I forced a 2000 year long WORLD WAR in Worldbox!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to world box the game that lets you put the world in a box so a little bit about this game do you remember i was about to say do you remember but actually that was just me at school anyway anyway back when i was at secondary school we had this little program installed on all the computers and it's sort of simulated like i would say the world not really the world anyway it's basically like a predator prey simulation thing like really low pixel counts and you start with a black screen and then you put like a green blob on and that's the grass and then the grass spreads and you can put a blue blob in and that will be your rabbits they eat the grass but then they also spread and you sort of get it balanced and then you add a red dot and that's the fox and they eat the rabbits and anyway probably not selling it if i manage to find footage you probably saw it on screen it looked terrible but anyway this is the modern version of it so if we zoom way in you can see like all the world it's got trees and stuff we head down to australia you can see look look there's a rhino called smooth tip ralim apparently but yeah this game has all sorts of options there's four different races you can have so you've got humans your elves you've got orcs and you've got dwarves there's loads of different animals now this tab here is super fun natural disasters so we can choose to increase and decrease the global temperature we can we can put down a bit of acid rain and if you're really evil you can even fertilize plants and then finally you've got this tab destructive powers where we can introduce a robot santa of course but today i wanted to try and simulate the earth from day one if you look down here world age it's on year two month two so that is when the earth was actually made that's when humans first started and we'll be running through the game up to year 2021 i know it's 2022 now up to year 2022 and we'll see just how accurate this game really is so we need to start by plonking down a load of people and a load of other things so first off we're gonna grab a basic human with basic needs and as everyone knows humans started in england so we're gonna plop a load of them down in there hello my english friends or some some have invaded wales already so we're british actually i've decided we're british we're having some scottish in there as well it's northern ireland and as far as everything else i'm pretty sure that was pretty much it so we're gonna hit plate and we're gonna see what happens you can see oh my goodness we've already invaded europe the british are already conquering the rest of the world what a surprise no actually they've they've entirely left their homeland there's no british people anymore we're european now we're one with the eu and look at that if we zoom in to the middle east you can see they're already exploiting the resources they're chopping down trees it's horrible to see but that is just how the world works unfortunately right so it's year six and you can see the world has split into eight different nations got the eu we've got africa we've got africa two and we have oil fc asia russia scandinavia and up north you see each of these numbers here that's how many people are part of each nation we can also if we click on here we can click on each of these and you can see their relations with each other they're all green the world is at peace the world is a lovely place if we zoom in you can see the eu they've sort of spread out they've got lots of little villages going on little huts chopping down trees collecting berries things are looking fairly good for them right so year 16 and the god of the world who just happens to be me remembered that if we want to survive for 2000 years we probably need to turn off hunger so in the world laws after i got distracted by clicking all of these little things i don't know why the game helps you to do this but it's quite satisfying get rid of all these i've just turned off dying from old age but everything else is on default so there's diplomacy there's rebellions animals grow grass grows it's all good it's all good all right so you can see now it's year 41 nearly year 42 i'm just having a little look around the world africa 2 is growing like anything there's so many people living there already now they have really expanded well they're about to meet borders with africa the original so be interesting to see what happens there will they merge into a single africa who knows meanwhile the eu's pretty big 47 people there however looking in this view you'll see the eu in africa they're the same color that means they have combined i think eu with the star that means they have taken over africa and if we look here up north and scandinavia are fighting viciously there are people running about all over the place look this guy who's that other six years old they've just got their first kill which we witnessed but it looks like scandinavia have held off they're no longer fighting thanks to and the crew although look who's this dude iggy back he's only 16 and he's got two kills and it does seem to have affected his mental health he doesn't look the most stable with that face but uh oh no he is fighting above oh he's just killed her he's just killed the star of scandinavia i'm not too sure how i feel about that although i'm gonna let them carry on with what they're doing i don't want to get too involved yet so i like to think the game knows what it's doing it's trying to repeat history it's the year 47 which means if we just come into here and we fast forward to the year 50. everyone knows the year 50 was the year that santa was actually born so if we head up to here santa lives in greenland i believe so we head into our destruction powers tab we grab robot santa and we literally plonk him what is that oh he literally he does fly oh god what is he doing he's dropping bombs oh dear this isn't the santa that i remember but he is bombing up north and a bit of russia that's that's they're not going to like that the old russians anyway then he disappears off the edge of the map and off the edge of the screen to deliver presents to kids in other words i guess meanwhile it looks like scandinavians they have changed their name to the romans and now i've clicked this the kings and leaders thing we can see there's an icon there so if we zoom