Palworld is Actually Incredible

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yeah God you're gigantic pause you might be wondering what you're looking at well it's called power world and the elevator pitch is imagine if Pokemon were realistic I'm talking guns violence Turf Wares forced labor and black markets it's the alternate timeline where America invented Pokémon not Japan and all of this is tied into a surprisingly deep Survival Game I had zero expectations going in I thought it was just going to be a meme nothing more than look I can give Pikachu a gun and you essentially can but there's so much more I mean the title screen has a look like Electabuzz strapped with a Gatling gun now you start like any other Survival game looking for sticks and stones to mark your humble beginnings but what follows is a wild series of events that I did not see coming nor did I think up I would end up loving the game but here we are look it's our future slay friends I mean there is so much going on in this game big colonizer Vibes right now I just washed the shore you know I I tutorial we got to start what the fudge oh I got my dukes you want to throw hands so straight up we got to start with sticks and stones we'll break these mons bones yo there is no Hazard pay either hello oh my God yall get my own I get my own campfire my be my be I did not see where was she hiding that she this island is a living hell think about a lot of Pokémon if they were real like if Beedrill is real I don't want to live in this world are you kidding me here take some basic supplies you need to toughen up if you want to survive out there oh tin wood wow you really shouldn't have no like really you shouldn't have it's a chicka hey yo chiap you're cute how about this oh wait what oh Jesus fighting a rampage in wild Power with your bare hands isn't the best idea oh I think I would say differently I think it's a great idea what do we got out there lamb balls lamb all these nuts sorry oh was this your friend oh they're like oh my God what did you do power move power move Bas uh-huh oh there's tech oh my God wait what the oh Jesus mounted missile launcher bro I could probably put that on some mod and just run oh my God a pal sphere we want that I'm assuming that's not not a Pokeball you hear me Nintendo not a Pokeball what is that what just a random house here oh wait a second pause no oh no oh what the fudge where it go what it just n weaken pal and fainted SL dead pal are apparently different things but treasure we got gold coins bread a small pal soul I what is this War oh you think I'm going to read we're going to make a workbench let's get started here all right okay let's start with a stone pickaxe love that now because I had Early Access and none of my other friends were playing I was playing by myself but get this you can make a private world that will always host up to four players but you can make a dedicated server and that can host up to 32 players I'm not sure how to do that yet but either way that's enticing hey yo what up yeah what oh yeah fight back fight back do something do something okay captur 100% oh my God you don't stand a chance oh I got a lamb ball oh my God first slave first pal captured you won't be able to effectively use Pals at a higher level than you your abilities will be lowered to match those if your level three man that's insulting it e a sumon a pal go lamb ball lamb ball what do you do rock can't be assigned you're useless will you gather a tree for me let's see if no that didn't work grab wood Don't Run Away don't run away from your problems what are you doing you can't escape for me as soon as you think you're free like oh my God boom you're back come here to me it almost makes it worse look at that it doesn't seem very happy about it now this this is when I started to believe that this game is something special this useless lamb ball can now face tank damage for me to pay for my sins against its will I mean some of the pal abilities get crazy you already saw the squirrel at the beginning that fires an SMG on top of my head perfect and then I just toss it aside like get the get out of here now how do I ah there we go instead me punch what what is all this noise what who is this I will I will destroy you I am Petty I will figure out what you are your species I will find each and every one of you and put you out of existence oh my God just wait until I get a bow I see some of its buddies over there now you you know what I'm going to do first I'm going to go over the those two catat tals whatever the fudge they are kill them bring the corpses over to this one tell them it's their fault and to send the message maybe I'm part of the problem but they started it wait do I have a hunger bar oh I do it's a lot of carbs girl but yeah let's eat it give it to my lamb ball nonsense shotty bed oh yeah so I can sleep through the night that would probably a good idea indoors on a foundation with a roof that's so many things to wooden foundation and a wall and a wall and the door okay I made that seem like it was going to be way harder I thought it that was pretty easy I do believe you're dying if you think about it we all are okay let me get some tech real quick an old bow now we're talking straw pow bed I I guess at the very least I could offer them a bed I guess what oh oh hanging trap oh okay I thought we were I guess I can make an example of them but no it's it's a trap it's woo DOD SP down now see you get that at level 10 increase D stat yeah let's get that work speed up there brother common Shield just seems like a good idea hold on hold on in fact there you go okay see now you're starting to earn your keep and by earning your keep it's either you're useful to me or you're not and you can guess what happens if you're not you know what's crazy about this there is a solution and it's called called the