OTH 2021 Saturday, 7:00PM

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] opening the heavens begins in 10 nine eight seven six five four three two one how many of you are ready to worship the lord [Music] how many of you believe that god is moving in on this right now i like what mario marillo said it's our turn now look at your neighbor and say it's our turn now it's not somebody else's turn it's our turn all right now how many of you tuned into the lord of hosts online wave your hand at me okay how many of you come to lord of hosts every sunday in person all right so if you tune in on a regular basis you'll know this song if this is the first time that you've come you're gonna learn a new song and you know you can't get it out there because we wrote this one but i'm going to give you a little preference preface to this in numbers chapter 23 the king of moab the moabitess bala came to balaam and he said you know there's these people that came up out of the land of egypt how many of you come out of some captivity tonight and he says i want you to go out there and curse those people because we don't want them taking over our land right and see the moabites were a wicked heathen evil people and they didn't want the rule of god in their land kind of sounds familiar right so balaam he takes him to all these places and balaam goes up and he's comes back to the king i can't curse the people of god the king's like why not he said because the shout of the king is in their midst how many of you have the shout tonight come on let's worship him [Music] [Music] the lord of hosts here with us [Music] [Music] [Music] do you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] praise is oh you gotta move a little bit [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is give him some kind of wild praise [Music] tonight foreign [Music] victory [Music] there is is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus the lamb of god [Music] [Music] i march into battle no doubt in my mind your heart is with me and victory is mine i'll dance in the shadow of miami because god is my champion and he fights for me [Music] cause you're stronger [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you cannot say [Music] [Music] you gotta move a little bit on this song we don't fear anything because god's on our side amen we're going to declare to the devil i'm not afraid i'm not afraid i'm not afraid [Music] till every time [Music] there is [Music] you're stronger [Music] all right anthony come up here [Music] if you got any rhythm at all i can't dance like that sorry [Music] all right let's do it again i'm not afraid i'm not afraid [Music] i'm afraid [Music] [Music] you cannot say [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] we're not afraid [Music] [Music] get out of my house i'm not afraid no no no i'm not afraid i'm gonna tell every time just get out of my way get out of my way cause god is on the moon so you gotta move out of my way my god is big my god is [Music] magnificent [Music] you are big enough [Music] we ten thousand [Music] like mountains falling down [Music] [Music] like a [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] i in the presence of [Music] [Music] come on do you see him coming here [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] right now i want you to see our god is raising the standards [Music] [Music] falling down [Music] [Music] to pray in your oh language [Music] of your greatness [Music] [Music] let there be from the heart of the nation oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i hear the sound of the lights [Music] [Music] [Music] coming is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] there is coming [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] can i grow when the king comes in there is a sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you choose to move god will then choose to move upon your life you're coming into the time in the season of great change you that are watching are you listening you need to move at your home wherever you're watching in the sound of my voice your movement is causing god to be moved with compassion towards you and what you've been facing because of the harshness of the season that you and the earth have been in this is the sound of the lord's feet this is the sound of the lord's hand come on i'm going to need something to begin to open for you i'm going to need a breakthrough something to begin to break open to break through for you come on it's in your movement that draws the spirit of the living god to you come on come on you need healing in your body you begin to move come on say god move upon me with your healing anointing come on you've been in fear begin to move and let that spirit of fear be cast off of you right now some of you need a financial breakthrough come on move a little bit let the movement of his prohibition the movement of absolute increase begin to touch your life come on hear the sound hear the sound of the lord's feet [Music] [Music] hear the sound hear the sound of change they will see global warming and they continue to say it but are you ready says the living god for my global warming you say god what do you mean things shall begin to be heated up at the work of my hand says the living lord things are going to get intense things are going to begin to heat up and yes there will be signs even in the natural as records extreme temperatures shall be upon the lands and then they will say we do not understand it seems as though things are unpredictable in the temperatures and what should be happening at the time of this fall through the winter but you are not entering in just into natural seasons you are entering into my season of the fall and it shall be a long fall as there is a long list that i will check off that shall fall in the earth the agendas shall fall the strongholds of satanic principalities and powers and their agendas will fall legislations that they will use words like mandate shall fall and one shall collapse and fall before the television screens of the earth are you ready for in my season of the fall spirits ancient spirits of darkness like in the days of goliath who stood you talked to intimidate you to bring fear and to seize you they shall flex their muscles with their military might they shall flex their muscles with threats they will flex their muscles to seek to attack your bread and your water systems but i have blessed your bread and i have blessed your water and i will take sicknesses and diseases away including what they say is a virus are you ready for the fall are you ready for my ball are you ready for my phone do you hear my voice are you ready for my phone [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] is come on come on lord move through australia now that which has been down under and upside down turn it right side up as a very powerful married couple shall arise within you australia and they have been chosen since the time of their youth and the time of their marriage and they will lead a group of the young who shall push back push back push back [Music] watch [Music] the nations in my global warming says the lord as things going to heat up with intensity the enemy will be greatly afraid and is greatly afraid and will seek to divert the attention with fearful moments do not be moved for the nation's rage the heathens are angry and yet men say why does it seem like they are winning do not insult me says the living god they are not winning and they shall not win for there is a global reset and there is global realignment taking place at this time and with this global reset and global reversal is happening but great fear the enemy will make you afraid with many fearful sights but they are just threats do not believe the preachers who will say this is world war three as the war beats will intensify no it's not why do you think hell is using fear because they want you to think that i will not act [Music] but my fear my fear says the lord shall fall upon the nations that men will tremble because of my might because of the power and the actions of my hand and this fear shall cause some to give up the ghost this fear this sphere [Music] a handful of the guilty who have been part of deep deep corruption and my fear shall grip their hearts that they will shake and they will talk and in their talking they will reveal much that will expose who what where when and why [Music] it is [Music] come on just begin to move as you move god is moving over your life but he's moving over your city he's moving over the nations things being realigned things are falling into place just sit up your hands and say god move upon my life move upon my city my neighborhood move over my state move over my nation move over the earth thank you lord i believe the lord is walking among this auditorium right now [Music] [Music] at the count of three i want you to shout one two three come on [Music] let every wall of opposition come crashing down as victory is the lord's victory is the lord's and his people [Music] [Music] i want you to share what god is saying for a few minutes how many love cat [Applause] how many people serve the living god and you will serve no other remember to tell the devil that every time he tries to attack you he's a loser he will always lose he has already lost again for our god has a plan and no man can stand before him there's nothing that he has not seen that he has not written down that he has not recorded every hit wicked evil plan plot action has been taken justice will be done justice will be served by the way thank you for lighting up this place lighting up the heart of your people that they can rejoice even before you move [Music] always trust god always believe his promises always stand and don't step back for your reward will be great said your god for in these days i will move my hand for you will see things and for all we see in the ancient times and in the past i send my army to fight on behalf of israel the same thing i will do now says you're gone i do not need man to fight for me i do not need man to move their hand for me i need you to trust me to believe in me that shall i pray before the day of history for i have continually told my prophet [Music] that was always the end that was always the victory that is exactly what i will do for i will move my hand and you will see things never seen before in the earth were you not entering into the very end it is not over for i say the greatest days still have not come on this earth i did not just appear in time time comes from me i and only i will say when the end is here i have chosen you and timed your birth on the earth to be a part of these great days the signs and wonders the manifested sons and daughters of god who will speak to the land the sea and the air and it will obey the wealth of the wicked will be given to the just has not happened yet i am not willing to remove one end of my plans not one day will i forget or say i will not do it but i will pour out my spirit and our flesh baptism and fire has not yet come but you'll never forget it when it does the knowing and understanding of the glory will come because you will carry it to the end of the earth says your god will your feet touch the ground it will light up like a new day time even at midnight shark waves of the glory will touch every human being in that city you go to these things i have planned before the earth was made i am not forgetting them i will not forget anyone who has stood and believed that i would move for you for you will be great and do great things for me do not love fear interfere it comes from hell it is not for me hope and life and justice and freedom and liberty that comes from heaven where i chose america to bring those things to the earth it is my gift to this earth america the beautiful i say it will not be sunk it will not be taken it will not be overthrown but it will stand for generations to come to be a light in this world and people will come here one day not for the american dream but to know me does you god for my heart was moved when the general personally wrote a letter to me asking me to send the host of heaven do you think god will say no or i say yes i will send them by the millions that is my ear to do general flynn yes i will send them for i hear your word from the smallest child to the oldest senior citizen you are precious to me i love you i paid the highest price i send my son my only son and i will not have a week without a testimony of his death left in the earth but when the power and greatness never seen before that is why you were here for this time says your god are the greatest days of glory you ever see you have been chosen says your god [Music] rejoice this day says your god for you have heard my words from my prophet from this prophet from other who've not backed up who've not forgotten who decided to go the other way i remember everyone who stood greatness will be marked on them they will sing about them in the years and ages and in the times to come but they will sing about you for the stand you made the hope you brought to others never stop loving says your god [Applause] [Music] i'm so glad i got to come and share with you i love you i love every one of you you know what we really are family we're a family we're the family of god and heaven everyone thinks of each other as family no one is left out in heaven no one's forgotten they live such a blessed life they still love you but they cannot live without being around god the father who carried all of us before we were here whether you know it or not you've already been from the beginning to the end at the end of the beginning because you lived in him before he made this earth he went to those places and you were with him he knew every day of your life he'll give you that scroll when you get to heaven heaven is a place of wonder and glory that no man's mind can imagine i celebrate every time a family member goes home we dance in my family we rejoice we act like they're really there [Music] so thank you for coming to hear god's words in this place thank you for trusting him for believing in him for believing in each other encourage each other but never forget you as believers have power over all the power of the enemy at all times don't tolerate it in any way whatsoever [Music] i brought a gift