Nightingale - ULTIMATE Beginners Guide - Essence, Crafting, Building, Gear Score and more

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hello everybody this is night Andale and my goal in this video it is a long one I know because I'm recording this intro just before I finish editing it and I know it's a long one but there are a ton of tips in here I want to take you through the tutorial little tips to help you throughout your journey um I'm not going to go through full combat sections like one of the first dungeons you'll to go through but so many little things that I've been learning as I played through Early Access and then again through today just any little tips I could figure out and point out to all of you that's what this is for so I hope this video while it may be long um I should get time stamps in there after a little while uh you should be able to jump to any sections you need but a lot of this is just going to be little nuggets of information I've learned through about 30 40 hours of playing through this between Early Access and first day and all of those things that I hope to make your journey through especially the first hours getting to your first new realm and all of that stuff a lot smoother so let's jump into all of them and here we go so the first tip that I want to give you guys you're going to go through the basic literally tutorial of me meeting Puck using the realm cards we'll talk more about that a little bit later then you're going to go to some of these basic Realms where it shows you some early things well as you're picking up materials that you need whether it's plants or berries or rocks or sticks or anything like that pick up a lot because you're going to have a weight limit that you can hold but the sticks and the rocks and stuff you're going to use in early survival and crafting stuff so my advice is run around and pick up pretty much everything you can every one of these little trees is going to be sticks every one of the little plants are going to be plant fiber so just pick up a ton of it it's only going to say like seven and six and three pick up more than you need and that'll help you a little bit later so that would probably be the first thing in these tutorial places spend a little extra time pick up over more supplies than you need and you can kind of jump into things a little bit quicker once you get settled second quick thing is if you are looking for rocks in this opening tutorial area like if you're picking up the plant fibers like this those are all going to count for plant fibers sticks you pick up trees you can see I've already got 80 so literally you can acquire way too many rocks are going to weigh a little bit more so you'll have to check your weight notice how I'm just picking up everything like every plant every stick just get all this stuff early you're going to use it all as you're exploring this place but rocks just kind of come to a beach side kind of off this front Island like that's the portal you're going to leave on so just kind of check the outer areas by some of these rocks and you can't break down these rocks until you actually get tools a little bit later but these little piles of kind of small rocks on the ground that's what you're looking to pick up so if you're wondering where those are knock those out quick but yeah you notice I have like 95 plant fibers and all of this pick up a lot of stuff early and it's going to serve you well and then once you feel like you've got a decent amount of materials and you're not overly encumbered all right so the next thing you're going to notice is each of the Realms is going to have an elemental environmental kind of Hazard you're going to have to deal with in the desert you're going to be dealing with heat so you'll notice heat will rise but at night time you probably aren't going to be as hot in the forest at night time you might be a little colder and we'll get to torches and stuff in a little bit in the swamp you're going to have to deal with bogs and kind of poison but in the forest also you're going to deal with hail hail is painful you'll eventually get an umbrella early on we'll talk about that once we get there but each of the environments have a hazard to them and you need to plan around either being in the shade being in the sun having an umbrella the elements are a thing to watch out for so just be aware whichever realm you're going to be going to that the elements do make a difference now I know this is all still in the tutorial but there are just it's a good time to point some of these things out a lot of times when you build structures you're going to also have basically certain things that change how the placement of the object is going to affect your benefits or not from them so you'll notice I have it out here it's like here's the tent and here is not so it's currently grit um it's not on a stable surface so that's going to have an effect on it and then exposed you're going to have a little less benefit and rest blocked un from uncomfortable environment for resting so it's like I really won't rest if my bed is placed here but if I move it under shelter I've got comfort from nearby furnishings and I've also got Shelter From The Elements so if I place this down we can put our plant fibers inside so we can build the bed and you're relationship with rest and stamina it's going to talk about that um if your rest drops too low you will begin losing Max stamina and will succumb to it if it reaches zero so if you run out of rest and stamina you will basically pass out and die uh then have to respawn rest Buffs increase the Comfort level of your bedding amenities such as light heat Furniture make everything better which we were talking about resting requires a minimum Comfort level building the bed roll under shelter meets the necessary requirements so this is one of the things I want to point out as well a lot of objects that you can actually interact with you can rest just like this and it's going to just fill up my tired meter fully and we're going to go make some tools but the other thing is if you hold down the interact button you'll see that I can inspect it and you can see Comfort that's going to raise kind of the benefit of the trait grit is going to be decreases Comfort by R one but the shelter improves the Comfort by one so make sure you are paying attention because when you're building a whole bunch of different things where you place them under shelter near objects well lit which comes to your base and lighting and that type of stuff will make a difference later those all will matter we'll cover more as we go all right every so often you are going to come across a wall that looks like this it can be in a structure of Interest it can be just in a little side area I've seen them all over the place but these walls are ones that you're actually going to be able to break with your your mining pickaxe you'll see this doesn't count but if you have your mining Axe and probably higher levels later on usually about three hits well or four and then half the time there is going to be something inside not always I've opened plenty of those walls and nothing but that's sometimes more if you're in like a puzzle point of interest but I got a card which is a minor card for point of Interest I've got the way to kind of upgrade some stuff we'll discuss those later but yeah any of those walls like that can be broken so if you see one see if there's something behind it all right so once you get through the opening tutorial it's going to ask you to build an estate Karen Chiron probably saying that wrong c a i r n karen is what I'm saying but I'm probably wrong so you're going to need to collect your rocks and stone blocks now depending on your inventory I'm probably going to need to make some space for those because I've got a whole bunch of other crap on me and this is the thing these are going to be a couple tips combined together if you need space What you're going to want to do is instead of just dropping stuff if you want to make a journey which I'm going to explain you probably will here in a second you want to extract more often than not you want to make sure you get the currency of essence from whatever you're holding as opposed to just dropping the inventory there's not really a reason to drop anything and leave it there unless you're just like doing some inventory shuffling and you're going to pick it back up but if you like I can pick up sticks pretty much wherever I want you can do it one of two ways you can extract the whole stack or if you hold shift and drag it you can choose to drop or extract it and if I extract it I'm going to extract most of it but I'm going to keep myself like six of them and I can thin some of these stacks of stuff that I've got to make sure I've got space for what I need bones again or I would if you see hide keep that early on things like basic rocks