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what's up my friends it is a good freakin day you know why it's a good day as you woke up this morning and you're watching this blog and what do you know what I won't know what I'm going through this is yesterday's this is me right now trying to get ready to go it's been like this for two hours two hours 0% processing it just won't go up so that being said you may notice that yesterday's vlog went up really late or maybe not at all I have no idea what's gonna go up but no it's a good day you're up you're sitting in join YouTube videos maybe mine maybe others regardless good day a smile oh man so today Brittany and I are going on a little date night day slash hang out without baby canners hurricane anybody huh nobody's going with you just UUM Brittany yeah that's dangerous that's dangerous dangerous night okay and make this video go up buddy leading peel and jelly how did I guess you'd beat that Hey what do you want oh you want me all right so to most of you and most people a night out together is just another day you know if you're young you don't have kids or you're you know you're just in a relationship without kids it's not a big deal but to us it's a little more special you know to get a few hours away it means a lot because you don't always get to do it so what do we do in college we got to find a new cut what we've been looking for since before we went to LA we were looking for new couches we never found one and we're going to Todd's - got a new shipment of fish in us we're going there to kind of put our fish on home so much excitement so much excitement but it's still fun and it's beautiful out and Britney's never been in the GTO other than the test drive before I actually got them far so she hasn't even got the launch so we're gonna have to find a back road and launches maybe for you man okay so just got to Todd's reef sis reef systems and this place is one of my favorite spots I've been coming here since I couldn't afford a piece of portal I literally would take my paychecks and spend it here back a long time ago maybe get on my mind yeah yeah I come in here a long time but today it's kind of special because he got all his fish in and and you think fish aren't really a big deal you can get fish anywhere but when you get into a tank that you really care about you really love it's really important to get healthy fish Pete quarantines them and make sure they're perfect before he ever puts them in your tank so I promise you guys if you have a saltwater tank and you want fish don't hesitate call come here is this is where your fish are safe you're going to get a fish that's not disease you're going to kill all the fish in your tank so it's really important look at these guys got cool those are a Chon laughing yeah and its pines that come up are actually venomous what happens in that thing stabs you I probably will get like a rash or something so it's not that bad some people they may have to the hospital everybody has a different learning Brad does he come with the antivenom anyone I'm good you're gonna want one but going to the neck yeah you just pee on it yeah doing it a focus on any circle come on baby come on but there it is he would never see him in our tank but he's so bad maybe in our smile more office you can come build a tank like this ya know I've always wanted to take I can swim in look how pretty that is all right guys we're out of the cool farm and we're looking for something to eat we're up at Polaris haven't been up here for a long time well then you said barbecue sounds you well I'm like zoomed in you I'm driving zooming filming where's it at great day oh nice I'm sorry but I gotta be that guy that parks his car in the corner what that's GTR parking she I don't know man but people gain your freaking cars I don't care what kind of car you have they will date on purpose I swear they do you know it is in LA every nice car has dings all of the sauce parking er is like twice as small in LA yeah we do a bigger parking spots but still I'm not it's not a diaper we decide on smokey buns haven't been here since we got back to Ohio I've never seen one in LA spinach but you I got water tonight because I'm obviously driving but Britney got something really interesting is this um pop star it's got back what's it talking here him roll their cherry I can hear it make it whoa what happens when you drag it what happens when you drink it hello it's o'mine throw turn to everything I say in sexually like you live in soon whoa that you tooth just broke you're like big pop rocks like yeah they're awesome imagine all the employees with pop rocks at their disposal reach oh my gosh you can just set these things all day you throw them in people's eyes happens if you put a pop rock in your eye yeah this wasn't a liquid make it pop all right I hate to do this to you guys but a little bit of food vlog here Britt with the ribs I didn't get ribs they got these um smoked dry rub barbecue wings in there that really would actually get me in here this is why I come in the soft pretzel yeah can't believe she's just waiting outside and the cold all by herself whoa let me get that door for you whoo oh hi oh come on baby oh that's cold man it's cold I'm not dressed for this 2 2 2 2 1 is for babies but it's supposed to be 70 tomorrow it's like really cold right now so to me big weather change for us this place looks closed it doesn't look very lively because it's a furniture store how