for every person tonight you'll find me somewhere at a products table somewhere in the building i brought a special gift for you a picture of the host of heaven kurt will help us with that because of just the size of the crowd yes okay you have a gift can you say something real quick with that yeah kind of help organize this real quick yeah so they brought it again 211 uh that's where we'll be meeting and we'll have it all organized ready to go section 210 to 11. after the service you got a free gift for them yes i do i do yes it's a it's a photo of a real host of heaven one of the army members of heaven that wars on our behalf and there's a little note on it for me and a word from god on it for you so i i bless you in the name of the lord and i can't wait to see you again i love you yeah we love you this is my sister i love her god bless you thank you and bing we love you as well thank you for sharing and um i just felt like there was something else i just remember what it was but anyway make sure you go out to the table here's the thing everybody's going to want to say hello to her and we want to be fair to everyone correct so we want to just make sure that we move the line along quickly kurt will be there to move the line along quickly and isn't that beautiful though that somebody's willing to just give back to you like that so we we love you cat and i believe that the best days are are not coming they're upon us and they're unfolding so we love you cat we love you bing god bless just give it up for cat and being cur we love you amen what a powerful word i had to had to keep coming over here so i could i could hear it did you hear what god said through a servant just now that was beautiful and uh you're going to be seated you know you've been standing in here and those of you that are watching you've been standing come on out pastor brenda but you've been standing for a lot more but here's what i'd like to do i'd like if they could just kind of uh i want to show the video trailer that we created in just a moment but i but it's hard to kind of see with those beautiful american flags so can we delicately honor god honor our flag and just kind of move it to the side so that people can see in just a moment so brenda is going to do a couple other things before we get to that because i have a testimony we have to share tonight okay can i go sit down for just a minute yes you can even call me back up i will so because you've got to hear we have one of the most powerful miracle testimonies so if you're in here and you're believing god for something supernatural uh pastor christie and matthew are going to come in a minute and share it but before we get to that i just want to let everybody know um i want to talk to you about the connections that are happening around the world on this epic event and it just reminds me that we are not alone in this fight the few thousand of us that are in here there are others that are all over the world that are standing and believing god so we are an army thus far total conference connections live tuning in on all channels and i believe this does not include facebook so our um whatever however we track these facebook is not part it's separate so whatever's on facebook isn't a part of it but this would be website amazon fire roku all the platforms so far so far this is as of this afternoon this isn't including tonight's numbers obviously 214 521 connections worldwide hallelujah that's awesome and of course on thursday we had 46 countries i won't read them all 46 countries countries on friday 72 and today 59 countries have joined us of course and what an incredible incredible moment we're living in in the divine purposes of god pastor christie and matt why don't you come here for a moment because i want you to share this testimony before we talk about some other things but i do want to invite everybody october the 4th everybody say october the 4th i am launching how many of you got any of my daily decree books many of you have those if you've not gotten the second one daily decrees for family blessing and breakthrough you need to get that but uh starting monday the 4th of october i am launching a morning live devotional called the daily decree live every weekday morning at 7 00 a.m central time so mark your calendar so you can go in it's just a few minutes um but i it's just an opportunity for me to get in and decree over your life prophesy to you speak a word over you and so october the 4th we'll be launching that for all of you decree people how many of you are keeping your decrees up in the atmosphere keeping your words up that is so important in this season the bible teaches decree a thing in the book of job and it shall be established unto you so words are super powerful and we need to be making these declarations and when we do it with authority the devil cannot alter it so we're going to be doing that together how many of you will join me live and of course we'll put that on facebook we'll put it on all the channels you can get on there daily decree live and we can get in the word together first thing in the morning and i'm so excited about it amen all right now before we get ready to receive tonight's offering pastor christie and matthew come and share this amazing thing that has happened we started the conference we were um getting ready i mean we were on our way like here getting ready to do um sound check and um you know getting ready to start the conference and we got a call that one of our employees who has been battling leukemia had been in the hospital because his numbers were too low and um the numbers had gotten so low they found him in the hospital bed unresponsive and pastor had been up to to visit him and he was bleeding in two places in his brain and we all said oh god we're getting ready to start this conference this cannot happen we were praying in the spirit praying in the holy ghost and i know everybody you know we had we had different pieces and i heard the spirit say i laid me down because i'm like god do i stay up and pray all night i mean we had been warring in the spirit for him and i heard the lord say i laid me down and i slept for and i awake for the lord sustaining me because they said he's not going to make it through the night they said we don't think he can handle surgery so the next update that we got we said no god he's going to be able to handle the surgery they moved him to a different hospital they stopped ventilator on he's on a uh he has been on a ventilator and had two bleed to the two spots his brain so they they operated and he went into a coma and we said no god this is not what we're believing for we're walking out a miracle we're gonna see a miracle you didn't bring us here for this man to die on our watch next update we got is he survived the night the neurologist came in and yelled in his ear and said wiggle your toes now they said he was in a coma and he began to wiggle his toes his wife the next day squeezed his hand and said i love you and he opened his eye just one and and squeezed her hand back so now matthew we've gotten another update now they said this man we don't think he's going to live i want you to hear the last update that we just got yeah so this is one of my best absolute best friends his name is marquise i've been texting with his wife every single meeting texting her just over there she's at the hospital right now she said the infectious disease doctor came in and said they are taking him off two antibiotics because he doesn't need them anymore come on the regular doctor came in and said his brain scans show the surgery was successful and if we keep his stats like this the next couple of days he might be able to come off the breathing tube [Applause] they said there was some hemorrhages in his lungs but they suspected that already due to his cancer the cancer doctor came in and said the chemo treatment that he is on takes a while to get into his system so that's why the counts are a little more elevated today but he's going to get some more treatment tonight and tomorrow and they'll go from there but we are just saying right now this is on the come up and we are declaring a matthew 5 matthew 9 and a john 5 moment where jesus said take up your bed and walk [Applause] so right now marquise declare this with me guys we say marquis marquis you are healed you are healed devil you thought you could laugh like the hyena you thought you could laugh like the hype but the lion has gotten the last roar but the lion has gotten the last roar marquis marquis take up your bed take up your bed and walk and walk in the name of jesus hallelujah [Applause] just want to leave you with this take that for your family sometimes you know people didn't know we were standing up here doing this event the first night in absolute war for this man and that just shows us what's in us god is so powerful and you don't know what's in you till you come to the battle and guess what you always win amen so just believe always always press for a miracle i don't care what the doctors say praise the lord well it's offering time and i want pastor to come and i don't want you to give yet i'm going to share some giving information can somebody grab me my phone i have to read something from it i think it's over there somebody jog it over here so today we had our partner luncheon and pastor showed the trailer for his new animation series for captain zepto how many anybody got the comic books did you get them out there so we are raising money right now into one voice ministries to put this in at least three animation episodes now the animation company that we're working with and these aren't full films um like a movie but they're episodes so meaning they're 22 minutes each and animation's crazy expensive paul crouch talked about the cost how many member toy story he talked about toy story today that it cost like 200 million dollars i mean it's crazy i mean like cha-ching and so that's not what we need for this that was just a crazy budget and we're not there and i like what paul said paul crouch jr he said well we're not there yet but to do these 22-minute um episodes it's about 300 000 dollars a piece and we want to get like a whole season done because how many you know like kids they once they see one they want to see the next one how many you got kids okay did any of you get like the comic books and your kids want more of it and we only had one right now we got two we're about to have three so i wanted to just quickly give you the numbers of what we raised today before pastor shows this we raised in amounts pledged 186 thousand seven hundred and thirty seven dollars plus eighty seven thousand two hundred and twenty two dollars for a total of 278 959 thank you so i want to thank you god and so i want to just put that number over tonight and so however you can help us uh help underwrite this even those that are watching us those of you watching i'm going to tell you how to give in a moment but before you plan your giving um i want pastor to share a little bit of his vision and then let's show them the trailer got it i'm so excited i'm excited so back in 1984 is when i gave my heart to the lord i was 18 years of age and i used to be uh what i thought in my mind was i thought i wanted to be a cartoonist either that or i wanted to do play-by-play sports or maybe do comedy or something like that but nobody laughed at my jokes i figured that was out and so i would sit before the television set as a little kid and i'd have my sketch pad and i would draw all the cartoons that i would see on the tv and of course that was back in the days of like fred flintstone and and rocky and bullwinkle and looney tunes i could draw all of them you know from my mind and and i just i really wanted to be a cartoonist and so in 1984 i was about two months after i'd given my life to the lord and i had just gotten filled with the holy spirit and i had a very strong experience with the holy spirit when i got filled now some of you you know you all have different experiences but i was caught up cat i was caught up to the throne room the first night that i was filled with the holy spirit and mine wasn't obviously as detailed as yours but i could see brilliant light i could see a figure on the throne it was so bright i i literally remember seeing like a river of something shiny and there was people all around me and they were worshiping well shortly after that i had a dream and i saw this hand come out of the heavens and it began to draw on an easel and uh i remember waking up going i believe i just got a dream like joseph because i didn't know a whole lot and i believe that god just gave me a cartoon character so i went to my sketch pad and i began to draw now do they have some of those slides from the partner of some of the characters that we've created and i've got a great illustrator now out of nashville it looks like kenny rogers norris hall thank you so much for just taking all of this because i don't have time to illustrate there is no way but boys finding somebody who can take what god gave you and and and was created through you and see it come to life and do such a great job and not lose details and things that uh you know you helped to create norris has done a great great job and i couldn't have done it without you norris you're way better artist than i am but anyway do they have this is what i want to to form very quickly great adventures productions notice it stands for gap standing in the gap to bring wholesome entertainment to families i want to take back like lance said uh the mountain of media i want to take back the mountain of entertainment i really want to take a generation back for children i'm tired of the stuff that they have to watch and the problem is a lot of parents today are busy so they just kind of let their kids just sit before the ipad or the laptop or whatever and and they don't really know that they are having pedophiles even preying upon their children perverts it's amazing some of the stuff that is going into our children and i've i'm outraged and so i said god i want you to use me and others in the earth let's take this back and so show muttsvi if you can so this was uh mutzvi i created uh it back in 1984. these are the books that uh have come out the first one is mutsvi's last stand the one that just got released by destiny image