plant fibers Twigs those are easy to just run around and pick up because this is a plant this will count as a stick you know like hear the difference in the two and like mushrooms are good going to be good for consumables and sometimes in any realm you can have Essence drop whether you're fighting an enemy picking up something and your essence dust is that currency you're going for but as you break stuff down you also get it and it's a one by one on this first tier of stuff so that's why right now I have 294 cuz I've just been picking up a whole bunch of random crap like I was literally running around just doing this just running around picking up just about everything and just keep hitting e while I go so then while I do this and again it's a one to one so this little stuff that you can run around and pick up early on is also the currency you're going to use to buy blueprints it's the currency that you're going to use to repair your items if you want to as long as the repair cost is reasonable this stuff's pretty light pretty easy to pick up I don't know that might be a little confusing to watch but now you'll notice I have 63 plant fiber again so I can come in here break down most of that Leave myself about 15 sticks I don't need that many right now so I'll leave myself about 10 and there you go I bumped up my Essence and that early Essence you're going to use to buy every blueprint so later on you're going to thank yourself for doing this type of stuff early but when it comes to building your estate Caron and having a fast travel point if my Essence Trader in this realm who you're going to buy your early recipes from and your Blueprints and schematics is literally halfway across the place from where I land Ed I'm going to advise you to travel across the map and probably put yourself in a central location there are points of interest all over these maps that you're going to be going to smaller points of interest where you just may bump into a little bit of remains of like ruins or something like that and you might find a little bit of currency a little puzzle a little group of enemies sometimes you'll have bigger things like a giant busted ship sitting on land for whatever reason big and small those are going to be things that you want to investigate each realm fully and find because those are typically where you're going to find your like clumps of essence like there's times in there it's like hey you solved a little puzzle or you defeated these enemies here's like 25 Essence early in this realm that's not that hard to get the essence cuz I said I can break a lot of stuff down but later on that will be more important in future Realms so you'll kind of get used to that habit but you're going to basically explore the entire realm so if you can make your base in a more central location you'll probably thank me so what you can do when you get to the map is you can mark it in two ways you can say hey this is just a basic area and maybe this area has ore so I know if I need to come back I can Mark or now that's not going to show up on my on my screen or on my compass but if I want to map a true location that I want to go to maybe I want to put myself here Between the Lakes maybe a little closer towards the center maybe on one of these two sides I want to mark this as maybe a place that I want to go to and I'll mark it with an anchor and now you'll see it's going to show you the exact distance the direction on screen where you need to run and it is very easy to see so let me run over there and then we'll actually build our estate in a more central location and as you are going for longer Journeys one thing that you might want to do is you might want to make sure you are consuming food and meat and stuff that you've got so if you've cooked anything or you've got meat that you can eat sometimes it's going to help you with maximum health and hunger mitigation some things are going to help you with stamina so for here I've got blueberries that I can eat that's going to help me with stamina mushrooms are going to help me with health and then raw meat is going to help me with health and you can have three Health Buffs up at a time and now that I've got all three of those on my stamina and health are both buffed right now so I'm going to run halfway across this map over where we're going and we'll pick up where to more tips literally on another tip before we actually get to the base There Are Places called like minor points of interest this one glowing into the air seems a little obvious this one is going to be a little bit smaller but minor points of interest are going to probably have something around them now not always but but something like this is just kind of a little bit of ruins around it I don't think you're going to be able to jump all the way up there I have had some that I've been able to jump up and you also have the event eventually the ability to scale walls with like climbing axes but when I say minor points of interest are worth going to there's usually a reason you want to explore a lot of the map and maybe you see one with enemies and maybe you're not ready Mark that and come back but this one for example if I run around it yeah I got a little bit of berries and things that I can pick up sure but if you go around kind of this main structure outside of having some food that you're eventually going to get around to eating I've got a chest sitting right up here so that's actually going to have a charm which we'll get to a little bit later some healing potions which are beneficial and there's a second chest over here we're going to have a random realm card we're going to have some infusions for things couple more items as well so if you do see there you go there's a little bit of essence if you do see anything like this check it do a quick once around see if there's any chests see if there's a puzzle see if there's something these minor points of interest are not on the map but they are very important to explore because it's where you're going to find a whole lot of things that you're likely going to need now as you're doing your roaming around in your first area see I'm getting close to where I want to be you are probably going to run into Predators uh in the forest I've noticed a lot of wolves and I think in different Realms you're going to find different things but anything that is a predator and you'll notice it's a predator by the type of meat that it drops and you notice even Predator versus prey the Predator is going to drop meat that gives you a little more Health bonus but I would try and take out all of the wild life possible big and small and skin them with your knife because you're going to be getting hides which are going to be used for making a different like upgrade of armor you're going to be turning hides into a bunch of different things you're also going to be turning meat into things like animal fibers and you've also pick up bones all of that is part of early crafting so anytime you run across enemies make sure your health health is up make sure you got a weapon out make sure your stamina's good but I would really work on trying to take out any early enemies just watch your health and if you need to dodge your main weapons will do that once you've got stamina you can get a quick Dodge out of the one hands stamina for me is a bit of a struggle right now cuz the rain is not helping and again go for the head shots they do make a difference and you'll notice cuz I'm drenched right now my stamina is really slow to come back enemies aren't too bad if you kind of move and you know sometimes even just a sideways little Dodge will probably get it out of the way but then if you go over here and skin the animal you're going to see the meat drop you're going to see the hide drop you're going to see the bones drop all of this is going to be early crafting materials so the more of this you can do early and just as you're running around doing natural exploration the better so any type of sometimes you'll see a pack of deer you're not going to catch those and you'll get some ranged weapons where you can eventually get to that point where you could shoot them but especially the ones that attack you like Predators those are the ones that you do need to fight watch your health watch your stamina and I might be weighted down a little bit but you are going to need this type of stuff so sometimes you'll just come across a random structure like this for example now it has a chest inside but there were enemies that spawn and you'll see kind of the red foggy wisp the spawn take out the enemies and remember if you have walls like this you can take them take them out they're not like totally crucial cuz I'm pretty sure it's just literally right here but again remember these walls are breakable and sometimes that can be a good thing yeah all these little tiny points of interest are going to be something