Palworld BEST PAL for MINING - Palworld Top Base Pals for Ore, Coal, Stone Mining

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one of the questions I get asked the most in pal world is which pal is the most efficient when it comes to mining now I know everybody's favorite Miner is Dick toys now I personally love them I think they should be the best but today we're going to be going over questions that a lot of you guys have and questions you might not think of whenever you're picking a pal that you're going to use for mining because there are a lot of things that we need to take into consideration which is how many times are they actually stopping to eat how many times are they stopping for a sanity break and heading to the Hut tub how much damage do they actually do when they're actually hitting them and the other question is will I have to deal with the fact of them getting stuck going from one rock to another rock and how much that is going to affect the amount of production I'm going to get for each pal So today we're going to be taking a look at the four Pals that I think should definitely be in your priority we're going to drill down exactly what benefits they have what disadvantages they have and answer the question question which is the best one and the answer might actually surprise you so the way I conducted this test is by putting different Pals with the same passive skills with the same abilities and went ahead and had them destroy a rock and then I saw how much their sanity depleted how much food consumption they actually took and also how much damage they actually did to the actual rock we did the testing with every single character that I felt are the ones that are going to be the top of the list and we also took in consideration what their current level was for mining as you guys know there are some ones that have level three mining level four Mining and up to level five mining I wanted to test them in base level and then we'll discuss what happens when you actually level them up so we started our test with ryro and one thing you want to note here guys his food consumption is 350 his sanity is always base level like everybody else and his food consumption is actually pretty low compared to the other characters all right so compared to the other ones we're going to be comparing his food consumption is only five loaves of bread so we want to take that into consideration when we're doing that so we went ahead and we placed them down to mind and one thing we actually notice what the was the variable differences of damage they're able to do to the actual rocks it varies between level 38 and 42 and that fluctuates based on the amount of damage they actually do the rock sometimes it even spikes up to 44 but I think this is based just on the angle that they hit the rock so you're looking at a variable here I'm going to say of 40 damage per Rock if we actually round that off now after they get done mining The Rock these are the results we actually noticed we noticed that their food consumption went from 350 to 333 we also notice that their sanity dipped almost nine points that means if we take into account what we're seeing here we're going to notice that they're going to be needing to eat food very often and in addition to that we're going to notice that they are going to need to go take a break very soon because they dipped eight points in sanity in just one comp complete Rock so if they're doing multiple rocks that means they're going to be dipping their sanity very frequently and the consumption of the food will also be dipping as well cuz it's roughly about 20 points you know if you round it off so it's something to keep in mind as we progress to the other characters but as we know as we are seeing right here we're going to see that this character will be consuming a little bit more food it's going to be taking a couple breaks now in addition to that we do have to take into account that he is a level three minor and also that he is not going to be consuming that much food when he actually goes and grabs the basket all right so the next character we tested out is blaso now blast is a little bit interesting because you'll notice that his food is actually drastic from 350 it's all the way to 600 in addition to that sanity stays the same but his food consumption is a level 9ine food consumption it's almost Max the one thing to note about him though he is a level four minor so you can theoretically upgrade to level five so that's a pretty good Advantage uh but we're going to see how much damage he does how much food consumption he has and how much hanity he depletes after destroying a complete rock all right so one interesting thing to note here is to see the damage they actually output when they're actually hitting this rock as you're seeing here the it's going to be varying between 73 72 82 I think roughly we could say it's going to be like a 75 damage that they're outputting now the question is that does this damage output determine on how fast this rock gets destroyed that's something I'm going to explain a little bit later in the video but it is something to keep in mind because it's something to take in account to see exactly who's destroying the faster as opposed to the other ones but after they get done destroying the rock now it's time for us to see how much they actually lost when doing it so from the 600 they went and dropped to 588 roughly a 12 point percentile so we were to round it off I would say 10% and in addition to that we also noticed that their sanity only dipped Four Points as opposed to the previous pal that we actually took a lot so right now this is looking like a very promising pal due to the fact that his sanity is dropping less he's consuming less food when actually harvesting and he's doing more damage now is this the best mining pal well let's keep testing and see what else we find all right so now let's see