Investigating MASSIVE Haunted Hospital (PEOPLE CAME IN!)

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[Music] we've experienced too many crazy things everywhere in this building i've literally never seen that happen it stated right where i was standing there's spirits everywhere lurking in this building yes the goal of the night is to scary at least one group yeah that's why i don't like flat-out it's like you're like things going on i don't think we've ever had something like this here i think we're dealing with something more paranormal here and it's just with us is the devil real somebody's hiding from us [Music] where are we i have no idea we're in the middle of nowhere farm lands honestly in the middle of a goddang forest we're gonna have to go there after tonight yeah we're gonna be needing a church real quick after tonight do you guys know where uh saratoga homestead is on the left oh okay perfect sounds good thank you guys fire department people where we're going the place we're going to is definitely illegal to explore we contacted the manager of the property we got permission this time we got to do things legally nowadays you guys know that wait this isn't right there wait is this it's right in front of us holy what's up what's up should we uh park anywhere specific no doors no windows nothing and it's massive look at how long do it it's literally what in the middle of nowhere this is definitely haunted already oh god this is absolutely massive way bigger than i expected yeah way bigger guys i don't think this has ever been filmed for youtube it's only ever been filmed for the travel channel with one time maybe for good reason because it's completely demolished and the guys that we have now that you guys are about to see are the same people if you guys saw our wilson castle video they were there as well haunted nights if you haven't seen hannah castle what the are you doing hot and nights again round two so i'm steve i'm the owner of honda knights it's a paranormal event company i'm also one of the caretakers and managers up here at the saratoga county homestead my name is dylan i've been riding around with steve for like seven years now just ghost hunting been up with the homestead for about two years running tours and volunteering you guys been ghost hunting for seven years he's been 12. what okay i didn't know that how long have you worked at this hospital yeah about two years so the new owner bought it two years ago and uh he lives in texas so we're his guys here in new york that do everything organizing all events and tours guys this is the one of the only times we've ever gone to an abandoned place legally it's amazing yeah the cops actually know you're here and they're okay with it think about that what a mind-blowing experience for us right now and you said this place just got burnt down last year yeah they set it on fire last year building over here has been set on fire three times you can see it in the back yeah we'll show you some of the rooms that are burned and they want to burn these places down that's like what people suck people suck i mean sometimes i wake up with the idea to just want to burn down asylum okay josh and you were saying most nights like people try to break in almost every single night wow well cause you got a giant hole in your fence this is actually one of the better parts of the fence look at this place guys oh my god saratoga county homestead oh my god all right boys this is epic we going in yo the front door is pretty much locked i don't see any other possible way our security is really tight maybe you boosted me up on that then i pulled you up onto the other pillar we could just continue shimmying our way up to the top i think there's a window up there at the top and we could all just get in there not just safe but completely logical probably the most efficient way we get it every time holy wait there's a genius that window the window there's no glass in this one oh josh is so excited right now it's so dark in here already this was the wrong day to wear skinny jeans dude we always wear skinny jeans on the wrong days this area that we're standing in right now that's clean lean took 13 people seven hours wow ceiling falling plaster it's tiles it's broken brick cement can that just fall on us like right now like today yeah we can show you places where the the building's actually separating we're working on it we're like the beta testers of this place yeah like i said you guys are going to get to investigate a place that the travel channel didn't even get to go in so we don't even know what lurks in there that's the creepiest way to put it but yes this is what you would have seen a long time ago right there right there we have a lot of those historic photos that's actually how we figured out where surgical was an x-ray we walked around with historical photos and just looked at each room until we could match up outlets and lights and windows and doors it took us hours these stairs are structurally sound so if you want to walk up and take a look at our giant skylight you can i would love to look at that skylight oh a little bit down nice whoa the return county homestead was originally two wooden hospital buildings that were here they were built for the treatment of tuberculosis in 1914 1915 originally they housed men women and children about 10 years into that people kind of had some complaints about the children being housed in the same places as the adults that they didn't know that makes sense so they actually built the