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so welcome back guys and thank you so much for the little break that you gave us it was so needed we have so much fun it was so much more than just us being together without a camera it was a reset it was like I'm a mind reset I'm back I'm here for good I'm ready to restart and start fresh here at our little house here in Ohio let's start off with things that have changed since we last vlog okay that's one thing show them show them we had a blowout one of our rubber bands blew out in the pinball machine right there parts come tomorrow so she's gonna be running soon it's back here see one of our rubber bands blew out a couple new corals in the fish tank one here big elegans coral down there in that hole this guy's new but I don't remember the name of it a couple new baby clams although I think these were in the tank last time we've logged I said anything else change and no it was like snow that's right more snow not much our building is so close to being finished look at it let's go see mommy come on take me lead me cane I need to come to cane cane the whole point was me coming with you and can get more ornery while we got oh you're gonna let me oh it's lunch break that's perfect who's ready for the new building uh I kinda want lunch break Brittany has been living in the smart store with all the girls yet or is it what you think for like three days three days two and a half speaking of hair I gotta go right now and get this fixed if you guys missed the last vlog of the tour fousey cut my hair onstage shown the back is I think back is really important you see that the thick patches um yeah you do oh right here anywhere my hair is trash so I'm not to go get that fixed up you wanna go get your hair cut with me looks like a little marine boy I'll be right back I love ya Wow sorry hello Manny that man of you is it you this building blows my mind maybe one day maybe one day I'll be building something like that I have no idea what for I have nothing you gotta start somewhere Wow guys it feels so good to be back you have no idea I know I may have felt like I was letting a lot of you guys down I know you expect my get it I know you expect a daily vlog every day I really understand it I see the dislikes and I get it trust me but there comes a time where I've been gone and I come home and I see my kids and I can tell that I need to zone out with my boys for a little bit so as much as if you may have hated it a couple days a few days it put us in such a better mental state we are ready to come back so strong something I have to do as a father as a family man guys don't forget my family is everything everything I do is for two reasons Noah came I guess I should throw in Brittany in there and all of my favorite for my family so it's you guys you guys get it yo what's up dude I got some like really bad news no I I just got a call from the management there's no way I can do the tour the world tour from mills and collective why they just said it's gonna interfere with the movie stuff that I have to be on I guess after the three-week tour they just said it's gonna inter interfere like we have to either bump it way back to next year or I can't do it yeah so when are we gonna announce them well I just got off the phone with them they said there's no way it's gonna happen Mike Mike yeah I'm gonna come see a everything cuz laughs let's go to the village he didn't now which would you be mad if I couldn't do it you'd be upset you know you know why what you know why I woke you up like this because I'm getting ready to walk in my Barbara right now and get my hair fix that you cut he promised me it would be good dude is smoking some crack John's got fixed it up right and what can you do can you save me should I gonna for these other guys make it look new Tracy's if I make it look like Traci's down there on the end just like his out of a fix-it the bald guy yeah all right let's see what you can do man I'm gonna pray all right man so we're coming to Columbus for the tour we need to plan some revenge were thinking a little waxing of an eyebrows all right man I think you all right pretty interesting text from Brittany just now uh ugh grandma hit Brittany's car and broke mirrors on both cars so I'm guessing she backed and clipped both the mirrors awesome grandma mama but Brittany's one of the girls that works at the smart store so dang anyways headed home we have an appointment downtown that Brittany and I have to go to I don't know if we're gonna make it though I'm super late today you know what Brittany and I did during three days we watched three movies like that is so hard for us to do is to watch a movie together we watched three movies is awesome another sounds so doc what it was really nice guys that's not so bad a little duct tape will fix that oh he's gonna eat me hey hey what's up guys nice drivin mom ah I told you not to drift around that corner you can't drift what happened trying to get that girl's mirror and my mirror I'm super late for a phone call I have to be on a phone call right now when it rains it pours that's that's what you're getting at this is the other part of my life sitting on phone calls for hours with the release of my movie coming out there's so many phone calls and things that I literally sit on the phone so I have a really important call I have to take right now I forgot about it yeah huh so in the vlogger world phone calls can be your enemy because you can't vlog you're stuck on there's nothing you can do I hate phone cause she knows even she calls me I'm like all right I gotta go I'm coming I'm not a phone call guy anyways first started dating you would spend hours because I was excited you know like that rich excitement like I I just dug myself a hole should we open it this is something pretty cool maybe I actually don't know if it's gonna be cool enough a lot of you guys been waiting on this for a long time so let's see these are samples yeah here's the first one that's pretty good they all the same don't sing Oh cuz some sometimes as black okay this is why these hats are so unique because no two patterns is the same so every single hat is different right well I think he's just showing us what the logo would look like which is really awesome hey there boy you won't go hon the whole challenge on these hats has been our logo we have a we have a lengthy logo it's not like a vertical logo fits better square logo but ours is long so nobody's been able to actually print the smile more logo the way we want it so this hat is not necessarily that we're selling but it's showing us the size of the logo can fit on the Hat so I guess the real question is what do you guys think obviously the hats can change the bills can be flat these can be solid they can be button in the back that can not be we can have a variety that but the actual logo itself feels right anyways because of that phone call with Lionsgate I missed my meeting downtown Columbus that Brittany