that you probably want to check on sometimes the enemies are going to chase you down anyway so it's kind of hard to miss but usually at the top of the ones with enemies or puzzles you're going to have these hope echoes and these are going to give me like 12 Essence dust and also sometimes they will give you um things that you can craft like that just gave me the ability to make a simple hammer and if I bring up crafting which we'll get to in a second it's a simple item that I can make so we'll get back to that here in a second but I just want to show you these little points of interest definitely worth visiting and at the higher levels picking up those Essence and chunks like that from an area and also getting stuff from a chest nice and beneficial things you don't want to miss out on so if there's a little point of Interest go do it so once you build your Karen or your estate Karen that is going to be your respawn Point even if you travel to other Realms which we talk about here's the antiquarian side of power next to your vendors and stuff that's also why I wanted to put you in the middle of the map because you're going to explore the whole map but from the center it's at least a little better but from here what you're going to do is as Puck mentions when you talk to him there going to be other sites of power and other sites of Power are going to be where you acquire different cards to go to different Realms and variations of things so you can continue to progress in experiencing more difficult content get higher tier resources so you can level up yourself in your gear and that's what it comes into you notice the gear score in the right hand side is six of 20 and that's cuz most of my gear right now is level six now what you have equipped changes your gear score you'll notice if I have blueberries equipped or whatever that's a level three but if I have um say my axe equipped then I'm at level six cuz my average of my gear is also going to take into account what you're holding so that does make a difference but what I want to do right now is I need to level up my gear score and to do that I need to be able to craft gear so I need workbenches I need a base and all of those types of things so we're going to go through a little bit of Base building but I probably need to gather some materials and kind of get a little setup for it first so when you get your main base location chosen what you're going to need to do is just kind of check your inventory versus the materials that you need because as soon as you get you have your estate Ken placed you're going to get the option in building crafting is a little different we'll cover the difference there but for building you're going to have the option to make your basic foundation for like flooring you're going to have walls you're going to have roofs and a covering to your crafting Basics like actually putting your first workbench your taning station under cover is actually going to make them more efficient so you do want to build a basic structure to make sure you've got something to work with now when you're building a foundation you'll notice up here on level ground that it's going to be a little you know a little flatter a little closer to the ground if you build it on a hill you're going to notice it's got a bit more kind of of the Hill structure to it so my advice depending on where you're building the structures underneath it can have quite a bit of depth like if I come over here you can see that it can actually have quite a bit of depth to work with depending on where it kind of Pops in so my advice is if you have a flattish area like I do kind of find a relatively higher is point like this little pop of the hill is probably a little bit higher than try and set yourself with kind of how you want to line your building up like I kind of want to line mine up next to my estate Karen so I'm going to start on the top of the hill but the nice thing is you don't have to just put your materials in right away what you can do is if then you go to build say a basic walls like these are going to be wooden walls as opposed to stone walls so I'm going to put a back on a wall and that's going to give me something to attach a roof to but just to give myself a little bit of room I'm going to put four pieces down and you can't be standing in the place where you're trying to put it now you'll notice how the foundation will kind of have a little bit of rise to it I'm going to do a couple of uh couple of walls all right still getting used to all the keys but yeah placing you can just Place multiple pieces I don't know if I want that one there so maybe I'll get rid of it deconstruct that one you won't lose your parts and then if I want a couple coverings for it you can go flat roof this is just going to be there or if you think you're going to have a second floor later on similar thing you can go to Upper Floor food Upper Floor is just going to be like sticks and stuff so I think if I'm so if I'm going to do this I can place these two here they're still going to count as covering but I know if I want to do an upper floor later that will work so now what you're going to do is you're going to see the needs for the entire structure and you're going to find random people out in the world who you need to help and they're going to probably have a list of structure like this so I need 32 sticks 36 wood bundles and 24 plant fibers I probably got the sticks and fibers just from my random collection I've got most of those but you can also see what you're missing so at this point I know I need some sticks so I can run around and the things that actually count as trees you kind of hear the wood Branch sound so you can run around and pick up a lot of this stuff pretty quick this is what I was saying it's like as you run around and pick up supplies again sometimes you'll just find some random Essence and that's going to give me a little bit of essence the lore is going to be buried I think in a lot of those cards that's not a bad way to go about that as well sticks can also be on the ground yeah just run around pick up your basic stuff cuz then we're going to start chopping down trees all right so those are done now I do need wood bundles I'm going to start chopping down trees now I've waited a little too long hopefully you don't wait as long as I do for some of this stuff because at night time and this is also where consuming food is going to be beneficial so you're going to have more stamina for crafting and chopping down trees so eat three different types of food that'll help you a little bit for stamina and things uh but as you're chopping down trees like chop them and let them fall but until you really need the space you're going to have stumps on the ground and you're going to want to actually leave the stumps on the ground cuz the trees can actually grow back which is going to be beneficial for you cuz having the trees go back in your main area sometimes you're going to need some wood later on you probably won't worry about that but the amount of effort it takes to chop down a stump is about the same amount it takes to chop down a tree sometimes more so if you just get the trees to fall this is actually going to be a more beneficial way to chop wood and later on we'll talk about having some of your helpers do that now by the way if trees fall on your head you actually do take a little bit of damage so be careful the way these things are falling just pay attention which way they're going and get out of the way but as we pick up some of these items I'm a little bit weighed down by what's in my inventory you go a little bit slower as you go trying to pick up some of this stuff though now a thing to note is as you place as you place items into a built structure and I know this set of the tips is long but it kind of goes through a couple of things as you place items into the structure it's going to build By Priority of what you built so the first things I built were the foundation those are going to build first so I have at least a couple places to actually sit now as I need more wooden bundles so I still need 24 I've got a lot more on the ground over there that I can run over and pick up it's truly going to build as you place the pieces but it's going to build them in the order you place them so if I started with Foundation it's doing Foundation First now I know I'm going to want a basic campfire to make sure I can stay warm and also a bed for places to sit so we've got crafting Basics and the basic campfire going to give you a place of warmth and other stuff we're going to plop that down uh looks like I need a few more rocks for that one so we can come over here and grab a few rocks but if you ever get to a point where nighttime is making you cold like I am right now you need to make sure you've got your torch out and the cold will actually Fade Away allowing you to have more stamina