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annabelle we all know the story of the world's most haunted doll locked away never to have its wrath set upon the world again but tonight we encounter raven the demonic doll that lives in a 200 year old home deep within southern mississippi a home where no evil spirits are locked away but instead seem to choose to stay this is the first location we have visited where someone has been physically disfigured by a spirit what is going on we don't know what is in there you know mary's been known to actually move our furniture around and of course cowboys it's literally draining the batteries are there any spirits out here in this yard absolutely just hundreds of batteries mary are you here what the was that what's up everyone and welcome back to the overnight channel dedicated to all things paranormal extraterrestrial mysterious unsolved whatever it might be if you can't tell the sun is about to set and we're in vicksburg mississippi right now we just drove here from the myrtles plantation where we were last night tonight's a fun one because this is unanimously considered the most haunted house in all of mississippi fun fact the last owner of this location also owned that house what the reason being is he would get so terrified sleeping in the mcraven house that he bought that one so he could sleep in there on night so the activity was too strong we would go down the street and sleep also think about it if something really really bad happened to you would you let that happen to some other family or something i'll probably just burn it down he would he would let that happen to some other family i don't know i'd sell it because he doesn't have anything for profit and go buy a bmw exactly so what's even crazier is that the previous owner who would stay in that house yeah one night in particular got scared so badly that he left he moved down left left everything here all his valuables all his antiques everything that he had just he just left it here you in his is here like if it's that bad were you gonna leave every single thing behind immediately he was the last owner the very last owner so they know for sure that at least five people have died here one of the owners was shot and killed here there's 14 documented known spirits here and activity has been traced from everything you could ever imagine evp photographs all of it it's a weird place to come into i don't know exactly if i'm like super comfortable but you know we're going to see what happens so here's the interesting part about it too we have a guide here tonight who obviously knows more about the house than anything if we could ever know built in 1797 as a wave station for pioneers along the mississippi river it seems as though darkness may have lived within the plot of land like raven mansion for all of eternity with every owner that lived in it longer than a week dying within the home andrew glass the first owner was a ruthless highway bandit yet he met his demise in his own bed murdered by the woman he loved as the american civil war erupted vicksburg became the center point of the civil war leading the mcraven mansion to become a confederate field hospital battered by canon blasts bullets and blood the home survived although most of the injured soldiers did not then the second owner john bob's wife passed away at childbirth with john himself being murdered at the front steps of his own home a few years later in 1882 the next owners were the murray family the father william unexpectedly passed away in the mcraven mansion and then his wife ellen and their daughter and their son they all took their final breaths within the walls of the home after the passing of their brother their surviving daughters annie and ella never left the home again the home was left entirely unattended to leaving it so overgrown with vines even neighbors could no longer tell the house existed their lack of desire to leave the home or perhaps the inability to do so was so powerful that during the coldest of winters they would chop up their own furniture as firewood ella lived her entire life entombed within mcraven and perhaps her spirit still is as well 25 years later leyland french became the first resident since the murray family for a short while leaving the house and all of his belongings within it without ever returning inside again tonight becomes one of the most terrifying encounters we have ever had with the paranormal world in a home that has the ability to take your soul hostage welcome to the overnight channel dedicated to finding proof of the paranormal so please make sure to subscribe as we have brand new investigations and locations every week i mean dude just the entrance alone i know this is really creepy no this is this is a hundred percent a pathway to a haunted house look at that guys look at it back there it's huge you can incredible you can barely see it this almost looks like exactly the way it would have back in the day that's true all these trees and everything you can't see any cars nothing modern oh look at this place oh it's way bigger than i realized oh it is so much bigger so whenever i hear house i think like you know i think that's murder house yeah you know it's very small well to be fair he the the last owner of this was the heir to the french mustard company well that makes sense yeah so i believe they built this house in three different stages so they just kept making it bigger and bigger over the years well the first part was built in 1797 yeah i think i don't know yeah quite a couple of years ago and then i don't know when they did the additions but the first okay so the way that i know is the first one was built from brick so the brick portion has to be the first part who is the one that lost the last contest oh corbin i think no it wasn't you it was you it was you we didn't do it in myrtle try to take it off me it was you and we didn't do it at myrtle actually i didn't realize that we didn't do it in myrtles evan did i thought i could convince you guys that it was corbin but i am rubber you wear glue try to throw something at me sticks back on you dude i totally feel like this whole area over here has probably had so much like activity nobody inside the house we're not going inside yeah we're going inside right now what the lights are already on they're waiting for us yeah cory we just came to look at the outside i thought we were just i thought we were just doing like a little property view and different there are parts of this house that people are traditionally not allowed in that we will be going