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you're making me laugh I'm trying to do my intro you're making me laugh hey guys good morning good afternoon good night not sure what time it is where you are nice shot oh that was awesome no I don't know how you did that hope you're having a fantastic on who cook that one hope you guys are having an awesome day yesterday I tried to raw blog it as much as possible but I kind of started late in the day so today we're starting at breakfast extra crispy medium crispy I got the coffee on the toast about to go in whoo Cain just did an amazing trick shot I can't wait to see it am I looking for that's super crispy most of you guys know that I'm the breakfast guy Britt does the dinner since we've met that's how it's been I love doing breakfast ain't grill I do the grill I do breakfast I just don't make bacon yeah eggs on toast I prefer chewy bacon these guys love it crispy so I make a little bit of both this was not accidental that two of them were on accident oh is that how you do it I usually use the edge right there this pointy part the crack you go so delicate okay not too bad boy put your thumbs in the crack there you go yeah you got I'll just pull it apart don't smash it pull it boom yeah most people every time I do this in the Poli they're like don't you do that first most people mix their eggs first in a bowl an important skill I just mix it in the skillet same thing I think they look good Mexico Mexican style cheese bacon toast what you want to drink juice orange juice uh-huh I miss the pork this is a trick Britney just taught me if you ever want to melt cheese the kids like cheese on their eggs if you ever want to melt cheese just put one of these over top and it melts the cheese on top I never did it or knew about it no I always like the cheese won't melt here you can see the baby at would eat in his natural habitat oh yeah oh my gosh I think half of it yes so I Zeus warms the table like a hawk all right guys I'm literally going to get ready go over to my brother's house we're filming I told you yesterday we're working on a video I'm going to tell you much about it just want to take you along it's not a video game it's not a gaming video it's something unique I don't think you've ever seen anything like it so I'm going to get ready when I say ready I'm gonna put stuff in my hair I'm not gonna change I'm pretty much ready this is how I get ready some days I just throw this is my hair I stand it up I don't put much time into it and no shower today don't act like you haven't skipped a bed before dude King I got to show you something book wouldn't know a car on camera look that's the kitchen doodle monkey came in the back door do you see it you guys were playing video as a monkey came in what else can you do we're just gonna keep going over with different things do a huge cow who's he yeah we he'll believe it just go with it Noah found a cow chasing the chicken we're gonna go back in and tell Cain it's outside Cain dude you see was in the backyard look what Noah caught on his camera there's a cow chasing a chicken he isn't so like wants to believe us but he knows better man heading over to my brother's right now these are some of the things that we're gonna need I got just about every tripod I own as far as small cameras go I brought some funny little lights like a strobe light GoPro accessories and then of course my GoPro collection I have so many go person believe it or not they have never sponsored me I've button every GoPro and every accessory and they've never sponsored me you guys know how many I go through these things and then I have a roomful of retired GoPros GoPros that don't work anymore so this is my current collection that actually works and we're headed to Dale's are you nothing else no you guys have fun I'll be right back bye zeusie oh it's our puppy you guys are the same age I love you cutie judy judy um you're gonna be on before 9:30 no promises baby daddy's got to work remember guys it is always too soon to quit always move forward not backwards what are you guys doing you know there's plenty of room right I want to show you my ringtone there's my teeth that's what mine is Oh I love the ending did I got my keys and his ends like coin oh and I don't know where you came from but welcome welcome all right guys so here I am just got over in my brother's house what's up we are gearing up for the race of the century ha ha ha it's hard for me to explain exactly what we're doing I'm sitting here building glow stick rings because Dale has come up with this idea hey let's hang up glow stick give them give them a little example here let's hang up glow stick rings all over the house and create a quad copter race yeah here's the issue I think it's brilliant I think it's a great idea but I have no experience with a quad copter and so I have experience with a quad Roger but I still suck we both suck at it which may make this even funnier now this is a video we're making for his channel so you're gonna get the behind-the-scenes here but I can't wait to see these coppers are done dude they're you consider them dead and they weren't the cheapest they got cameras built-in so we can fly from the phones and they're gonna record first-person action so if I'm in front you got you can see from this quadcopter the rear of mine going towards the wiser rare well cuz I'm gonna be in front here's what you guys are gonna see here's the camera eh okay on fire so we're building glow stick rings right now that is literally what we're doing but I think it's brilliant a couple guys that really knew how to drive these this would be a riot this would be so fun I mean it's gonna be fun either way but so here here we go let's get cracking this is gonna be tough no you got fly mind you're gonna be you're gonna be my driver mm-hmm we may need to call him the big guns to even get a video oh I want to get some crowd awesome yeah I know it's cool look at these all right not gonna lie this is gonna look really good they got your number four yes mmm no way the only thing I'll be other hit is the wall does that count you get points for the law I actually track points for wallets so with any luck we'll be at like minus 30 Hyundai was going for a loop not bad Oh Oh wrong way that one doesn't do loose all right go for it are you trying oh just in case any of you want to try this we're using eight glow sticks to create the circle actually those are bigger these are eight glow sticks oh the race is about to begin ladies and gentlemen right it's the glow race glow danger I still think the lab the finish line should be on fire the fire ring this is so satisfying Oh okay bring it up all the GoPros we need it's kind of a tricky shot um especially since you don't know what where the quad copters are gonna go so I'm kind of going wide on it but too wide and the GoPros don't you know capture what's going on in the background so I think I'm just gonna put these things everywhere looks awesome I check this out