butcher's knife you can summon any pal you've caught and yeah this is great so get the crafting lamb ball I can help you wow look at us working together Isn't that cool oh you're happy wow I maybe look look he's running around this is fulfillment enrichment this is what the kids need some enrich I'm getting canceled come here sit don't be like that boom see dude that's the problem with Pokemon use another Pokemon to weaken it but you're telling me route one I don't got a Pokemon I see a Pidgey start hurling some some Stones Pidgey falls down pidgey's weak this is just Pokemon if it made sense being toored with by kativa is in many ways the greatest of disgraces you see this they was disrespecting me oh now I'm taking it personal while in team helps carry supplies increasing the players Max oh I ain't trying to catch you uh-uh the biggest of disgraces how about that now the question is can I harvest you I mean like they said I should be able to get like meat from him right okay but lamb ball can drop lamb ball mutton okay it's not my fault it's in the game bro okay what's the difference between this and a cow huh yeah where's your moral High Ground now I I really oh really okay all right you're asking for it oh oh yeah oh yeah toy with me some more toy with me some more toy with me some stupid it is what it is maybe I'll start C what the like grass and poison what the fudge dinome level 14 I got an idea come here come here Shield wall get him distract him oh he's not upset set yet hold on let me upset him real quick I'm hungry just I just toss him like dude get out of here bro head shot wow you have a oh my God lamb ball I need you get over here no okay lall's dead that's fine whatever your fault oh I'm out of here oh suck oh Jesus when Pokemon fight back yo I'm out all right we need to level up a little bit oh God how the how did how the turns tables I love the accuracy here because you mean to tell me if Pokémon were real I wouldn't be staring down at Dragonite pooping my britches I'm one hyperbeam away from being erased from the timeline and this game invokes that fear humans all start at bottom of the food chain you think the first saber-tooth we saw were like bet nah we're like okay my be my be oh that chick a pie taking a little a little bath that's cute not in my Waters oh wait I could have caught him oh he dropped food haha I got Chickapea poultry and eggs baby I'll catch you how about that so it doesn't you don't have to feel as bad yes extremely weak and far too delicious it is one of the weakest Pals alongside lamb ball no matter how many are hunted they just keep appearing see chill chill chill chill like they literally can't be hunted to Extinction all right what what is chicky dude do sometimes layer egg when assigned to Ranch well I just found our sustainable food come here yeah we're going to get lots of chickpeas we're going to put them in a and then we're just going to farm eggs I can take up to five PS with me at a time oh all right we need to find a base of operations wa oh it's a little penguin pulet penet pengull B to be whoa e e e deer eer yeah oh yeah uh-huh get over here don't run don't run ex except your when will you learn your actions have consequ I'm out of stamina the go you I mean respect I got to respect it fa and oh oh yeah oh yeah oh do something do come about it yeah real big and tough now huh what the [ __ ] speaking of big and tough what in the Dickens those mountable rocket launchers right on that dude I ride in like a war elephant yeah okay yeah okay yeah okay yeah it getting there 81 88% come on [Music] now 95 90 yes strange power of the body resembling tree sap it gradually loses strength if there nothing to cover its body withd eventually rotting while and team improves efficiency of cutting trees oh wow what we got a fox Parks yo nothing to see here dude definitely not hunting all your friends this looks cool megas spere oh it's imp it's like a great ball ah maybe I should make a base though just so I can put the pals I currently have somewhere and then I can capture more where could I see myself setting up an exploitive sweat shop Let's Make a little to 2 x two nothing crazy yet and then actually for no reason except for the fact that it'll make me happier we're doing a 3X two so that the door can be centered you might think that's not important but it is oh yeah I this I could see this being our home so this is where I made a fatal error I thought I was going to make a simple Abode plop some things down and go about my business but uh about that I can I can make the place nicer later oh okay well no scrambled we can do fried eggs though we make some grilled chickas say less hey hey Hope hey like my Chickapea like I like my women Grill Pals without beds will get stressed as we all know so then why don't I make you I have to put it in here with me okay you're on the other side okay by the window what are you building are you making you're not even making my berries bro wooden Tavern furn set hey you want tant to join the party all right say less hello get in my ball large amounts of water pour from what is thought to be its nose though some say that it is in fact just not when activated spots mysterious water that soothes wounds and restores the players's HP wow that's so cool and back you go base upgrade boom Build A Primitive workbench say less my guy and this is where my ADHD monkey brain got God you can upgrade your base by meeting certain requirements and upgrading your base means you can have more employees to help around the farm I couldn't stop myself we get three Pals build a feed box build straw pal beds we get four Pals heck yeah we get Berry Plantation deploy a work pal oh everybody oh look everybody's sleeping and I'm freezing why do oh God why do I make you beds if you all just the B boss is sleeping oh yeah I built my base on top of a boss's