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yet it's banished from a person does  it then find the nearest suitable host   bobby mackeys may hold the answer this is  the only place i believe we've ever been   to where an exorcism has been performed he  felt like the evil spirits in this building   were trying to take over his body in the name  of jesus christ a lot of times we will get   audible male voices we'll just hear them i swear  i just heard like four or five shuffle steps they   did an exorcism here and they released a demon  right here on the other side of the fence is the   well the portal to hell well that's it right there  i can feel something touching my arm right now i'll leave him back pearl brian she was a  young lady from indiana that was murdered   and decapitated and then they brought  her head here to the slaughterhouse   and did some kind of satanic ritual and  threw her head down the well come to me do you want to give me who is  that after the exorcism happened   did the spirits or demons stay here welcome to the overnight channel  dedicated to finding proof   of the paranormal tonight's investigation  takes place at bobby mackey's gateway to hell what's up everyone and welcome back to the  overnight channel which is fully dedicated   to weekly videos about the paranormal the unknown  the mysterious the mystical the extraterrestrial   whatever it might be and right now i'm excited  to be where we are because one of our favorite   shows ghost adventures the very first episode they  ever did was filmed right here bobby mackey's and   just on the other side of that wall is where they  performed the exorcism during their episode insane   the history here is interesting it's very dark  it's very mixed there's a lot of different reviews   some say that it was a slaughterhouse  some say the satanic rituals happened here   murders have happened here there's a lot  of untold tales but the one thing that is   absolutely confirmed by everyone is that this  is the only place i believe we've ever been to   where an exorcism has been performed yeah wow so  this is one of the places the first time because   conjuring house was a seance and anywhere else  we've been to there's never been a full-blown   exorcism so tonight we have full access to bobby  mackey's we will be getting a tour from laura   who has been investigating here for eight years  and sick i have a fun surprise for us when we   get inside what's that have a fun surprise like  what magnitude you know it's never anything good   not surprised never anything good anytime  he knows his uh hands behind the back quick   speaking it's never good it's the most fun  surprise we've ever done what do you mean   it's like literally the most fun surprise we've  ever done we've ever done in a ball like there's   a little bit nothing ever that's been more fun  than this are we gonna get drunk at the bar and   then investigate no the bars are actually closed  they only open it on friday saturday so right now   we're just gonna do something really fun in the  private room about itself when no one else here   could be really fun interesting fun fact here also  uh something known as the portal to hell is here   oh have we also ever been to a place that makes  you sign a waiver that says if you get possessed   or anything demonic gets inside of you they're not  liable what yeah yeah i've done that at tempest   you should probably have one of those at  your house cory you want to read that sign   for me right there warning to our patients this  establishment is reported to be haunted management   is not responsible and cannot be held liable for  any actions of any ghost spirits on these premises   bobby mackeys is known as the most haunted  nightclub in america and the events investigations   and paranormal evidence that led to this title  are deeply rooted with the seeds of these stories   growing from their basement known as the gateway  to hell the folk lore that surrounds a small venue   in kentucky may have some of the most diverse  stories we have ever heard the hauntings and   paranormal activity have been attributed to  various factors such as the site originally   being used as a slaughterhouse in the 19th century  where the blood from their cattle would be drained   through the well in the now basement the same well  that is known as the gateway to hell stories of   satanists and sacrifices that utilize the well as  their center point of offerings and rituals would   only contribute to the demonic energy present  within the building some believe that a murder   took place in the area and upon the death a curse  is placed upon the land in which bobby mackey   sits legends of a heartbroken pregnant woman using  poison to take her own life within the nightclub   have led many to believe the spirit of johanna  haunt the dilapidated bullet-riddled building yet   it is worth noting that none of these tales have  ever been confirmed by public record whether true   or not we cannot say what we can confirm without  any doubt is that an exorcism was performed here   an exorcism that was severely needed for a  man named carl lawson a long-time employee   of bobby mackeys the evil that consumed this man  and where it feasted upon next is the focus of   our investigation tonight as much folklore may  surround mackies there's an even greater amount   of documented paranormal activity from over the  last 50 years and our goal tonight is to find   guidance from the gateway to hell welcome to the  overnight channel dedicated to finding proof of   the paranormal please make sure to subscribe as  we have brand new investigations and locations   every week if you see or hear anything  during our video that we might have missed   let us know in the comment section as we read  every single one i've been to a few bars and i   don't i don't think i've ever seen that and before  same and we've been to some pretty crazy bars   we've been some wildlife in miami two years  ago never mind they probably needed one of them what happened in miami come on in after you okay  portal thank you there's already a little world   where are you about to walk by the newspaper  something that says murder behind what does it   say oh murder case one what but legend lives  on headless body what crime of the century   wow as we're standing in a mirror in a portal  yeah yeah i don't want to like i want to read   that as we're standing right in between two  are you guys ready for the really cool breath   that i planned for us what's the surprise it's  like a team surprise we should probably figure   that out before we walk through we're playing  corn hole you ever ready do you have your id   my mom did ready what about your mom right now  my mom will kill me if she finds out i was here   this is the first time we've been in anything like  like a bar it's an active bar this is a ball okay   but before we see anything else yeah before we  meet our tour guide before we learn about any   of the paranormal sightings in the history here  i have a surprise i planned this one out happy   surprise i might have hired someone to come hang  out with us for a little while oh a celebrity   there might be a toy that we can play on on  wait uh-huh playing wait wait we hired somebody   that's a toy that we can play on no no i hired  someone who can operate a toy that we can play   at a bar at a bar okay would you  like a did you guys see it no come on yeah yeah oh that's a thing