in this down here under this tree that is the king of rome and his name is biggest dickers [Laughter] [Music] and the king bigger stickers is heading off that direction why is that oh goodness it's because the up north northerners they are invading in a big big way now i might have to intervene here because as we know the romans did sort of rule the world for a lot of this period so i'm going to do what a good god does and i'm going to go into my destruction powers tab and i'm going to select the heat ray hold to heat up the pixels hold longer to melt them so i'm sorry mr army [Laughter] um but i can i can do that oh no i've just killed the romans that was the roman oh whoops right that is the trouble with being a god you need to you need to check your work make sure you've got up here to uh check it over um because mistakes can happen when you're thinking on your feet like that although what year is it what year it's year 57 although thinking about it look the romans are now the same color as up north and i think what the northerners might do they might actually like the name romans compared to up north it's got a better ring to it so i think they're actually gonna though they've now conquered the romans thanks to my help i feel like they are going to take on the name change all right so there we go the romans 2.0 they are now known as and their king who is up here in biggest dickus no don't like that okay oh good oh good i'm i'm very sorry about that i do feel dreadful i tell you what actually can i fix that can i put a little bit of rain on it there you go it's raining put that horrible lava out there you go it never happened in fact i'm going to do a bit of tapering i'm going to plant some grass on there i don't think i can plant grass on rocks solid i'm just going to make it all gold okay a gift from the gods loads of gold so if you look here britain is now repopulated again and we've we've got our first boat the dart tin and another one up here what's this one called ponton so back then the word tin was used for boat hence all those names so i wonder will the eu go and discover america what year is it it's only year 64. that's probably happening a little bit too soon guys i feel like i should probably prep america because as we know there were natives over there before the europeans invaded although speaking of which look i think the eu they're going to go attack the romans they want that gold they want the gift oh god look it's all kicking off it is all kicking off in there there's flaming torches there's a guy drowning in a puddle oh dear and all the houses have turned blue the original romans now belong to the eu interesting i wonder how romans 2.0 are going to take that biggest dickus where are you there he is there he is right he is fighting in a bush just what you'd expect of the biggest stickers uh and i think has he just he's down the romans are no more the romans are now the eu and look they are loving that gold they're having a right party in there although it seems the russians have got wind of this and they've decided to attack as well they are currently in the romans 2.0 headquarters although are they at war let's go into our relations tab no russia and the eu are at peace in fact everyone is at peace nice that is good to see that is very good to see all right so what are the natives of america what do they look like they are crabs like this crab is called crabbo yep so crab people were the natives of america you heard it here first i'm very intrigued because there's a proper little stronghold community i'm not sure if they're spanish or portuguese they sort of look french actually but is that the first boat oh they're doing fishing they're just fishing i don't think they're quite at the stage where they're ready to travel that far yet in search of a new land after all they're king or queen obipula she is a queen i think she's a fairer queen than the original british one in the real history because we all know that's why america was formed because uh brits they had enough all right so this we're not going back right we're gonna create a new land meanwhile in this world i feel like the crab people we could do with a few more of them and clicking myself isn't really my style it's not really the engineering thing to do it's more of an architecture thing to do so we are going to run this bad boy the op auto clicker 3.0 we want to repeat probably 500 times 500 crab peoples does that sound good so we'll press f6 and there they go there go the mighty crab people [Music] okay that took way longer than expected but we're done now we can close the auto clicker and now when we hit play look at all the crabs go oh that is a nice pattern there they are 500 crab people native to america oh god there's so many right so when any of you guys decide to sail over there you're gonna have a nice little treat i think oh they all like buried themselves in the land i've got all these little eye ones i can't seem to click on those and i'm loving the names of the crabs as well we've got crab got crobo we've got cabo we got cobb we've got croob love it all the crab people nice okay one other thing i need to add over here we know around this area here i think that is like nova scotia i'd love to add our own little oak island with buried treasure although word on the street it was these guys that put it there but we got we got some free play we can do what we want in here so we're going to actually build some plain soap can i make it smaller there we go right so we're going to paint a little island that is oak island or perhaps it was two islands wasn't it before they built the swamp yes i am addicted to that program let me know in the comments if you also happen to watch it as well i'm still waiting for something good to happen but it never does still we're only 14 series in anyway we're putting shallow water in there because that's where the illuminati lake is then i'm going to put loads and loads of gold there and finally because it's called oak island we've got to make it green and we're going to plant some oak trees all right there we go although i've i've had wind the crab people they also like gold they're trying to cross the ocean and get to oak island or perhaps just going for a little swim just dipping their toes a little wade in the sea anyway let's get back to over here europe seems to be going all right i'm gonna fast forward using the sonic speed in