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considered to be the most haunted house in america the myrtles plantation bears the weight of an incredibly grim ass there are a lot of stories about that mirror so many murders have took place here and this was years and years ago the faces of two small children will often appear dude i'm not even close i am so it's a female and she's right there now if you stay in your own room half the night you've done well so that's good boy what did you find something look at that what is that what went on what's up everyone and welcome back to the overnight channel a channel completely dedicated to everything that lives in the night paranormal area 51 aliens supernatural werewolves bigfoot any mystery any abnormal chupacabra yeah chupacabra what happens to all those things in the daytime nothing they just don't exist we don't care about it if they exist in the daytime i don't want to know did it triple copper hit you in the eye right there uh no i have allergies sorry my bad so my eye is completely swollen we were in new orleans yesterday working with a voodoo priestess and of course we had to make the drive up to myrtle's plantation considered to be the most haunted house in america and home to one of the most haunted items in the world the myrtles plantation bears the weight of an incredibly grim past general david bradford built the myrtles in 1796 where he lived alone for several years due to his role in the pennsylvania whiskey rebellion until finally receiving a pardon from president adams after the death many residents inheritance battles and changes of ownership the myrtles managed to survive even through the incredibly destructive american civil war the myrtles stood strong strangely in 2014 a massive fire broke out of the property causing substantial damage the flames began just 10 feet from the main house yet somehow not a single part of the original home was harmed as if something is keeping the myrtles alive and well with reports of over 10 murders and rumored to be built upon an ancient indian burial ground there is no wondering why the myrtles is home to at least 12 known ghosts one of which is the infamous chloe stories dating as far back as the 19th century with extreme paranormal occurrences documented as of the 1950s myrtles was not given the title of the most haunted house it was earned numerous photos taken during the evening and daylight present vivid apparitions footsteps inexplicable touches whispers and clear voices have all been documented within the myrtles of course the legends of the haunted mirror the tales of chloe are the reason we are sleeping here tonight tonight begins the first true paranormal investigation on the overnight channel we put everything we have learned over the past year to the test so make sure to subscribe because every week we only get better and better as our journey to document proof the paranormal continues over here furthest one from it has to sleep in the most haunted room by themselves tonight oh perfect steel go first oh you go first okay fine i'll go that is way too far you're kind of close okay okay yeah i didn't calculate the slope okay yep glory should i go i was going to do rockville scissors would go okay rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot i'll go okay that's pretty close we made a triangle yeah wow i think i'm gonna close this i got that all day wait a second one two three four five six five six i don't know what's your birthday july 6th so not today no evan i don't know evan's birthday today yeah oh birthday boy gets his own room is it fair yeah you don't even need to like blow up your own candles the ghost will do it for you just he'll make your wish for you yeah honestly all right so that's settled quick yeah cool all right well let's go meet husband sorry evan this is the most pleasant haunted place we have ever been hello hello hello how are you very welcome [Music] this is welcome to the markets thank you thank you thank you for having me place is gorgeous it is isn't it uh-huh we're lucky to have you you're mighty handsome i may hold your hand for a while i'm corbin nice to meet you thank you wow are you coffee here you feel good i feel good right now yeah very good yeah there's been an eye yeah but i mean we haven't seen the inside so i might be speaking too soon no everything is good i mean we do have spirits you know you know all good ones though well some are a little mischievous sometimes but they wouldn't hurt you for anything they've been here a while so you know you're the one that's in their territory exactly yeah so they may want to show themselves the children are very playful you know but all is well and in the morning we'll see if you still have that smile [Music] this should just slid that right in there you all look good buddies yeah yeah kind of a little bit we tolerate each other if we need to sacrifice anyone though it's him yeah oh don't happy birthday to you thank you yeah we heard you have some of the most haunted items here oh our mirror yeah there are a lot of stories about that mirror and a lot of people see things in that mirror uh a lot of times it's once your pictures are you know but once you look through your photographs and you realize hey what is this what oh better yet who is this you know that happens quite a bit you're curious aren't you um yes i'm very curious until it gets to me being scared myself so many times baby i have really overreacted sometimes and i've been here for years but you know you some things you just can't explain footsteps