The Great Exchange | Tim Sheets

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last week i uh talked about a tactic revealed in the book of daniel and the tactic was hell's attempt to attack and wear out the saints but we saw because of our life in christ a strength to overcome that wearing down type tactic is provided for all of god's people it's for us we are never without hope never ever it is always available through our connection with christ always available well this past week as i began to pray for today for what i should share just seeking the lord at first i was just i was just empty i'm like lord give me something what are you saying now and i just kept pressing into that and uh finally i began to converse with the lord something like this lord there's there's just so much swirling around our world right now there's such confusion in our nation such chaos and many of our leaders are just just living lives we we see them cheating we see them betraying our nation and now we're seeing many of our leaders using shame to shame as a leadership tactic and of course if you are leading with that kind of tactic then you're leading by demon influence and i said lord there's just such hatred and such division and now our government is vilifying people with threats pitting people against each other for political reasons tyranny is just staring us in the face and now the church is being attacked at a different level the people of god are being attacked at a different level and good people are also being attacked just hard-working people are being threatened by our by our government our own president says he's losing patience with us he's way behind us losing patience with him but tyranny is okay that's not my point today but it is a point tyranny staring us in the face but i said lord i know i i know this hasn't taken you off guard and i know that that you have a plan would you please tell me what it is i can't tell you that he told me all he's going to do i wish i could but i can tell you one thing i heard the lord say so plain and it lit my spirit up i heard something wasn't what i was expecting to hear wasn't even something that i was thinking about but i heard these words strong in my spirit rising up to my to my consciousness i heard the lord say it is time and i will give beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning and garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness for a supernatural time of exchange to change my people and liberate them to live in freedoms i've planned has now come to fullness move into the reality of my great exchange live in the reality of my great exchange move into the power dimensions i provide leave the ashes your enemy has used to sow your soul and darken your times leave the burning singeing soul grief of the spirit prince of heaviness wrap yourself in the garments of praise your prince of peace provides you live live the realities of my revealed identity for my heirs yes my nature is within you to life you live the life of children of god live the god life through your natural life yet beyond it live the god life in your flesh life connected to my life filled with holy spirit life come to the place of awesome exchange is not my altar the holy place of exchange your sins for my forever life your chains for my freedom your guilt for my pardon your shame for my innocence your condemnation for divine approval your weaknesses for my strength your futile works for my amazing grace your defeats for my victory your fears for my boldness your failures for my success your sickness for my health and healing come all who are weak and heavy laden and i will give you rest understand the lord said understand the anointing heaven has placed upon you understand the exchange privileges understand the promises that are faithful that are true watched over and performed move into the reality of the great exchange give me ashes i'll give you beauty give me mourning or grieving i'll give you joy i'll i'll pour soothing oil joy all over you give me your heaviness i'll give you songs of thanksgiving give me your burial clothes and i'll give you garments of praise receive the anointing pouring forth from heaven participate in the supernatural times i provide be beneficiaries of the great exchange that word of the lord obviously caused me to go a different way today and it caused me to ponder a bit more the atmosphere of hope that we are to live in and obviously holy spirit wasn't done emphasizing it and then i be i began to think of isaiah 61 how could i not and as i read it i began to sense a a new flow of the oil of joy a new flow of the oil of joy coming the spiritual force of joy that is a part of the very nature of god it's it's a part of of who he is it's a spiritual force that makes him god joy is a spirit force which nehemiah 8 10 says becomes great strength it becomes strength it activates strength it grows strength it's amazing to me that god's word declares joy makes us strong and inappropriate sadness some sadness is appropriate but inappropriate sadness makes you weak could holy spirit actually be preparing warriors in the today's ecclesia to become joyful warriors oh i think yes there is a surge of joy being poured out that he has shown me earlier this week there's a surge of joy being poured upon god's people to increase our strength the lord says it is time for an oil pour of joy it is that the time is now the time is now and i will give joy and this will change my people he said it will change their nature it will change their actions it will change how they react isaiah 61 verse 1 through 3 new king james version says this the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord that's the year of jubilee to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in zion to give them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he may be glorified the message bible reads this way and it's it's just so good the spirit of god the master is on me because god anointed me he sent me to preach good news to the poor this of course is about jesus he sent me to preach good news to the poor heal the heartbroken announce freedom to all captives pardon all prisoners god sent me to the en to announce the year of his grace a celebration of god's destruction of our enemies and to comfort all who mourn we are moving into times when we're going to celebrate god destroying the activity of our adversaries we're moving into a time when we're going to celebrate victories that god has given to care for the needs of all who mourn in zion