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okay here's the deal it is freezing cold outside it is like rainy ice like it's raining ice mommy's gone what do you mommy's gone so it is just me my little boy monster here it is just me and Kane right now at the house we came up with like I think we came up with a pretty good idea to burn some time have some fun and just hang out father-son time mr. kid yeah it's pretty disgusting out guys it's like half sloshed blood half ice snow it's just weird but I'm here let me out manna and let me out there boots coat is this all you're wearing it's not that bad let's go we'll go fast don't really need a full jacket or two frozen they're melting look look at our yard dude it is nasty you should only get the four-wheeler I don't do some mud running pretty interesting idea today we've never done it in the vlogs and maybe it could work out Oh awesome dude we got a hotdog raft but this snows gone so let's get some lights on let's see what we got here cheesie's i mean i agree i think that uh i mean we have plenty we have here at the swamp horse in this cycles all we have we have tons of boxes always tons of boxes come on in Zeus come on in and I think for a nice indoor day this could provide a lot of entertainment for the kid so we get boxes from everywhere different companies send its different boxes so trying to match up the boxes to make the perfect box for it but for right okay why don't we take these inside you take the tape gun I'll get the boxes that's a deal just the time that we got them boxes flash ruk in just that amount of time you rob the toilet paper rack how do you do it so fast tape him to the wall cane tape the dog to the wall he's like I'm out of here I'll taking my favorite I'm gone this year for Christmas somebody's getting a new Husky how's that sound who wants a new husky imagine selling our dog like what it would be like oh great dog never gets into trouble okay so let's start off by just putting some of these together all right we're gonna tape them together make them together mount them together zip zip rip rip should we go this way always here's a fun fact for you I actually worked in the shipping department of the Rope factory for many many years so I have used one of these for years I used to take boxes all day long clothes on ship on FedEx UPS Freight that's all I did that's just a weird little fact a lot of people don't actually know that so what canes recording for me we're gonna start taping boxes together like this Jean and we're gonna build giant box tunnels through the house put this inside this the only way we can keep it from tipping is if we cut a hole out of the side and start building a tunnel this way that will help hey we need more boxes dude I know you're having fun just drilling the holes in that box but we got a fourth to build this is where we're at so far pretty cool actually I love it it's just goofy enough man we got to keep building it though what's up dudes oh yeah didn't take him long to find that they're tough dude food ice bowling oh well I wanted it much bigger by the time they got here but this is gross come on juice come here Zeus let me go get it in the box get your ball get your ball Zeus oh it's going he's going he's been hit he got go get his juice and the boss inside inside good boy he's in the ventilation come on boy oh that's funny Bogut is Zeus inside inside are you in there kid she's packing all the way out huh good boy Zeus where's your ball okay got a little distracted Dale can kids cam I think we're gonna head over to his house for a little bit and Kane I think we're gonna have to add to this I don't think we should take it down maybe wax it's in the outside and put it out oh and the snow would be awesome Oh snow for ya we put this outside right before it does snow and then you'll have snow tunnels say cheese I feel like I'm in one of the movies where they're crawling through the AC ducts huh okay okay I'm over the room all right I'm over the room we want me to do thank God I could we took a wrong turn somewhere yeah I feel like if none of us Melanie X's new flash I think I could sleep in here it's comfortable it is comfor it's quiet carpet the inside of it and a ps4 were sick dang is there some nice wheels bro no how's he holding up gonna head over Dale's he's doing something Hey all right now what are we working on here what's going on how was Christmas shopping did you get me that that Ferrari we talked about I just wanted to so the 110 scale Oh Power Wheels the power whiz Ferrari I've seen that actually a lot you guys are gonna believe me you think I'm being sarcastic because I am this is actually how we make our small more teachers women teach you right now hold on mister hold up I think that thanks permanent we got it we got forever so oh your iPad absolutely oh that's awesome you should do that's it we're done oh the Reds really back to the bike painting days you got it nice muted all right all right sorry gives me an original character little red okay I'll do a little blue all right what's that that's black