ned would you please stand up from destiny image god bless you let's give them a handclap they've been helping us partnering with us and this next one is treehouse sso and i won't tell you what it means i won't give it away but you can see sso there's a special message there and how many do you think you figured out what sso is anybody know you'll figure it out but anyway so that book will be coming out soon so this is the mutsvi series then i have another series that i'm working on that uh i decided this is my p.i gus detective at large okay and uh are you ready to bore in and crack the case from the creator of captain septomancer milos pi gus he can handle any so you've got you know uh p.u wendell p.i gus is right there at the top with this bugging kit you got newton ratcliffe little bacon bit down on the bottom now see that little girl that is secret agent sue and that will be my fourth series i want to create a special series for little girls that they could be you know spy girls would that be kind of cool spy chick or something so that is what's coming next but anyway i want to show you captain septo and captain zepto these are the comic books the first two that's the first one that distant image uh helped us to release that is an hilarious one how's my hair the second one is disturbance in the galaxy that's the latest one that just came out with the negatoids and those are things that i really want to put into toys so whatever we continue to raise i really would not just i don't want to just put them in book form but i also want to put them in animation i want to put them also in uh what they what are they called ancillary type toys and things like that because you know why do you have to go to the fast food restaurants and you're just trying to get your kid a burger meal and and they give them what they call a happy toy or whatever and it's a demonic thing that you put it in the bag as soon as they take it out the bag you know the the the toy spins around seven times its heads horns pop out tongues pop out green ooze comes out demonic chants are spoken you know why why do our kids have to be subject to that it's ridiculous and it outrages me so the next one is the christmas edition that's coming out and uh that one will be out in here in november and then i just in finishing up the story here and we're already starting to kind of illustrate some of it's called the cosmic inflation uh dr zorb convinced him that he has the perfect the perfect you you want to become the perfect you he has these free zample packs that you take to produce the perfect you and so what they don't realize is it inflates them and different things like that so uh i won't give away the punch line but that's captain zepto series i'm excited and do you notice this hair and i told you today and those you that are watching so captain zepto the way that that came about is brent and i were getting ready uh for a meeting to preach and there was only one bathroom how many know it always goes to the woman and so i i went out and i was blow drying my hair i had kind of a mullet looking thing you know i remember those days and uh so i came out and she was getting ready and she said you can't be serious i'm like well what's wrong with my outfit she said no look at your hair and i looked in the mirror and my big old mullet was like captainceptor and i stood in the mirror and i said honey don't you recognize who i am i'm captain and it just came out zepto and i thought hey i'm gonna go to my sketch pad so i just went out and started drawing and so that's kind of how it came about but we're really excited about captain zepto there's uh can they show some of the characters from captain zepto police and then i want to show you the trailer so these are the characters captain septo and i wanted to create a character that looked and reminded me of my wife lieutenant cindy she's the love of my life brenda is and brenda i always say that you kind of remind me of cindy but i don't want people to think cindy's pretty sassy but you know you're you're sassy but you're respectfully sassy there you go and then we got lieutenant fleek and every one of them they've got special features there's dr zorb adam club iq club cat scanner orbitron and here's the thing i had somebody say well you know captain zebra reminds me of george jetson well let me let me stop you for a minute how come they keep doing all of these re cycles of rocky and bullwinkle and and what's the other one that they just scooby-doo there's something about that era that sometimes we need to go back to and look at that touches the heart of family so i want to show you and those you that are watching the trailer that we had 30 days to produce this and i am very very pleased because i can't i said i came to him i said look can we come up with a animated um like one minute video or somewhere i could show the people they said are you crazy in what 30 days i said please and so we worked together and i think you're really going to like what they did in 30 days and and uh it gives you an idea of where we're heading so without further ado i'm going to step out of the way and then you're going to see live here we go this is what you're going to help us with take it away it's 2 000 and tomorrow somewhere in a galaxy far far away well not too far away a planet was about to feel the fury of me dr zorb master of mischief and mayhem aiming to control the universe by absorbing the minds of the innocent by means of this crooked cane of foggy deception nothing can stop me or my negatoids from infecting the minds of children everywhere [Laughter] except me you diabolical doctor of deceit space hero and commander of king elion's light brigade with a solar-sized ego he has a big heart to protect the innocent and to serve the king and with my zeptazonic zillion watt blow dryer which gives me a stunning look with not one hair out of place i might add will stop you in your galactic tracks not this time captain zero [Laughter] will evil triumph in the universe will captain zepto save the day and blast from the popular comic by hank cunaman and norris hall comes a wacky and witty new animated series of good versus evil a series that will have kids laughing while equipping them for their own fight against the powers of darkness that evil menace won't budge i may have to turn up the heat [Music] i have the answer [Music] w-o-r-d the writing of right doing not now my planetary poodle i'm trying to figure out how to stop zorb at his negatoids before they infect the children of arf that's earth cap just as i said what will happen next will dr zorb infect the children of earth with his no good negatoids will septo follow the instructions in the writing of right doing join hank and norris today and help captain zepto and his team save the children of earth call now and get your zeptosonic zillion watt blow dryer available for only 999 small payments of 14.95 on the outernet everywhere available at fine salons nowhere not even available at bad salons not responsible for intergalactic power outages noise complaints or even hair losses by now it will include an authentic zepto styling brush for free plus shipping and no handling [Music] so what do you think [Applause] so what do you do you like it now okay i gotta say something first of all who do you think the narrator was it's 2 000 and tomorrow so i've been doing that to brenda are you ready no anyway so the thing of it is you shared something today that meant a lot to me so as the ushers can be in the aisle this time help us put us over the top we have some jewish neighbors that came to us pastor gave their kids the comic and they came and said thank you for writing a jewish comic book and we were like well we realized it was king elian they recognized elian and then we had some heathens down the street and he gave their kids a comic book and they said what what was their so i hope you're not i didn't say thank you for it i mean maybe you are watching but anyway they even they said thank you for writing a book man that's not you know churchy man yeah we know you're a pastor yeah because i know i'm a pastor they said man thank you for you know writing a book that's not you know churchy and all and i'm thinking wow there's so many biblical underlining like word writing of right doings and yet the christians are all like thank you for giving us a christian comic book so the whole idea is to reach all these different ones so help us tonight and we're going to get this done for kids amen i want a whole season of these and we're going to keep building upon it and improving so i want them to put the giving information up on the screen if you would at this time again i want to thank you norris if you're watching i could not do this without you isn't he an incredible illustrator he's amazing and so so here's the thing you can make your checks payable to one voice ministries and um of course text to give there you can text one voice ministries at 833-309-5 and those of you that are joining on the internet to help us of course you can do it by the phone so you can call in right now at 855-777-7900 and i'm gonna say it twice 855-777-7907 you can donate there and just donate to the general fund at one voice ministries because believe me this is our project that's how we're going to use it and of course you can go to our website at hank and brenda.org it's pretty easy to remember hank and brendan.com.org and go there and you can donate and um how many think we could get a whole season of these done i think we can do it and i'm just very excited to see all of the comics in place and really see them in animation and the kids were pumped you know we have my two little nieces oh wait before our captain's up doing zindy here they're here they're here can they come out can mutts fan milo come out hi guys hey guys look at them there's septo and cindy the superheroes and matzah hi milo hi we're so excited you came i hi musty must be are you going to start any lemonade stands again soon yeah all right how's that hair doing zepto all right yeah looking sharp awesome aren't these guys amazing so good and there's so much more don't you think they need to be action figures so we're going to do that too so it's all coming and i believe we're going to take a generation by storm and do some stuff for god all right do you have your offering many of you ready all right let's pray matt i want you to come do our declaration let's just stay under our feet one more time because we want to get the man of god up to preach hallelujah father i thank you for every person who has been committed father first of all this weekend we are so thankful we're so grateful the father i pray for every person that is generously sown that is giving that father we are taking a generation back from the jaws of hell we are saving children literally through media and so we ask you lord we thank you for your strength that's behind this project and we say god in jesus name bless every giver for their seed tonight double them lord supernaturally and we thank you for it in jesus name all right matt let's say our conference declaration all righty let's do this together they'll put this on the screen i repeat this with me we decree heaven's floodgates are open over god's people we call upon you lord opposed to send forth your heavenly armies to fight for america or to fight for your people and to fight for america let the lion roar over all opposition we speak and declare the plans of hell and god's enemies are being destroyed we say that the body of christ is unified and that unity rests over the united states of america we are a blessed people a blessed church and a blessed nation we prophesy increase overflow double blessings and more than enough over every giver who has sown into your kingdom lord we offer up our thanks to you because we stand in total victory as we embrace this glorious season and the revolution of light [Music] we say right now let the heavens be open in jesus name amen and amen now shout if you believe that amen amen we'll stay standing i have the privilege of uh introducing our speaker tonight but i just wanted to share a few things about this speaker and i want to talk about a legend in my eyes um to be a legend you have to stand when times aren't easy right and when times are challenging and you have to do it without quit you have to speak out and lead because the heroes and people with purpose are waiting to learn from the legend to guide them to bring out their gifts and talents so that they can one day stand in their own legendary status as a legend you have to lead those that need someone to stand in the gap and be a bridge maker for them i've seen this in my dad i've seen him do these things my entire life from a small church in a small room 28 years ago to now a worldwide ministry prophesying the word of the lord not caring about being vulnerable and never once playing a victim through the love the support from many across the world and in this room he kneels daily crying out your name and your prayers when the devil is attacked or when those with terrible viewpoints have tried to attack the prophetic word of the lord spoken from him it is only anointed the lion inside of him to speak louder and prophesy even bolder because god always defends and uplifts his prophets i like great and anointed prophetic words so they're only adding fuel to his fire and a god in life they always talk about heroes come and go but legends they never die turn your attention to the screen as we get ready to welcome my dad pastor hank kuhneman you have a right to biblical truth and to stand for it in the boldness of the holy spirit of god himself when you lift up your hands something begins to happen [Applause] isn't god amazing isn't the lord beautiful why don't you just look up at him and tell him that say lord you are beautiful and your face is all i seek amen doesn't that feel good all right turn around look at somebody and say how you doing okay you can be seated and i welcome you that are watching around the world i'm so amazed at how many connections and how many nations are watching and i thank god that you have joined us here and uh it was so great robert slirton you text today just saying how much you've enjoyed the conference many of other national uh speakers but but roberts i need to call we need