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lizzie borden took knacks gave her mother fourth wax when she saw what she had done she gave her father 41. the infamous nursery rhyme based on one of the most historic unsolved crimes in american history and a quaint home that we'll be sleeping at tonight if what we have learned about the spirit world is true and during this evening we witness the horrific murders again one of the most infamous houses miss borden received 18 glows to the back of her head mr gordon receives ten blows to the area between his ear and his eye and his nose footsteps were literally just above us that is probably the most common complaint that we get there have been repeated stories of people hearing children giggling so abby borden was found right where i am standing she was found face down on the floor we want to see how powerful you are and how much energy you have oh k2 you can set them both off holy [ __ ] looks like we let someone in oh look look look look look look the motion look are you here with us absolutely just heard and saw something crawl across the floor it just said acts what it is so cold over here [Music] yeah i know is there anything evil here is that you you just let push me over get out it's the devil welcome to the overnight channel dedicated to finding proof of the paranormal tonight's investigation takes place at the lizzie borden house it kills again [Music] what's up everyone and welcome back to the overnight channel if you're new here this channel is dedicated to everything paranormal historical mysterious unsolved unknown extraterrestrial whatever it might be we're trying to cover it all every single week with a whole new video that you're going to love that we're going to make and put hours and hours and heart and sweat and soul and so much of it into these videos for all of you until we understand what exists in this world and all right guys give me a one come on let's go move it come on yep finally corey got a head injury [Applause] so we're all the way out here in fall river massachusetts at the lizzie borden house one of the most infamous houses out there we've already been to the axe murder house in valiska iowa so obviously this is our next step in the axe murder house is it a trilogy is there another one surely yeah i have another one there's gotta be another one all right so we're gonna complete the trilogy i don't know what is going to be next but more importantly if you guys aren't aware we've been doing a contest where we pick one winner every month and go out to their hometown and bring them to do an overnight investigation or whatever fun thing that they want to do when did we start doing that about uh nine months ago so without further ado i'd like to announce our winners and have them join us we have of course alexis come on in alexis and emily emily come on in what no emily so they'll be joining us tonight are you guys excited yeah you're pumped can you wait would you actually mind leading us through our workout real quick because i want to get our pump on you know i mean yeah so okay what do you want us to do okay jumping one two three four five six we are also going to be joined by one of the experts here in terms of the history who knows everything about what happened that night well as much as you can know and is also a paranormal investigator so we'll be joining forces with them for a little while and we've rented out the entire house every single room in the house the basement all three floors we have full access to everything tonight so it's going to be a fun night is there like one big room that we can all sleep in no yeah there's one big house we can all sleep in okay that works with multiple rooms yeah let's start walking through the house though all right let's do it let's walk through the house and for those that don't know anything about the lizzie borden house and what has happened here or any of the hauntings here's a little bit more information on august 4th 1892 in the quaint town of fall river massachusetts one of the most notorious unsolved murders in american history took place andrew borden was found in a pool of blood on his own living room couch with his skull nearly split in two his wife abby was discovered upstairs with their head brutally hacked into pieces the prime suspect was a sunday school teacher accused of murdering her father and stepmother in their own home the suspect's name 32 year old daughter of the victims lizzie borden as the trial commenced in 1893 the entire nation became infatuated and borderline obsessed with the gruesome deaths of andrew and abby borden who were murdered while receiving a total of 30 horrifically brutal strikes from an axe yet before we dive into the possibilities of who the killer or killers might have been we need to learn about the family and the home in which it all happened in 1965 abby the stepmother was brought into the family a few years after andrew's first wife sarah had passed away at this time lizzie was only five years of age and her sister emma was 14 leaving abby to essentially raise lizzie for her entire life the bordens were a prosperous and highly respected family within their community of fall river and the business endeavors of andrew were precisely why they moved into their new home at 92 second street all seemed well within the home as the two daughters emma and lizzie were praised as well-mannered and devouted christians and the businesses of the boards continued to amass wealth yet behind the facade of the picture-perfect new england family was a coil of emotional tension ready to snap andrew borden kept his family living beneath their means the home itself was not in a prestigious part of town the meals they ate were borderline scraps and at times nearly rot evident distaste for their stepmother was palpable arguments over finances were frequent and the daughters desperately wanted to elevate their lifestyle instead of being belittled by their father what we do know is that the days leading up to the tragedy brought extreme summer heat and the entire family fell ill presumably from their family meal of their nearly rotten meat perhaps these are the cracks that led to the mental breaking point the time of the murders there were a few residents of the home all of which or none could have had a role to play in the crimes lizzie borden the youngest daughter emma boyle the eldest dog john morse andrew's brother made a surprise visit to town and maggie sullivan made was the motive for the crime driven out of an emotional tipping point was it for an inheritance split three ways was it for the freedom to finally live as they always wished or was it for love would you not bear the secret of their love anymore since no one was ever charged with the murders andrew and abby borden this is what we're here hoping to find out tonight with some help from those in the spirit world perhaps we may have found an answer welcome to the overnight channel dedicated to finding proof of the paranormal so please make sure to subscribe if we have brand new investigations and locations every week who's in there uh is there supposed to be somebody in here no well wait wait i'm pressing the doorbell yeah the door button what'd you see no it's this one oh okay yeah i'm sorry all right let's go do you mind if i let us in real