Building a Giant BUCKET-WHEEL EXCAVATOR For Ultimate Demolition! (Instruments of Destruction UPDATE)

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hey everyone i'm cosmo and welcome to another video today we are back in instruments of destruction because this game actually got an update it's better than ever and i'm super excited to check it out now if you guys haven't seen the trailer for this game i urge you to go check it out it is absolutely epic and i'm gonna have the link to that in the description down below now i absolutely love supporting this developer guys not only because the game is genuinely awesome but also because they go out of their way to contact creators ask for feedback give us updates and it just feels really wholesome like there's a whole lot of passion there and i think that's important for development and it's partially what makes a really good game and once again thank you to radiant games for hooking me up with early early access to this game the early access on steam is coming out on march 2nd so put it on your wish list get excited and that's all the talking that i'm going to do in the main menu i promise now i actually want to check out what this distract mode thing is if this is what i think it is i'm going to be so happy let's press it and see what happens hold left mouse button to charge it's a trap okay charging something they let go yes okay this is exactly what i thought it was so growing up i actually had like a desktop app that mirrored your desktop and then allowed you to smash it and put like digital cracks in your screen and it was just so exciting as a kid i mean even now it would be super exciting but i love this cool well let's hop into the sandbox guys today i want to try building oh we got a bunch of options here i don't even know where i want to go let's go on a showcase island just because i don't know how big this thing is going to be and uh might as well just have all the space to build it so today guys i want to try building a bagger style bucket wheel excavator i was trying to find a cool demolition machine to replicate but then i remembered about the bucket wheel excavators that i mean we've seen in several games ourselves like i think the bagger 288 was in call of duty one of the call of duties i don't exactly remember but it is an iconic machine at one point it was the largest uh land vehicle in the entire world it may it may as well still be guys i'm not entirely sure on the history i'm just here to build a bucket wheel excavators however there is one aspect of the construction of these bagger bucket wheel excavators that kind of confuses me not necessarily confuses me i just don't necessarily know what the purpose of that component is so obviously almost all of these baggers have a front boom with the bucket wheel on it it's got like a rear almost diagonally upwards facing boom in the back to counteract the weight of the bucket wheel boom uh but also i guess supported with the help of some cables however some of these excavators also seem to have like a tail section that has its own set of wheels and it can pivot around the main excavator or so it seems so my question is is what is the purpose of that tail end i think that maybe it's actually a conveyor that takes all the raw materials and dumps them onto trucks that are like further away from this giant piece of machinery that's my best guess but i also think it might be there to provide some extra stability so i'm going to try to incorporate something like that here as well now i don't know if my scale proportions are going to be accurate but we're just here to build something that resembles a bagger style excavator not necessarily replicate one alrighty let's get to it so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy there's our massive base guys does it work can we turn perfect very slowly but that that is fine that is fine by me this thing does not need to be fast at all man look how much cooler this looks now we never used to be able to get this camera angle guys this is way cool oh i love it it's gonna make for some awesome screenshots absolutely love it and just look at the grass deformation uh that's so cool i mean i'm getting like 30 frames per second here but you know got to get the good quality guys i might mess around with it just a little bit to uh to up my frames when this thing's fully built i'm gonna mess around with my graphics but for now let's just keep building i need to i guess start building the saw boom now or i guess not the saw boom it looks like a sock but it's it's actually just a wheel of buckets of excavator buckets so i'm going to maybe build that yeah i'll probably build that first and then we'll build the rest [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man guys i did not think i'd be able to make like a proper bucket wheel i mean it looks pretty good to me that's a lot better than i expected i thought i was only gonna have like four buckets and that's it um but this this is looking great i'm really excited for it wow it's kind of massive compared to everything else isn't it but hey whatever okay well i think i need to add a little bit of extra i guess structure