Palworld - 20 Things I wish I knew before starting

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so there was a lot of guides out there day one of early access power world and I watched a few of them I felt like there was a number of things that I just didn't get so I decided to share them with y'all so these are my 20 things that I wish I knew when I started out in power 50 hours in so I played about 50 hours of power world in the 10 days that early access has been out there was a lot of tips videos that came out with this game but the more I play the more I wish I just knew before I started so I decided to just write down all the things I didn't know and share them with y'all these are things that I really wish I knew before I use a lot of my time hitting ore with a pickaxe for about half of it I'll go through them quickly but I'll also have a list in the description if this is too long for you so go ahead and read that if you need to but we'll start with number one when you create a character on someone else's world you cannot take that character out your character will stay on that world and you can only play that character there so if you were looking at playing a ton yourself and then trans spring over your character you won't be able to do that your friends will have to play with you or you will have to play with them there is this beautiful feature though that power world implements and it's that you can change the settings of the world mid game you can raise the experience 20 times and change the amount of Pals in the world if you would like you can make night longer or shorter depending on what you need you can make it so that when you die you don't drop anything or you can make it when you die that you drop everything the best use of this though is probably just doing the 20 times experience gain to raise your friends to your level and then you can go back down again and play the game for real tip number two so make sure to place your PO Box where you want it but make sure that it is on flat land there's a lot of issues that happen if you do not place it on flat land make sure that the blue is mostly on the flat land and if you decided to move your PO Box it'll only destroy the items that require the PO Box other things like walls and chests will not despawn but they will despawn over time if they're not within the blue so if you have a chest or you have a trailer out there with many things in it eventually you're going to come back to all of that Stu be on the floor or just gone so don't build half your base outside and half your base inside like I did and don't do what I did and have not flat land a lot of my pals have decided to fall over the edge and get stuck there over and over again I have to come back and I have to put them back up and make sure that they are able to eat and sleep or they'll just sit there and incap themselves over time so on to tip number three so this was a big no and I'm really happy that somebody did actually tell me not to build my base out of wood if you have not seen the Tik toks out there or the videos out there of like a 10 tier base burning down it is the saddest thing to watch I would feel horrible you would feel horrible once the wood is burning there's like nothing you can do you can get your water PS on it as fast as possible but even if you do get it under control there are raids where the enemy just sends pyom Mages at you and it's going to happen again and again and again and if one pyom Mage hits one piece of wood on your base it's just it just goes up where does this guy think he's going tip number four so when you are leveling up your character you can enhance your stats and you can put a points into whatever stat you like there's attack power there's work speed there's weight and there's health weight is the best and biggest one that you probably should put everything into I put a little bit into Health just to get up to a th000 and then after that everything else is into weight attack power you don't care about that work speed you have Pals for that you get 50 weight for every level having this weight will make the game so much more fun for you you are always trying to hold more in your pockets it is doesn't matter what stage of the game you're in you want to be level 20 30 50 you want weight all all the time every time getting ore is very difficult in this game it is the probably the most difficult thing to do it takes the longest amount of time and it doesn't almost matter how or what level you are because you still have to go out there and get it so having this weight is going to make the time that you spend doing nothing just or mining a lot easier and a lot more fun so when I first started I would just run into the distance with my pickaxe and start mining as much ore and Stone that I could of course you can make the mining tools and then make better mining tools but there are Pals that help with Mining and the first one you will have access to is Rush or which is a boore that his passive allows you to break stone much easier than using a mining tool just be careful around the edges then once you reach like level 15 to 19 you're probably going to want to find dig toys cuz dig to is the best pal in the game he is going to save you so much time mining ore he's going to save you you hours and hours of mining you got to find him as soon as you can there is an honorable mention fuddler he is a pal that has an ability to find ore within the area but from my experience you can find ore always in the same spots it always comes back so fuddler becomes a little bit more useless later on but if you want to use his ability I feel like you should probably use it in dungeons more than not so we're number six now So eventually you will know exactly where you want to go for or but don't be like me and just memorize where it's at you can place up to 99 markers on your map I don't know why it took us so long to figure this out but I started putting red every time I found a place for ore tip number seven so the early Pals that you should look for are going to be pullets lift monks ither deer Fox Sparks Tom bat Nightwing and rush or how do you how do you say that pinget have a lot they couldn't do LIF monks are basically pinklets but you can get them a submachine gun which is the reason why I bought this game in the first place the I3 will be your Mount so you can get other things and is also a good wood cutter and when you get your logging going Fox Parks will cook your food but more importantly it's going to cook your ingots when you start getting them Fox Parks also could be used as an early game flamethrower which does get on hit damage tomat is only found at night but he's all around the place so you will have to walk around but they are really easy to see at night he has two glowy glows on his back they have two Mining and transport so that'll be your Miner until you can get something better rushar will be your or breaker until later on when you're able to get dig to and then Nightwing will be your first flying Mount tip number eight speaking of catching Pals when you first start there is a lot of settlements that have enemies surrounded in a cage in the middle and the cage has a pal and the pal is a pal that can be from anywhere on the map so that you can have an ice pal you can have a fire pal you can have an electric pal you can have a pal that's not going to going to be like within your area so it's really nice when you see like something like a flamb bell so flamb Bells passively generate fire organs when