quick yeah get out of the way yeah you're good you're good you got it you're actually really strong thank you i've been working out okay all right take me in i'm going to break the door by you know come on i'm getting a lily break help whoa what's up there yeah [Laughter] oh wow whoa what is this a photo yes yeah and look behind you what's the counter photo that's not it yeah that's the couch yes it is this is the one it's just sitting there this man's face is literally chopped in half that is nuts yeah this is where it happened this is actually the axe that's not the actual app no of course that's not the only piece of evidence found was the axe blade without a handle that's it and they don't even know if it was really eggs there was no blood on it oh so oh but it's that exact same style oh wow i promise this is going to be a serious video at some point what are you doing i hope of course i came all the way out here to investigate and i think they're making eggs right now we're not supposed to investigate the fridge that's wow that is that's remarkable how well i know them i'm gonna give it three two corey one probably drinking chocolate milk okay two cory come here come here come on first you interrupt my chocolate milk come here catch me oh my god what just happened i thought that was real dog he threw it at me he would have cut off my nail polish what does that say right there what is home without your father right where her father was murdered wow wow so like normally when stuff like this happens it's like very serious why is this place like joking about it probably because you're coming where's where is corey and i was like no you can't see us received 18 blows to the back of her head mr borden mr borden receives 10 blows to the area between his ear his eye and his nose 18 blows you know what that means that was like so passionate because if any for anybody you know if i just wanted to blow you i'm okay so earlier i said i don't think we'll ever be invited back that is now switched to confirmation no one was ever formally and legally how charged correct there are theories around it but i'll let our guide dive into those what her theories or whatever the common theories are does that mean dude like that's like kind of like kind of where you were first going like that's like some like real hatred behind that right definitely and their team yeah there's a there's a really solid theory behind what happened and why um but like i said i'll probably let the guy go more into that and then see what she says before i say anything i can understand one i mean like you can understand from like a serial killer's point or like from a crazy person from a serial killer's point of view yeah what confession did you just make right now no like from their perspective yeah as you're sitting there like i can understand one blow one axe hit to the eyeball is okay but ten come on is that where you draw the line i draw the line around four one ax swing to the face is okay no no incorrect yeah you'll try again no no no here's the thing if you can finish the sentence we'll let you murder one of us in our sleep tonight it's fun [Applause] her alibi is a little confusing and we'll get into that because there is a possible explanation as to why it's kind of all over the place aside from the fact that she was doing chores and doing all you know you're doing laundry you're not keeping track of exactly how long you're doing one thing or the other um it was also something that made her story a little even more mixed up and it was the fact that the family doctor uh was prescribing her morphine very heavy doses from the day of the murders until the day she was acquitted so that's something that gets lost into history as people don't take into consideration all you hear is that her story changed she didn't really know where she was she didn't know these details but if you're doped up you tried telling me what happened five minutes ago on morphine you know and this was and they didn't think of these drugs the way we do now like we're aware of how heavily they intoxicate you and how they impair basically all of your senses at the time it was given to her for her anxiety because she was hysterical having found both of her parents dead and she was a mess and so in order to calm her down because you can't have a hysterical woman on a crime scene of course not of course not she'll ruin everything wow so he thought it'd be a good idea to dope her up for the entire trial while she was in jail right up until she was acquitted it works apparently you know yeah i mean hey at the end of the day um somebody asked me earlier on a tour actually if i thought the doctor did it on purpose um and that's an interesting question because andrew borden was not well liked in the city he was very powerful and very rich however that money doesn't buy you happiness and it definitely does not buy you friends there were some rumors of potential poison reading before the murders um simply because of how disliked he was and how many enemies he had in the city this came out later in the trial a pharmacist came forward and said that three days prior to the murders lizzie borden came into the pharmacy and tried to buy a vial of prussic which is very similar to cyanide so the pharmacist right away red flags went off and he said i can't tell you this and lizzie starts to argue with him and says well i bought it here a million times like they've never given me a problem they said well i wasn't the one working that day sorry ma'am and sent her on her way so that was the first autopsy which obviously emma and lizzie knew about however there was a super secret second autopsy that the girls and nobody else found out about until it came up in trial a scientist from harvard who was the one who he was also the one who tested uh the potential murder weapon that was found in the basement but he decapitated andrew and abby took home their heads boiled it boiled all the flesh off of it lizzie and emma knew absolutely nothing about this second autopsy until the day in trial when when the persecution as part of their evidence uh they were trying to prove that the the the broken axe hand of the the broken axe was the actual murder weapon yeah we're doing that by trying to fit the axe in the holes of the skull and then the persecution goes in his bag and he pulls out the actual skulls of andrew and abby to show that the axe would fit in the wounds this was obviously incredibly disturbing to everyone who was seeing it lizzie fell to the floor three jurors passed out in the middle of all of this and ultimately the whole thing was thrown out it was for absolutely nothing because the defense argued that this was pure shock value yeah this was there was no point in this but to be a bombshell to get everybody's energy up and to disturb people at the end of the day it proved nothing so now if you go to oak grove cemetery up the street uh andrew and abby are buried there but their head is in a separate box [Music] this is actually the very first crime scene in american history to be documented by photographs wow the photographs of andrew and abby are the first murder victims to be photographed in america the first one in the uk was jack the ripper wow it's kind of a big deal it's kind of a big deal that in a lot of ways this case sort of set