to get in touch we need to get you out here you are a reformer and i thank god for you don't you love robert slirton amen what a powerful reformer of the lord i've got a word in my mouth tonight and i just want to again before i get started i just want to thank you for letting me share my heart the vision with you together we're going to make this happen and i love the fact that we can laugh in life how many like to laugh i think it's okay to laugh and so i think god is trying to remind us that one of the greatest ways that god turned captivity over a nation was psalm 126 where he began to fill their mouths with laughter and their tongues with singing and so i really believe that that's what we need to do not be in a place of fear but we need to be in a place of celebration we need to be in a place of laughter we need to be in a place come on we are singing and declaring how great god is amen let's just do that right now say god you are great and greatly to be praised amen i want you to open your bibles to psalm 112 verse 4 and i want to talk to you that are also watching because we are living in a day right now where people constantly ask me this question they say hank what does the present and what does the future hold and so oftentimes when they ask those questions they're expecting the answer that they want how many you ever been around somebody they ask you a question and you're being set up and so sometimes when people ask the question what is going to happen presently and what is going to happen in the future i usually can sense kind of where they're at what are they expecting to hear and here's the thing that we cannot have in this day and this hour that we're in we cannot have what we see in scripture with the false prophets of baal we cannot have the prophets of the land where they just tell what people want to hear because they love the money that's always a sign of a false prophet they love the fame that's another sign of a false prophet and they want to say things that you want to hear but i've learned something about the true prophetic oftentimes it goes against what is being declared or what the movement or the what i call the trend of the earth how many ever noticed that when the people were rejoicing in scriptures the prophets often would come along and they would call the nation or the people to repentance or if the people were in a place of somberness the prophets would come and would bring the opposite and tell the people to begin to rejoice i remember on february 12th of 2019 it was two days before valentine's day and i was waiting for my wife to come home from a long day at the office that she had worked and she had made me breakfast earlier and there was this little stubborn grease spot that was on the cook stove now ladies you know how to get rid of that i'm a guy i'm a dude man i didn't quite know what to do so i just kept wiping it and it kept smearing and it said like the more i wiped it the more it smeared and so i went to try to eliminate it one more time and as i went like this and my hand moved like this i shot into a vision and how many of you ever downloaded like on your computer computer files and they rapidly one after another you can just see them go like that that's what was beginning to happen in my spirit it's like i was seeing the future and i'm not setting dates i'm not setting time i'm simply telling you that god showed me 12 years at this time in the future and i remember seeing nations being realigned and i was seeing that god was so majestically moving over the earth and over the future of the nations and like lance said they were being set up as there were goat nations and there were sheep nations but i was watching god even move among the weather patterns and i was watching a calm and a rest beginning to come to the people but i also saw that the decade would start off harsh and if you've been following our ministry for quite some time you remember in 2018 and 19 god began to prophesy that it would be like in the days of israel and egypt that there would be a plague how many remember that and he talked about how the decade would start off harsh which how many believe that it has but here is the promise that it would not stay in a place of harshness that something would begin to shift and we would come into a rest do you know there was a season and a time and i'm not saying everything's going to be perfect i'm not saying that the war is over i'm not saying that we have to go back as the you know the church who doesn't do anything or engage our culture or like we heard many times begin to make our voices heard stand up for what is right at every level our schools our communities i'm not talking about that but there was a day that god gave david rest from his enemies and i believe that there are certain principalities and powers that have had their season so to speak but their days of influence are coming to an end god is establishing something new so look at psalm 112 verse 4. you say well pastor hank are we really going to see some new things listen to me in 2015 of all the crazy prophecies god began to prophesy can they put also a clock up thank you i want to go to midnight so i want to fulfill that so just put four hours up there or whatever it is i want to fulfill that scripture paul preached to midnight but in 2015 watch this god prophesied and here's what he said he said when you see a former president die on the day that he dies the soil united states shall shake do you know the very day it was 2018 george bush senior died there was a 7.0 earthquake in alaska and god said when this happens this would be a significant sign that you have entered into a new era did you hear what i said that something new was on god's events not subject to our opinion not subject to our time frame but god had certain things that he had timed out planned out that will and is going to come to pass new faces are going to begin to arise in the earth that means some are going to leave because one of the things that the scripture always tells us and it's in reference to the covenants but it's also the way god moves he always takes away the old to establish the new now look at psalm 112. maybe you feel like everything is just getting darker and you that are watching you're saying but hank is it going to get any better listen god prophesied in 2018 and 19. he said darkness will increase but i am bringing a revolution do you know what a revolution is it's a purposeful overthrow so god said i'm bringing a revolution of light so what does that mean if god is bringing his own revolution it means he is bringing a purposeful overthrow of darkness i don't care how many times you can turn off the lights here light will always overcome darkness and that is where we're moving thank you lord he's reminding me of something he wants me to say later look at psalm 112 verse 4. unto the upright how many of you are the upright watch this there arises light in where the darkness we have a tendency to only look at the news the headlines the horrible things that are taking place right now and we have people that are foolish to speak out of their mouth and we have to be careful what we're saying church because god works by agreement and so does the devil come on do you need another lesson in the tower of babel let us build us a tower and god said you know what let us the very opposite our agreement father son holy spirit let us go down and begin to begin to divide the languages unless there's nothing that they cannot do and something that we've been agreeing with some of us because of the spirit of fear is people are saying well this is going to be the new norm they don't understand prophetically where god is heading in the present and in the future on the upright there arises light where come on let me hear you shout it where is it light in the what in the darkness now keep reading how is god going to arise upon the righteous or the upright he is gracious he's full of compassion and his righteousness so how is god going to begin to reveal his light how is god going to begin to shift things there's three things he's going to begin to show his graciousness his goodness his kindness right there you need to rejoice because people keep talking about oh the glory of the lord is here do you really understand that it takes an anointing in this time that we are living to declare what i'm about to declare to you jesus walks in in luke chapter 4 and he says look at me the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me what to preach doom and gloom no it takes an anointing in dark times to declare goodness jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil you say what is so important about god showing us his graciousness or his goodness goodness and god's glory go together when moses wanted to see god's glory in exodus 33 verse 18 he cried out and he said god i want to see your glory the first thing god said i will cause all my goodness to pass before you too many are talking about the events that are taking place in the earth and they're not seeing that there is something that is countering it when god speaks through true prophets they will often speak a countering word to what is happening when the earth in genesis chapter 1 was dark without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep what did god do he countered it he spoke something opposite of the condition he said let there be light and in the same way god is declaring his goodness he's declaring that he has good plans good things now it doesn't mean that we put our head in the sand where everything is just going to turn around and be okay overnight it's simply to say that the glory that we have been calling on you cannot if you call on the glory of god or you pray it you sing it you speak it you cannot separate god's glory from his goodness second chronicles chapter five in verse 13 as they began to sing and as they were one the bible says they began to declare something and it was the magnet that drew god to the house of god you know what it was the lord is good are you listening to me those of you that are watching and his mercy endures forever and like a magnet it said then the house of the lord was filled with his glory but that's not the only thing that happens when god's glory and his goodness begin to show up so does his judgments and he begins to deal with evil do you want to know what the presence in the future's unfolding god's goodness his glory but also his judgments and when god's judgments are in the earth men shall learn righteousness what it says but i want you to see something he's also full of compassion and compassion is defined this way that when someone is compassionate they recognize the suffering or the pain of others and they take action i asked the lord as i was preparing for this conference i said god what are you getting ready to do and he said to me hank i'm in the process where i'm going to show the people that i am moved with compassion in other words he's seeing our pain he's seen the harshness of the season but think about this for a moment it's one thing to be moved by compassion and another thing to be moved with compassion you say what's the difference to be moved by compassion is it's an emotion to be moved with compassion is something that is deep down on the inside of you it's part of your being it's a spiritual force you understand that so god is going to arise light in the darkness he's going to show his graciousness his compassion and watches his righteousness people often say to me well when are we going to see justice so a few months ago we were on a road trip we decided to take a trip uh on the road where i was gonna minister and so i had one of my my police officers with me and different ones we were just driving and he decided this officer to kind of go off the road and kind of ignore siri i mean you know for men who don't read maps or listen to women for directions it's very humbling to listen to siri man that's so i think he just had it you know and so we're on this like really weird road and i said man officer where are you taking us he's like i don't know he goes but i know we need some gasoline so we get over and we pull in and matthew you were there to look like some guy's house man with two pumps outside in front of it i'm like i'm not going in there but thank god i got a cop and i got my second amendment i totally like it i think it was huge i think it was terrific i like it but anyway i have my own you know oh how i love glock some like gua guac i like glock and so we walk in and this dude i mean it was like a sketchy scene wasn't it matt and this dude comes out he's got his lip out to here he's standing there and you know he had just come from the bathroom because his pants were like up to here belt buckle and all comes out he spits how you guys doing fine we just want to get some gasoline and a few things he looks at me goes hey i know you i'm like uh no you don't my name is victor i'm from ukraine i've not met you before what what do you what is your name you you great guy you i think i don't know you i know i might have to talk to putin i don't know he spits no i know you listen i got something to say i may not know god like you do but i do know god and here's what he tells me justice is coming [Applause] i said oh and then he goes and let me tell you why i know you know where they're all going i said what hell well that too they're all going to get mo [Applause] i can't even do it my voice hey i said gitmo get moaty here but anyway so all the way there that's what i kept saying to the cop get mo get mow get moving anyway so when you see god coming he's gracious he's compassionate and he is righteous but there's something that balances out god righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne they operate or function together or be an unjust balance we are about to see some things are you getting excited i want to talk to you real quick about 2016. so in 2016 i was walking with my german shepherds how many got dogs i love dogs well i don't love your dog i love my dog because if your dog went number two i wouldn't clean it up i cleaned up mine so i love my dogs how many got german shepherds they got german shepherds aren't they the smartest dog i mean my dogs are more obedient than my kids i mean i snap my fingers my dogs know what to do i say words