Palworld Hard Mode - Alpha Boss Hunting & Lucky Blazamut & Shadowbeak! Palworld Sanctuary Islands

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to PO world I hope everybody's having a wonderful day and thank you for coming to hang out for some more power today uh we're going to be making some uh some more progress than we did uh yesterday well I mean yesterday wasn't bad we just didn't catch any good Bouie aagon or Blaze aut yesterday uh but maybe we will today because the last hour um maybe we'll get some good luck that that that's all I got to say we do have a 33 29 22 blaze of mut that we got at the end which really not that bad I did just sell all of my other ones though we got flame Emperor musclehead and mine Foreman on here um so we need to get basically we need to get flame Emperor off and M Foreman off and we need to start kind of uh working towards that so there's a couple different things we can do we got a we got a decent blaze of mud here I want to go out and capture some more as well um we're still working on our good Shadow beaks uh there's a couple different things we're doing here I'm letting these two go more just on the chance that I get a mutation I'm I'm calling them mutations now on the IVs cuz uh we don't get any of the the cuz when we get that random increase it's not really from the parents so I'm just going to call it a mutation from now and just call at least something uh but hoping that I can get a random increase to Stats we got another Legend ferocious and muscle head Shadow beak which is perfect uh pretty much there's almost a guaranteed way to get passive traits handed down at least some of some uh at least a decent portion of the time and um same thing with the the actual passive uh with the IVs as well uh so we'll check out these IVs looks like we've got 10963 109 uh so this one's going to be garbage it does have a high HP stat though I don't want flame Emperor no that when there's better stuff to get how does my incubation go so fast uh we are hosting on a dedicated private server for our community and this weekend we're doing an egg incubation uh basically instant egg incubation for this weekend um although I'm going to let it extend until Tuesday for those that work through uh through the weekend and then after that we'll do an XP event um so yeah it'll go back to like an hour after uh after this weekend I'm trying to get one with just Burly body on it right now I'm trying to get Bly body uh essentially I would rather replace I would rather have Burly body over flame Emperor for my um for my dude bro uh but I think what we're going to do here is we've already got musclehead Legend and ferocious on one and what I think I need to do to speed up the progress of our blaz auts is figure out how to breed a suzuku aqua from a shadow beak so that means we need to do a couple different things here that would be a cool normal feature oh for sure um so let's see here we want to make a suzuku so we can make a suzuku aqua suzaku Aqua sorry and we're going to go out once we kind of set this up we're going to go out and start hunting uh but I always kind of like going through the process of setting up my breeders before that so we want a regular suzaku um and we can do this from a shadow beak so we can get a Suz suzaku Aqua from a shadow beak and a suzaku aqua sorry we can get a suzaku from a shadow beak so let's see what we got going on here we already know we have muscle head Legend and ferocious that's what we want to trade down so maybe we can kill two birds with one stone quite literally with the suzuku aqua if we have a good one we have muscle head and Legend on there that's not the way that I would recommend doing it if we had like one with Burly body we have one with flame Emperor already Legend muscle head I basically really just need to transfer ferocious over to a aqua and I'm pretty sure I have a shadow beak with ferocious already this is a 16271 can we do it with a no we can't what incubation time level would I recommend for both keeping the Integrity of the game but still making it playable I think an hour is good I think uh if you really want to push it so 2 hours is is a normal rate uh if you put if you what I recommend doing is I recommend running a hard mode server so that way you keep the Integrity of the game so let's put it this way aing Commission timers on a normal playthrough or 2 hours on hard mode um I believe it's set to 36 hours uh but for some reason most dedicated servers have it as a standard for 72 which is a bit of a nightmare it could be 72 for Hard Mode as well I think you make hard mode harder you set incubation egg timers to either 2 hours or 1 hour any lower than that it's too easy but one or two hours is pretty good it allows you to play the game and still have a decent difficulty and you don't have to play 24 hours a day to have fun uh and that's the way I think the settings should be should be run to uh to have a good time um let's see here first live at 6:00 a.m. no sleep Ain't No Sleep except for po world right we got a 123 and a ooh and a 75 that actually might be a big boy we should probably save this one uh we're going to mark that as something we need to pay attention to 121 wow that's a big difference I no 12175 121 76 this one has more defense 76 but this one has the most HP nope this one has the most HP waiting is in gameplay exactly anyways I hope everybody's day is going well thank you for coming to hang out you wonderful humans um essentially what I'm trying to do right now is I want to set up a a breeder specifically to get where' that Blaze mut go we want to yall voted to get a really powerful Blaze mut in the last live stream we caught a alpha with flame Emperor and muscle head we need to get Legend and ferocious on here at least we have Legend and muscle head we have Legend and muscle head and I'm pretty sure we have a legend and ferocious muscle head I just want Legend and ferocious to make it easier for us we have Legend and ferocious right let's see what uh what kind of Shadow beak this is this is a level 10 we're looking at 1222 so really bad HP a 28 IV and attack and a 28 IV I assume in defense o 25 IV in defense caught your first king pack at level 28 nice very very nice all right uh so this is an option I'm just going to name this 20 28 25 essentially what I'm trying to do is a lot of people you ask like how do you transfer passives down and it's I've covered it in quite a few videos we got Legend ferocious and muscle head on here it's a male I think this one was bad [Music] stats but essentially what there we go there was just one with ferocious that's what I was looking for and uh 21 and 76 this one should have really good stats we're going to try and level this one up that's capture rate been fixed yet no not yet unfortunately not yet so Legend ferocious and muscle head on a level three 128 and 90 that seems like it's a low we got another ferocious here let's just check this one real quick and then we're going to move out we're going to head to the sanctuaries today to and also take down the alpha bosses so this one's pretty good we've already got a so we got a 25 and HP we need 25 a 28 and attack and a ooh a Garbo and defense so this is already worse than our last option but we could also try and transfer it over so this is going to have like a you 15 25 28 25 28 14 so there's a couple different ways we can go about all this process that we're trying to work through here and I think the best way from my testing I've been doing a lot of different testing with this where'd that one go and I think what we're going to really want to do is focus solely on we have everything here ferocious muscle head and Legend if I just had one with Burly body that would be perfect where can you find the alv IV calculator it is uh sorry I don't have it in the description right now uh there it is welcome to Giant linky boy oh I can't even paste it um you go to palia Donnet and then you select the builder at the top I just linked it all right so we're going to get a couple of levels here oh God I left the display up my bad also I've been playing one full screens for so long I don't think I can play I I was trying to make my life a little bit easier with this IV calculator but I'm going to actually switch back to the way that I have been having chat going does breeding too shinies make The Offspring of shiny toot no no it does not all right so let's do this now we need a a suzaku aqua with a shadow beak I believe makes what we're looking for y suzaku aqua and a shadow beak so suzaku or Aqua will make a Shadow beak this way so we have Runner serus and we have flame Emperor but we already have muscle head and Legend we have muscle head flame Emperor and Legend here already and we can just put ferocious on here so we're not going to worry about IVs on this one we're just going to worry about transferring ferocious over e it's a female okay uh that's a problem we have a male so we have male musclehead and Legend do we have a female ferocious and we don't definitely don't have flame Emperor shoot so a mail with ferocious God dang it all right we're going to have to breed these two together right now I don't really have a choice it's going to be faster it's it's a lot easier to transfer one stat on to a pal um when it's the single stat you're trying to transfer over so I'm really just trying to set us up for Success here rather than bashing our head against the wall it's definitely possible the other way you just end up going through more cake um watching through hurricane winds and Cali oh I know the weather's crazy it's also super crazy it's been it's raining like crazy here in Georgia right now absolutely redonkulous did that not do sexy times are y'all getting your groove on or what why not who are you you working now you twerking there we go I ain't got no cake I'm all upsetti spaghetti need some sexy time music for him look if y'all got some good sexy time music let's let's light it up let's go it needs to be non-copyright though you know do you have to catch Pals with higher IVs to hatch Pals with higher IVs yeah there is a chance for like a random I'm going to call it mutation uh where you can get a higher IV out of nowhere out of an egg but you can also get an incredibly lower IV so I've gotten so I've gotten a a 1% IV before so I know that when both the parents didn't have a 1% so I know for a fact and I've actually gotten I've also gotten 30% IVs before so you can get a random higher IV for sure I've seen it happen many many times already um the reason we're just going to keep letting them bang I guess all right we're going to stick some eggs in actually it's almost night time we can do a a couple of boss fights I think maybe might not be the worst idea cuz it's kind of dark down in those caves already uh so we'll handle the bosses now uh we're just going to let these all hatch I need 120 of them anyways so it's not like we're wasting cake here uh we're going to need to go out and grind some money to pay for more cake at some point give me the salon now baby all right for cake we need flour oh yes the power of flower stick the tomatoes in there stick the cake in there do we have flower cute oh my God I have 1,371 flowers Sweet Baby Beluga whale how many you don't even need legendary spheres to catch uh to catch Frost alion we've done it with ultra spheres cake cake cake cake 76 cake I got 89 Lego spheres all right let's go uh we're going to go out Alpha hunting out into the unknown once again once more upon the breach we do have Burly body already I do want to put I don't I'm torn between Burly body and Swift for our next Shadow beak I don't know what do you all think Burly body or Swift does it matter I don't know but feel free to put some uh some recommendations in the chat if you if your heart so desireth uh all right we need to figure out what this bad boy is not bad 27 ooh 30 wait what that's level n now so we got a 25 a 24 a 23 23 27 23 25 28 he's tanky enough how many Ultra steers did it take to C Frost uh 30 we're going to do it again actually right now uh so we're going to go out we're going to catch another one I've got everything that I need except for nighttime cold it's very very cold out in the cold biome at night St St would it [Music] do all right there we go Frost alion we condensed this fox Parks didn't we yeah but we ran out of ran out of juice ju I still very much want to make a redonkulous kit soon as well I want to level up my Speedy Fang loop it's level 42 and it's freaking [Music] beautiful and we always like to bring flis with us Swift Swifty I've got more eggs so happy to catch aive while I'm doing some Labs thanks for keeping me sane during my least favorite class A Ry