Turning a BRIDGE into the ULTIMATE WEAPON... Instruments of Destruction!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to instruments of destruction i absolutely love this game i've been speaking to the dev recently and he's now combined my alpha build that i have with the demo you can see here combined demo changes with all content uh he's also added two tester islands uh but not only that i asked him can you up the parts limit from a hundred to like some infinite number he said i won't do infinite you can have 500 parts man 500 parts so uh this is going to be fun yeah these are all the islands we played before so it's a lot more polish now than when i last played right so i'm not entirely sure which of these we did last time so i guess we'll just work our way through them again so this is scorpius let's try normal and to start with we're gonna come up to here the vehicle tab we're going to use some showcase vehicles because i know he's added a few so let's just start from the top the twisted wrecker that sounds cool yeah this looks pretty good yeah i've changed the color so even better right all right let's give this a bash so we've got that to spin oh god oh wow it really wants to turn me uh well that didn't go very well all right this time we won't spin until we need to spin i'm gonna i'm gonna take the left bridge all right we're stuck on the lamp post so boosh all right careful on the bridge careful on the bridge damn wrecking balls all right lamppost see you later right building you're in trouble like i'm in trouble no building you're in trouble there it goes oh crap that bridge just collapsed oh yes destruction love it all right now a big ass building we're gonna get a bit closer before we turn on our spinners right ready oh god they moved me oh there she goes damn i love it i love it all right so now we've got to head over that way if we can get a grip there's a lot of debris about all right here we go now we're cooking on gas i was about to jump that i think that's probably a bit too far i think we'll go the other way over the bridge my my balls sorry trees oh no oh there isn't a bridge over right we have to jump believe ow ow if we wiggle if we wiggle we might be able to guess that never mind all right let's try something that looks a bit easier to control maybe the plow puncher what does this one do so it's got a plow it's a lot easier to steer so hopefully this will be fairly easy if we can fit across the bridge so i've made a hole in that bridge trying to get across we'll go the long route all right easy easy right ready just plow my way through oh man that proper sends things flying oh and it's down it's down on my head the question is how the hell do you get across there do you just jump are you meant to have guns power oh all right anyway we're on a different level we're gonna go to vehicles i still want to try some of these showcase vehicles some looked pretty cool looking the unchained smasher oh okay what's this one going to be oh yes that's going to be some power oh god ready boosh boosh oh so good looking all right we'll get a nice close-up of this ready smash it all yes oh man that is that is pretty good looking this does not get old i'm just looking at how it works as well we've got like a joint in the middle for our steering and then just two spinning i didn't think we had spinny things so whether that's new from the demo or what i don't know but it's going to be fun to build with i really want to try this one just because of the name the double mega mace oh whoa that does look like a double mega mace right so how does this one work is it just oh wow i would not want to be in the middle of that bush oh man oh they came straight down oh that is that is gold the double mega mace is doubly mega i'll give it that quad rocket gunship sounds pretty interesting uh so it seems to just be like nothing it's just a load of blocks so what do we have okay so we can angle those oh oh we have the power of flight holy ah right it is sort of flying it's pretty hard to steer oh god it just wants to flip now we've also got e and q oh god that's falling on our head can we lift it up you're coming with us oh man that is pretty good though why do they flip so much all right anyway shall we shall we build something i am quite intrigued to see all the new stuff that the dev has added so let's reset our vehicle so now we're just nothing we're just a cab first things first rather than doing a destructive vehicle because we've done a bit of destruction now i want to try and build a bridge of course how could you expect anything else so what can we use for the base of our bridge i reckon yeah we're just gonna have to use blocks okay so we start with how many ways do we want i think we want five way that's every way apart from the bottom right so we'll flip that so the flat bit is on the bottom nice and our bridge is going to be how wide live wide i guess so turn mirror on do that and ask us these edge ones they can be fully i think yeah that's good that is good so delete those ones all right i'm a bit concerned how big my bridge is gonna be maybe i should have built this on a different level oh well all right so what i really want to do is sort of build the pillars with this not attached so this is the bridge deck it does need to be a lot longer i'll try and move i'll just move it over there for now just temporarily all right how long can we do this okay just doing the edges look we're already over the hundred part limit yet and we haven't even built any of the bridge this is just the deck so uh thank you dev for adding that in for me let's hope my pc doesn't blow up when i actually hit play though alright that's pretty good now let's build the vertical bits and i want to keep these disconnected if possible all right so i'm pretty sure if we use what do we want to use the maybe just beam pieces to go up right nice and then these ones you basically want what do you want one two one four-way so we want that one the cross bang it there rotators are this thing is going to be huge all right that's pretty big um we should probably put a five-way somewhere on there just so we can put like a support beam across and we'll just shove our cab out the way for now we'll just put it there for now we need to give our thing feet so i think we'll connect connect under there up and