Can You Beat Palworld WITHOUT Ever Throwing A Pal Sphere?!?!?

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po World a game where you survive craft and throw pal spheres to catch companions to Aid in all of your Empire Building dreams what if we take away a key component in your journey what if we ask the question can you beat power world without ever throwing a pal sphere the rules for this challenge are as follows number one no capturing Pals using pal speres I'm allowed to obtain spheres through various chests as well as picking them off the ground as loot however all I can do with them is sell them to Traders we will have to rely on freeing our Pals from different Syndicate camps around the map purchasing them from pal Traders incubating various eggs we find around the map and breeding more on incubating errors I made in the start of this challenge later number two no intentional use of exploits or glitches and that's pretty much it this video took me about about 8 hours of gameplay just to get through the first boss I would really appreciate it if you would like this video comment on it and subscribe to my channel it would really help me out anyways now that that's out of the way let's get into it all right let's start off by creating a new world on normal difficulty next I named my character created my character I just use one of the default presets I woke on a beach overlooked by a few Pals naked afraid powers are the key the tree holds the truth next I go pick up some sticks unlock the Fast Travel I talk to some guy who gives me Tim wood I pick up a few more sticks and level up right away as I travel a little further I find a small chest however it required a copper key not the best start to our adventure next I find some explore note however when I see it all I can see is too long didn't read continuing down the hill I gather a few more resources and find some berries I continue heading towards the Fast Travel location and of course as luck would have it I find a lucky pal unfortunately I'm not allowed to do anything about it because there's no way for me to obtain it without throwing a pal sphere they'll be free lucky pal I guess be free a little a little further down I level up again picking up resources along the way I then unlocked the Fast Travel station some skilled Islander was up for a chat and he gave me five palum fragments I found a lymph monk energy which now that I'm thinking about this are kind of useless to me since I can't throw spheres oh well I find the second too long didn't read article and continue onward oh a pal spere I'll keep these to sell the Traders later I climbed a small cliff and finally built a primitive workbench in the workbench I craft all four of the starting tools I destroyed the workbench to get the resources back I unlocked the next Waypoint and headed towards the first Syndicate camp now I'm pretty weak so I'm going to have to just distract them and get them to be separated from each other so I can run in and steal the tra pal after narrowly avoiding death I go and steal our first pal a level three [Music] pinget after that I run away and grab any resources that were dropped then this happens poor little guy I see smoke from our next location and head off in that direction I make it without any drum the small settlement there's nothing here from her yet but I will need this place to sell Goods later after unlocking the Fast Travel I make my way to the next Syndicate camp and my carry weight is soon over limit so I level it up a couple of times after a grueling Mountain climb I finally made it oh yeah and I found an egg I quickly run and free our second pal leveling up welcome too Toco after that I make a Mad Dash not fighting all of that wolves chase after me go pinget I insert synonym for choose you after a quick bite I find three pal speres just laying on the ground soon after that it becomes night and now I'm cold I should probably unlock the campfire then I pull the torch out and remember oh yeah that's fire too brings us to the end of day one so far we have a level three pinget and a level six too Toco too bad he can only suicide bomb on the morning of day two after my morning climb I am spotted by more wolves fortunately they have glitched into the wall so it's no big deal then I see our next Target these guys are Level 10 way out of my league and they have grenades though I run to unlock the next fast travel location I even get a chest then I hear hear something can it be oh my God it's another lucky pal and I'm dead after respawning in the wrong location having a small cat kill me then the correct location I finally get my stuff back I'm not quite done with a Syndicate Camp I just wanted to unlock the Fast Travel first I lure the guys out of their little Camp then when that doesn't work I try again go too Toco well that was something right great now they're just distracted so I ran and free my third pal a jolt hog [Music] Chris then we made our daring Escape he is level 9 and we can use him later for refrigerating our food but now you get the drill I see our next Camp pick up a chest along the way climb a mountain or two find another chest we can't open sneak in with our little buddy smack some guys around and finally