You don't need HP in Palworld!

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hey there have you ever asked yourself the question I like this video game but can I make it almost unbearably painful to play I ask myself that all the time that's what this video is all about when you're adventuring in a world of Pals and you've only got 500 base HP this is what [Music] happens a this is pal world for me at least this is the second episode in a series where I follow a couple of dumb rules 5x damage to players no leveling HP ever no mods only the worst armor is allowed the goal defeat all five Tower bosses and catch all the legendaries and hey we actually see the legendary this episode after the defeat of lily last episode I was riding High I was excited I could level up I could explore the whole world was at my fingertips finally do something different I'm thinking I keep going north to that Tower over there yeah and immediately died see this death was one of several that I've endured that are special in a way I died kind of far from a Teleport Waypoint in an area with lots of aggressive Pals and I'm usually determined to run back naked with no protection and then of course there are Pals camping my things sometimes I'll make new temperature resistant gear to deal with the cold or heat but that doesn't really do anything when there are bees literally exploding on me but this was far from my worst experience getting to where I died sometimes it's taken me as many as three or four deaths to get my stuff back at least on my second attempt here those fraking bees aren't there to kill me again I do get a kick out of them though mother nature and all her glory there was no time to waste I set off to the north flying across chasms climbing Cliffs desperate for fast travel points the forest was filled with high level Pals and even higher level humans pal genetic research unit executioner soon me and my Persona I mean my dog I rode my Persona to the no they're going to think I'm a furry we reached the snowy Northern forests of the astral mountains I took a direct approach hopping on my Nightwing and flying up the side of the mountain it wasn't always easy damn it but after taking a detour around the western side I was finally up we made it to the pal genetic research unit Tower I headed inside determined to face my next boss and okay you know uh we're we're not going to talk about that one um I think I'm going to to do something else and not come back to this tower for a long time I continued my journey Northwest curious about the massive tree in the distance I flew over ancient ruins and avoided more dangerous Pals until I hit the water and I started to cross the channel but the game doesn't seem to be developed past this point yet too bad I turned around I needed goals I needed Direction and if this new tower was way too strong for me then there are two other Towers right time to find them but before I did that needed to not be level 26 I caught a bunch of Pals to level up died to stuff that's barely even my fault I just loaded in and died to stuff that's definitely my fault I don't know why I thought this would work against a crowd I hit level 29 made a handgun and headed east into the desert I found Dune shelter and bought some useful temperature items and flew up to the nearby PF Tower there Marcus leader of the PF waited for me our first battle was truly remarkable with 146,000 health he was probably too strong for me right now so I decided to Head West maybe the other Tower was a little more forgiving by this point I was getting really tired of my slow flying Nightwing but I persevered all the way up the lava until I got to the tower outside there was a baguer rep Tyro being harassed by the fire weirdos so in my infinite generosity I captured him and then immediately died notice how he's a muscle head that will be important later I entered the tower to find Axel and orer at 130,000 HP he was my next Target the true third boss I died and quickly but I had my new goal orir was going down after trying on some silly hats I got to work I'd like to point out that here I'm level 29 how long do you think it's going to be before I take orer down let's just say this is not a short process to keep progressing I needed to continue to improve my base and add new buildings it has come to my attention that I need electricity so I got to build one of these going need a sphere assembly line I'll need a production assembly line yeah I needed electric organs and I didn't have a pal that dropped them at the ranch which meant I had to go hunting hunting in a pure and natural way thing is it's a bit more efficient to catch a pal first and then butcher them rather than kill them outright so I got to work in life so amazing sometimes it can get crazy but hey that's okay we've got another day to make mistakes and say sorry there's no sense in our worry cuz all we can do is try our best to make two more for the meat grinder I started work on the power generator and a sphere assembly line and got caught by another inconvenient death I rolled I wasn't happy about it this one might not look that far right yeah it's not too far guess how many attempts this one took this area is full of aggressive Pals that attack you at range and aggressive humans that attack you at range but the real killer was arrogance apparently I love taking risks which includes immediately trying to attack and capture Pals once I got my stuff back and then dying once I got my life back in order I started to think about the future horer was not something I was going to take on anytime soon I needed levels which means I needed balls I decided to craft 100 hypers spheres and see how far that got me to further increase efficiency with getting new