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what's up guys it is freaking beautiful in Los Angeles uh Britney got me a surprise birthday gift we're going to see it right now I don't know what to expect is that it yeah that's it right here this is mine no you get to take your picture with it oh my gosh now we're just kidding look at this car though oh my okay that's my picture right there good job happy birthday look at that old red one whoo that lime-green whew it's hot it's pretty it's beautiful let's start this day okay okay we're hitting the Santa Monica area today we are doing a quick stop in here and then I'm having our special guests come meet us to do something really cool actually probably painful well yes you still calling him that haha well I guess anyway that shows up in the vlogs now as a special guest right okay hey hey how's my boy yeah are you Hulk I love you downtown Santa Monica please press the fact she's so nice when your visit and remember to lock your car oh it's so I oh it's so freaky I do not like we're at 3rd Street Promenade this is one of the busiest areas we ever go to and it's also flooded with you guys every time I come here it's crazy so remain of course alex is hanging out with the security tickler Smit it with Alex and I don't know if you guys remember he got banned from that side of 3rd Street he's allowed on this side that's why the security guard wouldn't let him come to us he had to wait yeah every time they radio in that's why there was two guards he's like make sure that you watch all the doors I asked we wanted to piggyback riding stairs climbing is tricky but stuffing for a quick bite to eat look at this salad so good Billy do you want some lettuce with that cheese holy crap it's cucumbers and like onions amazing I got chicken slabs Shea it looks like fish look at you look at you who is that who is that what's up you making here all right oh man my car and a half later Luke is gonna break me today he's gonna break me you ready for this yeah I'm ready I'm ready did you like some back fence trenching house I'll see you guys later okay I love you okay wish me luck good luck hey hey give me hug give me hug oh he's got it give me hug yeah okay all right give me five we'll see you later we are in a jungle baby look at this I love it you can literally just drive onto the pier the pier is play so it's just like that you play Grand Theft Auto at all yep well this is the exact pier should I do it just drive it feels really good to be back you haven't been here for a while spent a few months and uh just the very beachy beautiful Santa Monica it's the shorts and the tank top I'm not too far off man but I'm always blacked out we're all blacked out everybody's okay so for about two years I would say almost two years since I went to Finland you could promise me he was going to teach me how to do a backflip we've said in the vlogs before today we've come to do just that how are you gonna try no I'm just gonna film you that I think you should try while I'm just here to just to fill it and you just got this you got this you're confident I am he's confident that I can learn how to do a backflip today it's all about mental balls it's just gotta get over it in your head once hi hey how are you man thank you so I don't want to sound like a wolf but even this ledge when you stand on it it feels really high and I know it's nothing to him you can probably backflip off really high things like you back foot off my truck which is really high I fit up really high when I was young now it hurts my knee it you like running backflip that's so cool you so for me is how we learned it nowadays people have foam pits and everything is like the real way you just kind hidden if you do it time see it looks so easy I want to be able to do that well I've been wanting to do this for a long time so you know what half an Arn you got it no way so today's the day I attempt to learn this backflip we've been talking about it forever and he's gonna spot me and help me control my flip and hopefully you get to see me do it today if not you'll get some good face landings nobody wants nobody wants to see me land it eats and he passed off this locator he landed really badly on his face broke his jaw all right three two one go that's a little little laughter now yeah isn't it like once you kind of do that few times to get it go whoa a lame pun to learn something new when you're this age yeah it's been easier when I was 16 because you'd pull down a repressive jump right back up no it's determined I'm gonna go for it yeah and then I'll help you just enough to tip your feet over and you land it okay I'm ready all right three two one go see I barely help God because it's like I did bad for you because I just kind of looking for out I win yeah now you can start bringing it back a little bit I got the rotation yeah you got even one go-to outfit far I find it looks good it still do you like is it hurting you when you're loud jump up and then roll you'd be baking you'd nail it perfectly yeah I just got to commit to it I got to commit yeah like when I jump there's a lack of commitment like like a lazy jumping further and rolling slow yeah pop explode boom two one go see I tell that's what I'm talking about better that was good I just did a little push yeah barely felt it three two one go yeah but you can't now you're not you're single now you're past the mental block now you can do it so I think I gotta jump higher yeah you're little lazy on the rolling kind of going this way yeah the top like yeah you kind of make it a little bit back lulaia all right two one go go yeah and you did it this