free our new pal lift Monk limk is very important because he can chop wood and plant crops so unlock a few technology Tree items and head back to the small sement to fast travel after much running around I loot a chest jump off a cliff found another loot chest and finally unlock a new Fast Travel location I then finally spotted another Camp to free our fifth pal after more looting I approach under the cover of Darkness these guys are much higher level after what seems like a ridiculous amount of of kiing I run in and run back out again and go jump on a roof you thought I had it didn't you first I grabbed another chest then snuck back in freed the chickpea leveling me [Music] up holy mother of God he's level 16 so now after over two hours of gameplay we can finally go unlock this fast travel spot and actually build our base right back where we started so I put lift monk to work and he immediately started chopping wood I place down a chest throw in some items upgrade a base to level two for level three I'll need a bed and a workbench Liff monk is hard at worth Gathering resources so I don't have much to do I throw down a workbench craft a spear kill some sheep for wool and I throw down a quick house and place my bed in so I can sleep through the cold nights a pals are going to need a place to sleep so I threw down a couple of beds for them as well and just like that we're base level three next I craft a feed box throw in some food might as well build our next pile of bed now our base is level four my pals are going to need a more reliable source of food so I unlock the berry Plantation and put that down now it's campfire time and boom we're level five I quickly realized none of my other pal are actually doing anything to help out at this point we are going to need to get some more Pals so I head out to find more trap Pals finally I spotted another Camp I also found a huge dragon egg that will definitely come in handy later oh look at that thing we have to have it Fu him serent something killed build everything there for us she's dead now but she's level 15 on to the next Camp level 20 yikes oh no I I grow the wrong creature please don't die I ran in freed the little guy and got out of there after running and running I started to think about life choices and how I needed armor and a shield finally I found a fast travel spot and headed home after dropping the pals off I spent the rest of the day building some new pow beds and doing various chores around the base it is at this point that I realized I need some new gear I gathered some resources and crafted some armor and a shield then I noticed something not so great thant has the muscle head trait which is plus 30% attack minus 50% work speed but he also has work slave which is plus 30% work speed minus 30% attack so his attack bonus is completely negated and overall he just has minus 20% work speed what a ripoff this will be useful for breeding later but we're a long ways from that so after that news we need more leveling up so I fast travel to find more Pals I level up almost immediately after going out and then I find this guy having a stroke then finally I head to another camp for this one I just run in and take our first lamb ball then I'm chased Away by a giant blue thing and it kills me but after over 2 and 1 half hours of playing I finally got my first lamb ball I did it guys I beat the game eventually I got my stuff back I found a chest with a crossbow schematic and at the next Bandit Camp I free flame Bell also found a pelt Arbor blueprint and then the next bendy Camp I found another lamb ball I ran around in circles for a while nearly died to a flamethrower don't worry though I got [Music] him soon as I went back to my base we got raided by The Syndicate Patrol I quickly just placed the statue down and then changed out some of our workers for Fighters my team shredded them then I built a pal workbench I crafted up a glider and finally crafted a bow and some arrows after that I built a ranch now it's time to go save our next pal a small little sweet flame Bell is much better than I thought welcome to the team little guy after that I level up to level seven when darkness comes I manage to rescue our next pal Vixie Vixie will come in handy later because when equipped to a ranch she will generate loot back at the base I build a logging site and a stone quarry after a couple more trips I managed to free a dinum lux and an AR Sox oh and I traded my spear for a baseball bat but then I decided it might be time to go fight one of the boss cave dungeons after my new friends take out several Syndicate thugs with these I'm feeling pretty confident so I head straight for the boss room it's a level 13 dire how I focus on the smaller ones and my D awesome Lux is just killed in a couple of hits not too great so far so I throw out flame Bell and Flame Bell puts puts in a little work but then goes down as well go surfing serent ends up finishing the dire hell off and I level up and unlock some more things we get two more crossbow schematics before leaving the cave and heading back to the base I go to bed for the night and the next day I head to the small settlement think it's time to sell some Loot and pick up a couple of Pals from the pal