which is important to make sure you stay in kind of reasonable shape now I need a certain number of rocks for a campfire that should be enough cuz as I pick up four four and three that's plenty so your Basics are a structure with a roof and then you can put you know random sticks or plant fibers or whatever you want in here let that thing actually be on now that will help keep me warm since I'm close to it but you'll also notice if you inspect this thing it's going to be exposed a shelter is uncovered so we still want to keep working on putting resources into our structure so it actually can have a bit of a covering so I'm going to keep right now um kind of building this thing out just so I have some you know actual place to work you guys don't need to see me chop down about 100 trees we'll come back once we're done kind of setting up a mini base so this is actually a really good example of when you are placing um objects in your base of what they are next to and related to so something for comfort for example is warmth and also being well lit can help structures all of that stuff actually does make a difference now currently it's exposed cuz I'm still working on building the roof but if I build my bed just say right over here or just even in the middle I'm probably going to use so much to the space for crafting but for now I'm just going to kind of tuck it here right next to the fire and you can see what actually connects so you can get farther and farther away but you can know that as long as I am somewhat near the covering that I'm going to be getting the effects of what it is now it won't work here but you can actually see even if I place it on the ground and if that line of sight Works it'll go long enough that eventually you can see what connects I'm going to place this guy out here and I'll eventually cover it up but right now if I go to inspect it I'll see that it is well lit which gives me a comfort score I've got warmth which is going to give me a comfort score and then but it is exposed by the elements so it decreases by one and the better the comfort and the rest the better you're going to do if you sleep at night time it will do this black screen fade out and then you'll wake up and you'll be daytime again so if you're worried about nighttime elements or enemies that are out in the world you can skip nighttime by even literally just dropping a bed if you want if you're just out in the world or maybe you're about to go fight a dungeon or something like that probably is you can place a bed right next to it and usually if you can give some either structure or flooring or something like that you'll notice it's like it's exposed from shelter but it's not just on the ground like if you give it if you find just a reasonable spot you can put a bed almost anywhere just to be able to rest and and get your uh tiredness back up and if you're about to go into a big dungeon or something you might want to do that but yeah where you place it paying attention to the green lines that affect other structures that will be a thing so build yourself a little extra space I'm actually going to build this structure out now so we'll be back in a minute so once you got a basic base setup chop down enough trees so you've got enough wood picking up sticks and basic rocks and all those little things I'm doing wood structures if you prefer to go rock you can but again remember having your equipment covered so it's sheltered so the refinement time is decreased by 10 seconds it's well lit refinement time is faster and it's warm since it's near campfire all that stuff does make a difference um one of the earliest things you're going to want to do so even before I go over to my Essence Trader because over at the essence Trader you're also get going to get one of your first kind of assistants to run through and you can use them for storage you can use them for help equip them with axes and they can chop trees down we'll get to that in a little bit before you go on too much more of a journey you're going to want to make some simple stuff because the makeshift stuff that you've got right now not very good so these are not very capable of doing a whole bunch your simple items are going to be a tier higher um you can see this is level six it's common when I make one of these say like a simple wood axe now you're going to need stone blocks so you're going to use your basic mining Axe and you're going to have to find some Stone I'm currently encumbered but that's my bad and again making these next to a little ledge not a bad idea um I've got a bunch of straps I don't need all of those right now I'll save a few but the straps you are going to get by using a tanning station and again when you're going for interacting with an object you actually need to be over the object like the wall doesn't count but when you interact you can see what things need so you need hides for a lot of things basically everything in here chitten is kind of a exoskeleton so if you're in a place like a desert that has bugs that'll be what you see there then an animal fiber will just come from any meat you'll be able to make animal fiber which will'll use for other things but straps and leather used for clothing and tools those are going to need hide and the hide that you get is when I was showing you when you take down Predators or prey or anything of that nature you're going to want to save all their hides especially early on for making leather making straps and basic tools so that's what I want to say is like when you're running around with these makeshift tools and you see some boore that you may need to attack attack them take them out skin them and you're going to be better off because that way you can make these initial tools once you get to this place all I had to do is go chop down a couple trees so now I can add the stone blocks I can add one piece of wood and I can add two straps in and I can craft a simple wood axe and I can take that Axe and once it's done that axe is going to be level 20 instead of level six melee damage of 30 melee damage of 45 um blocking efficiency is going to be a little bit better but more strength more magic power more durability so actually the durability doesn't change too much but as you level up that's where you're going to get to that point now when I go to repair that it's going to cost me a little more than the basic one but that's what you need these simple tools you're going to want quite a few of these for a little while so a hunting knife you can skin more things that you come across cuz you're going to want to make want to make a lot of gear um and then a mining pick is probably the third one as well you're going to want all three of these so when you go for straps you're going to need at least six to get the basics and against straps it'll tell you it's going to net you if you put hide in what it Nets you so if I bring hide over here and if I want straps you can see when I put one hide in it's going to get me two see it's actually going to be one will get me two so I can craft that and then for leather it actually takes two leather two hides to make more leather and that's why when you're doing some of this early stuff you're going to need as much as you can so tools first so then you can go out and do more stuff and you can replace your previous tools I can bring my mining pick down here replace that I can bring this over here and replace that and then these basic tools that you've got even any of the partners that you find you can go ahead and extract your essence from those because you're not going to need them anymore and if you do need some you can always come back and make a makeshift item for some reason you're using what you need you run out of essence for your simple pickaxe and you need something else to chop down a tree basic rocks sticks and plant fiber that you can find anywhere you can always make a makeshift item in a pinch and especially like torches early on making torches they don't seem to run out so you can just use those indefinitely but if you need more the makeshift stuff is always there under crafting which is is under se but then if you're going for building stuff that'll come a little bit later so now that we've got a couple basic tools I'm going to go over to the essence Trader and show you more about them all right so every time every so often you're going to come across some things that will actually Mark themselves on the map so I so you showed you there were some sites of power that are unmarked those are little things where you're typically going to find a little bit of supplies a treasure chest you might just find you know some food on the ground whatever it may be little structures there's something usually to pick up you're also going to find some that are a little bigger whether they're encampments like I had by my base where it's an occupation you need to defeat the