and I had to go to so we canceled that so it looks like we're home Britney just threw some meat on oh it's a plug of meat is that one burger another phone call sorry okay all right two phone calls down I think we're good for the night and our plans have totally changed looks like we're in some play-doh ha perfect Britney made some tacos look at this bowl oh man so we eat and figure out what think we're doing tonight it's kind of just I turned into a hey I'm a perfect did you guys know last week the week before I was on tour and a lot of you guys brought me things on tour that I couldn't bring back because we were on a bus we were on a plane I just couldn't travel with it so it's all been shipped to me today or at least three boxes of it was shipped today so I'm gonna bring it in and let the kids rip it open and see what's in there do you want to do it yeah do you want to do it push it in there this is uh I hope it's not full lamps okay so I don't know if war is coming or not but this is the stuff that you guys brought me while I was on tour like gifts on tour it's so crazy that you guys brought me stuff so this is this is it you want to open it obviously somebody brought that from Seattle let's to Seattle Seahawks what you got oh you open the swedish fish did you huh who wants to bet there's something here for Zeus Zeus what is it how'd you know you want to open up for him Zeus he knows he's so happy he's so happy do you guys rock just about everything for us look at this a small more marshmallow gun check that out open that up if it straight from Portland we got clothes from all the states we visited there's more spring what is this the planet mean look at all these sprinkles that's coming up easter is coming up what is this planet Oh ice pineapple yeah you guys know we collect magnets in the game do some open on remember what it does you can unvarying look at this dog in there for him he knows so I think it's safe to say you guys are beyond generous this was just stuff and there is more oh there's another box right there oh my gosh that's really cool that is cool Oh somebody get you that yeah I'm so pretty I think it's safe to say we'll be going through this for a little while there's a bunch of letters so we have the best viewers in the whole world or what cane is that a pet rock I'm actually really surprised you guys didn't get me any sprinkles that I've already had I know what's up what up boy get back here it's a little low it's scary - Hulk mom Hulk Hogan Huck momen you got this you taking you smuggling silly-string boy you smuggling when the Dudesons came I slept with silly string I stole this just in case for balls multi-ball alright honey go ahead and sort this out you know what goes where I'll be in the bathtub literally you said it when it was for one no no people get her off me peel her legs they're asking if they want some candy it's the best candy you guys want candy it's the best everybody put your counter faces on everybody smile I'm about to film so everyone has to be happy everybody everybody come on you have to be the out words they know what's up everybody say hello to my beautiful family my family is psycho if you do that in a car with your family it just goes from this little crumb to a really dynamic really cool salad yeah oh it sounded cool it's really cool in the car does this too now you have to chew it no just putting it in your mouth chew it up all right three two one - you held it together for a long time that bad all right well the girls build Legos I got something for the kids come on everybody follow me you may or may not have ever seen me do this it's a lot of fun in case you're new to the channel this is our ball pit room it gets her out of the church room don't be so modest I know you want to get in there I do want to get in all right let me show you do this sublet baby that's it all right we're taking it down a notch on tour somebody sent me or gave me on toward this this 3d puzzle that me and my dad and brother just built of the Golden Gate Bridge but it looks different than when I've seen it so we're gonna try to show you guys actually what they're gonna get rich looks like that's know you can't see their tops unless you fly up to a plane a little bit there for a second check out the Golden Gate Bridge that's where I was standing right here it was like I should actually come with the model cotton balls that is more realistic when that fog rolls in it rolls in the bridge has been taken over by Star Wars and zombies hold on Superman Scott and Superman's ears this is my bridge now where's the Joker when you need him I don't know is that you farting over here oh all right everybody's packing up a working into the night families leaving goodbye I must have missed something guess what it's too late we've lost them we lost my mom good love you all right that's totally bedtime there we go hello yes there's no you ready for bed yeah that looks so funny your head just appears out of nowhere oh so this is where all my silly string went I don't trust you sleep great buddy I love you you're the best we have here he's asleep let me see guys thank you so much for joining my little Atwood family today we had a good time hanging out together this is really weird I haven't been on this thing for me Oh forever thank you guys so much for hanging out with us today it feels so good to be back vlogging is just getting started I'm not stopping baby I hope that you're not one of them guys it's like man I can't wait till Roman stops vlogging because if you are I've got bad news for you we love you guys so much thanks again for sticking around and for all the love that likes everything that you guys do for us is unbelievable and I'm not sure how I'll ever repay you but I will say this you are awesome you're one of a kind don't let nobody tell you you can't do something that you want to do if as I'm telling you right now you can you are incredibly powerful you are incredibly special people love you people want to be you your greatest enemy is you you're the only one stopping you from doing what you want to do so no excuses let's get up let's do it I love you guys thanks again I'm back I'm here to stay I love you a beautiful smile more what the back no had like a hand wave and the toilet seat rotates yeah you see I connected here coming out to see you uh
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,469,908
Rating: 4.9324217 out of 5
Keywords: ohio, daily vlogs 2016, Natural Born Pranksters, Roman Atwoods, noah atwood, family-friendly, vlogs, roman vlogs, family fun, best pranks, brittney, vlogger, family friendly, The atwood house, roman soldiers, Roman Atwood, family vlogs, vlogging, kane atwood, atwood vlogs, kid friendly, pranks, Natural born pranksters, youtube pranks, kid-friendly, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, Roman, family
Id: fBaJq8PG-KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2016
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