and no one there you expect someone to be there yeah when they're heavy boots and whatever and they're behind you you're moving a little fast and even faster my age you know it worries you because when you stop they stop it's as if they know what's going on really but let's go on the house level y'all ready wow um first of all you see and this glass has been changed quite a few times and each time it's been replaced the same discolorations will reappear in the mirror and the first thing i notice are the drippings coming down the center of the mirror and a lot of people take pictures of this and those drippings a lot of times will appear red as if they're blood drippings now on this side you see the little fingerprints love look at me yeah i'll see those little fingerprints in there and at the very top coming down the faces of two small children will often appear and so many murders have took place here and this was years and years ago so it's not like you know somebody was worried yesterday yeah it could happen yeah tonight might be tonight happy birthday story goes that the judge took on a mistress who was one of his house servants she was caught listening in on some of their family business and eavesdropping was just not allowed as punishment he cut off her left ear of course it left her upset and a few days later the story goes that she make the birthday cake for his oldest daughter she used the juices on the popular oleander and we have a piece of oleander over there it's all over the grounds but it lets off a liquid very similar to arsenic it was baked in the family's cake it killed the judge's wife sarah and two of her children so there are three of the spirits along with chloe the slave who live here along with judge which is his wife but this is a little piece of oleander uh it's what chloe's uh served in the birthday cake we're going to go into the french bedroom during this beautiful room they believed that spirits would come into a room during the day and if the room was not protected they would stay and show themselves at night they would hide during the day and come out at night put something religious in he thought it would protect the room so he put angels at the bottom of his wife chandelier at the top of the plaster freeze work you see those four ladies faces they are said to be faces of nuns so they were to guard the top corners of her room he said a gentleman stood at this door which is going to be facing your bed whoever is staying there of course on the other side he opened happy birthday to you again he said a man appeared he said the man came which would he would have come through this way he came through the door and when he got there he had one arm in front of him one hand behind him he said the man greeted him he said good evening he did disappear but he nodded all the way out and he came went back through the door came back to this side he said when his wife came out he was already packing and she knew what was going on so they left and people often still see the butler so you might get a chance to see him tonight wow look at this i think this is my favorite room i really was like oh they have food ready for us like why don't we even go get food on the way here that looks so i think if you think about anything it does look good go ahead take a bite that's what happened to those three kids yes they ate the birthday cake in fact they ate it in this room i am told that a little girl in a plaid dress shows up quite a bit and a lot of times she's very bossy she's telling people to shut up be quiet and she's talking to our guests the president owner took this picture and it was no one on the grounds and she wanted it that way it was for insurance reasons so they wanted no one in the photograph but right here where the little breezeway is look at her and we believe it's chloe wow you can see you can even see the boards through her it's measured off to be human measurements and measurements of a lady and it looks like two little children on the roof wow that is pretty crazy look i've enjoyed being with you guys yeah thank you so much and uh well thank you all for coming and y'all be good it sounds like it's just gonna be like five brothers tonight yeah and uh i have a son's birthday that's tomorrow which one is this one right which birthday boy yeah oh yeah what's your name again baby evan kevin evan evan how sweet oh i love that oh don't build them up yes yes well my father was named evans they called him jim i have a brother named evan so it's a family thing happy birthday to you yeah yeah well look y'all have a very good night and you try to be good okay i'm gonna be the best out of all these people are you which one do you think of us is going to be the most attractive to or attractive to spirits do you think oh i think that one i really do i really do wow yeah yeah think about it she knew yeah why he hasn't even really spoken that much possible i i don't know it's just i just have that feeling yeah yeah and i'm no psych i'm not not by any means yeah but i think he'll be the one yeah you're gonna all end up in one room tonight oh i believe that yeah why do you think so it's going to happen it happens it happens very often now if you stay in your own room half the night you've done well so that's good boy that's a bonus point wow you love us thank you so much babies thank you and happy birthday evan by the way if you don't know our overnight channel is still doing the overnight contest where we pick one winner every single month and we fly out to your hometown and bring you to do an investigation