hostiles but you'll get a reward sometimes you'll find some that are puzzle related like this one is going to be a simple puzzle you're literally just looking to activate the little totems in their timing and they're going to show you so that one's first and this one's going to be second and that final one over there's third so far I haven't seen these be too in depth but they are pretty simple also it's starting to rain which is going to be a reason why I need to go get an umbrella once you get all three in the right order and again if you do them in the wrong order you'll be fighting enemies so take a second make sure you get the order right makes this much easier we're going to come up here you're going to release an echo I got 12 Essence I also got a new blueprint for a random lamp and then in here you're going to release a favor of power now every so often when you do these you're going to notice the favor of power when you Mouse over it um the beasts of the realm appear fragile and your new found strength you can easily dispatch beasts so for a little while if I do run across anything that I could attack like deer just going to run away so it's tough I'm just going to slaughter the entire herd but normally like those would take two hits for me to get through but you'll notice the damage I'm doing with my pick much more than normal and that's one of those moments where that buff now it's temporary it won't last very long but if I had a ranged weapon for example I would probably be able to onot these guys and at least get one of them taken out cuz normally if you get a range shot you're usually not going to be able to do enough to pretty much anything early on even with just a little marble shot to be able to take them out but with that random buff I'm able to if you're using this later on in a game or something you've got that as an a buff that you can use to maybe attack a boss or something bigger or anything along those lines that's where those Buffs are going to make a bigger difference right now not really doing me too much of a benefit cuz they're usually too fast they have weird running patterns sometimes you might catch them running back at you and that's a point where you can kind of catch them in their tracks a little bit but it's it's hard to catch the deer the Predators will come at you so anytime you've got Predators coming at you uh whether it's boar whether it's wolves in the forest or anything that comes at you early on as long as you're not going to die it is a good idea to fight them and get the hide and the meat and everything that you can make leather and straps and animal fibers on all those things because that's one of the harder things to grind so as you're exploring like these wolves for example they're attacking these little I don't even know what those weird creepy things are but for now I'm going to use my ability to kind of take all of these guys out I don't know what those are they're obviously not hard for me to fight they're kind of creepy looking caterpillar deer which that is an odd description of anything but the the Predators typically will come back at you now it's raining so you notice how much more damage I'm doing if I get a crit if I can get a crit no it's not going to let me get a crit but again stuff will not hurt nearly as bad which is nice yeah being as it's raining and I'm being rained on my stamina sucks right now but things are a little bit harder to do but yeah every single animal that you can face truly take the time for the bones but mainly for the hides and the meat you're going to get fiber from the meat the hides are going to get leather and straps both very useful for a while so again here you'll notice this is a random probably unlisted side of power there might not be anything here sometimes they're just like cool random structures but sometimes there's usually maybe like a piece of meat or a meal or something sitting on the ground if there's not no big deal just check them all right so from my base I've made my journey over here to the antiquarian side of power that's one of the first places we're going to go down in and clear out uh but I've also got the essence Trader and our first Quest person now you also notice wandering around is Elizabeth so if I go talk to Elizabeth this is one of the first people you can recruit to kind of be part of your party and help you out so a Survivor nearby needs Aid in completing a structure and this is the first example now structure is up here under this cover and you also notice right now it's actually hailing so you'll know what's the difference between rain and hail one because if you stand out here I'm actually going to take damage and my character's going to be like ah all of those things um but you also see the little square blocks as you fall or as they're falling down you can see them as a little more they look like it's raining small rocks that's probably why it hurts um but the people you recruit like Elizabeth to be part of your party you'll notice she has an Axe and she is just walking around shopping down trees she will do the same thing for you and they also have an inventory they have gear and you can equip them with different things so if I equip her with a pickaxe for example one she's going to be able to use that pickaxe in battle so if I'm using if I'm fighting say machines instead of animals the pickaxe might be better uh but also she would then go around and mine rocks if they are nearby but they also have an inventory if you go up to them once they become part of your party that you can use as kind of a Pac mule um so right now these the things that I need to finish her structures and then once you finish the structures looks like I need rocks which I don't have any of at the moment I can walk over here and I can pick up the basic little rocks on the ground every one of these little bundles of rocks is worth like three or four so you don't need to usually overload yourself just make sure you get enough and I'm at like 17 by picking up four of those Stacks so once you've got them recruited so you finish building usually when you do one of these quests you'll maybe find these people out in the wild they will also have a chest once you finish the quest you can actually open the chest and I'm going to get some Essence for that early Essence not that hard to come by cuz I showed you you can break down Twigs sticks plant fiber rocks all of it and get the essence later on at higher levels helping these people and getting a clump of essence like that at say tier one much harder to come by because you can't just break stuff down but now if you go back and talk to her you can actually recruit them and they are going to be part of your team and they will follow you everywhere if you fast travel home they're going to teleport with you you run into a dungeon they're going to be in there and you can choose if you want to equip them with better gear which is not a bad idea so right now their gear is at like level 16 their ax is at six so if I make her a wood shift axe for example she would be stronger but she's also carrying wood bundles and I can have her carry rocks I can have her carry Twigs I can have her carry just about anything that might have weight to it and she's got space for and then later on when I get right back to my base she will fast travel with me and she is actually going to to be really helpful for carrying stuff because sometimes you're like she could have a hundred like wood bundles in her inventory not going to weigh down so they don't have a weight they just have a capacity of items total here is this grid when the 20 are full that's fine but she could hold 100 Wood bundles and weight's not going to matter apparently she works out way more than I do but they are very very good as storage people to bring with you all the time so that is one of the first things you're going to do here at this Quest area is recruit somebody with you they are extremely helpful now we've got a quest person who's going to give you some tasks to do but you've also got your essence Trader now your essence Trader you have ways to look up your essence Traders if you go up to your guide book and you go to Traders you can see the abayance essent Trad Essence Trader this is my abayance R this is where your Bas is you can open it up and you can actually see that I can see everything that they've got so if I go into a certain realm and I want to look for a certain thing you can dig through some of these it's not always necessary to dig through a lot of it so far in the quests have been told like you need to go to this realm to get this thing you need to go to this realm to get this thing but probably later on if you're looking for very specific things whether it be certain materials or constructions or buildings you might have to do a little digging this is where you dig now I showed you in my inventory when