the precedent for that of at at least preserving it in that way of remembering being able to get an exact picture of where they were found how the room was around them but like i said at that point it had already been quite some time since the murders took place and a million different people were in now half the city was out in front of the house uh my very first day here by myself there was only a couple guests here so um they're like you can go ahead cook breakfast by yourself it's only like two or three people you got this so i'm here early in the morning on my own cooking breakfast and i spilled something on the floor and i needed to find the broom and out like i was brand new at this point i was like where the hell did they tell me they put the broom i know they told me but i'm pacing back and forth looking for the broom and if you notice in the kitchen the the basement door is directly behind it and i just hear a little and it gets my attention and i turn around and i i recognize that it came out the basement door i opened the door and the broom falls on top of me they keep them on a nail on the wall oh wow and it fell off and the click that i heard was the broom hitting the doors oh look up thanks guys so yeah i haven't had any like negative experiences however it is it is definitely there's undoubtedly a presence here is that a common thing here do people get their clothes tugged people have told yeah they've uh felt their clothes get tugged people have felt like icy graphs on their hands and their wrists when they're walking by and i've noticed especially on those stairs um but yeah that's a very common thing so this room here this is where our dear friend abby borden uh met her end um at the time an uncle of lizzie and emma from this was their birth mother so abby was not their birth mother she was her step their stepmother their mother passed away shortly after lizzie was born and her brother pictured right behind you john vinica morse he's another major major player in this case he was spontaneously visiting his uh his relatives here unannounced they received a telegram vaguely saying that he wanted to come visit but not giving us a big day or time and he shows up about 24 hours before the murders happen uncle john was a butcher so he was especially talented with any sort of startup object he had the physical strength and like i said not that a woman wouldn't however he would especially guaranteed would be able to physically commit a crime like that both of these murders undoubtedly were crimes of passion you do not kill you do not hit somebody in the head with an axe 18 times out of self-defense or like there was no one one two blows tops would do somebody in anything after that is overkill so abby borden was found right where i am standing she was found face down on the floor um in this picture so it kind of looks like her butt is up in the air it's not and it appears that she was making the bed uncle john had been here the night before he went off to do aaron's errands throughout the day and it appeared that she was in here remaking the bed or doing something in the house and the weird thing about her is that she had no defense wounds now andrew was asleep we know that she was wide awake she had no defense wounds and you would think that if you see somebody in your house with an axe your first move is going to be this unless it's somebody who was supposed to be in your house it would not be alarming she turned to face her attacker received a few blows turned around fell onto her stomach and then the rest of the blows were to the back of her head and a few between her shoulder blades it was determined that she was killed approximately an hour and a half before andrew was killed and uncle john he has a pretty suspicious uh about i'd say an hour and a half where he can't really tell us where exactly he was however the parts of his alibi that he did have he had so creepily accurate like he memorized the names of the police horses he you would start conversations with people on the trolley just to get their full name so he had that as an alibi and he memorized the bad number of the police officer who was directing traffic super crazy specific details where it's like why would you remember that unless you knew you needed to there's that weird hole in his alibi that was never followed through on they asked him once and then they immediately went to lizzie like i feel like he should have been the obvious first choice wow yeah it's one of our most popular that is booked um however there have been quite a few people who end up leaving in the middle of the night uh that makes sense i mentioned earlier i had to go out to the parking lot and knock on someone's car window to let them know that breakfast was ready they were staying in this room when i tried to stay so who's going to be staying in this room whoa look at this yeah i can see that up here would be pretty haunted yeah there's and like it is a really interesting story which is like related to the borden's but not as directly not to the murders itself i have some dolls in here it's yup okay get to that oh yeah you already know this is this is probably like the scariest area it's so open we're not sleeping up here are we who us you and me i wouldn't do it i did not just say that you're not sleeping where what's up i don't want to sleep downstairs no i mean i okay [Applause] downstairs guess what the second floor is downstairs the first floor is downstairs downstairs which means wow this is where you get to sleep the one time i'm like cory you get exactly what you want that is you're a nice friend i'm the i am the greatest that is so great you know what did you already hear this should just be your room no yeah i don't want this room you don't you don't want this one you sure you want that room don't what room do you want which one up here the car huh the car the car's downstairs though and you just said you don't want to sleep down yeah you're right you're right you're being so nice i'll just take this okay yeah yeah this is what i wanted yeah how about you take the couch over there okay and just sleep on its side you know what actually why don't we come in here and find out all the crazy things that have happened in here yeah that sounds great watch your head we should get cory and pillow right here and a secret passage too where the where the kid goes can crawl out okay so corey i think you should be right here like this as soon as i walk up the steps i'm like yeah it feels haunted up here guess where i get to sleep perfect you're lucky dude hey no i know it's not every day that i don't give people what they want is uh has there been pretty scary stories from this room well all three of these rooms this whole top floor um there have been repeated uh stories of people hearing children giggling um you'll notice there's a bunch of toys placed around randomly yeah um we have some like some certain balls like when you touch them they light up and you'll see them move around the ground and light up on their own in a fit of this postpartum depression she takes all three of her children into the basement and drowns them in the well one of them survived two of them died and immediately after she goes to the top floor slits her own throat and ends her own life so the idea is is that they were so