territory I was so busy wondering if I could I didn't stop to think if I should at least it's not hostile on sight otherwise this would have been a very poorly planned location granted I didn't really plan it so punish the slacker chicke get back to work I need one more bed God they're so needy man next next you're going to tell me they're going to try and unionize or something cringe I'll have to get the union busting on or the union busting pal the Jeff Bezos pal in a weird way SC like when the first trailer came out I totally thought this is like a meme game L while I'm going to play it Pokemon with guns but unironically there's something here slacker oh this will not do working a little bit slow use getting rid of you and you know what that means too too Taco Taco too too that's definitely Toco too not Taco oh they're aggressive oh they're aggressive oh Nelly and they're in paars oh oh my dudes are fighting back oh get it boys okay hold up nah no no no no no no no we win this we win this we guys oh my God it's a bomb what guys what the fud I did not see that coming what a Twist wow wow wow wow wow wow okay okay well I have to get far enough away so it doesn't explode get him boys otherwise I won't be able to catch it yeah get him boys oh my God wait a second they're kind of Bing this thing wait wait don't kill it [Music] pause let's go yo even the little slacker T fan did something yeah the uh the suicide bomb came out of left field wow what a what a Twist I don't even want to throw him is he going to explode on me like when activated equips to the player and transforms into an egg launcher be my egg launcher is he too high level for me he's do I have level for me to my dismay as much as I wanted to weaponize this pal right now and make no mistake it's a question of when not if you need to progress far enough in the technology trees to utilize some of the Pal's abilities a Nightwing yo that looks cool who wants to catch it I want to catch It spoilers it's game time wow that wait that's a lot bigger than it looked okay objects may be larger than they appear oh my God it's attacking my base ow my okay yeah yeah yeah yeah get it yo when I got an AK though these things are going down bro that's all I'm saying ow hold on weaken it a little bit more fellas little bit more wait no P spheres what they're right here come here no pal spheres what oh what oh my God no don't throw freaking stupid freaking capture rate 17 not 28% okay if it doesn't get caught I'm just going to okay yeah yeah we're trying again okay okay it's just that simple wait I just everyone in my base is like they're all dying but we caught it uh the Nightwing it carries NewBo Pals to its nest and raises them as a surrogate parent once the baby pal is fattened up it hunts wait what it carries newborn Pals to its nest and raises them as a surrogate erant once the baby pal has fattened up it hunts them game on this is great these are what the entry should be like in Pokemon man oh wait he actually got knocked out and lamb Ball's actually carrying him back no pal Left Behind wow what a nice guy huh you know maybe maybe I was too harsh on you lamb ball he's R OG he's been with us since the start look at this dude he does care what n never mind bro I'm hungry he smelled the berries he he says about that okay well you got him close enough survey says can be ridden as a flying Mount oh but it's locked no okay so how do I how do I unlock it let me capture this guy for the first time a tany and we'll see what he does for us wise in my inventory don't make those sounds almost makes me regret doing this to you let's read your entry long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons after coming into contact with humans however it found something slightly more effective guns mommy the entries for some of these pals are wild and I love it what you when activated will mercily fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies tany might be my favorite pal you know what I'm saying oh now we're talking think I was supposed to make a berry Plantation for it's going to take oh thanks for the help bro all right lamb Ball's kind of real yeah he's a homie actually while you finish that oh wait but you're so slow never mind I'll help you well that's actually the case let me just put you guys in here right now y look at them going though little unit HH surprise attack intelligent as a 5 to seven-year-old human child makes a wonderful partner but there have been more than a few cases where they've killed their Master after learning to use [Music] weapons maybe I should uh release this fella oh no uh we'll go for the weaker one and hope if the other dude engages which okay yeah yeah separate them perfect they don't realize what's going oh F oh my God I think they know what's going on no get off the tree now not the time oh my oh my oh God um oh my God oh my God I'm going to die I'm going to die oh my God I'm going to die get in get oh my god um how do I heal oh fudge oh wait they almost they almost got this dude he got me through the oh I'm I'm coming oh my God almost everyone's dead oh it's a disaster H move everything uh oh Jesus Christ it's a massacre wait no oh you killed that one too oh no you didn't okay POG that's not my bow I'll finish what you all started ow no I won't good stun Oh eye frames oh no no ey frames oh my God I'm going to die again go holy suck okay please get caught oh God wait Syndicate patrols invading the base what the fudge we're getting raided I'm getting this dude I'm out of arrows oh fudge okay all right that's as good as it's going to get ow come on yeah oh free easy oh my God I was never worried wait oh fudge I didn't mean wait wait wait we're actually getting raided look they're workers not Fighters okay but I get you guys back what the fudge oh oh my God that's you guys I was like what the fud are they doing wait I