonder if three chairs is enough wood to allow us to craft a club it is beautiful all right we got a weapon already nice might as well grab the plants too uh we don't need any clay soil right now but eventually we'll need some uh in terms of settings we are on uh survivalist difficulty XP multiplier is 300% maxed out so we got maxed out XP zombie hordes are set to every three days uh and they are maxed out at 64 enemies air drops of course are disabled not that it matters we can't leave the hospital uh and loot respawn time I was going to leave that off but I set it to 30 days if we can manage to survive here for 30 days and we still don't have the resources that we need to get out of here the loot will respawn up until then though we're just going to have to work with what we can find in the hospital and in loot bags so right now I have feral sense turned off because I figured if I turn that on now on day one level one with minimal Tools Plus all the zombies that are already in the hospital it's going to be a mess and I'll be lucky to survive through day one you know what I mean so feral sense is turned off now but once I clear the hospital I'm going to turn that on all the time night and day so they'll be constant zombies coming to visit us and with the horde Knight set to every 3 days we should have plenty of zombies to kill which means loot bags that we're going to need for uh loot because once we're done looting this place there won't be anything left for us hey over here zombies come on come get me this way I want to kill them cuz loot bags you know that's uh like I said going to be a big part of our survival here come on lady bring me the good [ __ ] uh No Loot bag luck there let's take the basic survival quest off of the HUD I'm not canceling it by any means I want to get that done but it's just going to take a lot longer to get done here than in a normal game where we have immediate access to plant fiber so I just don't feel like looking at that on the HUD all day now obviously our biggest problem here is going to be food and water we'll try and grow some food you know with any seeds we might be able to find in here and then uh on top of that there might be some working vending machines in here but coin is going to be hard to come by we might find some in loot you tend to find a decent amount of it in loot bags which that is going to be our like Saving Grace here that's why I pretty much had to set the horde Knights to every 3 days so we can hopefully find food in the loot bags and we don't starve to death cuz that is definitely something that may happen we may just starve to death before we can get anything accomplished here now in terms of water we should find a decent amount of murky water inside this POI but I also added a water fountain to the Courtyard where there is normally a tree and some bushes I removed that and built a water fountain and filled it with water so there is a water source here that we can access can't drink from it directly though without risking the chance of dissenter unless we can get that water purifier helmet mod crafted that could take a while we're going to have to find 10 forged Ahead books and then the materials to craft a workbench and then the materials to craft the helmet mod now we could get Super Lucky and just find a helmet mod that's possible there's some plant fiber over there but I'm not beating through that door with the wood Club is there anything in the corner here nothing that we can search and we can't Harvest any of this stuff yet not with the club so we're done with the main floor let's head on downstairs and I know it seems like everything is stacked against us here and survival is going to be impossible but that's that's the point that's why it's a challenge hey the vending machine works now at least if we can get our hands on some coin we have the opportunity to spend it come on out of there lady give me a loot bag I need it I need a bad uh I need stamina too [ __ ] no back up all right let's see if we can get some murky water out of the toilets there we go paper pretty much useless but obviously I'mma take it anyway taking everything one piece great uh I saw some trash in here underneath the Elevator Shaft iron animal fat and an electric part and some cloth now we can eat the animal fat gives us five food but it takes away three hit points and dire times you know [ __ ] we might need to do that if we have full health but we're starving it be worth it glue that's going to help going to need that to make uh some pipe weapons not going to worry about making a pipe weapon until we can find some ammo ammo is going to be major problem obviously everything everything's going to be a problem nothing is not going to be a problem hey eight coin beautiful and a mushroom let's throw that Mushroom on the wall right now uh Let It Grow so we can eat it later oh that looks appetizing doesn't it I think uh the hole in the wall is the way to go those things are opened what do we got in here guess we could scrap the DY for the paint and one piece of rotten flesh let's dump a bunch of stuff into this cardboard box and we'll get it later uh not the bones we can make a bone knife out of those throw everything else in here n not the water