Sunday Morning Service 9/19/2021

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one two three [Music] so [Music] praise the lord oh this is the day that the lord has made and we're going to rejoice and be glad in it we want to welcome everybody live here today and by live stream you are not here by any mistake this is an appointed time and a strategic time that you are here today and that you tuned in the lord has something good for you today hallelujah [Music] all right [Music] me [Music] how me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you to shout what you mean to me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh how we bless you lord we thank you for your goodness your mercy and your kindness [Music] lord we ask you today for a new level lord we ask you for a new depth of spirit that we've never seen before that we've never walked into before lord we give you honor and praise and glory come on and thank him for it yes yes how we thank him for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] what you mean to me [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] tell you me how much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a shop coming out from the warriors there is a shop the earth there is oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] the water [Music] [Music] waiting for the size [Music] brother [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on it is your time oh hear it hear the breath of god as it blows hear it hear the breath of god as it blows hear it the breath of god as it blows across the land but things will change and it will change grand you're gonna see the landscape of the nation change i know that you're looking and saying when that's it in the wind hear it but what you hear today says the lord is a violent wind for this is not the gentle breeze of the lord what you're hearing now and the sounds that i'm making through the equipment now was not planned it was not heard and no one could make it happen for the lord says now i'm showing you a violent wind what is the violent wind it is the blast of the ruach over the creation that will split seas and cause chaos to settle for this is a violent wind for the world has dared to call me out on the battlefield and men and arrogant men and political powers have dared to call me says the lord out on the battlefield well here i come and i am marching in indignation across the land for i'm going to show you something i am going to remove two and bring up one and you're going to see it and you will know that you heard it in the wind what is in the wind everything is in the wind for this is the time of great battle this is the time for you to stand and me says the lord to battle if you will stand i will do the fight for this is the time says the lord for me to flex and show my might for do you think a service such as this could be made up and dreamed up by men no says the king it could never be for the sounds you're hearing now are made by me no one else brought them no one else caused them before this was unexpected and yet i said let the wind blow so now it blows it blows it blows come on it blows it blows [Music] it blows let the wind blow come on rip come on lift it let the wind go come on let the wind blow come on out of your mouth the window let's shout it out to the heaven let the wind [Music] let the wind blow now lift your praises high to the [Music] door come on lift your praises to the heavens [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the wind blow let the wind [Music] let the wind [Music] [Music] come on let's go [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] how many of you since the presence of the lord here today can you i really believe the lord wants to bring everyone to another level today and i really believe that what we have to do is we're going to have to push in to see things we've never seen to move in things we've never moved in there are forces raid against the church right now that's arrayed against us as a whole the body as a whole there are forces that are arrayed against us that would destroy us if they could and their goal is not to the goal of these forces are not to just silence you it is to eradicate god from your mind and to completely do away with the way of life you know [Music] i heard this morning that the lord began to talk to me about that it's time to live in the breath of god and he started talking to me about this and there's two words used for breath in hebrew when it's used in genesis one one of them is the ruach [Music] ruach [Music] ruach is the breath of god the holy ghost that comes and in the very beginning when the earth was chaotic when it had become chaotic see the world you live in now in the days of genesis 1 was not the way you read it was not the first world that was the recreation of the world that had already imploded in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and isaiah 40 said he did not create it formless and void he created it to be inhabited [Music] but there was an an archangel who arrayed his words against god and tried to overthrow the whole creation because he wanted the position of a man because he discovered in the stones of fire in heaven that man was coming and the man was going to be such a unique creature that no one had ever seen before until psalm 8 is the record of an angel declaring in the court of heaven and this angel said what is man nothing had ever seen a man but they knew that god had him on his mind and now that angel said what is a man that you're mindful of him or the son of man that you would come visit him he said you made him a little lower than god he said you made him right under you [Music] and he said this that he earnestly protested against this man and it filled him with violence until he imploded the earth and so genesis 1 2 we see the spirit of god moving over the face of the waters for decades and eons and who knows how long we haven't found it yet but who knows how long it lay dormant and and still all of creation angelic forces would pass by in the universe and there was a dark spot where the earth hung and no one would speak of it no one would talk about it it was a time when a rebellion happened and god had to put it down and he had to put it down to save the life of his man for this is where abortion got its start [Music] was satan trying to rip the man from the womb of god [Music] and so no one talked about it no angel spoke of it no one breathed it [Music] and then the day came when god turned his attention back to the earth and he looked at the earth and when he did if you could see and read what happened it says that if a man could have viewed what took place that there would have been no strength in him and his joints would have come loose to see the power that was displayed and god looked at the earth and when he did mountains started moving fire was bubbling the seas were roaring everything started moving in the earth and the sound if you could have heard the sound of the fluttering of the ruach of god it was a vacuum that was sucking up everything into it and you would have heard it like that wind it was a violent sounding and when everything was in a in this state the scripture said the holy ghost the ruach was moving over the face of the ignorant death-filled waters [Music] everything from the first world had died and when he began to move and flutter resurrection power went to the bottom and came up to the top and began to move everything around a violent wind of god this is the holy ghost part of war [Music] and he began to move over the face of the deep it means the abyss and it was filled with ignorant death said seed was floating all in that murky water it was chaotic and he began to move over and when the holy ghost had it in such a state god said light be and light was and it began to separate and move every time there's a rebellion against god every time there's forces arrayed against his people and against god trying to destroy see god has a dream he has a vision within himself of you coming into perfection [Music] why would he have such a dream of you coming into perfection because that's where you began in perfection [Music] and so he's he has this dream and this vision and he sees you where you were as adam and jesus came to this earth god in the flesh do you know where [Music] when abraham led isaac to be sacrificed on the altar without preaching that whole thing where he says isaac looked it and abraham and said here is the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering and abraham said my son god will provide himself a lamb in the king james we have a comma there my son comma god will provide himself a lamb in the prophetic the way that would read is this isaac said where is the lamb he said my son god [Music] will provide himself [Music] my son god will provide himself god calls his son god in hebrews 1 he calls him god he says thy throne o god [Music] he will my son god will provide himself a lamb [Music] and john the baptist saw him and said behold the lamb of god you could prophetically say behold the lamb god emmanuel god with us you're in a state in a time of two chaotic periods on a timeline see satan fights in timelines he can't fight any other way but in cycles of timelines [Music] ecclesiastes declares what has been will be again and god requires that which is past isaiah 46 10 god declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times of things that haven't happened yet what has been will be again in timelines ahab jezebel bill hillary clinton on and on we see it in the political realm kennedy lincoln the parallels are astounding so the enemy realizes this and the bible talks about where he came and fought and michael and his angels came and fought satan is a general of war and he is the master of destruction [Music] the hindus would call him shiva and try to give a face to him they call him the god of the whole world the same god that sets over the world health organization at the end of their table shiva [Music] obama appeared as shiva on newsweek and they called him the god of the whole world sinister forces have risen their head but in order to do this like anyone else you can't see how to fight if you can't see how to fight you can't win so since he fights in timelines what has been will be again and you should be able to recognize what happened here and know what's happening here he created riots to destroy monuments to erase the past of a people so that you could not see how to fight i guess i'm alone in here [Music] and so can you see why that happened it was a spirit that said hide timelines so that they can fall into the same traps again and again so they tried to eradicate lines and erase history because that's how he fights you would never know bill and hillary clinton was the embodiment of ahab and jezebel had you not had the story of ahab and jezebel you would have never known that so he seeks to erase these things but every time there's a chaotic movement to rip man from the womb of god [Music] ruach begins to flutter [Music] the ruach begins to flutter and begins to create such a sound [Music] [Applause] i believe that on that day have you ever heard the wind blow over a bottle [Music] how it sounds have you not noticed it sounds something like this [Music] have you not noticed this the day he was fluttering the day he was moving the day the water started dancing in the earth and the abyss was hiding its face and mountains were cleaving in two and fire was showing up it would have been such a thing and a fire blazing from god's eyes it would have been such a thing you would have seen as jesus himself stepped out on the edge of creation and began to call it back forth you would have seen such a sight that a man's joints would have failed him on the day [Music] don't you know when that took place [Music] you could have heard ten thousand shofars sound as the wind blew over every crevice and cavity and every angel and the forces of archangel shouting and singing and scrolling out loud while the ruach [Music] the ruach is the part of god the ho that is the holy ghost part of war [Music] and now that men as they arrogantly sit at the w.h.o table [Music] and declared viruses which would force men to vaccinate [Music] and i guess others have seen it already and i had heard it going out to missouri and then someone told me again last night and heard about it going out where a video was uncovered of bill gates you know five i think it was where he said that we will give a vaccination to the people like the taliban and all of the terrorist groups because it attacks the mind that affects your worship of god and you forget him and it will cease to be radical and they said how would you get this to those people and he said we will create a virus that will force them to have to take something to this effect so the forces that are arrayed against you are huge [Music] large and they're ancient [Music] i was on the land of uh i'm just going to say it because it's in my heart i was standing on the land an ancient land up in the west this past week and austin and i was outside walking together there was a lake down there and i won't tell you everything that happened but he austin did this and i heard it but i didn't respond he said did you hear that and i stopped and then it did it again then it did it twice i said yes [Music] it sounded like a a wind blowing over a bottle a big large body was a moan that came up down across that lake robin and i i know this robin and i got on a four-wheeler during the day early and rode down these ancient trails and there was a different field there we're just riding around the property of the people it was so beautiful they blessed us with that and so we're just riding around and we got down in the woods and was riding through these little trails and when i got back the lady informed me she said those were the slave trails where the underground railroad i guess smuggled the slaves out and brought them up [Music] and i'm standing here on this platform and the lord said the moan you heard and the sound you heard was the ruach eradicating bringing them to freedom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so and so what we what we have to understand right this moment is while the arrogant w.h.o sits at their table and discusses how to erase god from your thinking now you understand how the mark of the beast could be possible it's not that god's power would be removed it's that you would have no more thought of him and what you're looking at now is just the weighing of the strength whether people would or would not it's not the mark it's whether they would or would not [Music] temperatures being taken around the world [Music] the small pockets of resistance are showing themselves and you are the