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this place has an incredibly long and unfortunately dark history attached to it so i walked away from it did you hear that if there is anything down here with us could you make a noise letting us know that you're in here elton dude you see us walking around tonight what's up everyone we are still part of our 25-week tour traveling whatever you want to call it of haunted abandoned cool locations we are actually in detroit right now i guess just right outside this is the infamous eloise asylum eloise house at one point it was just shy of a thousand acres with basically an entire city and community here and unfortunately there's only three buildings left remaining but we are going to be here tonight the main one you're looking at right behind us is five stories with a basement this place has an incredibly long and unfortunately dark history attached to it that i'm not going to give you those details too because we're actually meeting inside with a guy who basically knows everything about this place kind of more of a background before we break into the investigation and the things that we typically do here it's easy on us yeah yeah this is uh i think it's the tallest building we've been to yeah actually probably a good point until tomorrow tomorrow we're going through the mansfield reformatory six stories so this this little trip we're on right now is going to be incredible we have mansfield performance here after that the trans-allegheny and then the west virginia penitentiary um and then maybe another spot after that as well so we're getting in these kind of really well-known spots that we've never had the honor of going to yeah all right well it's like nine o'clock now we can literally be here as long as we want we're gonna see it's freezing so we'll be here as long as we can and i'm excited to see how this one goes it's gonna be warmer so it's gonna be warmer than that it'll definitely be slightly warmer than what it is right now i'm not excited to go inside but now i am all right let's let's go meet tom and let's start off this five day little trip we're doing it me cold no dude why do you ask that [ __ ] that jacket up right huh you know you can zip that up right no i can't why it looks cooler this way wow elton you go first sure i'll take the lead take the lead as always why not eloise was around since 1839 this building itself was built in uh 1931 opened up in 1931. it was an all-female building up until the late 1960s then they made the the fifth floor the male criminal insane insane floor we'll get up to the third floor you guys see a lot of toilets are a lot lower and stuff but they had a lot of kids on that floor there's some apparently there's some spirit attached to this chair i don't have any other ability so i don't know but he that's why he's got this chair particularly here but yeah i thought you're gonna do a demonstration where you like put the chair down it's gonna come back up by itself i booked a flight back to l.a and i'm out so casual just like little no here so my experience is what we're doing is i mean yeah yeah please until i'd be on a floor by myself wait wait for the torso come up there this guy loves being by himself that's not true at all you have any recommendations like that's his name i'm gonna tell you something there's there's things here that ain't supposed to be here but most of things that are here i believe are good ghost hunters stay up on the floors and they bring groups up like 15 or 20 at a time so the wranglers brought this one group up i'm talking to this guy for like 15 minutes a guy didn't have much color to him he had like a memphis jacket only on that looked too small for him dripped up jeans his hair his skin is closing i'll look not too much a different color but he looks solid and i'm sitting there talking to him he kept asking me questions about the railroad i didn't know nothing about the railroad you know i don't know where it comes in i don't know that he kept asking for like 10 minutes i'm talking to this guy so when any anybody told me anything about louise i would walk up to the stairs for exiting my floor and thank him that guy was not there that guy was i talked to this guy i swear to god you guys i talked to this guy for 10 minutes he was not there when his group was leaving my floor and the wrangler said she had all her people one that's uh so you're talking to a ghost that's why i walked away from it did you hear that yeah it's all round you heard that i know corbin heard that i saw you jump right i was like there there was something on the headphones you heard that too yes i'm ready right did you hear something ryan what do you say seven ran so we're done here right like we're on next next location no no i want to see a chair flip over there we go i've been go sun since 2005 and i've never ran into creepers until i come here yeah and what do they look like they're a little black about three or four feet long usually they won't be on the ground or either be on the walls on the ceiling yeah he says like a black tube that came out looks like it was like a long arm come down touching one turret if that happens i'm quitting oh my god this is where the building was named after oh wow the dog no that's i don't i cannot order for dog's name but that the postmaster's daughter at the time when they brought eloise they want to have their own zip code one time eloise had 79 