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do you believe in possession that an entity whether good or evil could make itself at home within someone or something could an item a doll a mirror a box of book or a knife be haunted if so the addict the burn bray mansion is the holy grail or should i say unholy they deal with this every single day every single night how long do you understand it's 93. since then yes we knew what was going on oh my goodness do you want elton yes oh my god where would you generation so he carved that for us and he disappeared no one knows what happened it's uh 3 30 in the morning yes you're locked in a haunted attic yes we also heard what sounded like apple apple catboy says help help me and it's all crossed out look at the clothes swinging can you let us know by maybe touching that red pot again [Music] what's up everyone and welcome back to the overnight channel that is fully dedicated to everything that is paranormal extraterrestrial mysterious unsolved whatever it might be it's an open-ended book with us but of course tonight is all about the paranormal we are at the burn bray mansion in new york and this is a first for us out of all the locations we've been to one it's a haunted mansion 10 000 square feet 12 bedrooms massive property five acres has a cemetery attached to it another new first the owners of the house live in the house really that's crazy they don't have like a second house or like yo they live in the house do you hear that screaming i know that picked up on no no actually i heard it was definitely from back over there but i was like maybe the owners are just getting loud yeah maybe they're getting turned out also that's when we can walk toward it yeah the owners live here they they deal with this every single day every single night and guess what well they're here and they're hard to work they're cool with it they know the tour guide yeah they know everything about that they know everything about the house they have a journal they have a picture book they have all the information they know every paranormal story that's ever happened here they know every little detail about the place oh that's good and they're picking uh what room each of us sleeps in oh that's nice of them that's very nice that's that's the deal oh also fun fact it's a bed and breakfast we missed dinner but breakfast will be ready for us at nine in the morning oh so right when we finish investigating yeah yeah burn bray mansion was built in 1908 as part of an estate belonging to george mckenzie third president of the world renowned singer sewing machine company over the years the home exchanged owners five different times serving numerous purposes such as a tea room during the prohibition although this 10 000 square foot home was never known for being haunted that would change after burn bray's 100 year anniversary the newest owners decided to conduct a full renovation of the home bring it back to its original glory creating a beautiful bed and breakfast and so the sightings of the paranormal began guests have reported doors opening and closing sometimes slamming children's voices apparitions of a woman in a white and a man in overalls as well as the sound of an organ being played although there is not an organ within the house yet we believe the common thread that lies within the restoration and the panorama activity is woven within the addict and that is what we're here to find out welcome to the overnight channel dedicated to finding proof of the paranormal and the mysterious realms that surround us so please make sure to subscribe as we have weekly episodes at new locations with another 20 videos already filmed elton pleasure thank you for having us hi nice to meet you corbin hello corbin hey corey nice to meet you all these cool names you want to come in from the front door yeah yeah yeah straight to it this feels like the perfect place to tell a ghost story look at this like right here is magnificent for just telling you guys you've probably done that once or twice yeah i'm gonna guess so too it just looks like something look at the miniature whoa look at the miniature towns oh dude my mom would love this she's obsessed with them dude same my mom would die for this right now my mom like putting the village under the christmas tree yeah yeah up on the counter and then and then you use like all the cotton balls as snow yes we do we do a lot of activities here like murder mysteries yeah things like that and so you're just gonna say murders just do a lot of a lot of burgers and every year only people get to tour this house of people at stake um you just can't come in you're not right we're not a restaurant anything like that you can't just show up so can i have a tour no you can't that's if you stay over there you get complete tour of the house the history of the house and and we always serve dinner and we always serve breakfast because up here there's no place the question yeah what if they agree to stay and then they get scared and they don't stay are they banned for life do they have to unlearn the knowledge we have had people have left like they should be banned [Laughter] well i'm not gonna leave why are you pointing the camera at me you have grown people start crying and everything you just have one wow that's that's so weird i would never talk friday you had grown adults crying here yeah less than 48 hours ago yeah oh wow because they were so scared he was yeah oh he okay wow yeah a group that was doing an investigation i came from all over the united states were here and they had a professional personal woman that does use melissa who does uh investigations here she's tremendous and she does so you know contacts people are really cool and he just went beside himself it was how long do you own it for he's 93 new legends yes when the tenants that we had here left or one old couple they died here but um then then uh we said hey with the time i'm always traveling i was getting tired and i was getting old so we decided to open us a bed and breakfast we knew what was going on here but people people would come for the historical values this is on the historical registry and it's a pretty famous place up around this area and people say what's going on here last night when i was sleeping somebody touched me or touched my foot it's like someone's hovering over me that we can't we heard footsteps all night in the hallway and you know we saw we saw people sitting on the stairs and things like that wow they get mad they want their money back they thought i was doing it if i'm working 18 hours a day seven days a week i'm not going to go in they thought that you had somebody sit in a chair then we started advertising listen this the spirit's here come you know if you eat today yeah and now if people don't have an