Calling Forth Destiny with Robin Bullock

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hello everyone and welcome to expect a miracle with richard roberts podcast so glad you could join me today for another very very special guest my friend prophet robin bullock from alabama is on the podcast today robin god bless you and welcome shalom shalom it is so good to be with you brother i mean i have just i i mean your ministry has blessed my family so it's just absolutely amazing and so i'm so honored to get to be here with you today well we thank god now now you'll need to know that robin and i have never been in the same room together we've talked on the phone numerous times uh we're doing this uh this podcast today but i'm actually going to get to meet him in january because i'm coming down to alabama to pray that's right robin tell me tell me how how did the lord call you into the prophetic ministry what age were you and and how did it all start when i was about i began to notice things but they were normal to me but they weren't normal to other people and when i was about four years old you know i ran outside the house at my one of my grandmother's houses i came up on this beach and i stood and watched this whole beach scene for about i don't know 30 minutes something like that and they begin to miss a four-year-old you know so they start calling me and i get back and they tell me there's no beach down here where do you mean you've been at a beach well things like that would happen uh and uh years later i had an airplane flying one time when i was about 10 years old landed behind our barn it was so real i took off behind that barn to find that airplane but of course there was no room to land an airplane and so things like that would happen well later on in life i'm writing a book one day and it's about to come out this particular book i'm talking about and i was telling the story in the book about this beach and i'm sitting on the beach in panama city florida and and i could see and when i was a kid i could see there was a lady a man and a lady beside him with a floppy hat there was umbrella and i'm writing this thing and i tell him the story and i said lord what was that i saw when i was four he said robin lift up your head and look and i raised my head up i was the man sitting on the beach robin was right beside me with a floppy hat uh all the umbrellas were lined up down to my kids were on the beach he said i showed you your future from that time and so and then one day i was i got this you know as we say richard i got this hankering to fly you know i wanted to fly i wanted to learn to fly so i got used to flying this little cessna 152 little top wing and i'd drive up to the airport one day and i was thinking on the story where the plane landed and i said lord i said what was that and he said lift up your eyes and look and when i raise my eyes up and look there was that little red and white cessna that landed behind that barn it even had the tail numbers on it that i saw everything that i sent a plane to fly you out of that into your when you were like four you know nine ten years old and things like that would happen i heard a voice call me one day i was by i was probably 11 years old and i was standing by this row of pomegranate trees up at my uncle's house and and on that old hill where we live if you came up on that hill you were either lost or coming to see us i mean there just wasn't no other there was no other reason to be there i went up there was going to go play with one of my cousins you know we're just going to go out and do something and i can't they wasn't home so i came down off their back porch and i stood by this pomegranate tree and a pomegranate tree now look i heard my other cousin across the pasture call my name and it was this this is where it sounded now robin and i looked up over the pastor and i said what in a few minutes robin i said what third time rabbit i said why and this wind started blowing over over the property and the sky turned real steely now remember i'm only about 10 11 years old and so it dawned on me richard nobody was home over there and nobody was home here and nobody was calling you no and my knees started shaking i took off running down to my grandmother's house she lived with us and i was really my house but she lived with us and i ran down there this is my other grandmother and i told her what happened well you know they always taught us that if somebody calls your name don't answer just don't answer and so hill people you know my my background heal people and and we were really spiritual people they understood spiritual things they just didn't have a knowledge of the word and so i years later i asked the lord matter of fact i was going to fly a plane i said lord what was that voice i heard he said what did it sound like tell me i never forget he said tell me so i said rabbit he said is that what it sounded like i said yes he said what did it sound like the second time tell me i said he said the third time is that what it sounded like i said yes he said tell me i said rabbit he said is that what it sounded like i said lord that's exactly what it sounded like i said lord that was my voice now that was me now he said yes i called you from your future in a voice that you would answer to that you would understand i could cry thinking about these things and so things like that happened and then years and years later richard i was i was in gatlinburg up around gatlinburg tennessee up in the mountains actually i was staying betw on the other side in sevierville but i was on the high place on the high place on the mountain and one night i've never told this on any kind of broadcast maybe i've mentioned it on my own in the past but i'm telling it here first so hang on and i was i was there in this uh robin and i we were staying in this you know we had all of our family with us and this was a high peak i think it was the highest place there you you didn't look up at anything from where we were staying and that night the lord came by that room i'll never forget it he came walking by the room and he took me with him and we went into this hallway i'll never forget this and