children's building at the far end of the 20s a little bit after that they actually started condemning the wooden hospital building chairs saying they weren't taking good enough care of them yeah so they tore them down they built the building we're in right now for the adult patients in 1937. that hallway right there female patient rooms the hallway behind you male patient rooms okay children's building is all the way down around the corner directly above us similar layout up above us here we have the theater surgical and x-ray all right so we hear that this place is crazy haunted is there a reason why or is there like any specific stories well being a tv hospital we had estimation between 800 to a thousand deaths wow oh my god a thousand deaths in just one place after it closed it was a nursing home for 19 years as well so there were about some more deaths during that time period and you were saying there was like a lot of dormant spirits that have just awakened yes recently oh my god i was saying that it's been abandoned for 42 years being left to rot like this for 42 years i think the spirits that are here kind of got used to the peace and quiet so they aren't always the friendliest to people [Applause] because they're used to damage being done especially new faces they don't know you guys we still get get outs and leaves and screams and we've been here for two years a lot of people obviously died of the tv but since it was so far away there was a lot of just loneliness here in general right yeah the uh we were speaking with a historian about it she actually has handwritten letters from some of the patients up here writing to their family about how they miss them and how bored they are and you know how sad they are because you couldn't leave it was almost like a form of prison because you were here until you were either cured or you've died and i heard that you couldn't even like walk around go outside and stuff because they were like oh tuberculosis will like spread too easily they were very very structured did most people survive when they had tb no it was so bad especially in new york state that every single county in new york state was required to have at least one tv hospital we're actually one of the smaller tv hospitals for the area we still had 800 to a thousand deaths here and so it went abandoned because they need this no more right because they invented the actual vaccine for tv so when they found the cure for tv they closed this building in 1960 it was closed for one year while they did some renovations and they reopened as the county nursing home for about 18 to 19 years then it closed in 1979 and has been used as nothing since it's been abandoned since then show you a spot on the route that people don't get to see on the tours they didn't get to see when the travel channel was here oh man guys we got the secret access let's say it's that safe so i don't know if the secret access is a good thing this is our safe staircase the one we've reinforced downstairs and cleaned off but it is the one that's also breaking in half and separating from the building oh and that goes up the whole way you'll see it fifty percent safe that's a weird uh egyptian house right there yeah there's there's at least one or two of those in every single room it's not your biggest fear it is uh when you come out because these spider webs don't break they pull your hair good thing see the fog and stuff rolling into the woods over there oh yeah originally this property was 150 acres so they had all of this we had nurses cottages out back there was a powerhouse an apartment a garage a water tower playground house in the parking lot was a superintendent's house so whoever was in charge of the hospital lived in that house the second doctor in charge of the vp lived in the apartment up here imagine you're like penthouse apartment on the top of a hospital constant death that'd be kind of badass i mean uh i'm horrifying what you're walking on look too you know down just completely destroyed oh geez that would break your head dude wow massive holes in this people stack bricks they take the bricks from the roof lining and they try to get the uh the roof to collapse why what is wrong with these kids you know by xbox or something like this sometimes i wake up with the ideas i want to smash the asylums roofs down that just sounds like a great idea right josh yeah jesus christ josh are you going through something like uh dude what the actual oh my god no every room so we believe that this would have been kind of like his living room type area it has a little bookshelf over here you can see where you see shelving this area definitely is not safe so just keep that in mind okay as you can see most of the roof is in here we think this was his bedroom which is being held up by some rotten wood oh beautiful there's a shower stall in here but again the roof has come in lots of vibes from the front oh this is where uh i pointed the camera up there's the down and there's the down you can't get on this part of the roof really at all this place reminds me of the warehouse it does i was gonna say that it's like an industrial like factory looking place even though it's a hospital bag yeah and it's so far out here i do feel like it could get really long definitely i mean dude we're in the middle of like the forest i was asking like we should go to like the most haunted place now because we were done with the roof and he was like if there was any place i could put you in this entire building it wouldn't matter