here and then we're going to build the boom in the back because we definitely need to counterweight this thing [Music] oh man guys this thing is going to be huge this is absolutely huge not sure what the purpose of this whole boom thing here was but i think it looks kind of cool it gives it a cooler shape you know what i mean but uh i don't know if i'm gonna build the other section guys i'm already at 309 out of 500 parts now that likely would be enough to build like a beam tethered system but i just i don't know if i want to do that right now i'm i'm kind of curious to see how this thing works you know and if it works well maybe in another episode i can like add to it alrighty i think everything's mapped let's give this thing a try oh my gosh it's so slow i think it definitely added a little too much weight in the back i'm not sure this thing is really uh oh no okay i wow okay i don't know if i have to decrease the power on those swivels or what but that is a lot of weight that it's wow yeah okay i'm gonna try removing some away from the bad guys this is gnarly alrighty let's give that a try less weight in the back hopefully that's not as aggro oh boy that's still pretty rough guys that's still pretty rough how could i stabilize that i wonder maybe like pistons somehow let's try turning our bucket wheel on oh man this is gonna be awesome this is gonna be awesome can we go left and right yes nice it uh wow it certainly like oscillates a lot because of all the weight once it stops i'm just gonna tap i'm just gonna tap the button and show you guys what happens it's basically stopped so here i'm gonna tap the left key right just to go left a little bit look at that that was that was a tap guys that was quite literally a tap oh man i wonder if increasing like i wonder if adding more swivels would help with that is there another swivel that we can use power swivel fast swivel swivel 90 no doesn't seem like it guys i think first thing i'm gonna do is just fix this up i don't like how high up this is going i'm gonna try to make this section look more like a like a proper trust not gonna be quite like a proper trust but it's okay that looks much much better i want to paint this thing too that'd be kind of cool painted her up a little bit look oh what wait what how did that break yo what happened oh i see what's happening here we are not lined up at all guys that's crazy how did that happen yeah okay sure whatever i don't think that's attached wow how did that happen are you kidding me man how is it not lining up this is blowing my mind oh no it's gonna break again no it didn't break it looks kind of goofy goofy or not i think this thing is ready to be tested out i'm really excited to see what kind of destruction we can cause with this thing i think it's gonna be fun now i still want to build a whole tail boom with the other set of wheels guys but i think i'm ready to play with this thing for a little bit i've been building for a while so let's just give it a go power explosions interesting tough structures uh maybe not right now time scale and game plus mine is perfect oh man are we even gonna fit guys oh boy we gotta we gotta throttle out of this we gotta throttle out of this like immediately holy moly holy moly okay [Laughter] i just man those those swivels did not have enough strength to hold this monstrosity that i built i almost certainly need to build a version 2 where i have it supported with pistons and you know possibly guys even if i built that whole like boom truck system it just wouldn't fit on this map it literally would not fit on this map so i'm kind of glad i didn't in a way that's my reasoning now but let's flip this thing on bring it up just a teeny bit and let's drive into this thing and see what happens really curious really excited to see how much destruction we cause hello are we going like right in between man we're literally going right in between okay no problem that's why we got a swivel oh holy crap man i love the new particle physics that looks so cool let's swing back over and go further in oh my gosh it powers through it powers through it does get snagged up a little bit but it powers through just fine who's that gonna break me nope we're good we're good perfect all righty drive forward if we can oh we can't drive forward because i'm stuck on a fence go figure oh my gosh there is so much momentum in everything guys it's crazy we don't need any of this nonsense out of my way wow i love that the bucket wheel excavator is working fantastic guys it does get snagged up just a tiny bit like it did there but hey it's all good it's all good oh my gosh i don't know if i'm just like destroying this thing just by the sheer force of plowing through it or if it's the bucket wheels that are actually doing something uh this is awesome look at that beautiful glorious destruction yes oh man just completely leveled everything i don't really want to set particles to medium but let's just try particles at medium guys let's pick another map orion let's see i already forget what these maps have on them but oh yeah that looks like something i'm going to want to destroy let's give it a go break it down oh my gosh [Laughter] this