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what do you mean Nails sell for 160 or only sells for five so two or into one Ingot one Ingot back into two nails and it goes up 32x okay that's probably bugged and this is like an extra zero but even then 16's good and now the AFK moneymaking looks a lot more plausible so what happened was I tried to make an AFK moneymaking Farm by optimizing an ore refining base and the numbers just weren't good enough naturally playing the game is just going to be better money because you run around and get chests in high level areas feeding Overworld bosses also gives you the rare resources or you just kill the Overworld enemies and they drop gold and that's going to be more gold per minute than an AFK base so let's remake that video and actually have success but what I'm going to do is play up until the point where the new video becomes relevant this is going to be your guide to making money in po world it's not hurting cats by the way this is called a hook it's to get you interested in the video but not spoil the resolution the hope is that it engages you to watch more of the video which increases watch time and then the video performs better in the YouTube algorithm and if you end up enjoying the video or helps out in any way please leave a like comment your thoughts down below and share this video with all your friends that play power world so the thought behind using ma was well you put it into the ranch and then it gives you coins and that's just going to be really good passive income and if it's decent or promising well then that means you can go for the perks like Artis that give you work speed maybe even like upgrade this in a pal boom you're getting like 40 coins constantly just a pure stream of money but then I was thinking well aren't there just better drops you can put something like a Vixie in Vixie is the hotness right now because it digs up pal speres and also sometimes gives you money and arrows you use all of those things and the interesting thing is that a pal sphere actually sells for 12 gold so it could be better but also Arrow sell for nothing so that's not going to be it for money but maybe just like digging up items or getting better items from the the ranch is going to be more valuable celix gives high quality cloth which is worth 40 gold each and then I realized this probably isn't going to be it because again like farming or breeding and getting all the perks on cellics and getting multiple of them just to make 40 gold sometimes uh while it is more money than Ma I don't think it's worth the work and also you don't have like you don't get this until later in the game like deep into the game or very long and tedious breeding chains so the question is how much do things sell for wool sells for one or sells for Five Stone is one honey is 25 is that better than siix maybe I don't know wood sells for One Flame organs 10 so like the wool and Flame organs that's just going to be the same as coins for ma charcoal is two we also have Ingot ingots are interesting cost two ore so doubling the value of ore cement maybe some kind of like manufacturing could make us some money no palum fragments that's only two gold each pal metal 80 but also kind of expensive and annoying and then refined ingots are 32 but also cost coal huh and looking at this it feels like the simplest answer might be the best what if we make an Ingot Factory we already have a mining base a lot of people are making dedicated mining bases do you just sell that stuff and make crazy amounts of money also I one check carbon fiber really quick yeah it's 12 so that that cost five charcoal that's worse that's diminishing returns so yeah do we just make a an or base and then things go crazy let's try now the funny thing about mining natural or spawns is that work suitability does nothing for us the level affects what we can mine but if we have two then we can mine ore three is going to be coal and four is going to be quartz so if we have two we can just kind of mine that anyways and then the weird thing is it's more based off of the attack level because you're damaging The Rock directly so you actually want increase es to the Pal's attack for their passives and the work suitability doesn't matter so while an artisan tbat sounds crazy for working at the base no we actually want musclehead ferocious holigan technically legendary but I want this to also just kind of be like something you set up early on and then once again the simplest answer seems to be the best that if we just Spam tbat in this area they're going to work they're going to work day and night and they're going to mine the Rocks relatively quickly and it also just helps like if you get one that has higher attack traits or higher levels then they're just going to do the work anyways and they're very easy to catch welcome back Wolfpack let's get this better base built I also want to show off some different or gathering areas because we have nine ore nodes in a very small area does feel claustrophobic with the Rocks right here and there's trees in the way but it also shows a lot of different places where you can find ore so my first or based guide was over here as well as my money-making guide It's a good nice open place that has a lot of or nodes also Al you can just kind of find these wherever scattered about the map there's another really claustrophobic one around here but it's next to the area we're going to be going so if you're doing the early game expanding into a second base you need to kind of make it out here to get wixon and it means you can build an or refining base nearby and the same thing goes for any place where you can find like multiple or nodes in a small area let's go out here and catch some wixen So the plan is nine tomat and three wixon I'm just going to use my late game privilege to go and catch these really quick now the reason why you want wixon is because the work suit ability is busted level two kindling level three handywork and level two transporting