they're at your Ranch so it was really nice to have this fambo on the very beginning of the game so I don't have to go around killing any Fox Sparks like I usually do um the flamb Bell also is halfway across the map usually and you have to go to some fire area to get one which is not something I wanted to do so early on like without a Nightwing these areas is also respawn over time so if you go back and revisit them you can get another pal every time so one thing I did which I feel like was a total mistake was I hear a lot you want to build near an area with a lot of ore which this is true but not in the very beginning of the game building next to these places in the beginning of the game a lot of the times is not worth it when you reach level 10 to 15 you can build another Po boox in a different area so why would I build next to an ore area where usually the or area doesn't have anything else next to to it so instead of doing that just go somewhere else where there's like berries and forests and stuff where you can get everything at once and then later on go and get the ore so on the tip number 10 so make sure you are getting the X your experience points for capturing the first 10 of any pal what's nice about this is that the experience is tail you to your level so let's say that you capture a Lambo when you're level one and you get about 200 300 experience for that because you are level one and then you come back to the starter area around when you are level 30 and you will get like 3,000 experience for every capture up until you capture 10 of the same kind of pal so tip number 11 is just build the shield I don't know why it took us so long to do this but we were like level 29 when we built our first shield we thought it was a dome Shield but based off how it looked and we just didn't think anything of it so don't be dumb like us it'll save you so tip number 12 this game is still early access as of right now so there is still a lot of glitches from pal is getting shot into midair like Team Rocket or your character's hand getting stuck and throwing a pow ball and you can't get your hand out of it nothing too gamebreaking though but the best way to remove them is just to leave and come back to your game it will save where you stand so you shouldn't have no issues just getting back tip number 13 is going to be save your pals to have good passives later on you will get into breeding and breeding is really weird in this game but having good passives on your pal is hard to get save all your tier 3's ability passes it'll be a lot less of a headache than just getting some small cash when you try to sell them to a small Merchant tip number 14 is going to be condensing your pals looks nice and fun and beneficial and it it will increase all your pal stats and ability passes but it takes a lot of Pals to do so you're going to have to have one pal plus four more to get reach level one which is beneficial but after that it gets exponentially higher so it goes to 16 PS that you're gonna need to get level two and then you're going to need 32 Pals to get level three and then you're going to need 64 Pals to get level four so that's this is like end game Min maxing the best you probably want to get it to is like level two in the beginning and then after that just kind of chill out he efficiency okay well let's let's look at King poker right now did he go up by 10 lbs did I go through this whole thing for 10B for 10 lb I leled up King Paca the level two for 10 more pounds tip number 15 is going to be murder everything that you see and just never stop I used to think that there was no reason to just go around and kill Pals but there is absolutely a reason to go and murder Pals you cannot obtain bones you cannot obtain pal liquid horns ice organs leather and high quality pal oil from farming and you're going to want high quality pal oil so you have to go into certain areas and get as many as you can every now and then you'll have to go and farm just like you farm ore there is no way you can Passover Farm These and these don't weigh nearly as much as or does so if you see like 20 PB in a line just rip them all and take them home every now and then so tip 16 is basically upgrade your flying Mount as you go through the tear I don't know why but I stayed with Nightwing until like level 35 I thought all flying mounts were the same speed and that is not the case there is so much faster mounts out there tip 17 is going to be food is good but berries and bread is all you you need so once you have Pals planting watering harvesting and transferring your foods and you have a meal just make flour with your wheat and cook that flour with your berries and you got the only food you use for the rest of the game so tip number 18 is something that I stated briefly before but you will have the ability to make three pobox bases so once your base becomes level 10 you can do a second PO box and once your base becomes level 15 you can do a third PO box and you're going to want to use this because each pal box can have 15 more Pals working underneath it so instead of just having 15 Pals at your main base you will have 45 Al together one of the reasons why I'm saing this is because I was so eager to have those extra PS working that I just kind of found a spot and made a base and I didn't really think about moving the PO Box to an area where there is ore or quartz nearby and that would be a tremendous help instead of having to fly like 50 miles to get ore just build the base next to an ore deposit and you can just teleport right next to it so on the tip 19 one of the best and funnest ways to play the game I believe is pull back your pals right before they're going to get hit by something so whenever a boss is targeting your pal and they're about to do like Hollow purple on it or something you can call back your pal just in time to dodge the damage so this is probably the best and funnest way to play the game when you're trying to find a boss that is way higher level than you and you're able to do eye frames within that fight all [Laughter] right [ __ ] so on to tip number 20 still speaking about bosses so bosses are considered Pals so you still need to capture 10 of them to get that sweet sweet experience they are also the only way to farm ancient civilization parts so when you get up higher and higher in level you can come back down to the lower level bosses and farm them I also don't think this need saying but these bosses sometimes are hard and going to the next boss without a boss pal it's pretty difficult so every single time you fight a boss pal you want to at least capture it to use it on your team or at least try it out until you go up until the next boss pal and then you'll try out that boss pal and see what it does for you but boss pals are going to be the strongest Pals in the game so you're going to want to keep on capturing the boss Pals that are higher level than you so that's going to wrap up a lot of wish I knew before I started this game I'm going to waste a lots more hours of my life but it's nice to know that I'm doing it as efficiently as possible stay safe murdering it up out there y'all lers there's no way you C it Ice King Paca you want it want Ice King Paka love I do you ready for Kinga I so ready he's the cing routine all [Music] [Music] right oh
Channel: Wisprs
Views: 1,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #notpokemon #palworld #tips and tricks #gaming
Id: X5uhC6JZd1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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