experience they're upset yeah so every every room which when i give you a tour of the room every room has a journal that people can write their experience tonight in a few places but not many for that so you see their own handwriting where people are written down so it's pretty cool yes is your trophy around yeah people i've coached and you know all of my family's been invited to racing for where would you go this strange story my daughter and son-in-law commissioned that from someone they met at a chiller show there's these chiller shows around the country they met some guy that did all this kind of fancy carving and they asked them if you could make a ouija board for them and you know what ouija board was my daughter you know show them all stuff so he carved that for us shipped it here they paid him up front wow shipped it to us and he disappeared no one knows what happened to him somebody else wanted to get one like that my next door neighbors at us marshalls they can find anybody yeah i believe homeless security one is if he said i could find anybody anybody because you know if they're in witness protection yeah i can find them i can't tell you about it that's no problem and he said and that guy doesn't exist he never did exist yeah so we don't know they use like those uh dowsing rods and stuff yeah yeah yeah they use them and and you know that's incredible i can't but they ask questions and they want to spell out a name or something and the rods will point to the letters oh wow really strange things that's what i'm getting it's like made this and then disappeared wow like yes that's right that kind of blows my mind wait that's interesting we've never done that before what the dowsing rods melissa when she she was here did this whole thing uh the other day and she's amazing she contacts us this girl a little girl but ellie she talks to her she controls those rods but spinner makes him do all kinds of stuff really pretty cool okay i don't understand this but they're broken oh yeah yeah yeah oh the last investigation did you say mcraven [Music] but everything is positive that's what's really amazing is tons of positive energy in this house yeah nothing's negative that's good and i can't change so there's there's 12 bedrooms here right no six oh yeah but that's part of my important right but the point of house you're gonna go through now there's six which is weird because there's six of us yeah these are rules so are would you say that some rooms are more i'll explain that we'll go upstairs okay so would you mind picking our rooms for us tonight okay so take the most scared and the most haunted and then just kind of keep working it's a good idea yeah well i think hot most hot in the most scared are probably pretty equal that's what i'm saying they should the most no the most scared person should be the most honored oh yes oh yes definitely okay all right who's that well you can you can judge we won't tell you but you can probably figure it out at the end of the night and we'll let you pick our room for us okay all right let me show you the house here oh dude it's just a completely new person oh man wow this is an original bathroom oh what oh my god wow all the dolls up there look at this look at the phone look at all the raggedy and oh these are the most creepy dolls i've seen yeah i've seen anything yet the old couple that we inherited with this house uh lived and this is where they died uh in their late 90s almost 100. johnny you should turn around and look down do you see it garbage can would be a terrible paranormal investigator the nightstand of the ouija board ah that's horribly creepy you wake up on the night in your milk your water glass is just pushing around this originally was the library what is this supposed to be that is not he's got a half a head that doll has half a heck what is this that's the corey face oh my god the doll is dripping oh my god am oh oh what the oh my god look at the one on the top left wait a second one of the top left that's there that one no a lot of those were here most of most of those were here what the what is this one doing she's planting other ones he said most of these dolls were already here wow oh my goodness we have a raggedy ann doll what yeah you want me to look look at that one oh no that's ugliest oh my god oh jesus how did wait how did you lock it there was a key in the door oh thank god dude i like this you could do this okay no no oh that does have a closet okay interesting huh i didn't just break the bed today okay no that's just the sound that it makes when you sit on it let's just all try it out together this is six pages in a row that say no activity oh okay so who's picking this room i mean i guess not you yeah oh man yeah i guess you guys should believe what i just said who took this room who wanted this room brandon said he wanted it yeah it's so bad he wanted the room that had absolutely no activity in it i think brandon said that brandon i don't even think that's what i said we have cameras i mean we have footage of this i think brandon said that he did because i clearly wouldn't lie to you about what this journal says i mean now that i'm thinking about it i don't know if that's what i said i think that is that what he said um if we took it to court i think verbatim that is can we have jack roll it back yeah i mean i guess not you this one is this one is one of the creepiest i will say all right wait is that on the stairs i don't know if i like this i i think you like that one i feel like this is probably one of the most haunted rooms i and this guy is like our medium so should corbin be wrong the book medium brand the first one says help help me and it's all crossed out god does it says help me all across town footsteps in the hallway and a cat meowing it's hard to sleep i had a hard time sleeping things were heard cats cats in the door why did they help us at the end of that at the end again it does wait wait wait wait we seen it up close yet no can we can we show evan's camera it says help us but it's crashed out in the first one wait wait wait but here's the thing it's like it's like these people put it in first right it's like like this help me help me but then look at this one right they already put this in and now it says help us what are the dates what are the dates of difference in the dates this is an 08. that's completely different handwriting yeah of course it's like it's like some it it's like the ghost is what's writing help us okay this room doesn't feel so bad this doesn't feel so great okay he's not a journal yeah tell us a story i think you said that time story please there's one i'm not reading one of these stories so why it's a very weird story what's the story please dad ellie this is all possible is this is this like a recent room because there's only like