then just to make sure it doesn't rock we'll get we'll give a little little stubby feet like that all right so if we play that now this bit in the middle should drop yes and everything else stayed up so now we've got the really really fun bit uh which was actually like my favorite part of like bridge building games like poly bridge and stuff connecting all the rope and stuff up so we've got bungie don't know if we should do bungee to start maybe we've got cable we've also got rope and wire i think shall we do cable that sounds like it's probably the strongest so if we on the mirror we're gonna have to do these all manually but i think we can go from there to there and then the same on that side from there to there we do from there to there and so on and so forth oh it's actually looking incredible already i'm worried i might come to the 500 part limit pretty soon look at that right we're under we're under half the parts list i don't think we'd be able to do a full bridge like this but we'll do all of this and then maybe we'll go to the to one of the bigger levels i know that's like a tester level that's sort of empty maybe we can see if we can make a full bridge but uh this is looking fantastic uh whether it actually works will be another story right this type of bridge is called a cable stay bridge although it looks quite complicated it's actually really simple so if you like look about the middle you've got all these cables completely symmetrical so the weight of the bridge on this side trying to pull this middle section to the left is being balanced by the stuff on the right so assuming we've done our bridge the same length either side and you can see we haven't actually so we need to get rid of five blocks these end blocks are sort of wrong all right so now we have a bridge i don't know what's to happen when we press play here do you want to place your bets oh no she fell over a little bit it might be because our feet aren't wide enough oh flipping vehicle that's quite a dangerous button oh look it's actually yes i destroyed the level of the bridge yes oh this is a million times better than i thought it would be yes we've actually taken the level down all right so so bridges pretty strong in this game oh man that's that's pretty funny yeah but let's just use some six way heavies down the bottom just to make this a bit more stable now in real life like these poles they'd be like under the ground like covered in concrete and they'll be like a massive weight sometimes they're like drilled into the bedrock underneath but this one we've got to make it a bit wider just to try and show you that but look our bridge actually works that's incredible and this is sort of why i love this game the fact they've included rope like so many building games don't do that and it is such a shame uh the next thing i want to try while this is actually working if we disconnect that all right so in the middle here we've got our little cab so if we get some wheels or maybe the tank tracks i think they'll probably work better so we got tank treads on the side now if we press play we've got a little vehicle on our bridge i can't get grip i'll tell you what it might be because they're all connectors let me try one thing quickly i remember somewhere in here that was like end caps yeah these square covers this is gonna proper rack up on the parts total but it might make more of a road lay in row just like i'm an engineer right so now if we play can we move our car yes kind of almost oh god don't fall off don't pull off reverse reverse oh he's off all right we can we can go under our bridge our bridge actually look at it look at it let's save this vehicle all right slot one your name is bridge nice right so next i want to try and replace all these wires with bungie so we're back to the basics we're going to go into this one and bungee base now i don't really know bungie is but with this truck thing on it it might properly thing about i don't know you can probably just do like the main ones to save a bit of time we just do like end to end because they look a bit slack the old bungee cords so shall we see what that does oh yeah they are a bit slack it's just it's just on the ground and they're going mental look at them they're like flappy wavy happy arm and as it's so slack let's see if adding all of them in will actually help us because i've got nothing better to do oh god this this one doesn't look as uh as sturdy as the previous once your other block is there's a bloody leaf on it all right 10 minutes later we are finally there last piece in it looks a bit sad this bridge it looks looks like it's not aged very well let's press play and see what happens oh it's working my car's not working very well but the bungee-ness is definitely working that's cool i wonder if wheels would be better should we try wheels instead oh look at that though the bridge is sort of settled it looks a lot happier now it looks a bit windy as well one other thing i wanted to try with this i wanted to try and turn into like a bit of like a ram so i sort of think if i put some rockets on either end and maybe i can like sort of rock it a little bit i turn into like a battering ram or something so if we come into here flight we've got thruster or blaster we want a thruster and we just want to put those underneath yeah pointing that way strength probably needs to be three and then over this way do the same under there strength three rotation that way but for these ones i want to change the controls so if we click on this show advanced we can fiddle with controls and things so we don't want them to be toggle we want them to to be normal i think normal is just when you press it it's on cool right let's press play wait for the bridge to settle and then we've got q and e to sort of try and rock it yes oh yes we made a swing oh i might need to be higher oh wow i've just found out this button nice oh my god it's destroying the building it's gone mental yes oh god yes i love breaking games i'm sorry dev i couldn't help myself so basically you can move like entire parts i've cocked it now i've cocked it now basically i just moved everything up and uh somehow it went mental okay let's try that and oh god it's really dangly now i sort of messed it up a bit right let's get the swing on ready fire boosh all right one more swing ready oh