what aagon has to offer once again aagon is very similar to blasa 600 food consumption sanity stays the same for all of them level four Miner and the same amount of food consumption when it comes uh to needing food a level 9 here so once we go ahead and we place him in the base now it's going to be to figure out and determine how much actual damage they're doing to these nods all right so to these particular rocks so as we're seeing right here guys the damage is varying between the 58 and 64 so I'm going to give it a 60% damage that they're outputting to the Rock per in general if we take in account that it varies between 65 63 58 54 and the amount of time it actually takes him to destroy this particular Rock now in all of these scenarios I placed down three of these to see exactly how fast three of them would actually go ahead and destroy that particular rock all right so after that rock is completed this is what we got in results we got 588 in food consumption very similar to what we had with blasim as you guys see 12 points here so 10% that we're going to round it off to sanity wise we got a 96 so that means a 4% dip when it came to sanity wise so this is a very interesting find due to the fact that the sanity level is the lowest out of everybody that we tested now of course out of coolness we got to mention that dick toys they're the worst guys they eat a lot of food they take a lot of breaks and boy do they actually do damage very differently because instead of doing one particular hit they're doing multiple hits as they're spinning the biggest problem with dig toys is they're slow and unfortunately they consume a lot of food now with that being said let's talk about the remaining character which is the Anubis the great thing about the Anubis is that he's a multiple functional character meaning that when he's done with the Rocks he's actually able to pick him up take him into a box and deposit them and help with other stuff around the base when the rocks are disappearing and you no longer have rocks to mind cuz that does tend to happen in the world when there's completely no more rocks and you have to wait for them to spawn back in and what exactly is your pal doing if he's only doing mining if there is no particular other job to do now with that being stated let's talk about pathing so with pathing what we're referring to is how often a pal gets stuck when he is in the base and theoretically this is going to be primarily determined on where your base is located and if there's a lot of things blocking the passage from that you know that particular Rock to another rock if there is you are going to see a lot of pathing errors with rep Tyro and also with aagon now blaso does tend to get stuck it just depends how many uh blaso you have and in addition to that the Dig toys get stuck as well the other one that doesn't really have too much problems with pathing is is of course Anubis because he's kind of like one of the quickest characters in the game now with that being said who is the best power to mine like if you only have a mining farm and that's all you're doing you're doing nothing else and you want to get the most amount of rock from that particular rock aagon is the best one and the reason why is because his sanity level depletes the slowest in addition to that you could mitigate his food consumption with uh skills and number three is he's actually still able to do the rocks and destroy the rocks at night because he's an eternal pal which allows him to do the mining overnight he is the best one out of all of them if your main objective is just to get rocks but you do have to remember if you don't have the right skills he is going to be taking breaks he is going to be eating food and that could kind of just hinder you so you want to make sure you apply the right skills to their character now in general the one I personally recommend and I feel that it's the most efficient one out of all of them is Anubis Anubis is actually the best one to have because he does multiple jobs you're able to scale his mining in addition to that you're able to reduce the amount of food consumption and breaks he takes and number three he's actually able to do both jobs he's able to break the Rocks pick up the Rocks deposit the rocks and do additional jobs and he does not suffer pathing issues the problem with pathing is sometimes you got to go back to the base get them unstuck and put them back to do the job they actually need do and I think that's one of the things that doesn't really take into consideration when you're actually harvesting you know there's it's what's the point of the pal being efficient if the pal gets stuck so I personally think that out of all of them aagon a number one but if you're looking for the most efficient one Anubis is the way to go if you guys have another pal that you probably be like laser you should have probably checked out this pal or disagree with me let me know in the comments section down below and why in addition to that one important thing that you're going to want to know is how to pass on skills to your characters to make them even more powerful so check out this video that's popping up right now on the screen so you guys know exactly how to get it done thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 6,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld best pals for mining, palworld mining, palworld mining ore, palworld mining coal, best pals for mining, best pals for mining ore, palworld best pals for base, palworld best pals for fighting, palworld best pals for combat, palworld best pals to breed, palworld tips, palworld base guide, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore, palworld best base, palworld best base location, palworld ore farm, palworld best pal, palworld pals, laserbolt
Id: aLW3IB0nBaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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