there we go we'll hold on to all this stuff can't harvest the boxes yet what's up here anything good backpack Sledgehammer well I think I'm gonna go Pummel Pete but I'll bring it down you never know I mean it's it's a real stamina eater but it does do good amount of damage anyway let's uh let's get this thing off of the floor it's just going to slow us down if we got to run throw that stuff in here okay well let's do it all these machines are opened and what the hell man a feral white why why is there one here already [ __ ] can I get up there oh well I can get up here I don't I wonder if the zombies can oh man this is not going to be fun at all I guess I could craft a couple of frames I can't upgrade them though so it's not like we could put them in doorways that's not going to help but maybe I might need them to like pull up somewhere and just get off of the ground I don't know this is going to be [ __ ] hard oh no got to go you going to have trouble getting through there no nope no trouble at all close that [ __ ] no come on guy just die for me no die now falling is is good but dying is better thank you a zombie at that door that door is locked the other ones are still stuck behind that door let's see if he can get up here no he's not attempting to oh look at that this might be a way to to cheese them a little bit it's working with this guy it's not going to work with the spider monkey though okay he's dead the other ones are trying to beat through this wall here maybe we should just let them do that and then we can beat them through the hole they make might take a while though meat some chili we leveled up got a skill point to spend not worried about that right now let's drink a bottle of water it's nice that they start you with two bottles now instead of one 5,000 hit points I don't want to wait that long let's see if we can get him to come to the door can beat him through this little hole right here come on on here comes the spider monkey well all right then close it oh no I wasn't able to close that door where did he go did he go back in that room I think he did well let's try that again oh here comes canny oh there's the white you know what let's just hang out up here for a little bit longer I can tell you about that freaker campaign I got going on right now you want some really [ __ ] cool Glock n socks and Koozies they're available right now just click the link below that says freaker campaign you can get some really cool exclusive Glock n merch the profits are going to the St Jude's Children's Research Hospital so you get to help out kids and three of the people that order from this campaign are going to be randomly Chosen and win a Glock n zombie plush which can't get anywhere else I mean come on what let's do this [ __ ] we got to get to 250 sets soul to go to production so help me get there [ __ ] you not you guys the what of course oh [ __ ] all right now things are getting interesting here we go we can cheese Kenny come here come here Kenny damn it you know as much as I should probably put that skill point Point into Pummel Pete right now I think I'm going to put it into advanced engineering cuz we need all the help we can get to try and find forg the head books we need 10 of them or else we're never going to get out of here oh up up up up up get up there oh that's risky that's risky business right there let's try it again just got to wait till my stamina refills got Kenny in the knees oh got up here way easier that time time I think we can pull this off we just got to be quick about it die you [ __ ] oh I got him twice oh that's uh that's nerve-wracking there we go well we've been at this for an hour now I think it's going to take a couple more before we can get this done and we're hungry and we're thirsty I got no more food I got one bottle of water this is going to be rough oh hey at least the spider zombie is dead that's a plus oh [ __ ] oh now I'm just getting Reckless getting antsy stuck up here on this washing machine come here Kenny let me at least deal with you oh damn that's impressive with them [ __ ] loafers on Ken all right at least Kenny's dead now we just got this white to deal with I'm going to try a different tactic here and when he goes for that frame I'm going to pull it up and then hit him in the head oh yeah baby that is uh a way better and safer tactic I think yes [ __ ] you I'm smarter than you God he's so tough and I'm so weak it's a bad combination well he's about to break through here all right then I'll get you this way come here you son of a [ __ ] oh this is the fight of the century isn't it I can't really reach him ah maybe the bone knife has a better reach oh I just can't get him will you just die already 3 hours I've been fighting this bre [Applause] oh man how much energy I've used I starve to death on top of this washing machine let me let my stamina fill back up oh [ __ ] oh no he crawled through the hole this is it he's going to [ __ ] kill me oh thank the Seven Days to Die Gods dude what the hell that sucked I didn't think I'd be spending 3 hours on top of a washing machine today yikes that was rough hey bottle of acid we're going to need some of that there's the coal that we're going to need for the water purifier mod oh things