the debug tools and let's let's get a few years on us we're on year 90 at the moment look out look at what's happening here year 94 there's a massive war going on i think the eu people have decided to invade africa or at least south africa they are coming down in a big way i'm quite worried about what's gonna happen here what are they doing they're just like stood around doing nothing i think it's because africa too they've already buggered off up here so they've gone to invade oil fc i think and yeah they look they've just realized now they're like our bollocks we just missed them let's head up this way and they've got board and headed home okay anyway more fast forwarding i'm noticing a lot of movement down in australia look at all the riders i haven't even put them there they've literally done that themselves oh we've got ship movement we got ship movement they're just sort of sailing around they haven't bothered to discover that yet oh but check it out the romans which are now europeans they've started building roads the old roman roads you see they're definitely roman roads not a curve in sight the europeans who have now conquered oil fc and asia they're now attacking africa and yes africa 2 has now become them so they have literally taken over the current world interesting there's only russia left if we look at the relations oh dear they have just declared war on each other that is not good it seems like the russian king is trying to escape down here he's on like the tiniest little islands he can barely walk across there there's not even a gap you can't make it across me i'll tell you what as a nice god that i am i'm gonna build him a bridge there you go there's a bridge there's another one perhaps there will be a bridge all the way to australia although australia is nearly getting invaded by the europeans anyway yep just like that russia has been taken over by the eu they now control everything was that their plan all along meanwhile crab people have actually invaded oak island were they the depositors all along i don't know that would be a hell of a twist in the story though season 25 will probably find that one out and nothing happened much for the next 700 or so years but in the year 746 you can see russia decided to get back into it they had developed the mighty windmill and a rebellion was underweight also it was around this time if we head back over to the natives of america the crab people they had all but disappeared there was still the odd crab floating about in mexico but not a lot else going on there now with this rebellion underway it marked a time where peace was over as we know empires must always fall and the entire world would be covered in spite because i made it so by clicking and dragging and increasing my brush size to that look at all these people being covered in spite so the entire world was now angry and not only that i gave them inspiration so i could make villages its own kingdom like that one and that one and that one yep the world was back at war and not only that there would also be a common enemy about to rain where antarctica was now covered in snowmen and the cold ones and a load of other wintry things oh that one went in the seat i think they actually die in the middle is that what's happening yeah i think it's so cold that they're dying interesting and it looks like they're not very good at swimming either sorry mate the worst thing was the cold was spreading north so we'd start at the tip of south africa and an icebridge would be formed out of nowhere you see for this was the birth of engineering yes engineers actually started in antarctica can you believe that can you believe that it looks like the south africans they're they've they've welcomed a bit of ice they've started building along the bridge but uh the engineers who have built their first bridge i imagine they won't be too pleased about that we will have to see what happens meanwhile the australian rhino they were also joined by bandits who decimated the land oh god they are literally blowing up all the fights well the bandits are on fire what can rhinos breathe fire in this world i hope so oh no some have tried to escape in the sea i tell you what a battle the rhino are fighting for their lives although that one's just been blown up he's now on fire he's now dead there are a few more left down here though and somehow a crab person has escaped america and come to australia there's two bandits left this rhino is going all out rage he's got one of them go on son go on boosh go on one more hit one more hit yes he got him so the australian bandits did not last long bear play rhinos meanwhile the cold engineers had finally made it up to the buildings first on their bridge obviously when these buildings were made there was no calculations done see if the bridge could withstand it so the engineers are doing the only rational thing which is destroy the additional load gotta make that bridge safe however they then got a little bit carried away in which they sort of continued freezing everything in their path working their way north so we'll let we'll let that fast forward a little bit africa is now very cold but imagine once they get to the equator they'll be they'll be stopped in their tracks yeah they go as expected as expected i believe this period of time was actually called the ice age in case you're wondering meanwhile heading back into europe you can see the eu they've actually recognized my dominance as god of course i'm just this little finger that points they have built a statue in my honor perhaps they're trying to get on my good side so i don't decimate them again or perhaps they're just saying thank you for the gold i gave them oh would you look at this they've discovered south america the ussa has been formed the united states of south america cool oh and they're destroying the natural wildlife was that a fox they just annihilated i mean they literally have no hunger needs so i don't really understand why they'd do that all right so we've just come out to 1066 and it does look like britain was invaded very briefly they sort of ran away again it looks like the south africans completely destroyed the old wizards there's a few down there and a little stronghold but yeah they've fully taken over the bridge they put a road on it south africa birthplace of engineering oh and if you look north america has now been discovered but it's already got a corporate