buildings here at uh 902 acres that's the original marble on the walls and you've had people here before instigating i i never do oh yeah yeah but have you been here when other people have been yeah a few people have done there's a room up on the fifth floor i'll show you that you guys are gonna have to try so elton there's people maybe you can join a group you know i just look at it this way these people's wait a second it's a creeper it's a creeper dude those damn creepers jesus yeah let me be lost i don't have a flashlight yeah yeah yeah and he's really feeling like he should go in the basement by himself i did not say that i mean he just he started from his soul yeah no he's going down there i gotta make sure that evan's filming you from up here yeah and then i think brandon's gotta make sure that i'm watching it absolutely yeah i have a job and then corbin's job is to make sure that brandon doesn't get hurt i'll listen to him right no you have a how can i see you don't come on dude i mean can i take this good no no no do you oh my god oh my god there's no way hold on i'll put this on just touch that door no no we're gonna go a little farther than that do you have like a k2 right is there a thing yeah yeah so you don't know what's down here i'm sure they're going somewhere but you're probably going in the locker room what the [ __ ] is it i don't know what's that i just saw something moving on the wall and you heard that right i did hear it i was trying to could have been like a spider something was falling down the wall i told you guys about that man uh i'm already regretting oh no i don't i can't i i changed my mind you didn't need to go down there i was helping cory yeah you can see through the camera which is creepier than being able to see in real life oh no i don't know if i like this i don't i can't tell what this stuff is don't even think about running you're leaving me down here all right let's go let's go in here you go first let's get pure silence can you see in here yeah like is there a room to walk yeah book is a whole room i'll tell you something you walk in first oh dude dude there's just there's a chair in the corner by itself which is creepy oh dude look it just keeps going like that way it just goes really far back if there is anything down here with us could you make a noise letting us know that you're in here is that you that was you right you swear to god that wasn't you can you make a knock if there's something in here with us dude i'm kind of freaking out i'm kind of seeing in the dark [Applause] [Laughter] that's right [Laughter] oh [Laughter] by the way everyone if you don't know corey and i are actually doing a fun little contest right now we're picking two winners wait are we changing it to three should we i've been two this whole time guys guess what we're picking three people there's been a lot of comments change of plans we're picking three winners actually wait and we'll be flying out to your home towns and bringing you to go whatever the most haunted paranormal kind of cool place that you want to go explore that's near to you we'll make that happen there's two ways to enter one's super simple all you have to do right now leave a like and a comment on this video and every single video from now until the end of the year the other way is to head over to center society.com it's the clothing line that we run every dollar you spend equals one entry and then yeah first week of january we're gonna pick three winners now great a lot of support a lot of support we want to reciprocate that we appreciate you guys so you know why not an extra night hanging out with you guys and yeah let's make it hawaii oh my god what if they went in there we said usa only what if they're in alaska or hawaii then that that that totally is fine that's that counts make that happen and uh enjoy the rest of the video let's go to maui okay bye it's a good food in hawaii bro that's what i'm trying to investigate anytime you're walking through all the weeds and you see uh where there ain't no grade on the windows yeah that's how you know it's medical staff affiliated okay but if you see like metal grates in front of the windows because they had to put metal grates on the windows because patients were jumping out and killing themselves oh wow well i've seen those on a lot of windows around here a room like this is called the sunroom the patients did where they put their patients in here to get sun and when they got overcrowded they would put they put sleeping bags for patients to sleep on the floor in here so when are you going to address the blood in the wall i have no idea what are you doing you have sleeping bags in here bonfires ignore the blood people had a great time should we confess anything i don't know dude i'm kind of alone is it room for two people wait corey i heard if we confess things inside no one else can hear us no no just shut the door it's soundproof yeah for sure [Music] give it out wait hold that real quick let's make sure he can't do it is that a lock yeah it's a lock yeah he'll never get out of this it's made by ronald mcdonald oh you guys got koi shaking imagine more blood just hits him he actually scared me he's not exhibited do you want a quacker quacker here you go eat it eat it cook eat the crackers gonna break it back up no it's up here no no no look no it's up here oh there we go oh you're just a smart little car we wait don't look cracker down here