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guys welcome to the vlog years when you try this again oh it's Barbie Barbie yeah we were try for round two today first of all welcome to the vlog guys hope you're having an awesome day we are trying round two to get Barbies we've been pretty much dodging rain all day it's pretty cool though I had the RFC truck I should have filmed it but we were like hydroplaning across the puddles in the driveway I brought my cast in full green today you guys like the green yeah this place is like completely packed come happy noise here I don't what's it say on the door closed for cleaning no are you kidding me to closed again I don't myself nose mouth car for this you really own the park in the handicap spot yeah I'm not in it am I on the line I'm pretty sure you're in it you're definitely over the line baby you've crossed the line today no help no help from dad no more I miss helping you little man that's better right there now mama could Park here if she came you know thanks cuz your leg what's been doing this insane work I'm at the caption at the vlog I have a cleaner all the girls from smile more store all they all get together every morning like a crazy pack of females in the driveway and they do these crazy workouts yeah we have a really intense pair of shoes she said I said we're gonna hate you by the Indus she said hey me now love me later good one but now I can barely like barely walk don't try and catch me why imagine living like in a place where those are in your backyard y'all fat cat can't oh man oh drop bag of meat throw it in line I just kick you down and run hmm oh I got pink ones red that's pretty awesome well these are excessive crossbows oh that's too nice right blow in air like oh yeah yeah those are like to kill a deer Oh what are we doing with him oh I'm kidding first shot okay well that's good for Caine I think we should go a little one up like these are cool Noah you got to get a Hawkeye suit though you're only allowed to shoot it in a Hawkeye suit see back for more info yeah I gotta get a backhaul stir I won't be like Robin Hood okay all right you get a picture but you gotta help us with bow and arrows cuz we don't know what we're buying is this like cool for him could he shoot that why do they like the it we just these are the single yeah you only pull this one okay in case you guys don't know we know nothing about shooting bows and arrows but when I went to London we stopped at a girl's house and she let me shoot her bow and I thought it would be really fun for my family to do so hey nice to meet you man you were serious about hunting oh my gosh you took it right off anyway I could make a cane you want that target yes yeah no when you're done you can mount the head in the small more store oh wait I can do with this yeah you know if you're in Ian's hey thanks man this is so goofy huh tip of this one do our regular target okay so we looked at all the normal target oh now you gonna mount it now I know you should wear this oh geez I'm so terrible guys you haven't found the Barbies yet you guys need any help I got this extra hand up in the bathroom for one minute jello man we lucked out hopefully the rain stays away it's like little clouds and it's beautiful you know my keen Ted we're not hunting why cuz there was this dinosaurs like you're going deer hunting boy yeah like real old man really raspy voice he's like coming from a guy that literally has a hard problem killing a fly like I can't kill anything I could never hunt I'm the guy that cannot shoot it I could never ever shoot a deer I would feel bad if I accidentally hit my idea with a car like I would feel so guilty so bad I know a lot of you guys hunt like it's it's it's part of what we do I just have never been able to do it I cannot kill animals never tell my dad deer hunts like like every year yeah I love it so he would always take us kids not until I got older my stepmom had told me she like every time he has taken one of you she said I don't care if the biggest buck runs in front of you you are not allowed to shoot a deer in front of this kid mother Monica product I'm not a killer was with your parking today you're in the bush girl somebody's gonna need a park in our little tiny driveway I tried a little tiny driveway well the trash man comes and he's just like that person house smooth when you're really not in my way but you're gonna there's my boy what's up what's up you really need help hey I can't get out you look like you're a hundred years old trying to get in that door you're crazy did you even see the name of this bo flash huh all right so you're gonna get dinner ready tacos tip-top she's good oh it's Wednesday can I talk over do this talk is about it completely I don't have time to prepare that's what tacos me tacos no time no time tacos all right man the boys gonna set up this reindeer Rudolph oh we put like a red nose on him I don't know I did yeah we go on hon well I'm so excited about this I think it's just me my boys my girl with a bow flash come here how we build this guy I think he just slides right on shoo this has been broken since he took it down oh I think I'll still stay it'll still stay just be careful I feel like it's is gonna fall over these bigger stakes yours kick yours came with two arrows awesome so the legs are just terrible we had to put it in a brick down here