Palworld: Unveiling The Ultimate Surprise - Breeding 2 Shiny Pals For Ultra Rare Pals Babies!

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so guys I am back with another power world video and today guys I asked the question of what happens if you breed two shinies together well today guys we find out but before we go any further I'm giving away a couple copies of this game Xbox PC doesn't matter if you win and you play on Xbox and you don't have Game Pass I'll purchase Game Pass for you now to be with a chance of winning for yourself or even a friend that wants to play with you simply drop a luck on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turned on winners will be announced on Sunday evening and to be honest how generous I feel I may pick four Winners instead of two we will see guys okay so reading is a massive part of this game I mean an absolute massive part of the game I'm having a ton of fun with it you can see I got all my egg incubators here guys all lined up ah well I had a question of what actually happens if you breed together two shinies I've looked online I've not seen anybody else try this and I thought well it's probably for a good reason because how hard is it going to be to catch a male and female of the same and I'm talking about of the same uh pal here guys not of random pal of the same power will I get a a a shiny baby well luckily I got lucky guys I actually have two of the same pal of shinies and they're right there male and female Goins and the worst thing is these were together how lucky is that well not together they're on the same Beach kind of uh probably about 100 yards apart I thought no way and I've got two of the lambo but they're both female you can't breed females people not a little bit of scissor action on this game but yeah so we're going to breed them and see what happens we're going to breed them and see what happens now uh I've got my cakes I got enough cakes let me just double check this yes I got enough cakes plenty of cakes okay so let's see what happens let's see what happens so I'm going to have to um remove let just remove you too for now okay so I actually arranged all of my Powers as well which you didn't realize you could just go to sort then click alphabetical and then yeah so keep that in mind you can click on sort change it to alphabet I actually sat here for about half an hour trying to arrange them and I realize s was here in the top corner so yeah put on sort put it on alphal or element and it'll arrangement for you which is pretty cool okay so there's one come here come here you're actually bigger than you look in that picture so let me put you there get you assign to breeding and let's see what happens when we chalk the other one in and this is going to be very very interesting to be honest probably nothing's going to happen I doubt I'm going to get any kind of shiny baby or anything in particular now in regards to the P stats I haven't done lot of experiment in regards to trying to get these Pals uh boosted levels I just been trying to do over things yesterday I went out and found enough metal to redo my entire base in metal so we'll bring you an updated video on that and if you're looking at my base for the first time you can see it um this is actually going to take about two or three minutes to breed them so I'll quickly give you a quick tour if you didn't see my base already uh but I'm actually in the starting area the very first starting area see on the map right here there's the very first fast travel Point guys right next to it because this area initially has got plenty of stone plenty of berries plenty of trees for that wood so I thought you know I'm just going to set up here and I made it bigger and bigger and I just like the place so yeah I got a few bases out in the open world for me to farm materials so I ain't got to worry about that either so I can just bring it back here straight away okay so this is a start you see I got my farm up there not my farm sorry my um alment up there I get all my plants my crops and all that they take them straight down to their feeding box which is right there and I can transfer it to the fridge behind for if if I need to okay so let's go to my building you can see here I have my kitchen I have my two uh forges or grill what these called again I can't remember furnaces so that's it we have my fridge there got my Repair Station my saddle maker few chests with like certain items in all nicely ranged people because that's what you got to do you got to keep things nice and simple I'm putting things back here as well the poers more or less uh don't put random things in there because I got closer storage boxes to where they will well them farm so obviously certain things that they will farm for certain things at the ranch that will drop they'll drop them in the closer storage boxes if that's what I need to here we have my assembly line two we have my assembly line two again weapon and just general items and we have my sphere making system and then we'll go upstairs quickly because you can see what condensation we got my hot tub my generator over there this is the master bedroom all the master PS as you can see right here my bedroom okay so you can go upstairs if you want to you can go out around my balcony is he just going to list everything yep going to L everything out there pretty cool didn't see that you'll see right here they're sleeping up l oh it's night time it's probably why there we go my light on the side which lights up the entire base around here we go up we can go up to this room from the outside too and we have just where I do the login the stone with a box in the middle just like so and then we can go up again I've made this bigger so the bigger ones can get up here and we have just like a a spar a spar for my Powers pretty cool and I put that there because at the time when I was building this I got over incumbered and I just put it there and I haven't moved it yet so yeah it's a bit lazy I might go up again yet we'll see I don't know we'll see I do not know so yes this is the way you get in from the outside so you can go around this way there you go straight there simple as that actually like yeah that's right that's right I was gonna say I missed the floor there but I didn't I didn't miss no floor oh have they stopped breeding they hav't never got go to sleep oh my life I'm an idiot I am an absolute idiot let me go back to bed let me go back to bed and what I'll do guys is I'll actually cut the video I forgot it was night time and I forgot Pal's go to sleep so I'm an idiot now for those that want to see an overhead VI of my base you can see right here this is going to look so cool when it's all in metal hopefully the metal reflects light I'm going put a lot of light in there so yeah we'll see guys we will see now I actually thought about this in regards to breeding these shinies do you remember Hogwarts Legacy and The Taming of the shiny beasts I tried it in that game and when you bred them nothing actually happened um to be honest I don't think anything's going to happen here but considering how deep the thought about this game in regards to breeding there could be a couple of things that we're missing out on and hopefully breeding the baby is one of them in regards to shinies will that baby come out shiny that' be pretty cool I that it's nothing's going to happen though people I'm just getting over excited for nothing but this is something that should definitely look into if you capture a male and female of the same shiny baby it should definitely offer you something and there we have it there's the little egg let's go and see a little damp egg actually let me just move these because they're going to keep continue on breeding and eat away my cakes so yeah let's just do this let me just put you my shiny section just like so there we go okay so let's go and have a look at what we get from this egg now my eggs incubate instantly because I ain't about waiting there we go so let's see let's see is this going to be a shiny or not do you get shiny babies a Goin was born obviously we got goin yeah we know that let's go and have a look at my power box uh so where is that gun oh that's in my inventory okay so it's in my inventory no it's just a little baby no shine to it or nothing now in regards to its stats you guys can help me out here uh two in watering one in uh handywork one in transporting nothing it's Chang there attack defense it's not bad I guess I mean it would be better than level one parents obviously but it's hard to really see that now because they've all been leveled up but yeah guys if you thought anything special happens when you read two shiny Powers it doesn't as a way I know right now unless I miss something kind of obvious but you guys can scream that at me in the comments section so don't worry about breing to shiny together now hopefully in the future they figure something out and do something about it but there we have it guys guys if you enjoyed the video leaving a like really helps out if you like quite see want to see more power be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 34,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld best pals, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld breeding, palworld shiny pal, palworld shiny breeding, palworld what happens, palworld what happens guide, palworld shiny pal breeding results, palworld shiny babies, palworld baby, palworld breeding fusions, palworld breeding guide, palworld, dpj, dpjsc08, palworld breeding shiny pals, palworld breeding shiny
Id: t24KjA-Rw54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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