resistance [Music] now you say well you mean about this this shot this and i've given a prophetic word and mark will remember this very well where i said there will be a shot heard around the world [Music] it never dawned on me it was a shot heard around the world it was you that brought that to my attention could that be the shot heard around the world yes so we we are people say well what about the shot the the if someone wanted to do that that's their choice but there should be no living creature on the earth make you do that i cannot speak for people's choices [Music] but here is the thing we could say you can tell people results of choices god said people say well brother robin you should just tell people something really god said i set before you this day life and death blessing and curses and then he followed it up with this you choose god didn't even choose that he said you choose then he influenced the choice when he said choose life [Music] that you and your seed may live so what we see happening right now i had no plans on telling this right now but what we see right now happening is a is sinister forces arrayed against the church the ultimate goal is to eradicate your belief in god christian people are the resistance to the antichrist you are the ones with the knowledge you are the ones with the holy ghost living in you and right now what you're about to see happen is the ruach will begin to flutter now [Music] and there will be a moan come up now you understand when god said i have heard the cries of my people in egypt how did he hear it he heard the moan by reason he said of their taskmasters those slaves walking up through those freedom trails god was hearing their moan [Music] and he cut out a path to free them [Music] oh come on guys he cut out a path to set them free and they walked that path to freedom so what you're going to see now is the the ruach begin to flutter and when it does you've never seen the holy ghost part of war because all you know him as is the gentle wooing spirit that calls you in [Music] foreign for the stars and the stripes are more than just a flag for you some say it's a standard and a banner yes but it's more than that to me says the lord for to me it was a cry for freedom and it was a cry of the earth gathered into one place as i heard the moan of the people so i inspired men to write all men are created equal i inspired this is the lord and the stars and the stripes are a reflection of the stripes on jesus for the freedom was born and freedom will not go away you are the restrainer and you are the one that holds it back today you are the resistor of what is coming and what will come stand strong move forward with the gospel talk about the glory talk about resurrection power decide to live in the breath of god decide to live there and when your job is finished you will hear this sound again and a path home will appear [Music] come up hither will be the next cry hallelujah [Applause] [Music] there is a shout coming out from the mouth of the wire there is a sound coming out from the cry of the earth [Music] there is a shout coming out from the mouth of the warrior there is a sound coming out from the cry of the earth [Music] is [Music] cry loud [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the surprise [Music] to heal our praise to heal our praise [Music] food [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] to heal the pain to heal and pray with your voice until he'll pray to heal the prey [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] lift up your to his voice so [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on and give god the biggest shout you got hallelujah [Music] never stop until you hit that level how many of you believe you went to another place today [Applause] another place well i'm going to tell you we're just barely in the foothills of god there are places so high the ancient jewish teachers taught that king david would enter into a place and he would come to a place that he could pray things in heaven and they would materialize on the earth and he invented every instrument you know of what levels he must have went to hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah well are you excited now now it seemed like everybody was trying to fight the the sleeps when i first came out on stage and and then now you should not be fighting the sleeps you should be awake so are you awake if not you better wake up sunshine wake up sunshine well are you glad you came today hallelujah what a day it has been so far right i i mean if you can't feel the presence of the lord in here then like they say your wood is just wet because it you you've got to feel that presence in here amen well we want to welcome you all here today physically and by live stream welcome our live stream congregation in today from the top of the world to the bottom of the world and all the way around we are so honored that you would tune in with us today remember that just because you are not here physically does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place today you just stretch your hands toward wherever you're watching and we send it straight through the camera to you today and you just simply say i receive it and you let the anointing that is in this place today fill your house fill your car and you just move through that today amen amen well we're going to get ready to receive what our offering amen we're going to get ready to receive the offering so those of you watching by live stream you can participate also if you're watching by our website churchint you can hit the button at the bottom of the screen that says give and you can click that and follow the prompts from there it's fast easy and secure also if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description and we also have text to give for those that are not here and those that are here physically and all of that is easy safe secure in a way that we can all participate in this corporate time of worship amen and if you came in late and you didn't get an envelope you can raise your hand and somebody will see to it that you get one so we we always want to make a way to give to sow to to sow into the kingdom why because it is the part of your life that touches every other part it touches every other part and so when you give and you sow into the kingdom it puts the kingdom blessing on that that touches every other part of your life and it's what we use every day in this in this earth on the in this physical body we use it every day if you don't then you probably didn't get out of the house that day and eve and that's not even true because most of us find stuff online and then we just buy it and then we wish we'd got out the house but today are you still excited come on and i'm i'm i'm not alone in here am i i'm telling don't don't make me preach wake up sunshine again because i will just somebody go get me my computer all my notes is on there we'll preach it again but today i want to while you're getting your offering prepared i want to talk to you real quick about take advantage of the abundance take advantage of the abundance in ecclesiastes 5 19 and i'm going to get my notes out right here because i don't have my computer so in ecclesiastes 5 19 the king james version says every man also to whom god hath given riches and wealth and have given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion and rejoice in his labor this is the gift of god so it says god hath given riches and wealth he's he's given it to you and then in the message translation it says after looking at the way things are on this earth here's what i've decided is the best way to live take care of yourself have a good time and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as god gives you life which is long life till you're satisfied and that's about it that's the human lot yes we should make the most of what god gives both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it accepting what's giving and delighting in the work it's god's gift so it says we should make the most of what god gives us we should make the most of when he gives us wealth when he gives us prosperity we should make the most of it don't sit back and don't sit in a false humility thinking that you shouldn't be able to do anything with it don't don't sit back and think well i better not i better not go shop there i have the money i need new clothes and i i better not shop there because people might think differently of me if i go there he said make the most of it that's not being boastful that's taking care of yourself it said take care of yourself and that's not where i'm going but that's not a bad uh side road right there that's not a bad little trail but i i want to i want to share with you live this past week this past monday i guess uh a dear friend of mine who works here on our team with us kayla and she invited me to go to her daughter's volleyball game with her which she won by the way and it was awesome and and so we went well on the way home we decided to listen to music and we decided to go through and we're listening and if if anybody that knows me they know that i like bass in a car i like bass i like to thump in a car can i get a amen yes so and i had this suv one time had this land rover and don't judge me for having a land rover because this is the worst car i've ever had in my life and but i i had this i had this land rover so you know the way it works and it's it's the enclosed cab and i had these 210 jails in the back and they were in a box and i'm going to tell you something when i pulled up at your house you knew i was there and i the car i have now one of the selling points of the car was the sound system in the car so i i like when i when i play a song through the radio i want to make the most out of the song i want everything the song has every little especially if it's got a bass drop and if you got the subs you're gonna feel it when it drops just like that and so i i want to feel it in the car i want my windows to rattle just a little bit and i'm not ashamed of that but i want every bit and i like i like the a good some good highs in the car i like the good lows i like to have my mids in certain places so every time if i get in your car i'm tweaking your sound system i'm doing it so we're we're going when when they they got when mom got a new car i said let me hook my phone up i said let me hook it up i said i gotta i said you have both speakers in your car i said you best be making the most of these speakers so when i'm in your car i'm making the most of it well we're coming home and we're listening to music and it's good and i look at her and i say do you even have your base on in this car she said i don't know and i said well let me look so i went into the i went into the menu and i looked not only was her base not up but it was below the halfway mark it was below the halfway mark and i was like what is this what is this i said ah so my fingers started doing like this on the on the plus then come to find out she not only has base she has a subwoofer in the car and the subwoofer wasn't even turned on and i said you've got a subwoofer in your car and you ain't got it on i said this ain't right i said let me fix this for you so i started fixing it and i started tweaking it i put the mids where i wanted i put the treble where i wanted and then the bass and then that subwoofer kicked on then i said now let's play a song i said now play a song and then on the way home we leaned just a little bit more when we rode home and and she said she said it does sound better she said it does i said see i said i just changed your life i said it it does sound better and she said you know i got a message out of that she said she said there was she said i didn't know what i was missing there was so much more available she said there was so much more available for me to have and i didn't even know it she said i thought it was good what i had she said but when we turned it up it was even better and i said i'm going to use that i said and she got another message out in missouri that i told her i'm using too so i'll give her credit for it but i'm using it you know it's like in nashville don't say a good song lyric somebody gonna write it and you're gonna hear it on the radio and say that came out of my mouth but and and she said but i didn't know what i was missing then her son gets in the car and says play something with bass in it play a song with bass sentence see everybody wanted to hear the new sound system the more than enough that was on there the more than enough you don't know what you're missing until you live in the land of abundance when you live in the land of abundance you look back and say well i thought i had it good my life was good but this [Music] this this is better see there's a there's a difference in living and living well and that's living in the land of abundance and then i started thinking about it i said you know the base in a car is your offering but the subwoofer's your tithe the subwoofer's your time you can have some base in a car and it'd be good but kick on that subwoofer and everything changes everything changes you can give and you can you can give your offering and you can you can sow it and and you can be a great sower so all the time i i give this to this person give this to that person and that's great and you're probably living good why because the word says that when you give it's given back to you and so you're living good but then when you discover the tithe and you discover what it's like to live in the land of a tither and that's like kicking on that subwoofer in the car you know your your your console might have shook with the base all the way up but when you kick that subwoofer on your heart starts pounding and your chest starts shaking and the window starts shaking you're you may be given and you may be prospering and everything's good but when you tithe that that little rat devourer that used to be able to come in and and steal that from you and turn your base down well he's rebuked for your sake now and then there's a blessing in your house that there's not room enough to receive it and then he pours out the he literally opens the sky vaults the windows of heaven and he pours it out on you see you don't know what you're missing the scripture says in malachi it says prove him another translation says put me to the test and it's the only time in the scripture where the lord tells you to test him he says test me see if i won't do this don't be afraid to turn that doll up to 11. don't be afraid to turn it up don't be afraid to kick that subwoofer on and push just a little bit more you want to make the most out of that song turn it up you want to make the most out of your giving turn it up turn it up and see what it's