and then I don't know if it's even gonna stay up whoo you ready Hawkeye wait in the palette are you hyung are you really that hungry huh huh look at him he said I wasn't doing anything I was I wasn't come on come on hair oh you hit him in the head a little you got a little look at this dude I love this one this is cool oh oh in the neck up more shoot oh this is single most hardest shot ever done ever never been done oh no is back got it you got this keep it on the black part there you go there you go all the way back up holy cow alright we're gonna eat a little bit of Britney's famous tacos John's here with somebody we are um and then I have a good idea it's probably a bad idea but that's most of my ideas we're going to take and I'm just gonna let's just continue let's just continue softer hearts softer heart oh that's a good idea come on do that you've just inspired a masterpiece so in the movies you always see flaming arrows like in the movies they shoot the arrows catches the little catches the little like village on fire Sue's what are you doing huh way too much gasps oh my gosh are you drinking this oh my gosh yes I could see gasoline carrot but don't shake me don't you don't [ __ ] you like gravimon trying to rip it out alright alright I don't the best way to do this is cuz I've never done it with wills oral I'm gonna sacrifice a sock Oh having burlap is small you should at least got one with a hole in it what do you mean like a hole already in the toe oh well I thought they were I thought they're really old he had the straightest face forever ladies and gentlemen don't try this at home let me do it for you that's what an Alaia shrine in my eye I think and I just dip it let in light it kill someone hard it smell I like it while you shoot it I'll shoot it oh I was gonna say oh it's awesome ok ready ready oh it's where did it go way out there I just stops flaming here as soon as the way as soon as the wind hit it was gone I thought I got [ __ ] phone so yesterday I told you guys I was going live on my Kickstarter page because there is a crazy amount of confusion about our new game coming out so I'm going live to help understand what we're doing with the game and I guess we're gonna shoot some arrows live on the livestream it's gonna be funny they're not gonna expect this oh that's a good one something awesome yeah yeah I am currently live-streaming on my Kickstarter page we've got thousands and thousands of you guys I'm going to show the comments section rolling through jade has just become an owner of the game thank you so much jade JC has just became an owner of this game you guys are buying the game live as we speak this is so fun I came out here to clarify there's so many questions going on about this game right now and I just didn't do a good job in yesterday's vlog explaining why we put this game on Kickstarter why is it cost so much why are we funding your game Roman you have plenty of money why don't you pay for your own game I'm here to help clarify that on the livestream I want to clarify it for you guys too right after I'm done with the livestream Seir Poteau heads your proto head you are now an owner of the game thank you guys so much this is amazing Sammy you are now an owner in the game this is so fun so as soon as I'm done with my livestream I'm gonna come on and help you guys understand why this is so fun on Kickstarter and and what everything means oh my gosh guys so I was completely fun like I did feel like some sinus pressure even yesterday but like I got a sneeze uh I was completely like okay and then I started the stream I did like an hour-long livestream and I actually stopped the stream I was crashing so hard I'm going to finish this vlog in the morning I'm gonna go to sleep and uh flash flash look good you just want my marker yes not autograph for me we signed something called me flash but I'm gonna take some really old cold and sinus that I took on tour with me and never opened Britney won't let me she's like don't take it oh but I can't breathe I will see you guys a little like one second and we're back guys what's up I feel like crap I don't feel as bad as I did last night I feel a little better but you can hear I am completely stuffed up I am on here right now I have to I have to come on here and clarify so many things about my new game that I released yesterday there's so much confusion and I'm gonna take all the blame for that I spent the entire vlog yesterday explaining to you guys how fun the game would be for your family and I really didn't get into the details of the actual game so forgive me for that I'm gonna take all the heat for it I do want to take literally a minute to help you guys understand what we're doing and I want to start with the most common question actually I got this from all angles man and I hear you guys loud and clear I hear so many people the first thing was Roman either like how dare you ask us to fund your game or Roman how do you expect us to fund your game you make so much money why are you asking us to fund your game guys I wish I would have clarified you are not funding this game guys you are actually just buying a copy of the game I don't know what the actual confusion is whether it's because I did it on Kickstarter and Kickstarter is known for funding things guys you're not funding the game I promise you you're actually buying the game like when