This game forced me to destroy bridges...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to a bris build to destroy now as an engineer most of time you spend your day building to build i guess but in this game it's the opposite we're building things to destroy things let's let's head into the campaign and we'll start with the entry just to see what the game's all about right so essentially this is the game there's this yellow block on top of this huge pyramid thing and this is where we can build so if we come over to the left over here we have this an ultra heavy cube so we can click on that and we can place these wherever we want we can rotate to 45 degrees so we can place one right on the edge we've started building and you'll notice look there's scaffolding underneath it holding it in place that will disappear when we press this go button so we press go it's gone but the cube is just about safe on there but why did we do that you might ask what's the point of putting a cube on that block well this white thing over here this is what we need to destroy it looks like it's sort of hovering can you see there's like rockets underneath so that's sort of hovering in place there's this red thing which acts like a bomb when you hit it it's also surrounded by like little drones i don't know what the story is but uh we're gonna add some more cubes so when we place we can then move things about afterwards so we can get like right over the edge so perhaps we'll do that we've got some very precarious scaffolding there and then we'll press go i'm ready boosh into the red thing and it is destroyed beautifully and look at it disappearing down the side the pyramid look at that pyramid as well that's definitely like an architect pyramid engineer's pivot we can see how destroyed the level was a hundred percent destroyed and two moves nice let's go to the next stage so now we're given connector pieces it looks like so this level we've got two sort of very thin buildings and there's two bombs on top like there okay i don't know what they are on the background as well they look like whales i don't know anyway look we got different parts we've got a heavy pillar the ultra heavy cube that we used before and the connector so i'm going to start with a heavy pillar i think so we'll plunk a few of those on top of each other sort of i'm going for one more next up i'm going to use a connector and shove that there and then we'll place some ultra heavy cubes like that so it's almost the perfect sort of hammer but i have a feeling i can make it work a little bit better yes there we go there we go perfect all right let's press go and see what happens oh no the pillars weren't connected to each other i forgot right so we've got to make sure our pillars are connected so we'll put that down and then we'll do a connector like there then another pillar off the edge oh look at the scaffolding it's so dodgy we'll try it that way so let's press go and see what this does boosh oh man that cut straight through it although these bits are still standing not ideal so we only got 67 destroyed i think we can do better all right so this one we've added a bit of weight to the top and hopefully with this one being a bit wider i did it on like a 45 degree angle hopefully that will do a bit more damage oh i cut through it like butter and those pillars one's falling down what about this one always thinking about it it's leaning it's leaning there it goes the top is off so we'll say complete what are we on 78 not perfect but at uni that would have been a first so i think we'll move on all right so on this level we can build there and then i think we knock this one off and then can you see there's like a gold thing under it i think if we destroy this building we then unlock that one to build on so we can reach this thing which sort of looks like a weird scope anyway right we'll add a pillar connector another pillar another connector and another pillar i'm hoping that will be enough to take out the red we're gonna rotate about that place so that might just about hit it looking at that so we'll press go is it going in yes we got it we got it oh beautiful look at the building oh i mean that as well the skull is dead and our yellow block is it gonna fall off or is it stuck there it sort of knocked the rest of that off oh man the skull is full it's gone into the abyss the abris you know right well looks like i don't need to unlock this one anyway so cool completed 99 destroyed in one move oh one percent short oh okay so in this level we've unlocked a new piece this is called a rotator so if we put that down first we can then put a connector on there shove a heavy beam on the side do another connector and another heavy beam to go in the gap i probably should have built it this way so we had a bit of momentum but uh let's press go and then down here we can turn on the move function oh man it is a beast oh oh no that was too short we missed that building i think it fell down before i could get a chance although it did just fall off the edge complete how did we do 98 one move i think i think we'll take that a while so in this level they've actually given us bombs to use ourselves although this one's a bridge i don't want to destroy a bridge it's got like a very clever like maintenance piece i've seen that's going along and painting it or something all right and look at our pieces we don't have any columns so i'm gonna guess we can't go up so as we can only go horizontal i'm gonna go to the two columns and then place a couple of bombs so i think we'll bung this there-ish then if we rotate we can just add heavy beams oh man that is some dodgy scaffolding all right so i don't know how close i can go i might go i might just do that oh it doesn't look like i can connect a bomb to the side of a connector i can put it on the top now these have a hell of a blast radius so do i need to be that close maybe i didn't but still let's build this direction as well i want to take out