think those guys got guns can perform a double jump while mounted increases the efficiency of cutting trees okay so again I need a saddle I'm going to put him back here because he would be good defense okay this dude is just going ham on these trees okay thanks buddy seed what am I seeding it with we're just throw he's just throwing in seeds oh red berries I guess and now my base has upgraded here's a feed box chapy eight egg hey don't eat your own eggs wait there's so many issues with that why why do these have a timer does that mean like they go bad they can spoil oh fud okay didn't realize all this stuff spoils brother it's how okay I'm yeah great job buddy now get out of the way thank you and right back to work we started building this base and now we've been here forever this is incredible okay immediately where are the eggs I know you guys are laying eggs you're putting them in here for you guys to to eat actually maybe that's not bad what the holy jeez look at the look at the size of the map okay I've I've seen this oh but wait what sort of succulent fruit awaits us here hold up oh look at the Forbidden egg oh oh this whole time this stuff has been here this a fire skill fruit the F grass skill fruit you're stuck stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid St Oh I thought you just jumped off I'm like no you got so much to live for I ain't scared oh my God Dodge oh okay I don't have that much stamina stop ah ah I'm scared oh God oh God I didn't mean it Retreat is it still chasing me oh God okay we're making these freaking arrows and then I'm out of we can only make 18 which doesn't feel great but whatever oh so I can literally teach with use on a pal seed mine can be so like it's like a TM in Pokemon I can teach it flare storm seed mine or try lightning okay there what was that noise well that sounds important there's something special down there there's got to be fall damage right but if we skirt it I can climb Y imagine it's just shiny though imagine I think it's just lgin in charge it's a shiny yeah your eyes do not deceive you that is the equivalent of this game's shiny although from what I've been told I think they call them lucky or lies I'm playing before full release so nobody knows the odds but I'm pretty confident I'm probably the first one okay I mean maybe somebody has but the odds have got to be low and I have certainly not found one since oh my God oh my God oh my God come here come here go go now attack it oh my God oh my God what are you attacking that the dear oh my where the fudge Go Get It Go Get It it's swimming [Applause] away okay okay oh sheesh wait you're kind of I might need to recall oh my God wait you're saucing it too much wait wait get one more attacking okay I'm recalling you no no no come back oh my God it's got a flamethrower no I missed get in the ball come on come on come on come on come on come on no oh that's got to be it come on come on come on oh come on W bro it took me how many year took me like 20 years to find a shiny in Pokemon 2 hours in and I get one hey yo I've captured a rare pal see what special abilities they have we can change the name that's a good one luster bigles okay uh passive skills rare let's go buddy I guess I got to do something with you then huh so remember that squirrel that was firing a submachine gun well spoilers that's going to be luster bigles the best part is that these lucky Pals appear to be bigger than their normal counterparts so it means I got this giant squirrel strapped to the teeth ring on my head it's magical oh inter oh it's literally a dungeon okay with a level 13 boss okay well I'm not ready for that good to know though this game's kind of nice with it now I'm going to approach this person in the hopes that makes me think they'll sell stuff to me don't hurt me you look scary I trade in any kind of pal whether it's stolen Pals or even prohibited types take a look it's it's the pal Black Market oh no uh-huh just when you thought it's over there's even more we can now deal in the nefarious pal trading business you can sell Pals buy Pals you can find camps and release Pals from prison you can Harvest them for food catch them for labor force them to fight other Pals ride them feed them pet them or give them guns it's incredible he wants I have zero gold okay what if I sell Contraband sell the slacker oh true T Fant slacker we could have had a life together but not my fault you brought this upon yourself and that was just my first couple of hours venturing into po world and I got to say what a ride from using Pal's meat Shields to suicide bombers shinies po Wars raids bosses a black market even randomized rotating dungeon all of that and I still have 40 character levels and Technology tiers to go I got to say I am pleasantly surprised and I was having the time of my life so be sure to tell me if you want to see some more I'm trying not to grind too much before fully release so that I can get my friends on and I'm not too far ahead because I'm thinking a couple of them are going to love it if you enjoyed this video I think you might enjoy this one with that said thank you for much for watching have yourselves a fantastic day I'll talk to you in the next one very well
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 977,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld release, palworld review, palworld funny moments, palworld vs pokemon, pokemon, pokemon with guns, violent pokemon, pokemon if it were realistic, survival game, crafting game, palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld best pal, palworld best base, palworld survival guide, palworld 100 days, palworld meat cleaver, palworld black market, palworld hack, palworld coop, palworld multiplayer, palworld pvp
Id: TqL664d8Mdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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