they know what to do i say to my kids um when they were in the house you guys aren't in the house anymore so you know i'm laying off you but when they lived in the house you know john who's an mma fighter right there on the corner professional ufc fighter he would at one time he could dead lift 800 pounds is that right yeah yeah because him and his dad would have the same genes levi's and so he could lift 800 pounds and i'd say to john john can you lift that pile of clothes off your floor it was just too heavy it's too heavy man but i got my ships they have special they have special commands i'm going to tell you one of them you show up my house one of their commands is this don't poop in the house special command are you all here but 2016. i was walking my ships in a park and all of a sudden i saw this cloud that was spinning around and i thought something was on fire and all of a sudden i looked at it closer and i realized man that is not a normal cloud man and it started moving towards me and my one shepherd man she is so amazingly discerning and she just looked up within intensity and i thought whoa that that cloud's like moving you know and i knew i wasn't tripping because i never tried drugs before so it wasn't like whoa you know you know some of you you guys tripped so long when you hear that they stoned the prophet saw you oh man that must be some heavy stuff man no not that kind not that kind so i'm walking with them my dogs are looking up and also i realize that cloud's moving towards me and all of a sudden i felt the fear of god how many ever felt the fear of god and i fell on my face right there in the park and god spoke to me and knew what he said to me he said five things but i'll tell you one thing he said he said hank what does a nation look like filled with glory and i'm shaking there and i said god i don't know i've never seen a nation filled with glory he said you will see it and so i began to study and i wasn't trying to find out what a nation feels it looks like filled with glory but god began to show me so when god's glory begins to come it's a two-edged sword there is his goodness that begins to be manifest so why are you talking a bunch of trash why are you talking a bunch of negative stuff oh the glory of the lord do you really understand what you're asking for it's the manifest presence of god himself and so i began to realize matthew 17 that when jesus was transfigured in the glory that word transfigured means change so if god's glory is coming and moving towards us which it is and it's filling the nations and this nation with glory then we can start expecting change are you listening and not all of that change is going to be bad it's going to be good changes god changes here's another thing that happens when god's glory begins to come on a nation think about what happened in exodus 32 where moses is now caught up in the glory for 40 days and 40 nights and god says moses it's the first record i guess you could say of disco in the bible god looked at moses 40 days in the glory and guess what god said moses get down when he told him you read it in your bible said moses get down moses got down and he looked at his feet and he said this is where disco came from disc go this way disco that way and he got down and he got down from the mountain why did god tell him to get down because watch this when the glory begins to manifest something god deals with and is what we're seeing in the present and in the future are you ready he deals with corruption he said moses get down for the people have corrupted themselves when god's glory begins to come here's another one law and order how many heard law and order moses had the law of god in his hands the glory on his face and he was coming to set order here's another thing that happens how many ever heard this statement keep america great come on that is the word of preservation preservation of a nation that's experiencing the glory of god is one of the results how do we know the pillar of cloud by day the fire by night it preserved the scripture says in exodus 14 it saved a nation in a day here's another thing that happens and you heard the the prophecy a couple nights ago about unusual deaths that would begin to happen we're not wishing for anything that's not what we're talking about we're just talking about what god's saying but when the glory of god comes there will be political shifting of leaders well pastor hank how do you know isaiah chapter six i'm a big train guy how many of you guys are like big train guys you know like model trains i'm a big model train guy and when i read this scripture i love god more because i realized that he had a train set in heaven too because it says in isaiah 6 that his train filled the whole temple so i can't wait till i get up into heaven and see that train you know i think it's going to look a lot like the trump train i think it will i think it'll be huge but anyway so here's what happened in the year that king what usaid died who died a king i saw the lord high and lifted up and his glory filled the temple so here you have god's glory touching the house of god and god shifting political figures what does the nation look like filled with glory in mark chapter 6 in verses 45 through 51 i won't for the sake of time i won't read this but i want to tell you a story many of you have probably heard me preach this story many times because this is what god is doing in mark chapter six how many you know the story jesus feeds the multitudes with the disciples we're gonna look at that in just a moment a little closer and he sends the multitudes away he sends his disciples away and the bible says that jesus goes away to begin to pray and so in the meantime another version of that same story you can read the bible says that the disciples which represents the church they go out into the sea and they rode three to four miles out in the middle of the sea when it was dark when it was what okay it's very important so jesus now is back on the shore and the disciples are three to four miles out in the middle of the lake and the bible says that there were winds that were contrary against them we've had a lot of things that have been contrary against us mass on our face right trying to shut down our churches blm right black lives matter but it doesn't matter enough to stand up for that black person whose businesses was burned to the ground or the black aborted babies or the police officer that was gunned down where were you then and so we've had a lot of contrary things that are blowing in our face as the church as the disciples but jesus he's on the shore and the bible says he saw that they were toiling and that the wind was greatly against them how did he know that he didn't know that because he saw it in the natural he knew it because he saw it in the spirit in other words we need just like jesus a heavenly perspective too many of us are judging what god is doing or will do by the present circumstances and jesus decides to do something in mark six you know what he does he steps out on the water and just like lance preached we're going to look at that scripture luke 21 where it says your redemption draweth nigh in other words it's not escapism it's god himself in his glory the manifest presence of god himself moving closer and closer and closer to this planet to your city to your nation to your family and jesus every step he took it was the move of god every step he took it was a move of a supernatural act because you cannot walk on water and he was walking in a visitation towards the disciples and the bible says in mark 6 that it was a test for the church which we have been in the bible said he on purpose had intended to pass them by god's waiting to see what we're going to do get so caught up in all of the wrong things that people are getting caught up with that we take our eyes off of the bigger picture that there is a nation and nations that god is realigning and sending his glory to the house of the lord but also he's dealing with things for great change and all we can see is the contrary things blowing in our face and we will miss our day of visitation if we're not careful jesus was walking towards them on purpose intended to pass them by and here's what they did they do what a lot of us do when they saw jesus walking supernaturally towards them they thought he was a ghost are you kidding me in other words watch this those you that are watching they attributed something of god something good to being evil because that's how they're programmed we have listened we have sold out by the probably multi-millions books that is nothing more than fear mongering when the blood moon craze came out we all became moonies and boy did we show our behinds and how ignorant we are and now we talk about don't be left behind listen to me i want to write a book jesus is saying to his church it's not about being left behind it's about i'm going to kick your behind because i'm not coming right now but hank don't you know the lord's coming yeah with the spanking spoon because some of you need to be awakened some of you need to be disciplined because you will believe all the fear stuff but you won't believe when god says what does a nation look like filled with glory and he wants to talk about global reset global change how come there was no petitions that were written to call into question the blood moon guys when the blood moon books came out it was to cause us to do what acts chapter 2 says god said i will show wonders in the heaven and signs on the earth below blood fire vapor of smoke before the great and notable day of the lord well see that pastoring there's this dreadful notable day of the lord do you believe for a moment that there can be a great and notable day just as jesus was walking among the sea to the disciples that god and his glory manifest presence is moving towards us do you believe that it's possible to be a great and notable day a great and notable year a great and a notable hour why because as the opening verse god is arising on the upright [Applause] i believe it with all my heart people often quote matthew 24 but pastor hank don't you know when the disciples came to jesus just like when they were in the boat in mark 6 and they cried out and and jesus got in the boat do you know what happened in mark 6 they were accelerated to the other side many of the words that are used are words like supernaturally they were transported in other words by getting jesus this visitation and his glory his manifest presence in the house of god again in our nation can absolutely redeem time make up time accelerate time and bring us where we need to be as a people come on in your life in your family in your school system because there's a major reset that is in process on march 15th of 2020 at 2 30 in the morning i went down to pray and i was pacing my living room and all of a sudden i felt a hand come on top of my hair you know it could happen because you know i got some really hard stuff on my hair so it's not really supernatural as you think but anyway i felt something pull me up and i knew it was the hand of the lord and i was carried out over the united states and i was carried out over the earth and i was looking down at it and all of a sudden i don't know if it was the voice of the lord if it was the voice of an angel but it was the most authority of a voice that i had heard and it said these words divine reversal divine reset and i began to see the earth shake and be repositioned how many believe this so we've got let me show you what we have for just remaining time because i want to minister to you in the in this is so interesting in matthew 24 people they say yeah but you know the disciples came to jesus and said lord jesus tell us plainly when is the end of the age and jesus says well there's going to be wars and rumors of wars but watch this list said the end is not yet and then he goes on and he says yeah nation will rise against nation there'll be earthquakes in various places but it's the beginning of sorrows now there's birth pains it's part of the process of something birthing see pastor it's it's birthing the antichrist what about birthing a global move of god you ever thought about that we always talk about the last days and equate it to matthew 24 what about the last days of acts 2 16 then in the last days saith the lord i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your young men come on shall have visions your old dreams your old men shall have dreams and all my servants and my handmaids in those days saith the lord they will prophesy that's the last day scripture why don't you quote that because we got our behind wanting to get out of here i'm gonna write another book not only kick you into behind you can kiss my behind he ain't coming not yet come on let me hear you break it down oh child i mean i feel that rocky balboa spirit whoa you're talking to me adrian yeah i'm talking to you you know i mean you thought that i you need that rocky spirit yo jesus said no it's just the beginning of sorrows or birth pain something's being birthed then he goes on he says all right let me tell you a little bit about the culture the love of many are going to wax cold many are going to be offended but because the culture is going to be so woke and so screwed up and is going to lie to you and be twisted that you're going to need to endure to the end to show that you're truly converted but then he says something that nobody preaches i never seen any one of their left behind or any other of those moony books matthew 24 14. jesus says all right you want to know when i'm coming it's how i started my ministry my announcement luke 4 look at me the spirit of the lord god is upon me he's anointed me to preach good news and acts 10 38 i'm going about doing good and i'm healing all that oppressed of the devil because i've been set by my father who is good absolute good and so he says all right this gospel of the kingdom what is the gospel it's the good news this gospel shall be promoted this gospel shall be preached the good news in other words when you really want to know when things are going to get interesting is when people actually begin to declare and promote my goodness not the doom the gloom and the other i can't say it lord i'm behind a pulpit i wouldn't cuz but i would say a few other words so you'd really