oh wait cracker up here oh we should whoa oh that's out there [Laughter] dude i was going insane in there cory okay are you just running into drawers corey [Music] someone unzip down there yeah give it a couple seconds give it like 30 seconds yeah okay you wait for all the lights to turn off yeah so when you turn it back on i hear these things are like 10 times faster oh okay you guys want to do a rip-off session oh my gosh johnny here's brandon here's b-rad they did that movie but that wasn't his name it wasn't johnny it was like here's chester here's darius during our homework we found out it's like a kind of like a dark history here in terms of like medical experiments and things like that or any of those buildings that that happened and still standing this group this building into the bottom oh this is the one okay they did lobotomies in here yes they did the batteries that actually eloise was the first place in the united states to do uh x-rays oh really it might have been the first place in the world but there was a german doctor coming here to practice doing x-rays they did uh hypothermia where they put you in a tub well i'll show you a tub we'll get to the fifth floor at least four people died in that tub that i know of and one was a little girl wow i put you in that tub they put a cover over you yeah and i mean they could take that water from 200 degrees to zero in seconds what yes they would hold them under water because they thought a near-death experience would reset their mind and a little girl drowned in that tub yeah dude back in the early 1900s if you had a mentally handicapped child they thought he was possessed by a demon how could you live with yourself that's weird is that a walrus that's a bunny i saw the whiskers i thought walrus you fell with whiskers you're not is that you oh look at my hands bro how is that me watch out [Applause] i heard that like dude dude that was great when i picked i think i should put this down that clicking i don't know what it was when i heard it the door closing and then breaking this paint why no no here's the thing there's no windows or anything yeah yeah i know but i think that's what you heard look yeah but did you move the door no no no yeah no i was i was standing here wait do you have footage of like yeah well i mean you'll hear it like looking at him because if you weren't moving the door how is that moving there's no wind this is one of the few rooms with absolutely no wind that's what it was though is the door closing i'm gonna put this back because look that's completely boarded up and that's just like a closed room oh brick close the door again that was the noise that is the noise the thing is what caused it yeah what caused the door to move [Music] no that's not weird oh that's a weird one wait a second that's a heavy door like that that is a heavy door because the car like when you push it it barely even moved like there's no way that thing's swinging shut on his own that was the dental chair but that that don't belong in this room checkup yeah open one close your close your mouth yeah there you go like open my mouth but close it yep you know open your mouth close your nose okay now last time yeah looks like you got a cavity in your cage pull it out pull it out wait is it like it's a k22 i hate that good is it beeping it seems now bite down bite down okay i heard now say i love applesauce i don't have a phone oh that's definitely that he's got a couch oh oh make sure we mark where the incision needs to go it seems we're gonna have to pull your k tooth you're a better punter than me too oh i'm sorry i played football we'll head down that way but when i come out here soon again i thought i've seen a shadow on here really yeah i'm tired i hear you guys she said she got freaked out since she had to get out of here anybody want to stay in here yeah you want to do it i love this new enthusiasm from this group all three of you move forward at the same time we're not hoping someone's gonna like if this thing moves i'm gonna run to one of you guys stand behind you are you over the shower do you see that i don't look at that right now did you see that did you see the shower curtain what are you talking about the show the shower curtain just moved look at it it's going closer to you look it's literally pulling towards you wait what are you talking about look at the bottom going closer to you okay i'm getting out of here all right i need to take a shower jeez a nurse had to go in there and there's also a closet had to go in here and get something they found a woman hanging from this pipe bag what yeah you know they found her hanging back around at the pipe on the pipe yeah she hung herself sorry [Music] i gotta keep it counter i don't know i think that's four little bodies for patience on this floor now that's something there's some rules that people claim that there are people froze together so that's true though right like everyone had over 11 000 patients but it was only meant to hold 8 300. this this building alone was supposed to only fulfill 400 yeah but it got up to close to a thousand but eloise eloise altogether was built only to hold eight thousand patients and they got well over yeah that wasn't like adam volunteering and i would have done that with them i said i would go i went down there i also went down or something like just like something you sit in here by yourself yeah can i get your leg you want me to put