into tonight no way so it'll be fun i'm gonna take a wild guess because no one lives here anymore that there's probably children's spirits here probably it's gonna be my wild yes probably that was sitting right there this is really old i mean this is some 1700 it looks like it's fake yeah like it looks like an escape room yeah like it looks like it was built to look like this let's not start twisting things i mean feel the wood the wood is bowing i mean this is like it's actually almost crazy we could even stand on this it is crazy this building's still standing so well 1797 oldest standing structure in town this was built the last year of george washington's presidency wow that puts that in perspective dude oh wow yeah that really put that in respect to that guy also y'all keep an eye on this thing hello doll we don't know where that came from that was brought in by either the broadways or the harvey's we don't think french had it uh but that doll has been known to move along with this high chair i'm i'm not joking about this my co-workers tell me this all the time like it's been known to move out into the hallway we had a ghost hunt here a few years back it moved four times over the course of one night uh did you open the door anymore yeah i put it oh boy just to see if it'll do it again oh so earlier close yeah it closed oh yeah we can't shut it all the way the security camera here is like facing the light fixture yeah that being said like i keep asking who does that and for some reason someone or something keeps pointing it at the waist of that so it's actually it should be fine for some reason it keeps pointing to just random parts of the room where he's literally just pointing a single thing this entire room no this section of the house was added in 1836 by man named steven howard howard was the first sheriff in the town of vicksburg and he bought this house and added onto it as a gift for his bride mary elizabeth she was only 12 years old at the time she was married to a man who was 28 what at the time at the age of 15 she gave birth to her and stephen's first and only child and 15 at 15. i was learning how to play halo then i have no way of having a child that sounds like it would hurt unfortunately mary died about anywhere from a week to two weeks after that due to complications with the birth yeah and sheriff howard took the baby to live with his parents out in yazoo city and he left her there and never came back for her mary is arguably our most active spirit she likes to say hi she comes and does that just about every single tour we do she's really uh fond of women mothers pregnant women children like young children especially she's been known to play with them like we've had children playing peek-a-boo with some imaginary friend in here we actually had one girl like like three or four come in here and just start like running in circles with her hand up like this like someone was twirling her and when she uh was leaving her parents actually picked her up and took her out she said bye bye to whoever she was playing with now mary's also been known to rub her hand on like expectant mother's stomachs we actually had one lady who came in here and felt like a hand rubbing up and down her stomach and she asked like what is that and the tour guide asked her if she was pregnant you know he made sure he could ask her that personal question first but she said no and they laughed it off because they because he thought that mary was doing it six weeks later we get a call here at mcraven and that same tour guide answered the phone it was that very lady and she wanted to tell them that she had just gone to get a physical at the hospital and she was six weeks pregnant wow six weeks pregnant that was like literally the same day or it was spirit are you serious i don't know spirit baby yeah while we're up here i do actually have a personal ghost story that i experienced up here you know mary's been known to actually move her furniture around right like we see with the cabinet but she does it to some grander degrees my second ghost hunt i ever did here at the house we had 20 people visiting and four guys myself included right we usually give a talk on that bottom porch right out here to talk to them and tell them how all the ghost hunting equipment works it was really quiet towards the back of the group some people couldn't hear so we poured into the dining room that we passed in down below and i was one of the people in the room and we all heard wood scraping against wood up near mary elizabeth's room there's two exits to this room you can either go out in the balcony and everyone else can hear you bouncing along on that or you can go down the stairs and run into me i was the first person up here and i found that chair that you were trying to sit in what right in the doorway like not beside not in front of in the doorway legitimately in the door and we have a pull-out bed right here under this bed we keep that under there we do not have that on display but it had been pulled all like all the way out like right around here what yeah i i swear up and down that happened to me was that the same day as the chair was the chair moved and also that was the yeah that was the same as i came up here i found that chair in the doorway and this bed pulled all the way out that is nuts see i actually am a paranormal investigator like i i do ghosts 24 7. but i like to prove go like houses aren't haunted that being said i've seen some things in here that i can't explain i try my hardest to explain them but like the bad thing yeah that thing i can't i don't i don't have any answer for it yeah yeah that makes sense we get a lot of guy names which makes sense because this used to be a battlefield a lot of men pass through here yeah and just things that keep appearing in the same room we get threats and insults in andrew's room he actually calls one of the tour guides here a winch every single time he sees her what many actually passed and when we're buried here on the premises out somewhere in this area is where they're mostly congregated they were put out sparsely and like i said out there on the other side of the house is the mass graves that's also where they held the field hospital is the masquerade for the giant open area of the the kind of the yard is yeah that's weird because cory didn't like that place very much yeah he didn't really yeah whoa oh wow okay now this one's got a bit more creepy this section of the house was added in 1849 by john h bob the dude's last name is bob and the boss huh what was his first name john john bob any relation