in this hallway richard it looked like a castle and it but it was in the basement like this is just my mind trying to put it together and it had these arches on my left side there were torches on the wall with cages around the torches and i i was walking down the hall i couldn't see anything on my right side and the lord was ahead of me talking and he and he was leading me down this hallway and i said lord i mean it was so real and it's so precious like for years or for a long time i couldn't even tell it without weeping i couldn't talk about it and i just to make it short for you there's a lot of things happen that night but he said this to me i said he said this is the place where prophets go to be anointed and he asked me do you want this and i said yes lord and i went down this hallway and then i i woke up when i said yes lord but i realized i don't know if i was asleep i don't know if i was awake but everything in my life began to make sense after that everything started changing in my life and then i remember things like this would happen in uh april you know in 2016 i was on a stage and you know i play guitar play music a lot of prophetic music and i was playing and or i was standing on the stage and the band was playing actually and i heard there's a sickness coming in the earth it's going to be a a terrible sickness it'll make the earth tremble and uh it was coming for the children of the wicked one and then on april the 30th 2019 i was standing on the stage this stage and i turned and looked at robin she was playing the keyboard and i looked at her and i and i heard this there's a plague coming it's some kind of pestilence some kind of sickness and i said it's coming and that was before anybody heard about coronavirus oh yeah lord long before i knew anything about it or i'd never heard anybody speak of it it's april the 30th 2019 and i said but i'd actually mentioned it first in 16 and but you're seeing so far out you know it don't compute with a natural mind you understand these things of course of course and i said i'm searching for the words what what is it what is it i said i had never heard the word pandemic that i knew of so i said and robin said is it an epidemic maybe i said yes maybe an epidemic i said but it'll be international and i said unscrupulous men will take advantage of this thing and i said we need to pray against this right now and then of course you know what happened after that and it is still happening oh yeah and then sometimes uh richard i'll hear conversations that people are having privately you know like elisha would do maybe and yes so there is precedent for it yes and and i would i'll hear it like i heard that about uh that ship that was going to be affected and then and then i heard that about john kerry there were men discussing him in a private chamber and then all that news broke out and he was almost charged with treason and uh or betraying israel completely and so things like that happens and you don't you don't control that i mean you know i if you could do it like brother hagin used to say you'd probably do it all the time well let me let me let me clear something up for you for you viewers you notice he keeps mentioning robin they're unusual his wife is named robin so you have rob yeah yeah robin i got to clear that up because people said wait a minute is he talking about who's he talking about well i want to get back to i want to get back to your spouse robin in a couple of minutes but based on what you just said i want to ask you uh what what do you believe is the mandate for the true and honest prophet today now you know there are false prophets in the land there are those who who think they're hearing from god and they're not and they're making something out of it and god has dealt with some of them as you know in the past but what's the what's the mandate today on your life and on on other true prophets to be sure that what they are hearing the stream of what they're hearing is from god well the the first standard of anything in my to me is this see this the bible there this is not subject to anything so it's got to line up with the word of god everything is subject to the written word the written word is subject to nothing else and so this always has it right you know and and and i want i could say something about this and maybe i will in a moment but but as far as a prophetic mandate or being a in the office of a prophet you know some people they'll you know they can operate in the prophetic and there is uh gifts of the spirit that are they're all prophetic but but in the office of a prophet a prophet's office is to bring deliverance you know the bible said israel was delivered by prophet and the bible talks about how how nations are preserved by profit the the office of a prophet brings deliverance brings uh uh preservation it it brings clarity but also it's this see a prophet is is nourished a lot by the future the future see there's only one place in someone's life where there is no sin at all and that is in their tomorrow because they haven't gotten to tomorrow yet to mess it up so tomorrow is clean for for people and that's where the lord calls you from is your tomorrows he calls you from the future and what you do a prophet will go into the future and they'll inhale the future and then they they're back in this time and they exhale destiny and and and they'll stand in front of people and a prophetic word or a prophet's office one of the main things is to call forth destiny out of people see when people were when when when people are conceived and and that there's a spark of electricity that takes place when when a conception of a life takes place and life begins at conception on a person in this earth yes you know god knew them before but but when that conception takes place which shows you how far ahead of the curve he is yes and so you know he's breathing out those souls that come into the earth and so when that spark of electricity happens and starts that seed and egg dividing and and life is coming into being that's that spark of of electricity that shaft of lightning that's god visiting your baby shower he comes at your baby shower and he brings gifts