this in here yeah thank you by the door no no no no no no no no [Applause] let's go [Music] what are you guys doing literally i didn't have nothing else like this brandon did they really leave me oh my god i'm gonna be so [ __ ] pissed if they left me oh another guy that died in this stuff his name was stephen he's the one that likes the redheads he will tell you if you talk to him ask him about the tub he'll say words like hot burn fire [Music] melted there is something on this one i charge you guys i've never had it happen to me but like i told you ahead of money owners it's like getting hit in the stomach and you're you're sick to yourself like five minutes and you're dizzy i'm good on that so i'm just i've never had it happen i'm gonna grab myself i'll probably get out of here i think that's your body man i think we should go get your body are you below us he's outside wait why are you outside where are you we're up in the building what floor the fifth huh the fifth floor the six five you guys are upstairs he's outside look through the window what i i can't see you right here oh my god he is outside what are you oh my god you are yeah how because you guys were there after goddamn five minutes and i panicked so i ran down the stairs and i got out that door we were only two rooms apart from you i judge your name i loved your name like five times well six would have been the charm oh yeah all right we'll come back up oh that sounds great to go up all these freaking floors again i mean we're not going outside it's cold out there you're alone you look miserable i am well come join the party we found a bathtub for you to go in i can't blame them it's funny to me now but i would have done the same thing you grabbed the rem pods too yeah i gladly left them dude you guys were nowhere to be found you kidding me oh that's it i'm not going in there i mean you'd rather go outside all you had to do was turn right there and you would have seen us with this job oh yeah hey evan why don't you just run down there by yourself in the dark oh that's all you have to do right all right well our guide is left we have re-found corbin yeah you found me dude i was just yelling your name until you heard something that was not you finding anything there was a one time where we like barely heard something faint but what yeah we didn't hear until you were outside and then we were like that sounds like he's below are you serious yeah i swear to god i was screaming no we had no idea we gotta have some bath time together let's go to bath time all right boys are we setting up you did not just take a picture in that so i did i guess corbin didn't hear that conversation huh no he just said would it look cool if i got the tub and i said absolutely it would but over 40 people have died and you just like broke like literally you just say you guys like hanging like you yeah you can't do anything just like that but he also didn't tell you any of the other information is that is that where the little was drowned well they said that near death you know maybe right now actually yeah accident murders basically they would help hold people under the water and you just took an instagram picture in it and it was blurry it wasn't even good you gotta do it again well let's see we have a spirit box we have noise canceling headphones honestly i think we need to do a ramp on the spirit box spirit box traditional spirit box put it on his chest and that's gotta be weird to be in there it is very weird i thought perfect thing we could probably do here yeah because you guys know i'm not a fan of the guessing game of the spirit box is spirit box noise cancelling headphones right in here lag in the bathtub and we're in a different room you have the headphones up and we'll ask but we can't hear anything i want to make it where like no one can hear anyone what no no no no no no no no no no no crazy that's not happening no no i can't do that i i think that's really sketchy bro that's scary again dude if i do it then that means you don't get to say no to something i suggest tomorrow oh my god it's all bad it doesn't matter it's gonna be terrible today let's just start out it's gonna be worse than this probably i don't know oh he can't hear him no way i can't hear you oh so we don't have to leave the euro i can't hear anything oh we may not need to leave the room yes yes do you think that you're not speaking wait a second you're just moving your mouth around no i'm not we're gonna go different what happened to you guys staying out whatever answer you hear shout it dude okay how long give me like what's the time limit here what are we doing hours already 11 30. really no yeah it's already 11 30. we haven't even started yet can you say if there are any spirits here can you say the name of the place where we are right now it could be you could you say the name of the place we're at the room the type of building the name of the building don't we we just want you to acknowledge that you do know where you are before anything else it's a girl okay well this was the old men's floor though but isn't that where the little girl drowned oh you're right yeah on a hunt on the hunt on the hunt did you just hear that like a whistle yes screams wheel it sound like a girl's scream [Music] is there someone here miserable invisible or miserable closure you hear those footsteps listen are you here with us that's not the wind right no is it no that's not the