race is about to begin my friends Dale custom paint he's come white they'll just custom painted them freakin awesome yeah little permanent marker handiwork all right we pretty much got cameras everywhere and here is there's so many rules we need to know when your copter falls which it will fall will fall where do you put what do you do you start from you start from where you fell or do you reset at the table mmm well considering probably neither one of us is gonna complete the course huh we're not starting at the tape here or you started the closest ring now were you you know we should have done every time you fall we have takeoff pad in between each ring you have to place the copter on the takeoff pad you back to the would go back to the would and take off it's gonna be hard enough I just suck at these like I'm not gonna lie this will be probably less than a handful of times I've ever flown one of these looks good okay I'm gonna go ahead and start these GoPros up please get both both angles blades are warming up mine in anyway Lane one minute I'm in oh my gosh alright quadcopters gonna be coming out of the day I know you want to say any markets that go sure alright guys I lied about not being good at this I'm gonna kill it kill it kill it straight to the ground ah ah you get through some ring basically we got these glow stick rings around the house and we're gonna fly throw me yeah i double-dog dare ya mom and dad just show up it's so easy I mean and then take what why don't you take my controller make the hoop smaller are you kidding me yeah the finish line should have been a Pringles can you got to get through watch your wind bro all right what's it win now on your mark okay you gotta sit yeah on your mark get set go let's do table oh the ring eaters ladies evening the tree all right let's start over fresh start can't even make it through one ring that we didn't get to the starting right now just want to go straight up all right on your Marlin it always close that kill it and that's an eater he hit that thing on your mark get set go what is - - oh I'm not gonna say whether I won that race or lost it but the trophy was an orange and I'm gonna eat it Dale put a whooping on me I'm gonna be sore for a week it was so bad I can't fly them things what am I doing here I'm good at holding this vlog camera pointed at my face and editing and hitting the upload button that's about my maximum being modest he spanked my pants uh-huh you'll see the boy I want you'll see the video we imported that trophy all the way from home wanna wanna ha whoa we're funny you read whoa oh yeah hi guys by the way Kate and I came over my quadcopters favorite group is one direction you don't say Paul Criss Angel Criss Angel if anybody's ever wanted to know what it's like to cut open up a glow stick this is something that you know does it stay lit maybe it does maybe doesn't I think it does Yeah right we're gonna fill a bowl up oh it's predator blood one thing we do know going everywhere that is awesome that is exactly what the using room will taste man doesn't look as bright on your hands turning blue turning violet violet whoo I found the blood of the predator we these new paper towels they claw oh that's all shake um yeah new paper cuz my eyes are burning all right you guys ready to turn the lights out yeah lights out oh my gosh how many lightning bugs we had to squeeze to make this as it's doing it yeah it's not doing anything nah man shipshape I can't believe how bright the counter is it's like you have a light on here okay here you go I want you to blow it on my face you gonna go vlog okay it's already recording go for it just show me what you're doing don't drop it okay okay Wednesday I could do it Bharani we need some lotion I don't have a slo-mo cam the other day this kid comes into work and he says to me oh man what is it how does it make you feel that uh Roma just went from nothing to all the sudden poof this really big star now and I was like dude you got it all wrong I said you he did not just go poof I said he started with nothing I said you didn't see it when he was about nine ten years old making little films in the house you didn't see it when he did three full-length little movies and gave up everything to go to him and try to sell them and he lost everything in the process but that was a million miles in between going from nothing to something I said woven earned every penny of that because his life he's not all that great and that's really what I told him What did he say he was like oh dude it's really it people and this was true for almost everyone who's a success no one sees what happened behind the scene only as a father would anyone know that that I died like a lot of fathers are left nobody even know that either Wow you my pops has supported me all this is my mom so is my brothers so is Britt Britt was in this before I had anything yeah it's been a long journey but you know who's counting warping back home my my bam bam bam come here I get ask you a serious question when you're a full-sized guy when he becomes a daddy he can do sir listen even when you're super big and strong are you still gonna be my little buddy really are you just saying that you promise you'll still love us so much pinky promise me paint dare we guys we are warping into the end of this vlog and I want to put something into your brain tonight I want you to think about this what are you doing right now not this second but what are you doing right now to better your life what are you doing I want you to just think about it maybe you have an answer maybe you don't maybe it's something that you can think about for the next few days what are you doing to better your life think about it I freaking love you guys I will see you tomorrow we are on a streak baby we are not skipping days and I have no plans to Zeus you gonna come say bye come here come here buddy you wanna say bye little boo boo boo I'll bring my bow he literally shakes the house guys we will see you tomorrow thanks for everything thanks for all the support that's it I hope you enjoyed today's vlog had a lot of fun a lot of goofiness um that's all I got smile more guys you're beautiful one-of-a-kind baby smart one are you ready for your drum lesson or you just gonna cry cry like a baby fly when I hit it with this water and you gonna die I don't know what I'm doing a sand of waving my girlfriend's back and she
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,111,798
Rating: 4.9654431 out of 5
Keywords: Crashing my drone, roman, family fun, noah atwood, vlogs, youtube pranks, cars, Atwood, pranks, kane atwood, RC drones, atwood vlogs, family friendly, roman atwood vlogs, kid friendly, best pranks, RC, Roman Atwood, family vlogs, roman vlogs, Drone racers, kid-friendly, Quad copter, atwood, brittney, ohio, race, family-friendly, Roman, roman soldiers, Natural Born Pranksters
Id: km1kN8sugJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2016
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