something fun whatever it is that you want to do in your area there's two ways to enter one's super simple just leave a like and a comment on this video each video you do that on equals one entry other ways to head over to centercity.com the clothing line that we run for every dollar you spend also equals one entry every month there's a new winner every month it restarts if you happen to live in the new orleans baton rouge area well we can bring you back to the myrtles or whatever it is but we already have two videos coming up with our contest winners at the lizzie borden house and bobby mackeys get ready for the riddles foundation get ready how tall is your keyboard seven two i'll hike up can your keyboard get seven four seven four there's a yep behind you actually if you want to oh the main part of the house that we're in we only have a limited amount of time because there are actually paying guests that are staying in the rooms above us yeah so for noise reasons we know that we can't do this quietly so we have about an hour and a half for this part of the house down here our rooms are in a different part of the property and the butler's room that evan's sleeping in so we're gonna maximize our time down here including the room with the mirror and the room opposite to that as well so darn it every tool that we have is laid out here and for some reason you're brand new to our channel and you don't know what these are this is the k2 it's one of the most trusted and well-known paranormal investigation tools literally just meant to measure electromagnetic energy yeah that is exactly what it is so essentially the theory is that spirits have energy and if there's spikes for no reason that is the reason we have a rem pod which is entirely based off of motion we'll have an antenna here we'll turn it on if anything comes near it you have to literally get within a foot step of it for this thing to go off brandon would you care to demonstrate our tool so the only reason that things should ever go off is if you are or someone is or something is within that distance of it and of course we have corey's favorite tool dowsing around so these will be here as well this is brand new to us it's a motion sensor music box once you set it up if anything passes within 10 feet of it it will automatically play the music box more so meant for child experience also very scary very very scary are you done okay so we're done right dude all the hairs on my arms are standing up so much right now dude oh my god look at this those aren't goosebumps mountains is nobody like nobody watching this right now could you touch that again to make it beat no one no one go in front of this because if they both go off again both of these devices going off it's gonna play okay so that's normal it's just detecting the room we didn't even start the investigation okay so now if it goes off yeah that was one two three right wait what happened what happened was that one two three what i heard like 100 100 that would happen okay our last tool cap balls only go off with motion it's pretty amazing for example like this like you have to move them pretty hard why does that keep stopping dude it was not you guys stepping i'm gonna set someone i'm gonna set up look the colors match here can you set them both off the same time here oh my god it was there nice trick [Music] can you make both of those toys on the floor light up all right that's one can you do the cat ball the ball that's next to it what about the motion lights yeah you guys can set it up so these two are literally just motion lights if someone goes by these light up let's put one in this in this hallway yeah i kind of want to put this though facing like this one over there you know like if something comes walking through here yeah yeah we also could do everything that patty and mary have taught us should we not introduce ourselves oh yes and say our names we are yeah that's how you introduce yourself you introduce yourself by saying your name hello my name is corey sheer my name is brandon elton [Music] i'm elton caste nice to meet you my name is corbin reinhardt well if there's anyone here we have a small amount of time to share with you tonight if you are a male can you make these rods cross if you are a female make them go outwards was that it oh that's as wide as they can go okay um could you please make these rods point to the direction where you are standing right now no really ah dude i'm not even close i am why thank you so it's a female and she's right there are you uncomfortable with us standing in front and behind you do you feel uncomfortable with us being here crossed for yes cross outwards for no just comfortable interesting is it could be any i mean there's you know two children there's the wife there's somebody that got hung because she poisoned everybody i know y'all heard that what that's never happened okay so i walked in here because i heard like a pebble or something the rim pod just broke i mean the the dowsing the dowsing rod just broke get it get it get it get it dude i stopped because did you break this oh wait yeah look it's gone that that there's a black that's what i heard fall i heard something fall that's why i stopped what where did it go who was it that just broke that dowsing rod that i was holding they might be shy was it sarah [Music] or are you a little kid if you want to play with us you can touch any one of these devices to let us know that you're you are here with us wait you know it's really funny we asked if it was scared of us and it said no and then broke our