I check on Essence that I've got about 600 that's because again I've been picking up so much random stuff and breaking it down like every if I have you know 75 plant fiber I'm going to break down most of that because I know I don't need that much of it that's how you get your early supply of essence so when you get to this guy when you speak with him I could buy a mall but I could also craft it one of the absolute first things you need is an umbrella because with an umbrella you can walk around in the rain in the hail and you are going to be protected from the elements in a light fashion but you can also jump and glide off of high areas and you can catch yourself with the umbrella so you can fall down which is really really important now you can have advanced Rubes if you want made out of crude wood so I might buy those just to see what they look like I have plenty but some of the early stuff you need are your Basics so this is why each one of these being 55 I recommend doing exactly what I did picking up a whole bunch of junk and dismantling it for Essence so I know early on I need a sewing bench this is going to let me make my first set of clothes and once you own these things you don't have to like come back and get more their inventory doesn't change once you're here you're going to have everything you need simple enchanters Focus this is going to allow you to make cards you're eventually going to need this one as well so you can go to different realms and then depending on how much currency you have this is where you can get into a little bit more of refined items so a table saw is going to let you refine Lumber smelter is going to let you smelt Down rocks and ore mortar station is going to allow you to do uh different crafting options Spinning Wheel that's going to be a bit of an upgrade for certain clothing items and masonry bench you guys can get the idea what these are all going to be used for so now that I own All of These Blueprints whenever I get back to my base I can craft all of them you can buy specific supplies if you need to and sometimes it's easier if you just are swimming an Essence and later on you probably will be able to do that but unless you need something specific I wouldn't spend like 45 Essence on one twine when you get to the point where you can actually make twine not that hard to do so not worth you know dumping all of that in there so I've got all of the like kind of recipes and schematics that I need uh the other things you might want to check again for buildings if you want both roofs sure lighting is not a bad thing it's not an easy thing to come by but if you want simple candles Chandelier again having your stuff be well lit actually does give it a benefit so I've used up basically all my Essence let's see what this Quest guy has to tell us this is your very first Quest so basically what this guy's going to do is kind of give you an early quest so the forest antiquarian realm so it seems there are many great fellow realm Walkers that's what you are um as near as the forest antiquarian realm so so if you can make a forest card in an antiquarian card that's how you're going to get to that realm you'll meet new people and aelio effo aavo Ortega in my Journeys never seen someone so clearly plagued by gold sickness but if you are in that area you can talk to them uh it seems Nelly BL managed to escape New York and she's going to be out there in the world so you can talk and kind of get an idea of where some of these will go hidden in the desert astrolab so can you need to get the desert card and the astrolab card Victor Frankenstein himself is out there so those are the two that I'm able to go for at this point that's all for now and those are going to be quests that I can get to later so at this point now that I'm kind of done with this area if I wanted to apply a realm card I could and it's only one card per realm but you can override it if you want to if you did one thing that had a benefit for fishing you're like done fishing I'm good go apply something else you can get benefit it's there so that's the realic transmuted mutter I know we covered a lot here in this little piece of the recording but now we are going to travel back home so literally to do that it's damn near instant I'm on an SSD I'm home it's that fast so now that I'm back here I'm home I can work on what I need to I can figure out what I need and at this point she's right here and if you leave her with an axe she's just going to walk around and chop down trees and she will do a lot of that so for now that's as much of the tips you're going to get about this recording let me see what else I come up with so for your other characters that are going to be in your party typically I think it's only one at a limit right now what you're able to do is actually change their equipment now if they picked up supplies I can hold on to those and I can move those over so as I said they're really good to have for materials that you need carrying them cuz they don't really have a weight limit let you do uh but on the other side like I have a better axe but right now she does not she's got her junky one but if I just take the axe and I move it over over to her inventory what you can do is literally just highlight it and instead of her level six one she's going to have a level 20 and if you equip that one you're good so she doesn't need the other one anymore they don't have a durability as well so they're actually able to kind of just use stuff indefinitely so if you give them a specific tool as a weapon or a tool they are going to use it indefinitely really without repair or if they do need repaired it's way too long for the hours that I previously played so now if she wanders around and there's like trees over here that you're chopping down and you're in the area if you start chopping she's going to do one of two things one she's going to chop stuff down for you if she's in the area or if stuff has been chopped and she's like equipped with an axe she's going to sit there and chop down trees I don't know if I said this but as I said don't shop these down usually it's not worth what you get from them but also I think trees are going to grow back so you may as well just leave them up so I'm going to work on Gathering up some materials so I can make some clothes and then we'll be back quick thing uh went for a little exploration it did start to to rain and as hail can happen in the forest uh this is the one thing you're going to want to make make sure you're protected against so you're going need one wood bundle one stone block and one hide for an umbrella and those are extremely important because your ability to kind of run around and manage the elements is a thing so whenever the umbrella is done crafting we're going to pick that up that going to be an offhand item and again you don't need your food in your off hands per se they just end up there sometimes you'll have other stuff that sits there like potions and other things but if you're running around and you have an umbrella now you can walk around the world while it's raining and you have the ability to manage the elements but also you have the ability to Glide so if I can get a little elevation and it can be high or low but as you're falling you have the ability to catch your fall and it's based on your stamina and then as you Glide down you can kind of cover some ground and you use that from really really high up if you jump from the top of a cliff all the way to the bottom catch your fall at the bottom just make sure you got stamina before you jump and you'll actually be able to kind of cover ground that you might not want to go all the way down if you're like man it's going to take me a while to climb down there but on the other hand if you can just like Glide down with an umbrella it works really well so yeah helps you with the elements you're good with that not getting wet at all or the hails coming down and that won't affect me either as you can see it start to fall and land those won't affect me which is good your umbrella will have durability so you'll have to keep up with that but also jumping off Clips a nice way to do it another thing you can do is if you get to the edge of something and GL and boost you're actually able to get a little momentum so your offhand item like this knife for example if I boost while I'm like kind of on the edge of something it's going to give me more momentum with my Glide and then kind of the Fall will happen so watch your stamina when you're gliding you don't want to be halfway through a fall and then just fall the rest of the way and defeat the purpose use your glide on the way out um as a glider but also if it's a big fall catch yourself towards the end of the Fall to make sure you use your stamina properly and not just break your legs so anyway back to what we were doing looking for animal HIDs so if if a structure or rock