five pages in this one no we don't use it this one if people want to be downstairs most of the time so i'm gonna totally sold out to every room to choose wow you want to see the attic yeah let's go see the other this is a kind of a blank slate other than one really weird story what is it they just had one weird experience one really weird story like maybe yeah we would have to censor it if we put in the video could you maybe what show me could you demonstrate the story down no because we'd also have to take that out of the video people watch people it's actually an r-rated story it's very weird i've never read anything like that so i should for sure sleep if you want to have a paranormal sexual encounter all right if you take that bed i'll take this back let's go whoa i feel like i'm on that what was that one show where the dudes would like show up to old barns and like buy all their stuff american pickers yeah that typewriter was a puniak that old carpet sweeper was here in the attic that fan was up here in the attic i see you in the beer all the all these see all these things kitchen implements they were rolling boxes up here if you want to talk about a chance to have any paranormal oh my video this is this is remarkable this is insane speaking of this stuff is up here and i had no idea what this stuff was this thing up here this tool that's a bung hole reamer oh bung hole reamer yeah i didn't really know what it did until you raised your eyebrows yeah this is a bung they they drill a hole into a cider barrel or a beer barrel wine barrel and then they'd take the mallet hammer that in so they had a spout to get the stuff out now you know what a bubble yeah i've been always talking about tomorrow stop the leak makes sense no one wants a leaky barrel that was good that was pretty good that was pretty good calm down there you wanna sign us rooms okay gentlemen roll call we're gonna get assigned our rooms all right i legit thought that jonah walked behind me to go film something in that room that's what it said you're just staying there so you get used to it oh well there's your room what's the story that we can't change no but i was like we were talking right here and when you were talking about that door i was like jonah came through so i was like listen i was looking over here and i came over here to go talk to him and he's not here he's with corey over there who's jonah you you'll take the room with the sleeping wrong that's a reminder [Music] yeah that's uh just brandon though baby oh that makes sense yeah but so i can't sleep in that room with uh corbin no well hey in the middle of the night there's no cameras there's no cameras yeah you sure there actually will be for once well then there'll be a night vision camera that you can't see but we can see everything that happens in the room so i just really want to experience the room you really want spirits in your room no i want to experience corbin you can [Laughter] honestly if you want cory you can probably borrow that bungalow lager wait is this the room they passed away in what is this room they passed away in yeah we're talking about that oh and i have the ouija board nightstand you're in this one right here oh he's okay he's the farthest away from all of us all right the next two rooms the cameraman oh i think i'm okay with this one i was already cuddling in here with them so this room over there that's the most active room what what was that cameraman in the back yeah cameraman in the back come on know your place okay so i'm gonna i'll see you sometime in the morning yeah whenever you get up all right sounds good all right appreciate it good enjoy thank you so much oh you know we will you know so uh should we all go get our bags yes yeah once you go in you don't leave till breakfast oh well are you sure yep that's right we don't know and remember breakfast is at 4 pm tomorrow breakfast at 4 p.m tomorrow so good luck actually now i don't know in the middle of the night if you guys ever try and leave smart because my room's right here at the bottom of the staircase no that's the ghost walking yeah you don't even understand [Music] oh my god we have our own private staircase on the other side wow this place i cannot believe you're gonna stay here yep you're gonna sleep in here too right i didn't say that hmm well i don't think you'll even need that i mean you had the most recent deaths in the house yeah 2006 15 years ago you got a california king that is true i don't know what was on the journal oh but he left it in here do i read it and freak myself out or do i just not read it and try to be ignorant i'd rather have this room than some of the other ones i think i'm i think i'm all right okay what you trying to say that people back in the day looked creepy evan maybe a little she is i was gonna say handsome oh the picture oh what is that about exactly is that edited or is it like what is that about no way it's definitely edited oh that's that that's gotta be edited is there any wind in here did someone hit that what look at the clothes swinging did anybody hit that what no i was just down the hall and i just saw that dude i was literally just going down the stairs i turned around and i was like is there somebody in there [Music] dude there was abs you guys could see us there's absolutely no wind in here and i don't know how that happened [Music] and it's just still going yeah wow it was a winter no dude i heard it whenever we just first talked like 10 seconds ago and then it stops and then you asked and i heard it again it sounds like a clock but then it stopped i need to get my back back so it could almost be you know footsteps though it could be oh my there was footsteps you actually scared me again you oh my god oh my god no it's not moving anymore what that's actually crazy it's so good that i have this ring because this would be across the room well everyone before we start the investigation of this 10 000 square foot mansion jesus that is wait is it three stories plus attic no three stories including the attic yes plus the seller were not allowed in and then and not including the widow uh the widow peak thing that you can get all the way to the roof because our bedrooms are in the same hall as the air we're on the third floor which is correct two people died in my room yeah oh you don't know that yeah the room i'm in is where yeah that's the old couple yeah who passed away this was their house right also my room and brandon's room is the exact pathway that everyone hears footsteps also yours is the room with a story that we can't put on the internet and his is a story where they just recently tore down a wall and found a hidden children's room that they think is where a child died i've never heard that anything can't be put on the internet yeah also for the record we're