Merchant buy a Rushmore he will be useful for Mining and our quy then I sell all of my pal sper some rubies schematics that I don't need as well as a wooden Club after that I go back to the pal Merchant and buy a Gob fin I immediately replace lamb ball with Rush war and box the Gob fin for now rushar goes straight to work in the Cory so no more hand mining stone for me next Comes The Crusher place it next to the stone quarry my base is now level seven after building another Berry Farm and building a hot spring I set my sights on gaining another level level so I can grab the Primitive furnace I head out into the world to fight our first boss chill it for some reason I thought chillet was a water type not an ice type so I let my Dino aesome Lux hit it a few times before switching out to the super effective flame Bell who just melts the boss quite literally yeah and do you see that that right there first boss kill one ancient technology point for some reason I had it in my head that you had to fight the first real boss Zoe and Gris bolt before you received any ancient technology points you only need one ancient technology point to unlock the egg incubator but me not realizing this cost me so much time in the future trying to obtain more Pals I do eventually realize that I could build the egg incubator but basically I don't even use it for this video it will come in handy for later videos though so subscribe if you want to see more videos in this series anyways after all of that I head out to our old pal Mr Syndicate Camp to free a Knox while trying to find another Waypoint I stumbled upon an abandoned M shaft when I got inside I found the happiest guy I have ever met I mean just look at this face turns out he also sells Pals so I looked in his inventory but I decided to come back later because we don't have much cash right now if I can remember where this place is of course I found a desolate Church grabbed the Waypoint some Loot and spin some points of the statue even though they're completely useless for this run hey I'm gaming at the next Bandit Camp I managed to reach level 10 and get another flame Bell back at base I build a primitive furnace and upgrade the base to level eight after more than two hours of additional grinding and getting loot freeing Pals buying Pals Base building blah blah blah you guys get it this is the point where I realized I could have been incubating eggs I was going around killing the easier World bosses and when I fought the third world boss Nightwing I realized I have ancient technology points I can unlock the egg incubator so now let's finally unlock it build it and start hatching this huge dragon egg which you will have to wait till the next video to see because it's going to take an hour and 20 minutes because at this point I'm actually ready to fight the first boss we have a flame Bell an elk the deer a dino awesome Lux a too too and a loop Moon I bought Elks of deer and loop moon from the pal Trader now I know too Toco isn't that great however I just want to take him in see how much damage he does with the suicide bomb to the boss if we fail we'll just grab somebody else and go back in no big deal I have also crafted the Pelt armor blueprint that I found and the crossbow blueprint that I found at this point so now without further Ado let's go take on Zoe and GIS Bolt [Music] [Music] he hey B starts off with me throwing out too [Music] Toco he runs in and explodes for 1,265 damage not terrible not great but it's a decent start now let's try out loot Moon he's doing decent damage but he's struggling to keep up with GIS bolt because GIS bolt keeps focusing on me and will not leave me alone and loop Moon he doesn't really run that fast I keep trying to keep my distance and take some pot shots I've made over a th000 arrows for this battle which is probably a little Overkill but mostly I was AFK crafting arrows or having my team craft arrows just for the extra XP after that I throw out flame Bell who ends up being the real [Music] MVP the fire projectiles do very nice damage and being as she's so small a lot of GIS Bolt's attacks just completely miss her [Music] GIS Bol continues to harass me save me flame Bell save me take a quick bite of food and finally I take the last crossbow shot giving the sacred salute of Victory to our fallen foe we will be breeding many eggs and finally see what's in this huge egg in the next episode I want to thank you guys so much for watching be sure to like comment and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss the next video until next time
Channel: WhatKrisPlays
Views: 13,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Gameplay Challenge, No Pal Spheres, Palworld Challenge, Game Strategy, Tips and Tricks, Palworld Walkthrough, No Throwing Challenge, Beating Palworld, Creative Playthrough, Palworld Guide, Unique Gaming Experience, No Capture Run, Skillful Gameplay, Unconventional Tactics, Mastery of Palworld, Strategy Guide, Ultimate Challenge, No Sphere Run, Palworld Mastery., gameplay, challenge, no glitch, boss, grizzbolt, new, game, pc, steam, xbox, live, subscribe, like, comment, love
Id: oE2X4a0X5jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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