like it's all the same every place there isn't like one haunted spot no i've seen too much creep i mean we we've experienced too many crazy things everywhere in this building i can't like say go here and you see a shadow person because you could see a shadow person literally anywhere here oh my god i really want to see a shadow person me too jesus mosquito second floor these are the male patient rooms on this side okay um they would have had a closet and a bathroom that they shared with their neighbor they would there's not really anything left in them just the tile all original tile from 1937. babies hail satan that's great i do that every day that's the motto of this place this is a solarium we're just sat out here for fresh air and sunlight they had a very regimented you get up this time you eat it this time you take a nap at this time you eat again you take another nap you eat again you get a snack besides the whole tuberculosis thing they live pretty well they ate like four times a day between the snacks all the you know the meals that they had tv you know you try to make people as comfortable as you can keeping the morale up the best you can um giving them any type of small activity that they can do without a ton of physical exercise because of the tv what happened when you had tb so basically it was an infection in your lungs you would end up like drowning in your own fluids you would be coughing non-stop and you'd have it we always got to watch to see if people are going to try to breathe their car hit their brakes and slow it down you think they're there's going to be people like that yes this hallway in particular very well known for shadow figures he just seen i just saw one what no you're lying you are lying to him because i didn't want to interrupt what you guys were doing but i already saw one standing in the middle of the hallway no then it disappeared and it go into a room i didn't see because i turned away because it freaked me the freak out you are kidding that's nice of your toddler shadow figure on camera here no way it was actually a very cool piece of evidence um it ran from our left across the hall they were down that way filming this way clear is there a person but the thing is they're solid for certain parts of their body and that's that car again they're slowing down they're slowing down yeah they're already across the street intelligently let's hide the screen oh we're gonna do it dude if you guys try to break into this place they're gonna scare the out of you or you're gonna get arrested so don't even try yeah did they drop this one did but hey it's it's literally only eight o'clock we just started some people are gonna find yeah actually to make it better if you guys want to pull your car around back that's what we always do when you hide the car so they think they're coming in alone they don't even think that's true though yeah maybe they look constituted because they sell our car they're like other people are here the goal of the night is to scare at least one group of people yeah dude i'm gonna go move the car yeah you should so i was doing a tour earlier today we came out it was a three-hour tour the gentleman said that his grandfather actually lived and died in this room right here his mother would always tell him stories about how his grandfather dropped easter gifts out from the window because she couldn't come see him because of tv he had a lot of uh fond memories of this place passed down from his mother it's pretty cool you know we get primary sources yeah we've had a lot of different stories like that where family members would come and say my you know my grandfather was in here my dad remembers coming up and being able to wave to him from the road because they can't come inside oh it's so sad and we've had people that were up here for 10 years do you think that's like why this place is so haunted is because there was so much sad lonely energy here if there was a place that would be super super full of energy and just sadness it would be a tv hospital because again these are people that have done nothing wrong yet they're being held almost in a prison and again some people stayed here for 10 years just imagine going to prison for not doing anything wrong until you die like a life sentence on you right now until like for nothing and then just drowning the entire time like you're drowning in your own drowning in your own sickness sickness and your own thoughts if you could afford to pay for it you did if you couldn't afford it it didn't matter you still got to come and get treated you got to come for free um is that a blessing or is that correct you know well this is the surgery room this is the room right here they had one bed in the middle of the medical cabinets in the corners people probably heard screaming all the time i mean look how close you are to the patient rooms right across the hall which is where we'll go next is uh the theater where people are watching movies and performances while this is all going on like your chairs probably like while you're watching a movie hear people swimming that's what we said like what did they just say like turn it up a little louder tonight we have a surgery going on and you know that you're next yeah you're sitting in your room like i'm going to die soon and you can hear the screaming of other people that's up the cool thing about this is they had a projector that was donated to them and the patients actually didn't think it was good enough they didn't like it they didn't like it they were