is ridiculous man oh boy i want to be able to slow down the movement of my whole boom here it's just way too aggressive so i'm wondering if decreasing the strength will make it floppier or we'll just slow it down like i wanted to let's give it a try i think we're way floppier not way floppier but a little bit floppier okay let's put it back now it seems like the pivots have almost like a backlash zone i almost feel like adding more of these pivots will just make the backlash even worse so i don't know of a workaround for this right now guys i think maybe if you guys like this video then i will do another one where i fix this thing and i maybe use some pistons on more swivels to support it and potentially make it a little bit more stable but for now let's smash stuff oh man this thing is monstrous let's just drive it in the middle and then we'll pivot all the way around and wreck everything can we even do that ooh ooh the gates the gates have stopped us well i got a solution for that don't just smashes the ground that's not what i intended to do buddy it's like oh my god i did not mean to make a hammer but now i have an idea to make a hammer because this is this is totally ridiculous you can totally make a hammer like a giant mallet just goes around smashing things that is 100 the next episode guys you heard it here first i love that it it looks so cool when it finally digs through okay okay it just oh my gosh it's crazy the controls are so twitchy because there's so much weight being flung around i don't think the game intended for that to happen but that's okay now this thing guys is actually meant to just like chill in a quarry and work like i guess a milling machine would and just mill away at at the ground at the resources dump those resources on a conveyor belt which i obviously don't have in this whole system and then you know keep digging keep digging quarries that's basically what it does oh my goodness so much momentum it's ridiculous maybe it would make sense to simplify my whole boom mechanism you know not make it double thick just make it like one layer thick and see if lightening it up will will help i mean i know it will help i just don't feel like doing it right now i just want to keep destroying stuff no just a milling machine doing its thing don't worry about it this mills right through i actually don't know if this game has anchors or not like some construction vehicles do that would be really cool because it would be nice to set up and then just extend my anchors and essentially not you know not move not budge as i'm destroying stuff that'd be really neat oh man this is like slow but just amazing destruction look at it would you just look at it let's check all this out in slow motion point to speed let's go oh there's all this stuff getting flung up dude it's so epic look at it [Laughter] guys this game is so awesome now it was awesome before it's even more awesome now i love the new camera it just ah it's so good it's so good i thought the developer had made like a camera mode that you can like you know take photos in but no he just full-on like made the camera way better this is awesome oh i can adjust the field of view as well i actually just realized there's different camera modes let's see what uh let's see what they are stationary follow what that's cool this is a cool one what is this top down almost yeah nice stationary oh wait stationary that's i mean i can just like set it up any way i want that's way cool the uh the follow cam seems really cool actually i want to use that right now this game looks so epic now just look at it it actually looks extremely realistic that's nutty man big ups to the dev this is this is fantastic let's look at this just look at this wow dude so good so good and this is on medium particles guys so this isn't even on the highest particle level all right well i want to do another map with this follow mode actually let's play around with field of view that might be cool cool i thought it meant depth of field my bad my bad my bad dude this is the what okay i love this i i i officially love this game even more now this is just so cool that's a cool field of view right here look at that alrighty let's hop into another world guys i really want to hop into another world yo i love this new camera like like what this is so good okay well we're not gonna try and destroy the bridge but i have a feeling we're just gonna completely wreck the bridge so let's prepare ourselves for that one and hope that we can actually just climb out of it afterwards and by it i mean the ditch alrighty here comes nothing and the bridge is gonna break underneath me i'm so screwed oh my god it's not breaking how did i make it across the bridge what come on man that's that's ridiculous maybe they made the bridges stronger that's the only thing that i can think of all right i guess we're rolling up to our quarry town here instructions not clear gonna start destroying some houses oh oh getting snagged up but obviously the excavator bucket's not meant to like slice through things right so that's the other thing it's like we are just getting smacked up because of that but if i control it oh boy it is crazy twitchy