know what i'm thinking but notice the verse goes on again glory and goodness god's glory is his power matthew 24 14 this good news shall be preached books are going to be written about my goodness they're going to start preaching about my goodness i'm going to start prophesying about my goodness because my glory is going to invade the earth come on there's global alignment happening realignment happening god's goodness is being released and manifested and he says this gospel of good news shall be promoted preached as a what as of what see you can't even say it because you never heard this verse before as a witness no that's not the evangelical it is time to witness to our neighbors well it's that too but it's also demonstration this gospel of god's goodness is going to be preached declared looked for prophesied that it's going to bring something in its proclamation when you proclaim god's goodness there's always demonstration of his spirit that follows yes man pastor egg it is so oh it's so dark well turn the light on pull your head out of leave me behind come on let me hear you up y'all are messing me up come on second chronicles chapter five i already preached it to you verse 13 when they were proclaiming that the lord was good it brought a witness then then then then the whole house was filled with glory and guess what when that glory showed up ii chronicles chapter 6 verse 1 says that the dark cloud dark cloud dark cloud is god's glory look at joel chapter 2 verse 2. i have to give you the doom and gloom scripture so i'm balanced because i know some idiot is going to write me this is what i say to your email you've had your turn you've been writing preaching prophesying doom and gloom for a lot of years it's our turn now [Applause] yeah but pastoring don't you know all the evil that's in the world do you know who you serve it's a day of darkness and the day of gloominess you all remember that dude that used to be on at night called night sounds y'all remember night sounds guy had this creepy voice and it sounded something like this welcome i can't do it because my voice man tonight welcome tonight this organ and frankenstein starts you know and i remember one time i was listening to noise he goes hey we have a i can't do it because my voice is a little hoarse from preaching and all this stuff today but listen this so he reads the letter he goes hey here's a letter from one of our viewers i love night sound because it puts me to sleep every time i hear it because isn't that wonderful that people are falling asleep and resting i'm like no dude you're creepy but the days of darkness the days of gloominess but notice the day of clouds and thick darkness do you know those are not the same hebrew definitions of doom and gloom and clouds in thick darkness the hebrew words for cloud and thick darkness are the same hebrew words for when god came down in the book of exodus chapter 19 and exodus chapter 21 and the bible says that god came down in a thick dark cloud and moses went into that thick dark cloud where god was it spoke of his glory appearing when it was dark or in a manifestation that people looked on and thought it was darkness we've got to get our perspective adjusted let me show you this matthew 15. in verse 32 as you go there i want to read to you john 17 verse 15. look what jesus prayed how many want to be more like jesus then you need to agree with what he prayed when he was in the garden of gethsemane he was praying for his disciples but he was praying looking down through eternity and he said let me just quote this in john 17 15 he said lord i am not asking you to take them out of the world that's what he said if you want to know what god's saying thus saith the lord i am not desiring to take my church at this time out of the world i'm trying to engage my church i'm trying to raise up a glorious church a unified church he said i'm not trying to take them out don't take them out don't take them out he said but rather here's what you could pray with all the crazy stuff in the earth and crazy people right you know crazy people right come on you know thanksgiving dinner you got those crazy relatives that come up they park their camper out in your driveway they get their goat out and tie it to your tree there are eight dogs running around and they come to take over thanksgiving dinner you know what you need to do this year you need to get out there and say it's a new season and you need to say to every person that comes in with that kind of spirit welcome to something that must happen before you enter my house it's called deliverance we're gonna cast your fighting strife's spirit out right here in the driveway and if that spirit doesn't leave we're going to cast you out there there you go there's your thanksgiving but you don't know what i'm talking about right he said keep them from evil keep them from evil keep them from evil your prayer is not to escape come on you that are watching it's god keep us from evil and it just so happens that psalm 121 fits with 20 21 he will preserve you from all evil you're going in your coming out and your soul come on some of you are so upset i hope that people say i'm afraid i'm so upset well get chill man ask god to preserve your soul protect your soul right so let's go on look at matthew chapter 15 so jesus is feeding the multitudes and notice what he says i will not send them away notice it was dark the people were in need and the last thing that jesus wanted to do was to send the people away look at mark chapter 6. we talked about this earlier in verses 34-35 watch this and jesus when he came out saw a great multitude and watched this was moved not by compassion was moved with compassion because they were like sheep that didn't have a shepherd so he began to teach them many things matthew 9 verse 36 says that jesus was moved with compassion because they were harassed and helpless come on how many of you been feeling harassed mass mandates closing our churches down threatening that they're going to fire us if we don't get a jab yet jesus is being moved with his compassion now let's keep reading in mark 6 this is very important we're almost done in verse 35 by this time it was late in the day that's people's mentality right now you know what it is those you that are watching you know what it is oh it's too late for god to do anything in america the election was stolen the demon rats and the rhinos are in the white house they're in washington come lord jesus i feel like that he all commercial remember that ooh despair sagani homie remember that that's where some people live and some of you need to get the don not spirit in you i don't want to come out of this place yet i think we got things we need to do right it's late in the day what's the use why vote again why get involved in our school system it doesn't work they told me i can't come to the school board meetings you pay taxes you can go you show yourself up i got neighbors that won't even fly an american flag because they're scared they say well we're patriots no you ain't no you ain't it's back in the days of 9 11 man you had a flag boxer shorts that you worry man you'd hang them out on a flagpole you do whatever it was whatever it took man to show your patriotism now you're skewered they want you to be scared you need to get there clint eastwood go ahead make my day and you hoist the flag up and when you're saying i wish i could do better impersonations with my voices bear horse go ahead punk make my day and then what you do is you have your concealed glock if your ar fits down your leg conceal it keep it hidden but wear it with pride start showing you're a true american quit taking what the disciples did it's too late i just want to escape lord hear it all the time please lord take me out of here and god's up there yo what's the matter with you i'm scared lord kumbaya my lord kumbaya come by here my lord come by here [Music] come by here and now you're stocking up food come by here you won't download the new apps because they can find you how many remember the last of the mohicans it's one of my favorite movies and i always say this to brenda when she's in a shopping mall how many remember when they're down underneath the waterfall the dude with the long hair you select kim clement remember that and he looked at that girl madeleine stone thank you and he goes listen to me no matter what you do listen to me stewie life and no matter where you are i will find you that's what i say to brenda in a shopping mall as we get ready to separate brenda no matter where you are i will find you keep your cell phone on turn it loud put it on top of your forehead so that it rings it vibrates it gets your attention come on how many of you dudes are in here you got wives that you shop with and they got the cell phone on them and they don't answer and so you have to you have to walk around the whole mall you put 20 miles on in your pursuit to find your wife and then here's what's really bad so then you you find another poor husband that can't find his wife you look at them they look at you how you doing i can't find there either so one day i told brent now it was right around christmas i said brenda listen please i don't have all day and neither do you so just spend whatever you want i don't care that's dangerous oh i know it and so i said brenda i'm just going to go out in the man section let me know they got man sections now with those recliners and massage chairs so i go out in the massage chair i'm out here in the massage chair you know and this guy has got all these packages around him and he's going like this he's sleeping all said he wakes up he's like he's looking frantically at all of his packages because you know he didn't want to sleep outside if anything was missing you know because he was on watch he looks at me goes man i'm so glad you're here i said what he goes i need somebody to watch man i need just another 10 minutes of shut-eye he goes did you watch my stuff and he goes here's the deal he goes we'll trade off he goes i'll watch your stuff for 30 minutes and i actually slept there in the mall man it's so great to have a fellow american yep all right i better get back to my message could they come up to the peony but the day is far spent what's the use why bother and notice this it is now dark it is too late i'm hearing it from people all the time it's too late it's so bad it's going bad it's getting worse i mean it's so bad people don't even care to take their kids to that place where you see the mouse you know and pizza chucky whatever and and you go to the door and they got that glow-in-the-dark number that they put on to identify your kid like no and and the person who makes three dollars or 35 cents an hour is like what what what man i'm just trying to put put a glow in the dark number no i don't want the mark of the beast for my kid you know the poor guy working at the you know grocery store is using the little you know radar thing you know scanning it and you're scared because those could be the mark surreal packages that the beast knows where you're at and knows where your cupboard is because it's too late it's dark and i want out of here so i just need to store up no download any more apps go find me a cave get some beans and rice you know the biggest problem with y2k man i caught a lot of flack because my message was what in hell is y2k and the only thing that they missed in y2k with all the beans and rice is my god if you're gonna be down there for days or months with beans and rice and you got candles and nobody's gonna know where you're at where you're hidden and all these explosions begin to happen with methane all underground and caves begin to fly i mean nobody stocked up that beno stuff is how ridiculous this is and we buy all that material and we let him fearmonger us it's late in the day and his disciples can't even say well it's too late it's very late and here's what they said lord rapture them send them away and jesus had the eye of the tiger [Music] okay that's really a weak one i tried it's like yo we're gonna leave tell them to sit down every one of them yo that's what he said he didn't send him away what did he do what he's going to do now it's what i read to you at the beginning of this message he's going to move upon the upright with light in the midst of darkness with his compassion his graciousness and his righteousness last verse look at luke chapter 21. what should our position be luke 21 26 look at this jesus said men's hearts are going to fail them for fear why because they're looking after the things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see watch this son of man coming in a cloud see we always just think okay the son of man is coming in the cloud and that's the lord's return yeah there is that day coming but do you believe that the lord could come in a cloud of glory do you believe that he could come at the time when everybody's looking at the news looking at the current events looking at all the doom and gloom and the bad and all this that he starts coming in a cloud of manifest glory here's what it's going to require and when these things begin to come to pass look up why because your redemption and like lance said god is by location he's moving closer to you and to the house of god notice the word redemption psalm 72 14 says that god will redeem us from corruption fraud and violence i believe that's playing out right now god always has a redemptive plan you know what a redemptive plan is a plan of help and a plan of hope no matter what the condition is in the earth let me quiz you how how bad we are are you ready people say to me but hey don't you know that we are in the days of noah they'll be eating they'll be drinking and they'll be given in marriage first of all that's called life second of all that's called normal third there is the evil side of that right and yet if you say what are the days of noah and people always quote oh they'll be eating and drinking and giving and marriage and we know the flood came and wiped them all out right that's what you hear so is that what you think days of noah and one day i was praying and god says hank it's as in the days of noah and he said i want to give you a perspective my perspective when the days of noah came literally upon the earth it was to release god's redemptive plan of help and hope