at that moment in time there are gifts deposited into people there's gifts and calls and destinies and when they're children like i was talking about your spirit's real tender before god and so and that innocence of your growing ups they'll flash out at times those gifts will flash out some people will preach they'll prophesy they'll they'll experience all kinds of wonderful things but as a person begins to choose sin those gifts be best becoming obscure and you can't find them i had those i had that same thing happen to me robin uh you know i i operate primarily in the word of knowledge and only only only occasionally in a true prophetic word once in a while but not very often but primarily the word of knowledge and i began i began to realize that at an early age i didn't know what it was like you and and it took it took some growing and some maturing time in me until the time came when god revealed what i was to do and spoke to me like he spoke to you and took me out of the hand and showed me so i i understand what you're saying also the thought came to me while you were talking that if you studied the bible which you held up just a minute ago you'll find that every king had a prophet that was assigned to him yes and sometimes the king listened and sometimes he didn't listen and sometimes he obeyed and sometimes he didn't obey and israel did great when they obeyed and they didn't do so well when they disobeyed that's right well you know and and this is this is another thing and and just so that people have this i'll finish that one thought and then i want to address that about kings and prophets because see when people get born again and the light of the world himself jesus comes into their heart and fills them suddenly those gifts become alive again on the inside of them and a prophetic uh expression a prophetic word especially from the mouth of a prophet but even if it's a prophetic word can be spoken over somebody and suddenly their destiny leaps up into their their thoughts and they realize oh my goodness this is what i was born to do and they just come to this realization and prophetic gifts wake up those i mean the prophetic wakes that up inside people now as far as kings you never notice uh richard that there's so many prophets in the land right now now they were always here sure but suddenly they're spotlighted in the and the reason being one reason one reason anyway one reason is that when kings go rogue when kings go rogue and they push the nation that god has created to the edge of collapse he brings prophets on the scene to point their finger right to the nose of that king and say thus saith the lord because the when kings go rogue prophets are that's the anointing that will boldly tell a king what he's doing wrong and what he needs to be doing well that's what nathan did exactly with david what's your exactly right he came in and spoke to david you're the man yeah that's exactly what happened and it's still happening today there there are many people who who don't understand the prophetic and they think that well because there have been a few bad apples that every prophet is like that and that's not true you know there are some crooked doctors in the world but not all doctors are crooked there are some crooked pilots in the world but not all pilots are crooked there are some crooked politicians but not all politicians are crooked you know there are some crooked ministers but not all ministers are crooked so you have to eat the straw and spit out the sticks okay that's right speaking of that you were talking i got to get back to i got to get back to your robin not you rob your problem yeah you married a gal whose name was robin that's right you got it you got to explain that to me in fact you got a daughter that's named after my daughter jordan yeah i told you your family was a blessing to us all these years i think i mean now uh well see robin and i met actually met i was playing gospel a guitar for a gospel group a southern gospel group here and uh and for and their son had a gospel group and back then you know we all dressed alike we all you remember that quartet it's dressed alike i remember those horrible outfits well we all but well you couldn't find anything real stylish that five people could wear i know we wouldn't be caught dead in them today lord and so so she came she came bouncing in one night and to check on their dresses that the group i was playing with was making for her group because it was the parents of the head of her group so robin was about 14 and uh i was 15. and so she came in and my mother thought my mother came by to pick me up well she was in my car and i had a real hopped up mustang you know i had this jacked up mustang it looked like a mad wasp coming down the road you know but my mother was very very she was very young looking very young looking and so she came in the the door to get me well robin was in there robin thought it was my wife she's oh my goodness yes and i i wanted her phone number and robin's saying give him my phone number no married man and and this man there was you know said that's his mother that's his mother and so it never dawned on me her name was robin never dawned on me i was taken with her you know i i wasn't i wasn't thinking about her name and so i asked for her name and and her phone number well she when she found out i was just 15 you know no so she wrote her name down and her name was robin youngblood okay young blood well it was wrote on a brown paper sack torn off and with red ink i'll never forget it and i picked it up and looked at it and i said well thanks a lot thanks a lot and he said well what are you talking about i said look at this it says robin you're a slob but it said robin young blood but in the dark it looked like robin my name you're a slob i said he said no man that's her name so it began she was 14. oh my god i was 15. i got to ask you now what were you doing driving a mustang at 15. well where i'm from alabama okay all right okay enough said i'm upset i understand i could drive at nine i was driving you know i was driving a straight shift on the column at nine years old well i learned i learned when i was 12. also on the