wind what the dude what the [ __ ] is that have you stopped talking to us your brain hasn't said anything right don't what the [ __ ] was that that was insane that was over there i just told you i just told you dude that is sketchy what are you trying to tell us back get back no he said it's bad he said it's bad it's back should we like should we go over there what should we do what do you think do you want us to go towards that area i'd like to leave i'd like to leave i'd like do you want to leave with corey what is that noise that didn't happen my bed my bed could there be bedrooms over there there is yeah dude there's a bedroom that way but not over there do you want us to go towards the noise look after me only you only you and i just said i just didn't want us to come look follow them he wants to come towards the noise said your name and then only you so just you go for it i'm actually scared right now if that noise comes back right now then i'll know that you're talking to me open sprint sprint it sang like her eco or maybe that was herself say the name of the person that should go in that room down there die dude he just said die i know but there's something's creaking now i know i know i know for some reason we have to go down there oh you know what room that is what room that's where they did all the medical treatments like the lobotomies yeah that's where all the physicians were all the surgeons were right there that was their like private elevator shaft just remember though that if we go down there that's what the noise was it sounded like an elevator going up or down if we go down there we're leaving brandon the evil it sounds like brandon talking about the evil that were the doctors you know i think so danger dangerous every like everyone's going danger this place this place that's the elevator so this is the surgeon's quarters he talked about [Music] there yes dude ladies but where's that noise coming we go left or right which way should i go how we we want to help you where are you where do we go right now which way do we go why [Music] a lot worse what was that [Music] what was that noise that's what's so sketchy because when we got over there it didn't happen evan dude we walked really far away from here really we could still hear you but you were still answering us which is so crazy because when i was yelling at you guys you asked me to hear me at all how are you going really far away down on the wall really i swear to god there was a noise that we couldn't explain at all that went on for like a minute was like a demon was in the wall constantly growling at us that was weird that was actually genuinely weird because when we got there it was nowhere near which you guys legit like weren't in this room right here no i'm going back we wanted to go where we knew there was no way you could hear us and then you kept answering questions that was making us walk further away and we ended up walking like all the way down to the elevator so the only reason i stayed is because i legit thought one of you was right in this room right here and i would i swear to god i was like okay well someone's probably still right there i was like so i was like they didn't leave me completely they did swear something was in this room right here but like how did you know no because i could see like something like it wasn't like a light no it wasn't a figure it was like a light or something like something was changing that i could see right there but it didn't freak me out because i was like oh it's definitely gotta be one of them no we were around the corner we specifically did that so you wouldn't have any of our light we wanted to make sure that you could if i would have known it out immediately [Music] was that the elevator like slowly going up and down like the guy said like the elevators have made noises here like is that what you said that's right two times where i felt like i needed to look behind me and i did and it was starting to freak me out a lot so i just stopped looking behind me but i felt like i had to like so i really felt like something was there i want to put this next to the elevator because i'm convinced right now that with that noise we were hearing earlier was like the elevator running somehow i'll reset it oh that moves i can open it open it elton uh immediately he said beware should i open the elevator can you turn the light off evan all right i'm gonna press this button wait there's another one there's another one what oh what is in there that's underneath the roof oh that is sketch you want to go in no no because this door closes and probably locks and i don't trust all of you guys i just don't want to hurt you you're gonna break your heart yeah okay bro this is actually nuts yeah this reminds me of the uh what was the hospital in texas yorktown yeah this is yes it kind of gives me those vibes or this is like hillary manor in pittsburgh oh my god that's right [Music] these doors open guys they all open all that halloween so just for clarity sake everything here is blue as it should be yeah it's in celsius right now yeah which is really cool it's like 40. 