picky they didn't like it anything was good enough so what they did was they started their own fundraiser they would sell blankets and stuff that they would make here and raise money and they bought themselves a brand new projector now they had the only projector in the area so people from town would come up to the hospital to watch movies in the tv hospital so they did their own version actually again tying it with kobe the social distancing back then they took a rope and they put it right down the middle tb patients on one side healthy people on the other side and that's how they would work what that doesn't make any sense okay and then just to add to the sadness of it all like the patients have to go back yeah they want a bunch of healthy people like cheer but how many people came up here to watch a movie and end up getting sick a lot of them right you know what i mean like well i would not take that risk i mean did you go outside without a master in copenhagen you get a lot of voices in here um you'll hear people running down the hallways while you're in here so this person took photographs of herself spray painting her own phone number in the building she got two felonies for that felonies don't don't mess around what about if we had like a sticker can we place a sticker here slap a sticker on the wall yeah i got a call when i was at an event last year about 10 o'clock at night people were driving up because it was october by halloween we had security up here for that month but they were driving by and checking out the building and they reported a guy jumping out of the overgrowth with a knife and swinging it at their car there's no way to get here you're 25 minutes from the closest actual town really so just some killers out there we don't i i've never seen them i got multiple calls from the sheriff's that night about it and uh we have multiple messages on the facebook page that they were driving by and somebody jumped out and swung a knife at their car to me this is the most important room in the entire building this is the x-ray room with tb every patient is getting multiple x-rays you have to imagine how many people in this room found out if they were going to live or die oh my god based on your actual results oh no the energy in this room would be oh that would just be horrifying i mean you're sitting there waiting for this picture to develop basically telling you if you have a shot i can't imagine that you have the amount of anxiety everyone would have damn this would be yeah the most energy is really the heaviest room find out when you have to tell your mom that you're going to die yeah from the window because she came upside down oh we even got to the children's building yet like imagine a kid being up here by themselves four or five or six years old oh no whoa whoa whoa that's just roof water i've watched it drip on you it's clean if you tell a child that they're gonna die exactly typically like was there like an age range anybody i mean the children were anybody 18 and younger you know a kid anybody who wasn't considered an adult would be down in this wing do you think they told the kids i don't know see that might be a thing they might not even tell you i have photos of the children laying out on the sun porch all laying there their arms up getting all the sun exposure and fresh air they can and i mean they're they're not a kid in that picture over 10. right here this spot you guys are now entering a spot that destination fear didn't even get to go in hey that's right this was blocked off the travel channel did not happen it was a bang was i was that not this wood right here no it wasn't it wasn't done done that had to have been a door we don't have many of those left what's with us and doors lately i don't know that door just opened as we're talking about this could the wind blow it maybe it could but when we just walked by the thing i noticed was it was already like this yeah so that means it had to have gone so it that bird hangs out on that thing every night this is an area we have done no cleanup in so what do you see is closing oh yo again we were just standing next like yeah the entire time yes what and then clothes yeah you just watched it open right now are we sure it's not the draft it's gotta be ahead of this like this point forward 42 years of abandonment completely untouched and on film oh what's up am i tripping or losing my mind what happened now look at the door it's shut oh what it's every time we turn around it might just be you guys having a wilson castle too yeah nice people yeah new people hey you let us know if it moves we'll be right back on to the untouched part of the hospital so guys if you're liking this freaking video give it a like this is unfilmed untouched nobody's ever been here and while you're down there freaking just subscribe it takes two seconds i'll give you the two seconds okay everything i like is either a legal addictive immoral or impossible this is hell is calling my name random car and this says the city looks so pretty do you want to burn it with me that one used to say i see humans but no humanity oh my god people had to eat they built this room while they were connecting the newer 1937 portion to the children's building oh this is the children's building the next room will be the start of a children's building so as you walk into this next room walk straight up the center and just kind of like hum or talk to yourself the acoustics are insane it's the only room in the building that echoes so here's the echo yeah