Israel Hougthon Feels Like Home

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keeping us safe carrying us for another opportunity to bring you this offering god this offering is only powerful if you receive it so we we're gonna check our hands and hearts right now just make sure that they're clean make sure that they're pure and we thank you god that we don't achieve pure hands and clean hearts by our own righteousness but by the work that you have done the finished work so our eyes are on that our focus is on that we are performing for you we're not trying to move anybody else's heart tonight and i thank you even as we said last night i'm already yours so i don't even have to perform in that in that sense but there is something like a little kid going dad look what i could do that is just so necessary right now and so take all restrictions off of us all second guessing off of us and just here's this offering light the fire to it and let it reach you in a in a sweet and smelly way all right we thank you for it god in jesus name you're so good lord you're so good to us thank you god for your favor upon us for your life in us just take a moment come on fill this room and just tell them thank you thank you jesus come on open your mouth right now just for a moment come on oh [Music] thank you jesus come on lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice [Music] worthy worthy worthy worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus worthy [Music] [Music] is your name tell them worthy is your name jesus worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name picked up your voice telling jesus [Music] jesus jesus oh [Music] glory and honor and power to our god [Music] [Music] you deserve the place on your mics please worthy is your name sing it again [Music] i'm more tired [Music] oh [Music] come on just let everything loose lift up your hands as high as they can go come on take them up take them up take them up this is a sign of surrender god whatever you're trying to do whatever you want to accomplish tonight thank you [Music] god in the jesus [Music] glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory [Music] is [Music] stand still stand still and see the amazing salvation of the lord stands [Music] stands to [Music] amazing salvation of the lord [Music] something happens in your [Music] it's like time stands still time stands still [Music] miracles happen in your [Music] we will follow what you're doing fill this place glory fill this place [Music] is [Music] glory is here [Music] freedom is coming freedom is coming now freedom is coming now the glory is here freedom [Music] i'm not holding anything back i'm not holding anything back i intend to lose my voice tonight i'm not holding anything back i'm not holding anything back i'm not holding anything back i intend to lose every ounce of fear i'm not holding anything bad i'm not holding anything back i'm not holding anything back i intend to let you do what you came to god i'm not holding anything back [Music] [Applause] i'm not holding anything down i'm not holding anything i'm not holding anything i'm not holding anything [Applause] [Music] all right it's open let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we go there we're not coming back [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] say thank you jesus [Music] hey [Music] thank you jesus [Music] patrick just play that one time on keep that worship alive [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] me lord prepare us i feel like the oil is primed it's just flowing now [Music] a lot of us don't have sanctuaries to go to so we just opened this home dedicated it as [Music] a sanctuary for you but you're not moved on honestly by buildings and edifices you're moved by the space we make within the tabernacle of our bodies and our souls and our spirit [Music] so [Music] jesus set up residence right here god i pray that it's a comfortable place for you to rest oh jesus [Music] come and rest seat yourself on this praise and this worship on this sacrifice on this surrender on this offering god oh god we want to make you at home make you make your home hear god in this worship in jesus [Music] yes certainly been tried we've certainly been tried so let us come out the other side of this truth [Music] and i thank you we're not reliant upon our truth we're reliant upon your truth we're not reliant upon our sacrifice or what we've done or what we have striving to do what you have done effortlessly by giving your son which i know was the greatest sacrifice you gave it for free gave everything and this is just our return this moment is just our return back to you and i thank you god that we don't have to summon you here we don't have to beg and cry and hope that you might show up perhaps you're not the guest you're the host this is your house so the fact that you've invited us to your table you've invited us to your living room and as we sing and as we worship you just sit in that worship and miracles are gonna happen comments already just from the rehearsals people saying i i believe in jesus again i believe in god again that can only happen in your presence god so thank you for inviting us into your home lord your presence is where we want to be it's the only place we want to be in jesus name [Music] lord prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] tried and true and with thanksgiving i'll be living [Music] lord for your [Music] [Applause] [Music] and holy [Music] shy [Music] [Applause] say [Music] you are worthy to [Music] god [Music] you are we give you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we you are [Music] um [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] it is so [Music] when faith is all [Music] says [Music] you won't give up on me come on i feel it in myself [Music] and every season you'll keep repeating your promises until it is completed [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh more than enough [Music] for me [Music] [Music] it is [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] yeah you've already won the victory you've already [Music] [Music] me [Music] indeed [Music] indeed [Music] of the me [Music] is you already [Music] cause you said i am [Music] smiling somebody next to you or [Music] something [Music] do [Music] [Music] it's so good to be free [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus i am [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] let me just take the temperature real quick are you glad to be free [Music] me [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] it's november in new york and i'm sweating can't be right [Music] you're so good to be free that was fun feels so good to be free [Music] feels so good to be free [Music] feel so [Music] i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belong to your lord i'm gonna see victory i'm gonna see your victory yeah yeah i've been seeing too much other stuff man that'll belong to the lord the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord [Music] so the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord he can turn it any which way he won't be free like rivers of water like rivers of water [Music] we're ready to see a victory lord this is like one of my favorite songs in the last 10 years [Music] [Music] let me hear you sing that say my god will never [Music] [Music] [Music] name of jesus [Music] [Music] see a picture sing it again gonna see [Music] i see it breaking loose [Music] you take what the enemy meant for me and you turn [Music] [Music] you turn [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it me [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] uh that's what victory sounds like too right i just imagine just marching like and god broadcasting our steps into the enemies camp you know what i'm saying we might have been walking softly at first but then we start hearing the echo of these steps what we don't know is that the enemy is already left and it's like god's saying you don't have to fight no more battle belongs to jesus belongs to jesus [Music] belongs to jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] yeah yes so stand still stand still and see the amazing salvation of the lord stand still stand still it's heat [Music] we have the picture stand still stand still stand still [Music] say we have the victory [Music] [Music] the amazing salvation [Music] i know [Music] you don't have to fight no more [Music] the amazing salvation [Music] precious [Music] is [Music] and yeah will shout it out [Music] shouted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] jesus you are here [Music] [Music] [Music] he is overcome we will not be shaken we will not be moved [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on joe come on listen god is fighting for us pushing back the darkness lighting up the kingdom that cannot be shaken in the name pushing back [Music] uh [Music] is we won't shine and we will shout it out yes [Music] for us when we call on that great name oh jesus jesus [Music] story [Music] in the name of jesus come on in the name of jesus we have to victory [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus oh [Music] i started having crazy flashbacks to being a kid in church and we had like the green hymnal anybody here have the green hymn though no i think it was like called hymns of praise or something like that and they'd be like turn to page 76 be like my favorite was uh my favorite was uh [Music] such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that god should love a soul such as i how wonderful is love like this except i sing it up an octave cause i i sounded like michael jackson back then but um you got to understand i was a black kid in a white family in a hispanic church [Music] right so so we we sang songs that weren't in those hymnals we sang we sang you know koritos they weren't even choruses or hymns they were corritos papi you know about the koritos right so it's like [Music] for them [Music] and the song leader would go like this [Music] and mike what are we doing come on now so we would sing uh you know what take it to see kevin [Music] we never had a black guy in the church so so it would have just been a hard scene just [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] we also have to do the most popular one okay we used to sing [Music] [Music] um my um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you did you guys sing this at pcc absolutely and and poppy was the worship leader right absolutely was papi you are our worship leader right sometimes yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh thank you thank you i just feel i just realized we've been haven't been in church in so long so we're going as far back as we could go papi you sound so good [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] oh man papi lindo i love you i love this family i love the nostalgic moment we just had going all the way back to globe arizona in santa fe new mexico oh thank you jesus [Music] [Music] um [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh the heavens are telling telling the earth how great you are [Music] and we are responding to your night the oceans are rising rising and falling at your [Music] my god oh oh my god oh my god [Music] you reach out and save me [Music] my god oh my god sing hallelujah you are saying hallelujah [Music] uh [Music] i'm [Music] so [Music] one [Music] thank you jesus so be glorified be glorified be glorified be glorified [Music] i [Music] i remember when i first started leading worship i was 19. i was the drummer carl and i was the drummer in our worship team i enjoyed being the drummer in our worship team i just had enough responsibility to hold it together the pastor called me on a wednesday morning he said hey i want you to consider being our worship leader and i said i'll pray about it you know i didn't want to say no it bright outlet dr mike made and i said i'll pray about it he said great pray hard and pray fast because because you start tonight i remember calling my mom freaking out you know mom i get to lead worship tonight my mom goes what are you gonna wear with the same frantic oh my gosh wardrobe [Music] i remember getting up there i knew two songs i knew celebrate jesus celebrate the great gary oliver song and i knew this song it's all i did i i knew these three