we're  doing that and we're doing that come   on hey that's thought about slow and i  just slowly crank it up all the way up   okay and then show us what all the way up looks  like just all the way up nothing in between oh 11 12 13 oh it literally feels like lightning and shooting  out of a cloud going up i cannot coming out   of my balls how are we feeling uh i feel good you guys  don't look so hot no i like i constantly   feel like i'm gonna have pants and you're  not noticing that laura's been here level   time oh we should probably the entire  time we should go we're gonna go like the distillery was here like i said from 1876 all  the way up until prohibition once prohibition hit   of course they had to shut down and then they  eventually tore all the buildings down once   they tore down the distillery a guy named john pop  purchased this property and he built a small house   when we go in the basement you'll see the house  is still down there it's still standing we're   kind of standing on the roof of it right now oh  it's really weird the way they constructed this   they kind of they left the house for whatever  reason and then built everything else around   i don't know where it was that's so weird he  and his wife lived on the bottom level and   then up here on this second story they operated  a small cafe called the bluegrass inn prohibition   was still going on so it's kind of like a  speakeasy um you know but they also served food   and a lot of people this area behind us here a lot  of people call that the old kitchen because that   was the kitchen area of the bluegrass inn jumping  ahead for just a second if you've heard about carl   lawson he was the caretaker here he lived here  for 13 years and he had an exorcism performed back   in the early 90s i believe it was because he felt  like the evil spirits in this building were trying   to take over his body so they did the exorcism  here in the club and they actually did it in that   room there in the kitchen it wasn't a kitchen but  that's what we call it but yeah so that's where   that's where the exorcism took place we do get a  lot of activity up there we get a lot of shadow   figures up there um those heavy metal chairs a  lot of times when you're in the basement like   when you're in the well room you're kind of right  beneath us here so a lot of times we'll hear those   heavy metal chairs it sounds like either someone's  dragging them across the floor or picking them up   and letting them slam back down and that step  right there step on that and see if it squeaks   it usually does oh yeah it's usually louder there  we go there you go oh yeah yeah get it going   get that exercise in the 1940s newport that was  known as the sin city of the south because this   area believe it or not was las vegas before las  vegas existed oh wow so if you wanted to gamble   and see like you know stage shows with showgirls  and singers this is where you would come to   newport but somehow they managed to run buck out  of here and then the cleveland syndicate took over   this club and renamed it the latin quarter so if  you see that hole right there with the thermostat   on it the wooden one yeah the big wooden one  that area right there used to be the men's   bathroom and what's currently the men's bathroom  was an office when the primrose open in 1943   two guys got in a fight in that bathroom one guy  got punched he fell he hit his head on a radiator   and he died on the floor of the bathroom there  oh so that is the first death that we know of   that happened inside the building i've seen the  newspaper articles about it it's definitely true   i know the guy's name do you want me to tell you  or do you want to wait because i don't want to put   it in your head we'll wait yeah yeah that's  a good idea yeah see if we get any evidence   of that correct a lot of times we will get audible  male voices we'll just hear them not through   a spirit box or recorder you just hear them i  was here just a week ago and i had a tour i had   i think it was four ladies and one guy and we  were here i was telling this story just like this   the guy was about where you are and i have my  back to the stage and right over here we heard a   man go this is like a like a humming kind of moan  sound and it was right back here behind me and the   only guy was standing in front of me so was it  almost like like disagreeable you said like um   kind of like that really so the guy that that died  has come through on spirit boxes and recorders   with his name that's why i didn't want to tell  it to you it but lately we've also been getting   the name of the guy that killed him oh and i know  his name too so there's two names if you happen   to hear uh let me know and i'll let you know let's  show you interesting the mob owned this place from   the late 40s up until late 60s early 70s so who  knows um what went on when we go in the basement   there's a door down there that has bullet holes  in it there's a jail cell down there so i mean   it's a jail cell doesn't have a jail cell yes  so yeah take a drunk tank this area back here um   we've nicknamed it the creepy corner um and you'll  see once the lights are out it's a completely   different vibe back in this corner i've had some  crazy experiences back here i saw what i think was   a full-bodied apparition back here i had a tour  it was only two guys on the tour they were just   walking around taking pictures and stuff i was  in the gift shop you know putting everything away   getting ready to lock up and i happen to glance  down here just because it's the creepy corner you   never know what's hanging out down here i just  glanced down and on that end of the pool table   i saw a guy and he had his arms crossed and  he was just casually leaning against the pool   table and i didn't even it didn't even startle me  because i knew those guys were here somewhere so   i just assumed it was one of them but as soon as  i took another step i heard a noise back in the   old kitchen or the monster room that we call it i  heard a noise back there so i look over and i can   see both their flashlights and i look back and  this guy's gone but i mean i could see i could   see his t-shirt i could see like his skin you  had colors it wasn't like it was red or orange   okay yeah it just was off the lights were off all  these lights the only light that was on is the one   up by the gift shop this was dark back here and  you see this metal thing this is how i was able   to see him this metal strip yeah so when that  light's on down there i can see the metal strip   and he was blocking out part of the metal strip  wow the other cool thing that happened back here   if there's ever any uh pool balls sitting  out i always take it and put it next to the   right on the edge of the pocket and i had a  tour group here we were just sitting out there   one of the girls thought she saw a shadow back  in that corner i said so let's me and you get up   we'll come over here and stand here so we don't  rush up on it and scare it away and we'll just try   to communicate so we're standing here she's asking  questions and trying to get a response and finally   she says could you knock that pool ball in guess  what no way hmm i i lost it i mean i was just   like oh my god that's the coolest thing ever the  ball went in and i'm like that's amazing but why   did it do it for her i've been asking for years  please knock the full ball in and they never do   