oh yeah when we enter the children's building again another area we've done absolutely no cleanup and it looks like a bomb went off in here as you can see there's a door frame on the ground this would have been a door into the patient's room for the children so you would come in here all right let's go to bed here oh wow that's kind of sad though still they're all just trying to get some vitamin d what the holy dude did they jump i hope not cause they would jump right on colby oh god don't say that so psychics and mediums have come on the tours and said that there is a woman in this wing oh bat oh bird jesus yo there's a freaking window to get out yeah they struggled she's come in here and multiple times several mediums different tours have said that there's a woman down here that just kind of stands off and stares at everybody when he walks through like very stern doesn't like people down here he doesn't understand why we're down here or does and doesn't want us in here maybe it's because we're adults in the little kid's place yeah but we kind of look like we're 16 right dylan you guys haven't even seen the basement yet nope is that like next let's do it time for the basement basement yeah let's hope that light's breaking all right we made it to the basement guys let me show you something real quick this is the homestead oh my god whoa you can't even like see your hand that's what i mean dude you can't see anything it is disorder like look down this oh my gosh there's a doorway down there you can almost make it out to the outside barely that's what i mean it's not even pitch black out yet trying to scare me what i saw i heard sorry i felt some taps on my shoulder [Music] so i think this would be a good spot to tell you guys about the homestead challenge we all go down to the front entry room down there in the basement we'd all stand there and wait you walk all the way down to the end you can't even see i don't even know where the end is exactly the end uh and then yeah you can't see that's the other crazy thing from the front of the building the halls look straight they're not they're curved that is actually for better airflow to get fresh air into the patients the batwing structure it's better to get the flow of air through the hallways and the patient room so they're slightly curved yeah so that's the homestead challenge you gotta walk down there oh it's just because you're losing these challenges bro good luck tonight bro so do you want yeah so before you do that right now i know you have to do it right now you should i mean unless you want to do it before you hear everything that happens now i think we should warm them up first of all yeah we should wake up charlie make sure he's you know what who the is charlie charlie's our maintenance guy he lived in an apartment above the powerhouse lived like as in like music yeah so he's not currently working here he's just i mean he might be you can't see him so this is the maintenance room this is where charlie would charter his uh his table would have been right here by the middle column but he literally lived on the property he was here all the time so uh a lot of get-outs a lot of screams hey charlie i am uh a nice guy i will just be walking by in a second so you're gonna be able to make it through this bro i'm gonna have to man i don't have a choice i feel like the basement like you're saying we get shadow figures down here all the time they're very interactive with the pmb like we had yesterday the music box like stuff that lights up down here so we're not sure if the kids come up from the kids wing and they just kind of chill out around here harley's usually the one who takes the show really he's always responsive to us that's charlie that's charlie it's actually a road named after fishback fish fish yes markiplier yeah mark fishback yo you're gonna meet the supplier of the night i'm kind of nervous my heart's beating pretty fast right now there's like a prank [Music] charlie is that you oh my wait i have to go there by myself that was a freaking footstep hong kong charlie frank colby's gonna come down there he's very excited to meet you um he's heard a lot of things about you good luck for you to talk to him you can show yourself to him give him a pat on the back he's a good guy so he's good what was that what is that wait what there's literally footsteps right in front of us yeah that is not water droplets guys here we go guys what the was that josh this is not a big deal we just heard footsteps over here i have a recorder i can't see anything in front of me right now because the light is blinding my god oh my god so my friends told me there's a there's a spirit down here named charlie are you walking these hallways with me right now [Music] oh my god definitely hear all the water droplets but damn you can't even see them look at that charlie if you're in front of me can you make a noise oh my god you know i i can't tell i'm hearing the water hit like metal things or if there's actually like footsteps in front of me i don't mean any harm but if you would like to communicate with me just me by myself i want to prove as many people as i can that the paranormal is a real thing including myself so if there's any sign that you can give me right now i know this is where you work can you make some sort of noise or give me some sort of sign oh you actually can't see anything almost ran into that damn pillar all right looks like i made it to the end they said i can't go over this way it's funny because like as soon as it gets