that's why god put a man named methuselah 969 years as a signpost his name prophetically meant that after he dies then it will come so as long as this old man was alive they should have known that the most ridiculous prophecy in the in on the earth it's going to rain never done it before was going to happen and nobody believed it except eight people the only reason why those eight people believed it i don't know maybe their family members maybe noah threatened them you good in the boat or got ways of dealing with you now get your butt in the boat and they yes dad yes wasn't because they necessarily write to anyone that's a joke but the bottom line is this yeah there was judgment that came against evil there was judgment that came against principalities and powers demons that were working but really the days of noah was about god's redemptive plan it was about god saving the earth it was about god redeeming man it was about god giving a new day and a new season to the earth and to mankind but you see our program religiously to always go the negative dark never going to get better perspective stand your feet and god is saying listen to me i'm not saying that everything's going to be peachy keen and rosy listen we're in a fight but what's on god's agenda and how god wants to operate at this time is to show us his compassion to move upon us with his goodness and his kindness why because his glory is coming and it's moving manifesting and changes in the air how many believe that how many believe that praise god i want to do this how many of you are in the ministry you are a pastor of a church you pastor a church not that you think you pastor a church but you pastor a local church i know there's pastors in the marketplace and all that i get that but i i'm talking about pastors of a local church there's a physical location because a lot of those pastors have been under attack i want you to come up front if that's you if you're a pastor come down you literally pastor a local church because i want to pray for you and i believe with all my heart that god is going to shift something [Music] not only over your life but over your ministry come on let's give them a handclap as they come how many got something out of this tonight i just want to change your perspective now that does it mean and those of you that are watching that this message from hank that's introducing a perspective of god's goodness and what he's doing that you take yourself out of any kind of of of spiritual confrontation against the forces of darkness or you take yourself out of being a voice or making a stand and being bold about many of the things that we need to be bold about right now it's not talking about that it's helping you to see that we are winning we will win and god is literally going to shift some things that you're going to begin to see some amazing feats of the lord in this day there is somebody right there in this section that's been having tremendous pain right in this section right here i can feel it it's like right down by where your gallbladder is and you thought man i don't know what's going on there's this tremendous pain in my body right now and it comes and goes i want you to to wave your hand at me if that's you i see your hand all right put your hand right there on that spot in the authority of jesus christ and his name i command that pain come out whatever the source of it is be blessed receive your healing somebody in this section right up here you just went to the doctor they did some tests upon you they were concerned about some numbers a few symptoms that were kind of happening in your body you're waiting for results and to be honest with you you say hey you know god i trust you but it's really been attacking your mind and you're waiting for the results i want you to put your hand up come on i want to see your hand because i'm here to tell you that you're going to see some things begin to shift you're right over in this section right over here come on don't be afraid raise your hand and you say pretty sure that's me okay i see your hand all right i speak to every prognostication diagnosis even hypothesis and i speak from this moment forward that everything will be and is well concerning you and i prophesy life i prophesy health i prophesy wholeness and i say a great report comes in the name of yeshua there's somebody right here in the bottom section you're it's moving that direction i can see it in the spirit that you are in a very very nasty court settlement case and i just literally saw your hand just went up i'm going to tell you something right now just go like this go like this with your hand there you go because god says as your hand is moving i have been and i am moving and i'm doing a reversal and it's going to go in your favor because they are lying you've told the truth and god says i'll defend the truth that you're standing for and that you're being represented by the righteous judge of all things rules in your favor you'll see it as i look through this section over here i heard the name kim is sarah kim in this section right over here right through this section is there a kim kimberly kim wave your hand at me there you are kim pastor brenda listen there's an utterance coming utopia de gristo nigue le [Music] for the fight has been strong it's been hard and you've pressed and you pressed and it has looked as though at times there's not a breakthrough and there's not a change and it doesn't seem to be shifting but the lord says know this that there are things that have shifted and even in the last few months has shifted quickly and the lord says don't look at things based on what you can see right now and keep your words in check for the lord says watch even by the end of this year you're going to see a great shift and you shall break through hallelujah hallelujah there is i'm gonna get to these guys right over in this section right here there is someone that you just recently i can see it in in the spirit there was some kind of theft that happened stuff that was taken it was i don't know if something was broken into there was a theft who is that person over here that you got you got robbed you got stolen from something there was something in this section i'm serious i really feel like there was some stuff that was literally taken and the word of the lord is the word forgiveness as hard as it is you need to forgive you need to say it out of your mouth god i forgive them i don't hold this to their charge because god is setting you up for an amazing turnaround of events that are going to start happening where things have been very very the battle's been intense but god says the key to breaking this is through saying what jesus said father forgive them father forgive them father forgive them keep saying it loose it from your soul because the heavens will begin to open hallelujah hallelujah there's something going on in this of the pastors here where i heard the word something to do with a pancreas [Music] is there any pastor or somebody in this line there's been something with your pancreas that has been diagnosed i heard the word pancreas something with your pancreas that you i want you to put your hand right there brenda i want to come down i want to minister to these people very quickly [Music] that gentleman right there you have a white shirt you've got a black right there you're wearing glasses yeah the ladies just turned to you listen to what god says to you me christo ma ma and the lord says i'm about to seal the pocket with holes and i'm about to give you more more more and more and know this you are going to see in this year how much i have been god and have defended you in this season says the spirit hallelujah pastor brenda let's come on down pastor brendan let's come on down i want to pray for these people hallelujah i want to pray for the ministers that are here father as i come to these that are ministers of the gospel i pray that every satanic assignment that has been against them will be broken in the authority of jesus christ in his name and i declare from this moment forward how many lines we have two three two lines father i just i'm gonna start down here and i'm going to lay my hands because as brendan and i lay our hands on you we believe that there's going to be major breakthroughs that are going to begin to come over your ministry father in the name of yeshua breakthrough breakthrough increase provision there's another wave of growth coming to you because of your faithfulness god says i'm about to add to your finances but i'm going to add to your church in the name of yeshua we speak breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough in the name of yeshua thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord a boldness is being released over your life you're going to start saying some things that god wants you to say you're not going to hold back thank you lord for greater grace thank you lord for boldness thank you lord for boldness [Music] [Music] father i loosed the anointing of the holy one thank you lord thank you lord [Music] god as i just walked by somebody has a heart condition that's concerned you and when i walk by god says i'm going to fix that condition of their heart i'm serious i just walked by is that you i think that's what i spoke in tongues because i felt it as i walked by this way it's going to be all right receive it be healed in jesus name thank you lord thank you the lord be healed thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you're gonna have favor with city officials thank you lord thank you lord we pray for you be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed i want you to clap your hands over the top of your head because god says there has been a three-year season of hardship god says as you clap i'm getting in the middle of it right now clap and god says i'm part of your breakthrough and it begins even greater tonight in jesus name where's the next one father thank you be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed breakthrough i just heard something with someone's kidney right in this area who's been having a kidney condition i'm standing right here and there's somebody within this proximity right here there's something with kidney pain something with your kidney who is it it's right within this area right here i feel it very strong i want you to come here please brenda would you lay your hands appointed right now thank you lord thank you lord [Music] there is somebody right there in that section i'm not trying to embarrass you but you just recently had a seizure and it scared you it frightens you and god says then if you if you will identify yourself that will be the last one that you have now raise your hand up right now and i want you to come quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly i'm going to meet you you come down come on quickly come down here i want to pray for you quickly come down i saw you you raised your hand now come down quickly look for them thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we worship you father i speak greater grace greater grace greater grace greater grace there's something that god is doing i see you guys are there's a there's a new facility that's coming i don't know why i see a new facility i see a new place that god is wanting to bring you into so you'll be open to the change that's coming because there's great change and i see a new facility in fact i see it on an intersection there's a there's a there's a facility literally on an uh an intersection and that is going to be the sign this makes a cross and it's right on the corner it's on the right side of this intersection is this facility i see it lord it goes thank you lord thank you jesus i i release it i release it i release it all right listen to me as i walked right in here and i want you to be honest one of you said god i'm coming to this conference but i need a word because i feel like quitting not that you would but it's been a battle and i'm here to tell you that's a devil and i want to put my hands on you and it's right in this area who are you raise your hand be honest it's right in this area right here one of you i can feel it right here all right thank you for being honest okay it's okay listen can i tell you i have wanted to quit many times that is not a sign of failure or you know we're not qualified it's called warfare yeah i understand i feel it too yeah yeah but i'm going to pray a grace over you and you know what i love about grace grace is i can't therefore god must so father i release a grace that breaks this thank you lord you know there are so many promises that i hear in the spirit of people that have promised you stuff said they had great intentions but none of them ever intend follow through with anything that they promised and that's part of the hurt financial people have left and they've been running their mouths and i heard someone say to me one time when i had i one time had 50 people walk out of my church when i started it i'm glad they left and if you're watching i love you but i'm glad you're gone yeah same thing that's why i'm telling you the story because i'm reading your mail respectfully it's okay and so i'm telling you that and i don't hate you if you left our church i love you but you just have a great time with another pastor and be blessed then then you know that's the key because we don't you know we don't hate people but they said this to me they said what you thought was working for you was actually working against you and you know at the time it was so painful because they were lying and they were saying nasty stuff and brendan and i for three weeks we're not great we're not trying to make ourselves better but for three weeks we said you know what god if these people if there's any ounce of truth to anything that they're saying you know this stuff like you know you're controlling it's your way you know stuff like that they don't understand leadership and so we would go out and we would pray every night at three o'clock in the morning and we would seek god and one day god said to me he said stand over there and i didn't even know where there was but i kind of figured it out and i stood over by my coffee table and god said turn around and i was i was shaking and i turned around he said i have your back he said let me tell you something he said