like when when you were living good right here but now you're living right here and then you just want to keep turning it up and turning it up and turning it up and you want to look for every single song that's got some more bass in it and more bass in it and you say oh i just want to hear this but let me hear this one let me hear that one that's turning it up you say oh i want to see what this part of the land of abundance is like well i want to see what this part of the land of abundance is like and you keep turning it up in the land of abundance people gonna know when you pull up when you're living in the land of abundance they don't know when you pull in their driveway not only people on this earth but people in heaven people in hell and people on this earth going to know when an abundance child pulls up they're going to say this child lives in the land of abundance so you better make sure that they get what they want you better make sure that everything is laid out perfectly for them and hell runs from you because they're scared of you and heaven bows to you and gives you what you need and all the angelic creatures they bow to you and say how can i help you abundance child today how can i do this for you what what can i do to make this better for you and god says that's my child right there rolling up they rolled up you better know that they did emma they better know when we roll up they better know it and when you when you live in that land of abundance it is more than enough more than enough why because he's the god of more than enough and that's the god that you serve and that's the god that calls you his child that's the god that says they are made in my image and my likeness he lives in the land of abundance and he wants you to do the same thing so today when you give if you ain't never kicked that subwoofer on go to that menu hit that settings button hit the sound button then turn it up turn it up and see what you've been missing out on today see what you've been missing and see if your life don't come up a level see if see if your finances don't come up a level see if your mentality in general don't come up a level and you start living like this every day so in the land of abundance is the land that we lean just a little bit more when we drive so what today as you give walk to the offering plate like this walk to the offering plate just like that and lean just a little bit more when you drive amen amen come on stand up on your feet we're going to get ready to give today come on we got that base on we got it you got your base home who got that subwoofer on who got that subwoofer from jeremy you better have my song ready to play that's my favorite song yes you do i i text you every sunday i say play that song play that song and then because it's got that good groove and you can do just like this when you go up to the to the offer okay are y'all ready all right let's kick it on here we go here's the base luke 6 38 says give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now you ready to kick it on you ready to make it rattle just a little bit more malachite 3 10 says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it come on give the lord a shout of praise today we have two places up front one in the balcony and if there's anyone in the overflow we'll get it taken care of up there come on you gotta dance a little while you give today ox 2. oh [Music] uh oh my that's like a party hallelujah i like parties glory to god this is awesome austin is drunk in the spirit he's up there he's just that that message just sent him loopy i mean my goodness it's awesome awesome praise the lord how many is glad to be here today oh my goodness yeah we came back last sunday and um we had uh took a few days and went up into the uh the mountains in tennessee and went on into north carolina and as we were up there and we were coming back and we joined everybody uh uh well we were trying to join everybody but we we waited and we were listening to the message coming in and i want to tell you something it was absolutely it was life changing that message last sunday wake up sunshine it got so robin and steve was in the front of the suv and me and lisa was in the back seat riding back and and it got so big we were shouting we was praising i started speaking in tongues i couldn't help it then when the altar call was given we all got resaved again i mean it was good it was so good i said ah my goodness i said i didn't know singing a vacation song waking my family up was gonna turn into that and i said i told him i said i bet i thought she was gonna tell y'all the song and i said i bet everybody's thinking what song does she sing what song does she sing and uh you're thinking i'm gonna tell you now don't you i don't care i'll go through that and i have two songs i have a mountain song and i have a beach song and so for years and years and years i have on the beach i've walked through the the wherever we were staying at early when i think they've slept long enough and because they are on vacation but you don't want to miss everything you got things to do you want to get on up and get it done so i'm going through and you can tell i'm a 70s kid so i'm going through the whole hall and everything and i start and i don't you know i'm not trying to when i sing playing you know you you kind of try to put that phoebe voice on y'all know what i'm talking about i'm friends or something you try to go off key a little bit and uh you think you say well you play singing we do but anyway um for those who that's all you do y'all understand what i'm saying i'm rambling but anyway so you go through and i start out you know going through just knocking on the door and everything just kind of getting them up there and i start rock the boat don't rock the boat baby rock don't tip the boat over and then i i get on down through the hall and i then at the big i start scoring rock the ball [Applause] that's my beach song [Applause] so you know and then and they're not up but you know you wanna you want to to get give them that mountain feel when they get up there and that's my kind of music you know chris was talking about all that bass and everything and that's good because i like all types of music but you know man me personally on my my style of music give me a fiddle and a mandolin and a banjo and you know i'm i'm good with that and so but in the mountains you know i start singing them because we're always up there at christmas or near the christmas time so i'll start singing christmas time's coming because that's a song my dad always sung to me so you know we go from one extreme to the other but those are my songs and now you know them and that might help you in life i don't know some way but i do know what is going to help you and last week before we we left or this past week i don't know what listen if we're a little loopy today we're we're just that we're looping until he had much sleep but um and tommy bless his heart he he pulled us in so he is he is a trooper and and uh you you get on that bus and and you're not gonna see anything but love's truck stop and that's it you're going to pull in get fuel and you're going to he he's going to get you there to that destination so but the lord spoke to me and he said this sunday he said i i want you to have the communion elements for the people and things started heating up and you know i don't i know some of you has read the uh different things that has come out against against florida and alabama and about how they were going to withhold certain certain things certain medicines from florida and and from alabama just because they're standing up for our rights and so as uh and i didn't know this until i got out there but i want you to today we're going to go to psalms 91 so you can go ahead and and go there and uh can we get later on can we get psalms 91 in the niv also okay cool all right lord we thank you for this day we give you praise and honor and glory and lord we thank you for your word give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church at this time and holy ghost you are welcome here today sir to do all that you want done and we give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name amen amen amen you know the lord he wants us to have a good time and he lifts our spirit in a time of such intense every day you wake up it's like you know and you should suit up with the armor of god but we're suiting up and and it's like we have been we're just fighting on all these different different fronts and so the lord wants us to to he will bring a refreshing and a lot winning and all that today uh from it got so intense in the in the praise and the tahila and he was speaking in my spirit and i want you to know and and steve brought this out and i think he heard someone else had commented or something and said you brought a new genre of music to the body and you know there's been war music and and different you know warring uh uh prophetic music for a long time but there has been no music that has brought on the scene as a tahila type praise music and what this is it is a strategic type music and words that is being written as a whole congregation i was always used to structured music i know a lot of people was used to structured music and structured praise but like i preached before every time it the the result doesn't change and you're you're dealing with forces now that is out there that takes a force from our side to penetrate through that and i'm speaking in the holy ghost right now because i this is not even so yes you are at a time had you not been able to handle it you wouldn't have been born at this time but there's something in you and there's something god has put inside you as a warrior and it's so uh you know it's not a coincidence because there's no such word as a coincidence that you've all gathered it together people are gathering into their own company they're coming into their own company but at this time the lord wants to remind us and to let us know that he will never leave us or forsake us his word is truth and his word will keep us keep us safe and it will lead us through what we need and we will be victorious [Music] we are victorious he said be of good cheer he said i have over i've overcome the world so you be of good cheer hallelujah people want to know what is wrong with you say well i'm being of good cheer i'm being of good cheer so before we get into psalms 91 and then after uh that robin's going to come and and uh i asked him to minister the uh communion elements to us today we were uh in missouri missouri and um so we were there and it was a beautiful place that these ladies they had been here to the church and they were here and one of them got healed a lady by the name of phyllis and she was jumping up and praising the lord and they said you were jumping up she said no i wasn't they said yes she was she had a plate or screws or something screws in her foot or something and she was healed here in the service and she was jumping up and praising she didn't even know she was jumping and so she was just i mean she's healed she was running off she cooked us breakfast and and and and supper and and she went back to the doctor and there's no screws in her foot and she got healed here in service and so we were out there and oh it's just a beaut there's two ladies that own a wedding uh or run a wedding venue one lady owns the the land that we stayed at or i really don't know if i'm saying this wrong and they're watching they're gonna know i own this and and but any anyway the owner that we stayed it was we had a meeting in a wedding venue it was a barn a barn in the middle of nowhere but i'm going to tell you something we got the best bus driver he got he maneuvered and got up that those those roads and everything and we were out there when i say out there we were out there and us and the the wedding venue a couple of horses and and and people that was there and we i think it seated 200 maybe did it seat 200 every chair was full every night but these people just started coming up this road and when they open the gate and i want to tell you what the people that are coming to hear the word of god and to hear the word that that the prophet is saying in that and that at time and if i heard this i hear it you give us hope you bring us hope you you give us hope well we're giving the word we're giving the word is what's going to bring comfort to people because people have forgotten to teach the word until we were delayed what the first night and as we were getting off the bus we were on the bus robin and i we were talking with robbie and amber and and so i looked at my watch or my phone or whatever i looked at and i said oh man it's three minutes till we gotta go in we gotta go in and and we just kept being delayed on the boat we said well we gotta go we gotta go in and we stepped off the bus locked it was walking down the side of the barn to go in the front door because you couldn't get in the side door with everybody the way the chairs was so we were going in the front door and then you had to come down this long hallway but there was a fence where the parking lot that people parked and then this their really beautiful grounds that was there and all of a sudden we looked and we saw this uh i thought it was a mom and dad and a little boy was the grandparents and the little boy little five-year-old he broke loose from them and he started running as hard as he could and he said robin d bullock robin d bullock and we looked and as he was running he was the cutest little fella he had hair curly hair down his back he was a doll and he came running and he looked at him he said got right up to him just he came to robin's knee maybe and he looked right up and he said i'm your biggest fan and robin looked at him and he said call his name and he said i'm your biggest fan and he looked at kind of he looked at him and he said uh robin said are you a prophet he looks like a little prophet these were his words he said no but i want to be no but i want to be i he didn't say a doctor a lawyer he said i want to be a prophet i want to be a prophet [Applause] do you know that a few years ago the statistics in going to bible school they were graduating ministers of music but nobody wanted to answer the call to preach the gospel they had ministers of music they were putting out putting out but nobody wanted to preach the gospel nobody wanted to answer the call to be a pastor if they did they wanted to be a video pastor and i'm sorry and i know we're having i'm not talking about overflow i'm talking about nobody was there to even to to have a hands on anybody they were putting out more and then and then they were putting out evangelism uh uh outreach ministers with degrees and there's nothing wrong with a degree but