pitch black your eyes start playing tricks on you in front of you and i'm literally thinking i'm saying like what the wait what was that i'm full on expecting these guys to jump out and scare the out of me oh and great they're not even there hey perfect hello balls holy the hell is that dude survived i can't wait to listen oh yeah it's seven minutes so it's kind of long but no it's gonna go it's gonna only activate for blue i did it man i'll give advice and subscribe let's go guys if you don't like this video for me doing that by myself you're not real [Music] all right here we go it's time to start the investigation first stop the theater we are just gonna like ask us some questions see if there's anything here that wants to talk and depending on where that leads us we'll continue on if there's anybody up here with us tonight we brought some friends with us to try and talk to you if you want to talk to us come in here and say hello into this little red light do any of us look familiar say one of our names we are inside a theater can you say the word theater if you saw a movie in this theater can you tell us the name of that movie if it was people their car is not here because we would have heard it we would have seen the lights so they would have had to there's no way that that car that just left could have gone down the street to the fire station parked and walked up here it's like half so there's no way they could have got here that quick maybe that was just a sign something like broken glass something broke off of one of these floors that is crazy i just generally don't get it if that was you that made that noise can you either make that noise again or come up here and say hello can you tell us your name did you die here are you trapped here do you like that we do tours here and then we have people learning about the history did you work here [Music] definitely more about the noise get out they're trapped here and they're pissed off about it it took a very very special kind of person to work somewhere here because of course you knew you were gonna get sick how would you feel if we salted the hallways do you co-exist with the spirits of the patients from this hospital you heard it out there out loud are you upset that people took your land is the devil real zero to a hundred real quick yeah holy what the hell do you want to know the answer to that question though i wanted to drop a banger real quick what was that dude man like yo can we get you some water you're like it's the devil water yes oh i thought i heard like one voice whisper very quietly like maybe and then like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i heard two people say something after the devil there's two voices for sure yes all right guys so we are about to go get a motion detector the music box we used in our last investigation but while we do that we're gonna leave the voice recorder in the x-ray room to see if anybody's there before we get there to the investigation you literally cannot even see that doorway to that hall no hello nurse there's a group of male patients headed towards the female ward we're gonna leave a device in this room if you want the men to stay out of the women's ward come up to the red light that we leave in here and let us know scream say stay out leave get out anything you have to let us know that we're not allowed down there [Music] what what the we're completely outside there's no way anything would make that type of noise yeah no one was in the building nobody's screaming either dude that was so loud multiple times they're screaming we're outside and we're completely outside that was just literally right there and if it was wind it would be all the way over here right right there that's where we can feel wind right like even right here i can't feel wondering i would have been consistent that whole time and it would have been consistent the whole time that was the loudest thing we've ever gotten on one of those calvary dude this sounds way more creepier inside an asylum if there's anybody out the hall come out of your room walk down the hall come join us if you walk by this it'll play music for you if you're new for an x-ray come into the x-ray room that was huge that was a doorstep that's a huge bang what if it's the same boat from earlier there's no wind there's no wind cars now there is you would feel it you just asked to come out into the x-ray so you can do it for you forgot which room it is it's the one directly across from the elevator we got to see what's wrong with your lungs come on in this just sounds horrifying oh my god i think we're gonna be their doctor or something they're screwed yeah they're like i don't want to go in that and we just want to give you your x-ray so we can check on your treatment make sure you're getting better if you need help getting to your appointment one of us will come and get you we all work here just let us know where you are and what room you're in is it a dog that's you you're doing great call out to us again we think we almost know where you are if you call out to us we'll be able to come and get you step out of the hallway for us all right guys try number three we are in the kids area right children's building yes we put the music box over there down this hallway so if we hear that there might be some kids walking around here as you remember this is kind of where all the kids like sunbathed and got their little free time so hopefully this should be the most active area there are any children up here with us we put a