yes oh so much destruction and for the first time my frame rates actually slowed down but look at that mess that is beautiful even at the frame rate we're getting all right let's flip it and send it mental holy crap it looks so cool all right we're upright we are upright will the bridge be fixed oh it's in the water oh man that was fun that was really fun right that was a lot of fun but we're gonna sort of start again so we're gonna regrettably reset the vehicle now this time i want to use the power of tensegrity have you ever seen 10 secretary structures before they're sort of they're made to make like an illusion so it looks like something's floating i've only done these in 2d before so i'm just gonna have a little google to see what a 3d one looks like oh actually that's that's a complete lie i did this in kerbal space program but failed miserably but anyway i can remember my kerbal design so it was essentially right so what we want to do we want to do a beam going down and then we want a three-way yeah i think a three-way under there and some more beams this way with mirror on yeah that's good and then a corner piece which is just that one and a few more of those more corner pieces and i also love this compared to kerbal you can like do that you can connect loops and it doesn't matter kerbal goes all mental when you try and do that all right so here we want a 90 degree bobby like that angle that way all right we're gonna have to build something just out the way to sort of just as somewhere to put our cab for now just out the weight i think we'll plunk that there and also i just realized as well the corners they actually want to be four or five ways they want to be like three way on a corner but i don't think that is an option yeah it doesn't seem to be an option i basically want three-way but not in that orientation so i think we'll just do six six is easy and then we can just do a 90-degree bend there angle that and what we're going to do i'm going to do this sort of in steel first and then we'll replace them with rope afterwards so we'll do two down like that and a 90 degree bend underneath facing that way and then we'll do two beams like that i'm basically just doing like the mirror image so we've got one two three four five so one two three four five and then we've got our little three way up and we've got two beams like that and then a six way so that's the five and then another six-way beam and then we just connect it together like that right now we delete that you can see this structure now if we press play it's not it's not connected it's just two two separate things completely full and flat however if we connect these using our rope tool so we can use did we use wire before no we used cable before we haven't used rope or white let's use wire so if we go from there up to there oh it just looks like telephone wire i guess does it so basically you want to do all four of these and then this one in the middle and now if you're looking at that you're probably thinking well that's not gonna do all matt what are you on about what are you on about matt i thought you're an engineer um but let's press play let's see what happens bollocks okay i think we need to find a less stretchy material because that didn't work at all all right let's try cable again oh yeah that's a lot straighter yeah i don't think that's gonna be stretchy i think the wire is sort of more like a bungee cord right so now when we press play you can see the illusion is real it's floating and remember these are these are cables these don't have any compressive strength so you can see that's like all bending optical illusion i'll tell you what actually if we do chains so i think people understand a bit easier that a chain like has no compressive strength right and here we go look it's even better it's like perfectly balanced now i absolutely love that yeah i'll explain how it works and then once you once you've sort of once you know how it works you will never like be able to unsee it again and it won't be as impressive anymore but essentially all the weight like of this top thing it's all going through that middle chain so this is like being stretched and uh these outer chains they're not taking any weight they're just sort of stopping the thing from wobbling over so if you think about this bottom piece that's just an arm and then under there is where it's hanging from and then these four corner ones they just stop it moving all over the place like in my first example where it went mental but yeah that's cool we did turn segregate in this game and what i originally did in kerbal space program was i put this into the middle of a rocket see if it would work obviously in that game there wasn't really tensegrity because there's there wasn't a sort of material that only works in tension not compression like rope or chains so now we've got this we can just bung our rockets on the side and we can see what happens so e to go up already rockets away and it's off and it's it's gone it's long gone um but i like to think everything worked out fine anyway guys thank you very much for joining i hope you enjoyed today's video i can't wait to try out some more crazy builds using rope and chains again absolutely incredible i don't know where that rocket's gone but yeah that was the instruments of destruction again and yeah if you've got any suggestions of what i can try and build let me know in the comments i really want to try and get that part number up maybe i'll maybe the tank from my first video i'll go absolutely mental on the canons and see if it can break my computer but uh otherwise guys i'll catch you next time peace love and tensegrity which is off screen and you can't see it bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 242,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instruments of destruction, demolition video game, demolition game, destruction game, destruction physics, demolition physics, games like teardown, games like besiege, demolition bot, demolition robot, ultimate demolition machine, fun destruction, fun destruction games, demolition fun, instruments of destruction best builds, demolition vehicles, building demolition, building demolition game, instruments of destruction gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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