going to be the first ones to ever do an investigation up in his attic oh yes that's right he says he doesn't let anyone else do it but he's going to let us do it that's so cool you don't even know what happened yes yes we were in the attic you know everything you you scared us right everything was spawning oh okay so for the record whatever you guys heard was before i was even at the top of the staircase this is just just this was after though but he's saying the chimes yeah and the steps no he's yeah he wasn't i was like crawling up there oh yeah stairs but this is before you even got up the stairs anything like that right before the wind chimes anything like that right yeah we were in there and we're looking at this like one picture and then we came back out and they're going to the room and everything i'm going back down the stairs to come see you okay and i turn back around and the dresses are just kind of swinging like this in the room and i just went up to donut and i was like do you guys touch that like did anybody hate it and when they came over it's still swinging just as much and we were just watching it and it was probably three wait was that an attic yeah yeah it's been there for three four minutes and it never slowed down there's no the exact same right do you know what the main apparition that's seen in this household is what the woman in the white dress dude so maybe you saw her look at this going for her choice that's just the first activity that we've spent tonight so okay she'll probably just stay up there with you guys though honestly you guys are just going to sleep in the attic no no you sure there's a lot of dead cat stuff up there in terms of tools we have everything like nearly everything so we should go through an explanation process the rundown if you haven't seen our recent video at the cecil hotel or queen mary with linda she had an sls camera so we acquired one of our own the first time with one of these legit and it's actually very lightweight uh it's really fantastic so if anyone doesn't know this is the old connect sensor and the only way it works is that when it detects a heat source or a physical presence a human it maps their mass and then creates the skeletal outline so the idea is that because this is mapped in infrared a ray of light that we don't see that these cameras see and these cameras see in that this could actually see entities apparitions figures that we can't but because of technology it'll map it into a skeleton for you and of course we have the new one yes [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh everyone was your name ellie right ellie i'm sure ellie loves music if you guys did not know these are cat balls and they are four cats they're supposed to light up just like that and then you put them on the ground and when anything hits it or if it rolls anything like that it creates this light so that is how we know that something hit it and the only way that actually goes off is this some kind of force shakes it touches it there's no other way for them to go off definitely with the classic k2 which i'm sure everyone knows exactly what that is and then we have a thermal gun we have a very basic one but same thing it'll detect the actual heat like mask these are all of the night vision cameras we have one for each room tonight so everyone when you're sleeping perfect it'll be documented so that's easy this is the newest toy we have so excited so if anyone saw our belair house series that was with kristen she brought something called the huff portal we couldn't get an original hot portal because literally like three in the entire world yeah and he won't sell me one i've asked so we have the next best thing and essentially what this is it's still connected to a spare box but it's able to just cut out all of the static what and it only presses through the most clear audible like words so if anything comes through this it has to go through like three different filters to be pressed through and then of course we have the rem pod over there so if you come in from right here and you get to this portion that's when this thing this thing is going to start going up these are the same dowsing rods we had that were broken i didn't touch them they were broken at myrtle plantation wait wait you're saying you didn't touch these at all you don't i'm really confused right now what are you put your hand right here like this there's heat right there these are fake and they're cold like a real no that's why it's fine that's cold did you not d it's gone did you feel the heat when you first put your hand down oh right there is it yeah it is there's heat on one spot of the table that is very weird all right okay so dowsing rods these somehow broke by themselves how'd they break though this part right here just fell i genuinely like i pulled them out right now and i was like i thought these are broken but yeah no i mean i'm pissed off yeah but wait wait real quick yeah the thing is these like pieces you know right here like they stop it from breaking three things happened at once remember that it was that went off a cat ball went off and then something else went off i started to walk into that room and as soon as i take my first step it just yeah it broke it broke but here's the thing i didn't do anything to them i i really i pulled them out of my bag and they were just fine again wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take a table are we allowed to move the table [Music] hello my name is elton thanks for having us in your house tonight we introduce ourselves do i have to knock you yeah my name is brandon hello my name's corey it's not what hello my name is corbin i think you just need to stand dead center sick nice let's see it was nice dead dead center oh that was good that's good that was good yeah if you're just right here because then they can spin full 360. can you turn the light off up there that way those will pop better no so that means they go upstream by myself in the dark yes so whenever anyone first used this it was never closed it still might not be close so we don't even have to open it like well yeah it probably still isn't close [Music] the cap all through it by itself did it didn't it yeah it did yeah as we were talking that's what he just said that's what he just said you guys see that i was upstairs hey man watch it step step around it oh my god you want to really prove that it won't go off i think this is going to be a really good investigation [Music] is it dude it only goes like eight feet okay i'm watching every cat ball it went off when he was all the way up here yeah there's no way it's reaching that far that thing only goes like six seven feet yeah let's see where it cuts [Music] it's already cutting out you know we're right here wow he's literally right behind