nuber I wish you the very very best have a fantastic day uh ferocious okay we got ferocious we wanted to get ferocious alone with no negatives so we're going to keep letting them do the dance with no pants why is the screen so zoomed in I think it's cuz I oh God cuz I'm an idiot that's why my bad it's also super zoomed in in the graphics I think Boop it's the curse of actually trying to uh switch different things my brain no work he so good sometimes come on Burly God dang mother flipping body that's still the best female we have at the moment this one right here all I want to do is transfer those IVs down to a freaking bird that has either no passive skills or all the passive skills so honestly we need to go out today I I have I have a plan I have a big juicy brain plan the problem is Juicy brain plans require juicy brain energy and I have not had it had a long day Nefertiti thank you for the five gift memberships you wonderful wonderful being all right so we're going to go take down two basmat hopefully one or two of those basmat will have good IVs Straten them passives what you talking about Pyon knocks are super pretty too have all the legendary blueprints already no I actually haven't gotten the one from blaz mut yet which I'm actually one of the reasons why I'm farming up blaz mut haven't gotten the one from frost alion yet either God Fang Fang lope is just so ridiculously fast and never t thank you so much again oh did he get his face murdered in already oh well hello good sir oh you're asleep I didn't know you slept who said you could sleep what well you got no butt where's your butt where's your butt I see it there it [Laughter] is get in my ball so there's um there's a stun B so there's a back bonus and I believe there's an unaccounted for stun bonus sleeping counts as stuns so you can get a really high catch rate if you try and catch stuff when you're sleeping it's how I caught it's how we caught Frost allion early too the XP settings on the server crank to the max no they're set to one you about to get your face exploded bucko oh are you awake now okay this guy's got the legend legendary blueprint on it I can feel it in my loins get him Fang lope I'm a Believer baby let's go squirt them to death oh shoot leave me alone blazy boy good job Fang Lop I'm so proud of you such a good Bean all right let me at that booty you want to break out yeah that's what I thought big boy that's what I freaking thought all right we got two blazy boys do we think they have good IVs probably not what do we got what do we got break me off a piece of that blazy boy meat I don't freaking know 49 all right so we got really really really good HP IV on on here which cuz it's an alpha so that makes sense we've got a really not so great attack IV and a oo a maxed out defense IV okay all right I'll freaking take it it's like a 21 we'll give it a 21 so we got a 38 2130 ooh all right let's check the other one real quick and we've got on this one definitely lower HP we've got a oh Lord ha mercy upon my soul a 27 oo and a a 30 a 26 27 26 okay I'll take it salty it's a website what exactly am I showing you IVs I've got a video on um on IVs and how they work I will have a new video coming out on how to properly transfer IVs and passives so I lied I'm making another breeding video but it's not going to be as indepth into the whole breeding process as my previous breeding video this is specifically going to be revolved around uh combining the transference of IVs and passives uh if you want to know more about IVs watch that video right here uh Power World IV these and if you want to know more about breeding uh pin m I'll just do that thanks for being awesome I'll never TD thank you for being awesome thank you y'all are amazing thank you so freaking much would not be able to do any of this without all the support from each and every one of you y'all are truly awesome all my Alpha legendaries have over half ideas half IVs so uh spoiler alert Neo if you actually did get lucky that is that is freaking phenomenal like congratulations on that I heard you were super excited about making that breeding video I was watching the stream last night yeah I was super finally happy to be done with like uh all the breeding stuff and then I found out about the IVs and I think I've figured out a pretty significant trick to combining IVs and passives um which is quite frankly the same trick that I use for Trans ring passives but it's just combining two processes now which um I feel like most people are probably feeling a little bit overwhelmed with the thought of it but I'm going to tell you right now it's it's a little bit of extra work yeah but it's not as bad as we all think it's not that bad but I'm also a loser I have no life and I play 24/7 so am I trustworthy I don't know what is a good IV to get 30s so Health a maximum IV is 50 I feel like 30s anything in the upper 30s is above average you're going to get a lot of 2 like in the in the 20s anything above 30 is certainly above average um and anything above like 20 so the maximum for attack and defense is 30 if you're using a percentile so there's two different ways to do it you can use percentile which is the percent increase to your to ever the modifier is it's a multiplier it's a multiplicative increase um each goes on a scale of one to0 to 100 for like how many points are into it um but I'm going off a percentile rather than the point system because we don't have evidence of the point system that's easily accessible to us uh the percentiles a lot easier to track so anything to a 20 and 30 for attack and defense is amazing and anything 30 and above for health is amazing you're going to get a lot of like low 20s for attack and defense and you'll get a lot of low 20s for health um so far getting anything above like a 35 in health is extremely rare should I get a hell's eer for my base if I find one on your server yeah do it you'll need it to make a frost alion knocked eventually as well some as some uh they also breed into a lot of different Pals and stuff too pretty well oh God I hate this freaking cave man is it what H did I catch the frost allion with full health yeah Mo queue it up for later queue it up for later that video ain't going nowhere I promise I'm not 100% sure but when I released it it was the only video about IVs on on YouTube as well I'm sure there's more now but oh Christ on a muffin oh the ass Blaster 9,000 Lord have mercy Scot your breeding videos help a ton thanks for your work and dedication I'm glad it glad it helped out like my favorite thing to do for games is just is get addicted to them and share any amount of knowledge that I possibly can um so if my videos have helped you out like it means a lot and and I'm glad that uh they've been helpful the server seems like it's the proverbial bed at the moment I don't know what's going on right now I really hope we get a really good dedicated server patch with the help that uh Microsoft Is providing for fixing dedicated servers um really hoping the next patch we get is a dedicated server one they fixed a lot of the bugs going on I feel like the majority of the problems right now that need to be addressed is dedicated server performance um cuz it is abysmal and I feel like that's probably going to be their next priority because of how expensive the servers are to run right now for them uh costing half a million every month oh Christ these guys can eat my butt what the heck I hate fighting these these double asons a doy thank you hope you're doing well been having lag issues since I got in yesterday rubber band when I dodged yeah I tried to fix it pre-stream [Music] um I added some new stuff in you shouldn't be rubber banding when I'm rubber banding a little bit when dodging now I have a 48 830 what's the best way to boost defense Aiden you already have a Max defense uh 30 is the maximum you can get defense what you need to do is you need to boost the attack on that one which means you need to save that particular pal and find a pal with a higher defense breed them together and then once you get a baby from those two that have you know like a 42 higher attack and defense then start breeding that one together oh boo I murdered its [Music] face was the blaza in the breeding video from the third sanctuary yes yes it was I recommend if you're hunting for Blaze mud you combine the hunting for the Alpha version uh with hunting for the ones in the sanctuary so that way cuz it's kind of hard to find them in the sanctuary so I recommend doing the rotation where um you go to Sanctuary for a bit when the alpha boss respawns go capture the alpha boss and then go back to the sanctuary Etc which is exactly what we're about to do we're about to head to the sanctuary right now uh we're going to be hunting for Nightwings blaz muts and asons as well as bushies we didn't get a single good Bushi yesterday I'm a little but hurt about it uh Clips you're talking about on the server too I think it's because we had a big influx of players uh join the server this weekend and um I think what's happening is it's even though not all of them are online at once the game is having to render so many more things in the world and it's just creating a uh creating some issues aushi sounds bougie it does I want aoui boui bushie uh msky there are three sanctuaries on the map now we killed we killed blazy boy when it was night time I don't think he's is going to be respawned already they're supposed to respawn every day but I think I might H might have been a little late on the bushie boy murder there I made a Fang lope that's too fast the lesson we have learned today is sometimes there's too much movement speed Fang Lop is too fast well that sucked okay oh it's man why is it so cold at the base like this oh man that was a big bummer okay and that's what such a big butt on its back it's still too fast exactly this this thick old dump truck right here makes everything faster hey we got the wait what that's what we wanted right we were just trying to get ferocious yeah we're trying to get a ferocious that could breed specifically with one of our suzuku Aqua I think Legend and ferocious baby all right we needed to breed that with a we just wanted ferocious is it a male oh baby all right this will allow us to get a muscle head flame Emperor Legend and ferocious all in one suzuku Aqua suzaku Aqua which we can then use to breed literally any fire pal we want in the game what you going to do with that big blue button you're going to make some babies bab it gets in my hands or it gets the hose again where do you get flame Emperor from the flame Emperor Blas uh doesn't want to make babies only water exactly also riding kitso you're aren't affected by any weather yeah but that means you got to ride kitson instead of you know flying or being on a Fang liop that's so fast that it glitches you through the map I feel like this breeding pair that we have right now is just not going to go well for us I've been trying so hard and I've gotten so far but in the end I just get [Music] garbage Legend and positive thinker bab I'll take that one 9470 it's a garbage beak feel like I just need to give up with this uh this breeding pair here I was trying to transfer these uh these high IVs but it's poing proving proving to be rather difficult 9470 111 should be our high base what keep trying we need sacrificial Lambs okay we also need to go get our armor back [Music] [Music] what's the point of getting the best pal possible if I killed every boss already I hav't one- shot every boss already plus there's upcoming PVP and raid content can I make a video about all the moves their damage and type please I mean you can read all that from the skill itself um but no I I have an idea about that I was doing a whole bunch of testing on that actually and uh I've got some ideas can I see your state please what does that even mean I saw a video already where a bazooka ones shot almost everything one shot almost everything um that YouTuber definitely edited their settings the Bazooka B the Bazooka is pretty good but I don't want a bazooka I want a pal that can One-Shot anything it's really easy to oneshot anything when you increase your player damage and decrease pal defenses though super easy it won't work on hard mode plus I'm not allowed to use a bazooka anymore I blew up my whole base with one and I've been banned from uh being allowed to have one although yeah you shouldn't be capturing the tower bosses it is not intended and uh I don't recommend it because I have a feeling that that we've already had problems with save games getting corrupted and if you don't want to lose everything I recommend maybe getting out of him the head of Shame why did I blow up my base look I didn't