oh the lights are already on right here is the  house oh wow oh weird that is so bizarre yeah and   everything else just built on around it that you  can walk around and get inside the house oh wow   in the early 70s this place opened up as kind of a   like a biker bar um like a roadhouse  type place kind of a rough violent place   people were always getting in fights they  nicknamed it the bloody bucket just because they'd   mop up the blood and you know throw the bloody  water out so they called it the bloody bucket but what was that y'all heard that you heard that yeah i missed that one you didn't i thought it  was behind me but i don't know where it was   two guys totally separate occasions um were shot  in the parking lot and they both died from their   gunshot wounds and that was in the early probably  early mid 70s the bloody bucket was only open for   a few years just because you know the police were  always here there were always fights it was just   a terrible violent place the city eventually  shut it down and then this place sat empty   for a couple years and then in 1978 bobby bought  the building and so it's been mackies ever since   then so when we walk through this if you look to  your left you'll see the bullet holes in the door   that i was telling you about upstairs yeah that's  great that one right through the chest wow oh yeah   oh yeah look at these way more over here do you  think those are bullet holes because i honestly   didn't know if they were not those look like exits  yeah like as if the bolts came from the other side   this is the inside of the house oh  that is something that's the jail cell   wow this is where there were 12  show girls that's what they that's   well you know you can fit twelve in here okay  he already knows his show girls uh he goes   how many how many shows do you think for sure you  look up on the shelf alone on my tours the people   that have ever been scratched on my tours it's  happened in there oh that's fun and you know a lot   of people think it's usually the obnoxious person  or the loud person yeah but in my experience it's   always been the quietest person is it normally  like the quiet more respectful person yeah yeah   corbin i'm wait wait wait wait you're saying i'm  quiet you're the quieter more respectful one yeah   i'm the quiet one yeah yeah that's that's a  comment section yeah 100 that is accurate okay that was very respectful he got into confrontation  you went okay i'll just think about that later so   besides scratching anything else uh yeah people  that sit in there they either get scratched they   hear whispering they'll feel breath on their face  or their hair will get um pulled or played with   right here on the other side of the fence  is the well the portal to hell oh that's it   right there holy is it filled in on purpose yeah  they filled it in just so critters don't come in critters don't come in yeah i was gonna say you  don't think that maybe there's some bodies down   there so is that also a true story pearl bryan i'm  sure you heard her story she was a young lady from   indiana that was murdered and decapitated her  body was found about two miles away in what is   now fort thomas and they never found her head they  killed her and then they brought her head here to   the slaughterhouse and did some kind of satanic  ritual and threw her head down the well and the   carriage driver actually stopped his testimony  says i stopped in front of the distillery which   would have been right here because he could hear  pearl in the back crying and moaning and he was   scared he didn't know what was going on because  they had drugged her and they were trying to   cause her to have a miscarriage and but it wasn't  working she was just getting really really sick   and he said in his testimony that they got out he  heard one scream and then he never heard another   sound and he actually took off on foot and left  his horse and everything behind because he was so   terrified of what was going on and then a 12  year old boy found her body the next morning so this room is probably my favorite as far  as activity goes um and what he and i heard   earlier out there i was going to tell the  story when we got in here of the shuffler   he walks like that oh i'm not lying i promise  i was going to tell that story that's crazy um   it's weird because cory has a  different kind of shuffle okay so that groin okay wow you're  cured holy [ __ ] oh my gosh actually didn't hurt at all shuffle away the gucci  power dance brother yeah i've heard him like out   there kind of where we were standing in the main  part of the basement so i usually just shuffle a   couple times um and the other thing i've heard in  this room is growling i don't know what's growling   um we talked about critters and people will always  say oh there's probably mice in here well yeah   i'm not gonna say there's not mice in here but  i don't think mice growl um so i don't know what   could be making that sound but many many people  have heard growling in this room but this is also   the room where you might you would hear footsteps  because the front door is like back there   and then you walk down that hall oh yeah and then  right so that's the current so that's the men's   bathroom and then that would make that the kitchen  the kitchen yeah yeah where do you think the most   active area in this whole building is right here  this is what we call the room of faces the main   reason it's called that is because of right  here if you shine one of your lights on that   um you can kind of see it's a girl but people  call that johanna now the johanna legend started   with carl again the caretaker here he claimed he  used to be visited by a woman with long dark hair   and she came she would come to him and tell him to  come down here and dig so he came down and tore up   the floor in the old house so he eventually  uncovered that well that's his story and he   claimed that he found a diary inside the well in  the hole and the diary told the story of johanna   she was a singer in the club we presume the latin  quarter she was pregnant her father didn't approve   so he had her boyfriend killed and then she was so  upset that she poisoned her father and committed   suicide wow that's the story of johanna so wait  did he dig up the floor because he was hearing a   voice that was telling and then he found the diary  yeah you know he used to he said a demon tried to   drown him in the bathtub bobby's first wife janet  um when they first bought this building she got   pushed down the stairs um and she was pregnant  at the time um but everything was fine she had   the baby everything was okay but she did fall  down the steps and she said something pushed her   down the steps so so who are the toys for  them okay i was gonna get to that because   last week i had a tour and somebody asked that  question they're like why are all these toys   in here and i said well a long time ago people  used to bring toys because there were stories   and rumors of there being children's spirits  here i told them to my tour group last week   right as i said it and we were all in this room  we all heard it sounded like a child just went oh   so i posted on our facebook page if you  come on a tour please bring a toy because   nobody's brought any toys in a long time so  that little kitty cat somebody just brought   that last night because they saw my post  so hopefully the the spirits are happy