and it's a sub level 20 pal and they're not that difficult to get also one of them was Artisan busted now you probably only need two wixen and depending on the size of your base you can just do like two wixen and then the rest are going to be tobat and tbat another easy pal to catch and then you're going to need a lot of Tomb bat which are very easy to catch it's just past the starting area and you can find them all around here at night the point of this guide is to transition into the mid game with a crazy AFK money Farm but it's also going to be just a really good or Farm as well and it's very easy to set up very simple on the pals and then we can go into the resources where I have them all here just kind of get an idea of what you should build or what you need to build so it does get a little expensive on the ingots also some mint kind of transitioning into some higher level stuff we do really want to build a highquality workbench produces faster than a primitive workbench so that's going to be 15 ingots right there we also need to build all of the other standard based stuff we're going to want some hot springs we're going to need some beds so that's accounted for and then it does get a little higher level on the improved furnace but again that just smelts faster actually I should probably test if the improved furnace actually smelts any faster than the regular furnace oh yeah the improved furnace is faster also it looks like this base is doing way better than my other one because I over designed it and trying to make it more self-contained we don't need Berry Farms we don't need Gathering to supply food for us just use the berries from your main base and then cook them and then bring them out over here manually and you're going to be fine so I just freeze up more P slots for direct work which is going to speed things up quite a lot all right feed box with all of the berries and then even though the geometry of this is kind of bad we can just kind of put things off to the side so we're going to want a large toolbox and a flame cauldron that's also going to make this pretty expensive as you can see the resources over there two hot springs and then 12 pal beds all right so everything is close enough together we can take out the ore from here put it into the smelter take the ingots out and then we can put the nails and then back in here so we have this hopefully it's not too cramped and claustrophobic but it should still be good and then this other stuff is building the actual pow box and then building the metal chest you don't even need the metal chest I just like having the extra inventory in a base and this is already insanely faster in every way than my other base the food is going to be just fine for a while maybe just add another like Berry planter to the main base and you're going to be good then we just kind of watch all of this come together also getting like stronger tomb bat is just going to be better so you can add those to your team and get experience so let's do that real quick okay so we had a bit of a problem and I bet five people watching this video had the same problem if they built here that uh that's a cliff and Pals can fall down there and not have a way of getting back up and then they get incapacitated and then your pals run over to save them and it's bad so I blocked all of that off and now we should be good all right and looks like this is going much better also what I did was temporarily kick up the experience gain to 20x that way they get crazy amounts of experience while mining we can see numbers go up and you can also upgrade on the fly at any time as you get stronger Pals rep Tyro comes in boom that's going to be more Dam damage that's also going to be fir making three the main one you don't want to add is dig toys even though it's supposed to be like the drilling mining pal it's doing it inside the base the passive is all wonky and then it barely does any damage maybe if that gets fixed then you just want to Stack dig toys which changes up the Dynamics of this guide a bit but now everything can go and clear this out super fast and after 12 minutes of mining we have gotten 360 ore so let's go and set this up one 70 each and there we go all this ore refining on boosted experience is giving the tomb bat the level so we can actually make this a lot faster same thing for certain skills if they have fast skills like Runner they're going to run around and then grab and collect the ore also brakes are going to be a bit quicker all right let's see this dude go to work it's a little claustrophobic it's a it's a little sketchy they tag out and do things and and eat but then we'll see like you know if this takes an extra 5 minutes it could get to the point where it is is like 15 minutes for however many nails we end up with 20 minutes for just like the full batch of everything and then by the time all that's done the ore will be close to respawning all right the nail production is a little slow you can change that by adding in a fourth wixon or something that mines and crafts you can actually get Anubis kind of early on so you don't need like the super in-game boss Anubis I'm still working on that breeding guide so like comment subscribe follow the best power world content right here check out the playlist make sure you understand everything about the game and the ways of optimizing it and all that fun stuff yeah adding that in is going to speed things up quite a bit and then we can watch all of this play out so even like 25 minutes to like turn all these ingots into nails or something the money is still going to look pretty crazy I bet oh yeah and after the first round of ore when everything is set up it's actually going to speed up the base quite a bit because instead of having or not being mined because they're trying to go down it now it's going to be m as soon as it responds and then we're going to get into a good cycle so as things are smelting things are crafting things are refilling the stock so those Nails have been made and