to sponge which i just gotta say i'm loving having you guys we normally can't tell either guys like really like us or like oh no i love this a lot of guys are very serious and don't really you're gonna start calling mcdonald's why because you're loving it okay a mile away you're here he's got a girlfriend do you leave him on come on jesus can't just be flirting with the guy at every trip inside every trip he's my little guy it's everybody oh my god that's terrible i'm sorry [Laughter] i don't think he remembers why he brought us in this room he's like oh spongebob wow they surrounded the city they cut off any and all supplies coming in no one no one was allowed in or out when the bombs came up they found that their rose garden had been plowed over and had a whole bunch of dead bodies lying in it this top floor was completely reduced to rubble this this one bedroom had been completely destroyed and their town was now under union occupation at the end of the tour our guide told us a story that he couldn't be filmed sharing yet he said we could according to stories and matching medical records someone who was alone in the dining room was attacked by a spirit brutally harmed with his face being slammed into the floor numerous times leaving him with a broken nose and gashes across his face the victim's doctor confirmed the injuries yet the person it happened to wishes to never speak of that night again this is the first medically documented case we have heard leading to the paranormal world inflicting severe physical harm to a person brandon will be staying in this room alone tonight by the way everyone if you don't know the overnight channel is still doing the overnight competition where we pick one winner every single month one subscriber and we fly out to your hometown your area and bring you to do an overnight investigation something fun whatever it is that you want to do there are two ways to enter and they are both right here leave a like and a comment in the video and the link right there as well so every month there is a brand new there's a contest going on every month brand new winner and we already are filming with one winner at the lizzie borden house another one with bobby mackey so you could be very well next also full spoiler we're about to leave and and what if you guys remember lily from trans allegheny and you know what annabelle is combine those here and i might be taking her home you are not taking i'm going to take her home you are not taking it if you guys ever wonder what every time you guys like support centersociety.com what all that like that funding goes towards it's me buying this doll no you are not buying the doll everyone comment down below that elsa's not buying the doll who wants me to buy the doll no you don't by the time this video is out i've already bought it elsa please do not buy the direct elton seriously please elton seriously if you buy the doll i'll nutt and jonah again all right before we start the investigation i feel like a lot of times we just jump into all this different equipment that we have and we don't explain what most of it is so i'll give a little breakdown these are cat balls basically only activated through motion when you guys know like how hard they are to set off oh yeah sometimes they can't even set them off with your fingers like this yeah and we always replace them we're always getting new ones in case they get a little weird or wonky we have of course an actual night vision camera that we're going to use later because corey volunteered to go outside by himself yes i did so jonah will be following him with this and of course catboy just went all by itself you didn't put it on the table yet no no i put it on the table and stopped no but as he was yeah he didn't put that on the table yet the night vision now you did okay all right good start good start to the night this is a motion sensor music box so once we set it there's a sensor right here the only way it goes off is if someone passes or something passes in front of it this is a laser grid if you basically scan the whole room you put lasers on it anything passes in front of it a shadow figure you should see it of course k2s classic k2s yeah we have two different kinds that way you can sync them up and then on this side evan these are all of our goodies so these are all of our infrared or sorry these are all of our full spectrum cameras every single one of them is outfitted to see rays of light that we can't see so what the human eye can't see this can so this is literally full spectrum so essentially the spirit gives off a different energy level a different light ray whatever it is these will capture it that's why we use them and then all of these lights i mean it looks red to you but in these cameras the entire room is illuminated right now we can't see this light yeah it catches all the scariest stuff same thing here another one so we can light up an entire room oh man put in the center the entire room is lit up right here that's so weird to think that's crazy what's that my friends this is our rem pod and this actually works on motion so basically i don't think it goes anywhere but here as soon as this is when it starts going off when anything gets about this close to the rim pod yeah or i would even say a little bit closer bro yeah like when you're probably right here demonstrate it all right turn it all right everybody you can put in the doorway yeah put in the door wait we're going to demonstrate it by actually getting like a spiritual i mean like turn it off put your foot next to it okay all right that's in the doorway so we put these in doorways because the only way anything can set that off off is if you come in from right here and you get literally that close yeah i wonder how many times this does i mean think about how often it gets something no often is it not i prefer though that you actually have to you know i was gonna say i prefer that you have to almost grab it for it to go off what i'm going to do something and we're we're going to do this what are we going to do i'm going to grab something real quick so we're going to do this on camera in the show that we genuinely like that i know but no matter what it's an electronic device oh you're going to change battery electronic devices can fault he's changing the battery so actually change the battery on it good idea you may take that please thank you sir and prove that we literally always maintain our gear because i never actually do this on camera right what's going on with it that's a brand new battery i've never heard it's dying i've never seen it