that   they have a new toy okay and i have a picture  that i can show you guys and i can text it to you   sure um but i'll show you real quick  but you see that lady right there   she was there that guy wasn't oh that's nice  yeah oh wow so i can text that to you so you can   look at it that's pretty nuts that's really cool  how long ago was that that was september of 2019   so this room right here um it's not really  room it's kind of like a passageway and   you see about halfway back there's a couple cement  steps yeah that's where people of her children's   voices is back there oh wow this goes really far  back yeah and it's really creepy back there too   we can completely turn off all the way cool  yeah it looks cool really cool in there it's super creepy that is very sometimes that  door locks so you might not want to lock him   in there but nice over here yeah i think  you can get out the other side no seriously   is anyone is everyone in the main  basement right now yes everyone yes yeah what what happened no way what happened i swear  i just heard like four or five shuffle steps   no you're here everyone is on that side yeah yes  you're gonna have to come out a different way   oh there we go there it is which direction  is corey he's over there which direction   it was out it was back there dude it was right  here what no and look look what it was the whole   floor came in so there's no way that's crazy  on my life i i thought one of you was like   right here just dragging your feet across this  i had no idea look i can't track your feet i had   no idea look like this until right now and it  was like numerous it was like it was literally you should have brought a camera okay all  right before we start the investigation   here's all the tools that we've lined up for the  night we have some gadgets that have been broken   uh from waverly hills a lot of stuff's been  getting broken the sls camera is still not turning   on no way so really and that was six hundred  dollars these broken these are broken still that's   broken but it still works so after tonight and  then tomorrow night's investigation we're gonna   do an overhaul and re-upgrade the kit but this is  everything we're working with here okay frankly   is more than they were working with here during  the first episode of ghost adventures so yeah   they also had a bishop come in and do an exorcism  so main thing we have here we're gonna be setting   these up through the night these are our night  vision cameras all of these are converted to see   ir infrared light human eyes can't see it so this  will be able to see in the absolute pitch black   and in theory also be able to see anything that  the human eye can't this is a thermal camera picks   up heat signatures pointed at any of us will  light up red or an entity in theory could have   heat that's a motion sensor music box basically  if any detects any motion at all music box starts   playing k2 i think everyone's familiar with it  picks up on kinetic energy cat balls which are   they've been taken interesting we'll add this  to the tools that hurt ko'd now so catboy the   only way it goes off is if you move it the rim pod  same thing we haven't had any luck with the noise   canceling headphones in the sphere box but perhaps  we tried again tonight so so basically we could   talk to things from the other side by using these  and a lot of time corey will say well you cross   these and they will cross or they will go further  apart based on what you're asking them yeah so so   we talked about it i think we should do it since  none of us have actually seen the exorcism footage   i genuinely did not realize it still existed yeah  so we should go over there and watch the exorcism   footage before instead of a couple devices while  we're watching beforehand just to see where things   are make sure that everything's working and  hopefully nothing's going off that's really   good as we watch it perhaps it'll stir up some  activity yeah you know looking at this place   from the outside was not as scary but right now  this feels yeah the outside didn't look too too   creepy but now it's starting to feel yeah i  mean i feel like also in the honor of this being   one of the you know the first paranormal episodes  of the show that kind of inspired what we do yep   should go full night vision the  whole time for the rest of night   by the way everyone if you don't know we are still  doing the overnight contest where every month we   pick one winner we come out to your hometown  and we join you on an overnight investigation   something fun whatever is it you want to do our  winner was actually supposed to be here tonight   but instead we're going to a different location  in ohio with them tomorrow night so if you ever   heard me say we were filming with our winner  bobby mackey that's why uh tomorrow night the   next video at the licking county jail will be with  our next winner but if you want to investigate it   bobby mackey's you can go to their website and  pay for it or you're gonna enter the contest   and we'll pay for it and you can join us wherever  it might be there's two ways to enter once to just   leave a like and a comment on the video that's  all you got to do that counts as an entry uh the   other way to head over center society.com that  supports us so yeah enjoy the video we're going   to head down to the basement and also if you guys  genuinely hear anything or see anything or notice   anything that we don't we genuinely appreciate  it when you comment it helps us piece the whole   puzzle together because so often we miss the  things that you are able to catch that is true so   we're gonna head down to the basement lights  out and uh enjoy the rest of the video bye   all right i'm setting up the room still got  the broken antenna so again one of the most   ridiculous devices to get to offer us they  have to be something has to be so close   yeah you have to essentially touch  it and then for the sake of the bar i'll put this over here on the bar counter okay he wants to go grab a drink there's a  motion sensor light over there by the tables   another one at the end of the table down there not  like a drink this is interesting we're going to   watch an exorcism together huh we're going  to watch an exorcism where it happened   i'm actually kind of surprised this is  the first time we're watching actresses don't do anything don't move nobody move now do it olson if you're sitting over there by the bar grabbing  a drink can you make that ball go off again hello my name is corey hello my name is corbin my name is brandon my name is elton we've heard stories  at this place might have something   demonic here and other stories that there  isn't and i'd love to find out tonight   shall we start it let's start the video because he  knows that i've got something in me that's greater   than him and i've got something in me that's  greater than you charlie you understand that oh no no i was fighting but no no you listen to me that's so little song carl  no it's fighting carl is not that carl's a   good person that you it's time for you to leave i  try to keep him away i try to keep him away from   church well ever since he was a little kid all  he wanted to do was go to school and pray that's   all he ever wanted to do but i got him riding  around here on his bicycle one day and he didn't   know what happened to him when he found these five  dollars in fact and now that you're