little toy over there in the hallway all you have to do is stand in front of it you can dance in front of it brought it here for you are you lonely do you want to play a game with us do you want any candy [Music] josh okay can we talk about this are you trying to get kids are you going to lure them in i guess it's a good idea i'm trying to alert the kids in no wonder that's just down here like staring at everybody all pissed off she just turned her head and put it yes i've ever freaking hurt whoa was that did you hear that was that am i going crazy or was that like a huge chime it was raindrop i got so scared for a long time did you we've been hearing those like chiming like the bells of the same thing like that holy crap was that not loud as i missed it dude i feel like i gotta give the kid candy now if there's any children here i would love to play a game with you stand where i'm standing and if you do that you're gonna hear this music box goes off and they're gonna hear that sound i would love for you to stand where i'm standing right now [Music] what what the wait what wait it's getting faster is it going faster wait what the i've literally never seen that happen it stayed right where i was standing [Music] i don't know what's happening let's move it and try it again yeah let's try it again that was really strange dude really didn't go off the entire time i told to stand next to me and then it stands next to me and it just goes mine just stays there yeah it's like ha i'm here playing your game that was you come right back down here again stand in front of that right back down here if you stand in front of it oh wait wait wait okay dude this debunks that whole thing and now it's working dude the kid's following he wants to play the music box do you like that music keep playing it for us all right if you like that song have the song play for three seconds what is it what what three seconds in a row have it play if you like that song so you stand in front of it i'll count to three and then you can step away can you do that once it starts i'll start counting [Music] one you got to keep it going stand right in front of it did you just hear her voice no what holy wait where it was like right over here it was like hey [Music] this is what that's great whoa what the was that that was like someone took a step are you are you behind was that you that made that noise what the what the is going on this is going off that's what there might be multiple kids do you want us to go into this room that i'm pointing again that only goes off by motion [Music] and there is nothing there and it hadn't gone off for 30 minutes we're all standing right here all right let me ask you an important question okay you're doing good hold on if there's other living people here besides us set that off on the count of three one two three what the okay so that's off now we might want to be careful with our lights too if there's somebody still in here with us can you show us another sign that you're around they ran to go try to see if there was people but yeah we can't find them anybody here we're good we talk about running what we literally ran down the whole hallway right now this whole thing because you saw a light i saw a light inside so there was someone creeping in i don't know where they went we literally sprinted the whole way we my heart was pollinating right now yeah how the did you guys sprint in the dark where did you get that i didn't thought we just saw shadow down there through like some standing over here because we heard the whispering at the other end when we were up there we turned off all the lights there for a second and we kind of walked away we were in that connecting room i could see your light because you had it back on i could see you shining it outside and then you turned it off yeah and there was a light down past surgical and the menswearing on the second floor i saw clear's day in the hallway i said there's like there's a person did you just hear that yes hang on i heard something for real you gotta go downstairs i think you're downstairs holy hello what was that what the was that that was almost there something like that something fell from upstairs something dropped from up here so something must have hit up here okay someone or something there's a light over there is that dylan he's in the parking lot okay he's outside dude how are we hearing noises i don't think this is a person anymore if it was i feel like we could find that like if you're a person you'd be scared of third you you'd be horrified if there's like 10 people here i think we're dealing with something more paranormal here and it's just with us there's a person they're there by themselves which who would want to do that i don't think many people stop here by themselves they're moving around with very little light and almost no noise yeah doesn't make any sense no car unless that car that we saw dropped him off or something nobody's coming in through the woods because like i said he's got 24 acres there's no houses back there if you're sneaking into the building you're parking in the parking lot you're walking in and it was right after we were asking the questions too that's always how it is it's like a game of like mouse like last time we were in the basement we were on instagram live people were watching us do this and they were hearing the whispering in the voices we literally turned off the lights and we're like there's people on here like we're whispering there's people in here and people are commenting yeah