do this what it's a brand new battery i've never heard this before [Music] [Music] okay wait turn it off just turn it off real quick okay yeah redo that okay he's gonna put a new one in here i'm gonna put a brand new one okay four brand new batteries what i have never heard it do this i will say that the bag has been in the in the house since we started the tour why is it doing this [Music] why is it do these are three new batteries i think it's gonna start again okay if there's a spirit in this house and that was you trying to drain the battery out of that device could you do it again thank you [Music] could you please stop do you want oh what we need to all stand over here wait let's all stand over here let's let's all walk over here i don't want anybody to even like claim that it was one of us you know imagine we want closer to it and then drain first battery almost immediately second battery actually worked once it reset it and then almost on really on that's the third battery now yeah yeah the second battery it was like killing the box when you walked out of the room it was literally killing the box i chose to swap out the first battery in case it was a fluke just to show you guys that we're always swapping them out to make sure everything's like 100 functional it hasn't gone off again so for the sake of it let's just make sure to prove everything [Music] it works wow wow wow wow so that kind of forget it you want to explain our last get tool i mean that was quite the display of that tool um wow this right here is our spirit box which just cycles through the radio frequencies and then it just it's really hard to decipher anything but then every once in a while you'll hear a really clear word and that's supposed to be the spirits you know speaking through the radio frequencies it turns spirits into bumblebee yeah exactly right bumblebee has to scan radio stations to talk this is transformers uh spirit world yeah that's literally what it is no you're right a really good explanation yeah yeah all right how are you gonna explain brandon okay so if you know what death is and you enjoy constantly thinking you're gonna have that happen to you that kind of is a good conception brandon it's a very good description thank you i'm just glad we explained all the tools all right corbin's got fun oh i think the spirits like the jokes yeah let's turn them all on if that was you could you touch this red pod if you're if you're touching these cat balls put this over here whoa whoa and the couple did you just place this oh i just put this one here no i know i just asked if they touched the cap wall they could test the red pot and the rim pod went off oh my lord oh thank you did you stop touching the red pot so i can ask you questions you got to let go or walk away from the box yeah it's the only way can you stop making the box go off okay all right thank you just touch any of the cat balls that are currently on the ground or place anywhere and make them go off sorry we'll know that we are communicating with you sorry about elton standing right next to you are you still here with us we just completely killed this camera really well i just turned it on and just killed it like instantly absolutely just 100 battery just watched it go to zero and turned off there's gonna be a one second clip on there wow are you draining our batteries for energy can you confirm that because 100 charge is recording and dead what turn off here i'll turn it on and show you that 100 battery right there do you want us to leave do you not want us here okay recording again that one seems to be good for a minute should we go upstairs huh it's like morse code we haven't even made it to the room i know oh you're very intelligent aren't you you're very smart you know how to use these tools already yeah wow another battery done no i just swapped them all out are you are you are you taking our battery what it's like it's cutting me off i know are you trying to cut me off whoa should we go up the stairs i think we should go to the other room i think we should go to the dining room where the guy got smashed off the floor yeah broken nose is that okay with you if we go in there maybe that's a no make it stop if you want us to go into the room keep going for like three two okay what would happen if we went into the room make it beep three times if something bad would happen make it beep only once if it's okay how about i just find out yeah are you gonna stop us [Music] i mean i'll listen to them i would listen to him we can't see him but they're trying to help us you can stay in here in the dark by yourself okay yeah i'll go in the room look at that it didn't even go off i'm gonna follow the guy with the flashlight you want the lights off you want the lights off okay okay we'll turn the lights off this is kind of wild are you trying to warn us that we shouldn't be in this room maybe it does want us in this room is this room safe i thought on the k2 this is right where it happened right it happened over here is this room dangerous right here then okay what if to the spirit it wasn't a bad thing it was actually gonna say do you like what happened in here i'm not close enough for that well get so you like what happened in here you think it's funny that he broke his nose or that you broke his nose none of the catballs have went off since um what were you uh telling me earlier about the family uh rory doesn't know about the family that lived here from what was it like 1880 up to like 1950 uh all of them passed away inside the house yeah and i believe around the 50s when it was just the two sisters that were left um they were basically stuck here they didn't want to leave they're too scared um something of that world but basically the house was just falling apart with vines growing all over the house and yeah they both passed away in the house could you imagine the whole family think about that that would have been before the owner that got his face smashed in it was two women were too afraid to leave look at what's right here what if he was trying to leave and that's why and then he got turned around like they're trying to keep him here do you think that the spirits or souls are haunting this place kind of held them catholic yeah the entire family died every now and then it's a different time but then the two sisters would have shut themselves in here and never leave and let the house get overgrown to never maintain anything until they died and then for one of the owners who was always terrified and always wanted to sleep in a different house finally everybody yeah he didn't