excited could it be but if it was a club furniture store like for clubs so we've looked at this couch a dozen times it's actually the same one my brother has that big one in his isn't is blue yeah it's unbelievable oh yeah but here's the problem I have a little bit of OCD and you can draw on it do you know how many times I would be going around the house one like this making sure that it looks perfect let's get it wrapped in I've got nothing no it's the bomb like it's nice we're at home you see the thing about furnitures are so many options it's like walking into a candy store and trying to pick one piece of candy it's all really expensive I like these trees I would totally put bamboo trees in our only if we have a real koala banner living above the couch okay that's a nice couch another problem is all these cushions come off and all these pillows come off so you know the kids just turn that into a battlefield instantly look at this this looks nice imagine playing board games on that no that's what the tables this would look good in the living room that's nice okay we pick the couch and they're gonna deliver it Thursday which works really good because we leave Saturday for vacation and when we get back we have our big Easter party with all our family so getting everything in line it's gonna be great then they'll be good people okay so are we going home yeah we got to nice touch it yeah that would be why are you laughing I had a great time I thought it was fantastic I had a great time till we looked at we got fish we got a couch that's it that's all we did we ate stop it got take the unites right in here what are you talking about we've been driving for an hour we got to do the lunch try me we'll find a road on the way home okay start going to do jumps out oh my god don't even say that you imagine just antlers stuck in the front of us it's just a car please you're okay I'm fine someone wants to race my little red wagon my videos gonna flag Miranda Lambert it's gonna shoot me yeah if you just film Yuri is okay hey with the light on yeah I'm gonna hold this camera okay ready okay ready No how's that okay no tears no deer no deer we're safe mister we stopped and got you milk man are you happy oh yeah Oh heavy what's with your jammies did they turn pink they turn pink they turned pink so we're back home my mom actually ended up coming over she just left and she actually came over and watched King weren't you just wearing something else yeah his pink oh yeah he is pink Kevin used to be white and quite frankly cuz you've drawn out of him it was he would literally make me wash in during the day so we could wear him that I know he loved them but I came home to some really cool things so for Christmas my manager got me a gift card for Nike Johnny ho hey hey don't make me kick you through the wall so he got me a gift card to Nike so I could design my own shoes well they finally came it takes a lot fun together but hey I won't kick you through the walls just kidding but seriously anyway yeah for Christmas you got me a gift card for Nike and you can design your own shoes there but it makes them take a while but here they are designed these myself some airmax they're just black and red I think they're pretty sick you like them you want to wear out you can put them on your feet yeah okay come here let's do it yeah come here they may not fit you but I want you to test them out yeah okay okay this foot yeah that fits pretty good here yeah you're getting so big I think they fit okay they're big they're daddy's do the cane dance people been wanting one what they want to know how to do it maybe you can teach them this it yeah that's the cane dance yeah I thought you just put more hip into it have you changing it it's it's turning into there's there's many different hand dances so I know you guys probably just learn the last one now you got to learn another do that do the new one with the stomach that you've been doing that's it so you got this one all right and then the stomach do both I love you did you make my whole day okay so the next thing I came home to is really crazy and I want to credit the right company hey I want to give credit to the right company for this I'm not sure who actually sent it the address is Microsoft's shipping department so I don't know if this came straight from Microsoft or another company just drop shipped it from Microsoft so if I find out who actually sent me this I will give you a big shout out because this is unbelievable it's a brand new Xbox one which I'm assuming that they'd seen that I want to do some video games and they sent me this so the address is from Microsoft itself I don't know if it's from Microsoft or if it's from a company or somebody to send it from Microsoft so I apologize for that if I find out who sent me this I'm going to give you a shout-out in the vlogs this is unbelievable so thank you it's brand-new it's really crazy man I mean it's still sealed and everything it's probably big prank inside what if there's no Xbox actually in there Kane what if it's a bunch of poop yeah don't think it's poop I hope not just got this Xbox in the mail hey can you talk can you tell me who it's Rick can you tell me who it's from yeah just find out exactly I just want to make sure that whoever sent this gets products this is this is very big gift kids like everything that aren't toys when you have your own kids you're going to realize that you can buy them toys and that's not what they're going to play