you bought the game yesterday it's yours and you're getting more stuff I want to actually apologize for making that so confusing trust me I felt like crap yesterday reading them comments guys you're not funding the game yes there was a goal of $50,000 that we had to reach but we know we're gonna reach that that's not even close to funding this game I personally out of pocket have way more than $50,000 already in this game so I promise you you're not fun in the game guys you're actually just buying a copy of the game I'm truly sorry for everybody that was confused about that and I saw a lot of other youtubers like why would we fund your game guys you're not fun in the game let's move on the next obvious comment that I got all day yesterday is this game is so expensive yes the game is expensive the shipping on this game is very expensive when I didn't tell you guys is that shipping his inside that price when you see fifty five dollars for the game we've already put the shipping in there and that was bad on my part we shouldn't included the shipping the price should have been lower on the game it would have been way less confusion about that and once again apologize for that also I really truly thought in my head that everybody really understood how kick started working Kickstarter's a fun place to release things for many reasons let's say let's say you bought the game for $55 guys throughout the 30 days of Kickstarter that's how Kickstarter works you have 30 days for your project while your game is up for 30 days we constantly add new things to the game let's say you spent 55 dollars on the game you never spend another dollar in everything we add in them 30 days you also get that's why we did it on Kickstarter we wanted to develop a game that grows within 30 days and everything that you've let's say you bought the game today and in 28 days we've added five new things to the game you also get all those new things for no extra cost so I was so friggin excited to release this game and I talked about how fun it was for your family and I just didn't go over those details guys you're not funding the game I promise you that we have way more in this game than the $50,000 we start with and that's how Kickstarter works you have goals and that's that's just what it is I it is what it is and I think people were confused because originally and you still can't on Kickstarter have things fully funded we're not asking you to fund the game 50 thousand was our goal fifty thousand is incredibly far from funding this game so thank you guys for everybody that understood it and I apologize for everybody that didn't understand it lack on my part of explaining that we have now right now if you go to the Kickstarter page toppling in the description we have added super cheap versions of this game you don't get all the the stuff that the other ones have but you still get the game the catapult blocks so that's it guys I hope I have helped clarify a little bit I really just wanted to release a game yes I could have released this game on the smile Moore store just as easily but then there would've been upgrades that you get you would have just bought the game and that's it Kickstarter offers 30 days worth of upgrades so as you upgrade you get those upgrades so the game becomes a lot more than what you see right now and I promise you it's going to be cool it's gonna be fun please please if you're interested in this game at all please go to the page again we've we've redone it we've added a lot of cheaper alternatives to the game so you can get the game a lot cheaper now like 25 bucks everybody every single person that bought the game yesterday I will be signing every single box as an apology on my behalf I just didn't explain this well and you guys still supported this so I'm gonna I know it's not a lot but I am going to personally sign every single box of this game from yesterday thank you guys for being here if you're not interested in the game that is completely fine if you went to the site yesterday and you were just I can't afford this there is now cheaper versions of the game so please click the link it's my Kickstarter page go check it out and again enjoy this man I'm not trying to steal money from you guys people are like how dare you take advantage of us guys it was it was just bad it was bad on my part it was a bad explanation on my part guys I apologize for that so guys thank you from the bottom of my heart for just being here whether you like the game or not thank you for just being a part of these vlogs man we have had such a good time doing this I hope I have helped clarify so many things for you guys go to the page if you missed out yesterday and you just truly wanted the game and it was too expensive I have added two awesome new sets for the game that is way cheaper a lot cheaper I want you and your family to play this game man so bad I want to see it I love you guys either way no matter what thank you we will see you tomorrow please come over to my Kickstarter page right now stop the vlog click on it get you one of these games man I made cheaper versions for you guys and everybody that bought yesterday I'm signing your box thank you I love you we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,438,796
Rating: 4.9064474 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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