us second floor hallway right that's where the footsteps are yeah uh do you want to take a night vision camera with you is it worth it or just okay oh dude this is gonna be sick yeah start it okay so we'll put this right here and we'll put our hands next to the hello yeah yeah so put it right here just like this put your hand next to mine okay and then we'll go like this one we'll go all the way around yeah two and three and hello all right who wants to ask the first question yeah my friend first i want to let them know that whoever or whatever is here you're welcome to touch us and are you sure about that you are you are welcome to touch all of us and if you want to you can follow all of us when we leave here no okay no that's incredible where was the question was that oh that was no no that was just you said that was the priest you do not have permission to follow me you can talk to our friend corey right here he has a dowsing rods and we can actually pinpoint what letter you want to say to us or a yes or no if you do want to talk to us can you please cross these rods if you don't want to talk to us that was two at one time really oh yeah you saw it right yeah yeah oh [Music] this is insane that's three this is literally incredible three different things at the same time so you do want to talk to us that's awesome wait wow my eyes are going what um here let me get down here it's not me there's no chance it's cool really could you please make these rods point on this board to how many spirits are in this house with us i mean that's going to nine i see nine okay so nine are there any more than nine spears with us does the number continue if so please make these rods go to the number if not just hold them still it keeps going off is there someone standing behind me through this archway cross for yes you're welcome to come into this room with us you don't have to watch from the dining room we just want to know if there's anybody here with us oh man if that if that happens could you please make these rods point to each letter and spell out your name to whoever we are talking to right now okay what letter is that x it would be no it's before that what is that y y that would have to be a y x y z yeah okay so your name starts with a y what is the next letter what is your name okay i'm gonna ask you to respell your name for me okay thank you okay spell out your name again for me i mean that's a y it went back to y okay okay why what is the next letter [Music] would that be is that a b maybe they're why bleach i just felt that's autofocus manual focus no that wasn't hot oh that no there was knocking yeah i heard that i me and evan heard the same noise upstairs over the knocking coming from where where i took the board from where did you take the board from that one room over there y a what's the next letter [Laughter] why hey why yay [Music] well there's a little girl here someone's talking to everything it just spelled yay like it's excited yeah what is the name of the spirit that we are talking to see is this still z since it's still over there i just heard it again i literally flashed twice oh my god what no no i said go go to the next letter what okay go to the next letter what what i noticed well z it's just saying a z no what it's spelled zozo it just says z-o-z-o yay zozo you have to explain you have to explain what zozo means to you zozo is apparently a spirit or demon that is like attached to ouija boards and a lot of people say that zozo's you know made up but a theory that i have is like i feel like you can believe in something so evil that it like you know manifest yeah and so it's like if so many people believed in zozo why couldn't it become a real deal what an agriculture is yeah facts are you upset that we moved your table are you pointing to me because i moved the table are you yeah you know by we you mean but also that was a no i know this house was recently restored and since then the activity has gone up a bit more and more people come to visit you and if you show us any signs tonight we'll share with all of our friends and more and more people will come to visit you as well so that's something you'd like to have happen we can absolutely promise that more people will come here so here's the other thing you made it very clear you're downstairs with us and i appreciate that what but what i believe is that you have an older friend upstairs that likes to walk around the hallway at night there's a device upstairs that if he or she or whomever gets anywhere near it it'll beep and we'll hear it right now it hasn't gone off the whole night is that something you can do or is it still a little bit too early because the journal says that all the footsteps in the hallway start at three in the morning we'll meet your friend upstairs in about 50 minutes then all right what if it like caught fire while he was carrying jesus christ so that's jonah and now jonah is a stick figure hey look at him wave look it's so funny yeah perfect wait can i try it oh yeah go ahead try oh yeah there you go yep oh that thing freaked me out yeah [Music] wait a second wait oh i think it's getting the doll in the chair no it's get it it's getting the look right there oh yeah that's it it's it's no it's it yeah it's getting the doll in the chair but why is it getting motion from the doll i don't know we all check our rooms oh my god oh oh hey elsa put it in the chair okay [Music] [Music] what just happened it looked like it was like a shadow like that no it looked like a nerf dart looking thing like went flying this way past the camera oh look at that dude he caught it wait wait wait wait wait wait dude i was like that's pretty good bro right at the camera that's exactly that i said it like oh my god and he said it was a nerf dart so he saw it with his eyes i saw it yeah [Music] [Music] anybody in here here joe let's go this way [Music] portal somewhere we can do that probably in the attic it makes no sense yeah but do you think that'll be that's like right on top of the owner's apartment they don't care that's what we're here for perfect [Music] i know why is it so quiet i know i have a feeling that they're waiting till three like i feel like spirits obviously live on different levels of this house and the ones downstairs are active but the ones up here aren't gonna do anything until three just like i said but the thing is it's like they said that downstairs is not the active part it's the second floor that really starts to get active and then they from up there we got so much activity from that first floor maybe a lot of people just don't think to check there maybe we're like the first people that really like hey let's like investigate down here dude i just know when it hits three it's gonna get crazy i just know huh i don't understand that all right it's a