i'm going to tell you something when you get a degree that will uh oust out the holy ghost i would rather have the degree i have that little boy he said no but i want to be his grandmother looked at us and said he told us he was going to meet him he said i'm going to meet robin d bullock oh he'd put that d in there now he would i'm going to meet robin d bullock and his grandmother said now son don't be disappointed because you might you might not get even get to see him or speak to him he said i'm going to see him i'm going to talk to him listen what this child said he said robin d bullock can you stay three days y'all just don't know how much i want to say well yeah we can but i knew i knew we had to get back and robin said son i got to get back he's you just got to hear this he said my little brother will be here in three now he's five going on six he said my little brother will be here in three days and i want him to hear what you got to say his brother's four going on five he and robin said son i got i gotta go back he said well can you come back in three days he said and robin looked at him and said you tell him what i said do you know that child went by the table and and got and asked for cds well they just loaded him up because he's going to listen and he will tell his little brother can you just what can you just stay three days can you just stay three days can you just tarry one hour can for for a a little boy and we said here now you go and preach are you a prophet no but i want to be so when they prayed over him and and robin prayed over him and and called forth that prophetic out of him it woke destiny up and that child and when it did the next day this was his words i'm a prophet of the lord i'm a prophet of the lord i'm a prophet of the lord he already knew the call was on him the destiny just had to be woke up now when a five-year-old is sensing this that he needs a call that you know what there there needs to be a shaking going on in the church there needs to be a shaking going on in the body of christ that the holy ghost moves through and blows through and wakes up the destiny in these people that have just suppressed their calls down we got to have a church ready for him to come back and get we got to have a church that is spotless and with that when they crossed over they were all healed there wasn't one sick or feeble among them we're dragging people on stretchers [Music] [Music] hear the call that goes forth today hear the call that goes forth today yes i'm doing a new thing but i'm doing it with an old way says the lord it is a new thing but go back and preach about the holy ghost moving in in different meetings preach about and teach about the way that people got up when hands were laid on them not that they can't come into a meeting but you go and do as i say lay hands on the sick and they shall recover tell them take up their bed and walk and go leaping and dancing and praising the name of the lord god almighty hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah so as we were we were uh setting up that day or we'd already set up that night when we got into uh missouri and the next day we were getting a sound check and all these lots that they had in there there was just this buzz and just it just this uh you know just it was coming through the the equipment and uh so finally robin said just turn them off it's daylight and just cut them down and we can rehearse without without all that noise because when everybody got in you know you wouldn't be able to hear it as much but there was a coming through and tommy said he said something that i had never heard before and he said it's dirty power he said it's dirty power now i'm no electrician and so i but i never heard that and i whirled around and looked at him and i said well that'd preach and and i said and i believe i'm going to and i just kept that kept coming in my my thinking about that and so i thought i'm going to educate myself a little bit on this and so the the term dirty power it comes uh and i wrote this and i'm trying and i didn't write it in the dark like but i wrote it on a bus moving and you're doing this going so it is a connection that has lost power because energy what is that what did i say what did i say here it has dirtied the uh the power it is uh an abnormal an abnormality in the power quality that is being delivered there's an abnormality in the in the power that's being delivered to a system these normalities can include low power factor voltage variations and frequency variation and surges all electrical systems are based on a supply of power at a certain voltage or frequency it said the one number one thing to detect if you have dirty power is to get it measured you got to get it mounted no you can measure power but you can measure power and so my mind starts going measure measure measure we have got to start what if people come in and took the measure of the power of the church right now the enemy knows this he knows this he knows that the church as a whole the body a lot of them has been operating with dirty power because their frequency they have dirtied it up with so much that the frequency is not coming through at a volume that anybody can even hear it because the power of god in a in a believer well the power's been voted out of most of the churches not all of them but a lot of them and it's been voted out until it created an anemic church that when such a thing came in on our our our nation on other nations that all we could do was just shut the doors had the power been turned up all this time and you didn't even know what i was preaching on but had everybody went in and adjusted their sound systems and tuned into that station that holy ghost hotline where there's no dirty power and let that current flow from heaven and come into the church and to the believers where all the sudden you're speaking the mysteries and you're praying over things that you don't know and it's creating such a voltage i remember one sunday here that we started before it was even time to start because the holy ghost just roared in this place and we came down and and i don't know if we were live streaming at that time or not but i know we were filming but it it roared through this place and it was time to to start and we came down and i made it to that step right there and all i could do was just raise my hands and for i think two and a half hours we stayed here and i all i can tell you is it felt like something opened up and uh uh wire came down from heaven and plugged into my head and i stood there shaking for hours right there well that was a current that came through that was unhindered there was no dirty power whatsoever we had been measured and found out that our and tommy told me this he said you know there's a box and it's called a conditioner that you can get and you can plug that in and it and it gets rid it cleans up the dirty power well my my conditioner i'm thinking because amber does hair and i'm thinking a hair conditioner you know and i asked amber i said what does a conditioner do i said i'm just going to put this in in hair terms that i know about she said well it what it does is it seals the cuticles and puts moisture back in the hair she said that's what it does well a conditioner you we need a conditioning treatment from the holy ghost to come in and put moisture back in these these bones you don't need no dry bones [Applause] we need to seal these these bones we need to to moisten these bones with the conditioner and get this dirty power out of out of the body of christ [Applause] and don't write me and say well you're blonde well yeah i know but i wasn't born blonde so i choose to be this way and they ain't nothing wrong with being born blonde either i wanted to go this way i gotta not re i nobody got to tell me these things anymore on on on on all the chat lord jesus help us i told you when you're tired you don't know what's going to come out we're gonna go to psalms 91 but i tell you what when i i heard that about dirty power i thought man this is so good this is so good so we're going to undirty the power source here so and another was to choose your devices wisely choose your devices wisely because the devices that you choose will dirty your power up you don't need to be you don't need to be tuning in to things and filling up on things that that is going to dirty your power you know the word does say abstain from the very appearance of evil but the church they just you know some of them they just praying and believing the lord and praising and everything you know um even when i don't see you working you know you know even when i don't see it you're working cause i've been up in that club twerking and just you know [Applause] and just think everything's gonna be okay no you got dirty power you don't got some dirty power going on [Applause] y'all gonna it's the truth it's the truth and you know it is jesus he know what you're doing he sees you you turn off those devices and you get plugged into the right system people come up why why why why ain't my prayers working why why why why ain't god doing this for me and people are honest about it and they're they're they're they get and and i look and i think the word the word are you in the word how much time do you spend in the word you know you can get so busy you can let things slip that's with all of us we can get so busy at doing the right things but if you don't take time and listen to what you will find yourself god will be saying well i'm still right here but you just took off running and then you become a runner with nothing to say and your way you wait on the plans you wait on what he has to say and so we have to be in the word you're you you can't walk outside your door every day without this word fear is present everywhere and all fear is false evidence appearing real the the bible says that the enemy walks about as a roaring lion it doesn't say he is a roaring lion he acts like one he's playing dress-up he's acting like a lion he ain't no line jesus doesn't pull his teeth but he is gumming the body of christ to death he roars and people runs under their bed what is he roaring coveted coveted coveted we should be jesus jesus jesus [Applause] i am not saying this is it real this is real people have died of this but you've got to know how to live we do have hope we do have a hope and his name is jesus so you choose your devices wisely in psalms 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty can you put that up in the new king james i want to read that in just a minute out of there so if you want to go ahead and put that up in that i will say of the lord who will say of the lord i will say of the lord i can't say it for you you have to speak i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god we in him will i trust hallelujah hallelujah go on and and go to the next in the new king james surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence the king james says the noisome pestilence have you noticed how noisy this pestilence is that's all you hear it's noisy it's irritating it's distracting it gets loud and talks and talks and talks every day it's talking talking talking talking well you have to talk back and say no you will not come near my dwelling i dwell in the secret place there's a secret place quit telling the devil where you live telling him your address your address isn't for everybody to know it's your address you only give your address to people who you know you want to come there you don't give your address to everybody some people have codes to get in their house not everybody needs to know your code you abide in a secret place why is it a secret it's a secret the devil don't know where it's at unless you mouth it and tell it don't tell everything you know it's a secret we keep it a secret because we live there we abide there it's our place of safety right now well i'm gonna get out here under the shout you better watch it you better run back to your secret place i'm going to get all you know and and offense is so high right now it's running so high and people are getting offended over this they're getting offended over that they're getting in stripe over and there's never been a time so divided uh vaccine no vaccine mass no mass uh this or that uh take take your temperature you know don't take your temperature everybody's divided over something and we have our eyes wide open and we're walking through our daily life and what registers on you know the ones that are born free you know the ones that are are in the word because you go to a store and you look on the window and the first thing it says if you have the vaccine then you're welcome to come around and shop and you can come in and do all this if you don't you know we ask that you do whatever that they have on there and they make it look like listen to me they make it look like that it is mandatory that you wear the mask or you have the vaccine when you walk in their store and they don't say that at all and little print it says we strongly suggest because they know that they can't tell you that and we strongly suggest and our minds run too if you have the mark you can come you can buy or sell if you don't have the mark you don't get to buy ourselves but is that not the truth is that what your mind goes to because it's a dividing line it's the line that's drawn in the sand and we're standing here knowing knowing in our hearts knowing in our spirits that it's not the tribulation but what it is it's the impression before it's the sound before the event it's the sound of the abundance of brain when there's a drought it's the sound before the event but this sound is so loud and and the impression is going so deep that people are walking in it and they're falling in the impression but we get we we have a place we can run to it's the secret place the secret place of the most high where we can abide well if we can abide there's safety there glory to god hallelujah there's safety there it's a noise and pestilence it's a anoisome means rushing upon this is just out of the strong an iniquity a calamity a ruin mischief it is uh naughty and this was really strange the word breath showed up the word breath showed up and that's the thing that this noise and pestilence does it takes the breath away it takes the breath away where people can't breathe and it affects their lungs it affects the breathing i believe with all my heart i told robin this morning i said this was put psalms 91 was written for for such a time as this when you see things start showing up the word pestilence is plagued to to pronounce to speak to pronounce and at um to pronounce or to speak and to speak loud loud this pestilence is trying to over volumize looks like crystal was talking about it's trying to it's trying to kick it in to to