both columns at once so if this has been engineered correctly taking out one column will not be enough there you go bombs on the top oh this seems so wrong but let's press the button the bridge failed instantly we didn't even do anything so it looks like we can choose to explode one bomb or both at the same time i might do one than the other so let's boost that one oh the bridge is down then we'll boost that one as well i love it well i would say that is well and truly destroyed what does the game say though 95 not bad let's move on use thrusters for propulsion oh yes yes game oh this game knows what i like right okay we're gonna have to build up because i want my thrusters to take out the red bombs well they're actually when i press play does their scaffolding disappear can you see they've got like scaffolding underneath or can i just take that out myself all right so i'm going to shove a cube down to start that just gives us a bit of height then i'm going to put a beam on top of that thruster on the back and then i'm going to use connectors to give us a bit of width i'm a bit worried we might hit that thing but let's see what happens oh it's gone up it's got up [Laughter] whoa okay all right if we just shoot a bit earlier oh no okay so we need to we need to go higher to get over that we're going to build a heavy pillar and that is what we're going to build the rocket on very important weights and then we'll go yes so that is perfectly balanced so hopefully it will take out all that scaffolding let's press fire and see what happens oh maybe we want to lean back what if we put a heavy cube on the back will that tip us up yes it does fire oh no it oh it's connected oops all right this time i've done a bit of that it looks more like a sword now but uh oh oh i took down three of them but not four oh some explosions down there we need to take out that last one though that looks more balanced fire oh yes oh yes oh oh yes although we haven't fallen sideways we've just fallen straight down we might be okay though they are definitely oh there goes a bomb yeah okay i think that was way better 99 why can't i get 100 is that so much to ask all right and this one it looks like we've got to build a rocket like straight up to smash those bombs up there sweet oh and we have a rotator and a bomb interesting right i'm gonna start with a heavy pillar i'm then gonna add a rotator with two connectors on the side and then gonna add thrusters or is that a thing you can't build underneath in this game okay it appears we can't build underneath so we might have to use our rotators differently so if we start with a pillar and then do a connector then we shove a rotator there and then a connector and then we put our thruster there then we can rotate that if we grab another rotator shove it on this side yeah it looks like there's arrows on the top of them so they will rotate opposite directions so that's perfect thruster on that side so when we rotate we should be able to get our thrusters pointing straight down and then we may as well use everything up so let's bun connector there and then bomb on top so it sort of looks like a weird like little man thing but oh no oh no no we're falling damn it all right what if i place my bomb slightly forward oh now we're falling in that direction damn it what about there no that went flying all right there we go there we go i think i just didn't snap the bomb to the top initially so we do our rotate okay what if we thrust first and then do the rotators so thrust rotators oh what if we just build as tall as we can in the hope that our bomb might reach it our blast radius isn't the best no it it did nothing all right what if we start down here so we do our rotators and rockets as before but we don't put them on a pillar because if we put the pillar on like that and obviously that's a more efficient shape to do this yeah that makes way more sense way more sense to the connector there connector on this side and i've just shoved the rockets on and then connector and bomb on top i think that might work okay we're sort of stable let's do the rotations i don't know why that one didn't move why aren't you moving right there we go there we go and then we stop so they're sort of facing down and then we just launch and then get ready to hit the bomb why are we launching oh is it because i've connected to the bottom oh i think we're connected to the base damn it for me my original idea was right then maybe i just didn't build it very well oh god oh god we're just about standing the man's trying to walk he is trying to walk all right if it settles we'll do the rotations yes yes it's working it's working ready stop and then we'll launch yes we're going up no we missed we met oh no we didn't miss we sort of missed but we still destroyed the building oh there goes the bombs all right how did that one pan out the percentage is going up 100 it's my first hundred percent oh that was really hard but let's go to the next stage use lasers to cut targets don't have to tell me twice awesome okay so what i'm thinking we start with a rotator then we do a connector and then we can add a laser to the side of that i think we'll shove that there laser's pointing backwards but that's fine we can rotate it and then we'll do a few heavy pillars connected with connectors i guess that's high enough so we can shove another laser on this side is that high enough to get the bomb or do i need to go i think i need to go on the very top then i'm worried we're going to lean to what i might do just just to balance the weight no other reason so we'll press play to turn the lasers on that is burning a hole and then we can rotate it oh man oh we've cut the bottom off oh wow okay so that's really cool but it looks like i might need to rotate like forwards and backwards so let's start again so i sort of reckon what if we start with a connector so now we're connected to the bottom can't go anywhere then we add a rotator that way and then another connector