Palworld FASTEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY - Unlimited Gold Coins Farm

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one of the most important things in power world when you get to the endgame is money and the reason that is is because the majority of the materials you need in the game will require you to farm a lot of other materials but there are certain items that you can actually purchase with currency and that's why currency becomes extremely important in the game when you get to the late game not only I would say maybe mid game because it's going to help you out a ton so let me talk a little bit about one thing that's super super important and that is ammo when you start using the weapons and you get to later rounds in the game you're going to need to start crafting handgun ammo you're going to need to start crafting some uh you know shotgun ammo depending on what weapon you want to use assault rifle ammo some rocket launchers and in order for you guys to craft this it's going to cost a lot of material for example you need refined Ingot you're also going to need some pal Metal Ingot I'll have videos on how to get these really fast but there is a better way and another alternative to actually getting this and and that is by purchasing this in addition to that guys if you guys are go into the sphere world when you're trying to get spars you're also going to be able to get some of these spares for example the mega sphere you'll be able to purchase it without needing all this material like fragments Ingot wood and stone you could actually buy this fears in addition to that you're able to buy some really powerful Pals and I'm going to show you guys four methods on how to make money fast I'm going to give you the fastest way I found in my preferred method but I want want to give you guys alternative as well now one helpful tip I want to give you guys so you guys don't have to go around the world looking for the items to buy as you guys may already know you're able to actually capture merchants and bring them into your base this is going to be very helpful due to the fact that you don't have to go to like different biomes to be able to see what the merchants have for example these Merchants that are located in these biomes are going to give you a huge Advantage especially if you have them in your base cuz you can just directly buy from from them from your base as opposed to having to come to this biome for example this guy right here if you guys are still missing some Pals or want to get some really op Pals he actually sells some really good ones you're going to notice he has this different set of Pals which is my pals and these usually come with four passive skills which are really good and these alternate very often in addition to that guys if you're not looking for Pals and the main reason you want to do this if you look at this wondering Merchant right here he's going to have some really good items which is the ammo that you're going to need to fill up your weapons for example you need 150 assault rifle ammo you have corrosive ammo you have handgun ammo rifle ammo and shotgun ammo you can just buy off of him instead of having you to craft it and for example this wondering Merchant will have some really good stuff as far as materials that you need to keep your farm rolling but the main thing you're going to need is this right here which is the bone the ice organs and a high quality pal oil these are essential for you guys to be able to do gunpow powder and be able to do some more high-end stuff when it comes to the game in addition to this Merchant there's the other Merchant that's located with in the beginning start of the map that's going to sell eggs and sell all that good stuff so you guys can just go ahead and buy that so if you guys want to capture the merchants really fast and really easy without triggering any alarm you're going to want to get behind the merchant and you want to make sure you have at least an ultrasphere you just want to make sure you get behind him and when you throw it at him it will automatically capture it now if you have a a higher level uh sphere than this one it will automatically I think it's 100% but this one's actually pretty effective cuz you will be able to capture the wondering Merchants just by getting behind them without you having to shoot them or you know kind of aggro them and this is going to be really important because you're going to be able to take them into your base and no longer have to be dependent on that all right so once you guys went ahead and captured the um the wondering Merchants you just got to make sure you summon them to your base and we're just going to remove let's let's say let's remove this one and we're going to move him for here and as you guys see the wondering Merchant appears here you'll be able to talk and you'll be able to buy the stuff from him whenever you need to so you don't need to go out of your base okay so now that you got that let's talk about the methods you're going to need in order to be able to uh get more money all right so for method number one guys you're going to want to go to this location right here the desolated church spawn you're going to want to make sure you go this way which I'm showing you guys and there is going to be a Merchant that you're going to be able to kill now I would recommend you know as as long as you're you're high enough you should be able to get this good if you have a really good pal or you've been able to level up your pals you shouldn't this shouldn't take you very long now the great thing about this one is that you're able to do this multiple times which makes it very effective what you want to do is you want to go talk up to the merchant and just basically kill the merchant and when you kill the merchant he's going to drop a total of 24,000 plus coins now the the great thing about this is you could actually just go ahead and do the whole you know quit out of the game and come back in and just rinse and repeat and kill the merchant over and over and over again allowing you to get those 24K coins really fast and pretty easy actually uh but you know there is a more effective way which I'll show you guys in just a bit the next method I want to give you guys is by having a character in your vase known as ma now Ma is a cat that's able to go ahead and dig out currency and you basically just put them on your farm here and you see all these all these sacks these are going to be gold coins and he's able to produce coins for you this is more like of an automated system uh so you could just have you know you have multiple of them so you I saw I got pit 55 so let's say you have like four of them running or he just threw another one out let's see you had another one here that would be 100 coins in just a couple seconds look how fast he's throwing them out so you'll be able to stack up a bunch of coins if you just put two to three in there you'll have enough coins you know as a day goes by so really effective method other method guys is by farming bosses and opening chest these are going to give you cool materials that you're going to be able to have within your inventory like for example this diamond and you're able to grab this diamond and sell it off to the merchant so basically what you want to do is grab that one right there and then you're just going to go and summon in the merchant and you would theoretically just uh go ahead and sell this and then once you sell it uh basically he'll give you you know he'll give you coins back let's go ahead talk to him you go here you go sell you go sell here and you basically just sell the items that you have right here and that will give you money and that's the way to do it all right so let me give you guys the most effective way to actually make money guys this is like the ultimate guide you want to do so basically what you're going to want to do guys is you're going to want to make sure you craft Nails yes nails so as you see right here if I go ahead and craft some Nails let me just go Max it out and all you're going to need is Ingot and what you want to do you to get inct it's super easy all you need is ore like I have a video showing you guys the best farming location that everybody copied me on my location on how to farm this ore uh you're going to want to make sure that you do this and basically a ore piece will give you one uh two packs of nails now the reason why nails are so effective is because when you sell them they sell for a lot so you guys see right here guys four Nails give me 640 so basically each set of nails here like let's say I were to divide this here and I was just to sell One Nail it's 160 coins you get back with one nail so if you make a bunch of nails and you sell them you're going to be able to generate a ton a ton amount of coins that are going to generate you a lot an unlimited amount of money all you need is get ingots and then craft the nails and then just rinse and repeat this saves the hassle of having to farm bosses it saves the hassle of having to kill the merchant and it just makes it very automated because all you got to do is Farm Ingot and then just craft the nails and sell the nails and you're automatically set to get unlimited amount of money in the game allowing you to purchase high-end items like for example you know the ammo that you want craft buy the eggs buy the milk uh to bake the cakes so really effective method to actually use in the game to make your grind not only automated but just a little bit more easier now with that being said guys you're probably going to want to know what are the best weapons to use in the game and some of the best weapons might actually surprise you so make sure you check out that video that's popping up right now on the screen so you guys won't miss when our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 41,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld money, palworld unlimited money, palworld infinite money, palworld make money, make money online, palworld money glitch, palworld money guide, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld farming, palworld farm, palworld advanced tips, palworld farming tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld ore, palworld how to, palworld ingot, palworld charcoal, palworld unlimited materials, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore farm, palworld best base location
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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