little too quiet huh it's also 2 45. hey corey maybe we should put the music box towards the uh wardrobe from where jonah is to the wardrobe yeah that's probably good yeah maybe like raise it up a little bit too because there's this thing on the ground except another one over here that makes no sense thank jesus do we have the other cameras the iron do you enjoy being in the wardrobe i put the two gopros up there what hole dude what is going on can we like we should start some investigation dude we've already it's going crazy it never goes this long [Music] you like that music as long as you keep standing in front of it it'll keep playing music [Music] oh can i say something okay it's 3am on the dot no way no way it's exactly 3am [Applause] if we lock that we actually can't get them out all right i'm standing over by a speaker where you can talk into i don't want you to feel like this again or anything i'm just trying to see if we have it is there anyone up here with us there's not a gun so you know can you try talking to me is there anything that you want to say you see that yeah yeah there's a figure if you're over here just stay right here are you still here with us evan it just said evan dude i swear i just said evan if there's anything that you want to tell us you can say it right now and we'll be able to hear you dude why is it like banging on it do you not want us to be here why do you keep banging for anybody who is in here you guys i just want you to know that you can get close to this box right here and you can tap this right here to show that you are talking to us and we haven't really heard this guy once at all tonight so if you want to talk to us please talk to us through that we also have this this radio basically you can talk to us through this it's a spirit box and uh really either one of these we just want to communicate we just want to communicate first thing i want to ask is anybody here come into cory's room hmm yeah why not with the creepy hidden room closet yeah dead child any souls anything that we can't see but you can see us could you please try communicating with us if you're here with us we want to know who we're talking to what was that did you say corbin i'm not even kidding no no i know what you're saying i know what you're saying it's just like feel like it's like so we can almost hear you we're very close can you say that again [Music] kind of crazy this isn't elton did you say elton why did that happen okay wait turn the camera on real quick okay tell me when it's going as soon as we just turned the camera off it just said clear as day elton maybe it doesn't want us to talk [Music] come on say olson maybe we should tell elton he needs to come up to the attic fine so oh boy do you want elton yes oh my god let's go let's go dude we have been here for like 20 minutes almost not getting anything we turned the camera off it says elton do you want elton the lights are on clear as day yes let's go that is the only clear thing that i've heard from that oh that is the only clear thing i've heard from that this whole time and it was a yes oh boy all right corbin there's no way dude am i here i swear i just heard corbin so okay so now you want now you're talking to us interesting to me because it looks like it's almost like a jail cell yeah like you could put food and water through here exactly yeah so i kind of either that or they made it like the child's tomb like just sealed it off this is the play room yeah actually that kind of makes sense because i think there was an incredibly young young boy yeah that died in the house if you know who we are could you say one more of our names [Music] what does that mean that's clear too it almost sounded like wesley i was gonna say leslie dude could that be his name no wes is our roommate yeah no you're right why did he say wesley who are you wesley no a kid a kid is that what it is that's what i heard clear as day we are getting some dude the lights are on right now we're getting sorry all right all right we're gonna bring this over and i want you to follow us okay [Music] all right if you can talk to us you can still what do you say keep going do you want us to go this way we're gonna set you down right over here next to the wardrobe okay cool so this is the area this is where should i put this back there yeah all right we're gonna put our devices over here we're gonna start our devices back here okay it's so weird look that's remarkably gonna be so close that's crazy that's really good we are now over here next to the work let me do this okay yes we are now here next to the wardrobe do you like it better over here you guys you guys can you now really tell us what your name is dude we both heard that clear as day wait wait we have evan we didn't explain his name either so is his name joe that just said joe ask a question that's a question is your name joe we're from california where are you from yeah we're from california we're from l.a at approximately midnight we heard what appeared to be footsteps overhead and thought it was barry i can't read the thought that's true i was thinking you should only read ghost stories in the dark but yeah if you can't read the dark you can't do that i'm not we heard what appeared to be footsteps overhead and thought it was barry moving around in his room on the third floor we also heard what sounded like i think it's like one of their friends ah okay yeah yeah we also heard what sounded like grandma catboy catboy look it can't be me nine and downstairs said there was nine spirits that's true you might not be saying that though were you nine years old [Music] what is that eleven eleven i know it's hard to speak clearly we just want to know how old were you again i heard 60. i mean there's a lot of stuff there's there could be a lot yeah i am not staying in this room is that what it says i am not staying in this room i went to each room to read the journals this was the only room that i closed the door as i'm reading this book i started hearing dripping noises i did not hear them when i first came in i looked up and it looked like the ceiling had been opened up by a leak years ago and even that right there yeah i just closed that door why did that door just feel fantastic fantastic are we still speaking with joe which woke me up from a sound sleep i could worry if you are i'm a really good reader like i i read i read the best you read like the best i read the best like all the best i'm the best reader i'm the goodest reader we had a great time mm-hmm this place is amazing what's the look at some let's see i'm totally my room's good though that's how beautiful and wonderful remember how empty all the other pages were all the other books wait really nothing in it isn't that so crazy that all the other days yet if i just keep flipping these