do it on purpose okay the base looked at me funny and and I am dumb you know the only bazooka I'm allowed to have is a penguin bazooka what you going to do with that big old frosty boy we're going to the sanctuary baby it was totally on purpose no trust me I wouldn't have blown up my mining base on purpose I love that base I've got that thing freaking dialed in and then I blew it up oh I don't have Gil Claw on me anymore God dang it Dr red Solo I have a video on that if you want to check it out although I use rubies instead of cuz they're a lot easier to catch a ton of them it's like a whole Island full of rubies we got to go over here will you release a video on Souls yeah I need to I'm sorry have had have had a bit of a distracting weekend as many of you may have uh noticed with the base explosion last night tag plus explosives equals content have you tried getting all speed stacks on a Gail claw does it in include your Glide speed further I did do that I could not tell the difference in Glide speed it does not seem that increasing the Gail claw uh movement speed increases your Glide speed I could be wrong on that but I could not tell the difference and I'm no mathematician or math scientist or speed measuring scientist or anything like that and maybe I'm wrong I don't think I am though G claw only get speed from condensing I did not do that but that makes a lot of sense that that's what I had the feeling was and I was like I'm not doing that I'd rather punch myself in the nuts spawn please tell me how to breed palum into a life monk um you can't not directly there's a breeding calcul website though um but yeah the majority of the time so the only the only one where partner skill isn't the isn't the defining factor is like lift monk damage like Huggy fire lift monk machine gun basically anything that does damage both it's that's it's a it's a comb it's like a multiplicative uh increase where it takes the partner skill level into account and the pals damage into account uh but any anything else is a when you level up the pal skill like well I guess the dire House's uh movement speed increases multiplicative with the uh P skill increase too so it's complicated you know that's why I love this game cuz there's so many different things so many things and I love when there's things to figure out plus it's Sunday I don't have D and D tonight but I picked up a bunch of alcohol for D and D tonight uh but everybody apparently is you know been mouth breathing on each other and all got sick so no D and D tonight uh but I am trying a new Jefferson's Reserve Pritchard Hill Cabernet Cask finish which is not nearly as good as the Groth cast that they had like five years ago I think my chat is broken yep thank you stamp apparently my chat was broken what is that cabern cast finish sounds wonderful it's not bad it's not bad the thing about this game is any pal leg can be a good pal exactly all right we got some Fang L down there we need aagon Blas bushie and literally anything else what pal do you recommend when facing jet ragon for the first time any pal that is your strongest or I recommend getting Frost alion first and if you get a frost alion B out boss Alpha you can literally kill every other Lego in the game pretty freaking easy I feel like I want to make a good incin Ram knocked to like incam in general I kind of I kind of like it boink [Music] oh oh that's a bummer I'm so excited for the potential of this game now I just need a non- potato PC oh no best pal for cooking the best pal with kindling would be the best pal for cooking which means it would [Music] oh would be yman tide ignis which I've shown how to get early from a huge dragon egg L Len l [Music] l get in my Bows Oh you're dead God dang mother flipping holy guacamole lag h how's my server not crashing like others cuz I'm a Gangster I don't know what to tell you my server's running like poo though this game has a lot of potential but they need like two or three times the amount of Pals and abilities it's a game from an indie developer in Early Access with 118 120 something Pals if you count the uh the variance for their first batch Pokemon had 150 this has 120 something from a tiny little Japanese game Studio it's going to get they've already got plans for new islands new Pals which means new breeding comp uh combinations new skills they do need new skills though for sure we need new abilities um we need more more AB I guess even with Pokemon you still end up with freaking water gun or Fireball on every Pokemon so I don't know yeah it's got over 135 with subp species yeah it's 111 + 18 whatever that is so that's 129 right that's how math Works let's Google this for the the Pokemon Fanboy losers out there how how many abilities are in Pokemon so after 20 years how many how many abilities are there in pokemon after what there's 188 Pokemon abilities after 25 years so if you do some math here 188 how long has Pokemon been out I'm 35 now it's definitely been out since I was what 11 so 34 I'm at 34 now I'm almost 35 let's just do divided by 23 equals 8 this game's been out for three [Music] months look I'm getting old man last thing we want to think about is our age trust me once you turn 21 it all uh it all just it all just Blends together from there the years just go by so fast 188 how many are actually useful I'm looking at you splash the old flish flop or fish flop 9,000 wait has this game been out for 3 months I don't know why I said three months there's there's 20 skills and the game's been out for two weeks Splash is an attack not a skill get a life Mike wait yeah wait how many attacks are there I said abilities that's not attack attacks hold on how many attacks are in Pokemon oh I I Googled the wrong thing so after o oh I Googled the wrong thing big time Mike I apologize you're a scholar and a gentleman there are 900 and 34 different Moves In The Core Series of games after so it came out in 199 six after five a number let's let's do 25 the 37 all right they win okay all right life is hard man you know it's been a long day I've been looking at numbers non-stop for like 4 days straight my soul hurts a little bit can I tell the devs to add a mini map ASAP what the hell you need a mini map for look around you use your eyeballs but do you know how many came out in 1996 I have no idea I'm not I don't have the effort or energy to to Google that much the IV breeding will drive you crazy well the the problem is the IV breeding will drive you crazy but it's not as bad as we all think and I've been I've literally for the last three days been doing nothing but looking at numbers and testing I've hatched some 4 500 eggs over the past couple of days to try and figure it out and I'm 99% sure I've figured out the best way to breed for IVs and skills at the same time um and combining those onto one pal the problem is I'm you know I'm I'm a perfectionist so I've been trying to get 100% IVs with with 100% of the skills that I wanted but I haven't gotten any Pals with 100% IVs yet um it's the health one I can't get I've gotten 100% attack 100% defense I cannot get 100% uh on the uh on the I cannot I cannot find a single pal that has gotten even close highest I've gotten so far is 45 which is close I mean what's the benefit of a mini map though like in this game in particular I feel like uh I feel like a mini map uh I mean I don't know I don't I don't see a particular big use of a mini map in this game considering it would just add lag to the servers Health IV is so DB um I with the IVs with with health and attack the scaling is different so they all have 0 to 100 uh but you get a 50% modifier to health whereas you get a 30% modifier to attack and defense where are all my God dang blaze of muts like we have a HUD what do we need a mini map for like I feel like there's not enough things in the game to require a mini map it's like do you need a mini map with a red dot on it to tell you that there's a pal around you like you just turn the camera a little bit I don't know there's a compass that has you know pop-up alerts I feel like I don't know maybe I think this is coming from like a part in my heart where I'm so sick of the way Ubisoft makes their games where it's just an overabundance of things on the screen at all times that ter tells you where everything is at all times I like being rewarded with exploration I like not having everything shoved down my freaking throat at 24/7 I just want to be able to go to a location on my own and figure out what's there I don't want it told to me beforehand I want have shoved it down my throat 24/7 I feel like there is a uh like if there was a mini map right now it's like ah I I don't got to go over here cuz I already know what's over there you know like I just I like actually going out of my way to figure out what the hell is in the game and and I feel like that's that's just me being butt hurt about the way Ubisoft has made games lately I think it'd be an option for the interface like uh yeah I mean I guess not trying to hate anybody want in the mini map I just don't see a big use for it at the moment uh bego said wouldn't it be funny when the egg said it's too hot or cold that would affect the IVs and stats and we wouldn't even know till much later oh my God bego don't you even curse this garbage into existence who hurt you bego who hurt you um there's there is more to be added Pia they so pcka Paar has already released you know what I have not gone over this during a stream yet um po worlds road map I should have made a video on it I apologize I I haven't I haven't actually made a video on it and that's that's 100% my bad um isit oh God I hate going to these websites for all this stuff where is it is it on their Discord hold on un momento poor favore freaking go into all these garbage websites with all their garbage garbage garbage garbage can I get it can I fit it all right first we'll go over the um this is the first thing that they're doing which I think they already kind of did so addressing critical issues currently numerous bugs have been identified we're prioritize fixing those sometimes the world may be uh the world date May experience roll backs loading screen May persist when trying to load into Worlds and so on the we just got a patch that I think resolved a lot of these obviously Xbox is still working on the Xbox issues I think this was the first patch they were kind of referencing probably going to get one or two more of these before we move on to the next thing uh which is um improvements uh to implement as app key configuration improvements improvements to base pal Ai and pathing we kind of got some of that already I think so I think we're going to get a combination of one or two more updates of this stuff right here um I have a feeling they've already got all of this already in development so plan future updates we've got PVP coming we've got raid bosses I believe these are in blue because these are going to be coming first uh which is PVP raid bosses and game content which is that and pal Arina for PVP for Pals which I'm super excited about then we've got steam uh Xbox crossplay various Xbox feature improvements server transfer and migrations improvements to the building system and then new islands Pals bosses and Technologies so already this is this is already just Early Access content this is not full game content this is very specifically and only early access road map and that's all we have so far uh so I I feel feel like pocka Paar is doing exactly what they need to be doing they are working on improving their game they're they're working on doing everything they can to kind of get it where it needs to be they're focusing on the right things they're giving us more content while focusing on those right things I'm excited for the future honestly improvements to breed to to building KO what it do have you seen that base Pals will randomly Place themselves if it seems they get stuck mhm uh no the capture rate bug has not been updated because you have not downloaded or not been fixed because you have not downloaded to fix for it yet have you the dev said the game is about 50 to 60% complete which is bananas to think about like we're 50 to 60% complete and it is is better than the majority of AAA games that are released nowadays um like I I don't give oh shoot dang it I give credit where credits do and I feel like most AAA developers are the only ones nowadays taking risks and actually making progress in gaming or smaller game studios and things like that and uh I'm just really happy with this game finally got some asons to spawn am I thicker than a box of jelly donuts yes I am what made me so thick oh it's all the pure quartz which we're going to need why do I have 318 Nails on me