then a rotator on this side actually we should probably go higher first i'm going to do a pillar then a connector and then a rotator and then we add the lasers so i reckon one there actually we're doing another connector and we're just going to do lasers like that if we turn the lasers on we're pointing at that that's no good but if we then rotate everything it's just going to go in a crazy direction ready all right and i think we can turn off different rotations with this so we're currently spinning that direction there you go we've taken out the bottom and i can press this button just a little bit and we've gone up slightly higher so now we take out that chunk and as we come back around we just raise it slightly maybe that was a bit too slight but this time ready okay a little bit more but this time we're a bit higher so oh we're too high we're too high i'll tell you actually i should probably just stop it so it's pointing then i'd have to wait so long idiot map so if we lower that slightly that's in a good location so now when we come around do a little bit of damage all right now we're lined up we just file oh too low we're too late all right so after some surgeon like laser precision i think we're done we can press complete please be 100 please be 100 please be 100 oh 97 still i'll take that oh look we've got mirrors mirrors and lasers so looking around it looks like everywhere is mirrored and this level has already built us the strongest shape good work right so let's do one of those we'll hit go to turn the laser on do a bit of rotating and then as we come down here we'll see we're slightly too low okay back to the drawing board we've got to go one higher that's why we have two rotators i think one thing i've noticed look there's like a door here so i think to get to this building we follow this wire it goes over to here and there's some sort of electrical thing in there we've got to destroy i think so let's turn the laser on and then we'll bring the laser over that way oh man look so we're melting through those buildings thanks to the mirrors i think that one yeah that opens that door so if we just very slightly give it a bit of a rotate oh no our laser broke why did our laser break right we've nearly opened the door lock there you go it's open and now that one's coming down man there is so much mirror carnage there goes down so the door at the front is now open i do just want to try and mullet everything in there though man there are some crazy shapes going on oh now we're taking out the one in the middle as well love to see it love to see it all right there we go that was the final sweep we'll press complete 97 percent not quite 100. oh now we've unlocked pistons there the throw objects okay is anyone else seeing another strongest shape here that can't just be me this is turning into my favorite game all right okay it looks like if i were to drop something down there and destroy them and these pistons fling that way so so how is this gonna work i assume i need maybe a heavy cube to start then a connector on top but leaning over the edge and then if i do a beam on either side do that sort of thing that should fall forwards i'll get loads of like blocks down there and that can be like shrapnel for the shootery bit so if i just cover this in the remaining blocks then will that work so we say continue that all falls forwards oh most of it fell off the edge oh how is that building standing is it standing it it wants to fall but it's not quite falling go on go on just need a gust of wind right i think we'll do that again but i won't go that mental with the connectory bits so i think we'll do that to a connector there and a connector there and then we can do this beam in between and then i think we've got a nice platform to put all of these heavy cubes on or something like that let's press go yeah there you go they're all falling forwards beautiful that's going to be a mess let's zoom out [Laughter] man those pistons are crazy absolute carnage what was our score though oh only 93 pathetic all right now we've unlocked a cannon love it so it looks like our cannon's got to shoot that and then that will fire the pistons upwards so i guess we got like a multi thing going on let's just see where our cannon has to be so that will shoot it i think so we'll do that there and then we need two things to fall into those we've got heavy pillar we can put that right on the corner i reckon like that i don't want to go too much in the corner i want it to fall only forwards not sideways so we'll do connectors lean forwards another connector to get some height and then i guess just cubes like always leaning forwards a bit so they're gonna fall forwards and fill up the piston areas yep not bad not bad and then we just need to fire the cannon at the right time so i guess now boosh i'm ready piston should fire oh the left one's empty oh not quite we do have some cubes they're gonna fall are they gonna hit the bombs yes oh we got one we didn't quite oh we didn't quite destroy it so what percentage are we on 93 i will take that for sure and that was the last level there's also a sandbox mode which if you guys enjoyed this video boost your like button let me know and if you want more i'll check out the sandbox but yeah that was a brisk very fun a very strong game lots of efficient shapes everywhere yeah peace love and the dark of briss i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 464,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abriss, abriss build to destroy, abriss game, abriss gameplay, abriss drae, abriss highlights, destruction game, building destruction, building collapse, abriss video game, puzzle game, destruction sandbox, physics, physics-based, physics-based games, indie games, building demolition excavator, dangerous building demolition, building demolition, rce, real civil engineer
Id: Ccl6MY9Y2C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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