now we have just an extra thing of War right there also I don't know what happened if I leave the base or go too far away they just stop working and then they like respawn on top of the box but when I had my first mining base it would just automatically go so I'd be working out the base I'd be exploring through the world I come back and there's just like 7,000 or there actually no even when I had my base down here which is further away from where my new mining base is everything would still operate and I'd come back to resources unless the Overworld mining is kind of weird but then again that didn't affect this area down here does the game only load certain regions at a time did one of the updates reduce the amount of world that has spawned to keep it more stable but now that has drawbacks on how the base interacts was it always supposed to be loaded like your bases should just always be loaded if that's the case then you should find one of these or mining spots as close to your basees possible and then just set it up there and do your thing also the devs just announced that the AI and base pathing is the highest priority for an update right now so that can only help and maybe also fixes some of the like too far away issues okay and instead of just saying things and making assumptions I actually wanted to test it so it seems like the ore respawn every 40 minutes that's not great at this time if you Google it no one really has a straight answer they just say oh it seems like every day or after a day night cycle that's how long it takes for the ores to respawn then no one knows how long the day and night cycle is I just tested it's like 40 minutes I I just sat there for 40 minutes seeing like how the ores respawn what happens testing other ores outside the base and stuff like that and that means we can do math for all of this so with all of these tomb bats and their level and whatever other like stats and passives they have they mine the Rocks pretty quickly so it's going to be a very negligible difference not like they're sitting there for 5 minutes so we're getting a 5 minute desync every time and then the actual smelting of the it items again depending on like how you break down the stacks that goes pretty quickly and it all comes down to like how remote bases work because the dream is you come back here you find like 4,000 or you go all right and then you drop them off in here maybe there were already some ingots as well so then you take the ingots however you want to do that properly because you want to grab it to where like oh I can take out the ingots I put them in here then I can immediately start getting the nails made on a workbench and then you make the nails and for the amount of time it takes for all of the or nodes to respawn you can definitely craft and smell all of the ingots actually the ingots they smell a lot faster than the nails so you don't even need like three wixon I think you can actually do something else so that means we're mostly clamped by the or spawn so we get one and a half or spawn rotations in an hour and everything else is a known quantity we get 40 or per node and then we get have nine nodes here so that's going to be 360 so that means 540 or an hour but then inefficiencies and stuff means like 500 or an hour and then it's going to be one or per Nail Time 160 so 80k an hour AFK with a little bit of just like transferring things around but if you already have them like transferred and set up then you're fine but there is the likely world where the nails are bugged and they're only worth 16 each in which case that brings us down to like 8K AFK gold and hour which isn't great again pretty much anything you do actively is going to give you more you just run around like through Dungeons and then the bosses and Alpha Pals they respawn every hour so like that's just better farming and if you're doing like AFK based stuff you might as well just have like a more functioning base or not be converting all of this stuff into Nails because then you're just wanting an or base to fuel everything else like the refined ingots and the pal ingots but until it's fixed I don't think it's a confirm glitch and if I don't mention it then people are going to be like well I sell nails for 160 regardless if it's bugged or not and if for some reason to actually kosher or there's a change to how much things sell for because the gold income is really bad in this game then maybe this appears as more viable so tell me what you guys think do you have a better AFK money method and one that isn't like Super Hyper in game with like already maxed out legendaries or something so don't just say oh well I farm the black market dealers because I'm that stacked and I just get crazy amounts of money that's not what this video is about and the way I see it is even though I'm A Min maxer at heart if it takes twice as much work to get like 10% more productivity that's not a better method like the best method is the one that's easy to set up takes very little resources is as accessible as early as possible and then can also scale really well so yeah you can scale this up with better things and then just make more and more money that way but for this right now yeah you have that you always have the passive gold and this seems to be the best mining Farm optimization as well so I hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 38,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, Palworld money making, Palworld Money Farm, Palworld Money Guide, best palworld money making, best palworld money guide, afk money making palworld, afk palworld guide, palworld guide, Palworld gold coin, palworld gold farm, palworld gold guide, palworld how to make money, how to make money palworld, money making palworld, palworld gold, palworld gameplay, palworld walkthrough, Palworld afk money farm, Palworld Farm, gaming, video games, craftopia, palworld tips
Id: 0kM3ykk4VT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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