trying to take   him over and you're trying to rule his life and  i'm here to put a stop to it you understand that   you understand that charlie carl's  so stupid you understand that charlie   yeah you quit telling carl he's stupid you  hear me this right here is inside of me though   and you know it because you recognize it you  recognized it when i walked up on this property   did you yeah yeah yeah and that's really  you don't like it because you know   that i have the power to make you  leave any time for charting leave in the name of jesus charlie  i command you to leave   i command you to leave carl  in the name of jesus christ i command charlie to leave carl alone i  command him to take screw anderson with him it's time for it to be over your little game  is over your little game's over you're little no you listen to me carl's mother was a  good woman and she's watching over him   and she is the reason that i am here  tonight is because she directed things you know it and i know it and you   and sam and all the rest of you have been  hassling carl don't try to deceive me   yeah see i know what i'm talking about not  well now no you won't i'll settle down no no no you're going to leave yes you  are i'm going nowhere yes you are   i'll never land you understand me no i i  understand what you're saying you understand   come on now leave him alone leave  me leaving leaving leaving leaving yeah leaving leaving charlie everybody  leaving charlotte everybody leave him charlie   he's fine leave him charlie  this mind man of god leave residents it said we've been we've been here for a thousand  years and we're not leaving so the is it a priest   it's not it's a bishop maybe a bishop he's  a bishop yeah i think and then that's carl   lawson on the right but that's remarkable timing that's pretty insane  and it went off within four seconds at the end   of the video again so the cat ball went  off when we first got it k2 went up twice   and the catball hasn't gone off since this  started going off to orange at one point   i kind of want to go right downstairs straight  downstairs to the basement i want to go right to   the basement okay so thousand years and he's not  leaving and the story is mixed where the well came   from did he come from the distillery did it not is  there a portal is there not this guy requested an   exorcism five years after being told to dig  through the basement where he found a diary   and knew of a story that's why he did it yeah  that's right yeah something compelled him to   dig in the basement i think we should just  go right down there yeah let's go let's go   let's do it let's just bring the devices and let's  just make that where we live for the night how are   we supposed to see in here you're not oh i have a  motion light i have a motion light too that's good right so remember this is where they saw the  shadow figure right in front of us over here   where are we right here right yeah we are  right above us where we're yeah the kitchen   that we were just sitting right here yes when  we first did our tour yeah we both heard though   right here yeah yeah it was literally just  directly outside of the world what if they're   hearing something like crawling out of the  hole and they're hearing out of that hole yeah   yeah i kind of want to put this  in the room where she says that   everybody gets you know eerie now we'll throw  the brim on the well so if anything makes that   go off all the way down there yeah we  definitely know it's not us all right   all right we've come down here because we  believe that carl might be here or charlie we'd love to find out who's here you realize that earlier we were watching video  the exorcism that was performed directly above us   we are now at the place where carl  started digging without any reason   discovering an incredibly old covered  well otherwise known as a portal to   hell where he found a diary and five  years later requested his own exorcism now earlier the rem pod went  off as the name jesus christ   was said by the bishop and right as the first  video ended and lastly the rem pod went off   when the bishop said that charlie oh  that ball was set free it's also so cold   over here now did charlie  ever leave bobby mackey's are you still here did carl dig up charlie when he dug up the well after the exorcism happened did  the spirits or demons stay here or did they leave is there any like does gopro pick up good  like audio yeah okay dude after i asked that   for probably like six seconds coming that way  behind the gopro i could just hear a faint like really got like a like a breathing  no it was almost like talking   but like it was so faint i  couldn't hear it but okay that's weird is there anybody here with us if you're just watching we'd  like you to come in the room give us any sign we'll start to learn  who you are and what your purpose is can you give us a stronger signal touch this  you're already doing it come a little bit closer can you show us how strong you are by  putting all your energy into that k2   just like you've been can you  make it go all the way to red just went up again or can  you only make it go to orange if you have a lot of power and energy you  can make it go to red you're right there is anybody else getting dizzy dude i'm not  getting dizzy i'm getting cold dude i am like   nauseous yeah dude i'm like really i can't sit  over there i'm just like it's it's way too cold   oh wow i'm not getting eaten alive by bugs  but that's probably because of my screen   oh you're freezing cold that is yeah why the  [ __ ] is your wrist freezing and everything   else is like it was next to that door and  you know what this doorway went to whoa   you're right here do you  want us to go in that doorway   this is the doorway that went to the office  yeah this is where they would just they had   a trap door here potentially where they killed  people and dropped them in here what better   place to put a body in the well it just made  me really uncomfortable sitting over there we put a little box right beside the well   and if you can touch that box or put  your energy into it it'll make a noise and that's how you can let us know that  there either are spirit stuck in the well   or stuck in this building come on you can make it spike i know you're here because you're making it cold if that's not charlie and that's something  else make it go to orange right now whoa do that like i had to put my arms in my  shirt because it's just they got so cool dude my   eyes are [ __ ] with me so stupid what happened i  that was so weird i've been staring at this and i   look up at you corbin yeah and for probably a full  second yeah like have you guys seen an attack on   titan no no oh my god okay i haven't seen like  they're like giants like 50 foot tall giants   yeah dude it was an all black silhouette the head  was probably touching the ceiling yeah like it was   huge but both of its arms were like this and it  was just staring at you and then i let my eyes   focus and it went away and then i could see the  clear wall behind it dude it was like a giant   shadow with his hands behind the gate just  like leaning over you charlie is that you there's something here it's just it's going off what what was that you that sounded like something caving in i did it twice we've all heard that yeah  yeah yeah it did it it did it twice i   feel like we should look into it that would  have been upstairs or was it under the well   