chords man be glorified and my legs my my right leg in particular would just shake uncontrollably i had no idea what i was doing i was scared to death but i watched how god took that simple talent that simple gift and turn it to his glory i remember going home and putting my little piano in my kitchen because the acoustics were good in there i set up a candle and a vase and [Music] some salt and pepper shakers because even then i wanted to be cross-cultural and and my simple prayer 30 years ago 30 jesus 30 years ago was the prayer i pray every day when i sit down at a keyboard and when i sit and pick up a guitar or get on worship wednesday and try to encourage people my prayer is god if this is what you've called me [Music] and to me how to worship me i know that sounds so simple right now 30 years in but it's the key god i never want i never want to think like hey i've got 30 years in god i got this i never want to get stuck singing and leading to the front row i want to be the court jester of worship that entertains the king i want to be summoned into his presence and maybe it's just this song be glorified no matter how simple you'll be globify but sing it with all your heart [Music] and entertain the king i felt like he put his hands on my hands and just began to play through me he began to sing over me in that little kitchen and here we are 30 years later singing the same song singing the same song [Music] all we want is you to be glorified jesus nothing else matters jesus [Music] be glorified jesus [Music] oh jesus my god [Applause] god [Music] great oh great you are [Music] she's [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it's your goodness that leads us to repentance [Music] it's your kindness that leads us to your heart it's your grace that gives us a place that you'll taper [Music] without apology when you invite me i'll sit down [Music] i've fallen before and i believed i believed it rendered you unable and suddenly unable to be omnipotent omnipresent but there you were i fell down at your feet you were always there and you offered me a seat you offered me a seat at the table and you told me who i was you told me who i was you gave me a seat and you told me who i was [Music] [Music] loved by you i'm accepted [Music] i'm accepted [Music] do it again [Music] i have a seat at the table i know who i am i know who i am i have a seat at the table i know i am who i am [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] i have a hope and a future i know who i am i know who i am i have a hope and future i know who i am i know who i am [Music] who i am i i am [Music] i am accept their love jesus thanking you shows it and you won't make me work [Music] you [Music] you say that i'm is [Music] [Music] oh it's already oh me [Music] say 10. [Music] uh [Music] don't make me worry i'm accepted i'm accepted [Music] i don't have to preform but you call me around [Music] so i sit at your feet [Music] i know who i [Music] no more performing i love what you said i don't have to perform i'm already young [Music] i don't have to perform i'm already [Music] one more time so i don't have to perform yeah so i have a seat at the table i know who i am i know who i am [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] breakfast [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] coming down [Music] coming out today [Music] there's no more [Music] wow tonight [Music] thank you wow [Music] hey i will follow you everybody [Music] you're making me [Music] somebody tell the [Music] is today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i will follow you forward [Music] [Music] let's [Music] what a go with a picture put a picture as i follow you your goodness and mercy are chasing me down your goodness and mercy are chasing me [Music] down while i follow you your goodness and mercy are chasing me now that i know that you [Music] you love me with an unconditional everlasting love i am accepted what kind of love is this what kind of love is this that you would leave 99 perfectly healthy ones to find me in the dark [Music] [Music] relentlessly i've said this before there's something about his mercies are new every morning being a creative person i'm i'm also visual or just sensory you know so mercy to me has a smell and if you're married you know you know what it's like to like go to bed like a little bit cross with somebody or them to be crossed with you imagine but you wake up in the morning to the smell of like bacon and eggs and biscuits sofrito and you know and you go the first thing when that smell of the coffee and the baked goods and the pancakes and the waffles and i'm getting hungry just talking about this but it hits you and you realize man there's no way i deserve whatever she's cooking for me right now and there's something about maybe i love you last night was what it was here we are mercy is like that that's mercy god goes hey we got a fresh 24 today let's try again the age of covert we all been going through some didn't wake up [Music] and here we have woken up to the smell of the mercy of god [Music] tina said something the other day tina say what you said about accept it and what it opens up oh um while we've been rehearsing these songs i mean uh just going through the lyrics and hearing the heart um hearing your heart it's just been so amazing because i was saying that when you know that you are loved and not just love but your love with the everlasting love there's a whole new level of gratefulness um i think that comes to us and when we worship god in those moments just i think there's a freedom actually that comes to us when we know that he knows now he knows the real us okay not the us that we brought into this room but he knows the real us at our deepest darkest lowest place and still somehow some way he looks at us and he says you're accepted i i gotta see it at this table oh it blows my mind and i think how can we not how can we not worship how can we not just lay down in his presence and humble ourselves how can we not give him everything all the praise all the glory that is to his name i'm telling you it just creates just knowing that we are accepted knowing that he is a place for us a