don't build doctrine on this but i want to share something that will comfort you i said what's that lord he said do you remember when the 70 left me remember the 70 left in john 6 because jesus said eat my flesh drink my blood and seven he walked out he said i had to walk through my own soul in processing because he said on the very day that i stood there with barabbas and pilate said who do you want me to release barabbas or he that is called the christ and he said they yelled out crucify the christ he said looked in the crowd hank this is what the lord told me and he said many of the seventy were screaming crucify him jesus chose to forgive him i forgive you those who that walked out i do i love you okay because you know they're right and all that but father brenda i just feel like there's an utterance listen to this [Music] [Music] for you to know but you were in a season of plucking up you were in a season of undoing you were in a season where i was removing and the lord says watch now the build and planting season is upon you and you'll turn around and you're going to look and it's going to be like a day that is new and what was never happened says the lord and there's a book in you get riding it father i release the presence of god take them higher in jesus name release that anointing that anointing that anointing thank you jesus i hear the word multiplication very strong give me your hands all that you put your hands to i prophesy multiplication give me your other hand it's released in the spirit is lance still here i just heard the lord say something lance that's okay lance listen to me i see literally three people stepping up they're going to talk to you very soon about an idea that is going to create and i hear the word network they want your insight they want your expertise and they want your voice to be a part of this and these are very high profile people and this will be one of the beginning shifts of the mountain of media that will begin to be the new that god is going to unveil it's going to happen very soon thank you lord bless him bless him i just saw the word cancer written right over this section who right here in this section you were diagnosed cancer come on slip your hand up i want to pray for you we're going to break it i want you to step down here sir thank you lord i release that anointing in jesus name i release that anointing come on i hear breakthrough yep you're gonna see it breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough in the name of yeshua where's the other one is that other one okay the other person with the seizure okay i'll pray for you how you doing man you're a good-looking dude man you really are yeah you really man you're looking really you're good it's awesome but i'm gonna tell you i just see the reason i see this in the spirit is i just see life on you don't ever let anybody say anything else because i see life and so father i release that anointing into him i curse cancer [Music] i release the healing power of god be thou made whole now jesus name every cell every fiber every organ everybody man i feel that anointing going in you take a deep breath this is a generational thing that god is breaking it's random other family members but it's not going to take you out thank you god in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord i i see in this section i'll be back over there with that person but there's somebody you have a child a child literally there i see it excuse me i'm sorry and i feel like there's somebody that has literally a child that's been in and out of the hospital this thing keeps wanting to go off am i doing something wrong who who is who's the person here there's a child that's having to go they had to go back and forth in and out of a hospital and this has been a recurring cycle and it's like they can't really find what's going on it's because there's a spiritual attack against your child who is this it's in this section over here i feel it right here is that you i feel it right here but it is it right is it you i just feel it in this section it might be you let me see if that's where i'm being drawn anybody in this section i just want to make sure you all right once you both step out in the in the steps i'm going to come up to you [Music] somebody in this section right here i'm standing right near you and i'm not trying to embarrass you you have had nights recently of acid reflex coming up inside of your throat come here i want to pray for you you're going to be healed this is going to absolutely leave your body all right you ready i break every satanic attack against this child and i say no more i send the word this child is healed and as well and i break every curse every assignment be thou made whole now jesus name do you have any cloth that i can touch is it anybody have a cloth you have any cloth you know what i'm just going to do this i'm going to pray over your sweatshirt here okay you're going to put this sweatshirt on them lord i release the virtue and the anointing into this cloth and when she lays hands upon this child and this cloth will transmit that anointing that will drive out all evil and no reoccurring sicknesses or symptoms ever again it's a new season jesus snake all right where's the reflux i'm gonna pray for you but right now in the name of yeshua receive it receive it receive it did you have reflex here's the thing i felt it in this section but you can claim it all right put your hand on you for both of you i say no more no more take a deep breath take a deep breath whatever the source of this be thou made whole come here now made whole in jesus name thank you lord jesus name thank you lord father i pray for this one that little one i say no more in jesus name god be healed thank you lord come on i'm gonna go pray for that person over there the seizure thank you god cancer father in the name of yeshua brenda i feel like you're supposed to pray for i was getting ready to touch the lord said no thank you pastors let's give it a handclap for the pastors i declare breakthrough is coming we have another role where's the other role father in the name of yeshua we release the anointing of the holy spirit i just feel like the lord said write your vision down again what you want to do what you feel like god has said to you when you write it down god says i'm going to add increase of numbers to you that are going to run with the vision but you got to rewrite it again thank you lord father i release that anointing i release that anointing there is healing virtue for whatever reason going into your body blind father i don't know why i just went as soon as i touched him i felt healing oil go into him open his eyes i command those blind eyes open in the name of yeshua father i speak the healing power of god i felt it the minute i touched him i felt that virtue go out of me now eyes be open i command blindness come out [Music] command your eyes to see i release that anointing now in jesus name jesus name thank you lord somebody watching me right now you have absolute bleeding that will not stop and i speak to you right now and i say it stops now in the name of yeshua thank you lord there's somebody you have a large lump on the back of your head put your hand there because i curse that thing and i command it to dissipate and leave your body in jesus name somebody in this section right over here there's there's a strange thing that's underneath your arm i feel it right in this section you you've been going like this and there's something like you feel it underneath your arm and it's been causing you pain who is that it's underneath your armpit i'm not trying to not trying to make you feel weird thank you lord thank you for your honesty thank you god heal him in jesus name [Music] and you only thought you were in a season of acceleration for the lord says i'm about to take you places you never never thought you would go and it's going to happen so quickly and so suddenly and the lord says i'm going to shock you with who i connect you to and not just who but when i do it for it shall be a strategic thing but the lord says prepare some things and get ready for an acceleration that shall be so shocking you'll have to readjust some things in your house in your schedule with what you're doing and the lord says there will be some things you'll have to eliminate because of how quickly i put new things in your hand be blessed as you're standing here right now i literally i don't know why but i just saw an angel stand behind you and i feel like it has to do with some breakthroughs that you've been praying for and you've been waiting for i even see the lord doing something specifically in your family there has been tension and division among other family members that have tried to even affect the both of you and and i see god like repairing reconnecting and and and bringing there's apologies that are coming from some i don't know what this means but that's what i see and i also see a very large financial gift that this angel is bringing because there's been some things that have been it's like i feel like there's been some things that have been not stolen but there's been a lot of things that have been nickeling and diming and it feels like that god is going to absolutely bring you into a whole new season of provision and there's a financial blessing very large that's coming because of the years of your sowing and your faithfulness the lord says i'm going to show it to you there's something very unusual that's going to happen around christmas season i see a christmas season i believe it's this christmas season i don't believe it's next i believe it's this one that you're going to see some answers to things that you guys have been asking for begin to manifest one right after another father thank you thank you lord be blessed is there an anthony or a tony right around it where i just heard your name what's up oh no i just heard your name god said anthony now and the lord said it is increase that is coming to anthony there's increase coming to anthony there's more coming to you and what the devil has tried to block and what he has tried to stop it's not going to be stopped up anywhere anymore for the well is open now the well of heaven over you and the lord says it's going to bring healing even to your emotions because they've been stressed out wigged out but the lord says watch now i'm gonna completely heal you spirit soul and body and all the word all it shall be well is over your house this is the one brenda [Applause] there's something in the embrace that is going to break something around you over you it's coming off of your soul it's coming off of your memory there was some act something that happened that wounded you that caused the enemy to try to take a crack at your your body so lord that's broken i just heard there's somebody right over in this section right over here that you just had a child that just had a jail sentence it's right over in this section here i can feel it who is that it felt like it was over here but sometimes i'm just trying to locate the the feel and you're just like god i i'm just i don't know what to do even as your hands are thrown up you're like god i'm just throwing my hands i don't know what to do it devastated you but god says little do you know as there was deliverance with paul and silas there's a deliverance that's coming in other words god is going to visit them and they're going to be delivered from some of the cycles friendships and things that they've been doing because you know why god's got somebody that is already one of the brethren that is going to reach out and there is going to be a true conversion of your child what you thought was lock up turn the key god says yeah to their past season and an unlocking of deliverance to a new one thank you lord amen let's give jesus a shout of praise amen i'm gonna come back up on the stage pastor brenda all right well the night is far spent right i feel like god is is giving all of us a new perspective amen pastor brenda how many of you feel like you're getting a new perspective how many feel like we should do this next year i believe those of you that are watching you need to get to the arena amen right over here you're getting healed of strong pain that's been in your body it hits you down in your elbows your knees your legs your spine come on just begin to move right over there i see it right on the lower section come on just begin to move yeah there you go and god is healing you right now in the name of yeshua now i want to do this last thing the back everybody in the back right now i feel like lift your hands because i feel like the lord is saying just because you're all away in the back that means there's a a blessing for the lord says i'm coming all the way back to touch you so right now everybody that's in the back we speak a blessing of a double portion anointing and father whatever they utter now from their lips come on whatever the need is just utter from your lips just declare just speak it father all the way in the back we say whatever comes out of their mouth what they utter lord we ask for the mighty anointing of god the commissioning of the host to come and touch them right now in jesus name double blessing and answer prayer we prophesied in agreement in the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all right well let's say goodbye to those beautiful people i want you to stay standing kurt's going to come in a moment but we just want to say we love you those of you that are watching anything and tomorrow morning ten o'clock okay this is our normal sunday morning normally we're out at the church but we'll be at the arena tomorrow let your friends know and sami rodriguez will be in the house so you'll want to be here for that you get a little extra sleep 10 o'clock be here in the arena we look forward to seeing you there say goodnight to those that are watching otherwise for just two minutes go ahead kurt give it away come on and let pastor hank know how much you appreciate that message here tonight what an encouraging word wow what a great day you
Channel: Hank and Brenda Kunneman
Views: 30,193
Rating: 4.968421 out of 5
Id: VU5c3oGn0yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 48sec (11868 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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