face or something isn't quite Too Tall if you can jump and then double tap kind of usually for me it's sometimes a jump maybe a jump and then like a catch you can usually kind of pull yourself up to the top of things as you're climbing I'm trying to climb up these rocks for example I know it could go around but if you're trying to go up a big wall sometimes if you work back and forth you'll be able to walk up a little bit climb up a little bit walk up a little bit climb up a little bit but that little clambering on the edge just don't forget it's there um there are climbing picks that you're going to be able to craft later on so you can use stamina to climb damn near up some straight surfaces but um yeah for early climbing and just edges just remember that's there all right so once you've actually crafted your full set of gear you're going to notice you've got a little bit more resistance and a little bit more health and I've also got you know 100 capacity instead of 50 which is just massively doubled that is one of the things I'll tell you your armor is stuff you'll level up over time but for like where to spend your materials first your armor is nice for the stats and benefits for health and things but your pack for storage your weapons for damage probably earlier priorities in clothing and then you can work on some of the bigger pieces that are going to give you more health or resistance or whatever you find beneficial but the pack and weapons probably my earlier priorities as you're using like new tiers and resources are hard to come by at the when you like make that initial step into a new tier of Gear start with the stuff that makes the biggest difference to you running around weapons for damage um the pack for efficiency but again your gear is going to give you a lot more Health than we had before and then when now when I start consuming consuming food and I get my stamina my my health is going to be up to 188 my stamina's now noticeably higher it the the gear will make a difference and that's how you're able to jump into these new areas and do things but yeah once you got yourself all the way stacked out to 20 you notice I'm still just holding a torch if I equip my Axe and I check my gear score now I'm at gear score level 20 so it's your average of everything plus your equipped weapon and that means we can actually go to the antiquarian side of power and going to show you kind of your first dungeon area so this is a prime example I tried to do the dash off a ledge but I didn't have my umbrella out I had something else out so I had the wrong thing so I barely caught myself with my umbrella but I still fell too far and I broke my leg to heal that type of thing you either need to do one of two things you're either going to be really slow and able unable to like run or Dodge until that timer is out or you can use a healing salv and actually heal yourself up healing potions are only going to heal Health typically but they're not going to help heal injuries like that what I'm supposed to do is do something a little more along the lines of a dash and then a Glide and make it a soft Landing that's what I was trying to do so yeah if you mess up a fall at some point that's kind of how you fix yourself totally random thing I don't know why every so often like this piece of my Foundation is hurt and I can't even tell you how that even happens randomly unless I'm just bouncing around on it too much but your Hammer while it can be used as a weapon it's also one of those things that you can use to repair your foundation now typically your main base isn't just going to get attacked but you can actually repair your base with a hammer sounds logical but you can do it so wherever your realm transmuter of power is um your minor cards are used there and I want to show you what one minor card can do because it's probably one of my easiest pieces of advice early on until you get to farming or doing other things with your minor cards you can check what you've got but as you explore and do random sites of power what you're looking for is going to be a thinned veiled card and what this does is allow you to move more quickly leap safely to Great Heights and use more stamina uh stamina more efficiently and as you're exploring your first area whether you're running around you're crafting you're running back and forth for resources running back and forth to a portal whole bunch of stuff you're going to be doing in this main AB bance realm your main home and there's different stuff you can do in different ways but for me using the thin veiled card and you notice you can get multiple you might find more than one allowing you to have all of the abilities to basically increase movement speed stamina efficiency jump velocity and durability drain um slight durability drain increase uh and you'll see space at all times it actually looks really cool so as it goes into effect you'll actually see it kind of Branch out and when it hits kind of looks really cool like the effects that they've done are really really nice and then you'll notice like you can see out in Space the Skybox actually changes is fully but you also notice I can jump way higher at this point and you can see it actually has the effects a slight movement speed increase slight stamina efficiency increase and slight jump velocity increase now the durability of your tools does drain slightly faster because of what you're doing but for me being as I'm running around faster I have plenty of essence the basic durability of these tools here that one I don't mind and then when I go exploring in other Realms you can have different effects there but now if I do my little umbrella dash for example I'm going to be able to last way longer this the stamina's much more efficient the gravity is a lot lighter I can jump around a bit more like your jumps are higher so if you've got to jump up and scale anything you can do that I totally forgot to uh get this one but we're going to take care of that so I'm going to actually do the final thing of venturing into a new realm show you what that's about and then we'll wrap this up so I'm probably going to like shove this right before I get to my outro um as you're running around your new realm you're going to find things that a high tier so you'll notice this tree right here takes zero and that basically means it's going to be a piece of common gear this is all all you can always check by put the wrong tool in your hand and you can see the level but the ones that I noticed as I was playing early and so far it seems the case when I got to this realm it was the white trees they actually take 10 so when you chop these town they don't take that much longer per se usually just depends on the size of the trunk but when they fall you're going to notice you're going to be picking up tier one wood and you will use that for other stuff later on but you also want to make sure when you're autofilling any of your crafting requirements that you go through that you're careful because tier one wood might be something you want to save for crafting higher level things so if you're using wood bundles at tier one as opposed to Wood bundles at basic level or crude level you might want to make sure you earmark those same thing this is why I have the sickle because I can't just run around and pick up all the plants these white ones here require a sickle for just kind of harvesting and these are going to be higher level plant fibers in the same way so as I run around and pick those up they're also going to be something I'm probably going to want to make sure I don't just break down for Essence and currency that I actually have you know very specific uses for and save those for later so that's just one random final Tip since I'm literally standing next to some white Shrubbery and stuff and also occasionally as you're dealing with these new um you know tier one items that chomping that you're taking down they also now will start to drop tier one Essence and that's your early goal is tier one Essence either find it on sites of power which is going to be your fast away not sights of power but any of those points of interest where you get a clump of it probably going to be your faster way but also as you interact with any of the higher level things in the area enemies and other stuff they have a chance to drop that tier one Essence so as you're again running around and dealing with all the Predators they might drop that higher Essence don't forget to pick that up all right so final thing for your abans realm at least for your first step of your journey is to craft your forest and aquar ant Aquarian card we already covered that in all the ingredients you'll need so that's going around and making Lumber and glass and ingots and refining those with all the different crafting stations once you've gone to the essence or the yeah the essence station made your cards and