branded name of we got herefirst.com what year is it 1160ish now i am a little bit worried if you look at this the romans are now part of the eu the eu are just taking over everyone look they're battling the battling so they're overthrowing asia and asia is now a part of the eu you literally cannot break up the eu everyone's tried there's only the romans 2.0 and russia that are able to do it however the russians have been developing something very sneaky well you see hidden beneath this seemingly innocent windmill is a barrage of nuclear bombs oh my goodness oh okay i didn't think that would do that much damage what oh no i have destroyed everyone wow i'm i'm sorry europe but i had no idea the russians would do that oh they're still launching them oh no all right they have wiped nearly everyone off the map the african bridge is just covered in nuclear bombs oh look it's it's not ice anymore that was clever so now we're left to just the roams 2.0 russia and then across the pacific ocean or the atlantic depending what way round you're looking are the united states or south america and we got here first.com now there are still some boats floating around they i don't really know who they belong to oh look they are we got here first.coms boats thinking about colonizing europe well if you zoom in there are actually some people about you can see they are european but their home is just question mark they literally they don't know what they're doing but they did survive a nuclear apocalypse i guess semi-apocalypse however little did they know the radiation would create zombies and the zombies would infect the living that survived the nuclear blast creating more zombies then it wasn't long before there was a zombie plague and the russians they started to notice they started to send troops in to try and fend them back there was no good soon they were outnumbered and the final leader backed into a corner he tried to defend himself he really did but eventually it was too much oh my god the zombies are on fire what is going on they're spreading fire throughout the village as well oh dear the wasteland is just zombies now oh and look at this look up here this was where there were ruins it's been reclaimed it's doggo that could be paddy's little area i'm a bit worried about how many zombies are close to them but you can see the russian numbers are slowly falling if we zoom in you can see why the zombies are just spreading everywhere and unfortunately russia you got no one but to blame but yourselves oh look loads of zombies are on fire again no oh no the zombies took over doggo paddy no oh poor paddy and there are literally zombies everywhere romans 2.0 they're down to 10 people there's one of them he's now zombie apparently russia's 360ish people where are they all i feel like everyone is a zombie where are these 300 people hiding or are they on boats passengers zero i don't know are the zombies russian perhaps the zombies are russian who knows all i do know is north and south america are doing all right they are regrowing they are rebuilding uh they haven't noticed oak island yet look at the old crab person hiding there actually speak to the how are the crab people do where are they all there's one there's one there's like no crab people they've already destroyed the natives that is absolutely horrible anyway i think we'll let this run for another 750 years get up to the new millennium the year 2000 and we'll see how we get on right i'm interrupting just before the year 1600 because russia has two people remaining where are they where are they oh look there's someone someone in that lighthouse i think they're in the lighthouse they're shooting out the lighthouse tower is it a lighthouse or is it a building based on the strongest shape it would make sense why that is the last building remaining the last one that houses survivors but yeah the whole of europe is just zombie plague like look how many there are all caused by the nuclear bombs australia is still doing right although the rhino have now been joined by what are they a beefy taurus nice fair play australia oh yeah look there's another one here there's another strongest shape defending itself there's two people yeah so it's just those two buildings left meanwhile we got here first.com and the ussa they're literally just stuck at 33 and 30 population they're not reproducing i guess they are reproducing but only at the exact same rate that people are dying which is quite unusual been like 500 years and there's still just 33 people as soon as someone dies it's like right who's doing it who's gonna replace that death quite an interesting way of running a society i guess all right are there people still and yes they're still in there they're still shooting arrows out what i don't get these boats there's no one on the boat that this boat is 1200 years old there's no one on it but it's still fishing somehow you can see all these boats like flying around they're literally ghost ships like no one's on them so maybe they're automated they must be automated anyway let's carry on sonic speed right so we've made it to the year 2020 and the world looks a little bit different but there are quite a lot of similarities unfortunately there's only three populated areas we got here first.com the united states south america and russia which has one person in it the rest of the world is taken over by some sort of disease again a little bit similar to how we are now and the other similarity the strongest shape is proving to be the best shape as this is where the lone russian resides but yes that was world box and that was the history of mankind hey we please know there's no world wars there's no waddle one no world war two but that's because the russians invented the nuclear bomb about 100 years too early and ruined everything but let's leave this on peace love and bridges bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 945,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox, world box, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, world box gameplay, super worldbox, worldbox update, simulator games, worldbox timelapse, worldbox war, worldbox battle royale, worldbox battle, super worldbox war, superworld box, suiper worldbox war, 2000 year war worldbox, worldbox 2000 years, 1000 years worldbox
Id: p8hYMPhqG1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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