mistreated and unwanted there that they came here somewhere where their spirits would be celebrated and enjoyed and even loved and people you'll see people leave leave little toys out for them little cookies and candies you'll see stuff all over the house um they feel more at home here so at the end of the day it's something to be afraid of but it definitely is a constant occurrence of giggling uh people doing a little scampering around the hallway especially the guests i mentioned below who would hear the footsteps sometimes it sounds like an adult and other times they say it sounds like either like an animal or like a small kid so it's you know there's the third floor is like i said it's not even directly related to the case and yet still is one of the most active places in the entire tomorrow you're lucky wow so lucky you're so lucky to sleep on the third floor by yourself jesus by myself there's so many beds downstairs for the rest of us to sleep in like you're so lucky dude i am not getting the whole thing for yeah sure if there are any spirits or souls up here with me this device right here that i'm holding you can touch it and it will make it go off and beep if you want me to stay up here by myself could you yeah what happened by itself if you want me to stay up here by myself yep still yep that's you uh any other questions my hoodie just got to we just want to play if you want let him know let him know that you want him to stay up here by himself oh he already knows that no cameraman he can beat his own guy he's by himself yeah i mean this hasn't won off the entirety no i've been through you're expecting nothing to happen huh if that is you confirming that i should stay up here by myself could you please put a little bit more power energy into it make it light up oh my god if it did that solid light for the first time it's put that's more power than that before you almost got it you just got to touch it touch it now you want it yeah you're encouraging it wow that's crazy they're trying to be trying like we heard like i didn't do that at the beginning yeah i'm so jealous of you to be up here by yourself but like i just you really do deserve it to be honest we do thank you on the bright side it is the coolest part of the house as far as all it is [Laughter] so tonight we apparently have a very unique opportunity in that there actually have only been four maybe five channels groups investigation teams that have had the entire house to themselves buzzfeed and solving one ghost adventures being another sci-fi network and then apparently another group basically tv shows basically yeah yeah just wow basically full-blown tv shows i know i know i've seen a ton of other youtubers that have been here who've had like individual rooms or suites but to their knowledge we're the only ones in a while yeah i've had every point of access including the basement everything so we have a lot of ground to cover and it's like 11 30 right now yeah so i think we should do something as a group and we can break into groups yeah and just cover as much ground as you can we have enough devices to go around oh yeah to cover an assortment of things i don't think we've ever had this many k2s yeah there's like 12 cases two gram pods five cap balls the like the parenologies ouija board we have the uh sls camera we have the portal we have two spirit boxes we have noise cancelling headphones we have dowsing rods we have motion sensor light we have absolutely everything we could ever want so you want to talk about a thorough investigation with enough people here yeah if there's any chance of capturing paranormal activity tonight evidence it's it's we've got it tonight exactly all right corey would you want to place this somewhere yes sir that seems to be your device do you know how these work i presume oh yes okay well if you'd like you can press them on and each place one somewhere all right wherever you feel go ahead you use your senses wherever you feel your senses wherever you'd like and then i'm gonna set up the music box which i believe is already over here so if anyone decides to enter the household with us well now you want to shake his hand everywhere he was at or he comes down the stairs [Music] i mean honestly this is kind of like when you dress up in costumes and go somewhere and it kind of gets them active do you remember what happened at the axe murder house yeah what our guy told us the only time one of them cried and ran out was because they recreated it you know the scene so we've only used this once before we're not quite sure how it works but we figured we'd give it a go tonight and see let's do it perhaps you can dictate and see what you see on it okay so essentially what's going to happen is we're going to turn this on it's going to spin yeah and in theory it'll light up a certain letter yeah and the letter that's lit up it's like essentially ouija board okay should we all introduce ourselves to it for you yeah we should we're sure knock on the table three times and say your name my name is brandon my name is corbin my name is alexis my name is emily my name is corey my name is elton how are you breathing that threw me off i'm not on the press no i just did not hear the breathing i thought i heard a voice when you were saying my name is elton over behind them what'd you hear i don't know i just heard like a huh mother wait who's alarmed lizzy get out of here why is there an alarm set and mine probably of all the things that scare corbin in a a very common shut iphone alone makes him jump across the living room all right my alarm went off but like why would i ever set an alarm for 11 45 pm you know i said that no why would i ever sit alone for 11 45 p.m i mean my alarm went off but earlier when we were here we heard some footsteps upstairs probably in the third floor where cory's sleeping and uh is there anything else you have free reign of the house tonight so you can feel free to walk around make your presence known we won't bother you and in fact if you let us know where you are we can even avoid stepping on your toes thanks brandon thank you thank you very much all right this way this way first time using this so let's see what happens music box is there rem pod is right there that was remarkably on cue oh wait wait wait wait i just walked through this catboy what turned off that went back everyone's not moving though it is a 130 year old house so okay hold on one second yeah wait wait i didn't even go off when i stomped on the floor okay i'm just making sure you literally said rem to ramp on yeah i said please feel free to make yourself known in the house what we'd love to know is i just saw both devices go off at the same time it went off again what so there's just one of you could you set off one device and there happens to be two spirits in here oh k2 you can set them both up holy sh so you can set all these off that's good wow this is like the second time we've ever had three devices go off at the same time this is the trifecta so i'm gonna turn it on if you have the ability to say hello or even your name that would be greatly appreciated h i think certain letters will light up it'll light up there we go is that on oh yeah that's completely on wait could you come in a little bit closer so we can so you can come over here and touch these devices h b oh my god if