tool it was literally like i'm not scared of you but you're scared of me yeah you remember she was saying it was a sassy person yeah that had an attitude oh no oh wait i got a gopro on it what only when i just stopped playing playing this whole time i've been playing not one single thing the cap went off yeah this one i've been playing this whole time it hasn't done a single thing and then i play the eof away and it goes off the dowsing rod just broke dude i know i saw that it's crazy what is going on you were just uh making that that was we're trying to oh wait that's not you what that's not him what no way where is it where is it it's right there i changed the direction it's facing and it was going off yeah did you stop following us all right good job good go get b-roll good go wander i look i literally rolled this around i know nothing i saw i believe and it went off when i stopped playing yeah so i think he might have liked what he really probably wants us to keep playing yeah so perhaps let's combine two things okay we love being jolly and playing music yeah and we know that patty has told us that the vowel chants seem to work yes i'm pretty sure you can figure out how to play that out and then we could walk around all righty all right [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] again when i stop playing keep playing it's literally insane look at that it's working you just let me roll that around and it did not go off keep playing when he stops [Music] look it's gotten to yellow oh it's look it's right where the rempot is someone's here can you touch the ramp on [Music] what that could be me it could be it could be get to the other opposite side with oh yeah that works it's right where the red pops you are you here with dude that us did stopping no that definitely did something this hasn't gone off the entire night it's been by the way everything after you play something happens after you play do you like the music do you want us to keep playing and singing this just went off music boxers went up i don't know where the k2 is leading me where the table where it happened no it's not it just went off for it wants us to keep going i think it evo was working yeah i think so we should go back dude i picked up the cat ball i rolled it around it did not go off everybody pick a room there's four of us there's four rooms this one this is the one that has been on the piano and it's not going off like what and it was just sitting right there two times all different rooms i'll go to the dining room yep you guys ready oh my gosh if it's ready he just or she or he just said that they were ready [Applause] what are you saying so for time reasons the mirror we haven't even seen yet and of course the main room we haven't seen yet yeah we know there's a lot of energy here yeah it seems to like us so let's see if we can all bring it with us to push to the smallest part of the house yeah and bring everything concentrated into a smaller area we're gonna invite everyone into one room together we're taking all this energy that we have right now and putting it in the most haunted mirror we're gonna ask all the spirits everyone all the residents capital is going on oh boy they might like it all right let's do it and maybe because we've had every single device go off yeah we've had everything okay so what happens when we bring them all to one room yeah with the sphere box and we have the new device that we got yesterday yeah let's see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] eo you eo no it's good you know what we should do right now what should we do let's see if there's anyone ready with us let's go to the mirror out there in the middle take a picture i'm down take a picture in the mirror i'm sorry for all we know we might already have a guest wait a second maybe we have more than four people in that mirror i'm gonna get freaked out you want me to take it sure cool all right ready yeah i'm gonna take a couple what did you hear that behind us cory do it again i'll turn my light off okay are people you upstairs look during real quick and i'll go grab all the tools in the other room yeah okay so you can see anything i'll go grab the tools oh my gosh [Music] it sounded like a kid screaming whoa what did you find something i whoa what'd you find this is kind of weird what look at this this is when i was taking pictures earlier look okay see that little blue dot right there yeah who's this awesome then look at that is that above it what is that huh these are in the top of the mirror atop the mirror like up there that's low-key unlike the 17th step loki it actually is time to go to the room whose room is this you know huh mrs sterling's day room oh that was you there's a little top underneath k2 is going off it's just going off what the color is it on yellow it's been kind of stuck yellow that's orange there's like a constant energy that's filling this place well i did say it's the same amount of energy that we had in the other part of the house yeah why is it so constant okay let me go grab the other device but just for the sake of time if you guys want to keep starting i'll go grab it is there anyone here with us how many of you are there [Music] did you live here sounds like hello [Applause] hey guys what has happened here go [Music] is this where you slept unfortunately [Music] will you visit us tonight in our room you say go stay in [Music] door slam no footsteps though just a door where where are you outside i was in the kitchen i wanted to go back with this in the dining hall just the door slams no footsteps