that sounded to me like it came from  the ceiling to me it sounded like it   was like something digging from the dirt  it almost sounded like it was like caving   in maybe charlie's trying to make a blade  of that guy oh [ __ ] footsteps over there you hear that i heard that from where there are you serious colton is that  you i am contest i am not moving two thumbs up is there somebody upstairs if there's someone upstairs  could you give us a knock no that's right above us dog that wasn't  corbin no that's right above us what what   you didn't just hear that  creaking little bubble wait what do you guys think is down here you think it's  carl i don't know because it's charlie apparently   carl died in 2012. okay right so that's to  me says why would carl want to come back to   the place he was possessed exactly yeah unless  he unless he couldn't leave unless he couldn't oh my leave you are down here oh thank you so much for doing that now  we do know that you are in here with us   it probably like knew we were  considering going back back upstairs and   was like hey stay here do my heart's pounding  so fast right now were you trying to scare us no no no you guys just have the  loudest spring pod in the world yes that box that you just pressed on  is called a rim pod yup exactly that was three oh my god dude it just answered  my question without being   asking dog what did it say what were you gonna  ask also say if you're good make it go off   two times if you're evil make it go off three  times because that's mocking the holy trinity   and they just did it three times twice in  a row not avian i didn't even ask it bro okay just because i'm not sure if you read my mind  or what just happened a couple minutes ago but   i want to ask you this question out loud now if  you are a good spirit soul person elemental thing   whatever you are if you are good can you make  that box beep two times if you are something evil   can you make that box beat three times do you hear that it's like that's like how fast it is it  sounds like my ears like pulsing all right well since you seem to be so good  at walking around and making bangs and knocks   there's two more i'm uh i'm gonna ask you  a question and if you can answer in knox   that would be fantastic are you stuck in this  building one knock means yes two knocks means no thank you if you are good knock one  time if you are evil knock two times do you want us to give you a who is that you saw  that corbin yeah you see like a little flashlight   corbin did you know a shadow just ran across  back that's why i just that's why i just   dude the gopro might have got that holy [  __ ] dude someone just ran behind you two   you saw that dude i am you saw that i am dude on  the wall something literally just a giant like   person this like whatever ran across the wall and  then i moved and when i moved that scared brandon   that's scared brad it's so bad are you guys seeing  this is there like a moth or a butterfly flying in   here no no no no no no it was on the pipe it was  like actually covered up no i can see it right   now it's like flying in front of the camera  yeah there's bugs there is yeah okay god that   knock was insane dude i know it seriously  sounds like someone upstairs so i gave up   that was so loud heavy wait okay where  do you guys think that came from because   i think i think it might be a different  place where you came from where the bar   was with the cat falling off yes that's where  it sounded like it sounded exactly where   you think i think it came from right above us i  think it came from when they saw the shadow figure   over there i thought it was like down here it  sounded like it was like over there over the bar   for me yeah so that'd be right where yeah report  here that probably where the bar is okay this   doesn't make sense to me think about everything  laura said about bobby backes and the owner   carl who was the the keeper here used to say that  he'd always hear things and see things and he'd   tell all these paranormal stories and the owner  was like stop telling those stories yeah people   aren't going to want to come to a haunted bar yeah  but then i did not sound like i did not do it dude   i thought that after i said it was like that did  not sound like that that was not your voice that   people aren't going to want to come to a haunted  bar yeah i haven't needed to get my whole body   just got chills is brandon confirming my story  right now dude dude carry on i'm going to carry on why the owner who doesn't want scary stories  to be told and fear of people wanting to not   come to a haunted bar allows someone to have an  exorcism in his bar yeah if your point is to never   let people know it's haunted why would you allow  video documentation that's true an exorcism here maybe it's where you felt safe and  maybe he never meant for it to get out   or maybe they don't need for him to get out or  the opposite way the bar is only open two nights   a week the other five are for ghost hunts they  did an exorcism here and they released a demon did they choose to not let it leave  here oh is that what you're saying i see what you i the timeline doesn't make any  sense to me why would you not want it to be   haunted you don't want people to know that and  then you allow the person who's been spreading   all these rumors and legends and stories to have  an exorcism in the facility instead of taking them   to a church there are plenty of churches around  here that makes no sense and then you see charlie   be released to here and now we're hearing all  these knocks and we're hearing all these creakings seems a little it seems a little weird it's  definitely off because because that is true   i mean it was saying do not tell people  and then he does that what does that mean   is anyone willing to throw in the headphones  while i ask the questions i want to ask i'll   do it i want to ask the questions okay i don't  uh oh name i always want to do it oh yeah but   you're about to ask some you're about to ask some  bad questions i'm not going to ask bad questions   i want to ask the questions i want to set the  story straight okay let's do it okay so i think   corey with the headphones let me seek out some  answers yeah and then you guys can cover the   rest of the ground down here okay with the tools  that you have i have a catwall i can give you   probably no it's over there the music box is  still where the potential the room of faces   the hall of faces yeah there's all the dressing  rooms there's gopro set up around as well okay so   that's gonna be brandon and i doing that yeah and  then perhaps whatever questions i'm asking will   help create activity around the whole place  could you imagine great i am so how are we   gonna get there let's give it a go let's do it  all right all right one camera guy with them one   i mean evan do you want to be like out there  or something so you can cover both yeah sure   okay so we should put this in uh what is it is  the room of faces well that's back that way okay   no no that's like back through the way we came  from okay so should we put in there you think no   i should stay out here yeah i think she'd stay out  here where they go the picture with that big guy   let's put this right where that is yeah well hello my name is elton we believe  we might have met you earlier upstairs we were the first ones that are known to have  watched the exorcism footage and the exact   place in