it lights up on b oh what is going on hb where she laid or where she encountered her killer because i still have a theory that it's saying happy birthday oh oh yeah p h i swear if it goes to y hey guys dude is that going by itself oh where's that facing right now h e hello why does he keep saying hb [Music] really that just stops looks like we let someone in boarding house doing bh it did bh it's just not hb it's doing bh born in house catball wait who put it under there i think he stepped on it right are you saying board in house yeah bh wait let's see if it does the b first can you say yes or no if this is if you're saying board in house h b o my gosh it's literally just a to b what dude i think i know what it's saying too much where is right here brandon brandon brandon come here brandon come here brandon come here right now what did we just do what did we just do let somebody in the what did i just say did we let the killer in yeah come on come on come on that's where the look where the red pot is it's ready right now are you here with us i literally was like i feel like someone's going to walk through the door music box goes off and i'm like i wonder if someone's trying to come in let me open the door open the door music box stops i closed the door still stopped a few minutes later am i right thank you a few minutes later someone probably walked around the downstairs realized no one was in the house came upstairs reliving it it's like it's replaying so i wonder if we move because it hasn't gone up abby [Music] abby stop that rempot if this is you mr morse if that's you appreciate that two devices at the same time we just had three at the same time downstairs okay elton's gonna come over there if this is lizzy put some energy into that k2 could you put your energy into this k2 that elton's holding as well just so we know that you're here if you're good if you're a good person that's what we want to find out you know it'd be interesting let's do this because they have no idea what we've asked in this room they don't know that we've asked is it mr moore so we don't they don't know anything that we've asked let's switch okay we go to their area they come up here and if anything they get that directly matches what we asked oh that would be interesting we have no idea and we don't know what they asked yeah what we've been asking i want to see i'm very curious to see what they get when they come up here i've never felt this before this is weird is something standing right next to you you think like look at my hair yeah i'm not trying to be corey right now but look at can you see have you ever seen my hair like oh it's actually standing up like these aren't goosebumps because i'm hairy oh yeah i'm like cold really cold i mean this is even this is like freezing cold right here what is up anyone who's ever seen our videos before knows that this has never happened to me are you the one making up me cold right now do you want us to send up some other people that you can make calls we send you like three new people corey loves wearing a hoodie yeah he's probably hot yeah you know what this means so something happens cool man oh no has that gone off since we've been up there like not really a couple times what happened elton do you want to tell me well here's the fun part we're not huh we're not we're not what gonna tell you oh okay anything that happened okay because what i'm curious to know is if the three of you who have no idea what happened upstairs if you all go upstairs and get anything that matches exactly what happened with us then it becomes undeniable evidence that was still the deal yeah what happened we've never really done that before all right all right is there any certain questions we should ask no whatever we're not telling you anything if you get anything that legitimately lines up with me i will it'll blow my mind okay too there you go again i'm not telling you anything at all but whenever you feel like you've exhausted whatever has happened let me know okay you'll find us okay closing this door why am i nervous there we go so if you can see it it turns them into stick figures so it's able to map people precisely and then that's how you know so it can map an entity an energy force but typically it needs a mass so you guys look really good at stick figure dancing thank you i appreciate it all right so if we find anything out there it's basically gonna say that it also has to do with temperature too oh boy yeah what i saw something flash on the screen already really really i think from over your shoulder it was in the top right screen though so it would be on the left oh oh [Music] my not the tape somebody's sitting down next to the table what somebody sitting down on the floor yeah it looks like something whoa look how scattered that is okay someone put these on and it's uh scanning through you know the radio in reverse and pretty much you guys are just going to ask questions out loud and i won't be able to hear you guys because these are noise canceling and uh i'm just going to spit out every word i hear that you know actually sounds like something so i'm gonna go ahead and turn this up as far as we know the only thing that's happened in this room is this is the one that she found out lizzie found out she was the prime and only suspect oh yeah [Music] you are living it just said axe [Music] wow all right brandon lead us to the basement want me to head down first yeah sure here brandon i'll do you a favor i'll go first so nice of you after what you did to me in the last video what a guy all right this is okay what the [ __ ] is this why is there a bedroom in the basement there's a bedroom down here why is this the creepiest thing in the world this looks like something out of uh out of nightmare on elm street you know where they have like the sleep down here that is some psycho stuff let's see if anyone's living there right now yeah why would you ever want to sleep all right are you in this room with us elizabeth it just had elizabeth he's coming who's coming [Music] okay you went to set it up and i tried to i was pushing the antenna and it's like it wasn't it didn't feel like it was going in like it should it's actually broken look it broke off it like literally like you can see the piece inside it actually broke it off oh my god what did i say upstairs this is like the one piece of equipment that i trust yeah you just yeah verbatim yeah and what do we say we were gonna wait and see if it would go off an hour and a half later it's and i was in the room we thought that that might be the killer yeah there's no way this is gonna work now i don't understand like oh wait but um will it oh yeah it still does barely but you gotta have it like really close my room wow watch out watch out [Music] he's in the back okay go slow until you touch it okay the only way this thing now goes off is if you are millimeters away yeah you need to put a little bit more force onto it okay if this thing goes off now it's deliberate wow that is absolutely deliberate if this goes off is there a window open or a fan blowing oh my god [Music] put your hand right here you won't feel anything now put your hand right here i mean something has to actually touch that there's nothing known paranormal-wise that has happened in the basement that thing is now bulletproof in terms