are turning around I'm starting to feel better already rotten sandwich yum ear of corn I'll eat that right now if we can find a vitamin we could eat the rotten sandwiches without any problems there's a beaker I don't think we'll ever get the chance to craft a camp station here but we could put the beaker in uh a campfire we can make glue that way overalls we'll put those on and lots of rotten flesh which we're going to need to make farm plots if we're going to grow our own food blood bag pretty much useless water that's good Ian if we can get a forge down and a workbench we can craft ammo there's a lot of nitrate powder around here in the form of dead bodies uh there is no rule against digging down so we can certainly uh create a little M shaft what is an ammo pile doing underneath the desk how is that possible the desk is its own thing how is there an ammo pile under it is that part of the desk I've never never seen that before well whatever I can't loot it and I'm not going to try and destroy the desk with my wood clubs so we'll just leave it for now but anyway like I was saying there is no rule that says we can't dig down and create a little M shaft and M Stone and possibly other ore that way if we can find other ore below the hospital a zombie in there oh that's the kitchen so that's the way to go and there's going to be a lot of zombies in there what's in here an electronics box I'm not going to break into that yet I don't know what's in here please not a dog please no dog we got a bag and and a dead body okay I'll take that all right little bit of padded armor and uh Point into agility with those ski goggles more wood got zombies in here as long as they're not feral shouldn't be a problem more wood and more glue that's good handy land was hoping for a forged ahead book damn it well I've found them in loot bags before so as long as we can continue to survive I have faith that we will find the books that we need but there's so many other problems like a wrench we definitely need to find one of those or we're never making a workbench I mean if we can make a forge and craft forged iron and we can find enough Salvage tool books then we can craft a wrench dude it's just going to be so difficult it really is I don't know what I've gotten myself into there's got to be food in the kitchen there's got to be food in the kitchen please there we go little bit of food do not be one piece of cornmeal okay I would have taken the cornmeal I'm taking the [ __ ] out of cornmeal in this series I don't care make some cornbread [ __ ] yeah I will give me a cooking pot a little bit of coal we're going to need that too so whatever it's a large pile of food in the pantry here oh and I see a cooking pot right there okay that's good now we can cook water at least got a food crate in here as well oh that's nice that is nice cuz we are thirsty too let's go ahead and uh drink the yuck of juice and eat the chicken right now yoink got us a cooking pot let's go ahead and craft the campfire put that down put in the cooking pot and cook up this murky water 4 minutes 10 seconds there we go bam oh where's that through here yep uh and that's the kitchen now you know what with this desk in the way it's going to make it easy to kill those zombies let's uh help him open this door stand up come on forget the desk I'm right here oh such [ __ ] really is come on you son of a [ __ ] oh what a waste of time I'm going around all you ladies going to just get stuck right there that is great thank you so much I appreciate that and get more wood from these chairs oops oh K he got through let's get behind this door uh doors help a lot in the beginning when your stamina is garbage now in terms of making a horde base in here I have no idea I know you guys are sick of hatch hallways and me just hiding behind oh plant fiber oh we need that plant fiber um but yeah I mean you know the typical [ __ ] hiding behind hatches or frames but with that said we are going to have to work out some sort of melee base because ammo is going to be very scarce here you know so something where we can use melee that that's all I know right now if I can think of something a little more um uh unique and ingenious than just a typical hatch hway like we've done in the past then you know I'll go that route but we need to utilize mostly melee at least in the beginning you know when the hordes are relatively small I mean yes we are in a giant buildings so we could just cut the zombies off and go up on the rooftop or whatever or just a higher floor and wait out the horde but that's not going to work we need kills we need loot BS um I'm going to use this plant fiber to make a bed roll because that's part of the quest here and then we'll put that down okay and then we'll scrap that because this is Perma death anyway and now we can make a stone Axe and that is the second part of the quest line done and now we have enough plant fiber to make the plant fiber pants which is the next Quest or the next part of this Quest put those on we're going to keep the overalls on actually we scrap those get a little more plant fiber back and make another club because that's part of the quest and now we need to gather feathers did I not find feathers I don't think I did get a