what all we're going to drop the pure cours that stuff's heavy I definitely love this game way more than I thought it would yeah like we just need we need server side improvements we need you know a little bit better building and stuff like that and like we're going to be getting more Pals the breeding system in this game uh for Pals is probably the best I've seen in any game ever it blows pokemans out of the freaking water and I'm just I'm I'm truly just really really excited for the future of this game I'm excited to host more servers to do more things to to have more fun with it all right we're going to take the we're going to go check on our eggs real quick we're also going to uh hunt some dude Bros for some money real quick too Eric I don't have a video about Dungeons I I've had one kind of in I've had one 90% done for like a week and I have just never released it [Music] do I use any server hosting uh I use G portal but the server that we're streaming on is not from G portal it is uh my own server the dedicated servers across the board right now are all pretty terrible but there's unfortunately there's not much server providers can do like I have this server running on a $5,000 computer with a 128 gab of ram more CPU stuff than it could ever freaking need and it still just does not run well I do hope they have they add more kind of like uh Rarity to the game like uh I love that like like I feel like like it's great to have all the legendaries in the game at all times and everything but I do wish uh that they would add a little bit more variety to to the pals that they add in the future I hope you get more rare PALS like like say maybe one of the things that I love in in some video games like Final Fantasy 11 for instance was one of my favorite games uh when I was a child and and the thing that I love most about that game is the game told you nothing it didn't handhold you it told you ABS freaking lutely nothing and um and there would the be these things called notorious monsters that would spawn and they would spawn you know 1 hour like every hour or every couple of hours or every 24 hours or every couple of days but there were things that you could do to increase the spawn chance you could kill placeholders and things like that and they wouldn't be available in the game all the time they would drop special things for you they would do they would do special stuff and it was like an an incredible achievement to be able to take down that particular NM and potentially get its drop um I wish what they would add to this game is more of a is a future Rarity system to to PALS like it's great to get lucky Pals it's great to get Alphas but to be able to acquire any legendary every single day no matter what I feel like there's there needs to be a little bit of a a Chase system for some things added in the future I think somebody took down all of the uh the dude Bros already have he got a caught a lucky Alpha they do not exist you can get a lucky or an alpha they're both both essentially the same there we go that's how catching the black marketeers are supposed to work a lot of people were roasting me earlier for like uh black marketeer farming but we just got 23,000 for capturing that one then we're going to butcher it and we're going to get another 23,000 for uh for butchering it so that's 50,000 for a couple of seconds of work especially with the devs taking suggestions from players can really shape this game into something top tier oh for sure and like I think the we have a really good chance of that too because the developers they're not owned by a they took every single risk possible to make this game a thing they were denied at every corner and they owe every ounce of their success the players absolutely loving what they have doing what they have done and the risks they have taken and when you have that kind of environment the developers tend to listen to the player base and create really great content from it like right now um it's interesting like the the release that they did for the the server cost was one it was a little bit like I feel like maybe it was just the translation some of it was like a little bit whiny but at the same time they're like no matter what we're going to make sure that our players are taken care of we're going to spend this much money every single month to make sure that they are a team of 40 people that was only at the end it started off with just four people three developers and and one other person but does your Alpha have an alpha alpha we're going to go check one more of these uh these guys and then we're going to go take down the bosses again there's a couple other bosses that I want to do too I kind of want to actually you know what let's go check suzuku over here cuz we're going to need that for for breeding potentially here in a little bit bit so we're going to check the suzuku suzaku alpha spawns over here are there good late game mid late Game Ranch Pals or do the ranches just become a way to make eggs for breeding so there's a bunch of there's a bunch of things you can use the ranches for you can get unlimited eggs wool um high quality cloth you can basically get every so it's basically used for eggs milk honey wool and high quality cloth you can also use it for cotton candy and some other things but the ones that I've already listed are pretty much the most useful oh thank you Christian should I start my builds with Alphas since they have the best base stats they don't have the best base stats actually um visually the alphas will have a higher uh Health in some instances than their counterparts that's because they have a higher IV calculation than the rest that does not translate to babies though um Alphas have the same chance as far as I can so there's been a bunch of uh mixed information on on YouTube about or not on YouTube on forums and things about lies and alphas and them quote unquote having like one perfect IV or or higher IV percentages and things like that none of that's actually true um uh every pal in the game that you catch is usually 50% or above on IVs which means uh if you're going num numerical system of 0 to 100 then it's going to be you know 50 above in each Stat or if you are going percentile then you're you know you're looking at you know 15% or above most often more often than not 20% or above uh for attack and defense and 20% and above 25 % and above for HP and that's for every single pal you catch in the game whether it's lucky or not Alpha doesn't take up a skill slot so has more potential to get a good roll wait valer what are you talking about there either I've had too much whiskey or I have no idea what you're referring to getting the ball I'm not talking about Alpha not having lucky I'm talking about alphas and lies not having statistically higher IVs than any other pal in the game nice Hy hell yeah oh shoot I'm out of stamina oh dude bro got clap asaurus rexed did you hear about the capture bug yeah I've been talking about the capture bug every day for the last 3 days uh the one video that you probably saw about the capture bug uh probably got it from watching me live stream you've noticed more locky spawns too on This Server it's cuz the increased uh power rate um so part of the difficulty that we've added the game increased the spawn rate to two most servers are at 1 or5 which honestly the game feels empty at that point um having two is way better which is going to increase the lucky chance as well cuz you have you know double double the chance of a lucky spawning do you have a sponsorship with G portal if you have an affiliate link with them I'll use it I don't I haven't had a sponsorship with them in a long time I had it back when I played Arc a lot um but I don't I'm not sponsored by them I never actually got anything from them the entire time that I have uh been associated with them in any kind of form uh but they are the best server providers that I have ever used so far so if you have one that you uh and this is coming from somebody who had a sponsorship and never got paid and I still will recommend them over anybody else sorry tag my signal is being mean I'm like five minutes behind oh Valerie you're good you good you're good how do I feel about a stun baton mid game I really liked it for the first three minutes that I used it and then I never used it again I preferred the rocket launcher for my stun mechanic uh G portal if you're looking for a dedicated server host uh G portal they have an amazing UI uh incredibly userfriendly far more than every other server provider available um their servers are going to run just as bad as every other server for po world so if you're wanting a recommendation for one that's going to run better than any other all of them run run all of them run bad right now uh that's just the way it is G portal is not going to be any different with that but the UI and the user experience and the customer service is going to be better than everybody else I am thick super thick boop boop boop have I tried host Havoc yeah I've used every single server provider out there I actually have a host Havoc pal server power World server that I never used okay that should help all right so we've got a couple of eggs we've got an aagon we got two aagon one clearly better than the other uh 557 [Music] uh that's garbage okay 500 oh interesting 443 and 443 wow one has way better defense all right let's check out incam knocked captured at 43 we're sitting at a right about a 28% IV which is this is what I was explaining like most pals are captured around the 50% like like when I say 50% IV I mean mid-range IV mid to high range to be to be fair this has 470 uh which is is still that's pretty bad defense defense is 343 this one's particularly bad we're not going to look at that one anymore is that this one oops all right so here we have 3 12 4 70 343 yeah so the other one is even worse both of these are really really really [Music] bad okay that's unfortunate all right let's see what eggs we got what's my highest donation it's a weird question to ask all right we got flame Emperor and ferocious on that one that's exactly what we wanted we got ferocious oh logging Forman and serious that can eat pal Butts oh we got ferocious that's exactly what we needed that is perfect Legend and muscle head actually these suzaku are proven to be uh really good luck right now did I just ruin it sure did what we got lucky out here who wants their cheeks clapped bab boy cognito Incognito so there's some theories going around that lies have perfect IVs and they don't I'm I'm prove it right now what you going to do with them fat eggs all right we need to find that Cognito all right let's see what we got in the statistical Department here for old cognito we are sitting at 1527 so we've got a 30% IV and HP 276 sitting at a doooo attack IV 18% and a 200 in defense 200 in defense so we got a 30 18 and 20 maximum for HP is 50 so that lucky is Lei dooo all right so we did kind of want to hatch a muscle head flame Emperor Legend and ferocious and we got a legend muscle head with a ferocious and two really Garbo ones um but if we go and look at our blazy boys we have got a flame Emperor muscle head and form and so we what we really need on here is Legend and ferocious we got a legend muscle head we got a a ferocious and a flame Emperor ferocious so we really need a legend and ferocious pal so what we need to do I mean we could look for a perfect honestly I think what we're going to do is as a test is I want to see if I can transfer four skills at once I feel like like transferring four skills at once is quite honestly the worst way to do it but I haven't tried I've never actually tried to do so I I want to try and get ferocious onto a suzaku oh that's a terrible idea actually hold on cuz we still need to breed it back to one of these dudes so we got muscle head and Legend muscle head Legend we breed these two together we get an aqua with musclehead Legend and ferocious and then we're just missing flame Emperor which is going to be way easier for us to transfer oh and they're the right sexy time numbers let's go all right there's logic behind the the the numbers okay there's logic behind the numbers so essentially it's obviously it's way easier to get a Blas with flame Emperor right and so the way you want to transfer passive skills is if you want your best chances of transferring said passive skills uh having Pals with nothing else on it actually really helps so like having so let's say you're breeding a Blas with flame Emperor Legend and muscle head uh to a pal that has flame Emperor Legend and ferocious you're actually doing yourself a disservice because that Legend and Flame Emperor is going to be really hard to transfer cuz