noise about its presence and it's it's uh uh here that that it's just loud and it's it's noise some and it's it's aggravating have you ever just wanted somebody just you just wanted to go over and just put your hand on somebody's mouth they go stop it stop that's what it's doing it's just talking talking talking talking it's it has its own sound system but it ain't a good sound system it don't have the the subs and all that it's got it's got a uh old am volume you know am radio remember those that that it just yeah it where you don't and it goes off at a certain time you can't you've got to be speaking you've got to be talking to this thing you can't sit back and catch yourself talking with people and getting in fear because we're watching we're watching this sweep over and we're watching people that we know people's been in our families people that that we love we watch this this pestilence come through the land and take people out you've got to be bold and you've got to stand and you've got to know that you are not alone you're not alone what does it do it isolates people it isolates people it's just as robin was teaching the other night it takes people and it isolates them and it told uh it said okay well you can't spend time with your family at thanksgiving you can't spend time and you know i saw a meme the other day i say the other day it was probably yesterday because you know when you're riding so far you just look at things and and it said why is a government i may be quoting it wrong but why is a government that will not protect the unborn so worried about protecting the people you know that should make you think because they they won't protect the unborn but yet they want to pre they say it's all for the people to protect them they've got their their they're all squirreled up it's a noise and pestilence it's creating dirty power and it filtrated into the churches the other morning we watched a child get on a school bus with a mask on getting on the school bus with a mass school bus driver you know back when we were growing up that would look pretty scary to a kid seeing a school bus driver with a mask on but that was really sad watching that little child get on that bus with a mask because the child you're you're saying you're breathing you can't breathe and then you get on the school bus and the school bus i don't know i guess there's change there's air conditioners on school buses now but they're closed in they're not they're not six feet apart come on you get on an airplane you're not six feet apart on an airplane you go into a restaurant you can wear the mask into the restaurant walking through the restaurant but you can take it off at the table okay well what about the waiter or the waitress that's coming in and i'm not here to to to preach on the mask or or whatever i don't know if you don't wear the mask wear the mask i don't want to wear the mask and and if i don't want to wear the mask then i won't go in the place where they require to wear a mask but listen we've got to get back to the secret place of the most high there's no mask wearing there and you can shop there you can go in their store in the secret place of the most high my goodness he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shall thy trust his truth and shall be thy shield and buckler i want to finish reading all of psalms yeah okay go to the next one just follow me here you shall not be afraid of the terror by not nor of the era that flies by day you won't be afraid of the era you won't be afraid of that shot that's flying by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that wastes at noon day a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked now that tells you right there it's wickedness it's wicked people that's doing this it is wicked that is twisted thinking that's what wicked means twisted like wicker it's twisted thinking it's twisted thinking to think that you can take somebody and you can tell them you're you're going to do this and i'm going to tell you this right now and you know what i i said that the other but i'm going to tell you why did this government call alabama and florida out well i'm going to tell you why i don't know about florida but i but i respect um governor desantis i i really like that man i i was at the the meeting in in florida where he stood up and he he talked and and he was anointed but i'm going to tell you we were walking in an old asheville down into the village there and there was a a man who was an artist and he was selling paintings and different and we we purchased one of them and we walked in and he looked at all of us and he found out we were from alabama and that man looked and he said there is a move of god in alabama he said there's a move of god we're in asheville north carolina he said i've been through alabama and there is a move of god and where and i looked him and i said we're we're it we're in we're in this is where the move's taking place at we're from that place and i know it's just not isolated there may there's other places in alabama but alabama the enemy's scared of alabama and he must be scared of florida too you better pray for abby you better pray because i want to tell you something she told them she said honey honey she said bring it on bring it on she's standing in their way but the church needs to rise up they need to rise up because the glory of the lord is going to be shown arise and shine get up sunshine arise and shine for your lot has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you the glory of the lord is risen upon alabama the glory of the lord has risen upon florida and the enemy knows this and so he's trying to keep it at bay but he won't because we abide in the shadow of the most high hallelujah when somebody starts naming states and starts putting a name to something there there's more going on than you know they're afraid they're afraid what are they afraid of that everybody's gonna get healed that that alabama's not gonna have any statistics of covet because we all laid hands on the sick and they recovered [Applause] that's real power that ain't dirty power that's real power we don't got that condition box we don't got our bones saturated with the anointing of the lord the holy ghost fire has done roared through this place we leaning [Applause] he may say pastor i need you tired every sunday where are we at because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone they're not even going to let you stump your toe they're going to be right there you shall tread upon the line and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot we used to receive communion every every day when christa was little and amber was little crystal was and and we would receive communion and he said robin would say we would hold the bread up you know we'd have the juice and and i want to take this time that are you watching online we're going to receive communion here in a little bit so you go get whatever it doesn't matter you don't have to have great welch's or or or the the little bread go break you off a cracker if you ain't got nothing but mountain dew that's okay that's okay do you know popcorn that's right whatever you got you know water whatever you got get the elements ready for yourself and you're gonna join in with us and so we robin would say uh he gives his angels charge over you and under their their feathers and and he and crystal would be over there going like that and then that part where it says in the trample under feet she we'd all have to do like this because we're you know we were very animated with it so but they never forgot it they never forgot it they did it every day until i was taking madison to school one day for amber and i said she said pray over me grammy i said okay so i just start praying pleading the blood praying over everything praying over her school her her classmates her teachers praying over her she said you're not doing it right and i said oh well okay well how am i supposed to do she said you're not saying that the angels is going to help me if i hurt my foot and i knew her mother was praying the 91st psalm over her i said well i'd better get on that one and so we started praying the 91st psalm because you teach them when they're little and they'll never forget it they'll do it every day hallelujah glory to god where are we at jeremy let's get back on because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name who's taught he said he shall call upon me who us will call upon him he said and i will answer him the lord said i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him but it said i'll call upon him i will answer him because he has known my name what name jehovah roofey i will know because he has known my name what name do we need to know him as healer we need to know him as healer we need to know him as the god of that's more than enough el shaddai we need to know him we need to know his name he said i am that i am i'm that i am i'm that i am that will heal you i'm that i am that will prosper you i'm that i am that will set you free i'm that i am that will deliver you from any disease or any pestilence i'm that i am i'm that i am that answers by fire i'm that i am that has just destroyed baal i'm that i am that stood in front of pharaoh and parted the red sea i'm that i am he said i'll deliver him because he's known my name. his name is god he is the god the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob the god of robin the god of whoever the god of you you you you [Applause] my lord so turn that down to the gospel station and be revived be refueled because i'm coming hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah so whoo we had to take a break there preach a little bit he's that god he's that i am he said know my name know the name that's going to deliver you it's not going to be a vaccine that's going to deliver you it's going to be a shot of the holy ghost it's going to be his name his power his deliverance his word glory to god he said he had never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread the word says that healing is the children's bread and he's never seen you forsaken or begging bread or begging for healing it's your bread it's your right you call for that today as we receive communion that bread is your healing it was fought and paid for you and with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation long life long life i will satisfy are you satisfied no i mean some i might be i don't know but i'm not i'm not satisfied he said with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation my mother's uh is 85. mama you 85 will be excuse me i don't want to give it to her before that 84 84 right now yes i'm holding that holding she said the other day mother will get to talking about how we don't talk about we talk about heaven but we don't get to sing in to mama will get excited and she'll say whoa i want to go i want to go now you know i'm looking so far we're like mama hold on hold on just hold on we don't want you to go right now and then the other day when we were looking at the new uh the new church and everything where we'll be be at i said look look at that mother and she said oh i told her i said now we got you and sister ramona y'all going to be greeting people mother said lord i got to stick around now she said there's too much going on i gotta i gotta stick around i gotta stay here a little longer well she's not satisfied she did she told me this the other day and i know she won't mind me tell that they all cringe like what is she going to tell what is she going to tell but she got up and went to the mirror and there was something wrong with her face and she said no devil you're not putting this on me she went in and she got she said i started to pick the phone up and call everybody and start getting them to pray and it was like the lord said no you pray and she got the oil and she put she said i just started washing my face in the anointing oil speaking the word that by his stripes i'm healed and just started and it was visible whatever was wrong with her face it was very visible to her she went back she's nothing had changed she didn't get in fear she said no the word works i'm speaking the word she got the anointing she just put it more on her face walking around praising the lord in two hours somewhere around there two hours walk back totally gone totally gone we're going to have to stand on what we know we're going to have to get to the place that we know his name we're gonna have to get to the place where we're not bringing devices in our home that dirties our power up that dirty's the lineup that we have because every word from god is your deliverance every word from god is your deliverance for your next day every deliverance every word from god now is our deliverance for our next hour that we live the place to go he you may be praying in the spirit and the holy spirit says no don't go that way turn this way don't go there today don't go there today and you don't know why he's saving your lives so you can have with long life you will be satisfied satisfied and he will show you his salvation what did his salvation do his salvation did everything it entitled you to walk in a in a a freedom it entitled you to walk uh in health it entitled you to walk in wealth it entitled you to walk in peace of mind and it entitled you to be free from the devil's hell and if we're free from the devil's hell then we need to be free from the devil and all the hell he's trying to bring on us well no thank you mr uh poserline you're not even a real lion you're just posing to be alive you ain't even got teeth you ain't a lion a lion cause you lying you a liar and he's trying to bring dirty power into your life he's telling you all what this he's magnified it's annoyed some pestilence annoys some pestilence he's he's speaking abroad what he wants to do and he's even got the government in on it and they're telling what they're going to do and it's getting noisy and we're going to come to your house and we're going to do this as you know what that that's like the the story of the three little pigs and the wolf you know do y'all remember that when you're growing up oh i'm gonna do that little pig little pig let me in [Laughter] he's going alabama alabama let me in no no florida florida let me in no that's right we're built on the firm foundation that's right we know we hadn't built our houses on straw and hay and stubble and sand we built our house on the word of god so when the storms come it cannot harm us we built our ark we built our ark of safety and we're not moving from it don't let the enemy hoodwink you into thinking that you're alone you're not alone don't let him make you think you have no hope there's hope as long as there's breath there's hope and that's what