prepared place for us i'm telling you it makes me love him it makes me want to praise him it makes me want to live my life for him [Music] oh [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head of the goodness i love your voice you are close like no other yeah i know you as a father i've known you as a friend and i have it in the goodness [Music] [Music] of the goodness [Music] [Music] your goodness is everything your goodness is [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all my life [Music] and with every [Applause] [Music] i'm the good yes [Music] of the goodness of [Music] of the god of god [Music] take a moment just think about his goodness think about his goodness i see evidence of your goodness all over my life all over my [Music] i see your promises [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] is [Music] is revelation i see see your promises [Music] is [Music] for me yes oh i just wanna thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're getting ready to throw to something kind of special but singing i see [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] i've been living in the goodness of god [Music] it's running now to me [Music] it's running now so those of you who are watching don't mind us we're just having a good old time i think about 40 minutes ago we forgot that we were live and [Music] we just decided to throw away the worship set list pco crashed [Music] but but keeping it real i'm not sure who i'm talking to what camera but we uh we wanted to do this not just to not just to exhale after eight months but to also inspire and encourage everybody watching tonight and we certainly have a [Music] special place in our lives and in our ministry and in our hearts for for worship and for worshipers we wanted this to just kind of be i don't know an example of what you could do safely at home worshiping god just because the doors of the church amen are not open quite yet [Music] there's something about gathering and worshiping so we put a challenge out about a month ago to worship leaders and said hey do your take on an israeli new breed song and we're going to air it on this uh feels like home concert so we're going to cut to that now and we'll be back with you in just a second check it out here it goes take my life lord will you take my life as i surrender [Music] you are my right [Music] and know that you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you'll be lifted higher jesus you'll be lifted higher oh jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i am not forgotten [Music] he knows my name strength of a weakness joy over sadness he knows my name he knows [Music] he knows my name he knows my name [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] jesus we give you [Music] me [Music] [Applause] we worship you we worship you we worship you make all things new yes you make all things new when i will follow you forward you make all things new yes you make all things follow you forward you made all things you yes we'll follow your [Music] in jesus name [Music] jesus [Music] and i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah put your hands together [Music] you are good [Music] hallelujah [Applause] if you promise me me can we celebrate tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you hey and we're back how great was that and while we were away for a second infinity song joined us yeah we have something in common neither of us really like uh instagram all that much i mean no no shade to instagram we just don't spend a lot of time on social media but this is one of those cases where i'm glad we did because yeah we kind of met that way my daughter mariah there introduced your music to me and i am so honored and we as new breed are so honored that infinity song is with us tonight we're honored to be with you our friends from instagram will probably watch this and they'll be ecstatic so we actually do love instagram hey we love instagram way to fix it abraham i appreciate that thank you we love everyone on instagram everybody are you ready yes [Music] promise keeper you will never fail [Music] deliver on [Music] i trust [Music] you never have and you never will your word remains forever [Music] your love is true love is true [Music] you keep your [Music] your now you were faithful and never never [Music] [Music] will trust you i trust you lord i trust [Music] you your promises you will deliver just what is just like you said [Music] is keepers keeper you deliver on your word and i will trust you [Music] i'll trust you lord jesus [Music] every day of my life i trust in the morning and in the night i'll trust you you're trustworthy you're trustworthy there's no greater power to trust i trust you with our everything [Music] who is [Music] nothing in this world was satisfied [Music] let me hear you your friends [Music] is [Music] your presence is [Music] [Music] i just want to sit [Music] me [Music] and i'm not here for blessings [Music] jesus you don't know me anything more than anything that you can do i just want you i was thinking about the fact that many of us haven't been inside a church building for like seven eight months how powerful this song is like [Music] cody wrote this song man [Music] and he just he just kind of nailed it for me like the idea that we kind of go to church sometimes and hold god hostage like the futility of that blows my mind it always kind of has but not having the luxury anymore of just going and going let's see if the worship team can move me today you know let's see if they sing my jam because if they sing my jam god i'm gonna hook you up with a praise i know like how dumb that sounds but like subconsciously we tend to do that if they're doing a song we don't like or we don't know we kind of end up like drinking our coffee and crossing our arms and scrolling on instagram during worship [Music] i'm thinking about man when the world reopens like fully reopens the reset that has happened in our hearts that says god i'm so sorry forever like making you compete with the very blessing that i asked for and you gave me my god i can't really i can't really do that i can't really cross the street and speak to that