crafted them you'll come to your portal as I said mine was marked on my map uh if it's not marked on your map you might have to explore but I think they hopefully will mark them on the map in um with this new version and you'll notice the antiquarian card is now going to be level 20 so it bumps up the difficulty a little bit you're going to get to tier one resources you can make it public if you want more people to join you can reset the realm if you want to but you have to visit at least one time and if you open a portal you're able to fast travel back to this realm right back to your rest bit anytime you need but to get back to that realm what you're going to need to do is come over here and you'll be able to reopen a portal early on which is fine so if I open the portal then I go through do what I need to do warp back to my respit realm back to my home craft what I need to do and then I come back over here to the portal when I come over here and I open it it's going to ask me if I want to reopen that realm I would I could reopen the realm at that time I'm not going to fight any enemies like I would and then I could go back through to that same realm later on and play around in that realm but if I want to do a forest antiquarian realm that is different than the previous one what you would do is then you would have to close the previous realm put two new cards in and then you have to reset it because you would want a forest antiquarian but not the one you've already made that instance you've made is something you can revisit as long as it's open and eventually you're going to be able to actually make some of these portals back at your base and you can kind of leave them open as portals to those Realms so you're going to be able to make these Realms as something you can go back and revisit kind of on a frequent basis which is a pretty cool thing and all of these are instance they're dedicated servers and I know some people will complain about this being online but being as me and five other people can share the same realm we can go to different Realms with our cards depending on who crafts the cards you make them but they're shared the co-op is actually really cool and it's all hosted on their dedicated servers as opposed to having to pay for a server on your own so I appreciate the fact that it is dedicated servers I know the online piece is a thing but the reason for it for me kind of makes sense that's why I will kind of give them at least a little little credit as to why so I'm eating a little bit to take care of my Hunger get some health up here because we are going to face a couple of enemies I've got my trusty Elizabeth here who's going to help me out and usually it's just a couple waves of enemies they haven't been too crazy yet and then once you get these waves done usually after two waves uh the portal will open but right now it's basically one creating the realm that you're going to so it's literally making the server this is kind of an interesting loading screen if you want to think of it that way uh but then once it's through there will be no more but yeah the dedicated servers that they host on their own allows like the you don't have to all be online at the same time you don't have to make sure you wait on one person the asynchronous co-op is allowed by their on by their dedicated servers so I think that's kind of the give and take that in my opinion seems generally worth it because if I get on now and my friend wants to get on 6 hours later while I'm sleeping we can all share the same realm we can all share the same stuff and I I think that's pretty cool let's go into the realm and it's going to prepare this one for a second and when you get in here you're going to talk to kind of your first Quest guy in here everybody's going to experience these first couple of things but as you unlock more cards and more Realms and the randomness that you explore through these quests is going to take you through a whole bunch of Realms to explore and there's a lot of the game to come so let's get through here and we will wrap this thing up so the faction here is The Druids playing this card uh settled by the The Druids and the F ruins you'll see different things here than you would just in our previous one also have a completely different color palette here but the Portal's just open so if you want to walk on back through you can no big deal but here's our Quest Giver this one's not voiced but this is a guy who's going to give us our first kind of quest uh he notices that you've got certain tools that you were given we were given those by Puck and uh he doesn't know everything but um he introduces him self he asks if we can do anything you can get to know a little bit of what's going on with the where he's from he's basically a reporter doing certain things um and you can read all of that if you want to you ask if there's a way back but you have to basically your path to the city of magic is a labyrinth and it's through a whole bunch of different Realms and connections and things that you're going to have to go through and that's one of the places you're looking for is a place called the watch I think it's what it's called um and you're looking to try and get there there um through going through all of these different portals which is I think a really unique concept for one kind of uh it gives a lot of Randomness to it for everybody the procedural generation is cool and you've also got the ability to um go to a bunch of different places and see different Realms and have somewhat of a different experience than everybody else and basically it says you need to earn the title of Realm Walker is what he's saying in this early quest so the first thing you need to do in this realm is there's different ruins trials that you need to do the Fay High valuable Essences in their architecture so when when I hold Essence in my hand couldn't have said it better so I need to acquire tier one Essence now from that first dungeon I did get a little bit of tier one Essence but you're going to find some from those small sites of power that you find and you'll notice this is higher than this so right now my mining pick can actually mine the quartz but I can't mine the shimmering one yet and that comes as you upgrade your gear and all those little random sites of power we talked about before like that one over there probably has some enemies or a puzzle or anything else same thing you're going to be finding those little pockets of essence so you're going to run around and explore you're going to find some higher level trees some higher level bushes and this is going to be your next realm that you're going to hang out in for a little while there might be some sites of power in here as well explore those fight a boss unlock some more things so that's your general Loop going through each realm leveling your stuff up in tiers exploring more things and then you get to the upgrade bench where you can upgrade things you can add extra augmentations to things and there's a lot just an absolute ton of depth to this game and a lot of Realms that you get to visit so if you enjoyed this video uh drop a like below because this is where I'm going to finish this one for you because at this point you're on to do quite a bit of exploring on your own but hopefully we've got you far enough along at this point to let you really keep wandering around and exploring on your own and Adventure everything that night and Gale has to offer uh if you enjoyed this one though drop a like below leave a comment if you've got thoughts opinions more tips that I may have forgotten something very obvious I've tried to cover a lot and if you want to find me on Twitch or Twitter streaming this and many other things or just hanging out on Twitter find me any e Bon over there but if you're new please hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell I like to cover a lot of things I like to do a lot of these beginner guides to get everybody's feet off you know hit the ground running kind of thing so if you enjoy this type of stuff for me you will find a lot more of it here I covered Destiny for a long time and will continue to but I'm covering a lot more now so don't go anywhere and I hope to see you in the next video but good luck in your exploration of the Realms realm Walker you're on your own
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 13,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nightingale, Nightingale guide, Tips, Beginners Guide, Walkthrough, Tutorial, Essence, Crafting, Nightingale Crafting, Nightingale Infusion, Antiquarium, Astrolab, Realm Cards, Minor Realm Cards, Essence Trader, Herbarium, How to get Ingot, How to get Ore, Portal, Realm, Occupation, Realmic Transmuter, Bastille of Intellect, Hunt, Gloom, Forest Card, Cards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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