back roads outside of tulsa with my grandfather yeah well you understand that i understand and so anyway we married at 16 and 17. oh my goodness and so we've been married 42 years and you just had your 60th birthday i know because i sent you a special video just a couple of weeks ago you did man thank you so much you don't look 60 you take after your mama okay well that's right my mother my mother's precious she was very young looking and and uh and of course i wanted to tell you this robin uh for my 60th birthday they had this big this big to-do you know this big and and we're i'm i'm just overwhelmed by it and your videos there and different ones are there and even brother copeland sent me a video and i just i i and pastor george and terry i'm just taking and kent and hank kuhneman and and amanda grace and prophets were sending me i don't i'm thinking i'm i'm this boy from alabama you know i'm so grateful and but when the end of the night was over i walked outside robin said i come out here we went outside and they stuck this phone up in my ear and it was playing mustang sally the song mustang sally and guess what richard coming up the road was a 1964 and a half mustang well that's the first year yeah very first the first model that's right and she had bought me that for my birthday was bringing it up the road and pulled in well you see do you still have it i'm assuming because i want to i want to ride in it when i come in jail i'll tell you what i'll let you i i i'll let y'all drive it around you can go y'all can run up to sonic or something and get them to the drive through and get you to get you something all right robin you've got you've got a couple of new books out yes god is absolutely good yes and a apostolic shift have i got that right well you know you're the first person to ever mention that book apostolic shift you know i was talking to christa the other day that's named after your daughter christa jordan yes and so i was talking to her the other day i said we need to put that book out it's in the office and i have a book called the pool and the portal that's out and it's a very prophetic book and it's so overwhelmed the mail room that we had to stop advertising it for a little while till it's all caught up and then we'll put it back out but god is absolutely good as our main book uh that's our flagship that's that's the book i i believe is my mandate to tell the world and teach the world and then uh apostolic shift we do have that book and um you did your homework to know that well how would you how would somebody get it how would they contact you to get it okay you could just go to my website that's probably the best thing to do okay just go to my website yeah i know his yes his books will be a blessing uh i i was told i was preaching on the on the day they had that special celebration for you i was in california that day preaching so i couldn't watch it online but i understand that somebody put a scarf on you and and placed a medal a new medal on you can you explain what happened for my birthday one of the first things that just took me back is when i opened the doors at our some of our office buildings up here one of our office buildings uh when i opened the door there stood uh cat kerr cat was there and her husband being and so they spent the a couple days with robin and i here at the house and then they were in service with us the next morning sunday morning well i'm up here speaking at church international on sunday morning and i turned around and if you know miss cat you know she's a she's a prophet oh my goodness and if if the father tells her something you know she goes to heaven like since she was like eight four years old eight years old i don't know but she she's the she knows things that's just you'll listen to for hours and suddenly she said the father has a word well you don't argue you know you just hand the mock to her and she here she came up and she started giving me this word and then she took this mantle off and when she did the lord told me he said because see when the lord speaks richard i want to follow my face i always fall on my face i hunt a place to get down and lay down and just fall before the lord and the lord will tell me you can't fall here don't do that here you can't do that here but that morning when she took that mantle off he said now you can knead me and when i did she placed an anointing to add to the anointings the lord has placed on me from her i i i'd have to go back and listen to what she said and she laid that scarf around my around my jacket and it was a special time well i'm glad i've i've not met her but i have seen her of course online oh my goodness in fact i have i've watched you so many times on the on the elijah list which now i guess they've changed the name town to the elijah stream yeah that's their br that's their broadcast you've got something on there now on a briefing can you share a little bit about that oh yeah yeah intelligence briefing we do an intelligence briefing with steve schultz well that's something that i need a whole lot of i need some intelligence yeah well i i think i think you do it all right in that area brother uh but what the lord had me do he said call steve up and and tell him about steve schultz steve schultz yes with the elijah streams he said and of course they have the elijah list too yeah that's they have both of them and that's where i've seen you so many times yeah on the stream and he said he said call up steve and tell him about this intelligence briefing you that i want you to do and he said i want y'all to do it so i mentioned it to him you know see what he thought about it oh it went off in his spirit and uh what it is is well come on there's nothing really scripted at all we just come on and there's no giving five talking points and then it's like today i gave you nothing i'm talking points we just started talking but then we go into depth we go into depth of how things happen what's going on prophetic uh prophetically we talk about creation we talk about all kinds of of things that you just don't normally hear about and the lord visits every one of those things and it's just rich richard you know what i'm