with what they really play with the things that aren't toys what came he's just sitting in this drawer yeah little used to play like with the pots and pans yeah yeah right so yeah Microsoft themselves sent me the Xbox that's crazy but you know that's that's marketing nowadays it's smart hey listen youtubers they have an audience our product it doesn't cost them anything to do that I think it's genius alright guys I ran down to the smile Moore store to tell you that I've officially launched the camo smile more t-shirts um this is a one-time run this isn't a permanent run like our typical t-shirts but I think these are cool the only issue is they got misprinted they're still the same they still six mom whether the actual logo and everything is fawn but they're shiny the smile more shiny it looks weird on camera it actually looks cool but I wanted it flat black I wanted smile more to match the t-shirt like this so just barely be able to see it but it's a little shiny that being said we've got about 500 of these t-shirts different numbers in every sizes but I'm gonna I'm going to sell these cheaper because I'm not 100% happy with them so if you want one they're on the website right now and they're at a discounted price I just I'm just going to get rid of them I'm sure you guys you know enough of you guys will like them that we will sell out and I can get the original flat black like I wanted but I'm not going to order them until we sell these so if you want and go get one if not you know it's cool I'm going I'm going to get the flat black order so maybe you guys are like those better look good if I put it the dryer it's a little little stiff right now yes these are pretty these are pretty cool they're different like I said I keep saying they're different they're not our typical red blue and black you know t-shirts that we typically carry um see if you want to get one grab one if you don't don't have to work never stops homemade photos for the website right here in the living room I love it so you get work done really you like it you dig it you digging it if I don't blow some breakers honestly since this is like a one-time order I'll probably won't even cut the background out I'll probably just use that wall with the outlets in there and everything let's just put it on the website and and for the ladies we haven't forgot about you we have the new is pink be nice I know everyone's been waiting on these they're the same as the grand black ones but they're pink maybe even guys one I don't know nowadays anybody could want any color they say look good I can't let it look in there yeah use the TV geez this place is all red okay I'm gonna switch over to photo mode I'm literally doing the photos on the blog camera sure just realized she's wearing like a tank top wearing a beanie kind of like doesn't really go together she's gonna put on a my gosh okay no talk hoodie jacket whatever take my winter clothes off a couple a couple pictures and I will just start to begin working on this stuff so if you guys go to the website well by the time you see it the beanies and the camo shirt should be right here or yeah we'll just put them on specials alright guys so that's pretty much going to I got my work cut out for me tonight it's already midnight actually it's 12:06 and you get all the stuff on the website so that by the time you guys go there it's up and ready um have a great day anything anything else from you little girl no thanks for taking me on a date heck yeah it was awesome it was the bomb calm it was a very meaning yes I'm so excited for her couch yeah we did did I tell him in the boy we fit we got house I think you did we got the couch yeah it'll be here in two days it'll be here Thursday so of course you guys will see you come this one's getting retired it's going to Britney's mom's you know what the funny thing is about this couch it looks good on camera like when I show it I'm like we don't need a new couch but it actually is really old and it has a main stains it's a little bit stinky it's pretty stinky but I mean it's still a good couch it's going to her mom's house her mom takes everything the dog nataly's uses and Bobo's couch yeah it'll turn into their bed but anyway we're gonna call it a night guys thanks for all the love and likes on the longer vlogs I'm trying to film more for you guys and more for us for in the future when we watch these we want to see more of what we did that day so it's a win-win for both of us that being said I'm gonna start crushing this out did you have eggs story oh no no Kane claims that Malmo stole all the eggs off the tree and took him to her house I asked him where the eggs are so we'll have to call mall tomorrow and see if she really took the a yeah they're all gone we love you guys thanks for all the support again and we'll see you tomorrow that's it it's all I got you smile on your face you're awesome smile oh you like it ma for you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,568,508
Rating: 4.9480715 out of 5
Keywords: prankster, Natural, prank, Born, day, vlogger, THE, BEST, vlogging, family vlogs, craziest, Prankster, crazy, atwood, ohio, LA, kid-friendly, new, pranking, kid friendly, movie, vlogs, RomanAtwood, smile, roman, family-friendly, family friendly, Romans, daily, family fun, pranks, making, roman atwood vlogs, more, vlog, GREATEST, columbus, everyday
Id: a_guZaV9DN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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