it's on both Pals doesn't make any sense you think statistically that you'd have a higher chance but you would be wrong the logic behind it is I do what I want no the logic behind it is I have 300 hours in the game and I've hatched over probably a couple thousand eggs messing with the breeding stuff and um it seems as though the the best way to do it is to say you have a pal with two gold passes and another P two gold passives so it would be like Legend and fire Emperor and musclehead and ferocious and you make those two bang and then you get one with four stars so that's the best way to do it or you do three in one that's that's the only option two and two and three and one right that's how numbers work yeah anyways uh that's the best way to do it the best is two and two 100% uh the next best is three and one uh is four and zero really bad no four and zero is almost as good as a two and two um also a three and zero works really really well um so basically 4 and zero is better than a 2 and two in my opinion from what I've tested so far still really hard though let me n two and two is really good but a but not as good as a three and zero and a and a three and one I think is better than a 4 and zero it's it's it's honestly just really it's a little bit wonky I have all the information WR like jotted down but if I have to I'll use three two zeros to get twos and twos yeah exactly like uh if you can get a PO with that's like a three and zero you'll often get a lot of two like a lot of twos which and then you breed those twos to make a four um or you can use that three and a one to make a four which works two in one is very hard yeah two in one is bad uh but it works [Music] KO God I don't remember what we're looking for with these eggs right now I think we're looking for all four on these eggs was that what it was but I'm doing it the wrongest way possible [Music] perhaps ah we got another ferocious all right so that pen was the ah we're looking for oh we were doing something dumb with this pen we were trying to transfer IVs and leaving pyromaniac on there instead of oh I was just trying to get a a three with high IVs which you know what we're going to stop doing that now that's not working out I think I've confirmed that that's the worst way to do it yeah we did get a legend out of it which is cool a legend with bad stats so garbage pretty much everything we hatched from that was just bad yeah I was doing some tests with that that's the worst way to do it so we got 33 we got muscle head and Vanguard out of here I was really hoping to transfer the stats down is what I was trying to do but that doesn't it's not an effective way of doing [Music] it all right we need to get Burly body this pair right here we're trying to just get a pal with Burly body any reason to let leaving the scorching a in my inventory no I just forgot to hatch it no good reason for that whatsoever in fact so what I'm doing with these Pals in particular is uh what are we doing there we go the breeding process hurts my head when worrying about IVs yeah it's a bit a it's a bit of a mess still no transfer of the Burly body I know what I need to do to transfer it but I was really being greedy with this so I think what I've confirmed so I've been doing I've been I've been doing a lot of testing with various things um so I think I've 100% confirmed that trying to transfer passives and IVs at the same time throughout the breeding process is really really really really really bad um it doesn't make any sense so what you should be doing is creating a pal so there there's two optimal ways to do this and you know what I'm going to wait I'm going to wait until uh to make a video on it because it's going to be it's so hard to explain during a live stream without all the numbers kind of in front of you so I'm going to wait to explain it there's going to be a video out in the next day and a half probably I just got a 36 3030 but no passive save it Aiden does that have no passives like at all or did you not get any of the passives that you wanted cuz that is a phenomenal pal do not throw that thing away like if especially if it has no passives at all if you got a 36 3030 with absolutely no passives on it you should be the most excited person in the world right now don't let someone steal your research yeah exactly I'm not I'm not going to talk about it during the live stream you got two like two that you wanted or two random ones Swit and one trash just save it save it for the video it's not going to be out tomorrow tomorrow I've got a mining video coming out because everybody keeps asking me about the God dang best Miners and going lose my freaking mind if I have to answer that question again cuz everybody keeps spreading spreading really bad information over the Internet about which freaking miners you should use can I leave this please mayhap we need cake also KO how have you been enjoying uh how have you been enjoying po world has it been uh been scratching the Cozy itch we have no cake anywhere the cake of cake is [Music] cake it's clearly dig twice I think I'm going to see this one right here is the best stats that I've gotten on a shadow beak so far 33 29 28 as far as the health goes I haven't gotten a higher than 33 on the health yet and I was really trying to just get those IVs with Burly body but the problem is I'm trying to breed it with things that have full four of four with none of which being good passives so the so that's the bad way to do it um so I think we're going to actually remove this we've got so many decent Shadow beaks already too all right we're going to make some oo we got all the salad in the world already should you take catus on your team you can make anything on your team like truly like if you have a favorite pal just use it doesn't matter what anybody else says when any other content creator says when anybody else if you like something make it op the the thing that I find most fun in this game is taking some of the weakest things in the game and making them stronger than everything else and you can do that that's what I love about this game you can literally like I made a video on a sweeper being the end like it is truly the strongest pal in the game it is stupid is it a little weird to set up sure it's not you're not going to find anything stronger and I did that with bad IVs turns [Music] out can you transfer bad IVs from a bad pal to a good pal yeah um please for the love of God check out my my IV video it's going to set you up until I have the next video that comes out on what you should be doing with IVs um but yes you can transfer IVs you can upgrade IVs I'm I'm going to start calling them mutations I think like IV mutations like I wish we could come up with a better name for IVs but that's kind of just the way it's called for these hidden uh statistical increases so right let's see what we get we're looking for three Golds on this bad boy we don't care about IV we're just looking for three Golds we got muscle head and Legend it can eat my butt we want ferocious ferocious being the more important one here we've already got a 38 2130 this dude's going to be a freaking monster and we've already got flame Emperor on here okay every like you think about is intravenous every time you say IV uh we're going to head back out here shortly I just want to check the IVs of these bad boys see what we got I I'm hoping that this one right here having the mo a really going to do me dirty like this man pretty sure like these some of these shadow beaks have just been I've had had really really really really bad luck with uh also haven't really been trying with the shadow beak so we got low HP but I think everything's low turns out 189 yeah I think I've confirmed my theory at this point I've been using Shadow beaks to test the theory that I had with IV transfers and I'm 99% sure I've confirmed my IV transfer Theory at this point I've hatched I think maybe 200 Shadow beak eggs with varying results so we have musclehead and vangard on this 3328 28 which is pretty good we've got Burly body and Legend we're going to breed these two together and uh this is kind of where we're going to end this one cuz I have an idea so the IVs never falls out of the range of the parents no that's not true at all uh you can get mut I'm going to call them mutations because I don't know what else to call it you can call it outliers but mutations a little bit easier um I've gotten I've bred a a 45 3030 parents with a let's say I think it was like a 28 28 28 something like that it was really close and I got a two in attack um but then I've also bred low lowle PALS like with lower IVs and I've gotten Max IVs out of it um they're outliers they're very low rates to be able to have that happen but it does happen we have Vanguard shoot wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Legend and Burly body then we need muscle head and shoot I want to test something with transferring like the the transfer rate of four stats on one just Legend and ferocious no we need ferocious and muscle head on one I think we have one I think the best way to go about muscle head ferocious is this a male and a female no it's two females that's a male oo he wait and we have just a ferocious oh they both have poo defense God dang it I haven't checked IVs but I got an aagon with ferocious Legend and uh lucky and musclehead hell yeah that's awesome right at this weekend full of Palace with highest IES yeah that sounds about right y'all going to do the dance with no pants over here oh hell yeah Mike that's freaking phenomenal congrats this game seems like longevity for Mid maxers but I was never one to go deep into breeding in survival games I just tweak settings if I want good things for raid bosses like an arc but why do that like that just burns the content for you like why make the end game easier when you have mechanics in the game that make it easier for you like if you love a game wouldn't you want to prolong the time that you have to play in it what I would recommend doing is instead of making the game the end game Easier by like lowering rates or things like that like just make the egg hatching faster increase the number of spawns in the world so you have more chances to to play the game it was meant to be played like don't spawn things in but still still be able to get your enjoyment out of the game with increased rates in a way that's that allows you to keep playing the game and that's what we've done on the server that's why I'm hosting the you know the instant hatching rates for uh for the servers for for these two days I need cake can you not do the salad please I'm more of a builder than a breeder there's nothing wrong with that like I fully support like play enjoy the game the way that it's meant to be played for sure and you don't need to get perfect IVs or perfect passives to beat the game like the game is pretty easy as it stands right now man I really hate when that machine gun glitches out like that it's a freaking nightmare I completely Miss Ko's response to my question because I was I think I was going on a tiate of breeding stuff also if yall haven't checked out uh K's Channel I highly highly recommend love power I think I've made it pretty cozy yeah your videos have popped off K it's freaking amazing like um I saw when you released it and I was like okay that's that's really good for like the first day and then like it's just continued to to Trend it's freaking amazing and I love seeing like Creator like I feel like most creators get stuck in that whole mode of uh of uh of getting locked to one game but it's it's it's you can you can move to different games like yeah like easy base build 224,000 views what and 78 on the next one 148 on the next one and then 62 oh my K you're freaking killing it that's phenomenal if you haven't checked out K's Channel if you're interested in any kind of things other than the hardcore stupid stuff that I do definitely make sure to check out KO she streams every day as well and uh awesome they have for sure it's kind of crazy no it's freaking phenomenal and the best part is you've carved out your own niche in a game that's popping off and that's what most people fail to realize that they can do no matter what at any point in time and uh you're killing it it's so awesome to see it's super awesome to see that you like transition away from like you figured out what you love in gaming and you've figured out how to transition that into other games too and like that's the most important thing for longevity that most never figure out so you aren't doing phenomenal I've read lucky ferocious muscle head Anubis with 23 30 uh four o nice Frost alen my worst enemy Desmond no love the frost allion dude be catching