pages one after another after 2014 wow look 2014 people been out here january 24 2015. look at that there's still more more 2015 2016 2017 2018. lots of k2 activity 2018 2018 wow we're still just going your room just seems to have so much delightful oh we're may 21 are you tired right now i thought you said you wanted to go to sleep because it looks like it's your turn to write in the journal is your name evan or were you talking about our camera guy evan [Music] [Music] spirit what would you like of me why are you calling me out i don't know i don't know it said i don't know right after you ask the question rachel do you hear that you covered it come in [Music] you come in we can't come in there because we lock you in so this whole investigation that we're doing we've been locked in uh i mean if you didn't know it then i guess technically you weren't and also you're not locked in it's that we're locked out yeah elton this thing has said your name multiple times oh really the devil oh boy it's dude it just said the devil all right let's get out of here no you can't it's good like i said dude elton it just said elton again sometimes i'm really stupid yeah buddy buddy elton yeah wait it said buddy as i said yeah that was the voice that just said the devil and then your name so sometimes i lock things that i don't have the keys to okay well then now you're gonna have to wake up the owner well he's gonna wake up at probably like eight in the morning okay so so what are you saying i don't wanna keep us in here the entire time i'm just saying it would be really rude to wake up the person whose house is we're staying in yeah it's uh 3 30 in the morning yes you're locked in a haunted attic yes cool we understand each other have a good night guys okay so yeah so elton put the latch on yeah okay let's check it out real quick you're not gonna break the door [Music] so we talking to a man on a side note i don't know if someone's still outside of that door but there's movement what do you mean i mean like footsteps hi there dude it just said hi there elton i try oh my god this is going crazy really this is going calling for you is it actually talking yeah yeah come over here it's asking for you jonah shut the door let's let's all do this we were back there for probably 20 30 minutes and probably didn't get one clear word nothing we turned the camera off and we're about to pick it up to move and we turn the lights on turn we turn we turn the lights on and it goes clear as day elton so we're all like wait what so we say start filming again turns on the camera i go did you just say elton clear's day yes right away like not a pause not like it's still on right now right yeah protect protect we're not here to hurt you at all all right we brought elton in here i'm your buddy you want to talk to him would you prefer else another part of our group to stay here you you literally said you that was the devil voice that was i'm gonna say each person's name in this room just literally try to get it away from him so many times ask it to say a name just say a name yeah yeah whatever the next name you can say someone in this room that person will stay in case you don't know all of our names elton corbin corey brandon evan jonah say one of those names that personally yeah we fitted here the whole time at the catwalk things in here by themselves the first person to touch the cat oh look i took it from brandon it didn't go up it's in my hand bring it into me now pick come on corbin take it because it doesn't have to be you that sets it off oh that is terrible it doesn't have to be you that sets it off at any point in time you can put some energy in that catball oh wait there's two other people here oh yeah [Music] do you want the cameraman to stay here careful i'll take anything holy sh that's how we're gonna decide who you get this is how do i stalling here yeah i can't see it oh no being so careful [Music] is it gonna be evan [Music] well when evan takes the ball again you can set it off [Music] are you enjoying this was that i have such a far movement which is unfair hello he's so shaky they just said hello oh corbin stays wow you give me the sensitive one all right do you want corbin you gotta say his name i don't i don't think it matters i think it's just this it's like it's the game i just heard a woman all right you ready jonah let's do it let's keep all the catfalls you can see we're not here to harm you or anything like that we just want to talk that's good to know that we heard you're very positive do you like the new amount of people that have been coming to this house since it was renovated [Music] listen to this they said that they enjoyed their stay they came with a paranormal team and nothing happened it was just a really good stay except for whoever opened our door at 4 30 in the morning are there multiple spirits in this house many interesting are they all positive [Music] yes did you die in this house [Music] stan why why is why is it whoa huh it has been a great visit thanks to our host and hostess pat and mike my great great grandfather was george ross mckenzie oh part of the sigils yeah oh that's crazy that's sick so he like came back to visit do you have enough power to touch things what do you mean is it taking you a lot of power to talk to us right now yes yes do you do you like standing next to the wardrobe whoa my group left me found a closet full of dolls strange but no actual would definitely come back to stay the night i thought no one was allowed in the house unless he stopped here yeah wait what did he say he said that no thanks for letting us visit and open up your home [Music] i've asked it to whoa whoa i've asked you to touch the red pot multiple times thank you so much whoa whoa you're being very active thank you more activity has been happening in this place since the hidden room has been opened rimpod drowned as well as camera and we had solids on both emf readings in the attic this place has multiple spirits living here love it that's really where i was standing i was like i don't like this i feel like there's someone like right here in the hall with me i just saw that go on um oh my god are you trying to show us your power absolutely whoa wow you're really powerful you are incredible truly oh okay well what is this weird dude this is what this is the book from my room elton this is the book from my room are you ready for this this is rare that it is like that crying right now felt evil presence went to went to look around when i came back my nose was bleeding and why okay brandon look at the bottom of the page that's the exact same handwriting that says helpless from the other book i should say where i said like help me and then help us what room is that that was uh um i don't whose room was that wasn't in yours we went through