at all wait no footsteps at all just the door closing and i literally heard it as you guys were like outside some outside that's the room we're sleeping in right there really and we all know that spirits can easily go through walls no they can't so perhaps we figure out evan is the one that's sleeping in there we should we should all join them yeah make sure there's spirits there and then let them go yeah your right boy's gotta make sure that it is that there's a butler there of course before he gets returned right now we don't want to leave him unattended we'd be terrible friends if we left him alone all right yeah we need evan daycare you're not gonna leave me alone i'll have the butler that's the boy i'd go with the butler okay i have this now i have this now heaven you have that now oh oh wow that's your little baby should we sing happy birthday as he opens it eop oh wow oh that's kind of kind of weird oh wow actually this is kind of sick all right i i think i can do this you're looking like a kid this is pretty nice oh this is really nice oh all this just keep the lights on evan hold on i'm getting a knock i'm gonna knock oh my god what oh my god what the k2 is going all the way to red are you just saying that so we'll go in there and put a camera on and then you lie to us and run out hear it i'll be here right here oh my god listen you're far aren't you i don't hear corey it literally stopped dude you called him out you called him i'm being dead ass it's not going off it was going crazy every time you would start knocking it would go to red and then when you would stop it would completely suck you know just for lying i'm not lying no one's gonna believe me i swear to god it went to red like three times so jenna's birthday so i feel like you should get the fun right yes yes okay and then anyone can't tell but you can't there's a new device right here that we got in our last video from bloody mary we're kind of made by parenologies they actually have some really great stuff so this thing right here yes it's basically a ouija board right okay you can see it yeah everything's on there it's motorized and it spins but the concept behind the guy that designed it is that the spirits are able to stop it on whatever letter they want and then it'll start spinning the other way then they stop it and then it keeps spinning and that's basically it so we can ask questions and then it can start answering wherever it stops okay on that orange light is what it's going to be can you actually see that on your screen like what that looks like those letters yeah yeah yeah totally cool we can't see that before yeah exactly so viewers you're what the heck was that there's a big flash of light out there oh said it again look it's left oh what is this yeah that's that's what it is wait no but it did it out here first oh wait again yeah it's the box yeah it lights up the letters oh that is sick that is very cool so what i think we're gonna do it's crazy it's still there cause we're all just gonna sit around it eyes closed oh wow and just let the viewers be able to figure out what it is let's all sit on the floor here okay down that's not the floor no way what what did you see i just saw a person standing behind jonah what are you talking about i was like hoping that there was just like a super tall like maybe like coat rack or something it was like up to here oh my god it was like a head and then it was like like just like a big buck cool how a good night guys dude i swear i just saw that wait so you're telling me that like then we should definitely get activity it could be the butler oh yeah the butler this is the first time we've ever used the device perhaps you guys can help us figure out how it works yeah let's let's fill the circle up right here oh can you imagine somebody walking in here can i serve you oh my god all right so i'm going to restart it and then perhaps let the birthday boy ask some questions perfect eyes closed everyone nice close my finger is on the machine and the machine has restarted all right let's introduce ourselves hello to spirits my name is evan and we have with us brandon elton corey and corbin reinhardt we'd like to invite you to communicate with us and you know answer some questions and we encourage interactions with us whether that's knocking touching or interacting with this device in front of us so who really have the pleasure of speaking with tonight does anybody feel like the room got a little bit colder [Music] i actually want to put on some cat balls let's go for it well i think that because it's going in the dark as soon as it lights up on that letter it kind of stays until the low fades away yeah all right spirits who we have the pleasure of speaking with tonight the cowboy does go off you should play this one okay i haven't seen a flash you can talk to us through knocks as well cavall's going off oh my god it is [Music] okay first up quarter life you have your eyes out i i keep those but thank you if there are any spirits or souls in this house or in this room with us could you please try spelling out your name on this new device that we have [Music] well i was just watching to see if this is going to flash again yeah literally i recorded my right between as i saw something just come right down chloe like like a pillar or like a no i don't know it was like a figure yeah it was it was so fast is there anyone or anything in this room with us but maybe it's like our rim pod where it seems to be working a lot better but when you first got it it was a sure yeah it worked so well like we're walking