want to leave maybe the spirit was just up like over him trying to leave every day do you make people be obsessed with this house and they feel like they can't leave do a lot of souls feel like they're stuck here i like how that's not going off and i'm going off now how weird is that because we're down in the room now that it didn't want us to come into are you in this room with us you can always knock or push someone's head figure out or something do you want someone back in the main room as far as i know that's the only room that actually doesn't have any negativity any paranormal stories and also this is the newest part of the house yeah remember they said that the entire town is haunted and my theory was that whatever it was spawned from that part of the house and spread its way out so it could be warning us that we're going towards the center point of where all the evil started it works yeah it works this is why we all love this it's our most trusted device actually this vice device is amazing should we go upstairs if you come back here with us upstairs okay all right let's move upstairs if you guys each want to grab a camera we'll bring them all with us yeah because of the door situation we know it's strong enough to set up the rem pod yeah take the rimpot with us good idea but i still have a camera on the door good yeah yeah because i work for your moves i'm very curious about that door move will see it very different vibe now it's much colder in here what's in there restaurant that's it that is restroom yeah all right go up cory okay k2 is going off set like look at that you see that yeah you're not sure where we're going i don't know which one are you thinking i'm sorry i wandered off whatever room your heart desires say let's go in here yeah i was gonna say dude i don't want to be in there alone i'm gonna walk around the cage too this is so weird watching this through the camera but i can't see it with my eyes looking at you i just look like an idiot like i'm shining nothing at you but then looking through here i've got a big spotlight on you got a gnarly migraine out of nowhere my camera's going crazy your camera my camera is getting like just insane interference in it should we start over here then should i leave my gopro in here and set this up in here whoa what what you guys see the mist oh it's gone no it wasn't elton no no like elton like if you're facing me it was right here there was just a mist in front of you dang i really was hoping your thing is over there if my camera's blinded right no literally right here there was just a mist mary are you here with the camera pick that up look on cue on cue mary are you here in a turn and i'm on i'm pretty positive this was facing it i know i have it are we talking to mary i'm gonna put the cat ball in the bed that's a good idea i don't know what the red pot is uh that's a good idea in his room so i should put it right here till aim it right here yeah yeah okay and then let me clear out let me stand on the side too all right start it'll do its little calibration [Music] all right can you see the statics in them see the bars running across it yeah they're all doing this every single gopro is doing this right now i'm gonna re-roll what they're all just getting like crazy interference lines across them if there's any spirits or souls in this room with us we can't see you but we think that you can see us could you maybe touch the cat ball on the bed or walk in front of the music box that i just put on your dresser maybe wave your hand in front of it so you can let us know that you are in here placing the rem pod here because this is the site where andrew laid with his gunshot wound as his wife slit his throat so if anyone were to tour to go to there or from there i'll go off are there any children in here was this your home is this where you used to sleep and go to bed or you would wake up every day just go outside and play in the yard yeah i think way more sensitive than i realized yeah well nothing on the k2 no which is interesting because yesterday at myrtles we know we were talking to a spirit downstairs are there any spirits up here with us oh my gosh guys what we are idiots why what have we learned in terms of what that means in terms of exactly elementary school man how do we forget this so no more chant no introducing ourselves no oh my god you're right we didn't bring gifts we didn't bring toys we didn't bring alcohol i think we got distracted because the grandpa started going crazy true we didn't even start the investigation whenever we started it on its own like you know well let's let's uh introduce ourselves then right yeah maybe we should officially start the investigation now all right so if anybody who's in this house i want to let you know that i am corbin reinhardt my name is corey sheer my name is brandon gross i'm elton caste and i'm here to stay you're here to stay i run you don't have to be scared of us [Music] we're only here for the night because we want to talk to you and try to learn about this house before we leave i'm like andrew i've stolen before man you know i've done my time you know i've done my crimes i was a badass would you steal i was a badass on the mother playground okay would you steal people's food all the time you stole people's food people had pudding pudding i wasn't look i wasn't going on the nice mississippi river with the gun but i would give a mean noogie was that you that i saw did i see your mist did i see your soul walking around here or is it not married is it someone else [Music] do you happen to be the person that was downstairs and harm someone be an honor to meet you if that was you because he'd be the most badass person a spirit alive dead that we have ever met it's the truth if you want to make your presence known it would be an honor to meet you my friend look all i'm saying is y'all just talking like some yankees yeah he's out here live my name's corbin dane ryan they call me daddy yankee that's true let us be like you should be a little bit more tuned you get away from that music box you're making it go off with your hand i'm just saying they probably can't even understand a damn looking word that we're saying well you know we're in mississippi right now but am i social thank you come on down on this bed awesome bed that was me wait why is it only blinking it wasn't it was i was like oh that was close no but it should have played a song yeah it should have we've learned many times that too many people in one place just overwhelmed things so spray things up break it up you were really attracted to being outside