they're trying to take away from us is our hope but we have a firm foundation on cross the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand it's his blood it's his blood it's just sinking sand everything else is it's the name of jesus christ and what he did on that cross and his salvation and i tell you this today when we receive communion today is a day that was ordained it's a moat in time and he said today something's going to change something's going to change in your life something's going to change in your destiny something's going to change in your home today something's going to change in your body today and we receive the change we receive it in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god [Applause] hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah a poser line that's cool lord we thank you we praise you and we give you honor and glory for your goodness lord you are absolutely good and we bless you lord thank you lord teach us the things that we need to know about this meal that heals and i give you honor for it in jesus name amen we uh you know we are standing in a time that it's the first time in history i believe the devil is actually fighting spiritually and has a knowledge he's fighting with the knowledge of the spirit he can only fight physically but he's fighting with the knowledge of the spirit and the church is not the church as a whole is not they don't understand the simplest basic things we have we argue about things that just that don't even that's not even right you know you do know that jesus is the only way right you'd be surprised how many christians don't know that they don't even say it you do know that all is not the way right buddha is not the way you know i remember this and i'm just going to say this and people get all upset you know they get up they get upset because it but most of the people that would get upset about this have coexist stickers on their bumper and so you know there was a little boy on a liberal news program one day i watched him he was a call preacher he was about eight years old he was standing there preaching i mean they gave him the floor man he just tore into it i mean he's talking about the blood he's talking about the crucifixion he's talking about jesus being the only way he even dared mention you'd go to hell if you didn't know jesus as your lord and savior and i mean these liberal people are just looking at him and when he got through that little boy got through preaching the lady looked at him and said well my mother is a buddhist and she didn't receive jesus and that offends me and the little boy did this and just turned around i mean didn't make him any different i mean he's just telling the truth that's not his deal you know so i i want to encourage you gather your courage up on the inside of you he the greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world all the courage you need is in you right now everything you need for healing is in you right now everything quit looking for god to pour it from another place out on you he's already poured it out in you right now it's right there present inside you amen now i want to uh i want to want to tell you something here it's time for the breath of the lord it's time for the body of christ to live in the breath of the lord god is breathing on his people now i want you to look at first kings 17 and let's take just a quick look at this before we do this with communion uh first kings 17 it's an easy verse you know to know where it's at it's in verse 17. first kings 17 17. watch what it says and it came to pass after these things that the son of the woman the mistress of the house fell sick her son fell sick and his sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him so whatever this sickness was in the days of the prophet elijah it took the breath away from people now there's nothing new under the sun and whatever this was that attacked this generation took their breath away in this day i don't know if that registers on you or not but we're in a parallel time of the people of god facing a sickness that takes their breath away and prophets are on the scene now watch this it says she said unto elijah what have i to do with the o thou man of god or thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my son now this is the mentality that elijah was fighting he was fighting a mentality he was dealing with two generations an older generation and a young generation the young generation was dead because the older generation thought that god was killing their family thought that god would hold everything they had done before they knew him against them this is the mentality of most of the body of christ that you have god would slay my son god would would kill my loved ones and call it the will of god and uh they don't actually say what they'll say is is god had a reason for this god had a reason for this he had a reason that all these people died he had a reason for this he had a reason to let this jackal be the president right now he had a reason well what is the reason he said come let us reason together that's what the lord said so now what is the reason i'm reasoning with him what is it lord what is the reason there's no answer because is there a reason that this president became this fraudulent president became an occupant of that seat is there a reason for that could the reason be to kill 345 000 children this year because that's what will happen already it's about happened since he sat in that seat so did god have a reason for that come on folks if i can't stir up a war cry inside your spirit you're about to get run slam over in the south we say run smooth over you have to stir something up in you and start saying that's not my god that's not my god that would that would take away the lives of 345 600 unborn children in this nation this year this is not my god over 30 million children worldwide unborn have been slaughtered in abortion meals as to this date since january that's not my god it's not my god that sent a virus on this planet to take the breath away from my children that's not my god he had no reason at all to do that now i have to stir this up within us as a warrior nobody appreciates a warrior till the enemy storms the gates then everybody wants to warrior you know why because a warrior will jump in front of the people because that's what they do you are absolutely warriors that are the resistance of hell right now i don't know how to tell you any plainer than this but hell really thinks it has it this time it really thinks that it's won this time it's tried and tried and tried but now it's got the church back in it and it really thinks that it's god at this time but there's about to be a showdown on carmel [Applause] yes there is oh yes there is now you might as well as see you can tell you can tell some people get excited about that and some people say i've heard it i've heard it i've heard you've heard jesus is coming too for a long time and he will one one one of these first days as we say so what we have to do now is start like elijah when this generation says what did you do call my sin to remembrance to kill my son we have to stop and say bring them to me and we begin to stretch ourselves on a generation of people and we begin to talk and when the showdown on carmel comes and the fire of the holy ghost falls and this whole thing turns you're going to be able to say i hear the sound [Applause] of an abundance of rain and for those that are watching right now around the world you can't hear it but it's really started raining here you think god didn't seal that for you just now so in a time when the breath takes a a pestilence takes the breath away from a generation then we have to come on the scene god is is getting ready to raise a generation from the dead [Music] [Applause] he is getting ready to raise a generation from the dead from the grave wherever they've fallen wherever they've been slain wherever they've fallen down when you see the faces of the young laying with their eyes set and their faces to the ground and they're littered all over the ground god is getting ready to raise the dead and raise a whole generation up from the dead and we you and me are going to get to see it timothy dixon called me yesterday on the on the bus and he said i got to send you this he sent me this picture where he's standing on the stage robert had told him said i saw an angel standing at your left shoulder the picture he sent me yesterday untouched un nothing done to it standing there and this huge angel standing beside him with his arm out he said they brought a lady to the service and the lady was folded and crippled the power of god hit her she fell in the floor and straightened out on camera in front of people a young girl came here just through a wind two weeks ago maybe came here in a wheelchair she she started there the next thing you know and i'd take her by the hand and when i knew the power of god hit her she'd stand up she sat down stand up sit down stand up sit down i said now when she gets up come over here by me and i walked over ministering the next thing i know people are shouting i turn around and she's hopped up the steps holding amber's hands and she's up here walking and by that night she walked back in the service and was standing hallelujah that is my god that is my god people said i've waited to see it waited to see it i had a young man in india tell me he said when are we going to get to see these things i said i see them now then he wants to know how to see them is a young generation raising up all over the world and they're coming to life i had a young man text me the other day young man i can't i won't tell the name it could be i don't need to be there you don't need to know that and he he he said i need you to talk to me about something he said the president of a nation the president of another nation called him on his cell phone and invited him to come and speak to him in his cabinet the man's only 20 something years old because this generation no wonder the enemy wants to take their breath from them this is the generation that's going to change the world now you think about that when is the president of a major nation call somebody 26 years old [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and bless the lord come on and bless the lord come on and bless the lord turn loose of the rain says the lord let the rains go let the rains go wrap your hands up in the main of the horse for i am going to let it ride like the wind for this is the generation that will carry the gospel to the ends of the earth this is the generation says the lord that will destroy coven this is the generation that's going to do it says the lord for once it took their breath they'll come back to life it can never take it again for the lord says this is the generation that will do the things that only you dreamed of doing but they're going to do it says the king and i am going to replace some old voices with some new voices and you're going to see them ride ride and ride like the wind says the king of grace come on somebody give him a praise [Applause] hallelujah for it is the time for you to get serious it's the time for me to get serious it's the time for the body to be serious you have asked to see says the lord you have asked to see these great things when will it happen when will it have when will it happen you all have asked when will it happen when will we see these miraculous things that were prophesied by smith wigglesworth that were prophesied by prophets of old when will it happen the lord says because you refused to step in and let it happen with you i raised up a generation now and i am going to raise them up and it will happen with them and you will get to see it and should you decide to participate support them with all you have for i am going to show you young lions that will not just eat grass from a field like a wild one but they'll run through this earth and they'll go from the top to the bottom and all the way around i'll give them planes and trains and buses and cars i'll give them satellites to preach from i'm going to give it to them for they are like joshua's saying we are well able to take the land and so take it they will says the lord of grace come on somebody give him praise hallelujah [Applause] i wanted to show you something quickly put up job 37 10. i want you to look at this job 37 10 put it on the screen for the people to see we're going to receive communion but why am i telling you all these things i can only tell you what the lord says to me i can only tell you what he says i can only show you what he says show listen to the rain i hear the sound how many of you believe you're sitting right in the middle of something supernatural right this moment do you know how many people don't know that but you do that means you will participate in it [Applause] you know where a lot of people are right now a lot of people in in the body of christ they say they're christians do you know where they are it's some of them like the man who was sliding off the roof of the house and he screamed god help me god help me god help me jesus help me and right before he went over the edge a nail caught his pants and stopped him and he said never mind lord the nail got me always looking i was down here preaching one night preaching around down in here and i had an hour glass setting up on this thing and it was full of sand and while i'm preaching suddenly somebody come walking down the aisle like this walking toward the hourglass because for no reason whatsoever boom it blew out the front of that glass and the sand rolled out of the glass and the only reason it stopped is because it met the sand inside the glass and time speeded up at that point and people look at it and try to come down and explain it away and examine the glass you have to start looking at the supernatural or it will pass you i do not have time to play and as a prophet of the lord i'm not going to i'm not called to change diapers anymore like that i don't mind doing it if i'm told to do it i don't mind petting people on the head if i have to do it but there are young prophets like that young man who ran ran up to me he his words ordered my steps that day to meet him in that yard there was no reason i should have met him like that but he said i will see the man and talk to that man there are young prophets another one in louisiana watching us on and on live on in nashville at the opry house and when i started giving the word jumped up on his couch watching watching the television he had to go put on his christmas pajamas the man running the meeting's name is christmas he didn't know that but he was led to wear them he had to have them and he jumped up and down on the couch and he said come on prophet wabin you can do