around yeah you got like a couple flashes yeah that was kind of weird it was also you went to the next room another idea is what if we put a camera on it let's just set it over there and then if we see the flashlight we'll pick up the legend [Music] you did because all i'm saying is that one door's a little going cracked open now in the closet and that's where that creature came from oh cool it's behind me dude you know what's going great oh wait dude oh what is going h q what okay dude it was all happening when you were there before too hq hqk those of your initials [Music] hq it could be her initials or it is maybe it's best if you walk with j or maybe it wants you to walk around yeah oh teach age again hi hi hi hi hi hello let's put that in the other room with all of us except for evan you know in here with this thing that was it we'll bring this with us maybe we ask questions to that and also to evan at the same time was that your idea um spirit box headphones is there too many people in this room you remember the last time you put the spirit rock peppercorns on that was cool oh yeah that was in uh uh ohio state west west virginia if you are a boy can you say yes [Applause] what was the one thing you told me you didn't want to do on your birthday are you a girl [Music] oh it may be slightly quieter just so that way i'm not yelling oh better happy birthday i'm such a great friend oh my god i don't want my birthday to happen you could hate me it was like an anime character all right let's go to the next advice and ask questions is there any spirits or souls here that would like to communicate with us or is there a butler here that would also like to talk with us still here oh no are you in this room where are you you might be able to see us but we cannot see you right now dreaming dreaming maybe they're saying that they're treating me this person wait are they saying that evan's dreaming this person's dream say i'm with you yeah this person's dreaming i'm with you are you referring to our friend on the bed that's laying down with his eyes closed his name's evan and it's his birthday if you want to wish evan a happy birthday old that's right 20. are you 20 that's not that old 20 still pretty young guilty do you feel guilty of something did you do something something bad off limits wait did you just see that flashlight what was that flash how did it come some sort of loud scream whoa a loud scream dude there's something flashing outside is it over here dude there's nothing did you get the flash on camera i don't think so it's over here it's over here i just saw it outside i just saw it outside sorry we walked away from you are you still here charlie charlie tell me charlie charlie scare the out of him and it was like happy birthday okay how did it go yeah how was that happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you now eat them all here i gave you a water so you could choke them down how many can you eat all of them yeah you so there is a couple things like while they went out to the car to get that we came in here that you know talk while you had the headphones on oh you were in here with justin yeah yeah yeah and i said it's our friend evan's birthday can you say happy birthday and you go old yeah yeah we're like is there anyone in the room i said uh there's people that said there's a butler in here that's fine is there anyone in here with us or are you still in here i said you go still here like two seconds after he said is there anyone here you said still here first left it was super active i was freezing and probably halfway through it i'm like sweating and i'm like why am i so hot and on top of that it was what silent for three four minutes after yeah yeah yeah you were saying there was just nothing you were like to a point where you're like there's nothing going on yeah yeah well i still see 12 donuts that's the problem here should we switch to a better camera or are we just gonna night vision no no this is the proper way everything seems soothing all right here we go you guys first oh wow come on evan's on this one evan come on evan dude we're waiting you haven't even finished one doughnut yet if you can't get through that one right now dude this is pathetic it's gonna be tough i'm actually not gonna let you sleepless all right put the headphones back on let's leave guys he can't take the headphones off he doesn't i know four years of filming with us and you've just realized this is going in the video you cannot let evan choke on his birthday there's a butler he'll call him in yeah yeah you're 69. really yeah awesome he said how many calories are glazed on that oh yeah that's a thicker that's a thick glaze down that's a doughboy i was trying to should i go to the car and get the rest of them where are you at right now oh my god he's really going through this i'm going to do the car i'm just curious to see what can fit inside it all right huh what did you just say that was uh wait edible [Music] you [Music] you
Views: 961,143
Rating: 4.9607744 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, paranormal, ghost hunters, 3 am challenge, seance, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, ghost stories, corey scherer, most haunted, haunted hotel, most haunted hotel, queen mary, myrtles plantation, spirits, ghosts, ghost, scary places, most haunted places, ghost caught on camera, conjuring, conjuring house, lizzie borden, sam and colby, 3am challenge, tfil scary
Id: ahvOk5QRz2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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