that's silver oh that's cool do black right down the middle I just totally got it on the shirt yeah the blue blue I blew it okay I think what we're teaching you here is that you can boom on your own actually that's pretty cool I like that one we go heavy on the paint you drop glitter on the stencil dad let's try it we're just running some experiments here into my hat glitter hey who's seen my hat all dude you're a shoe an old shoe my shoe Brett give me your shoe you have a shoe I'll do my shoes yeah okay kind of dirty though Oh that'll be cool no it has potential though yeah we can do better we can refine I try to wipe this box it just wash it right now wet paper towel this stuff trying to say is right we can build it better yeah we can go better that's waterproof you can't even give them away this wide open we pack that open put in it yeah mom you're so smart dude I got the best mom in the whole world we gotta fix it we got to fix my shoes we gotta fix them that's good nice and light still nice and light don't get greedy don't get greedy okay that's enough 1 2 how we peel it or customed they're customized we don't blue on the other side that stinks dude you like them yeah and keep in mind that could be the bumper of your car the bumper your mom's car they hit the taro why don't drive that those you got so much glitter yet they get their hoo you got to get the hoop-dee-doo some might stick hold on dude bling bling 50 cent now house yeah I don't think you can hurt the shirt buddy looks cool alright here's me ready or Oh Atwood smiley dude do can write your name right there everybody's gonna sign it we're giving it away nice cane and see now I want the shirt see now I want the shirt I know now I don't want to give it yeah all right you got me you got cane you got dad Atwood you got Dale boom it's one of a kind you're not gonna find many things it's got the heart in the front but it's got the blood stain in the back super cool our crazy experiment turned into a pretty cool t-shirt I know a lot of you are probably laughing at it but uh you know there's a lot of blood sweat and tears that went into this you can even see the her image in the shirt I just went to the store check out this new outfit I picked out new pair of shoes new shirt hey last idea my car black smile on one cheek more on the other cheek with a big stripe around it some are more butt cheeks what do you mean why honey we gotta go we gotta leave why is the room silent maybe we gotta go what are you doing in here can you throwing gifts he's in Santa's sleigh flying through my gift self he's in the middle that's funny you're in the menu of the game it has been raining all day long the good news is not that cold the bad news is it is flooding our backyards water hits puddles not sure if we're gonna get that white Christmas that everybody dreams about having a winter storm winter storm warning there was like this huge fire in Tennessee a couple weeks ago so we're taking someone on donating tons of stuff socks and hats and deodorants and tylenols and gift cards and just look really just common things what are those hand soap it's a full truck we got a couple pack and plays for some kids and tons of clothes awesome no way flash did how did you get that on him oh he's the king of the house baby how do you even get it on there Oh bless you're gonna get yourself in trouble dude he's happy now how long has he been in that house that even happened like how's the dog just slip into the to the tree to the crown you're crazy dog you we love you guys so much thanks for hanging out with us today I don't even know what I filmed between me and Kane and going on my brother's really blurry thank you for hanging out either way the streak continues this is number 17 in a row we will see you tomorrow you are beautiful keep your head up know that you can do whatever it is you want to do I hope you have a wonderful Christmas enjoy the holidays I hope you're getting out of school and school's out for a couple weeks use it wisely it's gonna go fast before you know it you'll be like I can't believe Christmas break is over and I didn't do anything get up do something fun guys do something you want to do accomplish something and feel good when you got to go back to school and you got to go back to work feel accomplished I love you guys thank you for being here that's all I got you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile off you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,558,708
Rating: 4.9587932 out of 5
Keywords: ohio, Natural Born Pranksters, noah, family-friendly, vlogs, cardboard, kid-friendly, family vlogs, kane, roman soldiers, family friendly, vlogger, best pranks, family fun, parents, curt, sue, shirt, youtube pranks, smile more, noah atwood, kid friendly, britt, kids, Roman Atwood, pranks, daily, girlfriend, daily vlogs 2016, box fort, kane atwood, Atwood, everyday, boxes, brittney, roman vlogs, roman atwood vlogs, atwood vlogs, merch, Roman, roman atwoods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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