we can hear footsteps we can hear the stuff and then we literally heard a female voice whisper there's someone down there we ran like we just did found nobody heard no cars let's try to find the rest of the group it's a bunch of kids and we said you want to play a game this is the games they're playing they're playing hide and seek you guys are here the whole time so i've been like snooping through the buildings looking for you guys you guys didn't see anything dude we were hearing noises do you think if something's paranormal is playing with us then this is like the perfect time to play with the back you want to play with the little guy i mean yes it seems like it's kids messing with us i mean we still haven't hit charlie's we never even made it there let's do it this is it right here that's where we're hearing the footsteps too the door went by where we heard but like pulling it straight down that wall were you the one leading us around the building in and outside if you're playing a game with us getting us to run around like that were you playing hide and seek oh what's going on oh my god dude what the there's nothing there's something in the hallway right now there's just spirits everywhere lurking in this building they're is your name charlie what was that yeah that's over here it's charlie you're so upset [Music] are you watching us what the this is really creepy there's no way to make that go on and it hasn't happened everywhere first time we ever tried it didn't it go off and now the entire night it is midnight in the basement of an asylum and there's someone in the hallway and they just tricked us into playing hide-and-go-seek and running around this entire building [Music] did you just hear that whistle no that was wow and whitney was whistling to the sound of [Music] there is nobody right there guys there's absolutely nobody in that hall [Music] [Music] where did that come from holy what was that dude there's someone just right on earth was that another brick falling i don't know if it's falling or or is that old wait that was you did you see it i saw this yeah what the is happening right it's still going off here though yeah something's with them did anybody actually see that happen we saw it come into the room but that's the thing it didn't come down it came i just heard it wait how would it do that like we saw it literally we saw it coming like this like into the room which is not down which means something over here maybe toss it this way because like your lights your thing is going off dude your thing your thing your thing wait right when i said that yeah your emf went to red if the rock was coming this way that debunks everybody else one of us throwing it right not like we were all messing with each other or anything like that it came towards us that would be impossible for us to do like what could possibly be to doing that right now you know because like the let's say it was picking up he didn't calibrate right or something it's picking up a rock it would be consistent the entire time yeah as soon as it stopped calibrating it would have started i feel like they're just gonna mess with us this entire night i don't think we've ever had something like this here well really especially like that yeah that's insane like look guys this is how it's working now it's there's nothing moving what was that you heard that too that's recording light up light offline they have to lights off lights off lights off you guys cannot be here right now like and subscribe you're on youtube you just got punked bruh no problem we have tours if you go online you can get here legally go like and subscribe to uh sam and colby sam and colby wait wait really yeah i used to watch you guys all the time no way he said i used to watch you guys all the time no way what the dude hell yeah man he looked like right there and he saw your foot and it was like holy we this person oh my god did they get scared when you were like dude i was like i'm cool i'm cool [Music] private property guys you gotta go adios we love you we're like special ops like running through it was so funny most times it'll be like the people earlier that like i'll pull in quick and then get scared and leave we haven't had a good scare like that since last year oh my god that's sick on metal oh yeah oh there we go there we go all right guys if you come to this place you're gonna get run out but you can i'm on an actual tour with steve just guys check out the link in the description if you guys like that video and you want us to do more haunted asylums like that please like this video do 100 000 likes 150 150 for the scare we got pranked by the ghost and then we froze the real life they're probably proud of us right now oh my god well guys go check out josh and seth as well their links will be in the description and that being said we'll see you in the next spooky video adios peace peace out guys peace [Music] excuse quick all right go go hurry
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 2,367,710
Rating: 4.9826889 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, xplr, sam and colby haunted, sam and colby scary, sam and colby exploring with josh, sam and colby saratoga homestead, sam and colby haunted new york, new york top 10 haunted, colby brock scary, sam golbach scary, sam colby josh seth, sinematic seth, exploring with josh, sam and colby abandoned, sam and colby haunted investigation
Id: JtJjHcvNvIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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