person i can't really give to this particular cause because you know i got got these other things i gotta handle and you know that boat you bless me with i need to take it out sunday and so when i sing these words i'm like it's such a song of repentance and just scaling it back to what matters coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm sorry alone for the thing i've made it when it's all about you caught up in your [Music] want to presence [Music] this [Music] [Music] jesus you don't know me [Music] anything [Music] i'm sorry i just sing another song when i just say another song take me back you jesus i'm sorry i'm sorry when i've come with my channel i'm [Music] to you [Music] and i just want you nothing else [Music] nothing else [Music] i just want you to i just [Music] i just is [Music] [Music] substitute for you guys [Music] is [Music] another [Music] [Music] caught up in this holy moment [Music] me [Music] so [Music] i don't want to leave this holy place i don't want to miss the smile on your face right where you are i long to be safe in your lungs you telling me telling me that everything will be all right and you see [Music] lord i don't want to leave [Music] dreams [Music] in trouble time you encouraged me [Music] my [Music] [Music] that's why i don't want to leave this holy place this holy place this holy place this holy place only you take my breath away only you [Music] take my breath away but then you breathe new life into me only you [Music] you take my breath away only you only you take my breath away oh dear jesus i can't breathe without you know so you breathe new life into me so breathing [Music] breathe into me once again breathe into me and just breathe [Music] once again in this holy place this holy place this holy place [Music] this holy place [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and hmm feels like home [Music] it feels like home when i'm with you [Music] is where i belong [Music] your presence is [Music] your presence pulls my heart invited by your smile finally i can breathe your breathing life in me we're standing face to face you welcome me to feels like [Music] is [Music] [Applause] you never run away [Music] take me by my hand back to your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is my secret place [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] there's no place like your presence guys [Music] [Music] i just want to say i just wanna stay where you are [Music] [Music] is where i belong [Music] your presence is wherever you are that's where i'm gonna be lord [Music] i live it's really just come back to that you know to worship you [Music] all you could say [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is so i'm not holding anything that's holding anything that we just want to worship you jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] wow thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank that's that's him just breathing back just breathing back in life hope again joy again strength breath focus clarity all this breathing out we've been doing now he's breathing into us god we think thank you god i thank you for miracles thank you for healing god so much emotional upheaval and mental assault and i see you just breathing life perspective again clarity again we receive it on behalf of every single person tuned in in this moment watching in this moment listening in this moment receive it breath of life breath of god there's no surprise it's not an accident it's not coincidence that this virus has attacked breath strangled breath and if we ever needed to be aware of the breath of god the life the power the spirit of the living god it's now so breathed breathe into me thank you lord because on the other side of that is breakthrough on the other side of that is the sun piercing through the darkest clouds on the other side of that is the ability to breathe again the ability to run and not get weary to walk and not faint some of us have had a hard time god waiting you don't like waiting this this quarantine is this this has tried every nerve of patients including the black one that i got rocking back and forth on the black nerve but i thank you god for breakthrough in jesus name [Music] somebody say i am healed say i am free i am [Music] god has breathed into me god has spoken [Music] somebody say god has spoken and i agree my breakthrough is here let's get that let's get that all over the world we want to sing this over you [Music] let me hear you say the sound [Music] oh [Music] if you believe it just sing it outside [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] everything that i need [Music] [Music] [Music] come on man i feel this thing i feel this thing breaking out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus christ [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] is my brothers my breakfast [Music] [Music] me foreign [Music] my brains [Music] do you receive it what's the princess [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i am free [Music] i am here i am [Music] i am free my breakthrough is here [Music] it is so it is so it is so it is so it is so it is so my breakthrough is he it feels so good too it is so it is so it is it is so [Music] my breakthrough say amen [Music] um [Music] more [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] uh [Applause] thank you so much for tuning in to feels like home we love you guys thank you so much god bless you we'll do this again we should do this again right baby this is just volume one [Music] volume one new york volume two los angeles right wait for it wait for it [Music] that is a wrap i love you guys thank you [Music] over dubs overdose at 4 a.m guys 4 a.m overdubs wait what who's running to the pool man let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe [Music] is [Music] for me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i believe is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Pedro Silva
Views: 773,175
Rating: 4.9083214 out of 5
Id: WDLHosVfk7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 23sec (11063 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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