way that one felt good that was good that one felt good I definitely landed a backflip before 30 minutes he said it would take 30 minutes you were right it's in people's eyes he could see his committed he can do it you had it he nailed it and now you got it for the rest of your life yeah I feel I feel like I can do it I'm not gonna try another oh now you have it now you have it oh you have it yeah look it makes me listen are you dizzy a little bit I didn't fall enough for you guys I'm sorry I know they want to see me just bust my head yeah one face I put one face landing should appear I think I think I could go a little once you got it well you can just keep it you know that's not too high for human body to kind of take them if I jump from that I'd have to go get in can Tom let me full of poop okay guys so I dropped Roman off with you gun Alex and they're like working on his backflip or what not I am planning a surprise party here at the house for when he gets back our AC is not working it's really really hot in here some people have gotten here I still have yet to like put the streamers up everything like that so I'm running around crazy nose like oh no I need to get the vlog camera okay so let's do it Kevin so hanging out hanging the Bears is a good twisting motion okay we got Christian I only deal with you're gonna fail oh nice that's gonna hold it up there which all the blower peppers huh got them all I bought all of their party poppers right that the store had so we're gonna go pop really loud when he walks in the door yes yep he's just ready to play oh he's eating he's so rough well I landed a backflip maybe twice by myself on my feet with no hands I'm happy about that I'm excited look at the activities here man there's so much to do just people using their bodies to do things amazing so guess hey dog oh my god I thought he was gonna eat it don't put you guys in the vlog all right I'm watching the law what's up what's up hey what's up what you guys want to fix yeah sure don't worry about it what's up I'm put you guys in the vlog is anybody else want to go Vic what's the hurry up we got more we got more I start trying to be nice to take a picture with one and now they're just flooding what's up bro how are you yeah you gonna be in the vlog dude what's up yeah you can take pic this is a great shot of Los Angeles right here this is what I'm always crying about I said don't look left all right we're finishing up Suns going down and we're gonna head I apparently to my house and then maybe go to dinner or something that's Britney made reindeer reindeer you can still wants reindeer did we have reindeer in Finland we did yes we had reindeer reindeer peanut I was talking to myself out loud hello okay I gotta throw the keys down so everyone be really really quiet somebody had it right my face nice to see everyone I just walked into a war zone you freaking guys oh my god energy pain all night apparently like this Kane are you having fun we should get these for your birthday are we just gonna leave the apartment like this I'm sorry go last day tomorrow's our last day in the do it you can do it did you do it my little man is taking a group photo ever it'd make sure everybody's in it okay can you break out like Hulk okay so we ordered some pizza and it took three people oh look at that what was that ladies and gentlemen and quarter one weighing in at 35 pounds soaking wet soaking wet we've got Kane Atwood turn turn turn he's getting all wrapped up and ready to dance battle wit weighing in it too many freakin baths Alex shadow dig me new new new new new new from the Sun discern yeah ready set oh-oh-oh-oh six seven twenty that was a 1000 pores this is turning into a fight ladies and gentlemen get him Kane oh my we got glove repair just did dilemma alright guys we are warping into the night we've got very clean house we went from having a clean house to having a completely destroyed apartment but I guess that's a good way to leave the place just go all out have some fun thanks for making that happen I honestly had no idea it was so crazy to just come home and have all those people there it was cool thank you so much you're awesome yeah it about fail now you're older and you're wiser a year older I cannot thank you enough for all the birthday wishes you guys have been crazy on my twitter and every social platform soon happy birthday happy birthday thank you so much you guys are unbelievable I know even though like my Twitter like mail it's been like please tell Roman I said happy birthday it's amazing thank you guys so much that's all we got for you today so we will see you tomorrow thanks for watching and I didn't want to say this because I sound like a wuss but my wrist hurts so bad from trend I give you ice advice help I don't know yeah my wrists I'm too old for this stuff it hurts so bad baby because lucky showed me looked amazing I'm so proud of you for doing I can't wait I did it I'm happy alright guys thank you so much for everything we will see you tomorrow don't forget how awesome you are your amazing smile more ohh
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,374,105
Rating: 4.8895612 out of 5
Keywords: movie, pranking, kid friendly, new, GREATEST, BEST, ohio, daily, Prankster, THE, craziest, Born, family-friendly, roman, more, making, vlog, day, RomanAtwood, vlogs, Natural, prankster, family fun, crazy, family vlogs, LA, everyday, kid-friendly, vlogging, vlogger, roman atwood vlogs, prank, atwood, family friendly, Romans, columbus, smile, pranks
Id: Awx2ykOX-6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
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