Pals I created a row of six incubators so I could hatch more eggs at one time I built a mine cart in my mining base and I started Gathering materials this also happens to be the reason that I can say that I have died to a time lapse I built a production assembly line died a bunch more times catching Pals and finally got to level 33 level 33 was a level I've been waiting for for a long time finally I'll be able to craft a saddle for Jeff my hell effort and forever bench my super slow Nightwing you were so slow you were so slow however turns out I needed one more level and a bunch of coal what the hell is a refined Ingot I can't even make this yet the hell I built an improved furnace crafted the saddle and I could finally get rid of this decrepit old Nightwing God I will not miss you yes Jeff let's go my favorite pal let's let's go you are not that much faster the Nightwing huh refined ingots cost two ore and two coal and while I had a base set up for mining ore I had to mine coal manually this was not my favorite thing to do so I needed to find good coal patches to make my life a little easier while I was running around looking for coal this happened there she is oh hey girl how you doing wait where you going no no I need you oh jeez even humans have become the target of it Deery it's worse than I thought I did eventually find two good coal patches which I returned to frequently oh hell yeah I hit base level 15 which meant I could set up a third base and soon had one of the most annoying deaths yet this Wildlife reservation was far and if I was so much as glanced at by the armed PF guards I was going to get gunned down by teleporting armored men with assault rifles and yet despite this I somehow decided it was a great idea to keep trying my luck here but once I was actually smart enough to leave I started exploring again I dove into a volcano found a weird desert with cool Pals ragna Hawk I and I found the nubis statue I explored more caught a wixen caught a second wixon when I realized how good they were Man level three handiwork and I just kept catching Pals and dying is that you Jesus Christ eventually I unlocked the single shot rifle and started taking a serious look at the sphere assembly line to that's a lot of stuff I don't have and I don't even know where to find quartz so now I'm glossing over a lot of what has happened since level 29 a lot of time has passed both in game and out of game it was on my 10th day of recording gameplay that I got to this moment yo what up YouTube in this episode can we survive 100 days in po world I built the sphere assembly line to after I managed to find a decent patch of quartz and started on a batch of 20 Ultra spheres by this point my set of 100 hyperspheres is basically gone that's how much time has passed and how many Pals I've had to catch but towards the end of this stint exploring all over the place I finally found my first legendary [Music] what the legendary Celestial Dragon jetrion I was nowhere near being able to catch this thing so I just left I stumbled into a highle dungeon and realized I could actually fight pretty well by now with good positioning and general awareness of what the enemy was doing I could engage with entire crowds of enemies but after clearing out the first room of Syndicate members I had a rude awakening is that no no it can't I can't do this again they want revenge I'm getting the hell out of here I'm not dying like those guys in Futurama you want die like last men visit Amazonia what' they die of crushed pelvises yes oh thank you Lord in heaven in all seriousness I was starting to feel comfortable while literally anything could kill me I was also able to kill most things at my level and Below pretty easily I figured it was time to put some serious work into axle and orir orer seemed to be using electric and dragon moves so I picked a pal that could resist electricity who also seemed to be relatively strong remember that musclehead rep Tyro I captured I slotted him into my team just to see how he'd do in a minute and 24 seconds rep Tyro only managed to deal just under 6,000 damage now I can do some basic math okay two 200 carbon fiber that means I'm going to need like two coal per carbon fiber uh 200 coal I have to be doing 13,070 damage per minute this repti was nowhere close to what I needed I messed around a bit to see if I could maybe find an AI trick to immobilize orer and make him harmless I did at one point maybe see that it could be done but I couldn't figure out a consistent method that trivialized the fight in the same way as Lily unfortunately I had to fight orir and Axle fair and square oh and as a side thing at this point I'd gotten enough materials to craft 100 Ultra spheres to give you an idea of the farming I had to do this requires 1,000 iron ore 1,000 coal 300 cement and 500 palum the coal at least was all mined by hand whatever billionaire I must have been in my past life it's definitely not Margaret Thatcher because apparently I love coal miners I decided to go back to rep Tyro and change up his moves I figured if he could have two hard-hitting attacks with long cooldowns and one attack that he could use constantly then he could always be doing good damage I also upgraded his stats at the Statue of power your pals take a lot of damage in these fights so I used the denom Lux to absorb hits when ryo's Health got low denom Lux is good at this as it has the same typing as most of orser's moves electric and dragon however switching to the denom Lux is a massive DPS loss so I needed him to be as strong as possible I started searching for an alpha denom Lux because at the time I believed they were stronger than regular Pals uh they aren't since the only location for finding dennam luxes was in the desert