saying brother it's just rich it's just rich stuff and so i think this next one coming up is number 19 since that happened well i encourage you i encourage you to watch the elijah streams and the intelligence briefing and anytime you see you see robin online you should click click on it and you should you should watch it that's what lindsay and i do robin before we close i'd like to ask you if you would pray pray for people as they're watching this podcast some are watching some are listening uh and if you would pray and if the lord gives you a word as you pray please take your freedom okay yes and then i'll call right i'll pray after you okay father i want to thank you today lord first of all in gratitude and thanksgiving lord for all those that are watching all those that are listening lord i thank you for richard i thank you for his family lord we come to you now and i come to you in gratitude oh this is an awesome thing to be in your presence we never take it for granted now lord i pray that everyone watching and listening to this right now lord that their destiny begin to wake up in the lord that their destinies start to wake up on the inside of them lord we call that forth in them that they will know their purpose and lord god that they will begin to run toward their purpose lord the purpose brings such peace in their thoughts once they know and lord show them that you're absolutely good and that they haven't disappointed you lord lord to disappoint you would mean if you could be disappointed by them lord let them know you wouldn't be any bigger than them but lord they haven't disappointed you lord that they're as close as a prayer jesus in jesus name take my life do something with it and lord all is made new and yes lord i will do that right now the lord spoke something to me and he said these things before i came on this today he said today you are to give a brand new prophetic word that he's given in my spirit that i haven't said yet the lord said all of these things that you see around you happening in the political realm and all these things that are going on the lord said i'm about to turn the page on all of this and he said tell the people thus saith the lord behold the glory cometh behold the glory cometh the glory is about to invade the earth and he is sending a move and a wave of his glory into the earth and the lord said begin to proclaim and declare as a prophet that the glory comes behold it comes and when the glory comes that's resurrection power and that resurrection power will begin to change things it'll it'll bring things back to life that you thought were dead and gone because this page will turn and the glory comes the lord said this to me brother richard he said that he is perfect and he said you are imperfect he said so i give you a voice into perfection and you give me a voice into imperfection and he said when you give me a voice into the imperfect that his voice when it is given into the imperfect he said it will take the imperfect and make it perfect and start started all moving toward perfection because everything in creation is moving toward perfection this is a promise he gave moses the promise he gave moses you're about to see he said as i live my glory will fill this earth and now the glory the lord said to say it on this program behold the glory cometh i'll praise good is the word of the lord praise god we esteem the word of the lord thank you father for this prophetic word that is given into the world today thank you for robin and for his dear wife robin and for their family thank you for their ministry there in alabama how i look forward to being with them in january there now for you that are listening and watching i send the word to you according to psalm 107 verse 20 which says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions in the name of jesus i send that word to you right now for healing in your body for healing in your spirit healing in your in your soul realm your mind your will your emotions for healing in your finances for healing in your relationships for healing in your emotions from the crown of your head even unto the souls of your feet i send the word of god to you i believe now hallelujah i feel that same anointing on me now that i feel every time i preach i send that word to you now in jesus name and thank you for the robin being on our podcast today thank you for the blessing of god upon his life for his family upon his ministry yeah every step he takes be a step ordered from you and may he be a clear voice i receive lord hallelujah uninterrupted i pray this in the authority of jesus name amen and amen amen amen amen robin thank you thank you so much for coming on today oh i'm so honored man thank you so much for having me and your and the people that are watching you they're the most precious people on the earth man i mean they're god's people they're the best he's got if we just i thank god for them all hallelujah all that watch us on the 11th hour the best he's got well i praise god for that i praise god for you and for your family looking forward to meeting you and if jesus were here in the flesh he would probably be driving a 1964 and a half mustang yeah that's right i'll see you in january robin and thank you so much for watching expect a miracle podcast i pray it's a blessing i'll see you next time with another tremendous guest god bless you and i'm expecting something good to happen to you bye bye for now textgiving is now available it's as simple as taking out your mobile phone and opening your text app if you're in the usa text rrm to 833-881-6442 then just follow the prompts now if you're in canada text rrm canada to 77977 that's rrm to 833 881 6442 in the usa and rrm canada to 77977 if you're in canada and we'll put the numbers in the show notes for easy reference your generosity makes a difference [Music] you
Channel: Richard Roberts
Views: 82,686
Rating: 4.9467564 out of 5
Keywords: Richard, Roberts, Healing, God, Christian, miracles, prayer, Jesus, healing prayer, bible, Bulluck, Robyn, Robin, Bullock, prophet, visions
Id: 3ruDPP3bvkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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