which it happened perhaps hey welcome thank you for welcoming me  listen i'm and then something   i'm listening now i believe that  you might still be trapped here perhaps you chose to stay here come to me over there i'm coming over here i also have a cat ball what was that did you  hear that yeah that sounded like a crowl elton that wasn't there look you hear elton talking  that wasn't there it sounded like a bear that was like a deep ass grab what could that  have been don't have a cat ball what was that   it couldn't have been the car because  it was too fast no no if anything it   sounded like i had multiple chairs going  yeah yeah you know what i mean we believe   as paranormal investigators that you're  able to communicate through the radio waves   pick from the words that you hear say what you'd  like to us now i personally here do not believe what do you mean get out of the i would like you you where's the music box it's right  there in front of us the project i heard that never ask why should i ever ask   was the project uncompleted i still  don't know your name look back i am are you messing with us are  you moving things upstairs are you trying to lead us back upstairs now i can't see what's behind me  though so could you tell me what's i just started to get a massive migraine  and it just said it's in your head   my friend here is not the one murder   you have the ability to communicate through him  but you are not allowed to enter him cut throat if charlie or carl or anybody is  down here trying to communicate   you can touch the music box out there we have  a motion light and a cat ball we have a lot of   things set up we also have a full spectrum  camera out there can walk in front of that were you mistreated did anybody in here mistreat you leave i'm not going to leave until i get your name i can talk what is that if you're asking what is that it's a spirit box it now gives the ability to do  more than just knock on walls   and drag your feet you can speak stefan or stephen i think it says staphon can you speak to us in any  way to show us that you're here give us a knock i did not touch it didn't even move  my feet well you got to get over here   step on step right there to see  if that you're making it go off okay we have the ability to help bring  more people to come visit you   is this something you'd like  would you rather be left unknown don't do it stab me buy yours i just saw it running i seen it  oh there was a baby it went ah can you touch that ball again  to make it go off and light up just step through the doorway earlier corey introduced himself yet  you still have not said your name i am demanding that you tell us your name the heart everyone here seems to be getting colder  are you taking their heat their energy i don't care cry you are making them complain a bit kind  of sounded like it was like kill him are you standing over here with us cool we're not here to hurt you at all  we just like to talk yo it just went   everything went completely silent for  like two seconds and then it went hey somewhere in a morgue i realize there  might be numerous people trying to talk   through cory right now i can feel  something touching my arm right now are you a good spirit or are we  communicating with something evil well the thing is we don't know like  how can we know that that's true   you know what i mean you said are you conspiring  evil okay we'll just do questions one at a time you're making me mad shut up good tell us your name are you a male you can also communicate with  knox one for yes two for no your fear i don't have any fear what if the entity's just   trying to scare us but it's really too  weak to do anything look in the glass yeah go on go evan's right you're trying to  scare us away with your knobs in the apartment the apartment you can't go to anymore we can  go to check out the room of faces i mean we'll   be able to hear health and stuff but it also  could provoke you know things that we have   yeah definitely must refer to  where we are right now revenge revenge for what i will murder is evan right suffered and fatal wow i actually moved it and it didn't go and now  try and make it go off first by switching it wow   that really had you had to literally touch it  exactly it wasn't fatal he lived many years beyond and might have just said chris that was dude it just went that was a trick what is there someone here with us so just stop look look look you're right  where you know people would be yeah oh you're right there yep sorry  i just got like really freaked out wow   just my whole entire like this whole time i've  been like you know having chills on and off and   i've been like able to control it but just like  my arm started twitching and then like my thigh   started twitching and then my whole body just  got chilled and it was kind of getting like shaky my name is corbin my name is brandon   and we would just love to talk we heard that  you might be a might be a kid might be younger   and if you are i would love to play ball with you  i will take this ball i will throw it over here if you would like to throw it back to me that  would be awesome i'd love to play ball with you i think there i think there used to be something  here incredibly strong and over the decades it's   just gotten weaker and now all it can do is drag  his feet when he needs to walk and you can knock   when it needs to stop and it can breathe when  he needs to talk was this your area to play did you not like this room is this a bad room you think i mean what it said we've  been here for a thousand years exactly   and there was an exorcism there bishop  long came down here and he did one   people are constantly coming down here even  the stories that were based on atrocity that   were based on demonic meanings and  satanic rituals have been subdued   so maybe it feeds off a legend  as the legend has been suppressed yeah that first room we were  all together in there that was   crazy yeah that was pretty nuts so it sounds  like you just don't want to talk to us   or you've moved upstairs where we  heard you a lot earlier in the night did anything make sense from when i was shouting  out there was a couple where it was like very   spot on uh yeah i was saying like tell me i  kept asking for your name like for his name   and then you were like you're making me mad  stop asking no way yeah and it was after a   few times like i had been asking and asking  what i realized at the end right headphones on   is you were speaking almost the same way that  carl was speaking during the exercise whereas yeah because you were saying sebastian or uh  stephen they were like nope and then he said chris   and you're like i'm just kidding you just kind  of kept me like ha ha ha and all i was doing was   trying to get a solid answer for me and i couldn't  kill that one though should we go meet up with   them and see if they want to go upstairs i think  it's probably a good idea yeah unless you touch   this cap all right now we're gonna we're gonna  take off we don't want to uh invade your space   anymore so we just came up with like a theory well  yeah what have you guys been doing do you want to   tell them the demon theory about it being old when  you say the overall theory yeah so i mean okay   one we're watching the exorcism video right it  said it's been here for a thousand years yeah   and then the other theory that we're now working  on is that if it's been here for a thousand years   