earlier yeah which we found out is actually a burial yeah one of the more horrific places on the property for confederate soldiers insane so let's send you out there by yourself perf jonathan jonah will live in the vagina will be around maybe 100 something feet away by myself yeah just by yourself perfect and then corbin and i can be up here with the spirit box and definitely yeah i'll do that with you there's seven kids up here maybe trying to have a conversation with the kids yeah yeah have fun get a new battery for the music box and then uh that's a brand over here yeah what happened to you doesn't seem to be too afraid of the spirit downstairs so i'm going to go get my face you've already broken your nose before right no you're never good enough i've only broken one bone over my kneecap sure let's go see let's see what this guy's got you broke your nose i broke my nose many knives i broke my vaccine i've actually had my nose broken you broke enough too yeah brandon's turn oh ran in his turn to get his nose broken your nose broken and it's his turn to get a uh little scar over here all three of us all three of us have something to have in our eyes now perfect so it's super exciting your turn yeah yeah yeah cool let's set it up it went off right when you said it oh it wasn't even on camera right when he said it no but gopro no gopros are all in my hand i just i just picked them all up it just went off when you said to go grab the red pod oh i said where's the rim pod and it went off in this room i literally just picked them all up oh my god can you at least grab it one more time because i don't have enough i need more i don't have enough to cover like nine different rooms in a house was that andrew oh so that wasn't andrew it went off i just picked him up dawg i said no where are the little bars no hey did it go off like at any point before no oh wait with that gopro and there's filming so it hurt it that's not at least no they're not they're all off because i'm moving them all downstairs is there a security camera in here no no damn it where is it right there right there it went it went off right here yeah all right we'll grab it take it with you outside you know it still works oh my god damn it hasn't gone off in probably almost an hour which one just keep keep it in your pocket did someone shut that door oh my god we'll have it we'll have it oh yeah because this gopro yeah yeah dude look what happened what happened the door no no way the door actually closed i'll have it no i'll have the button check check check check we watch it right now no watch it later we'll find out later it's more fun we finally don't know it's more fun if we find out later no dude please please please please no we'll find out you will get your dirt when you finish your vegetables and your vegetables are outside in the graveyard i want to see the door go eat your vegetables oh you're gonna close that door that's what harry wants anyway yeah you just pleased the ghost so whatever he loves squeezing all right i found out i was little what how did that happen okay we're going upstairs give me that good idea brandon i'm sorry you know did that the poltergeist or demon did that to the old gentleman that owned this house french yeah his last name was french uh you know feel free brandon's a tough guy yeah he's working out i hope flex for you i'll show you how strong he is one guy who hasn't broken his nose yet so um so it'd be super cool awesome if you know big strong for the record he also doesn't believe you exist he has like absolutely no confidence at all there's anything paranormal like he thinks you're just you're which is not real which means the guy that you hurt he's basically calling that guy a liar so if he lived here for a while and you were friends with him he basically just called one of your best buddies just a lying through his teeth cheating out of his mind crazy person so i just want to let you know that right now that everything that brandon is thinking he may not say but that's how he feels yeah so you know if you're angry with him really direct that are you guys done yet okay all right that sets the tone huh i have the rim pod with me i have the k2 with me oh i got chills we are multiplying oh my gosh jesus christ is my savior all right time to go up where do we start here we've had some activity already tonight i don't know if it was you making the rem pod go off up in the doorway when we first got here but if you are here i'd like to talk to you if there are any spirits out here if there are any souls out here my name is corey just heard a voice i don't mean any disrespect or harm i'm just here to try to communicate with you i'm gonna try to talk to you i understand the previous owner was right around here and he was picking up a piece of gum that was left from a tour and when he bent over he proceeded to slam his head into the ground and break his nose and freak him out so badly that that's the reason all this stuff is still here and if that's the case if you were able to do something so strong and so violent you should have absolutely no problem touching one of the cat balls got a couple of them set up in the room here one on the table one on the floor one of the stairs if you were able to smash his face off the ground there's no reason you shouldn't be able to touch one of the cat balls so i'm here i'm waiting for you whoa what was that i hope that was a bug what the was that i just heard like a like a like go past my ear and it wasn't like a buzzing or anything it was okay let's just ignore it i want to see what you got the guy left and he left all his belongings here he won't speak to any of that he won't speak to anybody about what happened he he won't do interviews but we know from the doctor who actually fixed his face what happened to him so i'm right here i'm bent over and waiting for you to smash my face to the ground but i don't see it happening i just set my device up right here i feel like something gave me the feeling to stop right here i'm going to show you how it works ready if i put my hand near this it'll start beeping just like that okay if you want to talk to me if you want to communicate with me all you have to do is touch that box and make it beep because i can't see you but i think that you can see me and i think that you can hear me my friend corey he's outside walking through the woods i don't know if you leave the house i don't know if you go out there and there's another person you can hurt seems to be what you like to do oh my god this is so scary oh my gosh okay if you don't want to talk right