of the range is that big yeah let's find out we've never used it with no antenna before no like that it won't go there it won't go off the last time you last time you made a bet like that it went off it said ten thousand dollars that thing is not going to go off and you would have won you didn't take that back you should have won that right if you are in this house in a spirit that lived in the late 1800s or even early 1900s they are here i'll give you a thousand dollars your time so with inflation that's a lot we're going to go up about 45 times what are you gonna use venmo so be 45 000 you can set up that rem pod i'll give you the next 20 minutes [Music] [Music] did you all hear that it just went and then pure silence and then it went back in that was a child talking it was not lizzie it was emma so what that's what it says it wasn't i feel like a sister i feel like a staff member had to like out yeah emma would be the sister the older sister it was emma emma i mean emma is the one who got the inheritance that's true but she said they split it they split it she split it with lizzy it's not they didn't hear anything and then of course morse was here in the house so that could have meant that maybe emma did it or all four of them and they were in on it almost seems like maybe they were all in on it because they were just sick of their dad like i mean maybe he was that bad of a person to them 250 000 worth around 10 to 12 million i'll split amongst the four of them insane and yet all of her money has still gone to charity it runs an animal shelter as if it was in her will forever as if there might have been a bit of guilt and perhaps the doctor gave her morphine because she was afraid the doctor was afraid that lizzie might spill the beans and she felt guilt she was the younger daughter and she felt guilt and that's why her money went to charity and that's why they doped her up on morphine because they didn't do it to the other sister because think about it the one person morris who had an excruciatingly detailed alibi right and then you have lizzie who was so morphed out she couldn't do anything she couldn't remember anything and then the maid who conveniently was the last one in and emma who wasn't around you're all get out three different voices you're all get out it's the devil and i keep saying your name that's been like a thing for you last week let's not talk about it corey is on point anyway dude what do you wanna i heard he's here and then a woman said he's always remember all you have to do is just step over that step around it and we can see you or if you want to lay down we have a device laying on the bed we'll hear you what is it do you guys want to wear it and i'll ask some questions let's do it with some of the stuff making sense yeah like kind of yeah it's literally just all done who are you are you dancing yeah i'll hold it perfectly still right there are you sitting on the on the ladder sitting on the ladder it's to the left of the electrical box oh yeah wow and dawn is there someone sitting on the ladder over here it looks like a little kid whose spirit are we talking to who's stephanie [Music] who is stephanie are you stuck in this house i have to vote [Music] say that no it's just you standing in front of us on the ladder isn't it oh okay so now you're actually sitting down on the ladder yeah do you know who the murderer is [Music] do you know who murdered abby i think when you walked upstairs and there was like a motion that sent them off oh another one oh look left left left left somebody sitting down at the chair and now they're both here do i owe someone 45 000 yes you do you do how about a pizza can we do that i was very just like definitely make sense well we asked we asked who it was and you immediately went stephanie yeah like immediately it was like clear too it was like stephanie you you kept feeling something touching your hair yeah that's where i like that feeling really it was like right here yeah i was feeling it on the back of my head and like near my ears oh look look look look look the motion look right where the motion sensor is all right everyone can come down and get some pizza come on okay it's obvious you want some pizza everyone can come on down and get some pizza we got plenty we got four boxes we can order more they actually gave us an extra free box a pizza this is they had an extra that's like honestly they literally gave us four we only ordered three and they're like yeah we had an extra box oh wow i owe one for the spirits okay what in the world it's that's a big you realize that's directly like that's standing at the pizza box that's standing right in front of them yeah that is standing a hundred percent directly all right other way other way another way yep and then higher higher and then to the left otherwise all right all the way all the way oh my god with hands take it it's all yours i can't see what's happening right now so the k2 just went off before we started recording and now the cap all just went wow is that the first time the cavall's went off yeah that's the first time look at that dude it's reaching for it you took it away and it's it's reaching for your mouth wait put it on his mouth that is weird corbin what pizza's here can you say hi to evan [Music] said your name earlier you guys want to go eat pizza yeah that's really sweet oh did you hear that do you like the music box i heard that something jingled like a like a chandelier hit or something there's a game are you in the other room yes there it is can you understand this oh it's blinking the music box is just blinking right now that's 100 the rim pod downstairs no one's ever going to go get that piece of that box of pizzas follow let's go come in the basement oh no sure come on come on come on come on come on come on basement come on come on there's nothing here that we know of yeah that's gonna go on is there a watch the pizza actually have like a missing slice no no it'd be pretty funny okay look how insane this is so if this thing has to go off right now the antenna is actually it's it's snapped we don't know how yeah it's like that like because the antenna is completely destroyed now so when that thing goes off it's absolutely mind-blowing to us oh oh you're next oh all right make that music box go off if you're gonna follow us downstairs you can follow us i feel like this is what okay should we bring it your mouse in here what the hell was that okay if there's not a mouse in here then i absolutely just heard and saw something crawl across the floor what's going on anything going on i'm looking for what i'm hoping is a mouse or a rat why speaker are you sitting on the bed do you want some food you can take a piece of pizza if you want this one it wasn't going off it was it was genuinely you know what yeah any other ramp ups going on did you just leave the room are you not on the bed with us anymore how long have we been doing this one is the only time if ever have i ever said i saw something run across the floor you saw something running across that's why i mean you're looking for a rat where'd you see it underneath the bed no you didn't it yeah i did that's really why i got down here it was like what the [ __ ] is that i've literally grabbed the light and looked for the rat was it recording i think he was i already recorded it i