give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes messages of joy instead of news of doom ah i can't wait for that no more news of doom messages of joy it's an exchange a praising heart instead of a languid spirit renaming them oaks of righteousness planted by god to display his glory the exchange involves a new name for the remnant those in the ecclesia in our times the he renames them oaks of righteousness planted by by the lord to display his glory oaks represents strength strength it represents it in our time but it represented it in bible times oaks represents strength he he renames us he's renaming us in this season oaks of righteousness the planting of the lord you may feel weak you may feel that way but god's going to pour oil joy over you and you're going to begin to feel like oak trees strong thankfully he does not rename us weeping willow trees no i'm going to rename them oak trees they're going to be my strong ones verse 4 they'll the oak trees the the renamed ones the remnant they'll rebuild the old ruins raise a new city out of the wreckage they'll start over on the renewed on the ruined cities take the rebel left behind and make it new you'll have the title priests of god honored as ministers of god you'll feast on the bounty of nations you'll bask in their glory because you've got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever because i god love fair dealings he doesn't like cheating he doesn't like it at all and hate thievery and crime he hates thievery he hates crime well i don't like cheating i don't like hating i don't like crime i don't like thievery because i god love fair dealing and hate thievery and crime i'll pay your wages on time and in full and establish my eternal covenant with you i heard that earlier this week a part of that covenant is a great exchange despair is exchanged for joy and a future filled with hope hope hope's one of the greatest forces on the entire planet though it's it's not a tangible object you can see yet it affects the spirit the soul and the body of everyone similar to joy hope energizes your life if you don't have hope you're without energy if you don't have joy you don't have your energy hope energizes life hope strengthens our will or our resolve hope activates vision hope changes our actions hope hebrews 6 19 says is actually an anchor of the soul like a ship that drops anchor to to hold that ship in place to keep it from drifting away to to keep it from being blown into danger by by some storm that comes along expected storms or unexpected storms certainly some storms are just unexpected and they happen they're unexpected but there they are and they're real they're fierce they look ominous still as the anchor holds a ship steady so it is with us hope anchors our soul hope it it holds us steady it holds us in a safe place to get us through life's storms the bible is just full of examples of transcending hope and it is always available always available to the born-again ones always available to the sons and the daughters of god the apostle peter describes it as a living or lively hope we saw that last sunday morning it's a hope that's alive the apostle paul makes an interesting statement concerning hope it's a it's a a promise that he had to live out in his own life the apostle paul says in romans 5 5 that it is a hope that does not disappoint it doesn't disappoint jeremiah describes it as a force that opens doors to a good future a blessed and prosperous future listen to jeremiah 29 verse 11 through 14. this is the voice translation it is the promise of the living god for for his heirs for his children no matter what comes expected or unexpected no matter what comes for i know the plans i have for you says the eternal plans for peace not evil to give you a future and a hope never forget that never forget that he says never forget that you will call out to me and i will hear you will pray i will listen you will look for me intently and you will find me yes i will be found by you says the eternal and i will restore your fortunes that is not just a promise for finances by the way it is that if finances are the need if money's the need but but sometimes you need what money can't buy it it includes that also i will restore your fortunes the message bible says i will turn things around for you god says never forget that i have good plans for you never forget that never i have a future filled with hope that i will provide you never forget it never forget that when you pray i will listen never forget that when you seek me you'll find me never forget it when you pray i will restore your losses never forget that when you call out to me i will be there never forget it i'll turn things around for you no matter what never forget that do not forget it we cannot forget what god tells us don't forget hope that doesn't disappoint hope that doesn't disappoint has gotten me through a lot of disappointments hope that doesn't disappoint can get you through a lot of disappointments hope that restores fortune has has provided passageway through a lot of misfortune hope that there will be a turn around has led me through times when it looked like there was never going to be any turnaround hope that declares there that the future will be good the future will be blessed the future will be prosperous has anchored my soul when when it looked like that was not even possible like most in our times i think most most in our times have been through some disappointments perhaps and more than likely i'm talking to those that have been through some times of disappointment i've been through those times i've been disappointed by people ever been disappointed by people i've been disappointed by results though i gave it all i had i've been disappointed in the actions or the words of people who should know better i've been disappointed by traditional religion and nominal churches that refuse to stand for our cause i was disappointed this past week in the results in california knowing that there was a woke nominal church that refused to make a stand and i i have talked to other leaders about that even this week they actually stood for abortion they voted for it was asked by one bishop in a denomination how can you explain that you can only explain it as it is a nominal in name only group of people that are led by hireling shepherds and they are part of those that probably jesus was talking about when he said one day there will be a group that stand before me and said we went to church every week we did a lot of good things and he says i'm going to tell them i don't