it four years old three at the time because that is what's coming that is what's about to happen and god will not forsake that generation he promised his glory would fill this earth he promised it would happen and they're coming on the scene and it's up to you and i to stand firm so that they can walk in such a thing and stop looking for natural explanations to spiritual things supernatural things oh they saw an angel in the cloud that's a flake this happened over here couldn't it's just a coincidence no that's my bunch my bunch sees angels in the clouds my bunch sees that over there and and says there's no such thing as a coincidence that's my company right there that's the people i want to hang out with right there because it's that kind of company that sees people get out of wheelchairs it's that company that sees cripples of that crippled up unfold it's that kind of people those kind of people those wild people like that that get to see when they speak to a tornado it suddenly turns and goes the other direction it's those kind of people it's those that believe that god can still turn the clock back 10 degrees or run it forward 10 degrees it's those kind of people who say i prayed and left this certain state and by the time i got where i was going a four-hour trip was two hours long and i don't know what happened but my gas never ran out that's my kind of company right there i'm not interested in dead religion i watched it stop the move of god for far too long i'm not interested in that hallelujah you've we found job by the breath of god here's a scripture a lot of people didn't even know was in the bible by the breath of god frost is given how about that now you know where frost comes from think about that if he didn't breathe there would be none no coolness at all by the breath of god frost is given and the breath of the waters is straightened you didn't even know water had a breath some people didn't but it's breathing it's breathing think about it austin said something coming about austin's as drunk in the spirit as a man could get right now almost i mean he's been that way all service that's what we were talking about that's good i own that new wine wine of the spirit we were talking about something the other day we got talking about the breath of god and something came out of that conversation the trees give off oxygen the lord had told him said they give off oxygen he said yeah and then the lord spoke to me and he said they're exhaling they're exhaling as they breathe in the breath of god they're exhaling the waters breathe the frost when it comes into this earth you know why it's frosty one reason the red sea when it stood up froze on each side in the desert was ice walls the the frost comes when god breathes hallelujah look at look at job 41 uh let's see is it 41 look at job i think it's 41 21. i want to show you this see we can do that right quick we're going to receive communion i promise his breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth you just think about that a minute now out of his breath the frost comes but at the same time it kindles coals and causes a fire now you know when he told pharaoh ice will fall from the sky and burn like fire on the ground this is the breath of god the breath of god in genesis 2 7 it says and god breathed into adam's nostrils the breath of lives lives the breath of lives the breath of everything is what it means it means the breath of everything that lives the breath of god went into adam's nostrils in genesis 2 7. the breath of the lord in genesis 1 is the prophetic spirit the ruach the holy ghost as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy whenever you see the holy ghost fluttering and moving it's an ecstatic state of prophecy that god is about to give it's the holy ghost in wartime jack cole was standing on stage he turned around and the man come charging across the stage with a two before to kill him and jack cole he's the one that jumped off the stage and ripped the tube out of the man's neck when he did the flesh closed over and the man was healed jack cole would break your crutches and drag you across the floor and you'd be running by the time you got to the other side a man who preached with him and knew him told me he said he's a he was a bold rascal it's pretty bold isn't it drag you out of your wheelchair and run with you a man came across a stage drew a two before back to kill him jack turned around just in time when he saw him coming he said stop in jesus name the man didn't just stop he fell like a dead man on his face on the on the tenth floor and didn't move to the end of the service a.a allen came walking in a tent one day and a devil was manifesting on the front row everybody was trying to ignore the devil that's the point that's the problem everybody was just trying to ignore this manifested demon that was sitting there this person getting all the attention grabbing all the spotlight hey nobody could get it to stop so brother allen walked by stopped and leaned down and whispered in in the person's ear person set straight up didn't move the rest of the night at the end of the night they said what did you tell him he said i told him a.a allen was here people say oh wait a minute what about that remember the seven sons of skiba he said ah jewel thee by the jesus paul preachers come out of him and the demons said jesus i know and paul i know and a.a allen they knew and you have to ask yourself are you known in hell so you start looking at the breath of god the breath of god carries with it the ecstatic state of prophecy it's a war-like energy to execute something administrative power it's it's the it's the source of everyday life it's the manifested kind of glory of god this is the force that is war-like the holy ghost part of war and genesis 2 7 is the breath of inspiration divine inspiration to watch now to bring forth as a woman in travail so what he breathed into adam's nostrils was not the same thing that fluttered over the water the what fluttered over the water corrected the chaos is the holy ghost at war what he breathed into adam was the breath of the hebrews his lives it went into adam to actually be able to bring forth anything into the natural he could see in his spirit he could he could create like god and that is the breath the enemy seeks to take away to take it away and that's what he's done with the mask the shot all of this it's the battle for the soul of a nation bite and put on his platform the battle for the soul of a nation one mask no now two no now you have to have three one shot no two no three no and a booster and the mask it's all for the soul until this is the people and now we're about to find out how to inhale the breath of god again we're about to do it right here now i had to tell you all that before we received our communion first corinthians let's be sure and go there first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 follow along with me up there and we'll read it on the big screen for everybody first corinthians chapter 11 put up verse 23 please hallelujah for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup of the new testament or new covenant in my blood this do ye is off as you drink it in remembrance of me now what's the next verse for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come now what could he be talking about he said this is the new covenant this bread now he's talking about something he says take heat watch what he says now this is my body he's talking about covenant he's talking about he said the new covenant he's talking about covenant covenant is absolutely so bonding it's so powerful it's so big that no one has you unless you're tribal-minded you will never see what a covenant is a covenant is actually this they would take they believed in it so that they would take and some would stick a quill in this vein and another candidate would put a quill in his vein and they would drink each other's blood and swear oaths to one another they would make utterances like blood is thicker than milk it means this covenant we're cutting together is thicker than my than me and my brother drinking from the same mother's milk and if it comes down to my brother dying or you dying the brother will just have to die because this blood covenant binds us from the innermost part of our being all the way through our lives forever and they've never seen it broken in tribes because it carried with it curses if you break the covenant then this will all come on you and they would swear it back to the other and then they would pronounce blessings on each other and they would exchange weapons saying whatever my strength is is now yours because they always cut the covenant most of the time to make up for two weaknesses whatever he was weak in i was strong in whatever i was weak in he was strong so we would seek one another out to fill the void and the scripture declares this it's the the weakness of god is stronger than man what weakness he don't have flesh so he needed flesh and so he made a covenant with a flesh man and him being the perfect gave the imperfect a voice into the perfect and him being imperfect gave the perfect a voice into the imperfect [Music] now if i could wake us up to covenant your communion's about to get rid of coven [Music] [Applause] but we have to get woke to it the real woke so they would stand in covenant and they would face each other with their families behind each other and they would say this is true it will never be broken watch this and before i would let you go hungry i'll give you my flesh to eat and before i'll let you go thirsty i'll give you my blood to drink and jesus at that table said take eat this is my body before i'll let you do without he said my body will pro will will provide everything he said take and drink this this is my blood shed for you you'll never be thirsty because of my blood so god made a covenant with a man and that man gave him access to become flesh come on guys it gave the almighty access to become flesh and walk in the earth and it's stronger than any man i realized you know thanks mark people will people might get you know hell brother i'd rather you just oh you just blasphemed and so this covenant once it's realized and when you receive communion today imagine him saying to you before i'll let you go hungry i'll give you my flesh to eat for i'll let you be thirsty i'll give you my blood to drink wherever you're weak i'm strong and so now that he became a man then he cut a covenant with his father the covenants between them two when abraham asked god he said how do i know that i'll inherit all this land how do i know you're going to do everything you told me about my people and stars of the sky he said set up the covenant he said take me a heifer of three years old take me a a a a she go to three years old take me around take me these these animals and he said this is what they knew split them down the middle they would dig a ditch and fill it with those animals blood and lay the animals on each side then they would walk barefoot in the blood and face each other and swear those oaths watch what happened abraham when he set the covenant up he knew something you can do it or your substitute can do it for you and in genesis 15 when he set that up it said the word of the lord came to him in a vision he showed god showed him the death burial and resurrection of jesus his son he said i'm going to give you my son and covenant and abraham panicked and said what am i going to give you i don't have a son he said i will be your reward i'll give you a son to give me back because covenant gives each other the same things back and read genesis 15 that's why he said i don't have a son what am i going to what are you going to give me so he set up the covenant but abraham knew something he knew something about a substitute and he cut that covenant filled that trench with blood and stood there and watched it why didn't he step down in it he knew it wasn't going to be made with him he stood there and the fowls came down to eat the sacrifice he'd drive them away they'd come down to he drive them away stayed up all day all night driving them driving them driving them away believing the impossible you want to know how he was watch it's believing the impossible until a horror of great darkness fell on him he couldn't do anything else and he said when it came on him he looked and there going between the pieces of meat was a smoking furnace and a burning lamp god himself came down from heaven and him and his son walked through that blood together and he watched him walk through the blood and he believed he was going to come and do it and so when it came to to offering isaac he knew he wasn't going to kill isaac say well he was going to kill him yes but he said he'd already seen him raised in a figure so what did he have to believe that when he got on top of that mountain a substitute would show up and so he drew that knife back he got up early in the morning and headed out early come on out here i want you to kill your son gets up early i mean that's tough he knows something he's already seen the footprints in the blood and so he's he's up early he gets up there he draws the knife back and as he's coming down with the knife abraham abraham here am i do your son no harm and he looked up and there was a substitute caught in the thicket by his horns the substitute showed up again this was the covenant he got in on the abrahamic covenant he made a covenant with him that he'd give him the land give him this give him that but the covenant was cut in the blood and his substitute was jesus walking through it how maybe you see that can you see that that was abraham's substitute but your substitute's allowed to cut it for you so abraham got in on that covenant and that's the way i'm trying to say that he made a covenant with god that way so after he was on top of that mountain he said this isaac had asked him something when he saw the mountain afar off he said he went three days which is three days and nights and then he saw the mountain and he said that god had already showed him he recognized it isaac said here's the wood here's the fire where's the lamb he said my son read it this way my son god he was prophesying as a prophet to his son [Music] my son god will be the lamb and isaac it registered so thick on him because he wasn't 10 he wasn't 15. he was around 33. and he went to the highest point of moriah region which is calvary and he offered him there but the substitute showed up instead of his son but it was just as legal because a substitute can cut it for you come on guys and so then they asked him he said he called the place jehovah jireh the name of the place was jehovah jireh they took the name jira put it with salim melchizedek king of salim and they called it jerusalem