Pals illegally in the sanctuary that's where you got to go some that good good okay I checked out the IVs on my ason 27 26 25 that's actually really good I know you're probably thinking oh it's not Max but that's statistically extremely good [Music] have amazing audio quad what filters do you use in OBS I actually have all of my filters turned off I I use vilters for a while cuz everybody was complaining about the uh the base in my voice but lo and behold like so I had a had an issue with a lot of static apparently I was trying to I it's the microphone I use an sm7b and I also for my mixer I have a it is a road podcaster Pro I believe is what it's called and uh I have no other filters other than I have like a enhanced like a slight enhancement to the highs and that's about it and I cut out I I don't I don't use any other filters cuz apparently it causes problems so it's a nice mic the well the sm7b it's it's pretty much the the standard there's really like if you're going to buy a mic there's no reason to buy any other ones like most people are going to buy like a $100 mic a $200 mic a $300 mic they're going to get all the things in between and then they're going to end up buying an sm7b anyways so just save the money and just get one cuz it's the best SM oh also ziron yeah no that was actually one of my problems I had a Cloud lifter and uh I had the the cloud lifter combined with my my preamp so that way I didn't have to like up the gain too much and apparently my cloud lifter was causing a lot of static problems I took it out of the chain and all of the static went away well I did that and I and I changed my compressor so I have no compressor anymore I have no audio changes whatsoever and uh so I just used the sm7b straight to the um to my mixer and I don't use the cloudlifter anymore uh cuz the preamp in the the mixer that I use is actually really good but apparently the cloudlifter was causing a lot of static I tested a whole bunch of different cables a whole bunch of different I have three different cloudlifter and uh apparently I have two cloudlifter that were providing not Clean Gain which is weird cuz they're super expensive and they're supposed to provide you with like a Clean Gain to your mic and they have been causing the majority of the static which is crazy but I have a bunch of cats and maybe some water got in there so maybe all of my cloud lifters are bad I guess you have a Cris with perfect Stacks can I transfer that to any pal like frost Allen Rosie you have a you know we're going to take a second to help out Rosie uh Rosie Rosie Rosie Ros you you you legitimately have a kemis with perfect stats like you have Max IVs like 50% HP and 3030 attack and defense I will take time out of my day to help you out right now if that's true Save The Fluffy Eevee I I will legitimately take a portion out of my day to show you how to transfer that kemis to every other pal in the game if you want no just use the perfect kemise it's a perfect little boy so this is going to kind of blend into the video that I was already going to make so there's you know solid chance Somebody's Watching that's going to steal all my hard work but I'll do it it's uh 50330 don't do it oh I'm going to do it Kem is op Rosie you're leaving us hanging here uh but spoiler alert if you can get one perfect IV pal in the game this is why I think most people are like oh my God not this again with the IVs but the fact is with power world you can transfer stats from any pal in the game to anything else in the game so spoiler it if you think for a second you can't do that with Pokemon but you can do that in power world I'm so sorry I'm talking hypotheticals I don't have that I'm just asking if I should be looking for good lowlevel ones yeah if you so I took a a nearly perfect Fox barks and I made a nearly perfect so I already have a so I took my pal that I took at the begin that I caught at the beginning of the game and I transferred all of those IVs and passive skills to an endgame pal so yes it's possible and I highly recommend it the thing that I love about power world is your early game Investments carry through the rest of the game and you just need to keep that in mind so if you're if you're just getting into power world now or you've been playing for a little bit and you had a favorite pal at the beginning of the game check their IVs check their passive skills because you can actually like those Pals that you've had investment in your entire playthrough maybe from the beginning of the game maybe they're not the end all be all pal in the game maybe you're still using them maybe you're have an attachment to them they're still going to be useful through crossbreeding and well well just crossbreeding but to be fair like most most early game pals are still incredibly useful and that's what I love about power world is they have the you can very clearly see that the developers of this game have been trying to figure out a way to make every pal in the game useful in its own way which is not the way Pokemon works so you could have so the only ones that I would say this is a problem with would be chickpea and Lambo but any pal past chickp and Lambo you can literally breed up it's going to take some time it's an investment but in many ways it's a worth whing but I killed that ozerk no one has a good video on pal fluids uh kill Pals that are water-based stomp them into the ground and succeed like literally go to any beginning Zone stomp penguins and and uh acceler into the [Music] ground sham here leave me alone there's only three cats in the house now and you take up the equivalent of three cats tier is more aggressive with his love than three cats combined cannot find him home best cat in the world uh can you actually change your world settings on your server afterwards huh Serena wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Serena I was not trying to give you the most basic the most basic answer ever can you can you re re askk your question please and I will answer it in the most detail possible I promise any info how a fourstar oerk does for farming palute wait what it doesn't matter what pal you use for farming pal fluid um my recommendation is I'll show you right now I'll show you visually I'm going to I'm going to you know what I'm going to not Farm up my bushie and I'm going to help you out right now I'm going to show you the three Pals that I recommend oark increases drop rates for water oh you know I it depends on your you go to the goblin area so the goblin area is really good which is is it it's one of these fast travel points right uh is it it's Goins Turf right uh because there's a bunch of gobins around here that works but so the problem with this game is the higher level the Pal doesn't equate to more resource es right um if you have what I recommend doing I I'll show you right now like this is how I farm up pal fluid and um I have my pal rates turn to two I've often had them turn to three which is incredibly difficult at a high level um but incredibly beneficial for low-level pal hunting so you get a a give and a take um what I do is I go to this area right here so anywhere where there's a beach there's going to be Pals that drop pal fluid and I just I I just go to this area I go to this area right here or I go onto the beaches of this island or this island lower level the better in my opinion cuz they're going to drop the same amount of pal fluid it doesn't matter what level you are they drop the same amount of res resources so you might as well just curb stomp some lowle Pals right um so what I do is I take a pal I take a deer or a Fang l or literally anything that can run over any other Pals and I don't I don't fight them I don't use abilities I don't like so oark is great cuz it drops more resources right but you end up having to actually fight them or use your own resources or stab them to death or whatever it is uh sorry my server runs like poo poo right now cuz we got 13 FPS and there's really no fix for it the way I personally Farm pal fluts I go to lowle zones and I run them over so I go to this area I go to this area and I go to these two islands up here and I just run over anything that drops I or drops water I just run them over I don't fight them if they would spawn I would show you right now there we go look at these penguins this is what I do that's it I don't use any other Pals I use a pal that can run over and I just I just curb stomp them into the ground until I get my [Laughter] fluids and that you can start doing that at like level 20 it's stupid um you don't have to be level 50 for that you just run them over so I would recommend getting an an iader or a Fang Lop um would be the two best like lowlevel Pals for it and then obviously as you as you level up then you can use higher level Pals uh but just go to lowlevel zones and run over Penguins what that's see good ice organs that's how I recommend farming up every item that you need in the game you need flame organs CB literally do the same thing to Fox barks you need ice organs do it to any ice pal or water pal um you need electric run over Spark itss like it's it's super easy to farm up all these resources I should probably do a video on it but I thought it was so basic ah oh God it's so close to being perfect oh my God flame Morgans are ranchel that's true you can get a flum bell or you could just curb stomp some uh some Fox bark curb stomp Pals Ko's next video curb stomping Pals for the it goes goes from cozy to curb stomping real quick oo ferocious Legend and muscle head that that is very close to what we're looking for real tone shift on K's content title it curb stomping Pals for resources I honestly you should do it KO I'll give you all the info for that video If you make it and I just want to see people go what is it possible to breed a lucky trait to a jet ragon no no it's not unless you get a lucky jet dragon which I don't even know if is if it's possible I no it's not cuz they're Alphas I have to relog permanent Combat music curb stomp with the cutest PALS like the up hacka exactly anyways I don't know if I scared that particular human away if I did scare you away I apologize but I hope I answered your question to a sufficient extent I really really didn't mean to answer it in a rude kind of way um if you're wondering why the screen is black it's because uh want some help question mark uh okay the screen is black cuz I'm trying to log into my own server and there's no way to do it without actually showing the IP and password so yeah how do I get rid of my wanted status log out and log back in some people were saying that if you fast travel back to your base that works I feel like that works on single player but on multiplayer online mode it does not seem to work how to curb stomp Pals the Cozy Edition use wait k you got to use the cute just pal in the game to be like the Cozy way to curb stomp Pals the victory where you're you're using the cutest pal in the game and getting all the resources by just stomping every weaker pal into the ground the king back a bulldozer I can make a thumbnail so pretty I'm sure your thumbnails have been on point with this my thumbnails are garbage I've always hidden my thumbnails why y'all not making the babies y'all ain't got no cake you dirty little non cake eaters [Music] [Music] big chungus strikes again you have to get a certain level to get legendary schematics no not at all just luck let just luck all right I don't remember what we're looking for out of these two eggs let's take a a gander at our Pals here we've got ferocious and muscle oh so we're trying to get musclehead and ferocious out of this one will it succeed first try no it won't what are you trying to get out of you trying to get Legend and Burly body onto a muscle head and poop guard that worked so well so my next theory that I want to test I want to catch we've been trying to catch shadow shadow beak this whole stream we haven't gotten a single one to spawn yet um I have some theories around breeding that I haven't 100% confirmed yet but think we're about to we just need a shadow beak to spawn oh what the person actually asked was does oar's partner skill get you more drops if you help the stats I mean I wouldn't use oark to begin with it sends electricity into fo's wounds roasting them from the inside out um while fighting together water Pals drop more items when defeated so yes I'm assuming I haven't done this but if it works like every other if it drops One to begin with or two to begin with then you level it up again it's going to do nothing then you level it up one more time it's probably going to drop three instead of two and then I'm assuming it's between a maximum of four to five if you level it