know you depart from me you cannot say you know him and not do what he says i've been disappointed by by the stand of much of the church and admittedly in the last few years it got it got to me a few times i had to overcome that i've been disappointed in our government and some of its insane positions i've been disappointed by so-called friends who threw me under the bus for personal gain but the anchor the anchor of hope that god always provides has been an alive force that kept my soul from being blown away when we trust that when we trust that we are kept from drifting never forget that never forget it when we trust that we're steadied in live storms don't forget that when we trust the god of living hope when we call out to him he listens never forget it he will not disappoint he will provide awesome plans for for turnarounds and he will give the oil of joy no matter what most don't get through life without some misfortune it's not like you're an unbelief it's not like you're in sin it's just an unexpected storm and now you've got to deal with it now you've got to overcome it now it's staring you right in the face and you got to do something most have to deal with unfortunate situations you didn't cause you didn't have anything to do with but there it is unfortunate or unfortunate or or misfortune it's important to understand what that really means the bible is very plain about it it refers to random accidents caused by life on a fallen planet random results because of man's rebellion and man's sin random random connections with cultural or societal sins that now we gotta we we've got to overcome random connections to culture or viruses or sicknesses anomalies in the genetic codes that weaken over time and and begin to be revealed in our families our downlines random results caused by by someone or a group of someones that now we've got to overcome random consequences of government that doesn't align with with god and his word sometimes we can find ourselves crossing paths with those unfortunate times and situations it does happen and it happens to good people happens to christians but even when we cross paths with those times never forget this never forget this when you cross paths with those times even when you do is born again once as as sons and daughters we have a supernatural promise of the living god trust him and he will help us overcome trust him and he'll restore our fortunes trust him he brings brings us back into an alignment with with the covenants of [Music] of of god that has been made to us he'll help us turn things around it's not like we don't go through difficult times it would be crazy to even infer that but we have a hope that will not disappoint never forget that some of you need to hear that today hope is coming joy is coming and it's not going to disappoint god's not going to disappoint you never forget that never our god is going to help us pass through and grace us to overcome he knows how to as romans 8 28 says turn all things for our good never forget that he's a big god he can do anything and he knows how to turn everything that comes our way for our good never forget that that doesn't mean things will always be the same i've taught whole lessons on that it doesn't mean that doesn't mean everything's going to be the same there are some things that will never be the same but god knows how to make life good again never forget it he knows how to restore life he he knows how to change things he knows how to restore fortunes he knows how to give beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness when you lit he will listen when you pray he he'll listen and he realigns your future my future is so out of out of alignment well he'll listen and he'll bring it back into alignment never forget that never forget it he'll make life good again never forget it isaiah 61 is actually a prophetic word concerning jesus in fact jesus himself quotes that word about himself in luke 4 18. but it's more than that far more than that it's a it's a description of christ's very nature it's a it's a description of his uh his heart it's a description of his thinking it describes the disposition of our king or it describes the ways his ways it it reveals his personality it reveals his actions towards you and i and it is present tense in other words right now actions right now disposition right now nature or ways right now in other words today here is his nature today here is this inclination today here is his ministry his help that's available right now today here's what he can do right now because here's who he is right now god's word declares the essence of the very being of king jesus is to do this for you now in isaiah 61 we see that the holy spirit anoints jesus to minister an exchange that is absolutely incredible and it's absolutely filled with hope in his book 100 meditations on hope dr oden gives this testimony it's one of my favorites it's a testimony about a man in london in england and his soul was so troubled he was so discouraged that he just wanted to to end his life he decided to go and throw himself off of a bridge and just drown himself just end it the story's brief but it reads this way one night a discouraged man in london was on his way to drown himself at that moment his life did not seem worth living as he walked along the street he stopped and looked at a painting in a shop window it was george frederick watts painting titled hope it's a painting of a of a woman that is blindfolded sitting on top of the world holding a violin and the violin only had one string on the violin yet still hoping and believing that this instrument can make music this woman is ready to strike that one that one string the man stopped and he looked at this painting and he said to himself well i do have one string i have a little boy at home and at that moment he exchanged he changed his mind he exchanged despair for hope and god began to reveal hope to this despairing man he returned home and and he renewed his focus on raising his son thinking that and trusting that god could do something with one string on the violin of his life god could do something by just playing one note god could bring about harmony somehow god could take one note and bring back the music he knew how he lived to tell a different story like all of us that man he couldn't change the past caused by hopelessness and despair he couldn't change the past that caused that he he couldn't but with god's help he could change the future and he did you see a different picture in your thinking today rather than staring