and people are here every single day it doesn't  have infinite energy no so perhaps it's just   getting tired it's too weak and that's why  it's feet drag now that's why it only knocks   once because when it used to stall that's why we  hear it breathing but we don't hear it talking   that's where we hear the faintest remarks because  like the evidence that used to get captured here   20 years ago decades ago was massive it was  monumental yeah and now everything seems to   be a little suppressed yeah and then he was  talking about how like our devices get drained   well is that because the spirits need more  energy we get cold is it taking our heat   yeah is that what's happening but then again if  it's taking our heat it's taking our energy then   what how can it not have like because  it takes more than it gives back   interesting like when you're a new spirit you have  a ton of energy but as you get older and older it   kind of drains out if you think about the k2 the  k2 would just kind of twinkle a little bit yeah here five nights a week five nights a week for  eternity if there's only one spirit here that's   a lot of a lot of energy people are asking a  lot definitely i kept pushing to figure out   who or what we were talking to yeah did anyone  say anything right now i didn't say anything   about them get them hearing voices in my head  what'd you hear i just heard stall so i thought   one of them was saying stop and then like stop  because i need to change a camera setting no no you're finally going crazy i heard it and the boy  said you went you oh jesus whoa that's actually   what i literally heard stop and i was like  why the only thing that lined up precisely   was i kept pushing to get the name of either what  it is or who it is or what it refers to because   it likes to be called as and then he said  you're making me angry stop asking oh my god   and then as of right now i go to talk about  the name again and in my head i hear it stop   wow every time i try and figure out the name it's  like there's no way it's charlie are you annoyed   with you play like name wise it went stefan  stephen then later it went chris no it's not   every time i get a name he would immediately  say something after like that's not it nope   what we should ask her what those  names were that she's going to tell us chris or stephen or stephen i'll come back down here and just sh   let's go upstairs and ask her let's go outside  get her so you said earlier okay one you have   not been inside here right the whole time okay  cool just confirming that crazy knocks yeah   there's been like footsteps from downstairs down  here pretty close and we heard the creaky stuff really curious available know if we were  talking to whatever those names might be   okay so what was what were they uh the guy who  died his name was paul okay we're over one the   guy who killed him was william or bill neither  we got a stephen and chris stephen and chris   i'll tell you a story i like stories is it  a scary story well no it's just interesting   that you got the name chris because a few well i  guess was last week i had a tour in the basement   and we were using a spirit box  and we were in the room of faces   and nothing was coming through it was just just  non-stop static and i ask every once in a while   i'll ask if they know the name of anybody  that's in the room and then it said chris   the guy behind me left because he was  chris wow that was a couple weeks ago   it was last week it was just like a few  tours ago it wasn't that long ago at all   it was literally he was only he was in the  spirit box same thing and he heard chris and   then immediately after he went nope was there ever  a stefan or no not that i know but like we talked   about earlier with the mob i mean you just don't  know that's right yeah there could have been many   things oh coolest thing we watched the exorcism  video oh when the bishop says jesus christ the rem   pod goes off and the second the video ends the red  pod goes off only two times in a nine minute 50   second video that it goes off oh my god and only  two of three total times the entire night didn't   it happen one more time at the when we watched  part three right and then it went off at the end   of that video as well yep yeah super bizarre we'll  have long periods where it's it's really quiet   and then it'll kick up again so i don't i don't  really know that it's really changed that much   that's interesting because what we were talking  about was you know gathering energy because   there's a bunch of batteries going dead yeah  different stuff like that but like she said   cycles thank you for having us here yeah thank  you so awesome it's really cool cool to be here   man i really wish that would just go  in i know wait wait wait wait wait   there leave it tomorrow okay which one was it  was it this side it was that side this one okay good job i think it's gonna take a while well thank you all so much for watching  and i hope you're enjoying the overnight   channel we have weekly investigations every  single saturday they're coming out with   more and more places reaction videos  will be starting probably pretty soon   uh based on the videos that have a  ton of comments that we feel like   absolutely let's respond to them but most of them  were trying to actually sleep here and stay until   bright and early in the morning it's pretty  late this is a fun one still pretty literally   yeah wow this is definitely a fun one  though this is like a legendary like   original it's one of the places that sparked  an entire real paranormal documentary-style   movement this is it i wasn't expecting to get  this much we got a lot this is really cool   no we got a lot of activity kind of fast too and  a lot of people were loving them it's overrated   i was like now i'm just going to go into it and  ignore that and we're going to try and keep these   videos like less cut i guess and keep them as real  in real time as possible so we're gonna keep doing   our best to show you everything else that's really  unfolding with minimal cuts if you guys like that   let us know if you want it to be cut down a little  bit more let us know i mean there's times when 20   30 minutes will go by and nothing will go off  nothing but then the next 10 minutes we get the   most activity all of it together and then also  they then get to understand the reaction we have   when we're sitting there for seven minutes and  then the red pod goes off yeah because all they   see is the red plot goes like they're reacting  it's like no because we said it for seven minutes   and nothing happened until the precise moment  yeah and it's it's cool that's very cool all   right we're gonna get ready for the next overnight  video cool so uh yeah see you guys there peace you
Views: 377,599
Rating: 4.9734693 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, paranormal, ghost hunters, 3 am challenge, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, ghost stories, corey scherer, most haunted, haunted hotel, most haunted hotel, queen mary, myrtles plantation, scary places, most haunted places, conjuring, conjuring house, lizzie borden, sam and colby, tfil scary, ghost adventures, annabelle, exploring with josh, bobby mackeys, exorcism
Id: PnPpXjN8sNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 30sec (4770 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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