41 degrees or something like that right now yeah then there's your head which is crazy your jacket's so good that i actually can't it's that quality i'm just seeing your face right now is there anything down here running one you don't have to talk you can just come pop out the hallway and wave we'll see you this oh my god wow what was this like cafeteria or something [Music] and look at that one chair by itself yep did it just turn off yeah it did by itself yep as we got to this room yep it's fully charged yep completely turned off did you just see [Music] was the camera on for that i don't think so no no we were just talking what what did you see we're literally just talking about how like i i like kind of like that not every time we do investigations things like crazy things happen yeah like sometimes we just like in mid-sentence he goes lily we're in the freaking intersection right now look at this we're in the scary place scary place scary place intersection what did you see here elsa what'd you see uh either our security guard was down here with us or someone else's what are you talking about you know what i say we saved this exploration let's get the gopro and kill the lights okay this is entirely [ __ ] black just so anybody knows like i can't really see where i feel like somebody so i know where you guys are [Music] the k2 is their only light how many people are holding on to me right now everybody dude there's a huge window in there i think we're getting close to where i saw the person yes the person yeah i saw a person you showed the person i saw a person how often do i call anything out was that you have it was that one of your what what was it crack on the ground just hit me in the balls i didn't hang in the ball i unfortunately grabbed your penis i think no that was my left knife okay why did you make a fist i don't like this it's weird i just got really bad i have three different hands on my back right now i just got really bad chills i don't like this i don't think i can do this by myself dude you wait this is one thing you don't need i've done so many things in my life but this happened this is the one thing that elton like inside the door i think there is okay turn a light on please i i need lights in here man oh did you hear that i'm gonna there's no wind down here there's no wind down here we need lights for real we really do though could you knock again if you're down here oh my god okay i'm getting okay that's back where you thought it was are you down the hall where we just passed you give us another little knock knock whatever direction you are and we'll go toward you okay i think he wants us to leave nothing all right well let's give it a good spirit session yeah here uh we use the thermal gun i haven't had any luck we've used the the uh the k2 haven't really had anything red but i haven't had anything we've heard some noises things like that it is windy there's an old building yeah we had some kind of weird coincidences that happened with you in the tub so let's do one more sewage lands apparently the basement is like you know one of the more haunted places on the fifth floor really here in the fifth floor yeah um so we have a not the spirit box this one's called the portal where it's a different kind of scanner um so let's see what happens if we get where none of us can hear anything let's just do the headphones again i think it just makes it a little bit easier than everyone trying to guess it's getting colder about a second i've been feeling that temperature change that is working it is freezing [Music] where are you yeah we should only hear the things here [Music] sounds like an old man [Music] [Music] is do you want to sit here in this circle with us and talk about it all right we're gonna go grab an extra chair for you so you can sit down would you like that he pulled up a chair for you what is your name [Music] for future videos something we talked about is we're actually gonna pipe this audio yeah into two different devices so to the viewers i realize that you guys can't hear what i'm hearing but in the future we're going to buy a little adapter so we can actually do both but that would be i think i think it's way more efficient when it's just one person eyes closed listen now and you mean because then you're talking on top and you're listening and there's a lot going on i think that it's way more efficient this way all right here we go are you guys ready yeah yeah all right what is your name who is down here with us do you want to talk to us or do you want us to leave i'm not sure are you not allowed to talk to us are you scared to talk to us [Music] that's a pretty straightforward answer he's a lunatic who's a lunatic are you talking about jim we heard jim earlier get him away get who away can you can you say his name i think we're talking about elton elton maybe they're just saying that like they don't want to do they want to get him they want us to get him away they don't want to be speaking to him it's me again what is your name ashley that's straightforward are you uncomfortable with us being here i prefer it how old are you ashley ashley ashley are you the one communicating with us the sky's the limit this guy's the lemon ashley are you stuck here or do you choose to be here he's stuck in here hi everyone who's speaking with us now why did you say that too that's because it's him it's him who who is him yeah you're in line in line for what i literally just heard it's not elton i swear it's not elton telling you they don't like talking through elton no you said it's not no they said it's not him it is him they're arguing yeah the ghosts are arguing if they can talk to anybody so who is it they are arguing if it's okay to speak with elton through