i mean it works it works right and we just drive over to rest kind of sort of slowly push through it oh boy yo this camera is wicked oh boy oh what did we just run over i guess an explosive barrel let's turn this thing off don't need it on right now this boom is so heavy it's crazy i wonder if uh here let's just quickly delete some stuff i know it's gonna look ugly but let's just quickly delete some stuff hmm still still a little bit slammy still a little bit slammy guys but i do think it's better i do think it is better just the crunching of leaves or i guess plants under me is hilarious so much work and detail went into this game i love it it's the smallest little stuff you wouldn't really expect to be a thing and it's a thing and it's like it's awesome look at that just flinging everything it's awesome we like speed it up that's hilarious we can speed it up too that's funny oh i love it up oh boy relax relax oh no oh no oh no we did not make it no no come back i didn't even know dude i didn't even know can we go back here like lift ourselves up somehow i think we're royally stuck oh my gosh okay no other way other way let's go get me out get me out wheel yes yo this thing is epic this thing is actually epic wait i wonder if it's better just smacking things the other way instead of trying to scoop them up huh is it getting snacked up less is the question oh my goodness is it actually getting snagged up less this way i was trying to dig but maybe the maybe the idea is to just smack you know i had the rotation going in such a way all right we're still in two times i had the direction going in such a way that you know it would be a digging action but i guess maybe that's not the way to go for a demolition bot maybe you just have to smash things instead of trying to dig at them look at that and that dude that clean sweeps like that actually clean sweeps that is mental let's go to this other one right here i'm just gonna reverse it's too much effort to turn around yeah i do think it's actually better in this direction guys like it just seems to mow things down way easier in this direction way easier look at it it just does not care just does not care whatsoever oh my god that was so epic well that's uh that's all cleaned up nicely guys it's actually like better this way that blows my mind we have to go to another map go go get careful okay okay let's not get too excited here let's just let's get a good angle at this thing flick our wheel on let's lift it up a little bit oh man it's i think it is working better definitely getting snagged up a little bit more but you know it's not a not a huge deal we're definitely more effective spinning around in this direction that is for sure guys follow cam again wow wow like that just just destroyed everything that's so much that's that's so cool that's so much better this thing's an absolute monster i wish i had known this from the beginning did the rotation in the opposite direction right off the bat this is just crazy this thing just does not care does not care not a single care in the world with this thing i almost need to put like a wheel in the back of the boom so that it just rolls on a wheel with the thing up in the air alrighty here we are let's do slow-mo for this let's do point two again lovely and let's lower his beast down oh my goodness just immediately just plunges right into it i'm waiting for a barrel to explode man that's what i want to see again mo mo mo your lawn with the bucket with excavator barely merrily merrily merrily we're about to blow up yes oh my gosh it's epic look at look at these rocks look at these rocks what guys this is so cool i love what this game has turned into it is so so so entertaining and i urge everybody to check it out when it comes out on march 2nd this is not a sponsored video by any means i am just really excited about this game and i'm really proud of the developer with how far they've come in like a matter of months so this is awesome guys this is awesome but i think i'm gonna call it a video here guys if you did enjoy it definitely let me know in the comments down below let me know what else you think i should build if i should improve this thing make it a little bit more stable if you guys did enjoy the video click the like button down below helps the video be seen by other people the algorithm does this magic and if you guys aren't subscribed yet subscribe for more awesome content and i will see you in the next video bye this thing's nuts this thing is just nuts [Music] you
Channel: Kosmonaut
Views: 51,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosmo, kosmonaut, instruments of destruction, demolition video game, demolition game, destruction game, destruction physics, demolition physics, games like teardown, games like besiege, demolition bot, ultimate demolition machine, fun destruction, fun destruction games, instruments of destruction gameplay, instruments of destruction update, instruments of destruction release, bagger 288, bagger 293, bagger bucket wheel excavator, bucket wheel excavator, bagger excavator
Id: qaYUj2uieQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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