heard it scamper and then i saw it just and this one stopped and what time is it 105. i think we should all go upstairs to the room we started in right and see if the theory's right everything's gonna go off at the same time dude look at that are you kidding me what i have to like physically pick it up huh you literally have to be right on that okay i don't know why but i just put it over in that seat and this thing was going off like crazy was that you what that was you right what was me guys oh my gosh guys wait what oh wow right where his head was move it around the couch and away from the box i opened this door for you earlier so you can come in [Music] opening the door for you now so you can leave actually let's do this tell us what happened with you guys in the murder room yes that was not doing it anymore it was literally going nothing like crazy besides the oh my god what's that called when it lights up the red pod yeah oh the round one or the the k2 that one off and then the catback oh you got a cat ball to go yeah at the exact same time pretty much where did you have the cut ball at the side of the bed where she was like but she dead i was thinking there's no one there were there oh that was corbin no i had that amount on that couch and then i was like jonah this is crazy i put it back on there it's gone it didn't do that anymore it's like a move from there and as soon as that came on the music box it's like that's almost like a move from the couch to the music box so we were in this room earlier we said that you are welcome to roam the house and do as you please whether that may be bad or good [Music] so you are welcome to join us in this house proceed however you'd like and again we have devices all around us that you can set off and trigger and that would help us let us know that you still are here [Music] are you watching us from the other room you can come in the house we left the couch wide open for you it's tough all right your last chance to come in or leave it's not as though you can't walk through doors though what do you guys know that we don't kill don't like kill them kill them i'll leave that one okay a little bit with an axe music box easy box going up is there someone upstairs we'd all genuinely like to invite you downstairs no matter whom you may be we're not going to tell anyone no one will ever know what happened in this house and or who did it so if you're able to set up any of the devices on the couch i feel like i can get here steps downstairs you are welcome to join us we want to see how powerful you are and how much energy you have could you try to put your energy and touch that box right next to the axe on the couch that's how we'll know that you're in here with us if you are who we think you are you had enough energy to strike someone 11 times with an axe surely you have enough to touch a little wooden box it's still up there i'm curious just leave it let's leave the room no one was in the room when it happened set up a ir camera set up an ir camera we should go to the third floor oh yeah we haven't been to the third floor yet huh yeah i'll put up a gopro all right well we have to check out of here in about six hours and i have a feeling that we're gonna be in a very much so of a rush leaving so we're probably not gonna film an outro in the morning but we are sleeping here there's literally no one else here it's three something in the morning um so i think everyone should pick their pick their beds well cory cory's has already been picked so yeah well how about where do you guys want to sleep the basement right yeah i was thinking the basement really in the basement yeah why not everything in the video you will not sleep in the video i think the basement's the last year you know what she's she's probably right because the basement has like some modern stuff in it you know the basement is where like i spent like five minutes searching for a rat that didn't exist right that's right yeah so maybe just hide under the covers you'll be right okay yeah that's true yeah y'all got some balls that's insane do you want the basement i'm searching around for like the most like normal looking room upstairs where like there's room for my friends to come sleep with me if they want to they don't have to but they can and they should probably well we probably won't know you'd probably sleep on this couch yeah i was thinking that too yeah we almost performed on seats if we put the uh portal on that table this one's going off [Music] no way this standing next to the doll okay we're gonna leave the room right now but communicate with us you come to where we want where we are yeah i'll put it over here because this one is a cat fall it's gonna take a lot for us to hear that grip on the bottom we'll leave the camera on it so let's go back and watch the footage yeah all right this is a finicky one so let's see if we can get it working [Music] are you here i'm here [Music] don't miss out i'm gonna go with an agatha does everyone in the name of sydney yeah sydney definitely she looks like a pretty name she's been burnt one of her legs is backwards did you guys just hear that i heard a beating downstairs [Music] no way listen um [Music] why did she sound like lilo or stitch um or elmo i'm not about to come out about the dog i think this was the scariest thing of the night so far i never knew you could do that i didn't either i didn't know i could do that all right all right jeremy my name's uh elton and uh we understand that you might be some of the neighbor kids from nearby i'd love to hang out with you so um you can come over and say hi you want to introduce yourself yeah i'm alexis huh like i don't know if my hoodie is like bunching up and then just somehow randomly dropping but i swear it just got tugged again are you the one talking on my friend's hudson do you have a voice you can do no none do you no really what's your favorite cartoon what's up i'm alexis i'm friendly i won't hurt you we can be friends that's good no way as your boys are better than normal they both were going off but as your voice went back to normal they both stopped yeah do you want her to keep talking in her phone yeah you could come in here yeah you can come hang out we're not gonna hurt you come on down we're nice people try to do cory's voice oh you guys want [Music] should i do like crazy that one's going off like nuts hi i'm not a father foreign hey my name's corey hello my name is corbin i am here to talk to you can you call me i appreciate that you're playing with those of the bosses but they want to let you talk to us now so we're going to turn our negatives and then with that one you can see words in the box now [Music] oh right as you said that l was going nuts do you like the box you like the box dude it's going crazy in there um is that corbin that's not like your voice wait what that sounded like your voice just said is that corbin like me going anywhere no wait my voice yes it's not like your voice just came out of that and said is that hey are you gonna come over here and talk to us in the spirit box three o'clock yep you heard that yeah it's at three o'clock [Music] like it'll talk to us at three doubles hour yep is that right you'll talk to us at three are you talking to us in morris code if somebody actually like decodes that whoa has anyone seen has