here i think i know another area okay i just saw like a tree literally just lit up and it's not in the direction that cory is i don't even like jonah doesn't even have a light out there with him i have to go are there any spirits out here in this yard any souls any people any humans anything that would like to communicate with me i'm really starting to not believe your story here i want to i really want to believe that you're here i do want to talk to you but if you're not here if you're somewhere else in the house or somewhere outside the house go ahead and show my friends that you're here i just want to talk to you oh my god dude now i'm getting like the migraine again wow and it's like behind my eye [Music] [Music] [Music] you would like [Music] free when i just opened the door i think the catwalk was just turning off what i've been in here this whole time i had not had it go up i think it literally just went off it was like shutting off as i open the door no i've been in here i've been like calling it out i've been trying to bring it in and i've got nothing this is kind of weird bro i know everything was going crazy earlier i know and now it's just completely dead i know i was kind of ready for it to go crazy when i was in here by myself and me too i was expecting you to go crazy in the graveyard and you didn't get anything nothing k2 never spiked the box i don't know i don't even think it went off i think it just stayed going off one time after i turned it on but it immediately stopped and never turned back home i mean i do think so you are in this room with us dude i have had that turned on for 30 minutes outside and i never went off one time we know you're here now you can stop [Music] if you want we can try to speak to each other but we have to go in order through the beasts one beep will mean yes and two beats will mean no okay do you want to try talking to us like that are you a female spirit thank you so much one beat for yes yeah if there's more than one spirit that is currently talking to us in this room can you make the box go off again right now three three four five six six seven eight what okay that's eight are there any more spirits in here you can make it beep a couple more times for how many spirits there are eight eight spirits so you're all good spirits you guys lock us out the spins there we go did you lock it no what's been going on uh you guys gonna have to hear some stuff do you remember remember what happened with uh with lily yeah i made a promise that i do not think i can go [Music] yeah we're upstairs and what was weird was we were asking if andrew was upstairs in the bed yeah it goes his room because we're trying to put the piece together we know he really likes putting him in the street upstairs and we're like no but as we were asking if andrew was in the room we heard you guys downstairs yes and we still don't know who the spirit was that hid his face into the floor so i was like maybe andrew was actually downstairs with you guys so that let us ask maybe the children are up there and then from there we're like one of the other spirits here yeah and then we're like was anyone else here and the music box hadn't gone off the whole time and it finally goes off more like that than us here and the music box is pointed right towards that chair with a little dawn with a little doll in it and the craziest part is i basically led to a question you moved it towards the zone not at that point yet i basically just asked are you trapped in the doll because the doll moves yeah yeah and i was like each happened for the first time it went off it went away so from there i was like okay let me check this i picked up the doll and i was like hey i'm just gonna move you real quick i'll be careful move the doll to a completely different part of the room took the music box turn the music box up reset it and then ask the same question are you stuck in the doll and it goes off what and then from there i asked for your trapped there yeah and it went off and i was like would you like to be set free with the box played again you want me to help you goes off again this is where it gets too far and then as it's like now he starts making promises and these promises i don't know if he's gonna be able to keep and i said and i said i'll come back because i don't know right now how to help you i've set you free but i'll come back instead be free i can't promise you one but i promise you i will we don't know what is in there yeah and we have said i promise i'll set you free it went off again what yeah he promised it and he nominates that not just that he said he said can i give you can you give me a pinky promise he sticks his pinky out and it just starts going and you know so you cause something that you don't know is an evil or not that you're going to come back and set it free i think it's a little girl i think it's a child he has no clue that the bourne family ever came across that was super haunted and caused a bunch of crazy stuff to happen that led to the conjuring or an exorcism and it's not called annabelle i don't know what you're talking about maybe that's annabelle maybe it was that danville free who knows you don't i don't but we're coming back okay are you serious about that i'm kind of down you know what was the worst part too for me at least [Music] wait really they don't even know they don't know where the girl came from i want it that's not from the house wait i know where it's going why don't we leave it here in mississippi if you don't know you bring it to l.a right there in your mouth wait let's keep the good vibes in l.a until we figure out what it could be wait someone brought that doll and just dropped it off yes wait that is not like even an original doll from this house no that's just a doll that showed up and they don't oh oh that's scary hey how's it going in here good good it's going good oh my interruption i actually have a question for you that doll is upstairs in the chair where did it come from we don't know it's uh it was either it was either the broadways or the harveys i think the broadways that brought it in here when they bought the place from annie and ella in 1960 but uh so was that doll in the house at the time the gentleman got his nose broken yeah whoa is there a possibility that i could make a donation to this house that would lead with the result of me taking that doll home highly unlikely yeah not 100 unlikely right i'm gonna have to say no for now but i can definitely give you at least the owner's number i would very much so appreciate that dude if you saw what was going down on