at the despair of difficult times you gotta see god's picture of hope there's always hope never forget it i heard the lord say and this is the essence of what i want to say today and i've given plenty of time for something but i heard the lord say it is time and i will give beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning and garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness come unto me for supernatural exchange move into and live in the reality of my great exchange leave the ashes your enemies have used to soil your souls and darken your times leave the burning sinjing soul grief of the spirit prince of heaviness leave it wrap yourself in the garments of praise that your that your prince of peace provides live in the realities of my revealed identity for my heirs live as children of god live the god life through your natural life yet beyond it live the god life in your flesh life connected to my life filled with holy spirit life come to the place of exchange give me ashes i'll give you beauty give me your give me your morning i'll give you the oil of joy i'll pour soothing oil joy all over you give me your heaviness i'll give you songs of thanksgiving give me your burial clothes give me your burial clothes and i'll give you garments of praise god is strengthening his ecclesia to deal with and overcome hell's spirit prince of heaviness singers and musicians come now i left plenty of time today because one of the words of the lord that steered me in a way that i wasn't planning on going but it's okay i just i really just i just want i just want whatever he wants say it lord but one of the one one of the words he said was is not this is not my altar the place of great exchange what do you need to exchange today the altar is the place of exchange is not my altar the place of exchange and so as we worship i'm going to invite you to the place of great exchange is it despair is it discouragement is it hopelessness what do you need you come to the place of exchange i'll give you beauty for those ashes i'm just that's all burned it's a burn mess well i'll give you beauty for those ashes i'll pour oil joy all over you if he said he would do it he's going to do it oh i believe he directed this today for you this is your day of exchange even if you're online make an altar of your couch or something and exchange it here's the despair lord here's my burial clothes [Music] here's my disappointments [Music] here's my failure and i'm going to exchange it for a hope that's alive and i'm going to exchange it for an oil flow of joy that makes me strong i'm leaving the weeping willows becoming an oak tree stand if you would allow people a chance to move if that is you it's not like we're going to lay hands on prey on you over you today that's not my intent my intent is here's an altar come to the place of exchange and you exchange it how god here it is now give me what you promised i'm coming to the place of exchange i'm done with this hopelessness i'm done i want the place of exchange i want the oil of joy come to the place of exchange sing something rachel and the altar is open and we're just going to worship and allow you to come to the place of exchange if you don't want to come forward you can make that seed that but make it an altar here it is lord i'm i'm giving it to you i'm trading this i don't have much to trade god i've got all i have some ashes that's okay i got beauty for you i've got an exchange program that you can't beat come and make the exchange hallelujah i have this assignment also for the ecclesia just keep trading don't you just do what you need to do there is a spirit prince of heaviness that has attached itself to washington dc in feeding this nation you can feel it that spirit prince is a dominant prince in this nation right now attacking all the states and it is the ecclesias assignment to bind it and i have been instructed to the lord to do that i want your agreement and all watchings agreement [Music] we have authority to bind this yes it affects us individually and yes the exchange is for us but we've got to take care of this and as i pray i ask your agreement father in the name of jesus christ the king the greater one as an apostle in your kingdom representing your ecclesia i come against this spirit prince of heaviness that's tentacles go into this nation i bind you in jesus name now command you to stop your work loose our government loose the local governments let angel princes war with us today as i bind this off of this nation i curse you in jesus name you you will not reign we bind your work we bind your activities to our government we bind your activities on all levels we bind you through delusional politicians we bind this spirit prince and we declare the prince of peace jesus rules and we're exchanging that atmosphere today it goes bind it in the name of jesus i pray god for the mighty angel princes that you have given to the ecclesia to begin to battle against this to break it off of this nation to break its doom message through our media you said you'll give us a different message messages of joy we declare that in the name of jesus this spirit prince must come down you are not permitted to reign in the united states you are not permitted to affect the ecclesia of jesus christ we will rise in great joy and strength with the oil of joy we will be the oaks of righteousness planted by god in this nation for his glory [Music] you will not we take authority over you in the power of the kingdom of almighty god that is far greater than you are your spirit prince of darkness stop it stop it all of all of your forces that have aligned with you we command your defeat in jesus name we release angel armies to battle against you [Music] to battle against you and to clear the realms of the atmospheres of this nation from this diabolical force of hell the ecclesia rises lord today to engage in a supernatural realm of authority against this spirit prince and in jesus name you will not not have any effect over the ecclesia you will not affect this this house you will not affect these people you will not affect the ecclesy of jesus christ we are standing as oaks [Music] of righteousness planted by our god to display his glory in this nation and declare freedom hope messages of joy [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 17,879
Rating: 4.9434628 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets, the great exchange, hope message
Id: JLkobkDx0T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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