elton through elton i mean that's understandable he's done something because he goes no it's not elton yes it is him it's gotta be him it is it is elton if you talk to elton you'll be able to communicate with us he's not trying to hurt you are you okay talking through did you hear that him evening do you hear that this evening that's what often says after we've reacted to the yeah what i'm here how long have you lived here look towards the roof i'm here i swear maybe maybe on the floor up what do you want to tell us we're in the basement i'm in the salad do you want us to come find you i just keep hearing i'm right here i'm right here it's right here so there's no need to find her she's saying she's here yeah so we're just speaking maybe she's here in the chair are you sitting in the chair right next to you okay in the chair okay what do you want to tell us well no we're here we're asking them i mean like what should we ask them yeah this is like this we could be opened full of questions uh what do you want us to definitely what would you like to tell us we want to talk to you guys i'm really just hearing it's here like constantly why are you here what are you here for you guys need to listen to me what do you want to say towards the ceiling okay it's i'm in the cellar i'm hearing the same things over and over again towards the ceiling i'm in the cellar as i said that so that's right you're giving us clues you're towards the ceiling and the cellar and you want us to come near you that's not right you want us to stay right here where we are you want us to stay oh yes it is this is that's not right oh yes it is you're tricking them i think there's i said are you stuck here and you go i'm stuck in here really yeah that's sick it was weird so i'm gonna take it like a dark way but if it says like like it's here it's here like it sounds like it sounds like one of the spirits is warning us of something that's here with us you know or else they would say they wouldn't say it okay so this device in front of us you've made it go off a couple times by getting close to that antenna i just have one one more question to ask you you keep saying it's here or he's here are you trying to protect us from something evil so you keep letting us know that something's here if that is the case can you make that rempot beep one time and we'll get out we'll leave right now is there something evil down here that you don't think we should be around or make that rim pot beef right now if you want us to stay it sounded like they were arguing through elton yeah that's what i was hearing because i was hearing like it's him and i was saying no it's not yeah and then it was like it's blah blah i was like no no that was probably that was craziest session we've had yeah that was freaky when you listen to that you are you were at execution rocks right yeah execution watch is crazy and that was crazier than what literally just happened was there could be like 10 to 20 spirits in here and they were all arguing with each other if it was okay to talk to you and we kept asking that and you were spitting out the answers of them arguing saying yeah you can talk to him no you know you can't talk to him yeah that's cool they were arguing with each other saying like contradicting yourself it was weird no i just literally kept hearing like back and forth back and forth and then i just kept hearing the same thing over and over and over again it was like it's here look at the ceiling like stuff like that that is weird all right well thank you guys for watching and tuning in to this investigation i apologize that we're not spending more time here we just landed today and we have a very long drive tomorrow out to a high out to mansfield so it's like two in the morning right now and we're gonna head back and get ready for that video and the next night after oh yeah undoubtedly this place has you know paranormal it has hauntings it has spirits it has ghosts there's something here without any doubt it made it made its presence clear to us oh yeah um so perhaps next time we'll come back with a little bit warmer yeah yeah we weren't prepared for this yeah and spent some more time here doing a deeper dive into the investigation but it was truly great to see this place learn a bit about it um you know so thank you guys again for tuning in this is all part of 25 weeks so we're doing i think we're trying to do like three uploads a week doing our best to keep that going see as many places learn as much as we can yeah um of course all their descriptions channels all of our descriptions all the descriptions in the channel see you guys in the next video shout out to evan i don't know how the hell you're doing this without shaking that camera right hey let's get in that warm car again in the [Music] heater
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,803,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, vlog, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, overnight, adventure, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, exploring with josh, terrifying, conjuring, paranormal, abandoned, corey scherer, ghost hunters, conjuring house, real conjuring house, the conjuring, ghost adventures, ed and lorraine warren, scary places, abandoned places, horror movies, top 5 best, haunted, insane asylum, eloise
Id: iSFyBTovrRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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