top that was what happened the music are you familiar with hannah though yeah of course well that might be the anna and she wrote them up we probably how long do we come inside jonah like fifteen twenty [Applause] we're just burying evidence facing nothing but still filming man nothing nothing happened outside right now not at all yeah oh my god it's so funny yes so weird the cameras didn't intentionally die i know so first off i need to just say that the fact that we don't have the footage of what corbin and i experienced with evan upstairs sucks it was the first time in all the paranormal investigations we've done that i went you know what corey maybe you're right maybe i can 100 inside with you and say there is another realm a space around us that we can't see where spirits and those that exist in the paranormal world are we don't have the footage and i don't understand how this is possible but the only explanation is i didn't pull the footage off the sd cards on the camera we filmed this night until about 4 45 in the morning and then i had to drive three hours that night to get us to the next place so we could fly home somehow i didn't get the footage but the more bizarre part is i ran every kind of recovery software you could imagine on the two possible sd cards it was on and it recovered everything as far back as cecil hotel the queen mary myrtles and what we had just filmed recently and still the three files missing were from mcraven regardless it's my fault that it wasn't pulled onto a hard drive and there wasn't duplicate copies and triplicate copies and i didn't notice it sooner so that's on me and i can't tell you how mad i am at myself and just to give you like a brief explanation of what we experienced corbin and i were upstairs doing a spirit box session for a decent amount of time and we were getting a few things here and there we decided to shift our focus over to the other room and we had been told stories about this doll that was there that no one really knew where it came from but maybe it was brought maybe it was placed there but everyone agrees that there's something attached to it now at this point we had been in the room we never had the rem pod go off other than the one time that we actually didn't catch on camera nothing was happening no cat balls no anything at all and i finally decided to just see if maybe there was a spirit jokingly right an annabelle something inside of the doll and as soon as i asked the question is there anyone or anything inside the doll the rem pod beats and it's going to be impossible for me to do it justice what really happened in that room in terms of like question and answer question and answer but it got to a point where any time i would ask anything that was relevant to were you trapped there did someone put your spirit your soul into the stall it would beep and i'd ask other questions that weren't relevant and there'd be nothing and when i say like the rem pod would go off i mean instantaneous and it got to a point where i said in the most sincere way possible i don't know how or have the abilities to remove your spirit from the stall and set you free but is that something you'd want me to do and the rem pod goes off on the dot and then it stops and then i pause and i say okay i can make you a promise to come back with someone that actually understands this field and knows the proper way to set you free if i make you that promise would that make you happy and it goes off done there's no doubt in my mind that that doll and i can't believe i'm saying this i don't know i'm not going to say it was haunted right because that could imply something negative which we don't know positive or negative wasn't resolved but that doll has some kind of energy inside of it that is beyond just being an inanimate object that's what happened and i genuinely offered a very large sum of money to the owner of that house to buy the doll they won't let me every once in a while i follow up i'm so sorry that that happened uh i don't get it i've been filming youtube video since 2016. i filmed over 500 youtube videos i have never not pulled footage off an st card i still don't believe that i didn't do it but logically that's what happened out of 850 clips on that camera that it recovered the three i needed weren't there regardless thank you all for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video and uh i will say regardless one we're never gonna not pulling footage off cameras again but i'm excited for all the future investigations and you'll see that in all the up like coming videos you'll see that i have a newfound respect and like genuine desire to find more proofs so get ready uh the next episodes are really cool a lot of cool places on the east coast burn bray mansion mid-orange correctional facility shanley hotel lizzie borden sk mansion bobby mackey's old looking county jail saint ann's nunnery those have all been filmed and like were filmed a long time ago and actually in about 12 hours i am hopping on a flight and we are going to turkey ukraine chernobyl poland hungary slovakia romania to film and after that we're taking eight days off and we are going to the united kingdom to do like you know england london that was the same thing ireland uh and then we are going back to the catacombs in france and we're going to italy so lots and lots of videos coming at you and uh figured if you'd already watched an hour and 10 minute video this extra eight minutes i'm filming a lot too i guess but genuinely appreciate all of you and uh hope you're enjoying these videos and the editing that we're putting into it the voiceovers and it's a lot more work but i love making it and genuinely hope you enjoy it and if you don't actually if there's some things you do like or don't like let me know i always read all the comments it's i do actually so cool thank you guys love you all and see you next saturday i've something up again [Music] [Music] you
Views: 1,180,697
Rating: 4.9638705 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, paranormal, ghost hunters, 3 am challenge, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, ghost stories, corey scherer, most haunted, haunted hotel, most haunted hotel, queen mary, myrtles plantation, scary places, most haunted places, conjuring, conjuring house, lizzie borden, sam and colby, 3am challenge, tfil scary, ghost adventures, the conjuring 3, mcraven, annabelle
Id: ja4BhNXjEzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 45sec (4365 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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