a cat ball going off yet nothing i've seen are you talking in morris code [Music] hello you know whoa whoa huh it's going crazy in there it is so cold over here yeah yeah i know it's about what it says what do you think i thought yeah it's cold yeah it's cold we have a catball device on the bed here what do you say it's the only device that hasn't gone off yet could you set it off come in this room okay if you're in that room are you scared of coming in here [Music] i came in the room and i thought it sounded like elton i heard alton again dude as i said if you're in that room are you scared of coming in here it just keeps going it stopped the second i walked in the room completely done you don't need to be scared you don't need to be scared of us we just want to talk to you is there anything evil here is that you what push me over what do you say i just completely lost balance did you push over elton is that you hiding and then you pushed me just playing a little game okay i desensitized it uh-huh so now if it goes off it's really going off can you do the same thing with the music box desensitize it yeah yeah all right we're going to make sure you're talking to us [Music] but if you're in the doorway it's not going to set it off right like i haven't been setting it off not anymore no you never could have said it all that's what i was thinking too but now no now it's pointed towards this closet it's not us so you're still in there okay everything's been fully desensitized now so everything is on its hardest possible setting if anything goes off now it's like it is brute force yep ever all of our devices are now [Music] do you want someone to sleep up here tonight but now [Music] hey guys i am feeling like some real cold like some real chill traveling how many times has it said my name is how about this let me pick a room i'll sit in it you can surround me with every single device that we have hell yeah let's see if anything happens all right that's a good idea i feel like this room wants you to go ahead they're really saying hey elton get over here do you you want elton to go in that room yeah okay let's go get all the devices let's get everything let's do it there's a repo downstairs there's two cat balls missing dude it's never one off that much i mean this is going like everything over here with this and then you guys can just set up all the devices because they're all next to each other it'll be very obvious that they all go off god damn it why is this in my hands your fart literally just set that off no way no elton they're leaving because of that they're storming out of the room there's so many running outs what what whoa all right here we go put the headphones on let's go everyone went off the ramp and that one both both were impossible let's go baby ask some questions here we go who are we talking to andrew the same time andrew andrew jackson andrew jackson braden the red pawn goes up too oh my god that's the father are we actually talking to andrew oh yeah oh my god oh okay okay okay this is actually amazing right now andrew are you upset at your daughter if it was your daughter do you know who did this to you do you even know you were murdered i know it was yours morning morning when you were very morning what evil what [Music] are you stuck in this house [Music] okay this is not andrew do you miss your daughters [Music] very loud we just want to know a little bit about you do you think your daughter should have been acquitted never [Music] was she on drugs was she on morphine the whole time [Music] maybe yeah [Music] what is the reason for your brutal death [Music] the bastion possession [Music] andrew are you saying possession of hurry up for me can i give her a huge did they kill you for the money [Music] do you think people were jealous of you oh [Music] i heard what happened [Music] you've heard what happened does it make you mad are you aware that you're not alive anymore hey andrew can you tell us what happens when you died [Music] you're dead [Music] [Music] oh that oh it wasn't my phone is that why you're still here which toy are you talking about elton's picking up like 10 toys right now i'm not no i'm not putting your toys back do you know how fast time passes well that was the weirdest thing i've ever heard what do you say repeat what you said to elton i just turned off the spirit box that was the weirdest thing i've ever heard in the spirit what did it say it said did you just say the n word mother what i mean it hasn't beeped in probably a minute or two that was so weird you realized that i had no idea who andrew was until halfway through dude almost every single thing we asked was like a way too spot-on answer it was so good it was too good we asked why he was murdered and he said possession yeah which we thought he was like possession of like money or like maybe his daughter was possessed yeah and then i picked up one of the toys and then the the redbot went off and i put it back and then it went off like beeped and then i put it back and it stopped and i was like okay i'll stop taking toys now and you said whose toy is that oh yeah that freaked me out because it was right after i picked up another one i like didn't pick one up for a few minutes yeah and then i picked up one more and i was like and then he said and then it threw me off and then i saw you go oh sh what's going on right now we we asked we said do you did you feel pain when you were murdered and you said i don't remember yeah because he was asleep um if you guys don't know um evernote is running the contest solutions been just like i've watched some eminence i didn't even have an overnight service authorized [Music] okay bye okay how do we turn off the exit sign elton can you sit under that box [Applause] oh well you're still here [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] the laugh or make a sound sleeps up in the attic by themselves oh my god evan's crying holy [ __ ] crying come on no wait where what are you talking about jonah what did you get touched general looking right now how are you doing huh what are you talking about you swear to god why'd you get touched back my neck no you did it yeah i'm not kidding no one touched you johnny what the [ __ ] they're like all over here you guys dude we're not like doing anything real like serious did somebody just touch donald on the neck okay are you still here can i be dead ass right now yeah it was me [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] i hope you both had a good yeah thank you guys for joining us thank you we'll get breakfast in the morning and say our goodbyes then yeah thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Views: 730,073
Rating: 4.9657288 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil haunted, paranormal, ghost hunters, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, ghost stories, corey scherer, haunted hotel, most haunted hotel, scary places, most haunted places, conjuring, conjuring house, lizzie borden, sam and colby, 3am challenge, tfil scary, ghost adventures, the conjuring 3, mcraven, annabelle, axe house, lizzie borden house, cold case, true crime, spirit box
Id: 5QTshgrU_6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 1sec (5461 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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