up all the way but I would rather curb stop more Pals faster than have a higher drop rate because you actually have to have the pal out and fighting for this passive skill to even work or partner skill to even work and you can't ride it um so my my my opinion on this is you can't ride it to get it to level five you're going to get it's just like it's just like the ranch Pals the Minun is still there I know it's just like the ranch PALS like you can get 120 Chiapas and turn it into one gangster Chickapee that can get you 3 to five eggs per minute or you could just catch eight chicka peas and get you know eight eggs per minute or if you want to go crazy you can get 120 chicka peas and instead of breeding them into one Chickapea you could just put 120 chicka peas into a ranch and get 120 eggs per minute and I feel like that's my my same method with just curb stom the water palls into the ground and just kill more faster you know because having to go like with an orir like you'd have to actually use it in combat you can't ride it which means you can't order it what to do which means I'd rather punch myself in the nuts than possibly think of using orer for farming pal fluid if you use like any kind of pal that just runs over the lowle stuff you can Farm up 100 pal fluid in like five minutes uh let me rephrase that like 10 to 15 minutes I used homing launcher and turned up to 3x pal spawn rate to two op chickp so I can have it not take an entire base so I'm set forever what I do is like so I have three bases right my first base is a breeding base with ranches and I do that for cakes my second base is or so is an Ora base and I just add like I just add another Ranch to there and when my my or miners are on cool down I just add whatever else I need to that base so like you're if you if you effectively have your mining base set up right they're going to be doing nothing 90% of the time and just take them out and fill them up with whatever you're missing you just put put two to three ranches in that area take out all your miners when they have nothing to mine and then fill it up with everything else that you need and it's it's stupid efficient it's it's it's incredible how much stuff you can Farm up if you just kind of like optimize like what's doing what at any point in time and the best thing about the like especially if you're playing the game and you have an or base your or base is doing nothing while you play but the ranches on the other hand they will continuously work while you're playing so what I recommend doing is if you have an or base while you're actively playing the game and not sitting at your base replace all of your or Pal with pals are going to farm stuff up for you whatever pal that may be and then when you go AFK or you're done for the night just stay logged in replace all of your you know your or mining Pals with other things and then uh and profit how does my Frost alen have so much HP it's a alpha Frost allion I thought you could ride orer it doesn't say you can nope Alpha buts San yeah I just use a maxed out dig toys with all work speed traits uses active from the headband he can Farm eight ores and six coal spots in 1 minute and 40 seconds actually Ms thank you thank you for that info I uh I haven't maxed did you max out your dig toys so I'm assuming yeah so you so you did the pal condensation um which means instead of getting more ore per ore he's just breaking the ores faster so if you're actively farming ore yeah that makes a lot of sense you're not getting a benefit from the work speed you're just getting a benefit from dig to's actual ability uh from pal condensation I don't know why my stamina's not rejuvenating right now yeah Ms the uh the work speed stats aren't going to be doing anything there for you but the the full pal condensation is is what I haven't invested time into I don't I can't regenerate stamina there it is [Music] aagon is op for or aagon so the worst way to farm or in the game is to be actively participating in the ore farming um so if you want the worst way to farm ore you can use a uh you can use a digo or you can use an aagon uh the problem with aagon and digo as farming like as legitimate passive or Farmers is they both break dig toys being very broken uh where it won't Farm ore at all aagon will eventually get depressed and work at half speed but then also doesn't collect all of your resources for you um man nothing spawning go today all right let's move out of here so the best they're the best active Pals to mine but that's the worst way to mine my recommendation is if you need ore just leave your game running through the night with either Anubis or um or Blas muds like you'll never need ore again just like when you're done playing for the night log out on your ore base with Anubis and Blaze muts and you will never need ore again like like don't log out like just leave your game running while you're there you got a perfect one Blaze mut 30 1330 well HP the max is 50 my views on fig CER capture rate decrease bug it sucks I don't know why that's a question why would I like the only view I could have on that is that sucks just use my 36 3030 and my 25 2030 and got another 36 3030 hell yeah yeah know the the pal transfer rates for P for uh IVs is above 50% so what probably happened there is you transferred the health and the defense and then the the one with the defense m Max transferred their stats and you end up with another Max which is exactly what you want NEOS there's no way for you to tell if your blaz at level one has perfect IVs it's going to show is perfect but once you level up it's probably not going to be ouch not enough cake this is Ko's fault K stole all the cake for all right what do we got what do we got what do we got Legend ferocious and muscle head o oh that's that was Beau beautiful all right so we got a suzuku AKO with Legend muscle head and prous it is a female and take those out you can see that was like what five eggs from that batch to do that so we now need to breed this with so we got 33 29 and 22 and a 38 2130 with flame Emperor we got a male and female so what we're going to do here is we're going to try and max out these IVs we've got flame Emperor muscle head and mine form we really don't care about that so all of you voted the other day to try and breed a redonkulous blasa and we're going to do that right now so we know that we're going to transfer that's the story of my life right there trying to make babies and they just go to sleep that's just rude can we try that again let's do one at a that time ah got to catch them before they get the pajamas God dang [Laughter] it just sleep ape thanks for playing on a solo server oh God good job buddy being so helpful Apes out here thinking I'm freaking the dumbest person on earth got [Music] him oh what the hell anyone who ain't team dig toys can't be smart you should watch my stream from like three days ago where I show where if you like dig toys you probably need to go to a mental Asylum Asylum asum you need to go to that old mental asum don't breede a night I'm playing on a okay all right all right okay here we go I'm going to look real close at you if you're watching right now okay just real real close we're going to get we're going to even closer I'm not an idiot if I was playing solo I would skip the night okay I can I'm looking at the same screen you are I can tell it's nighttime if I could sleep I would sleep okay I would go to bed right now I can tell all of my pals are sleeping I would go to sleep if I could okay I'm not an idiot anyways let's continue on with the video today or the stream or it's easy bro just go to sleep just breede dark type see that's that's a big brain move right there I mean they stay as sleep I've seen the bug yeah I know though I I know about the bug I do believe I know about that old bug right there wait that's actually five head yeah at night time just just breed the ones that don't go to sleep breed the like that's why our shadow beaks are still laying eggs right now all right what are we trying to do with you oh we're trying to get muscle head oh God you have Vanguard guard you suck muscle head speak of the devil and you shal receive getting mus or Vanguard on a on a garbage pal that's the B look I know I'm slowly descending into Magnus okay like y'all don't need to tell me like I'm I'm slowly but surely sleep wait everybody's trying to sleep wait is everybody trying to sleep on the server if we could get everybody on the server to sleep right now I would literally do the most naughty things I don't have wait I would give everybody on the server a back alley hand job right now I'm going to make a roof there ain't nobody no no way no how everybody body in the server is trying to sleep right now ain't no way plus it's almost morning hear them birds out there doing bird noises and it's morning it's all's fault a skill issue oh God I'm way too thick for this bed look at this nasty body trying to sleep in bed bird bird bird we got Legend ferocious and muscle head on a level six blue boy I don't care about the IVs but I just want to know you know they're not good is the moral of that story but it doesn't matter so we're trying to get we're trying to do the things right we're so close we're so close we're so close to multiple different like good things the problem being I'm slowly running out of room cuz I have made the shadow beaks do the dance with no pants for far too long Legend ferocious and muscle head we have on here God the shadow Peaks they're out of freaking control right anyways all right we got to go back to the Thunderdome y'all lay an egg yet anybody else laying an egg before we get out of Dodge condensing time yeah we're going to be I like I'm just breeding Shadow beaks at this point to just condense them cuz I cannot seem for the life of me to find them on the sanctuary and I don't want to breed I mean I'm I'm breeding for them so I might as well try and breed for IVs at the same time you suck you suck you really freaking suck more like Shadow freaks am I right oh my God will I be playing in shrouded later tonight should I play in shrouded later tonight y'all want to see some in shrouded how many of you would you watch me play in shrouded it's another Survival game you might enjoy it you never [Music] know I'm so happy happy that that noise still exists in my life I did promise an unshrouded stream I did I promis an in shrouded stream can I enslave animals in it I don't think so but look I'm being nice to all my pals okay being a good boy to all my pals I treat them with kindness and respect so essentially in shrouded is another Survival game so if you compare in shrouded and po world poor in my opinion is the has more gameplay but if you like survival games and shrouded is the better Survival game I'm not enjoying any other game right now that sounds like a personal problem there buddy Buckaroo but no I don't got D and D tonight we can do an ined stream if we want I'll do a poll we got 1523 people watching and uh if we all vote then we'll have a good idea I know it's like look it's not the American election okay you don't have to vote for the next president I know none of you are going to do that but maybe you want to vote for what you watch next which is way more important so like just click the vote thing [Music] there we go there's the new Pole where do you find tomato seeds you can find tomato seeds and a dude bro uh one of the you can buy them I forget who drops them though I'm not actually sure what is tag want to play well I've been I should have played in shrouded a long time ago I should have played in shrouded when it released but I've been so unbelievably addicted to PO world that I haven't ooh workaholic the most useless of stats Mand drops tomato seeds nice I feel like Bushi has potential for being a pretty great pal it's it is easier to buy the tomato seeds for sure I just want some freaking an o wait some Shadow beaks I just want I just want some Shadow beaks to spawn we can go fight time is it right now it's almost 8 streaming for two and a half hours would it be better to bre for skills and get a male and female with off four skills then breed those two until you can Max IVs no absolutely not I will have a video out for it soon the best way to do it the I still have I have a little bit more testing I I'm going to be up till about 6:00 a.m. tonight finishing out the testing on IVs and uh and passive skills I'm 90% sure I know the best method but I haven't fully gotten to test it yet cuz it's super nerdy and it takes a long time to to figure out but I I'm 99% sure I know the best way to do it and there'll be a video out within the next two days if I can do it tonight I'm going to do it tonight but