I started there after a full counterclockwise sweep of the desert which included me finding two legendaries well this is not exactly what I was looking for I finally found a boss denom luux and captured it after a very long fight what a pacifist and it was weaker than the one that I had into the base forever I captured a second one this one with the Burly body trait I upgraded its stats and tried orer again figure out in the middle of the fight that it wasn't working out this is just not working another failure three times in a row the most damage that I got was am measly 8,4 400 damage per minute something had to change in a big way I did some more exploring to clear my head catching a wo a mamist Christ and also finding Frost stallion who I didn't even attempt to capture I figured maybe I could capture it but I didn't want to lean on a legendary pal this early on however I did find what could be considered a pseudo legendary a nubis in the Twilight Dunes I put in a serious effort to catch him with my first attempt lasting a whopping 8 minutes with him only getting down to about half his health I died I [ __ ] died do you understand how far this spot is from any Waypoint that I had it took me 20 minutes to get back to my things and then I died to a too Toco right afterwards are you [ __ ] kidding me so I ran back a second time no I am Zen the long Odyssey back can no longer hurt me I have achieved peace it's over now I figured if I was going to try catching a pal like Anubis I was going to need a closer teleportation spot so I threw down a nearby pal box unfortunately trying to catch this guy sucked I was just not strong enough to get his health down quickly I resorted to trying to capture him with pure luck which of course did not work I needed something stronger to deal with him at the time I was operating under the mistaken assumption that the water type was strong against ground so I went through the hassle of using my Denison Lux to capture a yman tide which actually worked it wasn't even that bad honestly however yman tide got destroyed by Anubis so instead I went after the mamist alpha that's near the start of the game that also didn't really work but he was definitely better than the yman tide for this God damn it I gave up on Anubis and went back to the drawing board I tried fighting orer with the wo that I caught but even after upgrading his stats he was still still just matching the damage of my rep Tyro I gave up for the night and I went to bed [ __ ] you all see you tomorrow I had no idea what my options were other than to level up and I really didn't want to do that the next day after digging around in my pow boox trying to find some inspiration I stumbled upon my dud that I rescued at the beginning of the game this guy has an ability soil improver which increases the attack of ground Pals in my party after testing a bit with a gumas it seemed that having multiple Duds stacked this damage bonus this had to be it right I cracked the code we're cooking with gas now I waled back into the fight with my rep Tyro this time carrying two Doods with me and more failure I was doing more damage but it was only about a 15% increase over my best rep Tyro attempt I figured I'd keep stacking the bonuses I got rid of my Gail claw and went in with my rep Tyro three Duds and a wumo in case the rep Tyro got hurt and better I actually cracked 10,000 damage per minute but it just wasn't good enough as a side note by this point I'd rather consistently figured out orser's attacks even though this is hard mode orer is not particularly hard the real issue is making sure my pals stayed alive I wound up withdrawing them from Big attacks and sending them out right after but this has the unfortunate side effect of reducing the amount of damage that I can do it's necessary though orer chunks my Pal's Health if I'm not careful but no matter how consistent I got at the fight my pal still needed a lot more damage to win I was distraught I accidentally blew up my base and just sort of wandered around thinking oh I'm so dumb why did I do that I could get into breeding and try to get a really good rep Tyra I could level up I didn't want a big grind and I didn't want to trivialize the fight by being too high of a level I wanted to beat this fight under level 40 and I was already getting close to that I was messing around around in my third base near the Anubis when I decided to just Chuck a ball at it and see what happened [Laughter] and I've been working so [ __ ] hard and I just kept him a red ball Honestly though just because I had this thing didn't make me feel like I was going to win he had higher stats and awesome moves for sure as well as these cool traits but was it going to be enough I didn't want to get my hopes up I went into orir with a party of Anubis three Duds and my Gail claw and here's how it went [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yo [Music] [Music] I you [Music] [Music] there we go that was my first attempt with the Anubis to put this into perspective my highest damage per minute I of all of my other attempts was about 11,700 on the other hand Anubis was dealing almost 21,000 damage per minute it was night and day Anubis destroyed this fight while I am a little disappointed that I couldn't get rep Tyro to work I do believe that it was possible but man this Anubis is strong he's bought his way onto my permanent Squad what do I name him how about thanks for watching everyone subscribe for more is so amaz sometimes it can get crazy but hey that's okay we''ve got another
Channel: Mercer Challenges
Views: 5,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ugdDGNm1l2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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