everything on page in your book no it was one of the first ones we read no is it evans it's evan's room oh that's why you're filing alert dude wait your room has it i'm pretty sure that was mine dude let's see look i thought is it this one oh the cap was going off the cowboy was like when all of us running okay wait what's that is it this one yes this was the room this was it where was it there was oh okay but look look go to the next page go to the next one holy that's the exact same handwriting [Applause] in two different books what are the dates i heard doors slamming and someone walking in the hall got a little sleep paul slept all night we had had fun also see that's like a pleasant one and then said help us but it's not written the same handwriting though wow check it out well thank you for talking to us i feel like we should bring everybody back in here you think yeah i mean after that that's the most active i've seen in this area would you like me to bring my friends back mad please please please you guys gotta get in here we just had the rem pod go crazy you guys it's all the way over there out of absolute nowhere the rem pod goes off the cap ball goes like i said i did that yep all at the same time and you know how you know how many times we were trying to get that to the tips of memphis and going off it did not go up cowboy what time is it for 4 10. what is going on that was nuts that was wild it's not going off it's not and it was like at all it was like to the point where i thought it was gonna just keep going and keep going keep going then just stop both oh i haven't dude remember how we went into evan's room earlier we're reading his journal and he kept saying and different handwriting help us yes that's written in my book too what the exact same handwriting can help us like exactly dude i thought i was leaning against a shelf like this something was leaning pushing against my side were you messing with corey there is a baby down there there's a few babies down there stop if you are messing with corey if you touch corey can you let us know by maybe touching that rempot again and the cap only like that's the most clear thing i've ever heard that thing said yeah yo wow what was it what what was it catboy what was that thank god hey guys yeah thank you guys all right well i think we're gonna start packing up here [Music] [Music] well thank you all so much for watching the the video and our overnight stay at burn bray mansion on this trip we're actually just sleeping at every single place that we're going to so the next except sorry the next one is not the next one we're actually doing a quick early access one we got access to a prison oh that's no one's been able to investigate for a while it's called mid-orange correctional facility we're not sleeping out of prison we're not sleeping there okay because later right after we're sleeping at the most haunted hotel in the east coast perfect what yeah the shanley hotel oh the stanley shanley stanley shanley stanley family will be oh right now it's a shanley then it's a stanley then it's a swan lee and then it's his family we're just going to keep going down the hispanic family this is his family hotel first man [Music] stanley where you just hear morocco's just shaking yeah we are staying at the shanley hotel okay okay that's the next one then we're going to lizzie borden then we're going to the sk mansion and then we're going to a radar base so that's everything that's coming up lizzie borden's going to be insane you guys have anything happened to you last night while you're sleeping i mean through hours of gopros what happened to you this morning i was just in my room editing yeah and the door first this has been like hours the door just like creaked open and i looked at it and i was like okay that is that's weird right and i keep editing and then maybe like 30 seconds later it closes like closes not just like you know not just not just like it hits it it actually closes right and i'm like whoa okay this is actually crazy and then i texted you guys like my door just did this right and after that i'm just doing i'm just doing this again and then it opens again and i finally get footage of it and then it closes that's crazy i couldn't i couldn't believe it that's like one of the first times that's ever happened to me i just i kind of fall asleep like i just kept almost falling asleep and then waking up like i was probably up till like 10 a.m jesus christ like just for some reason i could not go to bed yeah i want to sleep around 5 30 a.m yeah i think 5 30. yeah oh my gosh we stopped filming at five so that's actually not too bad so last night was the only time i ever like freaked out in the middle of the night what i woke up and i felt like my leg was getting ripped in half what are you talking i felt like my calf was getting torn in pieces like literally it was the most pain i've ever been in in my entire life like a knife like a knife i think it was a cramp i think i just got a really weird night cramp oh ghost cramp little ghost cramp yeah but like literally my calf was like just a solid like brick and i was doing everything i could to like stretch it out and it was just like the most pain i'd ever been in jesus christ that's actually kind of that's great and you felt like it was being ripped in heaven it like it legitimately felt like the most brutal like muscle pain i've ever felt but at first when i woke up i thought someone was like pulling my leg because my muscle was just like so that was a weird one interesting another fun night yeah yeah and uh this is the least haunted location on our on our trip to the east coast oh wow yeah we started we're working our way up it goes burn bright then it goes mid orange then it goes shanley then it goes lizzie borden which you thought was gonna be the craziest but then it goes sk manchester oh perfect so working our way up every single video is a little bit more huh perfect perfect yeah so yeah all right let's hit the road all right all right let's do it 14 hours of driving dude the next couple days 40 14. 14 40. goddamn that'd be all for be able to laugh let's go [Music] [Music] you
Views: 1,145,683
Rating: 4.9673443 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, paranormal, ghost hunters, 3 am challenge, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, corey scherer, most haunted, haunted hotel, most haunted hotel, queen mary, myrtles plantation, scary places, most haunted places, conjuring, conjuring house, lizzie borden, sam and colby, 3am challenge, tfil scary, ghost adventures, the conjuring 3, mcraven, annabelle, burn brae, evil
Id: Jw0qH547yww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 9sec (4749 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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