and said hear it you ought to circle that word it when you read it in your bible it is the lamb isaac asked about here it shall be seen and so he died as your substitute now you say well can i break the covenant no the covenant wasn't made with you it was made between god and his son you got in on the covenant by accepting his son as your lord and savior you can break your fellowship with the covenant but you can't break the covenant because it's made with two beings that will never cease to exist and never change so you can do that by accepting him as lord now once you've done that you're in you're in on this covenant so the abrahamic covenant was cut with god but it was also jesus that walked in the blood which gave him the right to cut it with god yeah so the new covenant it's the same deal except it's better covenant with better promises that means you get all the best of the old and all the new together so how does the meal heal it's your substitute by his stripes you were healed with his stripes isaiah said you are healed first peter 2 24 says you were healed so between you are and you were in between there you're healed the path of healing is complete so when you receive the body and the blood the representation of the body and the blood you're receiving the substitute you don't have to be sick because he was made sick for you you don't have to die of covid because he died of it for you do you understand what i'm saying here it's called covenant and i'm doing my best to to explain the ancient wisdom before the world even was created so he said for what i have for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me and after the same manner also he took the cup when he had suff saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come in other words you're going to stay well you can show what he did in his death until he returns you can live like you're like you never did anything wrong like that until he gets here yes where wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup in other words don't run from him if you've got sin in your life when it comes to communion take the communion examine yourself and say lord i repented this i repent and i bring it under the body and the blood now i'm going to get rid of this for good right now and if you're sick in your body do the same thing i judge myself of this sickness and lord i repent and i'm going to receive this and it's going to wipe this out of my body you bore this for me i don't have to that's my covenant rights amen for this cause people not doing this many are weak and sickly among you and many have died because they don't know how to do this he said for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world now what does that mean it says well it says when if we judge ourselves we won't be judged so here you are you're going along here and suddenly something comes on you whether it's sickness financial woe or whatever it may be whatever comes and suddenly you know it's not part of your covenant and you stop and say wait a minute i you know i judge myself about what i got out from under over here i left here i'm under here now how did i get that well you could do that in fear you could do that confessing all this death always talking about negative i'm dying i'm sick i'm never going to get well oh my god i pray i will i mean you're just talk you're not even talking like you're a king's child and you find yourself dealing with things you've stepped out from under this umbrella he said judge yourself that you did it and he will chasten you well now what does that mean he's going to beat the fire out of you like we say in the south no the bible says that he chastens with his word he don't do it with sickness and disease he does it with his word so you willing to do that and you say lord i judge myself i've got out from under your protection somewhere something's wrong here but i repent of this he'll take you to the word and give you a scripture that you can stand on and step right back up under that again so that you're not judged with the rest of the world yes and i know people are going to say well you know you said there wasn't an abraham i didn't say there wasn't an abrahamic covenant are you crazy there i said he cut it in the blood of what was coming and and now we're in it how many of you see that he don't judge you with sickness well you know there's nobody more holy than my grandma and she couldn't get rid of it now you're going to put grandma's righteousness up against the almighty god and his word listen don't ever put anybody's righteousness up against god they just think they're right he is right do you understand that don't ever say that put somebody up in that rank and say if they couldn't get it can't nobody get it oh yeah they can too i know a bunch of people got it maybe they didn't know what they know you can only live in what you know maybe they wasn't taught that now is your time you see what i mean satan knows spiritual things and uses them to fight you in the flesh the body of christ don't even understand a lot of spiritual thing and so they just beg god until they die and covenant don't beg covenant stands and says this is the covenant between you and me i know i'm taking a long time pastors already preached you know you said that what did you just say never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed you don't get it by begging you get it by knowing your rights in the covenant amen oh i'm not mad at nobody but the devil but he's killed enough don't you think enough is enough say it dr stanley was hunting dr livingston he couldn't get into africa there was too many war in tribes all tribal people stanley knew nothing about tribal he's too civilized civil civilized means you don't understand covenant no more that's why they make you sign a bunch of papers promising to pay for your smart tv because you don't understand covenant and so stanley couldn't get in there so he said his substitute his god said i want you to you're gonna have to cut a covenant with these chiefs now i suggest you do it with this one he said what is that he told him he said you got to put your blood in a cup his blood in the cup we stir it up you drink half he drinks half swear promises and oaths he said i'm not doing that and he said well i'll do it for you as your substitute so he did it and when he got through that chief looked at stanley and took this big staff about six seven feet long had a copper wire around it and handed it to stanley and stanley looked at it he don't know what it is it's just a stick with a wire around it and the substitute said give him a gift he said what does he want he wants your goat well stanley had ulcers so bad he couldn't drink anything but goat's milk and he said i'm not giving him my goat and that's where you get the phrase god get your goat all covenant he said you better give him that goat he said well take my goat and so now he said i got a stick he got my goat but when he walked and tried to get into africa in the interior they come warring tribes came up to him but when they saw that stick they fell at his feet because whoever had that stick carried the authority of that king and they knew it and if we jump on him we got to fight that king i think it just now hit that was another form of covenant with a tribe where they touch fingers the man of god went into their tribes and he couldn't get them to listen to him and if you touch fingers in that belief you were you were making covenant together you connected and he said tell him tell the chief that god sent his representative to you to touch fingers with him man that chief jumped up and down ran shouted all around said god has sent his representative to touch fingers with us because when you're in covenant whatever you've got is mine whenever i got yours now you're in covenant with god whatever he's got is yours and whatever you got is his [Applause] who got it so when we receive our communion today remember these things the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed said take eat this is my body broken for you drink this this is my blood shed for you do this in remembrance of what i accomplished with all of it and you can live like you're well till i get back hallelujah let's get our elements ready if somebody will open one for me please did was you given one when you came in don't it's there's no alky hall in it it's just uh you know you recognize it it just came from the christian bookstore you you have to open it and it's just juice and a wafer but it represents his body and his blood now you know what his body was was broken for what by his stripes you were healed and made whole so what is that in your body today that is absolutely not right whatever it is don't think god is punishing you with that don't go off on that and say that you deserve that don't start in on that he shed his blood for you and he bore it for you so that you could be free of this hallelujah well i sinned and caused it well repent right now before you put that wafer in your mouth and you'll be treated as if it never happened you ready say it out loud lord jesus i believe your body was broken for me i receive now this token of your body by your stripes i am healed and made whole say sickness you have no part of me anymore i bring it under the body of the lord jesus christ he bore my sickness he carried my pain with his stripes i am healed thank you jesus for healing me hallelujah now if you need to repent of something do it right there don't confess it to somebody beside you don't start sharing don't say let me share my sin no they had enough of their own you just go ahead repent to the lord right there he's your high priest talk to him about it amen now you've got first john 1 9 if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sin and cleanse you from all the unrighteousness of it so guess what you're as clean as the driven snow right now isn't that good news that's good news and people get all mad about that go ahead and receive the token hallelujah oh praise god come on and praise god for healing healing your body hallelujah hallelujah come on and thank him come on and thank him i guarantee you right now if loved ones that are in heaven that didn't know what you just heard could talk to you right now they would say listen to them listen to him listen to them about that because you can only walk in what you know hallelujah now we hold up the cup that represents his blood the juice here in our hands represents the blood of jesus today the bible said the life of the flesh is in the blood we just received his body and here's the life of that in the blood so right now judge yourself of sin whatever it may be go ahead if you have any just go ahead right now and just say lord i confess that and just tell him just tell him and ask for your forgiveness thank him for it and now lord your blood was shed so that we could be free of sin and all of its effects and lord god we now receive the life of your flesh your blood and lord we thank you we thank you lord that not only by your stripes we're healed but through your shed blood we are forgiven and made whole in jesus mighty name hallelujah receive the token oh somebody ought to shout hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god come on pastor and i'll give you back the mic did we have a good time or what today man we went to another level went to another level in the music another level and and everything we know think about even if you might have known all of that even if you might have known all of that any good to hear it again hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well i'm not the pastor but she told me to close so uh did you have a good time today in the presence of the lord hallelujah i told roxanne i was i ate that the wafer i said i love this little thing and then i drank the grape juice i said i love it i said i love this little thing for healing yes it just happened yes ministry for healing if you came to be ministered to for healing it just happened you had no idea we were taking communion today but there it is and you you go free and healed today amen amen well before we close today i just want to make a quick announcement uh october 1st and 2nd in nashville pastor candy christmas is hosting a ladies conference and our pastor here at church international is one of the guest speakers and so we are so excited she'll be speaking uh saturday morning and uh pastor candy will be speaking and then nancy alcorn of mercy multiplied so three powerhouse women will be ministering there if you want to go i think registration is still open um and so the the cost of the ticket that they're having is just for your food it's just for food because they're gonna provide the food and everything so um it if you can and if you can do that and you want to go but i did hear her say do not let money stop you from going because they will make a way and so um so they said that that's just for food so yeah i would really encourage all the ladies if that's a weekend that you have open and all of you watching um i would contact their ministry see if the registration is still open because that is going to be an awesome time it's going to be at the sheraton downtown uh in nashville i believe um i think that's where it is it's on the flyer so just go look at that and uh come join us it's gonna be a wonderful time and for for all of us women to get together and i'm telling you the lord is using his women mightily right now uh so somebody commented on the the stream and said you know i like this ministry and i want to like them but they just have too many women there and so just you just go find yourself somewhere else because the lord the lord is using his women the lord jews and his men it says that your sons and your daughters will prophesy so it says it says both of them and so here at church international we believe in the sons prophesied and the daughters prophesied amen amen well until next time remember don't don't forget the 11th hour tuesday uh at 11 a.m central standard time on the robin d bullock youtube channel and you can tune in live there and if you want to go back and watch the replay go back to the robin d bullock don't forget that d malachi that little boy he got it robin d bullock don't forget the d so come join us be a part of the 11th hour family and then we'll be right back here next sunday morning and until next time we gather together around god's word remember we love you jesus loves you and god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 70,337
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Id: fNlkXOeX9_s
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Length: 218min 15sec (13095 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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