little more plant fiber right here and wake up some zombies nope I did not pick up any feathers we'll find some eventually though paper can I get murky water out of these toilets please no no just paper whatever um anything under the stairs nope well I guess let's push upstairs and see what's going on it's getting late but we still got time we definitely don't want to be fighting zombies at after Nightfall though because then they'll be sprinting and that won't be good we got these icons on the map they're showing me where the feathers are even though I remove the job from the HUD those icons remain because it's an active job we got more plant fiber in here and we should pop these doors open oh woke up zombies whatever that's fine another toilet in here more paper what else um I don't want to go that way let's save that for tomorrow and upstairs is nothing the stairs are out right here so let's pop this open deal with these zombies grab that plant fiber and that'll probably be it for today we'll go hunker down in the kitchen [ __ ] ow so this is essentially the main lobby of the hospital we're not supposed to be here yet but I busted that door open so we are let's uh check the bathrooms might be some murky water in there and there are some zombies we'll have to deal with them this vending machine doesn't work we got two working vending machines in here that's more than I can ask for uh this set of locked double doors right here that leads to the beginning where we started I'll eventually open them up so we can run like a big loop around here if we get into trouble damn it what's a man got to do to get some toilet water around here there's some and there's some more with the hunting knife okay here's the zombie I heard just one let's lead him this way I don't want to stir up any other [ __ ] right now let's not forget I'm just as a reminder for me now I have a stone axe so I can upgrade frames if we need to get a frame in a doorway or whatever we just got to be careful because we have limited wood you know so we only want to do that if we absolutely need to we can also start harves things with our axe like this sofa right here what do we get from this a little bit of wood and cloth right mostly wood and a couple of pieces of cloth we can dig these up for clay soil and nitrate powder it'd be so awesome if we could plant stuff here I know we can't but I'm going to try it anyway because I'm desperate we picked up this crysanthemum seed let's just try I know we can't yeah no we have to craft our own Farm plots if we want to plant [ __ ] let's make a shovel now we can dig these up for like I said clay soil and nitrate powder we do not get Farm plots for digging them up you used to not anymore unfortunately that would be awesome but we don't we'll dig them up if we need more clay soil and nitrate powder for now I'm going to try and not expend any more energy tonight actually a little more energy opening up this uh food crate and then that's it I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the night because the the more [ __ ] we do the hungrier we're going to get we're already [ __ ] starving canopies yeah that'll really hold us over that's better than nothing I guess what else do we have that we can eat anything we've got uh the animal fat and we've got the rotten sandwiches that's really it I'm going get this water cooking and then uh we don't have full health but we have enough to where I guess we can eat the animal fat is 0% chance of dissenter that's why I'd rather take my chance with the animal fat whereas here we're going to lose health and we have a chance of denter we get more food from the old sandwich but I'm going to go ahead eat the animal fat tonight we'll hold on to those sandwiches cuz if we can find a vitamin tomorrow we can eat them and not have to worry about getting denter so I'm going take a small hit to our health here but at least we filled up our hunger bar a little bit so anyway I'm going to take it easy here in the Kitchen tonight and we'll pick things up here on the morning of day two see if we can go find our feathers so we can uh finish getting through this um quest line here and continue looting and clearing the hospital guys I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you're looking forward to watching my my suffering in the next episode thank you guys so much for watching and all the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more trapped inside and I will catch you guys in the next [Music] [Music] episode [Music] n
Channel: Glock9
Views: 197,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7days, 7 days, 7daystodie, 7 days to die, 7dtd, 7d2d, horror, thriller, game, gaming, gamer, pc, steam, early access, ps5, xbox, console, new, series, update, 2024, a21, alpha 21, video game, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, gameplay, fun, funny, comedy, humor, zombie, zombies, Minecraft, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier, lol, best, top 10, horde, horde night, wild, crazy, IGN, gamespot, gamestop, eurogamer, gameinformer, day 1, ep1, ep 1, getting started, first day, navezgane
Id: n70XylJvZFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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