I think I'm going to need an extra day because I want to verify all the results before I actually release a video on it wow no I'm not cool is at 37% that means 60 less than 60% of you want to watch a new game well 60% of you want to watch a new [Music] game 6 a.m. yeah I've been going to bed about 6: a.m. every day I feel like the rare pals are not spawning and I don't know I don't know why they're not spawning either cuz we should be getting either aagon Blas or Shadow beak here and we just they're just not spawning nobody check the dev codes on how breeding Works uh Jackie and do you feel like uh sharing that question or is it a question and not like a like a sassy question you know they may have moved Shadow beak to nighttime secretly I don't think so because I've definitely caught it during the daytime leave the render and come back that's what I'm doing right now uh speaking of which I will be right back I need to I need to use the py for pretty sad voter turnout uh no I'm not cool at 41% dang only 347 votes yeah that's not indicative of anything look you know what the one thing we know about the US population is we don't like voting but then we all like to complain about the things that result from our not voting so we're going to play some inrad in a little bit Tag's amazing streamer no matter what game he plays he normally mixes games and does back and forth so I vote Yes oh yeah we're going to play it there's one thing that I've learned about votes is nobody knows what the hell they're doing so we're going to play enshrouded and we're going to have some fun in a little bit after we're done with this live stream and if you want to check it out cool if you don't then um I don't know don't anyone made a base next to the four chests in the city area um that's one of the best places to get chest in the game but I don't know if you build on that spot if it despawns them I vote so I can CL my vote was useless there we go it's a good it's a big big brain plan right there and the server is very laggy tonight I got to figure out what's going on with that anybody that's playing on the member server if you're experiencing a lot of lag tonight I am sorry I don't think I have a lot to do to fix it but I do recognize that it sucks I'm crocheting oh you're crocheting nice nice what you making all right so we're going to go hunt the two alpha blast mut maybe we'll get the legendary schematic but the real goal it's okay some of us grew up on dial dial up internet look me too I don't know what want to slide an egg means I feel like I don't appreciate the uh the terminology there it's a bit odd you're making a Shaw where's my Shaw I want a Shaw oh shoot [Music] you set up your PO box and I'll make you one yeah and I'm going to be moving soon though so I don't want to set up a PO Box just yet GNA need to sell this house and uh and make a good move and uh and then maybe then I will set up a PO Box again that was a lay poo poo Blas that's for sure oh nice to say oh congrats hell yeah I'm down for for shred but I'm not cool so it's backed against a corner fair enough fair enough all right do we have cake somewhere what's my go-to water type pal I don't have one I feel like all water types in this game are pretty garbage so these two right here this is like our end game wait why why did these two exist right now what what what did I do that shouldn't what was I ju was I just trying to make a flame Emperor here h oh my God as low as it can get a [Music] 36128 let's let's look at what we got so I know we got a must musle head Legend we got muscle head flame Emperor and [Music] Legend we got Legend ferocious and musclehead that's what we got on a level six suzaku I'm 90% sure we checked its IVs and it was poo but let's at least rename it potential cuz that's got three of the skills our goal right now I think is to get a Blas with just flame Emperor on it yeah if we can get like this is like the perfect combo right now to try and get what we want we got ferocious Legend and muscle head again on this one just want to get some levels on that real quick uh we're going to do in shrouded in a little bit for those of you that want to join in uh so in shrouded if you like survival games and shrouded is a new Survival game that is uh that just released the other day it's got great reviews um let's see how the uh concurrent player account has been doing ined steam charts 91,000 in game at the moment pretty good 84% good reviews what's power world at right now uh I have played and shrouded and it's it's it's really good I I absolutely love it it's a really great Survival game oh wow this is the lowest player count I've seen for uh for power world in a while 613 in game but it's got 93% good reviews it's pretty great you're playing it now you're playing in shrouded right now uh let me see if I can come up with a good thumbnail for in shrouded because we'll do it right after the stream we just going to bounce right into it uh so that way we can get hopefully a bunch of power world players maybe checking out ined 2 cuz I I do think it's a really good game I've played it before it released I played in beta and I also had early access to it I think it's a really really I think it's a really great game I think it's arguably the uh the better quote unquote Survival game but po world has the survival and the pal like the the monster collecting part that's like super duper addictive like it's one of the reasons that I fell in love with Ark yeah no 600k is a lot of people don't get me wrong 600k is a lot of people for power world but it's actually uh the lowest power world has been for a peak uh uh for a certain amount of time surprisingly which is saying a lot about power W the the fact that power world at its lowest point so far is still three times like some of the next that only three times but so three times the next Survival Games Peak concurrent like players is insane it's absolutely insane I'm not saying anything bad about like power world at all right now all right we're waiting on eggs I'm setting up the the ined stream because I I've been wanting to play ined for a while and I've put it off I know I need to I need to record like two or three videos tonight uh stamp stamp is actually coming for a visit this week too so like I know I need to uh get ahead in content and whatnot but game for pal world will stay for inted hell yeah uh go live we're going to finish that we're going to do in shata just after this stream we we still have a little bit more to go in this one but uh create new and shrouded release let's see here okay all right got the title got the thumbnail and then we're going to work on trying to finish out our goal for this stream where's the stream going to be just right here like I'm going to set it up so all of you get transferred right to it if you want um the nice thing about about YouTube is you can uh transfer right to things too character to be watch on that booty Red Bull for getting head on vids thank you thank you thank you I'm going to be up I'm going to be up super late tonight but I I have a bunch more testing to [Music] do all right public what time is it right now 8 never never seen in shrouded content excited to discover a new game oh hell yeah like look like power world is great don't get me wrong I'm not trying to turn youall off of power world but I do want to check out this game because it's also very very good and um I'd like to check it out so we're going to schedule that stream for 8:15 we'll do this for a couple more minutes all of you all will be able to transfer to this new stream if you so desire Chris thank you for coming to Majestic be Bean thank you very very very much all right there we go right let's finish this up so we're we're basically to go from this stream to the next one so if you all want to hang out cool we still got a couple more eggs to hatch for these boys that we've been trying to get Maybe we get Super Lucky on these blast muts at the end though that would be freaking ridiculous oh man that lag brutal oh oh my God we got exactly what we wanted oh my God okay wait this is actually stupid freaking good all right we're going to take both of these out I do kind of want to see I kind of want to see what the IVs are um oh my God hi here I wonder what kind of music plays at your pal boox the headbangs are strong I need sleep don't stay up till 6:00 a.m. you can't tell me what to do all right let's see if this thing at level 7 what do we got we got 983 which means we're sitting at 38s 16 167 oh no defense 126 s sitting at a 38 321 okay but you know what that's fine that's fine all right what we need to do we going to put this away so we got flame Emperor but what we want to breed it with we got a flame EMP male that's a big bummer ooh there we go so you see what I'm trying to do is I've got this with three Golds and I'm trying to transfer the one gold to make a four gold now this is this is easily the worst way to do it for a couple different reasons uh one I have a random stat on this one of the power of G of Gaia it's going to cause some problems it's going to take it's going to take a lot of a to actually get all four on one unless we're really lucky what I recommend doing is uh so right now I have four I have four on one but I have three good and one bad on one and I have one good on one that's a really bad way to do it the best rates that I've seen so far is doing two and two where we have two gold and two gold and only those two gold and two gold [Music] um but we're going to try it anyways I mean this this could end up being very very good for us though so what I'm going to do is like when we're playing in shrouded I'm still going to have this game open I'm still going to be running this cuz I want to keep breeding through um all the eggs that we have hatching cuz I think we're on the track to finish our shadow beaks and blasa at the same time so if you do end up watching our uh in shrouded play through which we're going to start here in about 12 minutes stick around cuz we're still going to be tossing to and from and shrouded and this one so if you're just completely obsessed with power world you're still going to get power world content even in the next stream so just stick around store Palace and viewing stands viewing stands don't exist anymore on uh multiplayer servers all right we need more cake my ined playthrough is fresh you're going to be watching from the beginning of the game I have not so I've played the game before I've played it both in beta and Early Access uh but the stream you watch of me doing it is going to be 100% fresh and I have not played it um so I don't know what they've added I don't know any is this super laggy or is there 15 in there what's what's going on here these are the ones that we need a lot of cuz this is the potential end game got 18 here all right I I feel like we're good with the cakes so what we're going to do is we're going to end the stream here uh we're going to be playing p uh in shrouded in 10 minutes we're going to be playing sh in shrouded in 10 minutes I need to get water need to go to the bathroom I need to feed my cats and uh then we're going to be playing in shrouded but we're also going to be checking in on all of our power World breeding at the same time so if you're new to the channel I'd appreciate your support uh feel free to subscribe for more power world actual videos if that's what you want to do uh we're going to be back streaming here in a few minutes we're playing a new game called enshrouded um but we're also going to be checking in all these eggs at the same time so you'll get a little bit of what you already like with a little bit of new stuff and um I hope I hope to see you all there I really do anyways we'll uh we'll be back in a little bit so my goal is to try and give y'all what you already like with a little bit of extra I want to check out on shrouded so we'll be back in a few minutes I just got to get a little bit of food in my belly get some water take a tiny little break make sure my cats aren't rampaging through the house and we will be back in a few minutes this stream is going to Auto redirect you to the next stream already and uh hopefully I'll see
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 43,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, tagbacktv, palworld early access, palworld survival game, survival game, palworld legendary pals, palworld overpowered, palworld tips, palworld best base, palworld best base location, palworld stream, palworld blazamut, palworld eggs
Id: qW7qgF2I1Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 15sec (10695 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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